Results for 'İpek Çelikağ'

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  1.  58
    Neural Mechanisms Underlying Time Perception and Reward Anticipation.Nihal Apaydın, Sertaç Üstün, Emre H. Kale, İpek Çelikağ, Halise D. Özgüven, Bora Baskak & Metehan Çiçek - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  2. Incommensurabilities in the work of Thomas Kuhn.Ipek Demir - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):133-142.
    I distinguish between two ways in which Kuhn employs the concept of incommensurability based on for whom it presents a problem. First, I argue that Kuhn’s early work focuses on the comparison and underdetermination problems scientists encounter during revolutionary periods whilst his later work focuses on the translation and interpretation problems analysts face when they engage in the representation of science from earlier periods. Secondly, I offer a new interpretation of actors’ incommensurability. I challenge Kuhn’s account of incommensurability which is (...)
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  3.  21
    Augmented Aesthetics in the Representation of Spatial Atmosphere.Fatma İpek Ek - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):83-103.
    Abstract:Atmosphere in architecture acts as a communication tool between the space and its experiencers. This tool has the potential of being detached from the physical environment and conveyed by memories and imagination, which may augment the physical environment in a poetic way. This paper aims to demonstrate this potential by utilizing the technique of comparative reading using unmanipulated photographs of physical space, computer- generated film/images of the same space, and a spatial narration/text, all in the context of Japanese architecture. By (...)
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  4.  16
    The Problem of Evil in the Qur'an: In the Context of Surah al-Kahf Verses 66-82.Mikail İpek - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):1-35.
    In this study, Surah al-Kahf verses 66-82 are discussed in the context of the problem of evil. According to us, the events that take place in the parable of Moses-Hizir in the verses are closely related to the problem of evil. In the study, firstly, the nature and historical background of the problem of evil is discussed. Then, the approaches to the problem of evil and the theodicy theories were analyzed and the perceptions of the problem of evil in both (...)
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  5.  64
    Understanding Protestant and Islamic Work Ethic Studies: A Content Analysis of Articles.R. Arzu Kalemci & Ipek Kalemci Tuzun - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):999-1008.
    This study focuses on two main arguments about the secularization of Protestant work ethic and the uniqueness of Islamic work ethic. By adopting a linguistic point of view, this study aims to grasp a common understanding of PWE and IWE in the field of work ethic research. For this purpose, 109 articles using the keywords PWE and IWE in their titles were analyzed using content analysis. The findings support the argument that emphasizes universally shared values of PWE. In addition, the (...)
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  6.  47
    Consistent enlargements of the core in roommate problems.Duygu Nizamogullari & İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (2):217-225.
    In this paper, we study consistent enlargement of a solution. By computing it, one actually evaluates the extent to which the solution would have to be expanded in order to be well-defined and consistent. We show that the union of stable matchings and the matching recommended by a single-valued, well-defined, individually rational, and consistent solution is a minimal consistent enlargement of the core. Although individual rationality is sufficient it is not a necessity. Next, we show that for any fixed order (...)
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  7.  31
    An Analysis on the Belief Teaching in Imam-Hatip Secondary School and Secondary School Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Lessons.Süleyman GÜMÜŞ & Mikail İPEK - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):939-953.
    In this study, secondary school DKAB (Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge) lesson’s belief learning domain has been examined structurally. In this context, the basic principles of belief have been discussed according to Māturīdīsm, Ash'arism, Mutazilite and in places according to Shia. The common points and different aspects of the ideas in the domain of belief of these schools have been examined in a comparative way. Subjects such as the attribute of taqwin/creation, which is the main discussion between Māturīdīsm and Ashʿarism, (...)
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  8.  23
    The Narration of Architectural Space as a Way of Constructing the Spatial Atmosphere: Two Readings of Contemporary Japanese Architecture.Fatma İpek Ek - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):99-117.
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  9.  9
    A Study on the 21st Century Skills of Undergraduate Students of Theology Faculty.Saadet İder & Fatih İpek - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):183-203.
    Human beings have encountered several innovations in all areas of life and have needed to adapt to them because of the changing and transforming world in the 21st century. The new lifestyle of the 21st century has forced people to acquire more than basic life skills, and the education of the 21st century person has emerged as a critical issue. For this purpose, various educational policies have been developed around the world in order to train people who will be able (...)
