Results for 'the generality argument'

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  1.  42
    The true function of the generalization argument.Roland Paul Blum - 1970 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4):274 – 288.
    An examination of its employment in ethical disputes reveals that the generalization argument (the question, 'What if everyone did x?') is not based upon utilitarian calculation and that its effectiveness depends upon the existence of institutions contrary to the ones it hypothesizes. The basis of moral valuation, therefore, remains in the actual institutions presupposed by the generalization argument rather than in the argument itself which is used exclusively against persons whose acts violate current institutional rules. It seeks (...)
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    The generalized argument from verification: Work toward the metaepistemology of perception.Scott P. Roberts - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (1):21–28.
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  3. The generalization argument: Where does the obligation lie?Edna Ullman-Margalit - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (15):511-522.
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    The generalization argument revisited.Richard R. Brockhaus & Gary M. Hochberg - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (2):123 - 129.
    This paper surveys the literature on m singer's book "generalization in ethics", And focuses on a problem not previously discussed: the significance of the "ceteris paribus" clause. Previous literature has pointed out the problem involved in singer's collective use of the term 'everyone', But the precise nature of the difficulty is not made clear until the issue of the ceteris paribus clause is considered. We argue that singer's argument cannot be useful in moral deliberation, Because it is not possible (...)
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    Can the generalization argument be reinstated?William G. Lycan & Alonso Church - 1972 - Analysis 32 (3):76.
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    The refutation of the generalization argument.Neil A. Dorman - 1964 - Ethics 74 (2):150-154.
    Marcus singer's deduction of the generalization argument in "generalization in ethics" is not sound. The argument itself is invalid, But there is a valid moral principle which is very similar to the one singer thinks he has proved. This valid principle is that if the consequences of not having a rule against x would be undesirable, Then there should be a rule against x. But this is not the same as to say that if the consequences of everyone's (...)
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  7. On the general argument against internalism.John Turri - 2009 - Synthese 170 (1):147 - 153.
    I respond to John Greco’s argument that all forms of internalism in epistemology are either false or uninteresting. The paper divides into two sections. First, I explain precisely what internalists and externalists in epistemology disagree over. This puts us in a position to assess whether Greco’s argument succeeds. Second, I present Greco’s argument and offer two objections.
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    (1 other version)On the generality argument for the knowledge norm.Davide Fassio - 2018 - Synthese:1-22.
    An increasingly popular view in contemporary epistemology holds that the most fundamental norm governing belief is knowledge. According to this norm one shouldn’t believe what one doesn’t know. A prominent argument for the knowledge norm appeals to the claim that knowledge is the most general condition of epistemic assessment of belief, one entailing all other conditions under which we epistemically assess beliefs. This norm would provide an easy and straightforward explanation of why we assess beliefs along all these various (...)
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  9.  48
    A valid deduction of the generalization argument.Norman C. Gillespie - 1975 - Ethics 86 (1):87-91.
    Critics of marcus singer's deduction of the generalization argument from the principle of consequences and the generalization principle ("generalization in ethics," page 66) insist that his use of "everyone" in that deduction is ambiguous, I.E., "everyone" is used both collectively and distributively, And that the deduction is invalid. In this paper, I provide a valid deduction of the generalization argument from those premises which avoids this difficulty entirely. I argue that the conclusion so deduced is logically and morally (...)
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  10.  62
    Can the Generalization Argument Be Reinstated?William G. Lycan & Andrew Oldenquist - 1972 - Analysis 32 (3):76 - 81.
    Two possible reconstructions of marcus singer's "generalization argument" are considered. Each is found to be dubious, But the standard putative counterexamples which might apply to each version are found to be question-Begging. It is concluded that whether one takes the argument to be valid depends directly on one's prior moral intuitions, And that therefore the argument cannot be evaluated on purely logical grounds.
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  11. The a priori defended: a defense of the generality argument.Joshua C. Thurow - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (2):273-289.
    One of Laurence BonJour’s main arguments for the existence of the a priori is an argument that a priori justification is indispensable for making inferences from experience to conclusions that go beyond experience. This argument has recently come under heavy fire from Albert Casullo, who has dubbed BonJour’s argument, “The Generality Argument.” In this paper I (i) defend the Generality Argument against Casullo’s criticisms, and (ii) develop a new, more plausible, version of the (...)
