Results for 'universal mind'

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  1.  16
    Universal minds.Alan Palmer - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (165):205-225.
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    Universals, Tropes and the Philosophy of Mind.Simone Gozzano & Francesco Orilia (eds.) - 2008 - Ontos Verlag.
    Table of Contents; Introduction by Francesco Orilia and Simone Gozzano; Modes and Mind by John Heil; Does Ontology Matter? by Anna-Sofia Maurin; Basic Ontology, Multiple Realizability and Mental Causation by Francesco Orilia; The “Supervenience Argument”:Kim’s Challenge to Nonreductive Physicalism by Ausonio Marras and Juhani Yli-Vakkuri; Tropes’ Simplicity and Mental Causation by Simone Gozzano; Zombies from Below by David Robb; Tropes and Perception by E. Jonathan Lowe; About the authors.
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    Tropes, Universals and the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Simone Gozzano and Francesco Orilia.Paul Noordhof - 2014 - Mind 123 (491):913-916.
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056.Passionate Mind - 2007 - Teaching Philosophy 30 (2):245.
  5. Universals.Mary C. MacLeod & Eric M. Rubenstein - unknown
    Universals are a class of mind independent entities, usually contrasted with individuals, postulated to ground and explain relations of qualitative identity and resemblance among individuals. Individuals are said to be similar in virtue of sharing universals. An apple and a ruby are both red, for example, and their common redness results from sharing a universal. If they are both red at the same time, the universal, red, must be in two places at once. This makes universals quite (...)
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  6. The Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion.Patrick Colm Hogan & Greg M. Smith - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (2):206-209.
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    An asterisk denotes a publication by a member of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. The Editors welcome suggestions for reviews. Ablondi, Fred. Gerauld de Cordemoy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005. Pp. 127. Paper $17.00, ISBN: 0874626676. Akasoy, Anna A. and Alexander Fidora, eds. The Arabic Version of the Nicomachean. [REVIEW]Western Mind & Evagrius Ponticus - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (1).
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  8. Universals in Gregory of Rimini’s Sentences Commentary.Charles Girard - 2017 - In Fabrizio Amerini & Laurent Cesalli (eds.), Universals in the Fourteenth Century. Pisa: Seminari E Convegni. pp. 241-266.
    The chapter aims at reconstructing Gregory of Rimini's view on universals in absence of the full-bodied treatment Gregory himself promised in his work. According to Gregory, there is nothing universal outside the mind, and universal concepts are made-up on the basis of prior cognitions. In absence of Gregory's explicit statements of the matter, I argue that these concepts must most probably be qualities in the mind that are really distinct from acts of cognition and remain in (...)
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    Ramsey, ‘Universals’ and atomic propositions.S. J. Methven - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (1):134-154.
    ABSTRACTIn ‘Universals’, Ramsey declares that we do not, and cannot, know the forms of atomic propositions. A year later, in a symposium with Braithwaite and Joseph, he announces a change of mind: atomic propositions may, after all, be discoverable by analysis. It is clear from the 1926 paper that Ramsey intends this to be a revision of the 1925 claim. Puzzlingly, however, Ramsey does not mention analysis in 1925. My task in this article is to provide a justification for (...)
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    Montesquieu: an introduction: a universal mind for a universal science of political-legal systems.Domenico Felice - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis International.
    Montesquieu is the first political writer who scientifically studies all human institutions, ancient and modern, Asiatic and European, African and American; the first to formulate the principles of the separation of powers and the independence of justice; the first to theorize the Federal Democracy and the first to systematically track down the roo.
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    Literary Studies, Universals, and the Sciences of the Mind.Jonathan Gottschall - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (1):202-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 28.1 (2004) 202-217 [Access article in PDF] Literary Universals and the Sciences of the Mind Jonathan Gottschall St. Lawrence University The Mind and its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion, by Patrick Hogan; 302 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, $65.00. Cognitive Science, Literature, and the Arts: A Guide for Humanists, by Patrick Hogan; 244 pp. New York: Routledge, 2003, $19.95. I Two recent (...)
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  12. Determinables as Universals.Ingvar Johansson - 2000 - The Monist 83 (1):101-121.
    According to immanent realism, there are universals in the spatiotemporal world quite independently of language and the mind. The existence of these universals, furthermore, is not dependent upon there being Platonic universals existing outside the spatiotemporal world. In this paper I will try to show that immanent realism holds not only for many determinate universals, but for some determinable universals as well. In other words, there are ontological determinables as well as conceptual determinables.
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    Spinoza on Universals.Karolina Hübner - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 204–213.
    The problem of universals is one of the oldest problems in philosophy. One of the oddities of Spinoza's view of universals is that he endorses both Realism and Nominalism. An analogous Realist account can be given for all thinking things: all ideas, really do have something in common, intrinsically, constitutively, and mind‐independently: namely, thought as a determinable, qualitative, essential substantial nature. Spinoza's accounts of the nature of the human mind and of human emotions both can be read as (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Shannon Sullivan, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.John Haugeland & Mind Design - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (4).
  15.  20
    Being Mindful at University: A Pilot Evaluation of the Feasibility of an Online Mindfulness-Based Mental Health Support Program for Students.Miroslav Světlák, Pavla Linhartová, Terezia Knejzlíková, Jakub Knejzlík, Barbora Kóša, Veronika Horníčková, Kristýna Jarolínová, Klaudia Lučanská, Alena Slezáčková & Rastislav Šumec - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    University study can be a life period of heightened psychological distress for many students. The development of new preventive and intervention programs to support well-being in university students is a fundamental challenge for mental health professionals. We designed an 8-week online mindfulness-based program combining a face-to-face approach, text, audio, video components, and support psychotherapy principles with a unique intensive reminder system using the Facebook Messenger and Slack applications in two separate runs. We assessed the program’s effect on mindful experiencing, perceived (...)
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  16. Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of D M Armstrong.John Bacon, Keith Campbell & Lloyd Reinhardt (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    D. M. Armstrong is an eminent Australian philosopher whose work over many years has dealt with such subjects as: the nature of possibility, concepts of the particular and the general, causes and laws of nature, and the nature of human consciousness. This collection of essays explores the many facets of Armstrong's work, concentrating on his more recent interests. There are four sections to the book: possibility and identity, universals, laws and causality, and philosophy of mind. The contributors comprise an (...)
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    In search of human uniqueness: P. M. Kappeler and J. Silk : Mind the gap: Tracing the origins of human universals. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010, 503pp, €69,95 PB.Elsa Addessi - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):533-536.
    In search of human uniqueness Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9472-6 Authors Elsa Addessi, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 16/b, 00197 Rome, Italy Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Communicative Universals.Isamu Mihayara - 1995 - The Monist 78 (1):30-40.
    The time of ideological conflicts has passed. But different brands of political ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, in a word, nationalism, have taken the place of former “universal” ideologies, and stalk the world. In the face of these tendencies the necessity for the promotion of intercultural understanding has become ever more urgent. On the philosophical scene, many versions of cultural pluralism and relativism have been asserted and maintained. Since the rise of nihilism in the history of European thought, almost all (...)
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  19. Universals.George Bealer - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (1):5-32.
    Presented here is an argument for the existence of universals. Like Church's translation- test argument, the argument turns on considerations from intensional logic. But whereas Church's argument turns on the fine-grained informational content of intensional sentences, this argument turns on the distinctive logical features of 'that'-clauses embedded within modal contexts. And unlike Church's argument, this argument applies against truth-conditions nominalism and also against conceptualism and in re realism. So if the argument is successful, it serves as a defense of full (...)
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  20. Universals as Sense‐data.Peter Forrest - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):622-631.
    This paper concerns the structure of appearances. I argue that to be appeared to in a certain way is to be aware of one or more universals. Universals therefore function like the sense‐data, once highly favoured but now out of fashion. For instance, to be appeared to treely, in a visual way, is to be aware of the complex relation, being tree‐shaped and tree‐coloured and being in front of, a relation of a kind which could be instantiated by a material (...)
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    The Problem of Universals from the Scientific Point of View: Thomas Aquinas Should Be More Appreciated.Shiro Ishikawa - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):86-104.
