Results for 'textes spécialisés'

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  1. La traduction automatique de textes spécialisés comme outil pédagogique in Projet contrastif français-anglais.A. -M. Laurian - 1987 - Contrastes 14:193-216.
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  2. La traduction automatique de texts spécialisés comme outil pédagogique.Anne-Marie Loffler-Laurian - 1987 - Contrastes 14 (15):193-216.
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    From representativity to specialisation : the case of a small corpus about synonymy.Gaëlle Doualan - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    La notion de petit corpus nécessite une réflexion épistémologique pour se situer dans le paysage des sciences du langage. La taille du corpus ne pouvant suffire pour départager les petits corpus des grands corpus, la ligne de partage se situe au niveau de la représentativité et des objectifs de recherche. Le petit corpus est constitué en vue d’un objectif de recherche mené sur un domaine précis de la langue et du discours pour tenir compte des influences du type de discours (...)
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    Road to Specialised Translation: How to Manage a General Translation Course (Spanish > English).Francisco Godoy Tena - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-9.
    The translation process constitutes an essential part in every translator’s professional training. Translation students should be familiarised with several textual genres of different difficulties. The aim of this study is to show the importance of including semi-specialised texts in general translation subjects. To do so, a selection of semi-specialised texts was included together with more general topics. Thanks to this, translation students can learn how to deal with general and semi-specialised documents by giving their critical views in a cooperative environment. (...)
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    From Text on Paper to Digital Poetry: Creativity and Digital Literary Reading Practices in Initial Teacher Education.Moisés Selfa Sastre & Enric Falguera Garcia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The new contexts of literary education allow for the creation of digital reading and writing practices related to what specialised literature calls digital literature. Among these practices and with an eminently theoretical content and with an example of this content, in this paper, we want to focus our gaze on cyberpoetry, conceived as an exercise in literary creativity that firstly involves use of technology and specific software for the digital creation of poetic texts and, last but not least, knowledge and (...)
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    Reading Ancient Texts. Volume I: Presocratics and Plato: Essays in Honour of Denis O'brien.Suzanne Stern-Gillet & Kevin Corrigan (eds.) - 2007 - Brill.
    The contributors to this volume offer, in the light of specialised knowledge of leading philosophers of the ancient world, answers to the question: how are we to read and understand the surviving texts of Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and Augustine?
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  7. Reading Ancient Texts. Volume Ii: Aristotle and Neoplatonism: Essays in Honour of Denis O'brien.Suzanne Stern-Gillet & Kevin Corrigan (eds.) - 2007 - Brill.
    The contributors to this volume offer, in the light of specialised knowledge of leading philosophers of the ancient world, answers to the question: how are we to read and understand the surviving texts of Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and Augustine?
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    A Genre-based Approach to the Translation of Private Normative Texts in Legal English and Legal Spanish.María Ángeles Orts - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (3):317-338.
    This paper aims at clarifying some of the most common issues that legal translators have to face when dealing with the translation of private normative texts, such as contracts or wills, which naturally emerge as the consequence and expression of legal or juristic acts in the scope of private law, in Spanish and English. To comprehend the differences and subtleties regarding legal communication between the common law and the continental law countries (specifically the United States and Spain, respectively), we must (...)
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    Postface. Le texte est-il soluble dans le textiel?Jean-Michel Adam - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Il est […] illusoire de vouloir affronter seul des problèmes qui appellent le dépassement des limites liées aux spécialisations disciplinaires et aux enjeux institutionnels. Après avoir lu l’ensemble des contributions au présent volume de Corela et m’être plongé dans un certain nombre de travaux cités dans ces articles, profitant du fait qu’Ingrid Mayeur et Marie-Anne Paveau ont eu l’élégance de me convier à un dialogue critique, je répondrai brièvement à cert...
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    Translating Prepositions from Russian Legal Texts Into English: An Analysis of the Corresponding Interference Zones for Teaching Purposes.Karine Chiknaverova - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (1):9-23.
    Various aspects of prepositions translation have been primarily investigated in the framework of translation theory. Applied research is mostly focused on translating particular groups of prepositions against the background of plain language. Legal translation researchers have not yet comprehensively analysed peculiarities of translating Russian prepositions used in legal texts into English. The paper is an attempt to investigate the difficulties which Russian learners can encounter when translating prepositions from Russian commercial contracts into English. Methods employed include language typology comparison, continuous (...)
