A survey of perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in 31 countries in 2023 (Ipsos in Global Views on A.I. 2023. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-07/Ipsos%20Global%20AI%202023%20Report-WEB_0.pdf. Accessed 17 May 2024, 2023) yields significantly less positive perceptions of the new technology in developed western economies than in emerging and non-western economies. This could reflect citizens in non-Western countries perceiving machines (computers) and algorithms differently from those in Western countries, or that a more positive outlook in countries with weak democratic institutions comes from a preference for algorithmic precision over inconsistent and/or corrupt regulation and decision-making. However, it could also be reflecting the different psychology of “WEIRD” (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic) countries. Regressing the survey responses against measures of the “WEIRD” dimensions, we find that reported understanding of, willingness to trust, and anticipation of change due to AI applications are consistently negatively correlated to a country’s education levels (E), and average income per capita (R). The sophistication of democratic institutions (D) and “Westernness” (W), both alone and in combination with the other factors, have statistically significant negative effects on the percentage of the respondents in any given country having positive perceptions of AI and its prospects. The consistency of the negative relationship between the sophistication of democratic institutions country-level perceptions of AI brings into question the role of regulation of the new technology. WEIRD societies are presumed to rely on democratic institutions for assurances they can transact safely with strangers. Institutions thus substitute for the trust non-WEIRD societies place in friends, family and close community contacts when transacting. Third-party (and notably government) assurances in the context of uncertainty created by the emergence of new AI technologies arguably condition perceptions of the safety of these technologies through the presence (or absence) of regulations governing their implementation and use. Different perceptions amongst European countries compared to other western counterparts to perceptions of data privacy support the contention that the mere presence of AI regulation may be sufficient to alter perceptions in WEIRD societies, regardless of whether the regulations are necessary or even effective in increasing user safety. This has implications for interpreting and responding to political pressure to regulate new technologies in WEIRD countries.