Results for 'Émilie Notéris'

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    Dans l'espace personne ne vous entendra jouir.Émilie Notéris - 2013 - Rue Descartes 79 (3):77.
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    Identifying Work-Related Internet’s Uses—at Work and Outside Usual Workplaces and Hours—and Their Relationships With Work–Home Interface, Work Engagement, and Problematic Internet Behavior.Emilie Vayre & Anne-Marie Vonthron - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. How apes get into and out of joint actions.Emilie Genty, Raphaela Heesen, Jean-Pascal Guéry, Federico Rossano, Klaus Zuberbühler & Adrian Bangerter - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (3):353-386.
    Compared to other animals, humans appear to have a special motivation to share experiences and mental states with others (Clark, 2006;Grice, 1975), which enables them to enter a condition of ‘we’ or shared intentionality (Tomasello & Carpenter, 2005). Shared intentionality has been suggested to be an evolutionary response to unique problems faced in complex joint action coordination (Levinson, 2006;Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll, 2005) and to be unique to humans (Tomasello, 2014). The theoretical and empirical bases for this claim, (...)
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  4. What Social Construction Isn’t.Emilie Pagano - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1651-1670.
    Just as contemporary metaphysics, in general, is marked by an interest in ground, contemporary social metaphysics, in particular, is marked by an interest in social construction. It’s no surprise, then, that some contemporary metaphysicians have come to understand social construction in terms of ground. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. In particular, I argue that any otherwise plausible account of construction as ground is objectionably revisionary. First, I discuss an argument for the view that construction is (...)
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    Dimensions underlying human understanding of the reachable world.Emilie L. Josephs, Martin N. Hebart & Talia Konkle - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105368.
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    It's Not What You Expected! The Surprising Nature of Cleft Alternatives in French and English.Emilie Destruel, David I. Beaver & Elizabeth Coppock - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Social construction, social kinds and exportation.Emilie Pagano - 2023 - Analysis 84 (1):83-93.
    Brian Epstein has argued (in The Ant Trap and ‘Anchoring versus grounding’) that social kinds ‘export’ across worlds. Although the conditions for war criminality are not ‘fixed’ in the Empire, for instance, Darth Vader is a war criminal there. And, according to Epstein, an account of social construction should imply that he is. Ultimately, he argues that ‘grounding-only’ accounts of social construction – like those proposed by Jonathan Schaffer and Aaron Griffith – imply that social kinds do not export across (...)
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  8. Womanist Justice, Womanist Hope.Emilie M. Townes - 1993
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    Audiovisual Scene Analysis: A Gestalt Paradigm in Full Development for the Study of the Multimodality of Language.Émilie Troille - 2011 - Iris 32:179-196.
    In this contribution we will approach language and images in different modalities: speech and face, anticipated and imagined movements, illusions on the sound by the image. It will be the opportunity for us to revisit the Gestalt concepts which were considered obsolete since structuralism in Humanities. As instantiated by Gilbert Durand in The Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary (1999, French 1st ed. 1960), we shall recall that Gestalt is not—even implicitly—an exclusively static approach to cognition. On the contrary we will (...)
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    Help-seeking behavior in bereaved university and college students: Associations with grief, mental health distress, and personal growth.Emilie Tureluren, Laurence Claes & Karl Andriessen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Many students have experienced the death of a loved one, which increases their risk of grief and mental health problems. Formal and social support can contribute to better coping skills and personal growth in bereaved students. The purpose of this study was to examine the support that students received or wanted to receive and its relation to students’ mental health. We also looked at students’ needs when receiving support and barriers in seeking formal and social support. Participants completed an online (...)
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    Turning: reflections on the experience of conversion.Emilie Griffin - 1980 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
  12.  39
    If I have a dog, my dog has a human.Émilie Hache - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):7-21.
    Si les animaux d’élevage comme les animaux d’expérimentation intéressent depuis une trentaine d’années de plus en plus de personnes – de chercheurs, de militants –, les animaux dit de compagnie, en revanche, semblent toujours pâtir du préjugé selon lequel, parce qu’ils relèveraient d’une relation privée, ils seraient sans intérêt scientifique ou philosophique. Donna Haraway propose une façon tout à fait singulière de court-circuiter cet arrêt de la pensée afin de pouvoir re-problématiser cette relation à nouveau frais. Ce qui change immédiatement, (...)
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    Oikoumene, Ouranos, Ousia, and the Outside.Emilie F. Kutash - 2001 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (2):115-145.
    It is in the obscure terrain between the life-world of Greek science and technology and the language of its metaphysics that one sees the attempts of early navigators and map-makers to conceptualize what lies beyond the oikoumene. This interest later effects astronomy in terms of what is “beyond the heavens [ezo tes ouranos]” and then in metaphysics as a “Beyond Being [epekeina tes ousias],” an ideal Beyond proposed by Plato in Republic and one that is to eventually become a mainstay (...)
