Results for 'Élise Vallier-Mathieu'

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  1.  15
    African American migration: the life story of Jane Edna Hunter (1882-1971). [REVIEW]Élise Vallier-Mathieu - 2020 - Clio 51:207-216.
    Cet article présente et commente de courts extraits traduits de l’autobiographie de Jane Edna Hunter (1882-1971) intitulée A Nickel and A Prayer, publiée en 1940. Il analyse le témoignage de cette infirmière devenue travailleuse sociale, en se concentrant tout particulièrement sur son expérience en tant que migrante à Cleveland au début des années 1900. Cet article examine la manière dont Hunter a vécu le fait de quitter son Sud natal et de s’installer dans un grand centre urbain du Nord au (...)
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  2. Interdisciplinary Fantasy : Social Scientists and Humanities Scholars Working in Faculties of Medicine.Mathieu Albert, Elise Paradis & Ayelet Kuper - 2017 - In Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert & Barbara Prainsack (eds.), Investigating interdisciplinary collaboration: theory and practice across disciplines. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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    Conflict of Interest Policies at Canadian Universities and Medical Schools: Some Lessons from the AMSA PharmFree Scorecard.Ghislaine Mathieu, Elise Smith, Marie-Josée Potvin & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - BioéthiqueOnline 1:13.
    Launched in 2007, the American Medical Students Association PharmFree Scorecard is an annual ranking of conflict of interest policies at American medical centres; it focuses on COIs that may occur when medical education seems likely to be influenced by university-industry relationships, especially those with the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The PharmFree Scorecard has proven influential in stimulating changes in policy regarding the management of COI at American medical institutions, thus it provides a useful jumping off point for reflection on (...)
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    How and Why Affective and Reactive Virtual Agents Will Bring New Insights on Social Cognitive Disorders in Schizophrenia? An Illustration with a Virtual Card Game Paradigm.Ali Oker, Elise Prigent, Matthieu Courgeon, Victoria Eyharabide, Mathieu Urbach, Nadine Bazin, Michel-Ange Amorim, Christine Passerieux, Jean-Claude Martin & Eric Brunet-Gouet - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5. Barriers to Research on Research Ethics Review and Conflicts of Interest.Bryn Williams-Jones, Marie-Josée Potvin, Ghislaine Mathieu & Elise Smith - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (5):14-20.
    Research on research ethics—regarding both the governance and practice of the ethical review of human subjects research—has a tumultuous history in North America and Europe. Much of the academic literature focuses on issues to do with regulating the conduct and quality of ethics review of research protocols by ethics committees (research ethics boards (REBs) in Canada and institutional review boards (IRBs) in the United States). In addition, some of the literature attends to issues particular to the review of qualitative research, (...)
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    Elise et Célestin Freinet: correspondance 21 mars 1940-28 octobre 1941.Elise Freinet - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Célestin Freinet & Madeleine Freinet.
    Célestin Freinet a été arrêté le 20 mars 1940 comme militant communiste, sur ordre du Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes, et interné dans divers camps du sud de la France jusqu'au mois d'octobre 1941. C'est à " former en l'enfant l'homme de demain ", un enfant plus instruit, plus responsable, plus heureux, que s'est attaché cet infatigable promoteur d'une pédagogie nouvelle coopérative. On retrouvera dans ces lettres l'essentiel de la réflexion éducative contenant en germe ses deux ouvrages majeurs, " l'éducation du travail (...)
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    Likability’s Effect on Interpersonal Motor Coordination: Exploring Natural Gaze Direction.Zhong Zhao, Robin N. Salesse, Ludovic Marin, Mathieu Gueugnon & Benoît G. Bardy - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  8. Tolerating Deontic Conflicts by Adaptively Restricting Inheritance.Christian Straßer, Joke Meheus & Mathieu Beirlaen - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 219:477--506.
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    Pushing Raman spectroscopy over the edge: purported signatures of organic molecules in fossil animals are instrumental artefacts.Julien Alleon, Gilles Montagnac, Bruno Reynard, Thibault Brulé, Mathieu Thoury & Pierre Gueriau - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (4):2000295.
    Widespread preservation of fossilized biomolecules in many fossil animals has recently been reported in six studies, based on Raman microspectroscopy. Here, we show that the putative Raman signatures of organic compounds in these fossils are actually instrumental artefacts resulting from intense background luminescence. Raman spectroscopy is based on the detection of photons scattered inelastically by matter upon its interaction with a laser beam. For many natural materials, this interaction also generates a luminescence signal that is often orders of magnitude more (...)
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  10.  69
    Liberal Politics and Public Faith: Beyond Separation.Kevin Vallier - 2014 - Routledge.
    In the eyes of many, liberalism requires the aggressive secularization of social institutions, especially public media and public schools. The unfortunate result is that many Americans have become alienated from the liberal tradition because they believe it threatens their most sacred forms of life. This was not always the case: in American history, the relation between liberalism and religion has often been one of mutual respect and support. In Liberal Politics and Public Faith: Beyond Separation , Kevin Vallier attempts (...)
  11.  29
    The effect of instructional set size on learning efficiency.Meredith T. Harris, George H. Noell, Elise B. McIver & Sarah J. Miller - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-14.
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    Logic of Action from the Perspective of Knowledge Representation.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & Elise Perrotin - 2024 - In Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski (eds.), Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence. Springer Verlag. pp. 401-418.
    Taking the perspective of knowledge representation, we introduce a simple logic of agency where the agents’ actions are described by their precondition and effects and whose semantics is based on the concept of attempt. We give its syntax, semantics, and axiomatics and discuss the relation with other proposals, in particular Belnap and Horty’s ‘branching time and agent choice’ semantics (BT+AC) and Czelakowski’s relational semantics.
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  13. Intention, coll. « Bibliothèque de philosophie ».Gertrude Elisabeth Marie Anscombe, Cyrille Michon, Mathieu Maurice & Vincent Descombes - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):364-365.
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    Un corpus de SMS français : 88milSMS. Synthèse et usages.Rachel Panckhurst, Cédric Lopez & Mathieu Roche - 2020 - Corpus 20.
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    Ungleichheiten im bildungsbereich im iran aus der sicht von bildungsexperten und qualifizierten mittel- und oberschullehrern.Fatemeh Nazari, Masoud Pirootiaghdam & Marie-Elise Zovko - 2023 - Distinctio 1 (2):73-93.
    Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist, Ursachen und Faktoren zu ermitteln, die in der Entstehung und Verstärkung von Bildungsungleichheit im iranischen Bildungssystem wirksam sind. Diese Forschung wurde gemäß einem qualitativen Paradigma unter Verwendung der Methode der “Grounded Theory” durchgeführt. Die Daten wurden von einer Fokusgruppe, bestehend aus 20 Teilnehmern, mithilfe der Methode des Tiefeninterviews erhoben. Die Teilnehmer wurden nach dem Prinzip der maximalen Streuung und unter Berücksichtigung des Sättigungspunkts durch eine gezielte Auswahl ausgewählt. Für die Datenanalyse wurde der interpretativ-absorptive Ansatz verwendet. Die (...)
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  16.  26
    Fast and Famous: Looking for the Fastest Speed at Which a Face Can be Recognized.Gladys Barragan-Jason, Gabriel Besson, Mathieu Ceccaldi & Emmanuel J. Barbeau - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy IerLes textes de la pyramide de Pepy Ier.Mariam F. Ayad, Catherine Berger-el Naggar, Jean Leclant, Bernard Mathieu & Isabelle Pierre-Croisiau - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):141.
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  18. Anatomical Evidence From Statistical Voxel-Based Lesion Analysis.Urszula Mihulowicz, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elise Klein - 2016 - In Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd (eds.), Abstract mathematical cognition. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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    Fazit & Ausblick.Janna R. Wieland, Jule Korte, Carla J. Maier, Elise V. Bernstorff & Birgit Althans - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):171-214.
    In diesem Fazit & Ausblick werden nun die in der Einleitung formulierten Themenfelder, in denen wir auch die Anschlüsse an Arbeiten und Forschungsgebiete der Historischen Anthropologie gegeben sahen, wieder aufgegriffen. Dies geschieht entlang von Aspekten, die durch die responses aufgeworfen wurden, und die wir hinsichtlich unserer Forschung zu Arenen transkultureller Bildung weiterdenken. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Transmissionseffekten, die sich im Forschungsprozess, auch unter Einbezug der responses, zwischen den Forschungsfeldern – den Arenen Theater und Schule – ergeben haben. (...)
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  20. Convergence and Consensus in Public Reason.Kevin Vallier - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (4):261-280.
    Reasonable individuals often share a rationale for a decision but, in other cases, they make the same decision based on disparate and often incompatible rationales. The social contract tradition has been divided between these two methods of solving the problem of social cooperation: must social cooperation occur in terms of common reasoning, or can individuals with different doctrines simply converge on shared institutions for their own reasons? For Hobbes, it is rational for all persons, regardless of their theological beliefs, to (...)
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    Un pas supplémentaire vers l’autonomie de la réparation du défaut d’information médicale!François Vialla, Sophie Périer-Chapeau & Mathieu Reynier - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (117):170-175.
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    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  23.  40
    Modeling and correcting for linear spatial leakage effects in MEG seed-based functional connectivity mapping.Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Mary Alison, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Goldman Serge, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  24. The Ignorance Norm and Paradoxical Assertions.Elise Woodard - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):321-332.
    Can agents rationally inquire into things that they know? On my view, the answer is yes. Call this view the Compatibility Thesis. One challenge to this thesis is to explain why assertions like “I know that p, but I’m wondering whether p” sound odd, if not Moore-Paradoxical. In response to this challenge, I argue that we can reject one or both premises that give rise to it. First, we can deny that inquiry requires interrogative attitudes. Second, we can deny the (...)
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  25.  42
    Trust in a Polarized Age.Kevin Vallier - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Americans today don't trust each other and their institutions as much as they once did, fueling destructive ideological conflicts and hardened partisanship. In Trust in a Polarized Age, political philosopher Kevin Vallier argues that to build social trust and reduce polarization, we must strengthen liberal democratic institutions--high-quality governance, procedural fairness, markets, social welfare programs, freedom of association, and democracy. These institutions not only create trust, they do so justly, by recognizing and respecting our basic rights.
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  26. In Public Reason, Diversity Trumps Coherence.Kevin Vallier & Ryan Muldoon - 2020 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (2):211-230.
  27.  77
    Must Politics Be War? Restoring Our Trust in the Open Society.Kevin Vallier - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Americans today are far less likely to trust their institutions, and each other, than in decades past. This collapse in social and political trust arguably fuels our increasingly ferocious ideological conflicts and hardened partisanship. Many believe that our previously high levels of trust and bipartisanship were a pleasant anomaly and that we now live under the historic norm. Seen this way, politics itself is nothing more than a power struggle between groups with irreconcilable aims: contemporary American politics is war because (...)
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    Video Game Violence. A Philosophical Conversation with Mathieu Triclot.Mathieu Triclot & Raphaël Verchère - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    The starting point of this conversation with philosopher Mathieu Triclot is the issue of the causal contribution of video game playing in school shootings. Triclot explains the limitations of current psychological approaches regarding video game violence. He further develops on the peculiar features of the video game medium and how they relate to the problem of violence. Triclot eventually shows that, although players may relate to virtual violence in very different ways, violence in video games is not merely a (...)
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  29. Can liberal perfectionism justify religious toleration? Wall on promoting and respecting.Kevin Vallier - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (3):645-664.
    Toleration is perhaps the core commitment of liberalism, but this seemingly simple feature of liberal societies creates tension for liberal perfectionists, who are committed to justifying religious toleration primarily in terms of the goods and flourishing it promotes. Perfectionists, so it seems, should recommend restricting harmful religious practices when feasible. If such restrictions would promote liberal perfectionist values like autonomy, it is unclear how the perfectionist can object. A contemporary liberal perfectionist, Steven Wall, has advanced defense of religious toleration that (...)
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  30.  33
    Religious Freedom and the Reasons for Rights.Kevin Vallier - 2016 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 6 (1):9-24.
  31. Authorship and Responsibility in Health Sciences Research: A Review of Procedures for Fairly Allocating Authorship in Multi-Author Studies.Elise Smith & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):199-212.
    While there has been significant discussion in the health sciences and ethics literatures about problems associated with publication practices (e.g., ghost- and gift-authorship, conflicts of interest), there has been relatively little practical guidance developed to help researchers determine how they should fairly allocate credit for multi-authored publications. Fair allocation of credit requires that participating authors be acknowledged for their contribution and responsibilities, but it is not obvious what contributions should warrant authorship, nor who should be responsible for the quality and (...)
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    Political Utopias: Contemporary Debates.Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Contemporary political philosophers disagree about whether theories of justice should be utopian or realistic. Contributors to this volume largely deny that the choice between realism and idealism is binary. Their contributions represent a continuum between realism and idealism that best represents the contemporary state of the debate.
  33.  22
    Public Reason and Diversity: Reinterpretations of Liberalism.Kevin Vallier (ed.) - 2022 - Cambridge, United Kingdom ;: Cambridge University Press.
    Gerald Gaus was one of the leading liberal theorists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He developed a pioneering defence of the liberal order based on its unique capacity to handle diversity and disagreement, and he presses the liberal tradition towards a principled openness to pluralism and diversity. This book brings together Gaus's most seminal and creative essays in a single volume for the first time. It also covers a broad span of his career, including essays published shortly (...)
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  34. Bad Sex and Consent.Elise Woodard - 2022 - In David Boonin (ed.), Handbook of Sexual Ethics. Palgrave. pp. 301--324.
    It is widely accepted that consent is a normative power. For instance, consent can make an impermissible act permissible. In the words of Heidi Hurd, it “turns a trespass into a dinner party... an invasion of privacy into an intimate moment.” In this chapter, I argue against the assumption that consent has such robust powers for moral transformation. In particular, I argue that there is a wide range of sex that harms or wrongs victims despite being consensual. Moreover, these cases (...)
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  35. On Jonathan Quong’s Sectarian Political Liberalism.Kevin Vallier - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (1):175-194.
    Jonathan Quong’s book, Liberalism without Perfection, provides an innovative new defense of political liberalism based on an “internal conception” of the goal of public justification. Quong argues that public justification need merely be addressed to persons who affirm liberal political values, allowing people to be coerced without a public justification if they reject liberal values or their priority over comprehensive values. But, by extensively restricting members of the justificatory public to a highly idealized constituency of liberals, Quong’s political liberalism becomes (...)
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    The impact of the perception of rhythmic music on self-paced oscillatory movements.Mathieu Peckel, Thierry Pozzo & Emmanuel Bigand - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  37. Fluid families: The role of children in custody arrangements.Elise Le Robinson, Hilde Lindemann Nelson & James Lindemann Nelson - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann (ed.), Feminism and Families. Routledge.
  38.  20
    Sandra Laugier, Du réel à l'ordinaire. Quelle philosophie du langage aujourd'hui?Elise Domenach - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (2):385-390.
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  39. Between Virtue and Vice: Moral Worth for the Rest of Us.Mathieu Doucet - unknown
    Thesis (Ph.D, Philosophy) -- Queen's University, 2009-08-31 12:18:30.156.
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    Horace Mann, son oeuvre, ses écrits.Mathieu-Jules Gaufrès - 1897 - Paris: Hachette.
  41.  12
    Sonic soma: sound, body and the origins of the alphabet.Elise Kermani - 2009 - New York: Atropos Press.
    Kermani traces the history of mankind from the origins of society and language to the present, and un-mutes the silence that resulted from the moment man began to write his history instead of listening to history's story.
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    Présentation mythes du donné? Sellars en perspective.Élise Marrou - 2012 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 103 (4):435-453.
  43. Crisi della tecnica.Vittorio Mathieu - 1999 - Roma: Dino.
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  44. Comparative reflection on the transposition of European directives : unfair terms.Elise Poillot - 2009 - In Albert Breton (ed.), Multijuralism: manifestations, causes, and consequences. Burlington. VT: Ashgate.
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  45. Elemental difference : Of life, flesh, and earth in Merleau-ponty and the timaeus.Robert Vallier - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
  46.  8
    The Ego and the Flesh: An Introduction to Egoanalysis.Robert Vallier (ed.) - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    Is our ego but an illusion, a mere appearance produced by a reality that is foreign to us? Is it the main source of violence and injustice? Jacob Rogozinski calls into question these prejudices that dominate current philosophy, psychoanalysis, and the human sciences. Arguing that we must distinguish the true ego from the alienated and narcissistic construct, he calls for an end to egicide, or the destruction of the ego. _Ego and the Flesh_ offers a critique of the two masters (...)
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  47. Against Public Reason Liberalism's Accessibility Requirement.Kevin Vallier - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (3):366-389.
    Public reason liberals typically defend an accessibility requirement for reasons offered in public political dialog. The accessibility requirement holds that public reasons must be amenable to criticism, evaluable by reasonable persons, and the like. Public reason liberals are therefore hostile to the public use of reasons that appear inaccessible, especially religious reasons. This hostility has provoked strong reactions from public reason liberalism's religion-friendly critics. But public reason liberals and their religion-friendly critics need not be at odds because the accessibility requirement (...)
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  48.  98
    Public justification.Kevin Vallier - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Explains the concept and conceptions of public justification found in the philosophy and political theory literatures.
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  49. The roles of religious conviction in a publicly justified polity: The implications of convergence, asymmetry and political institutions.Gerald F. Gaus & Kevin Vallier - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (1-2):51-76.
    Our concern in this essay are the roles of religious conviction in what we call a “publicly justified polity” — one in which the laws conform to the Principle of Public Justification, according to which (in a sense that will become clearer) each citizen must have conclusive reason to accept each law as binding. According to “justificatory liberalism,”1 this public justification requirement follows from the core liberal commitment of respect for the freedom and equality of all citizens.2 To respect each (...)
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  50.  29
    All the kingdoms of the world: on radical religious alternatives to liberalism.Kevin Vallier - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction: religion and politics as human universals -- Catholic integralism and the integralists -- History --Symmetry -- Transition -- Stability -- Justice -- Confucian and Islamic anti-liberalisms -- Epilogue: reconciliation.
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