Results for 'tổn thất kinh tế'

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  1. The Kingfisher Story Collection.Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2022 - Hanoi, Vietnam: AISDL.
    (Third edition with additions) -/- This is a collection of short stories centering around the protagonist character, Kingfisher, originally written in Vietnamese by myself. -/- The book aims to introduce international readers to snippets of Vietnamese culture through the ordinary yet humorous life of the bird village. -/- The first 15 of these short stories were published in the Khoảng Lặng (Quiet Moment) column of the Vietnamese magazine Kinh Tế và Dự Báo (Economy and Forecast Review) from 2017 to (...)
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  2. Kinh tế Việt Nam 2009 và một vài suy nghĩ về nhận thức luận chuyển đổi.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2010 - Tạp Chí Cộng Sản 81 (1):49-55.
    TCCS - Việt Nam đang đứng trước ngưỡng cửa thập niên thứ hai, thế kỷ XXI. Tuy vậy, mốc thời gian không quan trọng bằng những đổi thay chóng mặt của quá trình quốc tế hóa đời sống kinh tế, và những biến đổi sâu sắc nó sẽ mang lại. Quá trình ấy, ngay bây giờ, lại được phóng đại qua lăng kính của những biến động toàn cầu do khủng hoảng kinh tế - tài chính 2007 - (...)
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    Researching the capabilities of people with disabilities: would a critical realist methodology help?Khanh That Ton, J. C. Gaillard, Carole Adamson & Caglar Akgungor - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (2):181-200.
    ABSTRACT Amartya Sen’s capability approach is often used in disability research as a normative framework for describing and evaluating the well-being of people with disabilities. Nevertheless, recently, the possibility of going beyond description to the use of the capability approach as an explanatory tool has been raised. However, to allow the use of the capability approach in this way requires grounding it in an appropriate research paradigm. In this paper, critical realism is adopted for this purpose. It is argued that (...)
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  4. Hē kritikē tēs metaphysikēs stē neoterē skepsē: apo ton opsimo mesaiōna hōs to telos tou diaphōtismou.Panagiōtēs Kondylēs - 1983 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Gnōsē.
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    Bookreviews.Bart J. Koet, P. C. Beentjes, Ton Meijers, Rudi te Velde, Henk J. M. Schoot, Marc Lindeijer, Walter Van Herck, Edwin Koster, Ruud Welten & Jean-Jacques Suurmond - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (4):486-498.
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    Experiential Science; Towards an Integration of Implicit and Reflected Practitioner-Expert Knowledge in the Scientific Development of Organic Farming.Ton Baars - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (6):601-628.
    For further development of organic agriculture, it will become increasingly essential to integrate experienced innovative practitioners in research projects. The characteristics of this process of co-learning have been transformed into a research approach, theoretically conceptualized as “experiential science” (Baars 2007 , Baars and Baars 2007 ). The approach integrates social sciences, natural sciences, and human sciences. It is derived from action research and belongs to the wider field of transdiscliplinary research. In a dialogue-based culture of equality and mutual exchange the (...)
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    Meta ton Kastoriadē: dromoi tēs Autonomias ston 21o aiōna.Alexandros Schismenos - 2014 - [Athēna]: Ekdoseis Exarcheia. Edited by Nikos Iōannou.
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    The Social Quality of Citizenship: Three Remarks for Kindling a Debate.Ton Korver - 2011 - International Journal of Social Quality 1 (1):45-56.
    Social rights were to be the completion of the citizenship status of all members within a political community. Through a variety of causes the development of these rights has been arrested. The article sketches some of the origins of the present predicament of rights and citizenship. The article is informed by the hope that the arguments it puts forward may contribute to a renewed discussion on the necessity and promises of an EU form of citizenship that is worth instituting and (...)
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    Self‐Euthanasia, the Dutch Experience: In Search for the Meaning of a Good Death or Eu Thanatos.Ton Vink - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):681-688.
    My main purpose in this article is to establish the meaning of a ‘good death’ when death is self-chosen. I will take as my point of departure the new notion of ‘self-euthanasia’ and the corresponding practice that has evolved in the Netherlands in recent years. Both physician-euthanasia and self-euthanasia refer to an ideal process of a good death, the first being ultimately the physician's responsibility, while the second is definitely the responsibility of the individual choosing to die. However, if we (...)
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    (1 other version)Logic of assertions.Ton Sales - 1996 - Theoria 11 (1):203-228.
