Results for 'theological intention'

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  1.  10
    The theological intent of the Lukan Jesus-story.Dieter H. Reinstorf - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Spirituality as an explanatory and normative science: Applying Lonergan's analysis of intentional consciousness to relate psychology and theology.Daniel A. Helminiak - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):596-627.
    In a pluralistic society, consensus in spirituality must rest on a common human basis. The relevant social sciences as currently conceived cannot provide one. Bernard Lonergan's analysis of the human spirit – or intentional consciousness – elaborates the overlooked element in a psychological account of the human mind and, thus, grounds a psychology of spirituality as the natural expression of ongoing human integration, an account that is fully open to and, indeed, begs for theological elaboration. Initially unpacking the complexities (...)
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    Political Theologies Surrounding the Nietzschean “Death of God” Trope.Montserrat Herrero - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):125-149.
    Approaches to Nietzsche’s political philosophy abound. In this article, however, we explore the possibility of identifying not only a political philosophy, but also a political-theological reading in Nietzsche’s texts. In fact, such a political-theological reading already has something of a genealogy. In the 1960s, “radical theology” appropriated the Nietzschean topic of the death of God, which engendered a transferred radical political theology consisting in radical democracy. The first part of this article explores twentieth-century political theologies surrounding the death (...)
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    Boh z pohľadu súčasného stavu poznania a myslenia: príspevok v intenciách autorovho konceptu teologickej filozofie v celostnom porozumení: bádateľský projekt = God from the point of view of the contemporary state of knowledge and thinking: contribution in the intentions of the author's concept of theological philosophy in an entire understanding: an exploratory project.Ján Letz - 2018 - Bratislava: PostScriptum.
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    Covenant Theology: Contemporary Approaches.Mark J. Cartledge & David Mills (eds.) - 2001 - Paternoster Publishing.
    Covenant Theology brings together a number of perspectives on this important feature of Christian tradition from across the theological discipline. Based on four lectures delivered at the University of Liverpool, each address is followed by a response, allowing respected scholars of the field to engage in lively and public debate. The progression from Old Testament to New Testament, then to systematic theology and pastoral theology is intentional, as readers are encouraged to view theology as an integrative discipline rather than (...)
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  6. From Intentions to Neurons: Social and Neural Consequences of Disbelieving in Free Will.Davide Rigoni & Marcel Brass - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):5-12.
    The problem of free will is among the most fascinating and disputed questions throughout the history of philosophy and psychology. Traditionally limited to philosophical and theological debate, in the last decades it has become a matter of scientific investigation. The theoretical and methodological advances in neuroscience allowed very complex psychological functions related to free will (conscious intentions, decision-making, and agency) to be investigated. In parallel, neuroscience is gaining momentum in the media, and various scientific findings are claimed to provide (...)
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    Mystical theology and continental philosophy: interchange in the wake of God.David Lewin (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    8. Eckhart's why and Heidegger's what: beyond subjectivistic thought to groundless ground -- I -- II -- III -- Notes -- 9. Meister Eckhart's speculative grammar: a foreshadowing of Heidegger's Der Satz vom Grund? -- A problem of expression -- Language in modism -- Spiral-vortex metaphor -- Concluding remarks -- Notes -- 10. Pay attention!: exploring contemplative pedagogies between Eckhart and Heidegger -- Paying attention -- The paradox of intention -- Intended attention -- Conclusion -- Notes -- PART IV: (...)
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    Transhumanism, theological anthropology, and modern biological taxonomy.Travis Dumsday - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):601-622.
    I examine the ways in which the theological and philosophical debate surrounding transhumanism might profit by a detailed engagement with contemporary biology, in particular with the mainline accounts of species and speciation. After a short introduction, I provide a very brief primer on species concepts and speciation in contemporary biological taxonomy. Then in a third section I draw out some implications for the prospects of our being able intentionally to intervene in human evolution for the production of new species (...)
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    Theology, philosophy, and immortality of the soul in the late via moderna of erfurt.Pekka Kärkkäinen - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (2):337-360.
    In 1513 the Fifth Lateran Council determined that the immortality of the rational soul is not true only in theology, but also in philosophy. The determination can be related also to the actual teaching of philosophy. In the university of Erfurt, Bartholomaeus Arnoldi de Usingen and Jodocus Trutfetter wrote expositions on natural philosophy at that time. Usingen's and Trutfetter's expositions of De anima represent a position, which faithfully follows in methodology and aspirations the tradition of the via moderna. Furthermore, they (...)
