Results for 'two truths'

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  1.  20
    The Two Truths in Chinese Buddhism, Chang-Qing Shih.Burkhard Scherer - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 23 (1):134-137.
    The Two Truths in Chinese Buddhism, Chang-Qing Shih, pp. xviii, 401. Rs. 695. ISBN 81-208-2035-5.
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    he main thesis for which I intend to argue is that there is an exclusi-T ve disjunction between two options for the foundations of morality: there is truth or there is the exercise of power. 1 In other words, the deni.Truth Or Power - 2003 - In Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann, Grundlagen der Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 123.
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    Prajñākaragupta on the Two Truths and Argumentation.Hisayasu Kobayashi - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):427-439.
    How is it possible to say that truth can be of one kind at the conventional level and totally different in the ultimate plane? As Matilal ( 1971 , p. 154) points out, Kumārila (ca. 600–650), a Mīmāṃsaka philosopher, claims that the Buddhist doctrine of two truths is “a kind of philosophical ‘double-talk’.” It is Prajñākaragupta (ca. 750–810), a Buddhist logician, who tries to give a direct answer to this question posed by Kumārila from the Buddhist side. He argues (...)
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    The Two Truths Debate: Tsongkhapa and Gorampa on the Middle Way.Sonam Thakchoe - 2007 - Wisdom Publications.
    All lineages of Tibetan Buddhism today claim allegiance to the philosophy of the Middle Way, the exposition of emptiness propounded by the second-century Indian master Nagarjuna. But not everyone interprets it the same way. A major faultline runs through Tibetan Buddhism around the interpretation of what are called the two truths-the deceptive truth of conventional appearances and the ultimate truth of emptiness. An understanding of this faultline illuminates the beliefs that separate the Gelug descendents of Tsongkhapa from contemporary Dzogchen (...)
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    The Two Truths Theory and Theory of Language in Candrakīrti.Youn Hee Jo - 2010 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 29:293-327.
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    Abhidharma Metaphysics and the Two Truths.Kris McDaniel - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):439-463.
    The distinction between "the two truths" was initially developed to resolve seeming contradictions in the Buddha's teachings.1 The Buddha teaches that persons should act compassionately, that persons will be reincarnated, and that persons do not exist. The first two lessons seem inconsistent with the third. Consistency could be restored by distinguishing kinds of truth: the first and second lessons are conventionally true, but it is conventionally but not ultimately true that persons exist.2In addition to this semantic distinction, there is (...)
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    Two Truths Theory: What is vyavahāra? Language as a Pointer to the Truth.Hideyo Ogawa - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (4):613-633.
    Mādhyamikas argue that ultimate reality, which is without any delimitation and hence cannot be verbalized in itself, can be expressed in words on the basis of the attribution or superimposition of the basis for the application of the word. The denotation theory of ultimate reality Bhartṛhari advances in the Dravyasamuddeśa of his Vākyapadīya convincingly explains that, insofar as ultimate reality is spoken of, we must say that it is denoted by the word; ultimate reality is said to be ineffable only (...)
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    The 'two truths' doctrine and the nature of upāya in nāgārjuna.Dilip Loundo - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (133):17-41.
    ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to contribute to the understanding of Nāgārjuna's 'two truths' doctrine as presented in the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. For that purpose, we argue that 'two truths' doctrine the basic structural framework for the operational functionality of upāya of upāya, perhaps the most important epistemological/pedagogical notion of Mahāyāna Buddhism. RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a compreensão da doutrina das "duas verdades", tal como presente no Mūlamadhyamakakārikā de Nāgārjuna. Argumentamos, para tanto, que a (...)
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    The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedānta.Alex Wayman - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (4):489-491.
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    Chapter two: Truth, interpretation, and meaning.Scott Soames - 2010 - In Philosophy of Language. Princeton University Press. pp. 33-49.
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    Husserl's Two Truths, Adequate and apodictic evidence.Juha Himanka - 2005 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 36 (1):93-112.
    Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations was the breakthrough of phenomenology. What made it a breakthrough was the new way of explicating truth or evidence as self-givenness or adequacy. Husserl did however also have another interpretation of truth: evidence as indubitability or certainty of apodicticity. Originally Husserl thought that apodicticity increases the evidence of something already adequately given. Yet, in the first Cartesian Meditation Husserl differentiates the two modes of evidence. In this article the way to this split up of evidence is (...)