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  10.  88
    Coalitional stability and efficiency of partitions in matching problems.Duygu Nizamogullari & İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):395-407.
    Özkal-Sanver (Theory Decis 59:193–205, 2005) studies stability and efficiency of partitions of agents in two-sided matching markets in which agents can form partitions by individual moves only, and a matching rule determines the matching in each coalition in a partition. In this study, we present the relationship between stability and efficiency of partitions that is analyzed for several matching rules and under various membership property rights codes, now allowing coalitional moves.
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  11.  45
    The Historical Grounds of the Turkish Women’s Movement.Osman Senemoğl & Ipek Merçil - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (1):13-27.
    In this article the authors would like to present a history of the Turkish feminist movement. The roots of the feminist movement go back to the last decades of Ottoman Empire in Turkey when westernisation had started to take place. During the firts decade of the Republic many steps were taken to enable women to get involved in public, political and professional life and to encourage more equality in family matters. Women’s emancipation became a significant symbol of modernity. Kemalist reforms (...)
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  12.  55
    Stability and Efficiency of Partitions in Matching Problems.İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2005 - Theory and Decision 59 (3):193-205.
    We define two versions of stability and efficiency of partitions and analyze their relationships for some matching rules. The stability and efficiency of a partition depends on the matching rule φ. The results are stated under various membership property rights axioms. It is shown that in a world where agents can freely exit from and enter coalitions, whenever the matching rule is individually rational and Pareto optimal, the set of φ-stable and φ-efficient partitions coincide and it is unique: the grand (...)
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  13. İlahiyat/İslami İlimler Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarım Dersi Öğretimine Yönelik Duyuşsal Farkındalık Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi.Muhammet Mustafa Bayraktar & Fatih İpek - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 62:31-51.
    Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarım (ÖTMT) dersi ülkemizde yüksek din öğretimi kurumlarında verilen pedagojik formasyon dersleri arasında yer almıştır. Bu dersin amaçlarından biri öğretim teknolojilerinin din öğretimine entegrasyonu konusunda Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi dersi öğretmen adaylarına deneyim kazandırmaktır. ÖTMT dersinin diğer amacı ise yine söz konusu öğretmen adaylarına din öğretimi materyalleri tasarlama, geliştirme ve uygulama becerisi kazandırmaktır. Bu amaçla ilgili dersin teorik kısmında öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal tasarımına ilişkin kuramsal bilgiler verilmektedir. İlgili dersin uygulama kısmında ise kavram ağı, anlam (...)
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  14.  56
    A new monotonicity condition for tournament solutions.İpek Özkal-Sanver & M. Remzi Sanver - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (3):439-452.
    We identify a new monotonicity condition (called cover monotonicity) for tournament solutions which allows a discrimination among main tournament solutions: The top-cycle, the iterated uncovered set, the minimal covering set, and the bipartisan set are cover monotonic while the uncovered set, Banks set, the Copeland rule, and the Slater rule fail to be so. As cover monotonic tournament solutions induce social choice rules which are Nash implementable in certain non-standard frameworks (such as those set by Bochet and Maniquet (CORE Discussion (...)
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  15.  29
    Egg freezing experiences of women in Turkey: From the social context to the narratives of reproductive ageing and empowerment.Azer Kılıç & İpek Göçmen - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (2):168-182.
    This article explores egg freezing experiences of women in Turkey. Since 2014, it has been legal in Turkey to use egg freezing technology for ageing women, while it was previously allowed only for disease-related purposes. In cooperation with a private fertility clinic in Istanbul, the authors conducted 21 interviews with older, single women who held either professional or managerial positions and who were undergoing or had undergone the procedure. Drawing on a qualitative analysis of these interviews, the authors explore the (...)
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  16.  22
    Medine Toplumunda İpek ve İpekli Kullanımı: İbn Sadın Tabak'tı Işığında.Esra Atmaca - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):133-133.
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    Çin'in Yeni İpek Yolu Projesi Ve Küresel Etkileri.Esme Özdaşli - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):579-579.
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