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  11. Quel rôle pour la bioéthique face à la complexité des enjeux planétaires?Jean-Frédéric Ménard - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (1):54.
    Ce texte offre quelques réflexions épistémologiques et méthodologiques en réponse au texte d’Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc qui plaide pour une bioéthique renouvelée, capable de faire le lien entre science et politique afin de relever les défis majeurs auxquels l’humanité est actuellement confrontée. Cette proposition apparait nécessaire, compte tenu du paradoxe qui émerge du fait que l’expertise et la spécialisation grandissante ne se traduisent pas toujours par des solutions aux problèmes complexes qui affligent l’humanité. Il apparaît nécessaire de réfléchir à la nature (...)
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    L'art victime de l'esthétique.Carole Talon-Hugon - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Dans la langue courante comme dans les textes specialises, l'adjectif - esthetique - est aujourd'hui volontiers utilise comme un parfait synonyme d' - artistique -, comme si la valeur de l'art tenait tout entiere dans la valeur esthetique. Tel est le paradigme esthetique de l'art qui s'est mis en place entre la Renaissance et le XVIIIeme siecle et a, depuis lors, vectorise l'histoire des arts en Occident. Or cette assimilation est doublement reductrice: d'une part parce que l'experience esthetique deborde (...)
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    La littérature européenne.Ernst Robert Curtius - 1991 - Pocket.
    La spécialisation sans l'universalisme est aveugle mais l'universalisme sans la spécialisation est inconsistant. Pour avoir su concilier l'une avec l'autre, l'ouvrage de E. R. Curtius sur "La littérature européenne et le Moyen âge latin" demeure l'une des sources fondamentales de la réflexion littéraire contemporaine. Il le doit tout d'abord à la rigueur d'une méthode dont l'intransigeante précision ne le cède en rien à celle des sciences de la nature car pour Curtius "la philologie démontre à l'aide des textes, tout (...)
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    From Science to Dance Ensaio Between Lab and Studio.Ângelo Cid Neto - 2019 - Kairos 22 (1):205-243.
    This text is a reflection in action of an artistic process based on a scientific research. ENSAIO is the choreographic project that resulted from the translation mechanisms of laboratory concepts to a bodily approach, where it proposes a possible mainstreaming of artistic and scientific processes combined. This project joined artistic higher education schools in dance and scenic arts (ESD and FCSH) and Polavieja lab, a neuroscience research lab in Champalimaud Foundation – Center for the Unknown. This text aims to reveal (...)
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    (1 other version)Rythmes scolaires : permanence et ouvertures d'une grille.Anne Querrien - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans la mineure « Rythmanalyses » de la revue Multitudes, n° 46, 2011. Nous remercions la revue Multitudes de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. L'éducation a eu un pouvoir de transformation de masse du jour où elle s'est déroulée dans des écoles, a imposé un rythme plus ou moins uniforme à des enfants rassemblés dans des espaces spécialisés. Cette innovation date en France du XVIIe siècle et a été mise en place par (...)
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    Ideal and culture of knowledge in Plato: Akten der 4. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 1.-3. September 2000 in Frankfurt.Wolfgang Detel, Alexander Becker & Peter Scholz (eds.) - 2003 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
    These specialised and annotated papers closely examine a number of Platonic texts including the Republic, Symposium and Gorgias. Extracts are in English translation.
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    Approche procédurale de la lecture : Catégories flottantes et unités élastiques.Lita Lundquist - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (223):141-152.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Power and Complexity in Legal Genres: Unveiling Insurance Policies and Arbitration Rules.María Ángeles Orts - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):485-505.
    The purpose of the present paper is to unveil whether the power distance/textual complexity duality attributed ordinarily to legal language applies to two different documents which are widely deployed, interpreted and applied in the global scope of commercial trade and communications, namely Lloyd’s Institute Cargo Clauses and the London International Court of Arbitration Rules. In choosing two texts which are the direct product of the law-making machinery of the Common law system, but which are used internationally, we ultimately undertake to (...)
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    Le discours de Tony Blair (1997-2004).Edward Arnold - 2005 - Corpus 4.
