Results for 'telematic society'

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  1.  8
    Toward a Telematic Aesthetics.Ethan Stoneman - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (5):64-80.
    This paper focuses on the Czech-born philosopher Vilém Flusser’s notion of telematic society, arguing that it implies a media-theoretical revision of Friedrich Schiller’s project for an aesthetic model of civic education, according to which aesthetic effectivity is reconsidered in light of a history of media based on a technological alternation of images and texts. After a brief overview of Schiller’s aesthetic letters, it examines the ways in which Flusser repositions and expands upon Schiller’s vision of an aesthetic education (...)
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    Educational myth: Persistence, resistances, breaks and connections. The secret of telematic art.Patrizia Moschella - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):17-23.
    As Malinowsky states, myth is closely related to rite, presenting the social and moral values that rite asserts in each cyclical repetition. Rite marks the threshold between the sacred and profane, allowing access to myth as an art form, as a narrative expression both of the sacred – in the extension of meaning Emile Durkheim introduced with the term ‘collective consciousness’ – and of the ‘collective unconscious’ as Jung defined it. If it is true that the rite of passage to (...)
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    The Hypertrophy of Simultaneity in Telematic Communication.Elena Esposito - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 51 (1):17-36.
    The paper deals with the changes in the sense of synchronicity and simultaneity connected with the transformations in the structure of society. It examines and criticizes the modern concept of absolute chronology, understood as an objective temporal reference common to all observers. This notion is compared with the relative and flexible (but neither objective nor generalizable) forms of synchronization of different societies. The paper discusses finally the hypothesis that contemporary society is realizing a more complex and recursive form (...)
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    The revolution that did not happen: Telematics and car insurance in the 2010s.Théo Voldoire & Pierre Francois - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Attempts to use Big Data to transform car insurance pricing in France have failed. Why? Three possible explanations are discussed: organisational and cognitive inertia, normative preventions, and deliberate strategy. This article finds that moral or political reluctance has played only a secondary role in the failure of telematics devices. More important has been the deployment of an experimental strategy that has resulted in the conclusion that in the short and medium term at least, the use of big data to rate (...)
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    The Transformation of Individualism and Loneliness in Times of Pandemics.Javier Barraycoa Martínez - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):187-195.
    The characterisation of mass society in a society without God, as a mere mimetic, hypnotic and unstable phenomenon is clearly insufficient. For its rise, social, psychological and relational changes had to take place, both among people and between people and their environment. Many scholars in recent times who have tried to explain the phenomenon of mass society have undoubtedly linked it to individualism, especially to one of its characteristics that could be considered specifically modern: loneliness. The study (...)
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    Computers and business — a case of ethical overload.Joseph F. Coates - 1982 - Journal of Business Ethics 1 (3):239 - 248.
    A technological revolution with first order implications is undeniable and underway. That is the permeation of society by computers and telecommunications technology. For western society, committed to a social, economic, and value structure premised upon an industrial society, the move to an information society is more than disruptive; it is transformational. Current changes are so rapidly paced in relation to business planning that it creates major challenges and opportunities to reach out, influence, and guide the change.The (...)
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    Révolution informatique, écologie et recomposition subjective.Jacques Robin & Félix Guattari - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):131-143.
    Information and control technologies are not only on the order of the technosciences, but also intervene in the production of subjectivity. One cannot separate these transformations from the political upheavals that are underway. The primacy of information as a new category alongside that of energy accentuates the production of new subjectivities and may transform society into a society of communication. But this concept is not enough, unless it is associated with an « existential function » that can account (...)
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  8. Las Matemáticas en el Pensamiento de Vilém Flusser.Gerardo Santana Trujillo - 2012 - Flusser Studies 13 (1).
    This paper aims to establish the importance of mathematical thinking in the work of Vilém Flusser. For this purpose highlights the concept of escalation of abstraction with which the Czech German philosopher finishes by reversing the top of the traditional pyramid of knowledge, we know from Plato and Aristotle. It also assumes the implicit cultural revolution in the refinement of the numerical element in a process of gradual abandonment of purely alphabetic code, highlights the new key code, together with the (...)
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  9. Trabajar y habitar: dos variables espaciales del control postindustrial.Gabriela Rodríguez Fernández - 2008 - Aposta 38:5.
    This essay is a reflection on the transformations in our way of life the city in the last century, some changes in the transition from an industrial society to a society telematics have altered our ways of living and working, and being. The urban spaces are being built at present following a different logic from that which prevailed in the past. This produces new ways to control and segregation, leads to difficulties in the composition of one's own identity (...)
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    The “Well-Informed Citizen” as a Theory of Public Space.Michael M. Hanke - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:93-103.
    Alfred Schutz’ article on the well-informed citizen can, among others, also be read as a treatise on the information flow in democratic society. To be “well-informed” is a challenge the citizen has to keep up with in order to play his role in civil society, and being well-informed is also to be seen as a precondition for a fairly functioning political community. For Jürgen Habermas, it is the free press that guarantees public communication of democratic societies and which (...)