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  12.  16
    Moral Rules and the Generalization Argument.Alexander Sesonske - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (4):282 - 290.
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    Economic analogues to the generalization argument.James M. Buchanan & Gordon Tullock - 1964 - Ethics 74 (4):300-301.
  14.  40
    III—The General Structure of Inductive Argument.Roy Harrod - 1961 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 61 (1):41-56.
    Roy Harrod; III—The General Structure of Inductive Argument, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 61, Issue 1, 1 June 1961, Pages 41–56, https://doi.
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  15. Universalizability and the Generalization Argument in Ethics.Joseph Gilbert - 1968 - Dissertation, New York University
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    The general will beyond Rousseau: Sieyès’ theological arguments for the sovereignty of the Revolutionary National Assembly.Stephanie Frank - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (3):337-343.
    Cultural history's recent treatments of Sieyès’ political theory have understood his political writings in their convergences with and divergences from Rousseau's political theory. By sketching a thoroughgoing analogy between the ecclesiological arguments in Malebranche's Entretiens sur la Métaphysique et sur la Religion (1688) and the arguments that Sieyès offers on the floor of the National Assembly concerning the nature of representation, I suggest that we should recontextualize Sieyès’ speeches vis-à-vis the broader discourse of the ‘general will,’ which was theological at (...)
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    The Miracle Argument for realism: An important lesson to be learned by generalizing from Carrier’s counter-examples.Paul E. Meehl - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (2):267-282.
  18. The Supervenience Argument and the Generalization Problem.Jürgen Schröder - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (3):319 - 328.
    This paper tries to show that Kim's strategy of preventing the problem of generalization of mental causation is not successful and that his original supervenience argument can be applied to cases of nonmental macrolevel causation, with the effect that nonmental macroproperties which only supervene on, but are not identical with, configurations of microproperties turn out to be epiphenomenal after all.
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  19. The general form of the argument for berkeleian idealism.Howard Robinson - 1985 - In John Foster & Howard Robinson (eds.), Essays on Berkeley: a tercentennial celebration. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 163--186.
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  20. A General Argument Against Superluminal Transmission through the Quantum Mechanical Measurement Process.G. C. Ghirardi, A. Rimini & T. Weber - 1980 - Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 27:294--298.
  21. The Hole Argument in Homotopy Type Theory.James Ladyman & Stuart Presnell - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (4):319-329.
    The Hole Argument is primarily about the meaning of general covariance in general relativity. As such it raises many deep issues about identity in mathematics and physics, the ontology of space–time, and how scientific representation works. This paper is about the application of a new foundational programme in mathematics, namely homotopy type theory, to the Hole Argument. It is argued that the framework of HoTT provides a natural resolution of the Hole Argument. The role of the Univalence (...)
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  22. The supervenience argument generalizes.Thomas D. Bontly - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (1):75-96.
    In his recent book, Jaegwon Kim argues thatpsychophysical supervenience withoutpsychophysical reduction renders mentalcausation `unintelligible'. He also claimsthat, contrary to popular opinion, his argumentagainst supervenient mental causation cannot begeneralized so as to threaten the causalefficacy of other `higher-level' properties:e.g., the properties of special sciences likebiology. In this paper, I argue that none ofthe considerations Kim advances are sufficientto keep the supervenience argument fromgeneralizing to all higher-level properties,and that Kim's position in fact entails thatonly the properties of fundamental physicalparticles are causally (...)
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    A Lifting Argument for the Generalized Grigorieff Forcing.Radek Honzík & Jonathan Verner - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (2):221-231.
    In this short paper, we describe another class of forcing notions which preserve measurability of a large cardinal $\kappa$ from the optimal hypothesis, while adding new unbounded subsets to $\kappa$. In some ways these forcings are closer to the Cohen-type forcings—we show that they are not minimal—but, they share some properties with treelike forcings. We show that they admit fusion-type arguments which allow for a uniform lifting argument.
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  24. The Supervenience Argument, Overdetermination, and Causal Drainage: Assessing Kim’s Master Argument.Sven Walter - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):673 – 696.
    This paper examines Jaegwon Kim's Supervenience Argument (SA) against nonreductive physicalism, concentrating on Kim's response to two of the most important objections against the SA: First, the Overdetermination Argument, according to which Kim has no convincing argument against the possibility that mental causation might be a case of genuine or systematic overdetermination; second, the Generalization Argument, according to which the SA would entail that causation at any level gives way to causation at the next lower level, (...)
