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  1.  10
    Talesov vitalizam.Željko Kaluđerović - 2015 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 35 (3):471-482.
    U radu se analizira Talesovo shvaćanje duše, uz primarno oslanjanje na Aristotelove kapitalne uvide i konzultiranje relevantnih doksografskih bilješki. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da je Stagiranin miletskog fizičara, uzimajući u obzir njegovo navodno stajalište da kamen ima dušu zato što pokreće željezo, situirao u kategoriju mislilaca koji su smatrali da je duša načelo kretanja. Autor je zatim konstatirao da je mišljenje da je duša pomiješana u cjelini povezano s poznatom sintagmom koja se pripisuje Talesu: »sve je puno bogova«. Ako se ove (...)
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    Empedocles on Ensouled Beings.Željko Kaluđerović - 2023 - Conatus 8 (1):167-183.
    The paper analyses fragmentarily preserved views of Empedocles, that, in the author’s opinion, represent the antecedents of deviations from the anthropocentric vision of the world and anticipate the majority of later attempts at scientific, philosophical, and legal modifications of the status of all living beings. Empedocles, namely, claims that all beings think, i.e., that they have understanding or consciousness. He is, moreover, portrayed as a proponent of the thesis that plants as well have both intellect and the ability to think, (...)
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  3.  28
    Ancient assumptions of contemporary considerations of nature, life and non-human living beings.Željko Kaluđerović - 2020 - Bioethics 26 (2):21-28.
    Advocates of the questioning of the dominant anthropocentric perspective of the world have been increasingly strongly presenting ethical demands for a new solution of the relationship between humans and other beings, saying that adherence to the Western philo-sophical and theological traditions has caused the current environmental, and not just environmental, crisis. The attempts are being made to establish a new relationship by relativizing the differences between man and the non-human living beings, often by attributing specifically human traits and categories, such (...)
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    Anaksimenov i Diogenov animatizam.Željko Kaluđerović - 2016 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 36 (1).
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    Aristotle's Treatment of Logos, “Will” and Responsibility of Animals.Željko Kaluđerović - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):311-321.
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    Bioethics, Legislation and Non-Human Animals.Željko Kaluđerović - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (2):217-228.
    The author analyses normative acts regulating the protection of animals, both at the national level (especially in the Republic of Serbia) and at the level of supranational organisations and state unions (the Council of Europe and the European Union), but also attempts to conceptualise the terms used in the documents observing the protection of animals. From the practical and philosophical perspective, this paper considers the terms (I) “animal” (“any vertebrate animal capable of experiencing pain, suffering, fear and stress”), (II) “welfare” (...)
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  7.  31
    Presocratics and Other Living Beings.Željko Kaluđerović - 2020 - Філософія Освіти 26 (1):192-210.
    Advocates of the questioning of the dominant anthropocentric perspective of the world have been increasingly strongly presenting ethical demands for a new solution of the relationship between humans and other beings, saying that adherence to the Western philosophical and theological traditions has caused the current environmental, and not just environmental, crisis. The attempts are being made to establish a new relationship by relativizing the differences between man and the non-human living beings, often by attributing specifically human traits and categories, such (...)
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    »Pravda« – korektiv narušenog modusa egzistiranja.Željko Kaluđerović - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):861-877.
    Istraživanje demonstriranja »pravde« u Homerovoj Odiseji od strane kraljeva ili sudaca u stvarnim situacijama toga doba, pokazalo je da je riječ o postupcima u partikularnoj formi, a ne o apstraktno pojmljenim principima. Ovi su postupci rješavali uvijek konkretne i specifične ad hoc situacije, a nisu primjenjivali depersonalizirane i općevažeće zakone, te se njihova uloga iscrpljivala u pregovaračkom postupku i nagodbi rivalskih strana. Namjera im je bila da nanovo uspostave destabiliziranu ustaljenost življenja običajnosne zajednice, pa se može reći da je spomenuta (...)
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    Predsokratovsko razmatranje φρόνησις-a i αἴσθησις-a.Željko Kaluđerović - 2014 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 34 (3):393-406.
    Autor u radu analizira predsokratovsko razmatranje φρόνησις-a i αἴσθησις-a, promatrano kroz prizmu Aristotelovog poricanja logoskih sposobnosti životinjama i biljkama. Aristotelov generalni stav je da većina predsokratovaca nije razlučivala um, mišljenje i razboritost od opažanja i drugih aspekata duše. Bitnu aporiju u promišljanju predsokratovaca Stagiranin obrazlaže tvrdnjom da su oni, doduše, istraživali istinu bića, ali polazeći od pretpostavke da su jedina zbiljska bića osjetilne stvari. Predsokratovci, sukladno tomu, shvaćaju umovanje kao nešto tjelesno poput opažanja i često razumiju da se slično sličnim (...)
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    Presokratsko razumevanje pravde.Željko Kaluđerović - 2013 - Sremski Karlovci: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića.
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  11.  24
    The Concept of Globalization.Željko Kaluđerović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):15-29.
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    Philosophical Groundwork of Parmenides’ Verse.Ana Miljević & Željko Kaluđerović - 2017 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 37 (3):615-632.
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    Students’ attitudes toward euthanasia and abortion: a cross-cultural study in three Mediterranean countries.Ivana Tutić Grokša, Ana Depope, Tijana Trako Poljak, Igor Eterović, Toni Buterin, Robert Doričić, Mariana Gensabella, Maria Laura Giacobello, Josip Guć, Eleni Kalokairinou, Željko Kaluđerović, Iva Rinčić, Ivana Zagorac, Miltiadis Vantsos & Amir Muzur - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-13.
    Abortion and euthanasia are still one of the greatest bioethical challenges. Previous studies have shown that there are differences in attitudes towards these issues depending on socio-demographic characteristics and socio-cultural environment (country of residence). As part of the scientific research project EuroBioMed, we compared the attitudes of students from three Mediterranean countries towards abortion and euthanasia and examined them from the perspective of Mediterranean bioethics. A pen-to-paper survey was conducted on a convenient sample of students (N = 1097) from five (...)
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