    Logicians treat assertions as true, believed or merely hypothesized sentences. The reasoner who uses them, however, is the sole referee who can validate their truth, their aptness to describe an actual situation, their strength (as beliefs) or the relevance of their use in the current logical context. Moreover, the reasoner actively counts on these factors, as part of the reasoning process itself, and should normally be capable, when asked to do so, to assign consistently relative strengths to the assertions used. (...)
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    On the meaning of 'miracle' in Christianity: a philosophical evaluation of the current miracle debate and a proposal of a balanced hermeneutical approach.Ton Bersee - 2021 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Miracle narratives are an essential part of nearly all religious traditions. The importance of miracles also applies to Christianity. The Gospels record thirty-five miracles that Jesus is said to have performed, including twenty-three miraculous healings and nine nature miracles (for example, stilling a storm and turning water into wine). At the heart of Christian faith lies the story of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. However, the factuality of these events has been increasingly problematised, especially since the period of the Enlightenment. (...)
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    Constructing Productive Engagement: Pre-engagement Tools for Emerging Technologies.Haico te Kulve & Arie Rip - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):699-714.
    Engagement with stakeholders and civil society is increasingly important for new scientific and technological developments. Preparation of such engagements sets the stage for engagement activities and thus contributes to their outcomes. Preparation is a demanding task, particularly if the facilitating agent aims for timely engagement related to emerging technologies. Requirements for such preparation include understanding of the emerging science & technology and its dynamics. Multi-level analysis and socio-technical scenarios are two complementary tools for constructing productive engagement. Examination of the emergence (...)
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    Stoicheia physikēs philosophias: ho hellēnikos epistēmonikos stochasmos ton 17o kai 18o aiōna.Manōlēs Patēniōtēs - 2013 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Gutenberg.
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  14. A corporate social responsibility audit within a quality management framework.Ton van der Wiele, Peter Kok, Richard McKenna & Alan Brown - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (4):285 - 297.
    In this paper a corporate social responsibility audit is developed following the underlying methodology of the quality award/excellence models. Firstly the extent to which the quality awards already incorporate the development of social responsibility is examined by looking at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the European Quality Award. It will be shown that the quality awards do not yet include ethical aspects in relation to social responsibility. Both a clear definition of social responsibility and an improved audit instrument (...)
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  15.  34
    Argumentative Strategies and Stylistic Devices.Ton van Haaften - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (4):301-328.
    The extended pragma-dialectical argumentation theory assumes that people engaged in argumentative discourse manoeuvre strategically. In argumentative reality, the strategic manoeuvring is often carried out according to an argumentative strategy. Language users make an effort to present their strategic manoeuvres in a specific way and the analysis of the stylistic choices in actual argumentative discourse is the most important basis for identification and analysis of argumentative strategies. In this article, it is shown what requirements must be satisfied by a systematic stylistic (...)
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  16.  15
    From Entitlements to Provisions – and Back.Ton Korver - 2014 - International Journal of Social Quality 4 (2):69-85.
    Why would eligible people decline an offer of welfare services? In regard to this question and in the context of changes in the welfare state, this paper discusses the shift 'from entitlements to provisions'. After sketching the size of non-take-up and the social composition of those declining the offer of services, some tentative reasons or motives for non-take-up are presented. The discussion is derived from various approaches including the capability approach, Dahrendorf's approach of the “modern social conflict”, and social quality (...)
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  17. Ý thức đạo đức trong điều kiện kinh tế thị trường ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Thị Tuyết Ba Lê - 2010 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội.
    Impacts of the economic development to the socio cultural changes in Vietnam.
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    ‘The first thing to know about God’: Kretzmann and Aquinas on the meaning and necessity of arguments for the existence of God.Rudi A. Te Velde - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (3):251-267.
    This paper examines critically Kretzmann's reconstruction of the project of natural theology as exemplified by Aquinas's Summa Contra Gentiles. It is argued that the notion of natural theology, as understood and advocated by Kretzmann, is particularly indebted to the epistemologically biased natural theology of modernity with its focus on rational justification of theistic belief. As a consequence, Kretzmann's view of the arguments for the existence of God and their place within Aquinas's theological project is insufficiently sensitive to the ontological conception (...)
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    The mereology of thermodynamic equilibrium.Michael te Vrugt - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12891-12921.
