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  1.  23
    Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject.Rosalind Coward & John Ellis - 1977 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Original Title -- Original Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- 1 The philosophical context -- 2 Structuralism -- 3 Semiology as a science of signs -- 4 S/Z -- 5 Marxism, language, and ideology -- 6 On the subject of Lacan -- 7 The critique of the sign -- 8 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.
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    Against Deconstruction.John Martin Ellis - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    "The focus of any genuinely new piece of criticism or interpretation must be on the creative act of finding the new, but deconstruction puts the matter the other way around: its emphasis is on debunking the old. But aside from the fact that this program is inherently uninteresting, it is, in fact, not at all clear that it is possible.... [T]he naïvetê of the crowd is deconstruction's very starting point, and its subsequent move is as much an emotional as an (...)
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  3.  15
    Visible Fictions: Cinema: Television: Video.John Ellis - 2002 - Routledge.
    This revised edition of a standard textbook combines an examination of the cinema and television industries with a detailed analysis of their aesthetic and semiotic characteristics. John Ellis draws on his experience as an independent television producer to provide a comprehensive and challenging overview of the place of film, television and video in our daily lives and their future prospects in a changing media landscape.
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    Quantum reflections.John Ellis - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by D. Amati.
    This volume introduces some of the basic philosophical and conceptual questions underlying the formulation of quantum mechanics, one of the most baffling and far-reaching aspects of modern physics. The book consists of articles by leading thinkers in this field, who have been inspired by the profound work of the late John Bell. Some of the deepest issues concerning the nature of physical reality are debated, including the theory of physical measurements, how to test quantum mechanics, and how classical and quantum (...)
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  5.  75
    American Catholics and the Intellectual Life.John Tracy Ellis - 1955 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 30 (3):351-388.
  6.  21
    Philip II and Macedonian Imperialism.Minor M. Markle & John R. Ellis - 1979 - American Journal of Philology 100 (2):327.
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  7. American Catholicism.John Tracy Ellis - 1956
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  8.  47
    Δύναμις and Being.John Ellis - 1995 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (1-2):43-78.
  9.  65
    American Catholicism, 1953-1979.John Tracy Ellis - 1979 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 54 (2):113-131.
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    American Catholic Clerical-Lay Relations.John Tracy Ellis - 1966 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 41 (3):327-348.
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    Archbishop Hallinan.John Tracy Ellis - 1968 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 43 (4):539-572.
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  12.  36
    Critical discussion: Literature lost: Social agendas and the corruption of the humanities.John M. Ellis - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (2).
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    Editor's Introduction.John Ellis - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (S1):i-i.
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    Language, Thought, and Logic.John Martin Ellis - 1993 - Evanston, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    Argues that categorization, and not syntax, is the most important aspect of language, suggests that some philosophical problems are caused by an inadequate theory of language, and promotes a fresh approach to linguistic theory.
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  15. Phenomenology and Cortical Microstimulation.John Bickle & Ellis & Ralph - 2005 - In David Woodruff Smith & Amie Lynn Thomasson, Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  16.  1
    Some Brief Considerations Upon Mr. Locke's Hypothesis, that the Knowledge of God is Attainable by Ideas of Reflexion: Wherein is Demonstrated, Upon His Own Principles, that the Knowledge of God is Not Attainable by Ideas of Reflexion. Being an Addition to a Book Lately Publish'd, Entitled, the Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation, Not from Nature Or Reason.John Ellis - 1743
  17. Spindel Conference 1992 Ancient Minds.John Ellis - 1993 - Dept. Of Philosophy, Memphis State University.
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  18.  11
    Schiller's kalliasbriefe and the study of his aesthetic theory.John Martin Ellis - 1969 - Paris,: Mouton.
  19.  25
    Stimulus selection in children.John A. Ellis & Thomas J. Thieman - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (2):127-128.
  20.  51
    The Aim... Is to Search Out Truth.John Tracy Ellis - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (1):5-19.
    Reflections on a contemporary issue relating to Catholic higher education in the United States at a time of anxiety and anguish for higher education everywhere.
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  21. The Knowledge of Divine Things From Revelation, Not From Reason or Nature, by a Gentleman of Brazen Nose College.John Ellis - 1743
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  22. The Knowledge of Divine Things From Revelation, Not From Reason or Nature, by a Gentleman of Brazen Nose College. To Which is Added the Continuation, an Enquiry, Whence Cometh Wisdom and Understanding to Man?John Ellis - 1811
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    The Surges of the Sea that Threaten Us.John Tracy Ellis - 1972 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 47 (4):507-535.
    Like the Church, "the surges of the sea" have often threatened the Jesuits, but perhaps have never been more menacing than at the present hour.
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  24.  38
    The Trouble with Fragrance.John Ellis - 1990 - Phronesis 35 (1):290-302.
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  25. What Does It Mean to Say That All Interpretation is Misinterpretation? in Philosophie de la littérature.John Ellis - 1987 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 (162-163):364-377.
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  26.  98
    Alexander's Defense of Aristotle's Categories.John Ellis - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (1):69-89.
  27.  46
    Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities (review).John M. Ellis - 1982 - Philosophy and Literature 6 (1-2):207-208.
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  28.  29
    On Value Judgements in the Arts and Other Essays (review).John M. Ellis - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (2):248-250.
  29.  39
    The Concept of Structuralism: A Critical AnalysisMaking Sense of LiteratureThe Theory of Literary Criticism: A Logical Analysis.Hashem Foda, Philip Pettit, John Reichert & John Ellis - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):131.
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    Fiktion und Wahrheit: eine semantische Theorie der Literatur.John M. Ellis - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):231-233.
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    Trains of Thought and Afterthoughts.John Martin Ellis - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):197-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Trains Of Thought And AfterthoughtsJohn EllisWhen I think about how this conference has gone, it’s hard not to begin with the fact that so many came. “We happy few” turned out not to be so few after all.* While I cannot be the most objective judge of a conference that I spent so much time helping to plan, it still seems to me that being able to listen, on (...)
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    Limited Think: How Not to Read DerridaLimited Inc.Against Deconstruction. [REVIEW]Christopher Norris, Jacques Derrida, Gerald Graff & John M. Ellis - 1990 - Diacritics 20 (1):16.
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    Marie Antoinette. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (1):142-144.
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    A Melancholy Scene of Devastation: The Public Response to the 1793 Philadelphia Yellow Fever Epidemic. J. Worth Estes, Billy G. Smith. [REVIEW]John Ellis - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):738-740.
  35.  40
    Book review: Language, thought, and logic. [REVIEW]John M. Ellis - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1).
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  36.  37
    Book review: Literature lost: Social agendas and the corruption of the humanities. [REVIEW]John M. Ellis - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (1).
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  37.  66
    Erasmus. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (4):688-690.
  38.  79
    St. Thomas Aquinas. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (2):340-341.
  39.  57
    The Letters of Stephen Gardiner. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 11 (1):137-139.
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  40.  58
    The States of Europe. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (1):147-150.
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    The Trial of Jeanne D’Arc. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (3):515-516.
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    The World and the West. [REVIEW]John Tracy Ellis - 1954 - New Scholasticism 28 (2):237-240.
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