    Ce papier présente le corpus des discours du Premier ministre anglais (Tony Blair) prononcés de 1997 à 2004. Avant d'être intégrés dans le corpus, les textes sont corrigés, les graphies sont standardisées. On montre que ce corpus ouvre de nombreuses pistes de recherches. Deux exemples sont donnés : les principales ruptures thématiques et stylistiques permettent de repérer deux grandes périodes dans ces huit années ; on caractérise la richesse du vocabulaire de T. Blair à l'aide des notions de spécialisation (...)
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    Education for Citizenship: Ideas Into Action: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Pupils Aged 7-14.Nick Clough & Cathie Holden - 2002 - Routledge.
    This clear and user-friendly text provides practical guidance on how to incorporate citizenship into the curriculum. It offers a wealth of teaching aids including: * tried-and-tested photocopiable materials * case studies * suggested teaching strategies * comprehensive reference and resource section. Nick Clough and Cathie Holden are fully experienced in the field having both taught in primary and middle schools and both now specialise in providing citizenship education courses for trainee teachers and practising teachers. This up-to-date book will help engage (...)
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    Genres in Dialogue: Plato and the Construct of Philosophy.Andrea Wilson Nightingale - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 1995 book takes as its starting point Plato's incorporation of specific genres of poetry and rhetoric into his dialogues. The author argues that Plato's 'dialogues' with traditional genres are part and parcel of his effort to define 'philosophy'. Before Plato, 'philosophy' designated 'intellectual cultivation' in the broadest sense. When Plato appropriated the term for his own intellectual project, he created a new and specialised discipline. In order to define and legitimise 'philosophy', Plato had to match it against genres of (...)
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  22.  30
    Pierre Bourdieu: Key Concepts.Michael Grenfell (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    The French social philosopher Pierre Bourdieu is now recognised as one of the major thinkers of the twentieth century. In a career of over fifty years, Bourdieu studied a wide range of topics: education, culture, art, politics, economics, literature, law, and philosophy. Throughout these studies, Bourdieu developed a highly specialised series of concepts that he referred to as his "thinking tools", which were used to uncover the workings of contemporary society. Pierre Bourdieu: Key Concepts highlights his most important concepts and (...)
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  23.  10
    La compagnie des ombres: à quoi sert l'histoire?Michel de Jaeghere - 2016 - Paris: Les Belles lettres.
    English summary: Now that it has managed to become a science, history must remain the symposium theatre which allows us to converse with the dead. Our "connected" world delivers us up, defenceless, to the tyranny of every instant. History could be the antidote, inasmuch as it is a depository of people's collective experience. It lifts shadows up from the depth of the ages to make us share what we have learned from being who we are. We have undertaken a boundless (...)
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    Quantitative Distribution of Verbal Structures with Reference to the Authorship Factor in Legal Stylistics.Edyta Więcławska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (1):147-165.
    The paper aims at describing the findings and conclusions formulated in the analysis of the authorship factor in legal discourse. It is hypothesised that verbal structures show systemically varied distribution across legal discourse and the relevant distinctions run through the authorship categories. When it comes to the aim of the research it draws on the tradition of sociolinguistic methodology targeting issues related to language variation which follows the basic assumptions of functional grammar. From the point of view of the material (...)
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    A Study in Realism.John Laird - 1920 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    John Laird was a Scottish philosopher who specialised in metaphysics and moral philosophy. In this early work, which was originally published in 1920, Laird set out to analyse some of the more perplexing problems of philosophical realism. The text includes a brief survey of philosophical realism at the beginning and critical notes throughout. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the works of Laird and the history of philosophy.
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    Science and empire in the nineteenth century: a journey of imperial conquest and scientific progress.Catherine Delmas, Christine Vandamme & Donna Spalding Andréolle (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The issue at stake in this volume is the role of science as a way to fulfil a quest for knowledge, a tool in the exploration of foreign lands, a central paradigm in the discourse on and representations of Otherness. The interweaving of scientific and ideological discourses is not limited to the geopolitical frame of the British empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but extends to the rise of the American empire as well. The fields of research tackled (...)
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    Feeling and Classical Philology: Knowing Antiquity in German Scholarship, 1770–1920.Constanze Güthenke - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Nineteenth-century German classical philology underpins many structures of the modern humanities. In this book, Constanze Güthenke shows how a language of love and a longing for closeness with a personified antiquity have lastingly shaped modern professional reading habits, notions of biography, and the self-image of scholars and teachers. She argues that a discourse of love was instrumental in expressing the challenges of specialisation and individual formation (Bildung), and in particular for the key importance of a Platonic scene of learning and (...)