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    Personalization as a promise: Can Big Data change the practice of insurance?Arthur Charpentier & Laurence Barry - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    The aim of this article is to assess the impact of Big Data technologies for insurance ratemaking, with a special focus on motor products.The first part shows how statistics and insurance mechanisms adopted the same aggregate viewpoint. It made visible regularities that were invisible at the individual level, further supporting the classificatory approach of insurance and the assumption that all members of a class are identical risks. The second part focuses on the reversal of perspective currently occurring in data analysis (...)
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  12.  30
    Editorial: The personalisation of insurance: Data, behaviour and innovation.Ine Van Hoyweghen, Gert Meyers & Liz McFall - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The adoption of Big Data analytics in insurance has proved controversial but there has been little analysis specifying how insurance practices are changing. Is insurance passively subject to the forces of disruptive innovation, moving away from the pooling of risk towards its personalisation or individualisation, and what might that mean in practice? This special theme situates disruptive innovations, particularly the experimental practices of behaviour-based personalisation, in the context of the practice and regulation of contemporary insurance. Our contributors argue that behaviour-based (...)
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    How Users Assess Privacy Risks in the Internet of Things: The Role of Framing, Comparing, and Educating.Ekaterina Korneeva, Torsten Oliver Salge, Patrick Cichy & David Antons - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (8):1794-1841.
    With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), it has become increasingly challenging for users to assess the privacy risks associated with consumer products and the continuous stream of user data needed to operate them. In this study, we propose and test three mechanisms with the potential to help users make more accurate assessments of privacy risks. We refer to these mechanisms as framing (i.e., presenting information on the collection and use of user data with or without direct reference (...)
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    Mentoring for Neuroscience and Society Careers: Lessons Learned from the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society.Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society, Craig W. McFarland, Makenna E. Law, Ivan E. Ramirez, Emily Rodriguez, Ithika S. Senthilnathan, Adam P. Steiner, Kelisha M. Williams & Francis X. Shen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    With the growth of neuroscience research, new neuroscience and society (NeuroX) fields like neuroethics, neurolaw, neuroarchitecture, neuroeconomics, and many more have emerged. In this article we report on lessons learned about mentoring students in the interdisciplinary space of neuroscience and society. We draw on our experiences with the recently launched Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. This resource supports educators and practitioners mentoring students aiming to apply neuroscience in diverse fields beyond medicine and biomedical science. (...)
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  15. Petition to Include Cephalopods as “Animals” Deserving of Humane Treatment under the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.New England Anti-Vivisection Society, American Anti-Vivisection Society, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Jennifer Jacquet, Becca Franks, Judit Pungor, Jennifer Mather, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Lori Marino, Greg Barord, Carl Safina, Heather Browning & Walter Veit - forthcoming - Harvard Law School Animal Law and Policy Clinic.
  16.  14
    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and Sweden.
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  17. Editorial offices: The eugenics society■ 69 eccleston square■ london• swi• Victoria 2091.Society'S. Evolution - 1964 - The Eugenics Review 56:1.
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  18. Mark Halstead.Democratic Societies - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2-3):257.
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  19. Section three. Health & Society - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White, Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  20. Illustrations of human vivisection..Sydney Richmond Vivisection Reform Society & Taber (eds.) - 1907 - Chicago,: Vivisection Reform Society.
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    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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  22. The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill a Lecture Delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old Street, City Road, Under the Auspices of "the Christian Evidence Society".John Stuart Mill & Christian Evidence Society - 1874 - Hodder & Stoughton.
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    Letter to Cardinal Basil Hume.Argentinian Chesterton Society - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (1/2):205-207.
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    Minimal Degrees of Unsolvability and the Full Approximation Construction.American Mathematical Society, Donald I. Cartwright, John Williford Duskin & Richard L. Epstein - 1975 - American Mathematical Soc..
    For the purposes of this monograph, "by a degree" is meant a degree of recursive unsolvability. A degree [script bold]m is said to be minimal if 0 is the unique degree less than [script bold]m. Each of the six chapters of this self-contained monograph is devoted to the proof of an existence theorem for minimal degrees.
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    Descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts: Indian philosophy (Indian Museum collection).Asiatic Society, Asesh Ranjan Misra & Debabrata Sen Sharma (eds.) - 2001 - Kolkata: The Asiatic Society.
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    Nucleo Chestertoniano Argentino pursues Chesterton’s Beatification.Argentinian Chesterton Society - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (1/2):208-210.
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    Statement of the eugenic position: By the special committee of the board of directors.American Eugenics Society - 1962 - The Eugenics Review 54 (2):79.