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  25.  59
    The Hole Argument, take n.John Dougherty - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (4):330-347.
    I apply homotopy type theory to the hole argument as formulated by Earman and Norton. I argue that HoTT gives a precise sense in which diffeomorphism-related Lorentzian manifolds represent the same spacetime, undermining Earman and Norton’s verificationist dilemma and common formulations of the hole argument. However, adopting this account does not alleviate worries about determinism: general relativity formulated on Lorentzian manifolds is indeterministic using this standard of sameness and the natural formalization of determinism in HoTT. Fixing this indeterminism (...)
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  26.  49
    The Hole Argument Against Everything.Joshua Norton - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (4):360-378.
    The Hole Argument was originally formulated by Einstein and it haunted him as he struggled to understand the meaning of spacetime coordinates in the context of the diffeomorphism invariance of general relativity. This argument has since been put to philosophical use by Earman and Norton to argue against a substantival conception of spacetime. In the present work I demonstrate how Earman and Norton’s Hole Argument can be extended to exclude everything and not merely substantival manifolds. These casualties (...)
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  27. The Desperation Argument for Geoengineering.Stephen Gardiner - 2013 - PS: Political Science and Politics 46 (1):28-33.
    Radical forms of geoengineering, such as stratospheric sulfate injection (SSI), raise serious concerns about justice and the plight of the most vulnerable. However, these are sometimes dismissed on the basis of a challenge: “What if, in the face of catastrophic impacts, the most vulnerable countries initiate geoengineering themselves, or beg the richer, more technically sophisticated countries to do it? Wouldn’t geoengineering then be ethically permissible? Who could refuse them?” As a US tech billionaire put it, “Frankly, the Maldives could say, (...)
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    The general conclusion of the argument of the transcendental analytic.Ben Mijuskovic - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):357-364.
  29.  56
    (1 other version)The slingshot argument: An improved version.Dalia Drai - 2002 - Ratio 15 (2):194–204.
    In the paper I exploit Frege's notions of sense and synonymity in order to amend the slingshot argument. The main emendation is to replace the assumption about logical equivalence by an assumption about synonymity. While the replaced assumption begs the question about the reference of sentences, the replacing assumption has much more theoretical support from Frege's general conception of sense and reference and the relation between them. In the paper I use a specific notion of synonymity which I believe (...)
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  30. The supervenience argument.Jason Turner - 2004 - Florida Philosophical Review 4 (1):12-24.
    The Consequence Argument has long been a staple in the defense of libertarianism, the view that free will is incompatible with causal determinism and that humans have free will. It is generally held that libertarianism is consistent with a certain naturalistic view of the world—that is, that libertarian free will can be accommodated without the postulation of entities or events which neither are identical to nor supervene on something physical. In this paper, I argue that libertarians who support their (...)
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  31. Does the supervenience argument generalize?Suzanne Bliss & Jordi Fernández - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):321-346.
    We evaluate the scope of Jaegwon Kim's “supervenience argument” for reduction. Does its conclusion apply only to psychology, or does it generalize to all the special sciences? The claim that the supervenience argument generalizes to all the special sciences if it goes through for psychology is often raised as an objection to the supervenience argument. We argue that this objection is ambiguous. We distinguish three readings of it and suggest that some of them make it a plausible (...)
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  32. The “evolutionary argument” and the metaphilosophy of commonsense.Stephen J. Boulter - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):369-382.
    Recently in these pages it has been argued that a relatively straightforward version of an old argument based on evolutionary biology and psychology can be employed to support the view that innate ideas are a naturalistic source of metaphysical knowledge. While sympathetic to the view that the “evolutionary argument” is pregnant with philosophical implications, I show in this paper how it needs to be developed and deployed in order to avoid serious philosophical difficulties and unnecessary complications. I sketch (...)
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  33. Nominalistic content, grounding, and covering generalizations: Reply to ‘Grounding and the indispensability argument’.Matteo Plebani - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2):549-558.
    ‘Grounding and the indispensability argument’ presents a number of ways in which nominalists can use the notion of grounding to rebut the indispensability argument for the existence of mathematical objects. I will begin by considering the strategy that puts grounding to the service of easy-road nominalists. I will give some support to this strategy by addressing a worry some may have about it. I will then consider a problem for the fast-lane strategy and a problem for easy-road nominalists (...)
