Results for 'subjective aspect of experience'

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  1.  55
    Subjective aspects of working memory performance: Memoranda-related imagery.Tiffany K. Jantz, Jessica J. Tomory, Christina Merrick, Shanna Cooper, Adam Gazzaley & Ezequiel Morsella - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 25:88-100.
    Although it is well accepted that working memory is intimately related to consciousness, little research has illuminated the liaison between the two phenomena. To investigate this under-explored nexus, we used an imagery monitoring task to investigate the subjective aspects of WM performance. Specifically, in two experiments, we examined the effects on consciousness of holding in mind information having a low versus high memory load, and holding memoranda in mind during the presentation of distractors . Higher rates of rehearsal occurred (...)
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    Ethical aspects of researching subjective experiences in early-stage dementia.Hanna-Mari Pesonen, Anne M. Remes & Arja Isola - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):651-661.
    This article is based on a qualitative longitudinal study that followed the subjective experiences of both people living with dementia and their family members during the early stages of the illness. The purpose of this article is to describe and reflect on the ethical and methodological issues that occurred during data collection. The article focuses on the situation of the person with dementia and the family member and the role of the researcher when conducting the research interviews. Based on (...)
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  3. Irreducible Aspects of Embodiment: Situating Scientist and Subject.Nick Brancazio - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2):219-223.
    Feminist philosophers of science have long discussed the importance of taking situatedness into account in scientific practices to avoid erasing important aspects of lived experience. Through the example of Gillian Einstein’s [2012] situated neuroscience, I will add support to Gallagher’s [2019] claims that intertheoretic reduction is problematic and provide reason to think pluralistic methodologies are explanatorily and ethically preferable.
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    Phenomenological Aspects of Complementarity and Entanglement in Exceptional Human Experiences (ExE).Wolfgang Fach - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):233-247.
    The mental system of an individual usually generates a reality-model that includes a self-model and a world-model as fundamental components. Exceptional experiences (ExE) can be classified as subjectively experienced anomalies in the self-model or the world-model or in the relation of both. Empirical studies show significant correlations between specific patterns of ExE and socially and clinically relevant variables. In order to examine the ontological status of anomalous phenomena a psychophysical approach is presented in which the principle of complementarity is of (...)
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  5. Aspects of Psychologism.Tim Crane - 2014 - Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Aspects of Psychologism is a penetrating look into fundamental philosophical questions of consciousness, perception, and the experience we have of our mental lives. Psychologism, in Tim Crane’s formulation, presents the mind as a single subject-matter to be investigated not only empirically and conceptually but also phenomenologically: through the systematic examination of consciousness and thought from the subject’s point of view.
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    II- Dainton on Subjects of Experience.Paul F. Snowdon - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):145-159.
    The paper discusses some of the themes in Professor Dainton’s article ‘The Sense of Self’. In the first part it is proposed that some of the arguments in favour of the theory that Dainton proposes are questionable, and that in its more extreme version there are features which look doubtful. A simpler account of subjects is then proposed. In the second part some aspects of Dainton’s discussion of the sense of self are analysed. It is argued that although Dainton’s own (...)
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    Experiencing organisms: from mineness to subject of experience.Tobias Schlicht - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (10):2447-2474.
    Many philosophers hold that phenomenally conscious experiences involve a sense of mineness, since experiences like pain or hunger are immediately presented as mine. What can be said about this mineness, and does acceptance of this feature commit us to the existence of a subject or self? If yes, how should we characterize this subject? This paper considers the possibility that, to the extent that we accept this feature, it provides us with a minimal notion of a subject of experience, (...)
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    “Being tied to experience”: towards a subjective account of the phenomenology of the event.Daniel Neumann - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):21-40.
    In this text, Heidegger's notion of the event is understood as a rupture on an ontological level. From this follows the aporia of whether the event concerns the coming about of being itself, or of beings. To address the ontological as well as the ontic aspect of the event, the article suggests to understand the event in a subjective framework, in line with transcendental conditions of experience, specifically as a "receptivity" to the event. The main part of (...)
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    Sensational subjects: the dramatization of experience in the modern world.John Jervis - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Under what conditions does 'sensation' become 'sensational'? In the early nineteenth century murder was a staple of the sensationalizing popular press and gruesome descriptions were deployed to make a direct impact on the sensations of the reader. By the end of the century, public concern with the thrills, spills, and shocks of modern life was increasingly articulated in the language of sensation. Media sensationalism contributed to this process and magnified its impact, just as sensation was, in turn, taken up by (...)