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    A question of two truths? Remarks on parrhesia and the 'political-philosophical'difference.Matthew Sharpe - 2007 - Parrhesia 2:89-108.
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    The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and VedāntaThe Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedanta.Alex Wayman - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):305.
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  14. Ontological Pluralism, Abhidharma Metaphysics, and the Two Truths: A Response to Kris McDaniel.Andrew Brenner - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (2):543-557.
    Kris McDaniel has recently proposed an interpretation of the distinction between conventional truth and ultimate truth, as that distinction is made within Abhidharma metaphysics. According to McDaniel's proposal, the distinction between conventional truth and ultimate truth is closely connected with a similar distinction between conventional existence and ultimate existence. What is more, the distinction between conventional existence and ultimate existence should be interpreted along ontological pluralist lines: the difference between things that ultimately exist and things that merely conventionally exist amounts (...)
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  15. A Criticism of M. Siderits and J. L. Garfield’s ‘Semantic Interpretation’ of Nāgārjuna’s Theory of Two Truths.Giuseppe Ferraro - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (2):195-219.
    This paper proposes a critical analysis of that interpretation of the Nāgārjunian doctrine of the two truths as summarized—by both Mark Siderits and Jay L. Garfield—in the formula: “the ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth”. This ‘semantic reading’ of Nāgārjuna’s theory, despite its importance as a criticism of the ‘metaphysical interpretations’, would in itself be defective and improbable. Indeed, firstly, semantic interpretation presents a formal defect: it fails to clearly and explicitly express that which it contains (...)
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    Two Truths and Method.Jay L. Garfield - 2015 - In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest, The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA.
    The Buddha famously enunciated the four reliances: “Rely on the teaching, not the teacher; rely on the meaning, not the words; rely on the definitive, not that which requires further interpretation; rely on direct insight, not conceptuality.” This chapter explores methodological problems arising in Buddhist philosophy. It addresses hermeneutical questions about the special problems involved in interpreting texts across cultures and considers problems that arise from translation and the consideration of philosophy conducted in radically different vocabularies and cultural registers. It (...)
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    Outlines of a Pedagogical Interpretation of Nāgārjuna’s Two Truths Doctrine.Giuseppe Ferraro - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (5):563-590.
    This paper proposes an interpretation of Nāgārjuna’s doctrine of the two truths that considers saṃvṛti and paramārtha-satya two visions of reality on which the Buddhas, for soteriological and pedagogical reasons, build teachings of two types: respectively in agreement with (for example, the teaching of the Four Noble Truths) or in contrast to (for example, the teaching of emptiness) the category of svabhāva. The early sections of the article show to what extent the various current interpretations of the Nāgārjunian (...)
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  18. Once more on the two truths: What does Chi–Tsang mean by the two truths as ‘Yüeh–Chiao’?Whalen W. Lai - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (4):505-521.
    The teaching of the Buddha concerning Reality has recourse to Two Truths: the Mundane and the Highest Truth. Without knowing the distinction between the two, one does not know the profound point of the teachings. The Highest Truth cannot be taught apart from the Mundane, but without understanding the former, one does not apprehend nirvāna.
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    The Presupposition Strategy and the Two Truths.John Spackman - 2023 - In Christian Coseru, Reasons and Empty Persons: Mind, Metaphysics, and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Siderits. Springer. pp. 363-384.
    The presupposition strategy is a widely adopted approach to understanding the catus.kot.i or tetralemmas that appear in Nāgārjuna’s works. According to this strategy, the apparent contradictions between the statements in the tetralemmas can be resolved by viewing them as making the false presupposition that there are entities that have svabhāva, independent existence or intrinsic nature, and hence as semantically deficient. Contemporary discussions of the strategy, however, do not take into account recent work on presupposition in linguistics and philosophy, much of (...)
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    The system of the two truths in the prasannapadā and the madhyamakāvatāra: A study in mādhyamika soteriology. [REVIEW]C. W. Huntington - 1983 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 11 (1):77-106.
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  21. (1 other version)The Bain of two truths.Vincent F. Hendricks - unknown
    A view among methodologists is that truth and convergence are related in such a way that scienti…c theories in their historical order of appearance contribute to the convergence to an ultimate ideal theory. It is not a fact that science develops accordingly but rather a hypothetical thought experiment to explain why science develops at all. Here, a simple formal model is presented for scrutinizing the relations between two truths and convergence.
