Results for ' “spiritual wisdom” or “the knowledge of faith”'

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  1.  15
    Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Religion.John H. Whittaker - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 659–666.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited Additional recommended readings.
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    Introducing the Study of Life and Death Education to Support the Importance of Positive Psychology: An Integrated Model of Philosophical Beliefs, Religious Faith, and Spirituality.Huy P. Phan, Bing H. Ngu, Si Chi Chen, Lijuing Wu, Wei-Wen Lin & Chao-Sheng Hsu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Life education, also known as life and death education, is an important subject in Taiwan with institutions offering degree programs and courses that focus on quality learning and implementation of life education. What is interesting from the perspective of Taiwanese Education is that the teaching of life education also incorporates a number of Eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets, for example, Buddhist teaching and the importance of spiritual wisdom. This premise contends then that life education in Taiwan, in general, is concerned with (...)
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    Distinguish to unite, or, The degrees of knowledge.Jacques Maritain - 1995 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Gerald B. Phelan.
    Distinguer pour unir, ou Les degres du savoir was first published in 1932 by Jacques Maritain. In this new translation of The Degrees of Knowledge, Ralph McInerny attempts a more careful expression of Maritain's original masterpiece than previous translations. Maritain proposes a hierarchy of the forms of knowledge by discussing the degrees of rational and suprarational understanding. Nine appendices, some longer than the chapters of the book, advance Maritain's thought, often by taking on criticism of earlier editions of (...)
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    Christian Experiences with Buddhist Spirituality: A Response.Robert Thurman - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):69-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 69-72 [Access article in PDF] Christian Experiences with Buddhist Spirituality: A Response Robert Thurman Columbia University Recently I read an account on the CNN website of a statement made at the Kumbh Mela at Allahabad in India, where about eighty million devotees of Hinduism were joined in their worship of the grace of the Goddess River Ganga by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, informal head (...)
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    Harnessing the power of wisdom from data to wisdom.Andrew Targowski (ed.) - 2013 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publisher's.
    This book is the first of its kind which defines wisdom as information and the highest level of the cognition units set, composed of data, information, concept, knowledge and wisdom. The author has founded his theory of wisdom on the following assumptions: Any sane person can make wise decisions throughout their lifetime, from childhood to old age; Wise decisions need not be expert in nature; Wisdom ought to be defined in such terms as to be understood not only by (...)
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    The limitation of human knowledge: Faith and the empirical method in John Wesley's medical holism.Deborah Madden - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (2):162-172.
    In his medical and scientific works John Wesley provided an interpretation of the universe that was structured, though not pre-ordained, by God. The empirical method he adopted was measured in terms of efficacy and judged according to rationalistic standards. Its practical success, however, was used by Wesley to underpin his vocation of practical piety, which developed out of a holistic view of nature inspired by the spiritualism of Primitive Christianity. Accordingly, the providential ordering of Man and nature meant that safeguarding (...)
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    Zen/Ch'an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual Maturation.Francis V. Tiso - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:145-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Zen/Ch’an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual MaturationFrancis V. TisoThe second in a four year series of dialogues between Catholics and Buddhists on the West Coast was held at Mercy Center, Burlingame, California, on the topic “Abiding in Christ; Taking Refuge in the Buddha: Then What?” The January 28–February 2, 2008, meeting was cochaired by Rev. Heng Sure of the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, and John C. (...)
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    The International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter: Twenty Years of Dialogue.Rita M. Gross - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):3-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter:Twenty Years of DialogueRita M. GrossIn a world riddled by conflict, religions must take a large part of the responsibility for initiating and perpetuating these conflicts, which often include disagreements about whose political system is favored by the deity or to whom the deity gave land. The slogan "No peace on earth until there is peace among religions" is more than true.No wonder some religious (...)
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    An Academic Clinician’s Perspective on the Care of the Geriatric Patient.Faith Fitzgerald - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (2):95-100.