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    Generality and Causal Interdependence in Ecology.Alkistis Elliott-Graves - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):1102-1114.
    A hallmark of ecological research is dealing with complexity in the systems under investigation. One strategy is to diminish this complexity by constructing models and theories that are general. Alternatively, ecologists can constrain the scope of their generalizations to particular phenomena or types of systems. However, research employing the second strategy is often met with scathing criticism. I offer a theoretical argument in support of moderate generalizations in ecological research, based on the notions of interdependence and causal heterogeneity and (...)
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  35. A general argument against structured propositions.Peter Pagin - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1501-1528.
    The standard argument against ordered tuples as propositions is that it is arbitrary what truth-conditions they should have. In this paper we generalize that argument. Firstly, we require that propositions have truth-conditions intrinsically. Secondly, we require strongly equivalent truth-conditions to be identical. Thirdly, we provide a formal framework, taken from Graph Theory, to characterize structure and structured objects in general. The argument in a nutshell is this: structured objects are too fine-grained to be identical to truth-conditions. Without (...)
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  36.  68
    The Generalization Problem and the Identity Solution.Dwayne Moore - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (1):57-72.
    For some time now, Jaegwon Kim has argued that irreducible mental properties face the threat of causal inefficacy. The primary weapon he deploys to sustain this charge is the supervenience/exclusion argument. This argument, in a nutshell, states that any mental property that irreducibly supervenes on a physical property is excluded from causal efficacy because the underlying physical property takes care of all of the causal work itself. Originally intended for mental properties alone, it did not take long for (...)
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  37.  86
    Voting the General Will.Melissa Schwartzberg - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (3):403-423.
    Scholars exploring the logic of Rousseau's voting rules have typically turned to the connection between Rousseau and the Marquis de Condorcet. Though Condorcet could not have had a direct influence on Rousseau's arguments about the choice of decision rules in "Social Contract," the possibility of a connection has encouraged the view that Rousseau's selection of voting rules was based on epistemic reasons. By turning to alternative sources of influence on Rousseau--the work of Hugo Grotius and particularly that of Samuel Pufendorf--a (...)
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  38.  50
    The Positive Argument Against Scientific Realism.Florian J. Boge - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (4):535-566.
    Putnam coined what is now known as the no miracles argument “[t]he positive argument for realism”. In its opposition, he put an argument that by his own standards counts as negative. But are there no positive arguments against scientific realism? I believe that there is such an argument that has figured in the back of much of the realism-debate, but, to my knowledge, has nowhere been stated and defended explicitly. This is an argument from the (...)
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  39. Regarding the ‘Hole Argument’.James Owen Weatherall - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axw012.
    I argue that the Hole Argument is based on a misleading use of the mathematical formalism of general relativity. If one is attentive to mathematical practice, I will argue, the Hole Argument is blocked.
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    The Environmental Argument for Reducing Immigration into the United States.Philip Cafaro & Winthrop Staples Iii - 2009 - Environmental Ethics 31 (1):5-30.
    A serious commitment to environmentalism entails ending America’s population growth and hence a more restrictive immigration policy. The need to limit immigration necessarily follows when we combine a clear statement of our main environmental goals—living sustainably and sharing the landscape generously with nonhuman beings—with uncontroversial accounts of our current demographic trajectory and of the negative environmental effects of U.S. population growth, nationally and globally. Standard arguments for the immigration status quo or for an even more permissive immigration policy are without (...)
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  41.  62
    The Ontological Argument of St. Anselm.S. A. Grave - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (100):30 - 38.
    The first aim of this paper is to try and determine what St. Anselm meant in his original argument in the Proslogion. This needs to be done because not only are the writers who expound his demonstration divided in their interpretations of it, and these interpretations quite different, but, very strangely, one does not find that they mention that there is any ambiguity and that other writers construe Anselm's words differently from themselves. Since there are in fact two arguments (...)
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  42.  27
    The Knowledge Argument Against Materialism and the Strategy of Phenomenal Concepts.Dmytro Sepetyi - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:93-110.