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    École du parti et formation des élites dirigeantes en Chine.Émilie Tran - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 122 (1):123-144.
    Dans un régime comme celui de la République populaire de Chine, où prévaut la suprématie d’un Parti-État unique, la politique et le politique constituent, a fortiori plus qu’ailleurs, la chasse gardée de l’élite dirigeante du pays, à savoir les cadres du Parti communiste. Cet article tente de saisir qui sont les élites politiques aux commandes de la Chine d’aujourd’hui à travers l’analyse du modus operandi de l’École des cadres du Parti de Shanghai. L’étude de cette institution, qui participe à la (...)
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    Corpus de langue des signes : situer les biais des méthodes d'annotation et d'analyse.Annelies Braffort, Emilie Chételat-Pelé & Jérémie Segouat - 2011 - Corpus 10 (10):25-40.
    Cet article propose un tour d’horizon de différents types de biais que l’on peut rencontrer dans les études basées sur l’annotation de corpus vidéo de langue des signes. En tâchant de situer objectivement les choix effectués et les biais potentiels à chaque étape, nous décrivons les méthodologies que nous avons mises en place dans trois études, portant respectivement sur la synchronisation des composantes corporelles, le mouvement des sourcils et les clignements des yeux, puis la coarticulation.
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    Les fluctuations en matière de responsabilité civile du médecin salarié.Cécile Manaouil & Emilie Traullé - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (81):151-158.
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    The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy (review).Sara Emilie Guyer - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (3):257-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Rhetoric of Romantic ProphecySara GuyerThe Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy. Ian BalfourStanford: Stanford University Press, 2002. Pp. 368. $70.00, cloth; $29.95, paperback.Not insignificantly, Walter Benjamin and Maurice Blanchot are the first two names to appear in Ian Balfour's excellent study The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy. Benjamin and Blanchot are authors of two of the most influential essays on romanticism, essays that, it just so happens, Ian Balfour is (...)
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    Islamic MedicineManfred Ullmann.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1980 - Isis 71 (1):172-173.
  19. From humanism to anti-humanism and back again : Levinas' redefinition of subjectivity and responsibility.Emilie Van Daele - 2008 - In Roger Burggraeve, The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    The Pluri-Person.Émilie Dionne - 2019 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 23 (2):94-112.
    Precarious times have material consequences. Yet, feminist new materialist approaches demonstrate that the concepts of the “ma-terial” and of “matter” are radically different than what is com-monly held in the Western tradition. This article argues that femi-nist new materialism provides practical, essential, and ethical tools for political action in dynamic and entangled worlds. In such worlds (e.g., the Anthropocene), it is critically needed to establish an ethics of responsiveness, a culture of ethical living and dying with others. Yet, this ethic (...)
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    Giving A Hand To Pilots With Animated Alarms Based On Mirror System Functioning.Emilie Jahanpour, Eve Fabre, Frederic Dehais & Mickael Causse - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22. Proclus on the Psychê.Emilie Kutash & John F. Finamore - 2016 - In Pieter D'Hoine & Marije Martijn, All From One: A Guide to Proclus. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Soul is the self-moving, self-constituting entity linking the transcendent with the immanent. Proclus distinguishes many types of souls. This chapter concentrates on the World Soul and the rational human soul. The World Soul infuses the sensible, temporal, divided, and material cosmos with unity and Forms ultimately deriving from the One and Intelligible Being, in a manner reminiscent of human phantasia. The mathematical psychology of the Timaeus is explained as referring to the Soul’s activity, rather than its essence. Concerning the human (...)
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    Human progress by human effort: neo-Darwinism, social heredity, and the professionalization of the American social sciences, 1889–1925.Emilie J. Raymer - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (4):63.
    Prior to August Weismann’s 1889 germ-plasm theory, social reformers believed that humans could inherit the effects of a salubrious environment and, by passing environmentally-induced modifications to their offspring, achieve continuous progress. Weismann’s theory disrupted this logic and caused many to fear that they had little control over human development. As numerous historians have observed, this contributed to the birth of the eugenics movement. However, through an examination of the work of social scientists Lester Frank Ward, Richard T. Ely, Amos Griswold (...)
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    From outer space to latent space.Emilie K. Sunde - 2024 - Philosophy of Photography 15 (1):123-142.
    Dall-E2 and Stable Diffusion promote their text-to-image models based on their level of (photo)realism. The use of photographic language is not superficial or accidental but indicative of a broader tendency in computer science and data practice. To nuance the general application of photorealism, I position the term alongside photographic realism and computational photorealism. To contextualize important nuances between these three terms, contemporary examples from astrophotography are analysed and reconstructed using text-to-image models. From the comparative analysis, computational photorealism emerges as a (...)