    This paper discusses the role that the personal history plays in a patient’s perception of his or her own illness in the light of the patient’s own personal history. It demonstrates the regrettable modern tendency to regards the patient as the “bearer of a disease” rather than as a human being with personal values and experiences into which their current illness needs to be integrated. I illustrate my point by an exchange between a student and an “attending” and the “attending” (...)
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  10. The Knowledge of Divine Things From Revelation, Not From Reason or Nature, by a Gentleman of Brazen Nose College. To Which is Added the Continuation, an Enquiry, Whence Cometh Wisdom and Understanding to Man?John Ellis - 1811
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  11. Open towards the metaphysics of faith - Pope John Paul II on "faith and reason," General Theory of some soul-searching.Jieshi Sang, Hualun Kang & Zhen Li - 1999 - Philosophy and Culture 26 (12):1109-1115.
    "Reason and faith," the encyclical the starting point and focus on that grid has a bit of basic human dignity, which raise the status of the people there are things on top of everything else, and make absolutely privileged, that is, beyond the freedom to pursue of the privilege. Hella Cleveland Meadows said: "I have tried to know myself."敎were the interpretation of this motto and there is a coincidence site lattice theory: "" You should be aware of their own, "and (...)
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    Sacramental Wisdom: Humilitatio, Eruditio, Exercitatio in the Scholastics and Today.O. P. Sr Albert Marie Surmanski - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1391-1413.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Wisdom:Humilitatio, Eruditio, Exercitatio in the Scholastics and TodaySr. Albert Marie Surmanski O.P.IntroductionThe relationship between human nature and the sacraments is often characterized in a way that takes away from the beauty and power of the sacraments. Sacraments are sometimes viewed today as something basically irrelevant to human life, an interesting spiritual "option" for those who find comfort in ritual. This view leads to a sacramental practice that is (...)
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    Spirituality and impact evaluation design: The case of an addiction recovery faith-based organisation in Argentina.Severine Deneulin & Ann Mitchell - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    The importance of the spiritual dimension in the lives of people living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion and the often-critical role of faith-based organisations has gained increasing relevance in development research and practice. A growing line of research focuses on how to integrate the faith dimension into the evaluation of social programmes and on quantifying the effects of faith. The objective of this article is to propose a framework for integrating a spiritual dimension into the design and practice (...)
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    Knowings: in the arts of metaphysics, cosmology, and the spiritual path.Charles Upton - 2008 - San Rafael: Sophia Perennis.
    As the poet T.S. Eliot said, 'Where is the wisdom lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge lost in information?' Our postmodern 'information culture' forces us to be over-cerebral, but it doesn't teach us to think; consequently it becomes nearly impossible for us to imagine a knowledge that is beyond information, much less a Wisdom that is beyond knowledge. We all know what it is to uselessly 'spin our wheels' in barren thought and fantasy; certain valid (...)
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    Parting: a handbook for spiritual care near the end of life.Jennifer Sutton Holder - 2004 - Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Edited by Jann Aldredge-Clanton.
    For those who choose to serve as close companions of terminally ill relatives or friends, "Parting" offers the collective wisdom of people from many cultures and faith traditions as a "travel guide" for meaningful companionship--helping someone toward a peaceful transition from this life.
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    Valuable potencies of religious faith in the context of scientific knowledge.M. G. Marchuk - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:3-11.
    For thousands of years, religion through the universal system of its values ​​actively influenced the formation of the worldview in all its most important aspects, including in purely scientific, helping or, conversely, interfering with the actualization of the spiritual and practical potential of culture. And although intensive scientific and technological development significantly influenced the fate of religion itself, leading to a "re-evaluation" of its individual values, the latter did not lose their own, without exaggeration, a leading role in the life (...)