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  22. Conventionalising rebirth: Buddhist agnosticism and the doctrine of two truths.Bronwyn Finnigan - 2024 - In Yujin Nagasawa & Mohammad Saleh Zarepour, Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion: From Religious Experience to the Afterlife. Oxford University Press USA.
    What should the Buddhist attitude be to rebirth if it is believed to be inconsistent with current science? This chapter critically engages forms of Buddhist agnosticism that adopt a position of uncertainty about rebirth but nevertheless recommend ‘behaving as if’ it were true. What does it mean to behave as if rebirth were true, and are Buddhist agnostics justified in adopting this position? This chapter engages this question in dialogue with Mark Siderits’ reductionist analysis of the Buddhist doctrine of the (...)
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  23.  15
    Not Even Absent: Dependent Origination, Emptiness, and the Two Truths in the Thought of Nāgārjuna.Jackson Cole Macor - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (3):161-179.
    As one of the most pivotal thinkers in the history Mahāyāna Buddhism, the writings of Nāgārjuna have long attracted the attention of scholars aiming to interpret in declarative terms the meaning of the arguments contained therein. However, the very aim of such an endeavor that seeks to ascribe to Nāgārjuna a philosophical position is fundamentally at odds with the unwaveringly critical nature of his project. In order to illustrate the singular character of Nāgārjuna’s methodology, this article seeks to clarify three (...)
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  24. Dynamic and Syncretic Dimensions to Śāntarakṣita's Presentation of the Two Truths.James Blumenthal - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (1):51-62.
    It is common for philosophers from the Madhyamaka school of Indian Buddhist thought to offer a presentation of the two truths, ultimate truth ( param rthasatya ) and conventional truth ( sa v tisatya ), as a vehicle for presenting their views on the ontological status of entities. Though there is some degree of variance, generally ultimate truths are described as objects known by an awareness of knowing things as they are. Conventional truths are objects as conceived (...)
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    The two truths in the Mādhyamika philosophy of the Ge-luk-ba order of Tibetan Buddhism.Guy Newland - 1992 - Ithaca, N.Y., USA: Snow Lion Publications.
    Buddhist perspectives on ethics and emptiness.
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    Jñanagarbha's Commentary on the Distinction between the Two Truths: An Eighth Century Handbook of Madhyamaka Philosophy. Malcolm David Eckel.Paul Williams - 1992 - Buddhist Studies Review 9 (1):98-104.
    Jñanagarbha's Commentary on the Distinction between the Two Truths: An Eighth Century Handbook of Madhyamaka Philosophy. Malcolm David Eckel., State University of New York Press, Albany 1989. 220 pp. Hbk $34.50, pbk $10.95.
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    Seng Zhao’s “Prajñā is Without Knowledge”: Collapsing the Two Truths from Critique to Affirmation.Brook Ziporyn - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (4):831-849.
    This essay explores one of the first distinctively Sinitic reappropriations of Madhyamaka epistemology: Seng Zhao’s essay “Prajñā is Without Knowledge.” Seng Zhao’s work is here read as a deliberate collapse of the traditional Madhyamaka Two Truths into two simultaneous aspects of sagely wisdom, rather than a diachronic means-end relation, arriving at a crypto-Zhuangzian “trivialist” conclusion aimed at undermining epistemological bivalence at its roots. For Seng Zhao, because nothing can be established as true, nothing can be excluded as false. Here (...)
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  28.  5
    Four eyes, two truths: Explaining heterogeneity in perceived severity of digital hate against immigrants.Thomas Kirchmair, Kevin Koban & Jörg Matthes - 2024 - Communications 49 (3):468-490.
    Drawing on theories related to interpersonal and intergroup behavior, this study investigated effects of personality traits (i.e., empathy and identity insecurity) and attitudes (i.e., anti-migration attitudes and social dominance orientation) on the perceived severity of digital hate against immigrants in Austria. Findings of autoregressive path modeling using two-wave panel data revealed that empathic suffering and egalitarianism positively predicted perceived severity, while anti-migrant attitudes exhibited a negative prediction. In terms of interactions between personality and attitudes, we observed that the prediction of (...)
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    The buddhist doctrine of two truths as religious philosophy.Frederick J. Streng - 1970 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 1 (3):262-271.
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    Pretending to Be Buddhist and Christian: Thich Nhat Hanh and the Two Truths of Religious Identity.Jeffrey Carlson - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):115-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 115-125 [Access article in PDF] Pretending to Be Buddhist and Christian: Thich Nhat Hanh and the Two Truths of Religious Identity Jeffrey CarlsonDePaul University Nagarjuna replies: "The teaching by the Buddhas of the dharma has recourse to two truths: / The world-ensconced truth and the truth which is the highest sense. / Those who do not know the distribution (vibhagam) of the two (...)
