Results for 'volitional necessity'

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  1.  45
    Conscience, volitional necessity, and religious exemptions.Andrew Koppelman - 2009 - Legal Theory 15 (3):215.
    Why do we grant religious exemptions? Many distinguished scholars and judges have been drawn to the idea that conscience is entitled to special protection, because a person in its grip cannot obey the law without betraying his deepest, most identity-defining commitments. The weakness of this justification is shown by philosopher Harry Frankfurt's account of what he calls “volitional necessity,” which clarifies the structure of the argument that invocations of conscience imply. Frankfurt shows that a person can be bound (...)
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  2. Volitional Necessity and Volitional Shift: A Key to Sobriety?John Talmadge - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):327-330.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Volitional Necessity and Volitional Shift:A Key to Sobriety?John Talmadge (bio)As a long-time amateur student of philosophy, I think my most effective contribution to this discussion of Dr. Rego's paper will be to discuss Harry Frankfurt's ideas from precisely the point of view of the beginner and the novice. After all, I had never experienced the pleasure of reading Frankfurt until reading Rego, so I can hardly (...)
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  3. Alternative Possibilities, Volitional Necessities, and Character Setting.Benjamin Matheson - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (45):287-307.
    Conventional wisdom suggests that the power to do otherwise is necessary for being morally responsible. While much of the literature on alternative possibilities has focused on Frankfurt’s argument against this claim, I instead focus on one of Dennett’s (1984) arguments against it. This argument appeals to cases of volitional necessity rather than cases featuring counterfactual interveners. van Inwagen (1989) and Kane (1996) appeal to the notion of ‘character setting’ to argue that these cases do not show that the (...)
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    Reactive Attitudes and Volitional Necessity.Neal A. Tognazzini - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (4):677-689.
    In this paper I argue that Harry Frankfurt's work (both on volitional necessity and on Descartes) can help us to understand the argument that is at the heart of P. F. Strawson's classic article, "Freedom and Resentment". Strawson seems to say that it is both idle and irrelevant to ask whether the participant attitude (the framework within which we see others as morally responsible agents) is justified, but many have been puzzled by these remarks. In this paper I (...)
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  5. Necessity, Volition and Love.Harry G. Frankfurt - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):114-116.
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  6. Necessity, Volition, and Love.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    One of the most influential of contemporary philosophers, Harry Frankfurt has made major contributions to the philosophy of action, moral psychology, and the study of Descartes. This collection of essays complements an earlier collection published by Cambridge, The Importance of What We Care About. Some of the essays develop lines of thought found in the earlier volume. They deal in general with foundational metaphysical and epistemological issues concerning Descartes, moral philosophy, and philosophical anthropology. Some bear upon topics in political philosophy (...)
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  7. Norm-guided formation of cares without volitional necessity : a response to Frankfurt.John J. Davenport - 2012 - In Michael Kühler & Nadja Jelinek (eds.), Autonomy and the Self. London: Springer.
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  8. FRANKFURT, HG-Necessity, Volition, and Love.D. Cockburn - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (3):190-191.
  9.  74
    Necessity, Volition, and Love. [REVIEW]Basil Smith - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (2):411-411.
    This is an insightful and clear group of essays which continues the work of an earlier collection called The Importance of What We Care About. In the earlier book, Frankfurt attempted to develop a theory of ideals independent of moral concerns. As he put it, “there is nothing distinctly moral about ideals such as being steadfastly loyal to a family tradition, or selflessly pursuing mathematical truth”. In Necessity, Volition, and Love, Frankfurt extends this theme. He says philosophers should pay (...)
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  10. Harry G. Frankfurt, Necessity, Volition, and Love. [REVIEW]L. Zaibert - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19:414-415.
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    Harry G. Frankfurt, necessity, volition and love.James Stacey Taylor - 2002 - Journal of Value Inquiry 36 (1):125-130.
  12.  37
    Higher Necessity.Jörg U. Noller - 2020 - Idealistic Studies 50 (1):33-49.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze Schelling’s compatibilist account of freedom of the will particularly in his Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom. I shall argue that against Kant’s transcendental compatibilism Schelling proposes a “volitional compatibilism,” according to which the free will emerges out of nature and is not identical to practical reason as Kant claims. Finally, I will relate Schelling’s volitional compatibilism to more recent accounts of free will in order to better understand (...)
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  13. Moral Necessity, Possibility, and Impossibility from Leibniz to Kant.Michael Walschots - 2024 - Lexicon Philosophicum 2024:171-193.
    In all three of his major works on moral philosophy, Kant conceives of moral obligation, moral permissibility, and moral impermissibility in decidedly modal terms, namely in terms of moral necessity, moral possibility, and moral impossibility respectively. This terminology is not Kant’s own, however, but has a rather long history stretching back to a group of Spanish Jesuit theologians in the early seventeenth century, and it was used in two contexts: first, in the context of divine and human action to (...)
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  14. Practical Necessity and the Constitution of Character.Roman Altshuler - 2013 - In Alexandra Perry & Chris Herrera (eds.), The Moral Philosophy of Bernard Williams. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 40-53.
    Deliberation issues in decision, and so might be taken as a paradigmatic volitional activity. Character, on the other hand, may appear pre-volitional: the dispositions that constitute it provide the background against which decisions are made. Bernard Williams offers an intriguing picture of how the two may be connected via the concept of practical necessities, which are at once constitutive of character and deliverances of deliberation. Necessities are thus the glue binding character and the will, allowing us to take (...)
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  15. Ability and Volitional Incapacity.Nicholas Southwood & Pablo Gilabert - 2016 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 10 (3):1-8.
    The conditional analysis of ability faces familiar counterexamples involving cases of volitional incapacity. An interesting response to the problem of volitional incapacity is to try to explain away the responses elicited by such counterexamples by distinguishing between what we are able to do and what we are able to bring ourselves to do. We argue that this error-theoretic response fails. Either it succeeds in solving the problem of volitional incapacity at the cost of making the conditional analysis (...)
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  16.  7
    Desires for what one cares about and happiness - A critique of Frankfurt’s view of happiness -. 한곽희 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 127:153.
    이 논문은 행복에 관한 이론 중 욕구만족이론의 한 형태를 탐구한다. 본 논문에서 추구하는 목표는 두 가지이다. 첫째는, 프랭크프르트(Harry G. Frankfurt)가 제시하는 ‘소중히 여김’(caring)과 ‘의지적 필연성’(volitional necessity)이 행복에 관한 견해를 설명해 주고 있음을 보이는 것이다. 둘째는 행복에 관해 프랭크프르트가 견지하는 입장의 문제점을 제시하는 것이다. 첫째 목표를 성취하기 위해 나는 프랭크프르트의 견해에서 ‘소중히 여김’과 ‘의지적 필연성’이 진정으로 원하는 것을 나타내는 근거가 된다는 것을 주장한다. 한 개인이 진정으로 원하는 것의 성취가 행복이라고 할 때, 소중히 여기는 것을 하는 것과 의 지적 필연성에 (...)
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  17. David Hume and the Concept of Volition: The Will as Wish.Thomas Keutner - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):306-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:306 THE WILL AS WISH Hume's theory of action — that the will is the cause of voluntary action — is still one of the main accounts about the relationship of will and action in current discussion. In the following I will first show that Wittgenstein revived Hume's theory in his early philosophy. I will argue that wishing is taken as a model for willing in both Hume's and (...)
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  18. Harry Frankfurt on the Will, Autonomy and Necessity.Stefaan E. Cuypers - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):44-52.
    In this paper, I want to give an interpretation of Harry Frankfurt’s complex theory of the will with respect to the issue of “autonomy and necessity”. My central claim is that Frankfurt’s employment of the concept of the will is equivocal. He actually uses three distinct conceptions of the will without ever distinguishing them from one another. I shall introduce and justify such a clarifying tripartite distinction. Although my discussion will be limited to Frankfurt’s view of the will, this (...)
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    Beyond the Polemics: Freedom and Necessity in Plotinus and St Maximus Confessor.Daniel Heide - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (1):49-63.
    The aim of this paper is to challenge the prevailing polemic between ‘necessary’ emanation and ‘free’ creation. I begin by arguing for the presence of freedom and volition in the emanationism of Plotinus. I then move on to explore the role of necessity in the creationism of Maximus. In both cases, I rely upon a twofold schematisation of freedom and necessity to dissolve the dichotomy between them effectively. Having levelled the playing field, so to speak, I conclude that, (...)
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  20.  86
    Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και εκφραστικότητα: η αναγκαιότητα περάσματος της εννοιολογικής γνώσης από το μονοπάτι της αισθητικής εποπτείας (Artificial Intelligence and expressiveness: The necessity for conceptual knowledge to go through the path of aesthetic perception). [REVIEW]Dimitrios Dacrotsis - 2024 - Days of Art in Greece 16:43-55.
    Δ.Δακρότσης, «Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και εκφραστικότητα: η αναγκαιότητα περάσματος της εννοιολογικής γνώσης από το μονοπάτι της αισθητικής εποπτείας» (Artificial Intelligence and expressiveness: The necessity for conceptual knowledge to go through the path of aesthetic perception), Days of Art in Greece, Τεύχος 18, Φθινόπωρο 2024, σς 26-39.
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  21. Anchors for deliberation.Michael Bratman - 2007 - In Christoph Lumer & Sandro Nannini (eds.), Intentionality, deliberation and autonomy: the action-theoretic basis of practical philosophy. Ashgate Publishing.
    This chapter sketches a model of deliberation that is anchored in plan-like commitments of the agent, commitments that constitute a form of valuing. These anchors need not be inescapable, they can sensibly vary from person to person, they can stand in complex relations to judgments about the good, and they play basic roles in the coss-temporal organization of practical thought and action. And deliberation so understood is, I conjecture, central to autonomy and self-government. The model sketched here is located in (...)
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  22. Is personal autonomy the first principle of education?Stefaan E. Cuypers - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):5–17.
    It is suggested that the current hierarchical (Frankfurt-Dworkin) model of personal autonomy in philosophical anthropology gives expression to the fundamental presupposition of self-determination in much educational practice and pedagogical theory. Radical criticisms are made of the notions of self-identification and self-evaluation which are of the utmost importance to this model. Instead of relying on such ‘acts of the will’ as decision and choice for the explanation of self-identification and self- evaluation, the non-intentional as well as the non-individualistic character of these (...)
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    Autonomy and Authenticity in Education.Michael Bonnett & Stefaan Cuypers - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 326–340.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Rationalist and Existentialist Views of Autonomy and Authenticity Autonomy, Authenticity, and Volitional Necessity Authenticity, Existential Meaning, and Personal Identity Which Rationality? Which Orthodoxy? Autonomy, Authenticity, and Community Authenticity, Responsibility, and Education.
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  24. Care, Death, and Time in Heidegger and Frankfurt.B. Scot Rousse - 2015 - In Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist (eds.), Time and the Philosophy of Action. New York: Routledge. pp. 225-241.
    Both Martin Heidegger and Harry Frankfurt have argued that the fundamental feature of human identity is care. Both contend that caring is bound up with the fact that we are finite beings related to our own impending death, and both argue that caring has a distinctive, circular and non-instantaneous, temporal structure. In this paper, I explore the way Heidegger and Frankfurt each understand the relations among care, death, and time, and I argue for the superiority of Heideggerian version of this (...)
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  25.  21
    The Passivity of Self-Satisfaction: A Critical Re-appraisal of Harry Frankfurt’s Normatively Thin Ontology of Autonomy.Joel Anderson - 2021 - In James F. Childress & Michael Quante (eds.), Thick (Concepts of) Autonomy: Personal Autonomy in Ethics and Bioethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-31.
    This chapter attempts to “re-boot” the discussion of Harry Frankfurt’s approach to autonomy, in the service of a new diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of his satisfaction-based ontology of the will. Criticisms of Frankfurt’s work have tended to focus on a lack of normative foundations, often missing Frankfurt’s aim of shifting discussions of autonomy towards a focus on avoiding passivity in how one cares about what one cares about, while still acknowledging the central role of volitional necessity (...)
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    Philosophical Criticisms on Greene’s Neuron-image Experiments.Gwak-hee Han - 2023 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 166:257-283.
    본고의 논의는 신경이미지 실험이 윤리학적 논의에 어떻게 연관될 수 있으며 어떤 영향들을 미칠 수 있는가를 보여주는 사례를 다룬다. 본고의 목표는 그린(J. Greene)의 이중과정 모델(Dual Process Model)을 뒷받침하는 신경이미지 실험에 대한 비판적 고찰을 통해 그린의 입장이 가지고 있는 문제점을 제시하는 것이다. 이 목표를 이루기 위해 우선 그린의 이중과정 모델을 지지하는 신경이미지 실험에 대해 설명할 것이다. 본고에서 다루는 신경 실험은 인간이 도덕적 판단을 할 때 어떤 경우에는 인지적 판단을 하고 어떤 경우에는 감정적 판단을 한다는 것을 보여준다. 그린의 주장에 따르면, 인지적 판단은 공리주의적 (...)
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    Moral Heroism and the Requirement Claim.Kyle Fruh - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (1):93-104.
    Acts of moral heroism are often described by heroes as having been in some sense or another required. Here I elaborate two rival strategies for accounting for what I call the requirement claim. The first, originating with J.O. Urmson, attempts to explain away the phenomenon. The second and more popular among moralists is to treat the requirement claim as a moment of moral insight and to make sense of it in terms of moral duty. I argue that both of these (...)
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  28.  53
    Discussion with Harry Franfurt.Arnold Burms - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):21-22.
    I will limit myself to a brief description of a phenomenon which could perhaps be perceived as a distortion or perversion of caring. What I have in mind is something which is distinguished from volitional necessity. Being guided by volitional necessity is a form of being active because I am governed in my actions by something I really care about. This, however, could be contrasted with a phenomenon which perhaps does not occur in your work, but (...)
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  29. Love, identification and equality: rational problems in Harry Frankfurt's concept of person.Martin Montoya - 2016 - Appraisal 11 (1):56-60.
    Harry Frankfurt has published On Inequality, but this is not the first time he has written about this subject. Frankfurt already criticized a rationalistic notion of equality on other occasions (Frankfurt, 1987 & 1997). In these works he says a rationalistic notion of equality cannot fit in with our belief that agents possess their own volitional necessities, which shape volitional structures of the human will. However, Frankfurt's explanatory connection between volitions, love and identification make it difficult to talk (...)
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  30. Acting within yourself: Schopenhauer on agency, autonomy, and individuality.Sean T. Murphy - 2021 - Dissertation, Indiana University Bloomington
    This dissertation develops a reading of Arthur Schopenhauer’s theory of agency and autonomy that centers on the notion of the acquired character. I argue for a non-homuncular functionalist reading of Schopenhauerian self-government. On my reading, to be self-governing in Schopenhauer’s sense is just for a certain organizational structure to obtain between one’s individual character and one’s motivation. This structure is put in place through the hard-fought achievement of acquiring genuine self-knowledge of one’s characteristic patterns of acting, evaluative commitments, and, most (...)
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  31. Critical Notice of A. Meinong, Über Annahmen (Leipzig, 1910).C. D. Broad - unknown
    Everyone is or ought to be acquainted with the thesis of Meinong's extraordinarily able and important work. It is that beside acts of judgment and ideas there is an intermediate kind of psychical state -- the act of supposing -- which resembles judgment in that its content can be affirmative or negative, but differs from it and resembles ideas in that it is unaccompanied by conviction. Meinong tries to show that it is necessary to assume such acts for a variety (...)
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  32. The Consistency of Kant's Doctrine of Radical Evil.Pablo Muchnik - 2002 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    Against the charge that Kant's doctrine of radical evil is inconsistent and alien to his practical philosophy, my aim is to show its necessity within the critical system. First, I undermine the alleged vacuity of Kant's notion of evil by showing that, already in the Groundwork, an evil will is the necessary conceptual correlate of a good will. "Good" and "evil" characterize the agent's form of willing and represent the source of value of right and wrong actions. Then, I (...)
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  33. The Metaphysics of Historical Reality.Heribert Boeder & Hui Dai - 1999 - Philosophy and Culture 26 (2):152-167.
    The three ways to start thinking of modern ideology of the integrity of the scientific thinking of the life of the world's thinking, the nature of human thought. Theory for its own requirements, think of the first two forms of the rejection of metaphysics in the door to understanding other than for the occasional appearance of metaphysics. Productive nature of human depth of metaphysical thinking, recognized its relative historical inevitability. Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger reveals more of their origin relationships: man and (...)
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  34. Eine Explikation Des Begriffs Der Zurechnung.Uwe Meixner - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    This article provides an explication of the concept "imputation". On the one hand, this explication takes account of the common meaning of the concept and its generally intended range of application. On the other hand, it also provides a definition of the meaning of "y is to be imputed to x", which is precise and fruitful . The adequacy of this definition of "imputation" is justified in detail, in the light of the standards for explications. Since the concept "imputation" is (...)
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  35.  14
    Fichte: The System of Ethics.Daniel Breazeale & Guenter Zöller (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    Fichte's System of Ethics, published in 1798, is at once the most accessible presentation of its author's comprehensive philosophical project, The Science of Knowledge or Wissenschaftslehre, and the most important work in moral philosophy written between Kant and Hegel. Fichte's ethics integrates the discussion of our moral duties into the systematic framework of a transcendental theory of the human subject. Its major philosophical themes include the practical nature of self-consciousness, the relation between reason and volition, the essential role of the (...)
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  36. Unity of Action in a Latin Social Model of the Trinity.Scott M. Williams - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (3):321-346.
    I develop a Latin Social model of the Trinity that is an extension of my previous article on indexicals and the Trinity. I focus on the theological desideratum of the necessity of the divine persons’ unity of action. After giving my account of this, I compare it with Swinburne’s and Hasker’s social models and Leftow’s non-social model. I argue that their accounts of the divine persons’ unity of action are theologically unsatisfactory and that this unsatisfactoriness derives from a modern (...)
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  37.  44
    (1 other version)Wittgenstein's Whewell's Court Lectures: Cambridge, 1938 – 1941, from the Notes by Yorick Smythies.Volker A. Munz & Bernhard Ritter (eds.) - 2017 - Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
    Wittgenstein’s Whewell’s Court Lectures contains previously unpublished notes from lectures given by Ludwig Wittgenstein between 1938 and 1941. The volume offers new insight into the development of Wittgenstein’s thought and includes some of the finest examples of Wittgenstein’s lectures in regard to both content and reliability.
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    Hobbes on the Cause of Action: How to Rethink Practical Reasoning.Martine Pécharman - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):125-140.
    In the free-will discussion between Hobbes and Bramhall, Hobbes’s principle that actions are necessary is not immediately action-theoretic. The fundamental theoretical context of Hobbes’s explanation of action lies in an understanding of causation more generally. However, Hobbes’s action theory is not simply modeled after the account of cause and effect in his First Philosophy. It introduces a temporal qualification which ranks necessitarianism higher than First Philosophy does: not only a voluntary action, but also the determinate moment when the mental act (...)
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  39. Divine Causation.Richard T. McClelland & Robert J. Deltete - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (1):3-25.
    Quentin Smith has argued that it is logically impossible for there to be a divine cause of the universe. His argument is based on a Humean analysis of causation (confined to event causation, specifically excluding any consideration of agency) and a principle drawn from that analysis that he takes to be a logical requirement for every possibly valid theory of causation. He also thinks that all divine volitions are efficacious of logical necessity. We argue that all of these claims (...)
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    Determination and Freewill. Anthony Collins’ a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty. [REVIEW]J. B. V. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):771-772.
    Although this book contains a facsimile of the second London edition of Collins’ Inquiry, the main author is O’Higgins, for his Introduction and Notes seem more important than the 18th-century pamphlet. Collins was a country squire, friend of John Locke, an Anglican Deist, and a convinced determinist in his explanation of volition. His education was spotty: Eton, a year at Cambridge and unfinished studies in law. A general study of Collins’ life and writings was published by O’Higgins in 1970, yet (...)
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    Racionální kompatibilismus.David Peroutka - 2015 - Studia Neoaristotelica 12 (3):26-44.
    According to compatibilism it is possible that an election or volition of A is truly free even if the elector cannot want – ceteris paribus – the opposite alternative. The version of compatibilism propounded in the paper is “rational” in so much as the admitted unidirectional determining factors of volition are not physical causes but rather rational reasons. We may posit this compatibilism only in case of volitions that we assess to be morally good. Particularly interesting – within the ethical (...)
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    Stručně k Novákově libertariánské polemice.David Peroutka - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (3):1-16.
    In response to Novák’s polemic attack I try to remove some misunderstandings and defend compatibilism about free will. My main argument goes thus: Let us take for example two agents who both decide not to kill. The first one makes his choice out of his dilemmatic mental state of incertitude and perplexity. Conversely the second person understands the sense of moral principles so clearly that she makes the right decision with necessity. Since the morality of the second person surpasses (...)
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    Guest Editorial: Harry Frankfurt.Stefaan E. Cuypers - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (1):1-2.
    Harry Frankfurt is one of the leading contemporary analytical philosophers. His research interests are mainly free will and moral responsibility, as well as moral psychology and ethics in general. He is the author of Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen: The Defense of Reason in Descartes’s Meditations — published in 1970 with a French translation in 1989 — and numerous scholarly articles on Descartes’s philosophy. He is the editor of Leibniz: A Collection of Critical Essays which appeared in 1972 . His most (...)
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  44. Philosophical Anthropology, Ethics, and Human Enhancement.Jason Eberl - 2017 - In Jason T. Eberl (ed.), Contemporary Controversies in Catholic Bioethics. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    I approach the subject of human enhancement—whether by genetic, pharmacological, or technological means—from the perspective of Thomistic/Aristotelian philosophical anthropology, natural law theory, and virtue ethics. Far from advocating a restricted or monolithic conception of “human nature” from this perspective, I outline a set of broadly-construed, fundamental features of the nature of human persons that coheres with a variety of historical and contemporary philosophical viewpoints. These features include self-conscious awareness, capacity for intellective thought, volitional autonomy, desire for pleasurable experiences, and (...)
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    Michael Oakeshott as a critic of Hobbes's theory of the will.Patrick Riley - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
    Michael Oakeshott as a Critic of Hobbes's Theory of the Will - ABSTRACT: Patrick Riley asks why the post-War Oakeshott stopped speaking of the incoherence of Hobbes’s philosophy of volition, as he had in his Hobbes studies before the War. One answer is that he became more and more sensitive to the necessity of counterbalancing the determinist reading of Hobbes, which tended to be dominant in the 1970s’ Hobbes studies. He cites the example of Thomas Spragens’s The Politics of (...)
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    Keiji Nishitani and Karl Rahner: A Response to Nihility.Heidi Ann Russell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:27-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Keiji Nishitani and Karl Rahner: A Response to NihilityHeidi Ann RussellIn his essay “Kenosis and Emptiness,” Buddhist scholar Masao Abe states that “the necessity of tackling the Buddhist-Christian dialogue not merely in terms of interfaith dialogue, but also as an inseparable part of the wider sociocultural problem of religion versus irreligion has become more and more pressing in the past few decades.” 1 From Keiji Nishitani’s perspective a (...)
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    Habeo and Aveo: The Romance Future.A. S. Gratwick - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (02):388-.
    ‘The sudden emergence of all the post-classical functions of habeo+Infinitive in Tertullian is very remarkable’, as Mr. Coleman has said in his important paper on the origin and development of this structure, so prominent in the formation of the Future and Conditional paradigms of the main Romance languages. The functions which he has in mind are all Prospective: he distinguishes meanings tangential, as he puts it, to Possibility, Obligation/Necessity, Futurity, and, for the past tenses of habeo, Futurity-in-the-Past and Conditioned (...)
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    Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" and Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida".William R. Elton - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):331-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Shakespeare’s Troilus and CressidaW. R. EltonIn Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida there occurs a particular pattern of parallels with Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics regarding ethical-legal questions surrounding an action: issues of the role of the voluntary or the involuntary, of volition and choice, of choice and virtue, and of virtue and habitual action. 1Aristotle’s EN was familiar to Elizabethan higher education and was reprinted in translation in (...)
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    What Emerged: Autonomy and Heteronomy in the Groundwork and Second Critique.Andrews Reath - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 176–195.
    This essay explains Kant’s idea of autonomy of the will and advances a thesis about how it emerges in his moral conception. Kant defines “autonomy” as “the property of the will by which it is a law to itself…” and argues that the Categorical Imperative is that law. I take the autonomy of the will to mean that the nature of rational volition is the source of the formal principle that authoritatively governs rational volition. I give a sense to this (...)
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  50. What Emerged: Autonomy and Heteronomy in the Groundwork and Second Critique.Andrews Reath - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 176-195.
    This essay explains Kant’s idea of autonomy of the will and advances a thesis about how it emerges in his moral conception. Kant defines “autonomy” as “the property of the will by which it is a law to itself…” and argues that the Categorical Imperative is that law. I take the autonomy of the will to mean that the nature of rational volition is the source of the formal principle that authoritatively governs rational volition. I give a sense to this (...)
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