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    The Contemplative Classroom, or Learning by Heart in the Age of Google.Barbara Newman - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:3-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Contemplative Classroom, or Learning by Heart in the Age of GoogleBarbara NewmanIn his provocative essay “Slow Knowledge,” David Orr outlines the countervailing assumptions of what he calls “the culture of fast knowledge.” Among these are the widely shared, though rarely examined, beliefs that “only that which can be measured is true knowledge; the more knowledge we have, the better; there are no significant distinctions (...)
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    From the Truly Real to Spiritual Wisdom.Stewart W. Herman - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:17-29.
    This essay sketches a method for identifying the insights that diverse religious traditions offer to the field of business ethics. Each article in this volume asserts or assumes faith-based claims about what is "truly real" as the ground of moral aspiration and obligation. Four distinct kinds of claims yield four kinds of wisdom, that is, moral guidance for business practice. 1) In Judaism and Islam, scriptural commands, as interpreted authoritatively down through these traditions, yield precise methods for rendering specific moral (...)
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    A Quaker Study on Spiritual Gifts.Stephen Palmquist - unknown
    In a recent study of 1 Corinthians 12:7 11, the Hong Kong Monthly Meeting explored how Quakers might interpret Paul’s presentation of nine “spiritual gifts” (or “manifestations” phanerosis in Greek] of God’s spirit). The nine gifts can be neatly grouped into three categories, using Matthew 7:7 (“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you”) as a basis: the three “vocal” gifts (the spirit’s manifestation in response to our (...)
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    Faith and Knowledge in the Religion of the Renaissance.Jan-Hendryk de Boer - 2009 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83 (1):51-78.
    Although the fifteenth century showed some signs of traditionalism and disintegration, there were also highly original new solutions to long-debated problemsin scholastic and humanistic discourse. As for the relation between faith and reason, Nicholas of Cusa, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, and Savonarola foundnew ways to integrate these poles, around which theological and philosophical thought was organized. As a common pattern, one can discern a striving beyond the established systems of humanism and scholasticism, mingling elements of both traditions with those from (...)
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  21.  3
    The Concept of Migration in Sufism.Mehrab Demirzadeh & Ibrahim Allahverdiyev - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):159-174.
    In the science of Sufism, the concept of migration is widely used, both in an external and internal sense. Hijra, or migration, is not merely a physical journey but also reflects a deeper, broader meaning. Beyond the universally understood meaning of hijra, it also encompasses concepts such as "leaving behind evils, undergoing spiritual transformation, abandoning forbidden activities, staying away from bad traits, and embarking on a spiritual journey." According to hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) defined the Muhajir (a person who (...)
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    Plumbing the Depths: A Recovery of Natural Law and Natural Wisdom in the Context of Debates about Evolutionary Purpose.Celia Deane-Drummond - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):981-998.
    I argue that the theological traditions of natural law and wisdom offer helpful meeting points in discussions about evolutionary “purpose” and contingency in relation to theological purpose, and serve to form the basis for a theology of nature. Natural law offers a way of describing the ordered action of God toward complexity in a contingent world without using the language of either “design” or “progress.” The theological tradition of wisdom as implicit in the natural world, learned in the human community, (...)
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  23.  13
    One heart: universal wisdom from the world's scriptures.Bonnie Louise Kuchler (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Marlowe.
    The purpose of One Heart is to illuminate the common sacred ground at the heart of seven faiths: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Taoism. Its method is to identify 65 essential principles, among them: Feel what other people feel; Don't harm others; Lead with virtue and concern for others; Be honest ; Practice what you preach; Be content; Don't let anger take over; Choose your companions wisely; Accept the existence of spiritual beings; Seek and you will find. Illustrating (...)
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    Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social Artifact.Duane R. Bidwell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:3-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social ArtifactDuane R. BidwellIt is somewhat paradoxical to write or speak about identity formation in two religious traditions that ultimately deny the reality of any identity that we might claim or fashion for ourselves. In the Christian traditions, a person’s true (or ultimate) identity is received through God’s action and grace in baptism; to foreground any other facet of the self, or (...)