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  31.  92
    Foundations of T'ien-t'ai Philosophy: The Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism.Paul L. Swanson - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (2):344-347.
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    Ontological pluralism and the Buddhist two truths.Laura P. Guerrero - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-24.
    In this essay, I argue that the Abhidharma philosopher Saṅghabhadra’s account of conventional reality and truth does lend itself well to Kris McDaniel’s recent pluralist proposal that the Abhidharma Buddhist distinction between conventional truth and ultimate truth is best understood in terms of a more basic distinction between two different ways an entity can exist: conventionally or ultimately. However, McDaniel’s suggested account of conventional and ultimate truth needs to be modified to take into account Saṅghabhadra’s views about the nature of (...)
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    Atiśa's introduction to the two truths, and its sources.Chr Lindtner - 1981 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 9 (2):161-214.
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  34. The Truth about Śrīgupta’s Two Truths: Longchenpa’s 'Lower Svātantrikas' and the Making of a New Philosophical School.Allison Aitken - 2021 - Journal of South Asian Intellectual History 3 (2):185–225.
    Longchen Rabjampa (1308–64), scholar of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma tradition, presents a novel doxographical taxonomy of the so-called Svātantrika branch of Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, designating the Indian Mādhyamika Śrīgupta (c. 7th/8th century) as the exemplar of a Svātantrika sub-school which maintains that appearance and emptiness are metaphysically distinct. This paper compares Longchenpa’s characterization of this “distinct-appearance-and-emptiness” view with Śrīgupta’s own account of the two truths. I expose a significant disconnect between Longchenpa’s Śrīgupta and Śrīgupta himself and argue that the (...)
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  35.  61
    The theory of two truths in india.Sonam Thakchoe - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  36.  50
    Two Models of the Two Truths: Ontological and Phenomenological Approaches. [REVIEW]Douglas S. Duckworth - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (5):519-527.
    Mipam (‘ju mi pham rgya mtsho, 1846–1912), an architect of the Nyingma (rnying ma) tradition of Tibet in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, articulates two distinct models of the two truths that are respectively reflected in Madhyamaka and Yogācāra Buddhist traditions. The way he positions these two models sheds light on how levels of description are at play in his integration of these traditions. Mipam positions one kind of two-truth model as the product of an ontological analysis (...)
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  37. Carnap's Pragmatism and the Two Truths.Bronwyn Finnigan & Koji Tanaka - 2011 - In Georges Dreyfus, Bronwyn Finnigan, Jay Garfield, Guy Newland, Graham Priest, Mark Siderits, Koji Tanaka, Sonam Thakchoe, Tom Tillemans & Jan Westerhoff, Moonshadows. Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford University Press. pp. 181--188.
  38. Deflating the Two Images and the Two Truths: Bon Baisers du Tibet.Tom Tillemans - 2018 - In Jay L. Garfield, Wilfrid Sellars and Buddhist Philosophy: Freedom From Foundations. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 80-96.
  39.  44
    Criticism and Perspectivism: The transition between Nietzsche's two truths.R. Stephen Krebbs - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):388-393.
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  40. Further developments of the two truths theory in china: The "ch'eng-Shih-Lun" tradition and Chou Yung's "San-Tsung-Lun".Whalen W. Lai - 1980 - Philosophy East and West 30 (2):139-161.
  41.  12
    The Structure of the Ontology of the Early Yogācāra-vijñānavāda and Its Significance: With Special Reference to the Relationship between the Three Natures and the Two Truths. 김재권 - 2009 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 27 (27):283-313.
    이 논문은 유식사상이 교설로서 체계화되기 이전에 삼성설의 원형으 로 상정되는 『보살지』 「진실의품」의 ‘vastu’와 『중변분별론』의 ‘abhūtaparikalpa(허망분별)’의 사상적․구조적 관계에 대한 이해를 통해 삼성설과 이제의 관계 등 교리적으로 발전해 가는 초기 유식학파의 존 재론의 형태와 그 의의를 사상사적으로 살펴본 것이다. 이 때 『해심밀 경』 「무자성상품」의 말미에 설해진 ‘삼전법륜설’의 해석학적 지평과 『석 궤론』에서 유식학파의 이제설에 대한 설명 가운데 제시된 세친의 해석 학적 입장을 그 기반으로 삼았다. 사실 『구사론』『석궤론』 「진실의품」 등에 설시된 유식학파의 이제설에 관련된 기술이나 그 해석학적 입장들 은 유식학파의 존재론을 파악하는 데 중요한 실마리를 (...)
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  42. Two switches in the theory of counterfactuals: A study of truth conditionality and minimal change.Ivano Ciardelli, Linmin Zhang & Lucas Champollion - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy (6).
    Based on a crowdsourced truth value judgment experiment, we provide empirical evidence challenging two classical views in semantics, and we develop a novel account of counterfactuals that combines ideas from inquisitive semantics and causal reasoning. First, we show that two truth-conditionally equivalent clauses can make different semantic contributions when embedded in a counterfactual antecedent. Assuming compositionality, this means that the meaning of these clauses is not fully determined by their truth conditions. This finding has a clear explanation in inquisitive semantics: (...)
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    Two Sociologies of Science in Search of Truth: Bourdieu Versus Latour.Elif Kale-Lostuvali - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (3):273-296.
    The sociology of science seeks to theorize the social conditioning of science. This theorizing seems to undermine the validity of scientific knowledge and lead to relativism. Bourdieu and Latour both attempt to develop a sociology of science that overcomes relativism but stipulate opposite conditions for the production of scientific truths: while Bourdieu emphasizes autonomy, Latour emphasizes associations. This is because they work with oppositional epistemological and ontological assumptions. In both theories, the notion of truth lacks an independent definition; it (...)
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  44. Two Tables, Images, and Truth.Monima Chadha - 2018 - In Jay L. Garfield, Wilfrid Sellars and Buddhist Philosophy: Freedom From Foundations. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 32-47.
    The relations between Sellars' two 'images' of man-in-the-world and the Ahidharma doctrine of two truths.
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    Collecting truths: A paradox in two guises.Eric Updike - 2022 - Analytic Philosophy 63 (3):156-173.
    Two proofs are given which show that if some set of truths fall under finitely many concepts (so-called Collectivity), then they all fall under at least one of them even if we do not know which one. Examples are given in which the result seems paradoxical. The first proof crucially involves Moorean propositions while the second is a reconstruction and generalization of a proof due to Humberstone free from any reference to such propositions. We survey a few solution routes (...)
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  46. (1 other version)A priori truths.Greg Restall - 2009 - In John Shand, Central Issues of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Philosophers love a priori knowledge: we delight in truths that can be known from the comfort of our armchairs, without the need to venture out in the world for confirmation. This is due not to laziness, but to two different considerations. First, it seems that many philosophical issues aren’t settled by our experience of the world — the nature of morality; the way concepts pick out objects; the structure of our experience of the world in which we find ourselves (...)
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  47. The Two-Dimensional Argument Against Materialism.David Chalmers - 2009 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Brian P. McLaughlin & Sven Walter, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
    A number of popular arguments for dualism start from a premise about an epistemic gap between physical truths about truths about consciousness, and infer an ontological gap between physical processes and consciousness. Arguments of this sort include the conceivability argument, the knowledge argument, the explanatory-gap argument, and the property dualism argument. Such arguments are often resisted on the grounds that epistemic premises do not entail ontological conclusion. My view is that one can legitimately infer ontological conclusions from epistemic (...)
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    Upaniṣadic Discussion related the Theory of Two Truths of Buddhism.Hyoyeop Park - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 89:165-189.
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    Defective truth tables and falsifying cards: Two measurement models yield no evidence of an underlying fleshing-out propensity.Jean-François Bonnefon & Stéphane Vautier - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (3):231-243.
    Using a latent variable modelling strategy we study individual differences in patterns of answers to the selection task and to the truth table task. Specifically we investigate the prediction of mental model theory according to which the individual tendency to select the false consequent card (in the selection task) is negatively correlated with the tendency to judge the false antecedent cases as irrelevant (in the truth table task). We fit a psychometric model to two large samples ( N = 486, (...)
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  50. Two Distinctions about World-Relative Truth.Christopher James Masterman - forthcoming - Analysis.
    The distinction between truth in, and truth at, a possible world plays a significant role in many debates in modal metaphysics. In this note, I argue that there are two radically different ways of making the distinction precise. I argue that the differences matter, showing how they differently constrain the modal metaphysics of properties and propositions.
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