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  10. Theological determinism and the problem of evil.Neal Judisch - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (2):165-184.
    (Forthcoming in Religious Studies) Abstract I argue that the Free Will Defence need not presuppose a libertarian conception of freedom and therefore need not beg the question against compatibilists. I present three versions of theological determinism, each of which is inconsistent with freedom on compatibilist-friendly principles, and then argue that what generates the inconsistency – viz., that (i) God intentionally necessitates all human actions and (ii) no human has it within their power to causally influence God’s will – is (...)
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    Theology and Politics in Thomas Hobbes's Trinitarian Theory.Andrés Jiménez Colodrero - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):62-77.
    This article intends to analyse the Hobbesian version of the Christian dogma of the Trinity as it is observed in the corresponding sections of Leviathan , De Cive and Heresy , and alluded to in other texts (controversy with Bramhall). It shall be important to specify: (a) As a starting point, the exact place of such concept within the general problem expressed by the difference between "political theology" and "theologico-political problem" (C. Altini); (b) The main items of the philosopher's Trinitarian (...)
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    On Spiritual Theology: A Primer.Greg Peters - 2011 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 4 (1):5-26.
    The intent of this article is to introduce an evangelical reading audience to the historical discipline of “spiritual theology.” After offering a history of the development of “spiritual theology” the article concerns itself with the proper nature of spiritual theology by way of its three sources: Scripture, systematic theology, and church history. Greater attention is given to church history since it is here that evangelicals have proven historically to be least proficient. The article concludes by stating that evangelical scholars need (...)
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    Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick.Martin Rhonheimer - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):279-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTENTIONAL ACTIONS AND THE MEANING OF OBJECT: A REPLY TO RICHARD McCORMICK MARTIN RHONHEIMER Roman Athenaeum of the Holy Cross Rome, Italy I N HIS ARTICLE, " Some Early Reactions to Veritatis Splendor," 1 Richard McCormick discusses my article on Veritatis Splendor and its teaching about intrinsically evil acts.2 He challenges my defence of the encyclical's views and poses some concrete questions for me. At the same time, McCormick (...)
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    Intention, Character, and Double Effect.Lawrence J. Masek - 2018 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The principle of double effect has a long history, from scholastic disputations about self-defense and scandal to current debates about terrorism, torture, euthanasia, and abortion. Despite being widely debated, the principle remains poorly understood. In Intention, Character, and Double Effect, Lawrence Masek combines theoretical and applied questions into a systematic defense of the principle that does not depend on appeals to authority or intuitions about cases. Masek argues that actions can be wrong because they corrupt the agent's character and (...)
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    Junkspace: Theology after Monumentality.Neal E. Magee - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (3):27-34.
    This article addresses Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas's notion of ‘Junkspace’ Š infinitely reconfigurable, physical space that is always-already in transition, perpetually in a state of becoming Š and its implications for theology. Junkspace is the logical result of a culture in which ‘shopping’ is the last public activity. All public institutions Š churches, museums, the internet, hospitals, universities and airports Š increasingly are drawn into this framework. While this schema represents the suburban desire for control and predictability, it consequently flattens (...)
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    The Theological Implications of Double Effect.John Zeis - 2015 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 89 (1):133-138.
    Double effect reasoning is central to Catholic moral theology. It is the principle which enables it to maintain absolute moral standards while effectively handling morally difficult choices which entail bringing about some evil as well as the good. DER has been focused on the way in which it applies to human agents and their relation to bringing about evil as well as the good. According to DER, only the good can be brought about intentionally; evil can only be brought about (...)
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    Theology's truth and scientific formulation.Philip Hefner - 1988 - Zygon 23 (3):263-279.
    One of the basic intentions of theology is to extend the explanatory function of the community's faith beyond the community to the realm of wider human experience. In this sense, theology may be called “scientific,’and it will benefit from conforming as much as possible to the characteristics of scientific theory formation. Using the work of Karl Popper and Imre Lakatos as a guide, the following theological theory is proposed: Homo sapiens is God's created co‐creator, whose purpose is the stretching/enabling (...)
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    Unsettling Theology: Sunday school children reading the text of the Bible in the age of recolonisation.Nico Botha - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):8.
    During Women’s month in South Africa (August), a group of Sunday school children from the rural congregation of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA), Middelburg- Nasaret, got together to read the narratives of the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus and the healing of the woman suffering from a blood disease. The exercise which appears to be quite innocent is in a sense subversive in its hidden script. In the Reformed tradition, the pulpit as a centre of reading (...)