    The special composition question, which asks under which conditions objects compose a further object, establishes a central debate in modern metaphysics. Recent successes of inductive metaphysics, which studies the implications of the natural sciences for metaphysical problems, suggest that insights into the SCQ can be gained by investigating the physics of composite systems. In this work, I show that the minus first law of thermodynamics, which is concerned with the approach to equilibrium, leads to a new approach to the SCQ, (...)
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    De katholieke geloofsbelijdenis en de katholieke ambtseed in canoniekrechterlijk perspectief.Ton Meijers - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (3):254-271.
    The article is focused on the profession of faith and the oath of fidelity, as has been formulated in 1989 by the Congregation of Faith. Catholic clergy as well as Catholic theologians are obliged to profess the Catholic faith and to take the oath before assuming an ecclesiastical office or function. The analyses and reflections are from the point of view of canon law. A retro prospective view makes clear that the profession and oath belong to the disciplinary tradition of (...)
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    Using the gravitational mixed models to analyze the impact of China's foreign direct investment along with The Belt and Road countries on trade flows.Te-Hsin Hsieh, Ye-Bin Zhu & Kuo-Lung Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Since the “The Belt and Road” initiative was put forward in 2013, China's foreign investment growth rate has been greatly accelerated. In The Belt and Road context, many scholars used models to analyze the relationship between foreign direct investment, trade flows, and import and export trade. From literature reviews, it is found that previous scholars do not conform to reality and cannot be studied dynamically. Therefore, this study used the panel data of China's foreign direct investment and import and export (...)
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    Moral Incapacities.Ton van den Beld - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (282):525-.
    There has been a time in my teaching career that I used to cite in my introductory classes ‘Moral Philosophy’ from Erica Jong's Fear of Flying . The situation leading up to the quote is that the main character, Isadora, is asked a sexual favour by her brother in law, Pierre. Her answer and the subsequent dialogue read then as follows: ‘I can't’ , I said. ‘Come on,’ Pierre said, ‘I'll teach you.’ ‘I didn't mean that … I meant that (...)
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    Context Matters: Promises and Concerns Regarding Nanotechnologies for Water and Food Applications.Haico te Kulve, Kornelia Konrad, Carla Alvial Palavicino & Bart Walhout - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (1):17-27.
    Expectations in the form of promises and concerns contribute to the sense-making and valuation of emerging nanotechnologies. They add up to what we call ‘de facto assessments’ of novel socio-technical options. We explore how de facto assessments of nanotechnologies differ in the application domains of water and food by examining promises and concerns, and their relations in scientific discourse. We suggest that domain characteristics such as prior experiences with emerging technologies, specific discursive repertoires and user-producer relationships, play a key role (...)
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    How Seeing Became Knowing: The Role of the Electron Microscope in Shaping the Modern Definition of Viruses.Neeraja Sankaran & Ton Helvoort - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (1):125-160.
    This paper examines the vital role played by electron microscopy toward the modern definition of viruses, as formulated in the late 1950s. Before the 1930s viruses could neither be visualized by available technologies nor grown in artificial media. As such they were usually identified by their ability to cause diseases in their hosts and defined in such negative terms as “ultramicroscopic” or invisible infectious agents that could not be cultivated outside living cells. The invention of the electron microscope, with magnification (...)
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    The controversy between John H. Northrop and Max Delbrück on the formation of bacteriophage: Bacterial synthesis or autonomous multiplication?Ton van Helvoort - 1992 - Annals of Science 49 (6):545-575.
    SummaryIn the 1940s a controversy developed between John H. Northrop (Nobel Laureate, 1946) and Max Delbrück (Nobel Laureate, 1969) on the formation of bacteriophage. From the historiography of molecular biology there emerges a picture of an obstinate Northrop who repudiated the ‘correct’ insights revealed by the experiments of Delbrück. The established reputation of Northrop confronts one with the question of why Delbrück's epoch-making experiments were not convincing for Northrop. It will be argued that this was a consequence of local incommensurability (...)
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    Signal extraction: experimental evidence.Te Bao & John Duffy - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (2):219-232.
    We report on an experiment examining whether individuals can solve a simple signal extraction problem of the type found in models with imperfect information. In one treatment, subjects must form point predictions based on observing both public and private signals, while in another they receive the same information but must decide on the weight to attach to each signal, which then determines their point prediction. We find that, at the aggregate level, signal extraction provides a good characterization of subjects’ behavior (...)