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  28. Christ, a Home Missionary. A Discourse, Before the American Baptist Home Mission Society, Delivered at Their Annual Meeting, Held in the New-Market Street Baptist Church, in the City of Philadelphia, Tuesday, June 7, 1836.William R. Williams, John Gray & American Baptist Home Mission Society - 1836 - John Gray, Printer, No. 222 Water Street.
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    Crypto-preorders, topological relations, information and logic.Piero Pagliani International Rough Set Society, Rome & Italy - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):330-367.
    As is well known, any preorder R on a set U induces an Alexandrov topology on U. In some interesting cases related to data mining an Alexandrov topology can be transformed into different types of logico-algebraic models. In some cases, (pre)topological operators provided by Pointless Topology may define a topological space on U even if R is not a preorder. If this is the case, then we call R a crypto-preorder. The paper studies the conditions under which a relation R (...)
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    History, Sociology and Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to, other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields; yet each discipline appears to have its own (...)
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  31. Nonviolence and Anarchism.The Autonomous Society & Isaac Miller - 2024 - Edinburgh, UK: Sense Publishing. Translated by Isaac A. Miller.
  32.  31
    The Postmodern University?: Contested Visions of Higher Education in Society.Anthony Smith, Frank Webster & Society for Research Into Higher Education - 1997 - Open University Press.
    Higher education has been changing radically in recent years, with increasing numbers of students, and complaints about declining standards. This volume brings together leading intellectuals from the US and UK to examine the issues involved.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche und die globalen Probleme unserer Zeit.Endre Kiss & International Society for the Study of European Ideas - 1997
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  34. Observation and Interpretation a Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists. --.Stephan Körner & Colston Research Society - 1957 - Butterworths.
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    Mr. William Morris on art matters.William Morris & William Morris Society - 1961 - William Morris Society.
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    Carlyle's Religious Influence.Richard Bell & Carlyle Society - 1959 - Carlyle Society.
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    Education and the Professions.History of Education Society - 1973 - Routledge.
    Part of the educational system in England has been geared towards the preparation of particular professions, while the identity and status of members of some professions have depended significantly on the general education they have received. Originally published in 1973, this volume explores the interaction between education and the professions. It also looks at the education of the main professions in sixteenth century England and at how twentieth century university teaching is a key profession for the training of new recruits (...)
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  38. Ockham and Ockhamists Acts of the Symposium Organized by the Dutch Society for Medieval Philosophy, Medium Aevum, on the Occasion of its 10th Anniversary, Leiden, 10-12 September, 1986.Egbert P. Society Medium Aevum, H. A. Bos & Krop - 1987
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    Animal Liberation, Environmental Ethics, and Domestication.Clare Palmer & Ethics &. Society Oxford Centre for the Environment - 1995 - Environment.
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    History and the Present.Christopher Hill & South Place Ethical Society - 1989
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  41. Medical research on apes should be banned.Humane Society of the United States - 2006 - In William Dudley, Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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    The Double-Edged Helix: Social Implications of Genetics in a Diverse Society.Joseph S. Alper, Catherine Ard, Adrienne Asch, Peter Conrad, Jon Beckwith, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Jon Beckwith, Harry Coplan Professor of Social Sciences Peter Conrad & Lisa N. Geller - 2002
    The rapidly changing field of genetics affects society through advances in health-care and through implications of genetic research. This study addresses the impacts of new genetic discoveries and technologies on different segments of today's society. The book begins with a chapter on genetic complexity, and subsequent chapters discuss moral and ethical questions arising from today's genetics from the perspectives of health care professionals, the media, the general public, special interest groups and commercial interests.
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  43. Under God and the Law Papers Read to the Thomas More Society of London : Second Series. --.Richard O'sullivan & Thomas More Society of London - 1949 - Blackwell.
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    The Life and Thought of R.G. Collingwood.David Boucher, Stein Helgeby & R. Collingwood Society - 1994
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  45. The David Hume Library.David Fate Norton, Edinburgh Bibliographical Society & National Library of Scotland - 1996
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    Holy Teaching, the Idea of Theology According to St Thomas Aquinas.Victor White & Aquinas Society of London - 1958 - Blackfriars.
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  47. The Educational Leadership Challenge Redefining Leadership for the 21st Century.Joseph National Society for the Study of Education & Murphy - 2002 - Nsse Distributed by University of Chicago Press.
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    Yoga in daily life.Swami Sivananda & Divine Life Society - 1950 - Ananda Kutir,: Rishikesh, Yoga Vedanta Forest University, Divine Life Society.
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    Plutarch's Advice on Keeping Well: A Lecture Delivered at the International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Art Therapy which Met in September 2000 at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, Together with an Anthology of Relevant Texts from Plutarch's Works.Constantine Cavarnos & American Society of Psychopathology of Expression - 2001 - Belmont, Mass.: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.
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    Transactions of the International Numismatic Congress.David M. Robinson, Royal Numismatic Society, J. Allan, H. Mattingly & E. S. G. Robinson - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (3):283.
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