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    Proclus’ chôra : Henotheism and cosmic sympathy. No level of being is exempt.Emilie Kutash - 2022 - Chôra 20:125-147.
    Chora – le «cratère à mélanger» maternel, vannant et secouant de Platon – remplit «l’écart explicatif» entre les paradigmes formels «intelligibles et toujours existants» (48E5) et un monde encosmique «généré et visible». Proclus traite la gamme polysémique des termes utilisés par Platon pour chôra : hypodochê (réceptacle), kratêr (cratère à mélanger), etc., comme désignant des forces actives dans un univers où la sympathie cosmique règne, à partir des plus élevées, jusqu’aux plus basses manifestations de l’ «Un» transcendant. L’univers proclusien est (...)
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    How can strategies based on performance measurement and feedback support changes in nursing practice? A theoretical reflection drawing on Habermas' social perspective.Emilie Dufour & Arnaud Duhoux - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12628.
    Strategies based on performance measurement and feedback are commonly used to support quality improvement among nurses. These strategies require practice change, which, for nurses, rely to a large extent on their capacity to coordinate with each other effectively. However, the levers for coordinated action are difficult to mobilize. This discussion paper offers a theoretical reflection on the challenges related to coordinating nurses' actions in the context of practice changes initiated by performance measurement and feedback strategies. We explore how Jürgen Habermas' (...)
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    Suicide gene‐enabled cell therapy: A novel approach to scalable human pluripotent stem cell quality control.Emilie Gysel, Leila Larijani, Michael S. Kallos & Roman J. Krawetz - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300037.
    There are an increasing number of cell therapy approaches being studied and employed world‐wide. An emerging area in this field is the use of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) products for the treatment of injuries/diseases that cannot be effectively managed through current approaches. However, as with any cell therapy, vast numbers of functional and safe cells are required. Bioreactors provide an attractive avenue to generate clinically relevant cell numbers with decreased labour and decreased batch to batch variation. Yet, current methods (...)
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  28. Ueber den Begriff und die Verwertung des Hässlichen im Spiegel der deutschen Kultur bis auf Lessing.Emilie Antonie Meinhardt - 1927 - Chicago: [S.N.].
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    Mensen vragen naar God.Emilie Beatrice Agnes Poortman - 1941 - Lochem,: N. v. uitgeversmaatschappij "De Tijdstroom".
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    Le donné et la question du sujet.Émilie Tardivel - 2022 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 59:15-30.
    Le présent article établit deux résultats distincts mais complémentaires : il montre d’abord que Jan Patočka découvre, dans les années soixante-dix, le primat épistémologique de la donation, à partir duquel la question du monde dans son rapport au problème du donné se pose et se résout – le monde comme donné en totalité, le donné comme avance du monde ; il montre ensuite que cette découverte permet au philosophe tchèque de poser à nouveaux frais la question du sujet et de (...)
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    How Can People Commit Atrocities When They Follow Orders?Emilie A. Caspar - 2024 - Philosophia Scientiae 28-2 (28-2):193-219.
    La capacité des êtres humains à obéir aux ordres, même si ceux-ci sont jugés atroces, n’a plus à être prouvée. Comme l’a souligné Howard Zinn, « D’un point de vue historique, les évènements les plus terribles – tels que la guerre, les génocides et l’esclavage – ont résulté non pas de la désobéissance, mais de l’obéissance» (Zinn, 1997). Mais la question de savoir « comment» les individus peuvent commettre des atrocités lorsqu’ils suivent des ordres reste ouverte. Les études de Milgram (...)
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    Philosophy of Religion in the Age of Science: Analyzing the Logical Positivist Critique.Emilie Ferreira - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):358-372.
    These hominins used their ability to choose freely to distance themselves from God at some point in history. These stories follow the Augustinian heritage. Some like contend that neither paleoanthropological nor genetic data lend credence to the existence of a superhuman society. This analysis shed light on the variety of religious and scientific writings. A detailed summary would be outside the purview of the study. Because the terms "science" and "religion" are so broad, the literature has split into many areas (...)
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    Meaningfulness, Volunteering and Being Moved: The Event of Witnessing.Nicole Note & Emilie Van Daele - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):283-300.
    This paper draws on an in-depth phenomenological analysis of some interviews taken from volunteers, inviting them to reflect on their lived experiences of meaningfulness in the context of volunteering and citizenship. It is found that while some testimonies reinforce the standard conceptions of meaningfulness, other testimonies vary from it. The main challenge of this contribution consists in phenomenologically describing this alternative picture of meaningfulness, depicted as the event of witnessing. In a final part, the authors consider how volunteering is at (...)