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    Acknowledging a hidden God: A theological critique of Stanley Cavell on scepticism.Judith E. Tonning - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (3):384–405.
    In his early work, the philosopher Stanley Cavell offers a sustained engagement with the threat of epistemological scepticism, shaped by the intuition that although (as the late Wittgenstein shows) ordinary language use is the practice within which alone meaning is possible (and which can thus not be further analysed or rationalised), it is also a basic human inclination to wish to escape the limitations of the ‘ordinary’. This, for Cavell, is the root of scepticism. Scepticism, on this view, thus appears (...)
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    Wybrane dzieła współczesnego polskiego malarstwa abstrakcyjnego w świetle Ingardenowskiej koncepcji jakości metafizycznych.Agnieszka Tes - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (1):81-100.
    Selected works of the contemporary Polish abstract painting in the light of Ingarden’s conception of metaphysical qualities: The main thesis of my article is that Roman Ingarden’s concept of metaphysical qualities can be adapted to analyze and interpret artworks that represent some tendencies in abstract painting. I start by summarizing this concept, taking into consideration the elements of its reconstructions that are present in the source literature, especially those aspects that concern art. Although Ingarden’s idea can be used with many (...)
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    Dis-moi quel est ton corpus, je te dirai quelle est ta problématique.Patrick Charaudeau - 2009 - Corpus 8:37-66.
    Cette contribution se centre sur le rapport que l'on est en mesure d'établir entre la façon dont est construit un corpus de discours et les objectifs de l'analyse, ce qui explique son titre. On part des définitions larges qui sont données sur cette notion en sciences sociales et en linguistique pour montrer les problèmes qu'elle pose au regard des opérations de recueil des données, de la question de l'exhaustivité, des catégories sur lesquelles il porte, de la nature de l'outil de (...)
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  30. Meletēmata gia ton E.P. Papanoutso: heortasmos sta ogdontachrona tou.E. P. Papanoutsos & Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos (eds.) - 1981 - [Athēna: Euthynē.
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  31. Xây dựng đạo đức mới trong nền kinh tế thị trường định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa.Duy Huy Trịnh - 2009 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    Business ethics in the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam.
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    People’s dispositional cooperative tendencies towards robots are unaffected by robots’ negative emotional displays in prisoner’s dilemma games.Te-Yi Hsieh & Emily S. Cross - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):995-1019.
    The study explores the impact of robots’ emotional displays on people’s tendency to cooperate with a robot opponent in prisoner’s dilemma games. Participants played iterated prisoner’s dilemma games with a non-expressive robot (as a measure of cooperative baseline), followed by an angry, and a sad robot, in turn. Based on the Emotion as Social Information model, we expected participants with higher cooperative predispositions to cooperate less when a robot displayed anger, and cooperate more when the robot displayed sadness. Contrarily, according (...)
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    Elektrisieren und Heilen: Vier verschiedene Betrachtungen zu einem Kupferstich der Aufklärungszeit.Anke te Heesen - 2002 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 10 (4):209-221.
    This text describes a single engraving of the picture encyclopediaBilder-Akademie für die Jugend published from 1780 to 1784. It consisted of 52 picture tableaus, each with nine images that were connected through the biblical topic. The particular image under examination, the “Table 38”, shows the healing wonders of Christ, the electrifying maschine, a healing physician and the structure of ear and eye. Goal of this text will be to describe the different connections and meanings of these depicted scenes, as in (...)
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  34. The Morality System with and without God.Ton van den Beld - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (4):383-399.
    What I set out to do is to cast some doubt on the thesis that, in Bernard Williams's words, any appeal to God in morality “either adds nothing at all, or it adds the wrong sort of thing”. A first conclusion is that a morality of real, inescapable and (sometimes) for the agent costly obligations, while being at home in a theistic metaphysic, does not sit easily with metaphysical, atheistic naturalism. The second conclusion is that Christine Korsgaard's impressive ethical project (...)
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    The confucian revival in Taiwan: Xu Fuguan and his theory of Chinese aesthetics.Téa Sernelj - 2021 - Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publisher.
    Xu Fuguan (1904-1982) is one of the central representatives of the second generation of Taiwanese Modern Confucianism. This book focuses primarily on his fundamental contributions to the philosophy of this intellectual current, particularly his reinterpretations and reevaluations of the basic axiological concepts of the original Confucian and Daoist aesthetics. It also addresses issues related to his attempts to preserve, systematize, and modernize traditional Chinese aesthetics. Xu Fuguanâ (TM)s theory of the Chinese ideational tradition is defined by the paradigm of the (...)