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    Paul de Man: Deconstruction and the Critique of Aesthetic Ideology.Christopher Norris - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (3):250-251.
    Paul de Man - literary critic, literary philosopher, "American deconstructionist" - changed the landscape of criticism through his rigorous theories and writings. Upon its original publication in 1988, Christopher Norris' book was the first full-length introduction to de Man, a reading that offers a much-needed corrective to the pattern of extreme antithetical response which marked the initial reception to de Man's writings. Norris addresses de Man's relationship to philosophical thinking in the post-Kantian tradition, his concern with "aesthetic ideology" as a (...)
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    Penetration of COVID-19 Related Terminology into Legal, Medical, and Journalistic Discourses.Paula Trzaskawka & Joanna Kic-Drgas - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (3):937-960.
    March 2020 has become a moment of change in communication mode and quality. Previously, the media paid attention to the current affairs, however, never earlier the journalistic discourse has been so influentially affected by the ongoing phenomenon as in the case of COVID-19. Almost overnight the new terminological phenomena with specific legal or medical reference were introduced into everyday language mainly via mass media and become an important part of a pandemic related narration. The strong influence on the shape of (...)
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    Nietzsche's circles and cycles: the symbolic structure of eternal recurrence in Thus spoke Zarathustra.Ivan Zhavoronkov - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book argues that Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra employs circular and cyclical (diurnal and seasonal) symbols to communicate both the life-affirmative and the cosmological aspect of "recurrence" as a unifying idea. It shows that twelve day cycles, which run throughout the book's narrative, and the one full annual cycle, which encompasses the circular and the diurnal images in a continuous cycle of life affirmation, track Zarathustra's ever-changing identity throughout the text. In representing the eternal recurrence, the circular and the cyclical (...)
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    The Idea of Value.John Laird - 1929 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Laird was a Scottish philosopher who specialised in metaphysics and moral philosophy. In this book, which was first published in 1929, Laird provides a detailed analysis of the philosophical nature of value. The text begins with a discussion of the main definitions of value, before going through a more detailed examination of the various applications of value in turn. This book will appeal to anyone with an interest in value and the history of philosophy.
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    Paul de Man : Deconstruction and the Critique of Aesthetic Ideology.Christopher Norris - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Paul de Man - literary critic, literary philosopher, "American deconstructionist" - changed the landscape of criticism through his rigorous theories and writings. Upon its original publication in 1988, Christopher Norris' book was the first full-length introduction to de Man, a reading that offers a much-needed corrective to the pattern of extreme antithetical response which marked the initial reception to de Man's writings. Norris addresses de Man's relationship to philosophical thinking in the post-Kantian tradition, his concern with "aesthetic ideology" as a (...)
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    Basil George Mitchell & John Randolph Lucas, An Engagement with Plato’s Republic. A Companion to the Republic.Hugues-Olivier Ney - 2004 - Philosophie Antique 4 (4):185-187.
    Les auteurs en avertissent d’emblée : ils ne prétendent pas faire œuvre d’« historiens de la philosophie » et livrer ici un commentaire spécialisé de la République, mais rendre leur « fraîcheur » aux problèmes soulevés par Platon en en signalant les prolongements jusque dans l’actualité théorique. Si les douze chapitres du livre abordent la majeure partie des motifs classiques de la République au fil de leur apparition dans le texte (de la question morale à la théorie des Formes et (...)
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    Crucial Problems of Modern Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:185-186.
    As a specialised complement to a history text-book Dr. Hawkins offers a collection of short essays, which coalesce around the main theme of the fortunes of British empiricism in its eighteenth century precursors, its twentieth century rebirth and in a possible reconstruction which in the author’s opinion may lead it to rejoin and deepen the traditional stream of realism. For good parallel measure he adds two essays on existentialism and marxism. Dr. Hawkins unites a trenchant independence of thought with the (...)
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    Ideal and Culture of Knowledge in Plato.Alexander Becker - 2003 - Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Thirteen English-language papers, the proceedings of a conference held in Frankfurt in 2000, examine the culture of knowledge that surrounded Plato, contrasting it with Plato's idealised theory of knowledge. These specialised and annotated papers closely examine a number of Platonic texts including the Republic, Symposium and Gorgias. Extracts are in English translation.