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  34. Beveridge, Fiona, 209, 299, 313 Brooks-Gordon, Belinda, 195 Buss, Doris, 91 Conaghan, Joanne, 177.Peter Goodrich, Emilie Hafner-Burton, Adrian Howe, Rosemary Hunter, Sally J. Kenney, Wendy Larcombe, Patricia Leighton, Ulrike Liebert, Jill Lovecy & Rachel Roth - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (331).
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    The Position is Arranged: sade and abu ghraib.John Dalton & Emilie Severino - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (1):61-76.
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    Les métamorphoses du système de santé.Émilie Quintane Villa - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (140):117-124.
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    Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus. The Arabic Version of Aristotle's Parts of Animals: Books XI-XIV of the Kitāb al-Ḥayawān. Remke Kruk.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):679-680.
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    Islamic Science. An Illustrated Study. Seyyed Hossein Nasr.Emilie Savage-Smith - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):120-121.
  39. The Bible and the Role of Women.Krister Stendahl & Emilie T. Sander - 1966
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    Toward a population genetic framework of developmental evolution: the costs, limits, and consequences of phenotypic plasticity.Emilie C. Snell-Rood, James David Van Dyken, Tami Cruickshank, Michael J. Wade & Armin P. Moczek - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (1):71-81.
    Adaptive phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to cope with environmental variability, and yet, despite its adaptive significance, phenotypic plasticity is neither ubiquitous nor infinite. In this review, we merge developmental and population genetic perspectives to explore costs and limits on the evolution of plasticity. Specifically, we focus on the role of modularity in developmental genetic networks as a mechanism underlying phenotypic plasticity, and apply to it lessons learned from population genetic theory on the interplay between relaxed selection and mutation accumulation. We (...)
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    Q fever as an anthropological prism for revealing how farmers live with microbes.Émilie Ramillien, Patrice Cayre, Xavier Fourt, Élodie Rousset & Elsa Jourdain - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):527-543.
    To develop effective public health management strategies, it is necessary to account for the viewpoints of all stakeholders. Thus, anthropological approaches can potentially inform strategies for preventing and managing zoonotic diseases. Here, we use Q fever as a starting point for exploring how small ruminant farmers perceive the reality of microbes by disentangling the farmers’ often subtle relationships with their livestock, disease, and the world in general. We found that livestock farmers feel like they exist in the borderlands between two (...)
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    (1 other version)Exhausted Parents: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Parental Burnout Inventory.Isabelle Roskam, Marie-Emilie Raes & Moïra Mikolajczak - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  43. Genetically Modifying Livestock for Improved Welfare: A Path Forward.Adam Shriver & Emilie McConnachie - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (2):161-180.
    In recent years, humans’ ability to selectively modify genes has increased dramatically as a result of the development of new, more efficient, and easier genetic modification technology. In this paper, we argue in favor of using this technology to improve the welfare of agricultural animals. We first argue that using animals genetically modified for improved welfare is preferable to the current status quo. Nevertheless, the strongest argument against pursuing gene editing for welfare is that there are alternative approaches to addressing (...)
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    On the divisibility and subtlety of matter.Émilie du Châtelet & Lydia Patton - 2014 - In Lydia Patton, Philosophy, Science, and History: A Guide and Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 332-42.
    Translation for this volume by Lydia Patton of Chapter 9 (pages 179-200) of Émilie du Châtelet's Institutions de Physique (Foundations of Physics). Original publication date 1750. Paris: Chez Prault Fils.
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  45. The challenge of 'evidence' : research and regulation of traditional and non-conventional medicines.Nayeli Urquiza Haas & Emilie Cloatre - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Filiation traumatique et amorce du travail du lien chez un enfant placé en Protection de l’enfance.Daniel Derivois & Émilie Charpillat-Richard - 2017 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 218 (4):111.
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    Organizing the poor.William A. Gamson & Emilie Schmeidler - 1984 - Theory and Society 13 (4):567-584.
  48. Protection et droits de l'enfant.Emilie Michaud-Jeannin - 2003 - In Laurence Azoux-Bacrie, Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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  49. Capas limítrofes y dominios de evidencia en ciencia cognitiva.Emilie de Brigard - 2006 - Universitas Philosophica 46:53-78.
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    Transformative Illegality: How Condoms ‘Became Legal’ in Ireland, 1991–1993.Máiréad Enright & Emilie Cloatre - 2018 - Feminist Legal Studies 26 (3):261-284.
    This paper examines Irish campaigns for condom access in the early 1990s. Against the backdrop of the AIDS crisis, activists campaigned against a law which would not allow condoms to be sold from ordinary commercial spaces or vending machines, and restricted sale to young people. Advancing a conception of ‘transformative illegality’, we show that illegal action was fundamental to the eventual legalisation of commercial condom sale. However, rather than foregrounding illegal condom sale as a mode of spectacular direct action, we (...)
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