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    `And then I'm really like...': `preliminary' self-quotations in adolescent talk.Hedwig F. M. Te Molder & Joyce Lamerichs - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (4):401-419.
    This article explores the discursive uses of a self-quotation in adolescent talk. The self-quotation uses the quotative marker be + like to convey or project bold statements as part of a larger narrative. We will demonstrate how the preface leading up to the self-quotation is designed as hard to counter, and instructs the hearer how to understand what comes next. The self-quotation, on the other hand, constitutes the assessment as a `mere characterization' that provides the speaker with a number of (...)
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    Remedies for Expanding Liability.Michael Faure & Ton Hartlief - 1998 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 18 (4):681-706.
    This paper deals with the claims of industrial operators and their insurers that expanding liability is being experienced in many legal systems in Europe and will lead to the uninsurability of certain risks. In this paper we address some aspects of this insurability problem by trying to identify precisely what might make an expanding liability risk uninsurable. Then we examine whether there are remedies for expanding liability that might result in certain risks remaining insurable. In that respect we shall consider (...)
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    Being Present: Embodying Political Relations in Indigenous Encounters with the Crown.Te Kawehau Hoskins & Avril Bell - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):502-523.
    Political encounters between settler governments and indigenous communities are freighted with the unresolved issues of indigenous independence asserted under ongoing conditions of colonial domination. Within political science, these encounters have been primarily theorised and analysed as struggles of indigenous communities for political recognition from settler states. Further, the politics of recognition is widely understood as colonising by indigenous scholars, with some arguing for an alternative politics of resurgence and refusal, a ‘turning away’ from the state. In this article, we argue (...)
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    Interactive Alignment and Lexical Triggering of Code-Switching in Bilingual Dialogue.Gerrit Jan Kootstra, Ton Dijkstra & Janet G. van Hell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:539420.
    When bilingual speakers use two languages in the same utterance, this is called code-switching. Previous research indicates that bilinguals’ likelihood to code-switch is enhanced when the utterance to be produced (1) contains a word with a similar form across languages (lexical triggering) and (2) is preceded by a code-switched utterance, for example from a dialogue partner (interactive alignment/priming of code-switching). Both factors have mostly been tested on corpus data and have not yet been studied in combination. In two experiments, we (...)
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    You Can Ask Me If You Really Want to Know What I Think.Sarah Te One, Rebecca Blaikie, Michelle Egan-Bitran & Zoey Henley - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (9):1052-1068.
    Recent social policy discourses in Aotearoa New Zealand focus on vulnerable children’s well-being and the detrimental, long-term and costly impacts of child poverty. The discourse pervading much of the policy labels children and young people as ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at risk’ or ‘in crisis’, a view, which we argue, is both disempowering and marginalising. We propose a shift in focus which views children and young people as agentic, capable and competent. Drawing on several small-scale research projects and reports we demonstrate how, (...)
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    Values of Farmers, Sustainability and Agricultural Policy.Ben Schoon & Rita Te Grotenhuis - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):17-27.
    This article describes the feasibility of researchinto the relation between values of farmers andsustainability for the Dutch Ministry of Agricultureand the Dutch Federation of Agricultural andHorticultural Organisations.Firstly, a theoretical framework describes differentlevels of motivation behind conduct and choices. Itenables exploration and analysis of individualinterviews with small groups of conventional andecological farmers. The aim is to find out what theirbasic convictions regarding nature and sustainabilityare, and to analyze the relation between theseconvictions and the actual choices they make in theirfarming practice. The (...)
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    How Seeing Became Knowing: The Role of the Electron Microscope in Shaping the Modern Definition of Viruses.Ton van Helvoort & Neeraja Sankaran - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (1):125-160.
    This paper examines the vital role played by electron microscopy toward the modern definition of viruses, as formulated in the late 1950s. Before the 1930s viruses could neither be visualized by available technologies nor grown in artificial media. As such they were usually identified by their ability to cause diseases in their hosts and defined in such negative terms as “ultramicroscopic” or invisible infectious agents that could not be cultivated outside living cells. The invention of the electron microscope, with magnification (...)
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    Overcoming ‘Being’ in Favour of Knowledge: The fixing effect of ‘mātauranga’.Carl Te Hira Mika - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (10):1080-1092.
    It is common to hear Māori discuss primordial states of Being, yet in colonisation those very central beliefs are forced into weaker utterances. In this process those utterances merely conform to a colonised agenda. ‘Mātauranga’, a tidy term that overwhelmingly refers to an epistemological knowing of the world, colludes nicely with its English equivalent, ‘knowledge’, to further colonise those core contemplations of Being. Its plausibility relies on an orderly regard of things in the world. In education, historical and current practices (...)
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    Advocating the value-add of faith in a secular context: The case of the Knowledge Centre Religion and Development in the Netherlands.Brenda E. Bartelink & Ton Groeneweg - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    This article analyses how faith-based civil society organisations have advocated the value-add of faith to governmental and non-governmental development actors in the highly secularised context of the Netherlands. Its social value lies in the space for reflexivity it opens up on how the religious and the secular are entangled in the field of development through shifting the gaze towards secularised Europe. Its academic value lies in how it combines the study of faith and development, with a critical analysis of the (...)
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    Van Leeuwenhoek – the film: remaking memory in Dutch science cinema 1925– c. 1960.Mieneke te Hennepe - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (3):329-349.
    This paper examines how the production, content and reception of the film Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1924) influenced the historical framing of science. The film features microcinematography by the pioneering Dutch filmmaker Jan Cornelis Mol (1891–1954), and was part of a dynamic process of commemorating seventeenth-century microscopy and bacteriology through an early instance of visual re-creation – a new way of using scientific material heritage, and of enabling audiences to supposedly observe the world of microscopic organisms in just the same way (...)
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  46. The Making of Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-dialectical View.Frans H. van Eemeren & Ton van Haaften - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (3):341-376.
    In ‘The making of argumentation theory’ van Eemeren and van Haaften describe the contributions made to the five components of a full-fledged research program of argumentation theory by four prominent approaches to the discipline: formal dialectics, rhetoric/pragmalinguistics, informal logic, and pragma-dialectics. Most of these approaches do not contribute to all components, but to some in particular. Starting from the pragma-dialectical view of the relationship between dialectical reasonableness and rhetorical effectiveness – the crucial issue in argumentation theory – van Eemeren and (...)
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    Negentropy for the anthropocene; Stiegler, Maori and exosomatic memory.Ruth Irwin & Te Haumoana White - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):532-544.
    Exosomatic memory is a crucial phase in the evolution of humanity because it enables learning to take place across groups and generations rather than exclusively through lived experience or one on one transmission. Exosomatic memory is the attribution of knowledge to objects, such as art or writing, which allows epistemology to be transmitted beyond the individual to subsequent generations of people. Exosomatic memory is the key to the transmission of culture and knowledge, beyond the individual who learns exclusively from personal (...)
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    Das Fach der Stunde, reloaded.Mathias Grote & Anke te Heesen - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):355-358.
    Subject of the Moment, Reloaded. The catalogue of Ludwig Darmstaedter's document collection, which contains sources as well as a categorization conspicuous of a history of knowledge avant la lettre, invites for a revisiting of the history of our discipline, thereby asking for its current role in academia and beyond. We argue that as historians of science or as historians of knowledge, our discipline disposes of the tools and topics necessary to respond to urgent epistemic and political problems.
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    Could the Buddha Have Been a Naturalist?Chien-Te Lin - 2020 - Sophia 59 (3):437-456.
    With the naturalist worldview having become widely accepted, the trend of naturalistic Buddhism has likewise become popular in both academic and religious circles. In this article, I preliminarily reflect on this naturalized approach to Buddhism in two main sections. In section 1, I point out that the Buddha rejects theistic beliefs that claim absolute power over our destiny, opting instead to encourage us to inquire intellectually and behave morally. The distinguishing characteristics of naturalism such as a humanistic approach, rational enquiry, (...)
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    Empathically designed responses as a gateway to advice in Dutch counseling calls.Hedwig te Molder & Wyke Stommel - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (4):523-543.
    Previous conversation analytic studies of institutional interaction included analyses of empathy in interaction. These studies revealed that professionals may use empathy displays not only to validate the client’s worry, but also to perform actions oriented to other institutional goals and tasks such as closing off a troubles-telling sequence. In this article, we present an analysis of empathically designed responses in Dutch telephone counseling. The data consist of 36 calls from the Alcohol and Drugs Info Line. In some of the calls, (...)
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