    Recently we proposed the linguistic Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which is called quantum language or measurement theory. This theory is valid for both quantum and classical systems. Thus, we think that quantum language is one of the most powerful scientific theories, like statistics, and thus, it is the scientific completion (i.e., the destination) of dualistic idealism. If so, we can introduce the concept “progress” in the dualistic idealism. For example, we can assert that [Plato → Descartes → Kant → (...)
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    The Crisis of Ideology of Universal Mind as a Challenge to the Social Structure of Modernity.A. V. Belokobylskyi - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):124-133.
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    Universal Compassion. Training the Mind in Seven Points. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.John D. Ireland - 1991 - Buddhist Studies Review 8 (1-2):238-239.
    Universal Compassion. Training the Mind in Seven Points. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Tharpa Publications, London 1988. 176 pp. £6.95.
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    Mind-Body Dualism, Health, and Well-being in University Students.C. M. McGhee, Susan A. Gelman & Abigail J. Stewart - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (5):436-465.
    Mind-body dualism conceptualizes mind and body as distinct, but there are different ways that dualism may be instantiated. In this study, we examined how Hierarchical Dualism (the belief that mind and body are distinct, and the mind is superior) and Mutual-Influence Dualism (the belief that mind and body are separate but interrelate) related to health behaviors and mental health in three student samples: exclusively queer, exclusively straight, and a mixed university subject pool (N = 535). (...)
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  25. Universals and Metaphysical Realism.Alan Donagan - 1963 - The Monist 47 (2):211-246.
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    Cultural Universals as Endless Tasks.Keiichi Noé - 1995 - The Monist 78 (1):41-51.
    The question of the existence of cultural universals immediately leads us to the problem of intercultural communication and of so-called incommensurability. Over the last few decades, these topics have been the subject of controversy in the philosophy of science, and the stock of universalism has been falling as a result of the rise of Kuhn’s paradigm theory and Quine’s thesis of the indeterminacy of translation. Nowadays cultural pluralism or relativism is rather dominant among philosophers and has begun to appear plausible, (...)
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    The Problem of Universals.Ernan McMullin - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:122-139.
    In a recent symposium a hardy, perennial topic has come once again to occupy the centre of the philosophical stage. The contemporary discussions of meaning and reference, of the philosophical relevance of logical categories, of the grounds for induction, all eventually come to focus upon what a mediaeval philosopher, were he to return, would immediately recognize—not without some quiet satisfaction—to be that complex cluster of difficulties he was wont to classify as “the problem of universals”. The participants in the symposium (...)
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    The distinction between mind and its objects.Bernard Bosanquet - 1913 - Manchester,: The University press.
    In terms of our subject, this theory treats some objects of mind, the sensation of color, and so on—as mental in nature, or, roughly speaking, as products or bits of mind; while other objects of mind, like perceived shapes or resistance, it treats as self-existent realities. And when this is believed, the products or bits of mind will always be disparaged by comparison with what we suppose to exist in its own right. And then, on such (...)
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  29. Scotus’ Nature: From Universal to Trope.Hamid Taieb - 2017 - In Fabrizio Amerini & Laurent Cesalli (eds.), Universals in the Fourteenth Century. Pisa: Seminari E Convegni. pp. 89-108.
    In this paper, I present the way Duns Scotus’ philosophy is used in the contemporary discussions on properties. I point out that both realists about universals and trope theorists invoke Scotus to defend their positions. Moreover, I show that they do it by taking the same concept, formal distinction, to apply it to the same problem: the distinction between the qualitative and the individuating features of properties. After presenting the contemporary uses of Scotus, I turn to his own theory of (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Universals.Frank P. Ramsey - 1925 - Mind 34 (136):401-417.
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    Mindfulness Training for Improving Attention Regulation in University Students: Is It Effective? and Do Yoga and Homework Matter?Lena Wimmer, Silja Bellingrath & Lisa von Stockhausen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study examined the effects of mindfulness training on attention regulation in university students and whether the potential benefits of implementation are influenced by the yoga component of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) and/or by MBI homework practice. In a non-randomized trial with pre- and post-assessments, n = 180 university students were allocated to either mindfulness training (experimental groups), awareness activities (active control group), or no training (passive control group). Mindfulness was taught through two MBIs, one including yoga and the other (...)