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    Human aspects of earthquakes: Deborah R. Coen: The Earthquake observers: Disaster science from Lisbon to Richter. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 360pp, $35.00 HB.Agustín Udías - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):323-326.
    Seismology is a science that has received little attention from historians of science; most of what has been written about it has been by seismologists. Thus, it is interesting to see the different ways of approaching this subject by seismologists and historians. The approach followed by Deborah Coen is of great interest. Instead of writing about seismology as a physical science, which seismologists would prefer, she has chosen to delve into the human aspects of the experience of earthquakes, that (...)
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    Philosophical and anthropological aspects of the XXI century television series «Tales from the Loop» (2019) as an experience of philosophical reflection.Olga Konfederat & Natalia Dyadyk - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:55-66.
    Introduction. Analyzing the popularity of television series in the XXI century makes it possible to conclude that this format of video production has changed significantly in comparison with the second half of the XX century: the fascinating (seductive, enchanting) function in it dominates over the narrative-entertaining one. At the same time, not only the individual performer becomes the instrument of fascination, but the entire specially created visual environment of the series. This situation makes it possible for a researcher, on the (...)
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    Transformative Aspects of the Angelic Imaginary.Martha Blassnigg - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):15-25.
    The following paper will present some outcomes of research into the topic of clairvoyance in a European context and the depiction of the spiritual in film in order to suggest that a cultural analysis of the perception of the angelic imaginary can offer insights into the interrelation between the subject areas of cinema and consciousness. This research on clairvoyance began in 1997 as part of an interdisciplinary study arising out of the disciplines of Cultural Anthropology and Film Theory at the (...)
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    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Margarita Vázquez Campos (ed.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has (...)
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  14.  16
    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Steven Hales (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has (...)
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  15.  11
    Aspects of the Hebrew genius.Leon Simon - 1910 - London,: G. Routledge & sons, limited;.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of this (...)
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  16.  23
    Invisible but sensible aesthetic aspects of excellence in nursing.Sine Maria Herholdt-Lomholdt - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12238.
    Based on a Lived Experience Description written by an experienced nurse in Denmark, this article offers an ontological and existential‐phenomenological exploration of aesthetic dimensions of excellence in nursing. In the research of Patricia Benner and colleagues, excellence in nursing is described as a matter of intuitive pattern recognition based on clinical experience and narrative understanding. In this article, and based on phenomenological reflections and philosophical inspirations from the Danish philosopher Dorthe Jørgensen and the French philosopher Maurice Merleau‐Ponty, I (...)
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  17. Aesthetic Experience, Subjective Historical Experience and the Problem of Constructivism.Jonathan Owen Clark - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 7 (1):57-81.
    This article takes as its starting point the recent work of Frank Ankersmit on subjective historical experience. Such an experience, which Ankersmit describes as a ‘sudden obliteration of the rift between present and past’ is connected strongly with the Deweyan theory of art as experiential, which contains an account of aesthetic experience as affording a similar breakdown in the polarization of the subject and object of experience. The article shows how other ideas deriving from the (...)
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  18.  19
    Philosophical Aspects of the Problem of "Artificial Man" in Fiction.Горохов П.А - 2023 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:1-18.
    The problem of the creation of artificial man and the creation of artificial intelligence are issues that have now become not just potential, but also actual scientific tasks. The original genetic kinship of philosophy and literature as forms of human culture and meaning formation made it possible to comprehend the most important problems in works rich in ideological content and beautiful in form. The subject of the research is the philosophical aspects of the problem of the creation of artificial man (...)
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  19.  28
    Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Juan Colomina (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has (...)
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  20.  22
    Key Aspects of Analytical and Transcendental Phenomenology within the Framework of Modern Philosophy of Consciousness.Diana E. Gasparyan - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (5):97-123.
    The article discusses the peculiarities and specific features of phenomenological approach developed in contemporary analytical philosophy. Despite the fact that the trust in phenomenological approaches continue to grow in analytical philosophy, it is necessary to recognize the presence of noticeable divergence between the classical transcendental phenomenology of E. Husserl and contemporary versions of phenomenology in analytical philosophy. The article examines some of these divergences. It is shown that, unlike the skepticism of transcendental phenomenology in relation to scientific methodology in the (...)
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  21.  48
    Methodological aspects of regulation of neuroresearch and neurotechnologies in neuroethics.Сидорова Т.А - 2020 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 8:29-45.
    This article is dedicated to methodological questions in ethical regulation of neuroresearch. Neuroethics has emerged recently within the framework of the neuro-trend in modern technoscience; its regulatory capabilities are yet to be discovered. Sciences that study human brain and behavior orient towards existing institutions of ethical regulation, which do not consider the complexity and specificity of the emerging threats and risks. The author examines the circumstances for formation of the research ethics and points of intersection with neuroethics. Research ethics is (...)
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    Spatial and Linguistic Aspects of Visual Imagery in Sentence Comprehension.Benjamin K. Bergen, Shane Lindsay, Teenie Matlock & Srini Narayanan - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (5):733-764.
    There is mounting evidence that language comprehension involves the activation of mental imagery of the content of utterances (; ; ; ; ; ; ). This imagery can have motor or perceptual content. Three main questions about the process remain under‐explored, however. First, are lexical associations with perception or motion sufficient to yield mental simulation, or is the integration of lexical semantics into larger structures, like sentences, necessary? Second, what linguistic elements (e.g., verbs, nouns, etc.) trigger mental simulations? Third, how (...)
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  23. Blurring two conceptions of subjective experience: Folk versus philosophical phenomenality.Anthony F. Peressini - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (6):862-889.
    Philosophers and psychologists have experimentally explored various aspects of people’s understandings of subjective experience based on their responses to questions about whether robots “see red” or “feel frustrated,” but the intelligibility of such questions may well presuppose that people understand robots as experiencers in the first place. Departing from the standard approach, I develop an experimental framework that distinguishes 20 between “phenomenal consciousness” as it is applied to a subject (an experiencer) and to an (experiential) mental state and (...)
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  24.  61
    Different aspects of consciousness explained by distinct biophysical processes.Wieslaw L. Galus - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
    The great task of cognitive science is to explain the phenomenal, first-person experience through the brain’s biophysical processes. This articles takes up this challenge by presenting the theory of how to reconcile the distinguishable properties of a material and mental processes. For this purpose, I describe how knowledge representations arise and how they can correlate with the emotions that accompany their formation. These associations can lead to first-person sense impressions, that is, qualia, which are the gist of phenomenal awareness. (...)
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    Retrieving Experience Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics.Laura Hengehold - 2001
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17.1 (2003) 73-75 [Access article in PDF] Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics. Sonia Kruks. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 200. $35.00 h.c. 0-8014-3387-8; $16.95 pbk. 0-8014-8417-0. Sonia Kruks' latest book, Retrieving Experience, is a valuable contribution to ongoing debates about the relevance of feminist philosophy in a period of relative political quietism. It also (...)
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    Expressing experience: the promise and perils of the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos, Borut Škodlar & Louis Sass - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):53-71.
    This paper outlines several of the challenges that are inherent in any attempt to communicate subjective experience to others, particularly in the context of a clinical interview. It presents the phenomenological interview as a way of effectively responding to these challenges, which may be especially important when attempting to understand the profound experiential transformations that take place in schizophrenia. Features of language experience in schizophrenia—including changes in interpersonal orientation, a sense of the arbitrariness of language, and a (...)
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  27. The Subjective Value of Product Popularity: A Neural Account of How Product Popularity Influences Choice Using a Social and a Quality Focus.Robert P. G. Goedegebure, Irene O. J. M. Tijssen, L. Nynke van der Laan & Hans C. M. van Trijp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on social influences often distinguishes between social and quality incentives to ascribe meaning to the value that popularity conveys. This study examines the neural correlates of those incentives through which popularity influences preferences. This research reports an functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment and a behavioral task in which respondents evaluated popular products with three focus perspectives; unspecified focus, focus on social aspects, and focus on quality. The results show that value derived with a social focus reflects inferences of approval (...)
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  28. Philosophical aspects of the quality of life.M. Nemcekova - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (9):665-674.
    The subject of the paper is the philosophical aspects of the quality of life. Although in philosophical terminology this notion is not used very often, the question “What is a good happy and high-quality human life?” is one of the earliest in the anthropological philosophy. Philosophical questions concerning this problem might therefore be inspiring, and determining for the theoretical and methodological orientations of the researches in this field. The author approaches the quality of life from three points of view: from (...)
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  29. The temporality of illness: Four levels of experience.S. Kay Toombs - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (3).
    This essay argues that, while much has been gained by medicine's focus on the spatial aspects of disease in light of developments in modern pathology, too little attention has been given to the temporal experience of illness at the subjective level of the patient. In particular, it is noted that there is a radical distinction between subjective and objective time. