Results for 'via media'

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  1.  44
    A via media between realism and idealism.George A. Barrow - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (9):234-241.
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    Rawls’ via media: Between Realism and Utopianism.Regina Queiroz, Gabriele De Angelis & Diogo P. Aurélio - 2010 - In Regina Queiroz, Gabriele De Angelis & Diogo P. Aurélio, Sovereign Justice: Global Justice in a World of Nations. De Gruyter.
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    A Via Media in the Elizabethan Church? 1.Peter Milward S. J. - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):392-398.
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    A Via Media Between Scepticism and Dogmatism?Gerald McCarthy - 2009 - Newman Studies Journal 6 (2):57-81.
    Beginning with an overview of the knowledge claims proposed by John Locke and David Hume, this essay first explores the respective responses of Newman and W. G. Ward and then updates the discussion by bringing Newman into dialogue with the thoughtof Alasdair MacIntyre.
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    A via media in the Elizabethan church?1.S. J. Milward - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):392-398.
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  6. Via Media, an Essay in Theological Synthesis.E. L. Mascall - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (124):86-87.
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    Via Media: on the Consequences of Historical Epistemology for the Problem of Rationality.Michal Buchowski - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:181-196.
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    Sellars’s Via Media.Sydney Pressman - 1982 - The Monist 65 (3):393-405.
    Sellars’s critics sometimes contend that his proposed via media between Cartesian mentalism and logical behaviorism entials a correlative via media between a mentalist and a behaviorist analysis of meaning. They then argue that mentalism and behaviorism about meaning are exhaustive alternatives and any attempt to spell out a third semantic view fails. Hence, Sellars’s via media also fails. Sellars tries to avoid this line of argument by maintaining that meaning is not an analyzable concept, that is, it (...)
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  9. Via Media Philosophy: Holiness Unto Truth (Intersections between Wesleyan and Roman Catholic Voices).Bryan Williams (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Newman’s Via Media Theology of Justification.John Rogers Friday - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (2):64-74.
    This essay argues that Newman’s theology of justification is a true via media between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism because of its Trinitarian character. While conceding that Newman misunderstood Luther’s theology of justification, this essay explores Newman’s theology of justification through Christ’s divine indwelling in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the formal cause of the soul’s justice, because through the Spirit, both Christ’s alien righteousness and an actual inherent righteousness are brought to the soul.Accordingly, justification is a Trinitarian (...)
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    Newman’s Via Media Theology of Justification.T. L. Holtzen - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (2):64-74.
    This essay argues that Newman’s theology of justification is a true via media between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism because of its Trinitarian character. While conceding that Newman misunderstood Luther’s theology of justification, this essay explores Newman’s theology of justification through Christ’s divine indwelling in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the formal cause of the soul’s justice, because through the Spirit, both Christ’s alien righteousness and an actual inherent righteousness are brought to the soul.Accordingly, justification is a Trinitarian (...)
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  12. Hartshorne and Aquinas: A Via Media.William P. Alston - 1989 - In Divine Nature and Human Language: Essays in Philosophical Theology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 121-143.
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    Via Media, An Essay in Theological Synthesis. By E. L. Mascall. (Longmans, Green and Co., 1956. Pp. xvi + 171. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]W. Richardson - 1958 - Philosophy 33 (124):86-.
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    Jerome on Sinlessness: a Via Media between Augustine and Pelagius.Stuart Squires - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (6):n/a-n/a.
    This article will explore Jerome's understanding of sinlessness and will argue that he saw himself just as opposed to Augustine as to Pelagius. I begin by exposing Jerome's context in the Pelagian Controversy. I then expose his understanding of sinlessness. Next, I turn to his arguments in Ep. 133 and the first two books of his Dialogi contra Pelagianos. In book three of that text, we notice a change in his arguments which indicates that Jerome is no longer arguing only (...)
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    Jerome on Sinlessness: a Via Media between A ugustine and P elagius.Stuart Squires - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):697-709.
    This article will exploreJerome's understanding of sinlessness and will argue that he saw himself just as opposed toAugustine as toPelagius. I begin by exposing Jerome's context in thePelagianControversy. I then expose his understanding of sinlessness. Next, I turn to his arguments inEp.133 and the first two books of hisDialogi contraPelagianos. In book three of that text, we notice a change in his arguments which indicates that Jerome is no longer arguing only againstPelagius; he now disagrees withAugustine as well. I then (...)
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    Hans Asmussen's „via media”.P. Fransen - 1951 - Bijdragen 12 (4):345-362.
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    Paths between positivism and interpretivism : an appraisal of Hay's via media.Chris Clarke - 2009 - .
    Hay's Political Analysis raises foundational issues for all social scientists, not least in its outline for a via media, or middle way, between positivist and interpretivist social science. In this view, social science should be firmly grounded in empirical study but take seriously the notion that there is no privileged vantage point from which to generate dispassionate knowledge claims about the social world. This article asks whether this apparent via media is coherent and meaningfully captures what it means (...)
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    “Lo que el hombre hace de sí mismo”, “Lo que la naturaleza hace del hombre”. Sobre la vía media cosmopolítica entre teoría y práctica en Kant.Fernando M. F. Silva - 2022 - Isegoría 66:09-09.
    The main point of our study is that the Kantian problem of a suitability between theory and practice, one of the key issues in Kant’s practical thinking in general, was erroneously perceived not only by those who defended it, and conceived of its possibility, but also by those who denied it and defended its impossibility. Our position, conversely, is that Kant, upon approaching a seemingly irresoluble problem, was forced to conceive of a via media, an “intermediate member of connection” (...)
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    Chesterton’s Via Media.Jorge Iglesias - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):63-65.
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    Grotius’s Via Media.Sebastián Contreras Aguirre - 2023 - Grotiana 44 (2):366-389.
    Grotius’s theory of the foundations of law and morality follows a sort of middle way between rationalism and voluntarism. Grotius, far from both extremes, defends both the normative force of the will and the directive power of practical reason. On this basis, he explains that reason serves as the formal cause of law and the will as the efficient cause. Now, the command of the will alone is not yet valid as a law. It must conform to reason. Reasoning so, (...)
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    NEWMAN, John Henry, The « Via Media » of the Anglican Church by John Henry NewmanNEWMAN, John Henry, The « Via Media » of the Anglican Church by John Henry Newman.Thomas Raymond Potvin - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (2):308-308.
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    Der Begriff des Naturgesetzes zwischen Intellektualismus und Voluntarismus und die via media bei Francisco Suárez.Dominik Recknagel - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer, Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 509-524.
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    Creation and covenant in a via media position: The example of J.J.P. Valeton Jr.Bob Becking - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    The Goldilocks God: Searching for the Via Media.Guy Collins - 2022 - Fortress Academic.
    The Goldilocks God explores the fertile middle ground between toxic Christianity and militant atheism. Illuminating ancient Christian practice with cutting-edge philosophy and theology, Guy Collins reveals the lifelong habits that are “just right” for encountering the mystery of God.
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    Naturalism, secularism, and religion: Habermas's via media.Richard J. Bernstein - 2010 - Constellations 17 (1):155-166.
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    The moral status of the early human embryo: Is a via media possible?Thomas A. Shannon - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):43 – 44.
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  27. Philosophy for children as a via media between democratic and anarchist education.Maria Miraglia - 2025 - In Michael G. Festl, John Dewey and contemporary challenges to democratic education. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Stimulating Brand Innovation Strategy via Knowledge Acquisition, Market Orientation, and Strategic Capability Using Social Media Within China’s Online Technology Industry.Yaliu Yang & Xiaowei Zheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the context of China’s online technology business, this study explores the linkages between knowledge acquisition via social media, two modes of market orientation, social media strategic capability, and brand innovation strategy. Data were collected from 853 Chinese technology firms with the help of questionnaire. To analyze the collected data structure, equation modeling was applied using smart-PLS 3.3 version. Results indicate that knowledge acquisition from social media, market orientation, and strategic capability has significant impact on brand innovation (...)
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    Customer Knowledge Management via Social Media: A Case Study of an Indian Retailer.Arunima Kambikanon Valacherry & Pakkeerappagari Pakkeerappa - 2018 - Journal of Human Values 24 (1):39-55.
    The socialization process in knowledge management has been in discussion for more than a decade, and most research has focused on socialization among employees in developing organizational knowledge. But this article tries to explore the socialization aspect in customer knowledge management in a customer-centric industry, retail using social media. The case study of a leading Indian retailer is implemented using netnography, a research technique that draws data from computer-mediated communication channels. The communications of the retailer to and from customers (...)
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    Sexual Boundary Violations via Digital Media Among Students.Juergen Budde, Christina Witz & Maika Böhm - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As digital media becomes more central to the lives of adolescents, it also becomes increasingly relevant for their sexual communication. Sexting as an important image-based digital medium provides opportunities for self-determined digital communication, but also carries specific risks for boundary violations. Accordingly, sexting is understood either as an everyday, or as risky and deviant behavior among adolescents. In the affectedness of boundary violations gender plays an important role. However, it is still unclear to what extent digital sexual communication restores (...)
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    ‘Give the Money Where it’s Due’: The Impact of Knowledge-Sharing via Social Media on the Reproduction of the Academic Labourer.Luis Arboledas-Lérida - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (2):251-266.
    This paper addresses the impact that the ever-growing involvement of scientists in knowledge-sharing practices by means of social media might have on the material conditions under which academic labour-power reproduces itself. Science communication is advocated for on the basis of its supposedly altruistic character, so scientists are prevented from expecting any form of remuneration ensuing from it. However, as our Marxian-informed analysis of the determinations of the value of the commodity labour-power will elucidate, this novel duty involves the exertion (...)
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    Employee Sensitivity to the Risk of Whistleblowing via Social Media: The Role of Social Media Strategy and Policy.Fangjun Xiao & Bernard Wong-On-Wing - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):519-542.
    AbstractEmployee whistleblowing via social media channels represents a very high risk to corporate reputation and can potentially lead to litigation and financial loss, especially when the message goes viral. This research examines the effect of social media strategy and social media policy on employees’ sensitivity to the high risk of whistleblowing via social media. We study the effect across employee gender and across two social media misconducts (information leaking and online venting). Our results indicate that (...)
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    Imagining ‘human Bodhisattva’ via televisual discourse: media platform of the Tzu-Chi organisation.Pei-Ru Liao - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (2):284-297.
    Seeing the limitation of the thesis of ‘mediatisation of religion’ (Hjarvard 2008; 2011), I would like to present a case study of Buddhist organisational usage of televisual discourse in Taiwan in this article. The example of one of the most watched prime-time docudramas—Da-Ai Drama (produced by an iconic Taiwanese Buddhist organisation, Tzu-Chi)—challenges the limited scope of ‘mediatisation of religion’ and encourages a critical review of the terms ‘religions’ and ‘secularisation’. The article also explicates the way in which Tzu-Chi utilizes multimedia (...)
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    From Conversations to Digital Communication: The Mnemonic Consequences of Consuming and Producing Information via Social Media.Charles B. Stone & Qi Wang - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):774-793.
    Stone & Wang collate the nascent research examining the mnemonic consequences associated with social media use. In particular, they highlight two important factors in understanding how social media use shapes the way individuals and groups remember the past: the type of information (personal vs. public) and the role (producer vs. consumer) individuals undertake when engaging with social media. Stone and Wang investigate those two features in relation to induced forgetting for personal information and false memories/truthiness for public (...)
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    Introduction : memory, media, gender, and transgressions in/via film and theater.Vera Apfelthaler & Julia B. Köhne - 2007 - In Vera Apfelthaler & Julia Köhne, Gendered memories: transgressions in German and Israeli film and theatre. Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Communicating to the public via the media: Practical and ethical issues.Stephanie J. Bird & Raymond E. Spier - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (4):395-396.
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    Research Participant Communication Via Social Media Platforms Remains Risky.Joseph Spino - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):66-68.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 66-68.
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  38. Media and Moral Education: a philosophy of critical engagement.Laura D'olimpio - 2017 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Media and Moral Education demonstrates that the study of philosophy can be used to enhance critical thinking skills, which are sorely needed in today’s technological age. It addresses the current oversight of the educational environment not keeping pace with rapid advances in technology, despite the fact that educating students to engage critically and compassionately with others via online media is of the utmost importance. -/- D’Olimpio claims that philosophical thinking skills support the adoption of an attitude she calls (...)
  39.  13
    La doble vía del origen del nominalismo en la edad media desde la visión de José Luis Romero.Ceferino Muñoz Medina - 2023 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):115-134.
    En este trabajo se ofrece un acercamiento explicativo al surgimiento del nominalismo medieval desde la perspectiva planteada por el historiador argentino José Luis Romero. Romero sugiere que existe una doble fuente, a saber, una histórica y otra filosófica. La primera de esas sería de orden empírico y correspondería a la burguesía y a su mentalidad. La segunda fuente, la académica, sería la que surge de la conocida querella de los universales durante los siglos XI y XII. Estas dos fuentes habrían (...)
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    Understanding Collective Human Behavior in Social Media Networks Via the Dynamical Hypothesis: Applications to Radicalization and Conspiratorial Beliefs.Aaron Necaise, Jingjing Han, Hana Vrzáková & Mary Jean Amon - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    The dynamical hypothesis has served to explore the ways in which cognitive agents can be understood dynamically and considered dynamical systems. Originally used to explain simple physical systems as a metaphor for cognition (i.e., the Watt governor) and eventually more complex animal systems (e.g., bird flocks), we argue that the dynamical hypothesis is among the most viable approaches to understanding pressing modern-day issues that arise from collective human behavior in online social networks. First, we discuss how the dynamical hypothesis is (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Influencing Corporealities: Social Media and its Impact on Gender Transition.Gen Eickers - 2022 - In Orestis Palermos & Mary Edwards, Feminist Philosophy and Emerging Technologies. Routledge. pp. 227-247.
    Social media plays an important role in forming, maintaining, and reproducing norms and practices (Flanagan et. al 2008). Content shared on social media has the power to reaffirm certain norms and practices merely by being shared (Caldeira et al., 2018; Burns, 2015; Krijnen & Van Bauwel, 2015). When it comes to questions of identity and questions surrounding representation of certain identity groups in the media, social media content is often taken to play a significant role in (...)
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    Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Organic Food via Social Media: The Perspectives of Task-Technology Fit and Post-acceptance Model.Jun-Jer You, Din Jong & Uraiporn Wiangin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43. Social Media, Love, and Sartre’s Look of the Other: Why Online Communication Is Not Fulfilling.Michael Stephen Lopato - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):195-210.
    We live in a world which is more connected than ever before. We can now send messages to a friend or colleague with a touch of a button, can learn about other’s interests before we even meet them, and now leave a digital trail behind us—whether we intend to or not. One question which, in proportion to its importance, has been asked quite infrequently since the dawn of the Internet era involves exactly how meaningful all of these connections are. To (...)
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  44. Act III A digital Deleuze : performance and new media. Like a prosthesis : critical performance à digital Deleuze / Timothy Murray ; Performance as the distribution of life : from Aeschylus to Chekhov to VJing via Deleuze and Guattari / Andrew Murphie ; The 'minor' arithmetic of rhythm : imagining digital technologies for dance.Stamatia Portanova - 2009 - In Laura Cull, Deleuze and performance. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    The perceived object in media-based empathy: applying Edith Stein’s concept of Wortleib.Minna-Kerttu Kekki - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (2):165-184.
    The question of how other consciousnesses appear via media has forced us to re-think the classical phenomenological accounts of sociality. However, as the phenomenological account of empathy is very much centred around the perception of the other’s living body, it has faced challenges in discussing the empathic experience in media-based contexts, where we cannot perceive the other’s body, but something else, such as a screen or a text. In this article, I provide the concept for describing the perceived (...)
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    Enhancing critical thinking skills and media literacy in initial vocational education and training via self-nudging: The contribution of NERDVET project.Riccardo Sartori, Francesco Tommasi, Andrea Ceschi, Mattia Falser, Silvia Genero & Silvia Belotto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Vocational Education and Training programs are fuelled by technical and practical educational modules. The teaching staff adopts both traditional and innovative pedagogical frameworks to increase the generalization and maintenance of practical skills. At the same time, VET teachers and trainers have a few occasions to promote and include disciplines and educational programs for enhancing students' soft skills, e.g., critical thinking skills and media literacy. Following the European VET framework and literature of the field, CT and ML represent a social (...)
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    Considerations for the ethical implementation of psychological assessment through social media via machine learning.Megan N. Fleming - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (3):181-192.
    ABSTRACT The ubiquity of social media usage has led to exciting new technologies such as machine learning. Machine learning is poised to change many fields of health, including psychology. The wealth of information provided by each social media user in combination with machine-learning technologies may pave the way for automated psychological assessment and diagnosis. Assessment of individuals’ social media profiles using machine-learning technologies for diagnosis and screening confers many benefits ; however, the implementation of these technologies will (...)
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    Media Theory.Mark B. N. Hansen - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):297-306.
    Poised on the cusp between phenomenology and materiality, media institute a theoretical oscillation that promises to displace the empirical-transcendental divide that has structured western meditation on thinking, including the thinking of technics. Because media give the infrastructure conditioning thought without ceasing to be empirical (i.e. without functioning as a transcendental condition), they form the basis for a complex hermeneutics that cannot avoid the task of accounting for its unthematizable infrastructural condition. Tracing the oscillation constitutive of such a hermeneutics (...)
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    Reviews via Mobile: The Role of Mobile Cues and Typographical Errors in Online Review Adoption.Young-Shin Lim & Ewa Maslowska - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Online consumer reviews are increasingly being written on and posted from mobile devices such that some platforms have started to indicate when this is the case with cues such as “via mobile”. Reviews from mobile devices differ from those from non-mobile devices; for example, reviews from mobile devices are more likely to include typographical errors. For this study, a web-based experiment was conducted to investigate viewers’ evaluation and adoption of online reviews in regard to a mobile cue and typographical errors. (...)
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    An analysis of media discourse on genetically modified rice in China.Zengyi Zhang & Quan Zheng - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (2):220-237.
    Current problems and controversies involving GM issues are not limited to scientific fields but spill over into the social context. When disagreements enter society via media outlets, social factors such as interests, resources, and values can contribute to complicating discourse about a controversial subject. Using the framework for the analysis of media discourse proposed by Carvalho, this paper examines news reports on Chinese GM rice from the dimensions of both text and context, covering the period of 2001–2015. This (...)
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