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    Ontology, Causality and Mind.David Brooks - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (185):518-522.
    D. M. Armstrong is an eminent Australian philosopher whose work over many years has dealt with such subjects as: the nature of possibility, concepts of the particular and the general, causes and laws of nature, and the nature of human consciousness. This collection of essays explores the many facets of Armstrong's work, concentrating on his more recent interests. There are four sections to the book: possibility and identity, universals, laws and causality, and philosophy of mind. The contributors comprise an (...)
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  33. Ramsey, Particulars, and Universals.Peter Simons - 1991 - Theoria 57 (3):150-161.
    My subject is the arguments brought by Ramsey in his paper “ Universals ” ’ against the generally held distinction between particulars and universals. This paper is provocative, suggestive, and radical, and it is humbling to reflect that its author was just 22 years old when it was published in Mind. As so often with Ramsey, the paper is superficially very easy to follow and hardly requires any introduction other than the imperative, “Read it through”, but underneath the surface (...)
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    Intentional Implications: The Impact of a Reduction of Mind on Philosophy.Daniel Barwick - 1994 - Upa.
    This book is an examination of the implications of a mature Humean-Sartrean analysis of mind, including its impact on perception, personal identity, weakness of the will, and cognitivism. Contents: INTRODUCTION; TERMS; Identity; Existence; Knowledge; Paradigmatic Uses of Material Identity; Qualities; Universals; Indiscernibility; Substance; Change; AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE; PERSONAL IDENTITY; THE GIVEN; Theory Neutral Observations; Logical Entailments of the Absence of a Given; Materialism; THE DREAM ARGUMENT; AKRASIA; The Problem; The Nature of Desiring; COGNITIVISM; APPENDICES.
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    What Can Armstrongian Universals Do for Induction?William Peden - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1145-1161.
    David Armstrong argues that necessitation relations among universals are the best explanation of some of our observations. If we consequently accept them into our ontologies, then we can justify induction, because these necessitation relations also have implications for the unobserved. By embracing Armstrongian universals, we can vindicate some of our strongest epistemological intuitions and answer the Problem of Induction. However, Armstrong’s reasoning has recently been challenged on a variety of grounds. Critics argue against both Armstrong’s usage of inference to the (...)
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  36. On universals: an extensionalist alternative to Quine’s resemblance theory.Nathan Stemmer - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (1):75-90.
    The notion of similarity plays a central role in Quine's theory of Universals and it is with the help of this notion that Quine intends to define the concept of kind which also plays a central role in the theory. But as Quine has admitted, his attempts to define kinds in terms of similarities were unsuccessful and it is mainly because of this shortcoming that Quine's theory has been ignored by several philosophers. Nominalism and realism: Universals and Scientific realism. Cambridge: (...)
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    Universals and a fortiori reasoning.W. A. Pickard-Cambridge - 1917 - Mind 26 (102):205-215.
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    Universals and orders.J. S. Mackenzie - 1922 - Mind 31 (122):189-194.
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  39. Spinoza on Essences, Universals, and Beings of Reason.Karolina Hübner - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (1):58-88.
    The article proposes a new solution to the long-standing problem of the universality of essences in Spinoza's ontology. It argues that, according to Spinoza, particular things in nature possess unique essences, but that these essences coexist with more general, mind-dependent species-essences, constructed by finite minds on the basis of similarities that obtain among the properties of formally-real particulars. This account provides the best fit both with the textual evidence and with Spinoza's other metaphysical and epistemological commitments. The article offers (...)
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    Universals: A new look at an old problem.George J. Stack - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):172-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:172 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY us," Saint-Simon wrote in 1814. Matching the development of mind of their eighteenthcentury rationalist compatriots with the development of love and action, the Saint-Simonians, Fourier and Comte saw hardly any stop to the inevitability and infinitude of progress and perfectibility. The prospect of the twentieth century, however, shows an "uneasy consensus." Manuel is not concerned to swell the flood of philosophical history but to (...)
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  41. Universal Laws and Ends-in-Themselves.Onora O’Neill - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):341-361.
    Kant’s Groundwork is the most read and surely the most exasperating of his works on practical philosophy. Both its structure and its arguments remain obscure and controversial. A quick list of unsettled questions reminds one how much is in doubt. The list might include the following: Why does Kant shift the framework of his discussion three times in a short work? Does he establish that there is a supreme principle of morality? Does he show that the Categorical Imperative is that (...)
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    Concerning universals.R. F. A. Hoernlé - 1927 - Mind 36 (142):179-204.
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    Influence of Leader Mindfulness on the Emotional Exhaustion of University Teachers: Resources Crossover Effect.Beini Liu, Zehui Zhang & Qiang Lu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:597208.
    This study combined conservation of resources theory with the job demands-resources model to explore the influence of leader mindfulness on the emotional exhaustion of university teachers Using a time-lagged research design, 388 paired data sets were gathered. Multiple regression and bootstrapping were used to test each hypothesis. The results showed that first, leader mindfulness significantly reduces the emotional exhaustion of university teachers. Second, the results showed that workplace telepressure partially mediates the relationship between leader mindfulness and the emotional exhaustion of (...)
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    Review of Simone Gozzano, Francesco Orilia (eds.), Tropes, Universals and the Philosophy of Mind: Essays at the Boundary of Ontology and Philosophical Psychology[REVIEW]Keith Campbell - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (8).
  45. How To Make Mind-Brain Relations Clear.Mostyn W. Jones - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):135-160.
    The mind-body problem arises because all theories about mind-brain connections are too deeply obscure to gain general acceptance. This essay suggests a clear, simple, mind-brain solution that avoids all these perennial obscurities. (1) It does so, first of all, by reworking Strawson and Stoljar’s views. They argue that while minds differ from observable brains, minds can still be what brains are physically like behind the appearances created by our outer senses. This could avoid many obscurities. But to (...)
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    Making Sense of Kant’s Formula of Universal Law: On Kleingeld’s Volitional Self-Contradiction Interpretation.Mark Timmons - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):463-475.
    This article examines Pauline Kleingeld’s “volitional self-contradiction” (VSC) interpretation of Kant’s formula of universal law. It begins in §1 with an outline of Kleingeld’s interpretation and then proceeds in §2 to raise some worries about how the interpretation handles Kant’s egoism example. §3 considers VSC’s handling of the false promise example comparing it in §4 with the Logical/Causal Law (LCL) interpretation, which arguably does better than its VSC competitor in handling this example. §5 deploys the LCL interpretation to consider (...)
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  47. Descartes' Theory of Universals.Lawrence Nolan - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (2-3):161-180.
  48. Could Armstrong have been a universal?Fraser MacBride - 1999 - Mind 108 (431):471-501.
    There cannot be a reductive theory of modality constructed from the concepts of sparse particular and sparse universal. These concepts are suffused with modal notions. I seek to establish this conclusion by tracing out the pattern of modal entanglements in which these concepts are involved. In order to appreciate the structure of these entanglements a distinction must be drawn between the lower-order necessary connections in which particulars and universals apparently figure, and higher-order necesary connections. The former type of connection (...)
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    Mindfulness and its Relationship to Achievement Motivation of University Students.Fatin A. Mhaidat - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1237-1248.
    The study aimed to identify the level of mindfulness and achievement motivation and the relationship between Mindfulness and achievement motivation among university students. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive correlational approach was used, as the study sample consisted of (350) male and female students from Hashemite University students from the College of Educational Sciences and registered in the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024, where the study tools were applied electronically. The study used the Mindfulness scale (...)
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    Mind the gap: Griffith University’s approach to the governance of ethical conduct in human research.Gary Allen - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (1-2):57-67.
    It is perhaps not coincidental that, at the same time the apparent institutional risks associated with the conduct of human research are increasing, so are the complaints from researchers about research ethics committees. Rather than seeking to implement systems that more efficiently catch wrong-doing, in 2003 Griffith University began implementing an alternative approach. This new approach focused on resourcing the reflective practice of researchers through every stage of their work — well before, and long after, they seek ethical clearance for (...)
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