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    "Your Cell Will Teach You Everything": Old Wisdom, Modern Science, and the Art of Attention.Noreen Herzfeld - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:83-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Your Cell Will Teach You Everything":Old Wisdom, Modern Science, and the Art of AttentionNoreen HerzfeldA brother came to Scetis to visit Abba Moses and asked him "Father, give me a word." The old man said to him "Go, sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything." 1 Among the Desert Fathers, Christian monks of the fourth and fifth centuries, it was customary for a novice to (...)
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    Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge: Teaching Christian Discernment with Humility and Dignity, a Response to Paul O. Ingram.Sandra Costen Kunz - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:175-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge:Teaching Christian Discernment with Humility and Dignity, a Response to Paul O. IngramSandra Costen KunzNatural Science and Buddhist Philosophy and Practice as Resources for Christian Spiritual DiscernmentBoundary Questions Arise When Teaching Spiritual Discernment in Western ContextsMy response to Paul Ingram's chapter titled "Constrained by Boundaries" in The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science1 will examine ways the Buddhist-Christian-natural science "trilogue" he (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  29. Asian Philosophies and the Idea of Religion: Beyond Faith and Reason.Sonia Sikka & Ashwani Peetush (eds.) - 2020 - Oxon, UK: Routledge.
    With a focus on Asian philosophical traditions, this book examines varieties of philosophical thought and self-transformative practice that do not fit neatly on one side or another of the standard Western division between philosophy and religion. It contains chapters by experts on Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Upaniṣadic and Jain philosophies, as well as ancient Greek philosophy and recent contemplative and spiritual movements. The authors problematize the notion of a European philosophical canon distinguished by "reason and rationality" in contrast to “religious Eastern (...)
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    Experience, Explanation and Faith: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.Anthony O'Hear - 1984 - Boston: Routledge.
    In this book Anthony O’Hear examines the reasons that are given for religious faith. His approach is firmly within the classical tradition of natural theology, but an underlying theme is the differences between the personal Creator of the Bible or the Koran and a God conceived of as the indeterminate ground of everything determinate. Drawing on several religious traditions and on the resources of contemporary philosophy, specific chapters analyse the nature of religious faith and of religious experience. They examine connections (...)
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    An explosion of dazzling flashes: Teilhard's unity of faith and science.Thomas M. King - 1995 - Zygon 30 (1):105-115.
    Science and revelation have been presented as two books with the same “author,” their reconciliation being called “concordism.” Teilhard opposed concordism, insisting that supposed “revelations” be treated as scientific hypotheses to be verified or not in experience. Applying his criterion for truth (Does it bring “coherence and fecundity” to the phenomena?) to Christian revelation, he told of finding “an explosion of dazzling flashes.” So Teilhard spoke of the hypothesis as the supreme spiritual act wherein the dust of experience takes on (...)
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    Matters of Faith and Matters of Principle. [REVIEW]Rem B. Edwards - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):956-958.
    In this promising and well written book, the author struggles with the question of how basic religious beliefs can be groundless without being irrational. He notes that the axiomatic beliefs--philosophical, scientific, or religious--which ground all areas of human knowledge, are groundless in the sense of being unsupported by more primitive evidential considerations. He wishes to avoid purely non-cognitivist accounts of religious belief as purely subjective expressions of tastes, preferences, values, or arbitrary decisions, insisting that it makes sense to speak (...)
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    Spiritually Bilingual: Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious Belonging.Jonathan Homrighausen - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:57-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spiritually Bilingual:Buddhist Christians and the Process of Dual Religious BelongingJonathan HomrighausenSociologists studying convert Buddhism in America have found that a surprisingly large number of Buddhists also identify as Christian.1 However, little empirical literature examines these Buddhist-Christian “dual religious belongers.”2 This study aims to fill that gap. Based on extensive interviews with eight self-identified “Buddhist Christians” of varying levels of doctrinal and experiential understanding, this study examines the conversion process (...)
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  34. Faith, Wisdom, and the Transmission of Knowledge through Testimony.Eleonore Stump - 2014 - In Laura Frances Callahan & Timothy O'Connor, Religious Faith and Intellectual Virtue. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 204-230.
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    The Future of Religion (review).Mark Wood - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:162-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Future of ReligionMark WoodThe Future of Religion. By Richard RortyGianni Vattimo. Edited by Santiago Zabala. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. 91 pp.In The Future of Religion, Santiago Zabala, Richard Rorty, and Gianni Vattimo provide contrasting and often complementary reflections on the future of religion after the end of metaphysics. They join a growing number of contemporary theologians, philosophers, and cultural critics who recognize that we are (...)
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    The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant by Hans Urs Von Balthasar.Donald J. Keefe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):139-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant. By HANS Uns VoN BALTHASAR. Trans. Brian McNeil, C.R.V. and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis. Ed. John Riches. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1991. Pp. 443. In this penultimate-volume of The Glory of the Lord, von Balthasar sets forth a " biblical aesthetics " in which the manner of the emergence of the Glory of God in (...)
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    Workship and the Spirit of Action.Debashis Chatterjee - 1995 - Journal of Human Values 1 (1):117-126.
    This paper identifies the field of work as an adventure of consciousness and uses a new phrase to describe it—WORKSHIP, work as worship. Based primarily on the classical psycho-philosophy of India, laid down in the vedantic literature, this model of workship attempts a shift in paradigm from the Greek concept of work as 'ponos' or pain to a liberating dimension of work, the ultimate aims of which are ananda (bliss) and mukti (freedom). Examining the various elements that constitute workship, the (...)
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    Reply to Sandra Costen Kunz's "Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge".Paul O. Ingram - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:187-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reply to Sandra Costen Kunz's "Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge"Paul O. IngramI am gratified by Sandra Costen Kunz's application of my thoughts on boundary constraints and my call for a Buddhist-Christian-science "trilogue" to her work in spiritual formation within the context of Protestant theological education. Over the past fifteen years I have witnessed numerous examples of what process theologians call "creative transformation" in contemporary science-religion dialogue. To this (...)
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    Mystery on the Move: Aquinas’s Theological Method as Transforming Wisdom.Gilles Mongeau - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):285-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mystery on the Move:Aquinas’s Theological Method as Transforming WisdomGilles Mongeau, S.J.CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES to the thought of Thomas Aquinas have begun to recover its character as a “wisdom practice” aimed at the transformation of persons and sociocultural situations.1 The wise person helps others move along a path through the mysteries of faith toward a wisely ordered life for themselves in a justly ordered society. The starting point of this essay (...)
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    Philosophical ideas in spiritual culture of the indigenous peoples of north America.S. V. Rudenko & Y. A. Sobolievskyi - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:168-182.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal philosophical ideas in the mythology and folklore of the indigenous peoples of North America. An important question: "Can we assume that the spiritual culture of the American Indians contained philosophical knowledge?" remains relevant today. For example, European philosophy is defined by appeals to philosophers of the past, their texts. The philosophical tradition is characterized by rational argumentation and formulation of philosophical questions that differ from the questions of ordinary language. However, the (...)
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    The Aim of Science- Knowledge or Wisdom.Peeter Müürsepp - 2013 - Problemos 84:72-83.
    The typical way to express the aim of science is to connect it with knowledge pursuit. This aim has been so strongly felt that sometimes typical scientific research has been called knowledge-inquiry. There is nothing wrong with knowledge as such. Especially when we have the knowledge of the highest quality, the scientific one, in mind. Still, science today should aim higher, surpass knowledge as its final goal and reach for wisdom. This brings about the need (...)
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    Beyond polarities of knowledge: the pragmatics of faith.Gweneth A. Hartrick - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):27-34.
    The dissociation between the domains of knowledge continues to perpetuate the fragmentation of people’s health and healing experiences. Of particular significance are the polarities that have been created between the objective, subjective and spiritual dimensions of knowledge and human experience. This paper offers a consideration of how faith might serve as a pragmatic avenue towards assuaging the polarities between knowledges and enhancing nurses’ ability to attend to the complex and mulitdimensional nature of health and healing processes.
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    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of theology must include the (...)
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    The Primary of Faith.Richard Kroner - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public (...)
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    Being seen in God: (human hiddenness and) Kierkegaard's call to gaze in the mirror of the word.Jos Huls - 2017 - Bristol, Connecticut: Peeters. Edited by Rebecca Braun.
    The Danish author Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855) is one the best-known theologians in the intellectual history of modernity since the nineteenth century. His influence is comprehensive: it is to be detected, amongst others, in theological, philosophical, literary, psychological and aesthetic discourses across the globe in many contexts. As such this publication will provide welcome input in further reflection on Kierkegaard's role in the interpretation of Scripture in modernity. Huls's book is a refreshing addition to Kierkegaardian studies, which will pave the (...)
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    Beyond polarities of knowledge: The pragmatics of faith.Gweneth A. Hartrick R. N. PhD - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):27–34.
    The dissociation between the domains of knowledge continues to perpetuate the fragmentation of people’s health and healing experiences. Of particular significance are the polarities that have been created between the objective, subjective and spiritual dimensions of knowledge and human experience. This paper offers a consideration of how faith might serve as a pragmatic avenue towards assuaging the polarities between knowledges and enhancing nurses’ ability to attend to the complex and mulitdimensional nature of health and healing processes.
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    The madness of knowledge: on wisdom, ignorance and fantasies of knowing.Steven Connor - 2019 - London: Reaktion Books.
    Many human beings have considered the powers and the limits of human knowledge, but few have wondered about the power that the idea of knowledge has over us. Steven Connor's The Madness of Knowledge is the first book to investigate this emotional inner life of knowledge - the lusts, fantasies, dreams, and fears that the idea of knowing provokes. There are in-depth discussions of the imperious will to know, of Freud's epistemophilia (or love of knowledge), (...)
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  48. Spiritual Opticks, or, a Glasse Discovering the Weaknesse and Imperfection of a Christians Knowledge in This Life.Nathanael Culverwel & William Dillingham - 1651 - Printed by Thomas Buck ... And Are to Be Sold by Anthony Nicholson.
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    Wisdom and the Origins of Moral Knowledge.Randall R. Curren & Randall Curren - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi, John Haldane, Maria Margarita Mauri Alvarez, Michael Wladika, Marco Damonte, Michael Slote, Randall Curren, Christian B. Miller, Liezl Zyl, Christopher D. Owens, Scott J. Roniger, Michele Mangini, Nancy Snow & Christopher Toner, Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect. Springer. pp. 67-80.
    Aristotle presents his Nicomachean Ethics and Politics as an ordered pair comprising political science (hê politikê epistêmê), suggesting an axiomatic structure of theorems that are demonstratively deduced from first principles. He holds that this systematic knowledge of ethical and legislative matters provides the ‘universals’ essential to phronesis or practical wisdom, and that its acquisition begins in sound habituation. Aristotle thereby assigns habituation an epistemic role that must be understood in light of his account of the nature of a science. (...)
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    Reclaiming the Integration of Body and Mind.Deborah Sprague - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:101-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reclaiming the Integration of Body and MindDeborah SpragueThe week before New Year’s Day has often spurred me to evaluate my personal path. I courted my own permission to apply to graduate school, charting scenarios, figuring options, but still I held back. Browsing the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School website, I found a unique course offering: Deepening the Heart of Wisdom: Buddhist Christian Contemplative Practice and Dialogue. I knew I (...)
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