    Materialism/physicalism that generally dominates in the contemporary analytic philosophy is challenged by fairly powerful anti-materialist arguments, notably the zombie argument (most influentially defended by David Chalmers) and the knowledge argument (the most widely discussed version of which was advanced and defended by Frank Jackson). These arguments highlight the explanatory gap from the physical (which, if materialism is true, should constitute everything that exists, including consciousness) to phenomenal mental states, the principal impossibility to explain the latter by the former, (...)
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    The reformulation argument: reining in Gricean pragmatics.Zachary Miller - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):525-546.
    A semantic theory aims to make predictions that are accurate and comprehensive. Sometimes, though, a semantic theory falls short of this aim, and there is a mismatch between prediction and data. In such cases, defenders of the semantic theory often attempt to rescue it by appealing to Gricean pragmatics. The hope is that we can rescue the theory as long as we can use pragmatics to explain away its predictive failures. This pragmatic rescue strategy is one of the most popular (...)
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    The Ontological Argument and the Concepts of Completeness and Selection.Leslie Armour - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (2):280 - 291.
    There are several forms of the Ontological Argument, but it is more or less fair to say that all hang on the contention that the notion of a perfect being entails the existence of that being, since existence is involved in perfection. My first interest is in the word "perfect." The word, I think, is usually vague but it seems to me that, in the context of the proof, it has a meaning which turns out to be much more (...)
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  45. Future Desires, the Agony Argument, and Subjectivism about Reasons.Eden Lin - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (1):95-130.
    Extant discussions of subjectivism about reasons for action have concentrated on presentist versions of the theory, on which reasons for present actions are grounded in present desires. In this article, I motivate and investigate the prospects of futurist subjectivism, on which reasons for present actions are grounded in present or future desires. Futurist subjectivism promises to answer Parfit's Agony Argument, and it is motivated by natural extensions of some of the considerations that support subjectivism in general. However, it faces (...)
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    The General Will: Rousseau, Marx, Communism.Andrew Levine - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    This bold and unabashedly utopian book advances the thesis that Marx's notion of communism is a defensible, normative ideal. However, unlike many others who have written in this area, Levine applies the tools and techniques of analytic philosophy to formulate and defend his radical, political programme. The argument proceeds by filtering the ideals and institutions of Marxism through Rousseau's notion of the 'general will'. Once Rousseau's ideas are properly understood it is possible to construct a community of equals who (...)
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    The Retorsive Argument for Formal Cause and the Darwinian Account of Scientific Knowledge.Michael Tkacz - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (2):159-166.
    Contemporary biologists generally agree with E. O. Wilson’s claim that “reduction is the traditional instrument of scientific analysis.” This is certainly true of Michael Ruse, who has attempted to provide a Darwinian account of human scientific knowledge in terms of epigenetic rules. Such an account depends on the characterization of natural objects as the chance concatenations of material elements, making natural form an effect rather than a cause of the object. This characterization, however, can be shown to be false in (...)
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    The general-relativistic case for super-substantivalism.Claudio Calosi & Patrick M. Duerr - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13789-13822.
    Super-substantivalism (of the type we’ll consider) roughly comprises two core tenets: (1) the physical properties which we attribute to matter (e.g. charge or mass) can be attributed to spacetime directly, with no need for matter as an extraneous carrier “on top of” spacetime; (2) spacetime is more fundamental than (ontologically prior to) matter. In the present paper, we revisit a recent argument in favour of super-substantivalism, based on General Relativity. A critique is offered that highlights the difference between (various (...)
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  49. The subtraction argument for the possibility of free mass.David Efird & Tom Stoneham - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (1):50-57.
    Could an object have only mass and no other property? In giving an affirmative answer to this question, Jonathan Schaffer (2003, pp. 136-8) proposes what he calls ‘the subtraction argument’ for ‘the possibility of free mass’. In what follows, we aim to assess the cogency of this argument in comparison with an argument of the same general form which has also been termed a subtraction argument, namely, Thomas Baldwin’s (1996) subtraction argument for metaphysical nihilism, which (...)
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    The Evidential Argument from Goodness.Wes Morriston - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):87-101.
    severe and prolonged pain, in heartbreak and destruction, in disloyalty and betrayal, in the suffering of the innocent, in unjust punishment. He has, in short, an intense dislike for anything that you or I might approve of or enjoy. If he had his druthers we'd all be utterly miserable and come to a bad end. Now I' ve certainly never met a demonist, and I suppose we can agree that demonism would be an extraordinarily implausible view. Still, it is worth (...)
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