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  19. Theological Empiricism: Aspects of Johann Georg Hamann's Reception of Hume.Hans Graubner - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (2):377-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Theological Empiricism: Aspects ofJohann Georg Hamann's Reception of Hume Hans Graubner The philosophical Enlightenment in Germany executed in none of its phases as clean a break with the theological tradition as the English and especially the French. To its very end it pleaded for a theology of Creation, however thin this plea had become, that is, for an adherence to the first article of the Creed. On (...)
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  20. Intention and Wrongdoing: In Defense of Double Effect by Joshua Stuchlik. [REVIEW]John Schwenkler - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1):113-116.
    Joshua Stuchlik’s /Intention and Wrongdoing/ provides a rigorous, comprehensive defense of the coherence of double-effect reasoning and its importance to moral philosophy. The book is essential reading for anyone doing research into double-effect reasoning or adjacent topics in philosophy and theology. It is accessible enough to be read by graduate students or advanced undergraduates, and will also be beneficial to specialists in the area. It ought to set the agenda for future research on these topics.
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  21. Objects of Intention: A Hylomorphic Critique of the New Natural Law Theory.Matthew B. O’Brien & Robert C. Koons - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (4):655-703.
    The “New Natural Law” Theory (NNL) of Germain Grisez, John Finnis, Joseph Boyle, and their collaborators offers a distinctive account of intentional action, which underlies a moral theory that aims to justify many aspects of traditional morality and Catholic doctrine. -/- In fact, we show that the NNL is committed to premises that entail the permissibility of many actions that are irreconcilable with traditional morality and Catholic doctrine, such as elective abortions. These consequences follow principally from two aspects of the (...)
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    Theological reflection and the pursuit of ideals: theology, human flourishing, and freedom.David Jasper, Dale Stuart Wright, Maria Antonaccio & William Schweiker (eds.) - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book addresses the interrelation between theological thinking and the complex and diverse realms of human ideals. What are the ideals appropriate to our moment in human history, and how do these ideals derive from or relate to theological reflection in our time? In Theological Reflection and the Pursuit of Ideals internationally renowned scholars from a range of disciplines engage with these crucial questions with the intention of articulating a new and historically appropriate vision of (...) reflection and the pursuit of ideals for our global times. (shrink)
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    Contract Theory: The Evolution of Contractual Intent.Larry A. DiMatteo - 1998 - Michigan State University Press.
    _Contract Theory_ examines the logical and conceptual structures that arise in the process of making, honoring, and enforcing contracts. The touchstone of Anglo-American contract law is the determination of contractual intent. Two theories have competed for center stage: the subjective theory of the "meeting of the minds" and the objective theory in which the parties' manifestations and the transaction's contextual factors became the means for contract interpretation and enforcement. The implementation of the objective theory of contract is the "reasonable person (...)
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    Some Principles of Moral Theology: And Their Application (Classic Reprint).Kenneth E. Kirk - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Some Principles of Moral Theology: And Their Application The present book is an attempt to bring together, from the Bible and from Christian experience, the principles which have guided the Church in dealing with individual souls; to test those principles by the light of modern knowledge; and to apply them to present-day conditions and needs. Some of the traditional terminology of moral theology has been discarded; much has been retained, either because it seemed the best medium for expressing (...)
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    A Theology of Corporeality Embodied in the Butch Femme Bar Culture of the 1950s and 1960s.Marie Cartier - 2004 - Feminist Theology 12 (2):168-186.
    It is my intention in this brief study to extend the argument that Nestle begins with her seminal article,' Butch-Femme Relationships: Sexual Cour age in the 1950s', and that Henking and Comstock continue by including it in the critical anthology of writings on'being queer' and 'being religious', Querying Religion. I want to do this by making 'an overt claim' that the butch-femme community of the 1950s created its own spirituality—in the content of a corporeal theology between couples and individually, (...)
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    When the eternal can be met: the Bergsonian theology of time in the works of C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, and W.H. Auden.Corey Latta - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    The task of theologizing literature in the twentieth century -- Bergonsian conceptions of time : duration, dualism, intention -- Meeting the eternal in the present : Bergsonsism and the theology of present time in C.S. Lewis's The great divorce -- T.S. Eliot's Bergonsian "always present" : incarnation and duration in Four quartets -- W.H. Auden's themes of time and dualism : the Bergsonsian theology of "kairos and logos.".
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    Recent Sacramental Theology.Kevin W. Irwin - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):124-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECENT SACRAMENTAL THEOLOGY HIS ARTICLE continues and complements an earlier scussion of contemporary sacramental method pubhed in October, 1983, based on a review of eleven books published in English on the sacraments from 1975 to 1983.1 That article dealt specifically with approaches to "contemporary systematic reflection on the Christian sacraments, the relation of sacramental theology to other areas of theology, the impact of liturgical studies on sacramental studies, and (...)
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  28. Theological reflection and spiritual direction.Nancy J. Ault - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (1):81.
    Ault, Nancy J Spiritual direction is at risk in a society which is turning increasingly to personal feelings to validate experience and justify decision making. An appeal to feelings and emotions enables marketers to sell religion and spirituality as consumer products. As a product among many, the wider contexts of religion and spirituality may fade from consciousness and be lost. In such a 'pick and mix' culture, as well as losing sight of the embodied nature of understanding, what may happen (...)
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    Religious Folklife and Folk Theology in the Sanctuary Movement.William Westerman - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):96-113.
    This is a study of a religious movement with political overtones, the U.S. the Sanctuary movement, which lasted from 1982 to 1992. The movement was com- prised of about 500 congregations that gave shetler to Central American refugees in defiance of the U.S. gov- ernment. In its theology, Sanctuary had folk religious el- ements because, like liberation theology on which it was based, it involved the reinterpretation of scripture, it was oppositional in intent to official religion, it developed a new (...)
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    As the scope of innovative technologies is expanding, their implications and applications are increasingly intersecting with various facets of society, including the deeply rooted traditions of religion. This paper embarks on an exploratory journey to bridge the perceived divide between advancements in technology and faith, aiming to catalyze a dialogue between the religious and scientific communities. The former often views technological progress through a lens of conflict rather than compatibility. By utilizing a technology-centric perspective, we draw metaphorical parallels between the (...)
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    Eudaimonism and Theology in Stoic Accounts of Virtue.Michael Gass - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):19-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 19-37 [Access article in PDF] Eudaimonism and Theology in Stoic Accounts of Virtue Michael Gass The Stoics were unique among the major schools in the ancient world for maintaining that both virtue and happiness consist solely of "living in agreement with nature" (homologoumenos tei phusei zen). We know from a variety of texts that both Cleanthes and Chrysippus, if not also (...)
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    Balthasar and Eckhart: Theological Principles and Catholicity.Cyril O'Regan - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):203-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BALTHASAR AND ECKHART: THEOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AND CATHOLICITY CYRIL O'REGAN Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Or pleas'd to wound, and yet afraid to strike, Just hint a Fault, and hesitate Dislike; Alike reserv'd to blame or to commend, A tim'rous Foe and a suspitious Friend 1 THE TENDENCY to avoid exclusion is a mark of the thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar. It represents an identifying habit, an incorrigible (...)
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  33. Secularization, History, and Political Theology: The Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt Debate.Celina María Bragagnolo - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (1):84-104.
    Considering the enormous outpouring of scholarly work on Schmitt over the last two decades, the absence of an adequate treatment in English of Schmitt's concept of history and the problem of secularization is quite surprising. After all, it is Schmitt himself who claims that “all human beings who plan and attempt to unite the masses behind their plans engage in some form of philosophy of history,” such that the attempt to make sense of Schmitt's program remains incomplete without a serious (...)
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    The theological nature of the inductive moment In times of diversity, pluralism and cultural otherness.Carlos Schickendantz - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 38:99-120.
    Resumen La estructura hermenéutica de Gaudium et spes, fundada sobre el método ver-juzgar-obrar, fue motivo de arduos debates en el Vaticano II. El impacto del método en el posconcilio ha sido muy importante en las diversas regiones geográficas de la Iglesia, particularmente en la teología y la pastoral latinoamericanas. El presente artículo ofrece un análisis de varias contribuciones recientes que procuran enriquecer la metodología, especialmente en el momento de auscultación de la realidad. Pone de manifiesto algunos de los progresos que (...)
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    Theology and cosmology in the Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa.Kobus Krüger - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    The need to find clarity concerning (1) the relationship between scientific and religious cosmological discourses and (2) the imagining of a space where various religions could meet in fruitful conciliation as far as (1) is concerned, formed the basis of the article. The aim of the article was to investigate the relevance of Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga (5th CE, Pali compendium of Theravāda Buddhism) with regard to the above problems. The methodology employed involved clarifying the historical context of the Visuddhimagga ; understanding (...)
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    The Wrongfulness of Any Intent to Kill.Sherif Girgis - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (2):221-248.
    Germain Grisez’s philosophical argument for respecting human life has been developed by fellow new natural law theorists and applied to a range of lethal actions, for its conclusion is vast: intending the death of any human being as a means or an end is wrong in itself. For some Thomists, the NNL view on killing is both lax and rigorist: They consider it lax because its narrow criterion for what is “intended” leaves out some acts, especially ones related to abortion, (...)
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    Taking Theology Home: The Spiritually Formative Experiences of Seminary Spouses.James L. Zabloski, Fred A. Milacci & Benjamin K. Forrest - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (1):73-92.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the spiritually formative experiences of fifteen female seminary spouses who participated in a phenomenological research study. Graduate theological education is not limited to married, male students. Seminaries are diverse educational institutions that equip married and single students, as well as men and women from every country in the world for gospel ministry. Because of this broad population in theological education, the qualitative proposals in this essay are not generalizable to all (...)
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    Religion, theology, church, and bioethics.Martin E. Marty - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (3):273-289.
    Modern medical ethics developed in America after mid-century chiefly at theological schools, but discourse on bioethics soon moved to the pluralist-secular settings of the academy and the clinic, where it acquired a philosophical and intentionally non-religious cast. An effort was made, on the grounds of ‘liberal culture’ and ‘late Enlightenment rationality’ to find a framework for inquiry which aspired to the universal. Today, while that language persists, it coexists with, challenges, and is challenged by forms of ethical analysis and (...)
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    Masquerade of the Dream Walkers: Prophetic Theology From the Cartesians to Hegel.Peter A. Redpath (ed.) - 1998 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Through extensive textual analysis, this book concludes that the prevailing opinion about the nature of modern and contemporary philosophy is wrong. It maintains that almost all modern and contemporary philosophy is deconstructed, secularized, Augustinian theology, not philosophy. The work is divided into eight chapters, a guest Foreword by Herbert I. London notes, bibliography, and an index. Chapter 1 considers Cartesian thought, Hobbes, and Newton. Chapter 2 examines Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Chapter 3 investigates Lessing and Rousseau. Chapters 4 and 5 (...)
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    Stoic theology: Proofs for the existence of the cosmic God and of the traditional Gods (review).Michael Papazian - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 467-468.
    Meijer's book, a comprehensive study of Stoic theological arguments, defends the thesis that the Stoics were not narrowly interested in proving the existence of a god. The theology of the Stoa began with its founder, Zeno of Citium, presenting arguments that the cosmos is an intelligent being, though Zeno himself seems not to have explicitly identified that intelligent being as god. A clear statement equating the cosmos with god had to wait until the rise of the third head of (...)
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    (1 other version)The lesson of Carl Schmitt: four chapters on the distinction between political theology and political philosophy.Heinrich Meier - 1998 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This book is the culmination of Heinrich Meier's acclaimed analyses of the controversial thought of Carl Schmitt. Meier identifies the core of Schmitt's thought as political theology--that is, political theorizing that claims to have its ultimate ground in the revelation of a mysterious or supra-rational God. This radical, but half-hidden, theological foundation unifies the whole of Schmitt's often difficult and complex oeuvre, cutting through the intentional deceptions and unintentional obfuscations that have eluded previous commentators. Relating this religious dimension to (...)
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    Aquinas's Ethics: Metaphysical Foundations, Moral Theory, and Theological Context.Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Colleen McCluskey & Christina van Dyke - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Colleen McCluskey & Christina van Dyke.
    The purpose of __Aquinas's Ethics__ is to place Thomas Aquinas's moral theory in its full philosophical and theological context and to do so in a way that makes Aquinas readily accessible to students and interested general readers, including those encountering Aquinas for the first time. Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Colleen McCluskey, and Christina Van Dyke begin by explaining Aquinas's theories of the human person and human action, since these ground his moral theory. In their interpretation, Aquinas's theological commitments crucially (...)
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    Catholicism, Public Theology, and Postmodernity: On Richard John Neuhaus’s “Catholic Moment”.David L. Schindler - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):107-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CATHOLICISM, PUBLIC THEOLOGY, AND POSTMODERNITY: ON RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS'S " CATHOLIC MOMENT" DAVID L. SCHINDLER University of Notre Dame HAT CATHOLICS should assume.their rightful place m the task of forming a culture, and indeed shaping a public philosophy in and for a pluralistic, dernocrwtic society, is ia suggestion which has not often been heard in the history of American culture, and certainly not from. nonCatholics. It is a suggestion (...)
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    Object and Intention in Moral Judgments According to Aquinas.John Finnis - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):1-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OBJECT AND INTENTION IN MORAL JUDGMENTS ACCORDING TO AQUINAS JOHN FINNIS U'flkueTBity Oollege Unwersity of Oa:ford INTENTION IS OF END, choice is of means. A human aict ~s specified by (and s? is co.rrect:ly describe~ in terms of) its end. A human act IS specified by (and so Is correctly described in terms of) its object. An a:ct which is bad by reason of its object cannot (...)
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    Toward a theology of boundary.Jeremy T. Law - 2010 - Zygon 45 (3):739-761.
    Awareness of boundary, both physical and mental, is seen as the beginning of perception. In any account of the world, therefore, boundary must be a ubiquitous component. In sharp contrast, accounts of God within the Christian tradition commonly have proceeded by the affirmation that God is above and beyond boundary as infinite, timeless, and simple. To overcome this “problem of transcendence,” of how such a God can relate to such a world, an eight-term grammar of boundary is developed to demonstrate (...)
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    The Possibility of a Theology‐Engaged Science: A Response to Perry and Ritchie.Andrew B. Torrance - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):1094-1105.
    This article provides a response to John Perry and Sarah Lane Ritchie's article, “Magnets Magic, and Other Anomalies: In Defense of Methodological Naturalism.” In so doing, it provides a defense of some of the arguments I made in my article, “Should a Christian Adopt Methodological Naturalism?” I begin by addressing some of the confusion about my position. However, it is not simply my intention to address confusions. There remain some fundamental differences between my position and Perry and Ritchie's. It (...)
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    The purpose of the theological patterns in Jesus’ healing stories in the Gospel of Matthew.In-Cheol Shin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):9.
    Matthean scholars have predominantly viewed Jesus’ healing ministry through the lens of ‘fulfillment of prophecy’, which connects his healings to David the shepherd and the fulfilment of the covenant, the restoration of the covenant people, and the establishment of the new covenant. This interpretation has largely emerged from an analysis of Jesus’ healing ministry as a singular event. However, it is necessary to revisit previous studies that have posited that the stories of Jesus’ healings were arranged in a larger context (...)
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    Theology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator by Douglas F. Ottati. [REVIEW]Rubén Rosario Rodríguez - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (1):214-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator by Douglas F. OttatiRubén Rosario RodríguezTheology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator Douglas F. Ottati GRAND RAPIDS, MI: EERDMANS, 2013. 377 PP. $38.00Douglas Ottati offers the first volume of a two-volume systematic theology that is firmly and unapologetically grounded in the nineteenth-century liberal Protestant tradition. To paraphrase Gary Dorrien, Ottati's work can be categorized as among those contributors to the discipline (...)
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  49. Machine generated contents note: Introduction / Eve Grace and Christopher Kelly; Part I. Politics and Economics: 1. Rousseau and the illustrious Montesquieu / Christopher Kelly; 2. Political economy and individual liberty / Ryan Patrick Hanley; Part II. Science and Epistemology: 3. The presence of sciences in Rousseau's trajectory and works / Bruno Bernardi and Bernadette Bensaud-Vincent; 4. Epistemology and political perception in the case of Rousseau / Terence Marshall; Part III. The Modern or Classical, Theological or Philosophical, Foundations of Rousseau's System: 5. On the intention of Rousseau / Leo Strauss; 6. On Strauss on Rousseau / Victor Gourevitch; 7. Built on sand: moral law in Rousseau's Second Discourse / Victor Gourevitch; 8. Rousseau and Pascal / Matthew W. Maguire; Part IV. Rousseau as Educator and Legislator: 9. The measure of the possible: imagination in Rousseau's philosophical pedagogy / Richard Velkley; 10. Rousseau's French revolution / Pamela K. Jensen; 11. Ro. [REVIEW]Pierre Manent - 2012 - In Eve Grace & Christopher Kelly (eds.), The Challenge of Rousseau. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Nature and Limits of Theology: A Response to Rowan Williams.Cole DeSantis - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1110):208-235.
    Theology is both a human endeavor and something of Divine origin, insofar as it is a human attempt to make sense of certain Divinely revealed propositions. How does one reconcile these two elements? One attempt to do so was on the part of the Anglican theologian Rowan Williams. In sections I and II of chapter 1 of his work ‘On Christian Theology’, Williams speaks of the nature of authentic theological discourse, that is, theological discourse that has integrity. In (...)
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