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    Selected Clauses of a Copyright Contract in Polish and English in Translation by Google Translate: A Tentative Assessment of Quality.Paula Trzaskawka - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):689-705.
    The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of clauses in Polish and English copyright agreements in respect of their translation by a computer assisted tool—Google Translate, and to assess the quality of such translation. The comparison of parallel texts as a research method has been applied. The research corpora include authentic Polish and English Copyright Agreements. The analysed clauses have been excerpted from the above mentioned Copyright Agreements. The author chose the most standard clauses as (...)
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  37. Streeck replica, e la polemica continua [Streeck replies, and the debate goes on].Luca Corchia - 2014 - Reset-Dialogues On Civilizations 1 (4):1-7.
    The task of this brief presentation is to “establish a dialogue” with Streeck’s text, attempting to fill the hiatus between the answer and the original question that Habermas’ interpretation intended to pose to those wishing to simply dispose of economic and monetary union, ending up by dismantling the political and cultural integration project that inspired the founding fathers. Streeck complains about the “levity” with which many reviewers accepted “as a slogan” the “killer-argument” [Totschlagargument] of the “nostalgic option” provided by the (...)
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    Translating Lexical Legal Terms Between English and Arabic.Hanem El-Farahaty - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):473-493.
    Legal translation between English and Arabic is under researched. However, the growing need for it, due to immigration and asylum seeking, among other reasons, necessitates the importance of more research. The asymmetry between English and Arabic poses many difficulties for legal translators, be they linguistic-based, culture-specific or system-based. The aim of this research is to discuss ways of translating lexical items between English and Arabic. In this current discussion I will present, exemplify and analyse the common difficult areas of translating (...)
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    The twelfth-century renewal of Latin metaphysics: Gundissalinus's ontology of matter and form.Nicola Polloni - 2020 - Durham, England: Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Durham University.
    Dominicus Gundissalinus was both a philosopher and a translator; he was active in the unique context of Toledo in the second half of the twelfth century, a cultural melting pot of Muslims, Jews, and Christians. While he was philosophically trained in the Latin tradition, he found answers to the philosophical problems originating from that Latin training in the Arabic tradition of authors and texts which he himself translated. Outside the boundaries of specialised knowledge and research, this intriguing thinker is unknown; (...)
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    Patients at risk of suicide and their meaning in life experiences.Ane Inger Bondahl Søberg, Lars Johan Danbolt, Torgeir Sørensen & Sigrid Helene Kjørven Haug - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (1):85-103.
    Patients in specialist mental healthcare services who are at risk of suicide may experience their struggles as existential in nature. Yet, research on meaning in life has been relatively scarce in suicidology. This qualitative study aimed to explore how patients at risk of suicide perceived their encounters with specialist healthcare professionals after a suicide attempt (SA), with special reference to meaning in life experiences. The study was conducted in specialised mental healthcare services in Norway. Data were collected via individual interviews (...)
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    The Stoicism of Śāntideva: Comparisons between Stoic and Buddhist philosophy.Lee Clarke - 2024 - Theoria 90 (4):377-399.
    Recently, due to various geopolitical events, a movement for 'decolonisation' has taken shape. In essence, this movements seeks to right the wrongs of Western colonialism. This desire has been expressed in many diverse ways depending on the context. Within academia, it has found expression in the idea of 'decolonising the curriculum' - redesigning university courses to include more authors, texts, perspectives and more - from those outside of the Western world and/or cultural sphere. Due to its prominence within academia, philosophy (...)
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    Readability and Clarity of Individual Pension Product Contracts.Milena Hadryan & Joanna Rutecka-Góra - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1749-1777.
    The study analyses the readability and clarity of economic specialised texts on supplementary individual pensions. The research includes agreements on individual pension products available on the Polish market at the beginning of 2017. The level of comprehensibility of language has been assessed using the “Jasnopis” application, based, among others, on the FOG index, while the structure of the content of the agreements has been assessed by an expert linguist (the expert linguist is one of the authors of this and a (...)
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    La prédication seconde détachée en position initiale en anglais et en français.Agnès Celle & Laure Lansari - 2014 - Corpus 13:129-163.
    Nous étudions dans cet article les différentes formes de prédication seconde détachée en position initiale dans un corpus comparable composé de textes d’économie en anglais et en français. Ce corpus a été annoté sous le logiciel Analec. L’enjeu est de montrer en quoi un même phénomène syntaxique est exploité, sur le plan discursif, de façon divergente dans chacune des deux langues. Une étude qualitative et quantitative des prédications secondes du corpus montre que la prédication seconde prend le plus souvent (...)
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    Le lieu controversé de l’économie antique.Étienne Helmer - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:179-204.
    Pour la plupart des exégètes modernes, la pensée économique grecque se trouve exclusivement dans les traités « oikonomiques », et son objet se limite à l’économie domestique. Pourtant, cette pensée économique offre également une dimension politique, présente aussi bien dans ces traités spécialisés que dans des textes politiques consacrés à l’organisation de la cité. Cette dimension politique de la pensée économique antique consiste en particulier à s’interroger sur la proximité et la différence entre l’oikos et la polis, et (...)
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    Terminology in the domain of seafood: A comparative analysis Germany-Spain.Irene Jiménez Alonso & Pius ten Hacken - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (1):99-112.
    In the last few decades, the study of terminology has undergone a cognitive shift that has led to the development of several approaches that study the social, linguistic, and cognitive dimension of terms, such as Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT) and Frame-Based Terminology (FBT). CTT was developed in the early 1990s and argues that the study of terminology should be based on a communicative perspective, taking into account aspects such as the communicators and the context of communication. FBT has been (...)
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    The Questions of Life: An Invitation to Philosophy.Fernando Savater - 2002 - Malden MA: Polity.
    This book, by one of Spain's most eminent philosophers, provides a lively and very accessible introduction to philosophy. Written for those who have no prior knowledge of the field, it reveals how the central problems of philosophy remain highly relevant to everyday contemporary life. Savater addresses the questions that we ourselves must face: what is this 'I' that I take for granted? What does it mean for me to be in the world? In what sense am I free? And how (...)
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    The Prussian Sphinx.Mark Glouberman - 1995 - Idealistic Studies 25 (3):255-280.
    Unhappy with a recent submission of mine, a referee for a journal specialising in the history of philosophy wagged a finger at what he or she called my ‘hermeneutical principles’. Though I am no stranger to the collegial woodshed, my initial reaction was nonetheless one of surprise. For had I then been asked about interpretive methodology I would have scoffed. The construer’s best course, I would have said, is to nose about the texts until some rough shape begins to emerge (...)
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    (1 other version)Littérature, phonétique et interactions orales avec les Nouvelles Technologies pour l’apprentissage du Français Langue Étrangère.Mario Tomé Díez - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Des revues et des ouvrages spécialisés ont préconisé l’exploitation des textes littéraires dans l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère. Mais les recherches et les pratiques pédagogiques axées sur les apports de la littérature dans l’enseignement de la prononciation sont rares. En didactique des langues, les enseignants ont tendance à négliger, très souvent, l’acquisition des compétences orales, face à la concurrence de la langue écrite, de la grammaire ou du vocabulaire. Dans cet article, nous présentons les expériences sur le développement (...)
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    Enciclopedia Filosofica.J. D. Bastable - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8 (4):148-150.
    Modern cultivation has multiplied the classic sciences into families of fissionable specialities, whose individual methods and objects tend to be communicated less and less to the man of general culture and even to the specialist fellow traveller. One established means of restoring basic communication lies in the periodic exposition by a team of sympathetic experts of the problems, historic personalities and principles of solution of each family, so that concise, accurate reference is readily available both to the serious student and (...)
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    A la limite de Dieu: l'énigme de l'omniscience divine et du libre arbitre humain dans la pensée juive.Rivon Krygier - 1998 - Paris: Publisud.
    Si Dieu sait absolument toute chose à l'avance, en quoi consiste le libre arbitre des hommes? Quel est le sens d'une telle liberté si, en définitive, le choix de l'homme sera toujours et nécessairement celui prévu par Dieu? Et si l'on suppose que les décisions humaines sont imprévisibles, comment Dieu planifie-t-Il Sa providence? Telles sont les questions qui ont immanquablement hanté les esprits dès lors que fut posé l'un des paradoxes les plus déconcertants de la théologie monothéiste : la croyance (...)
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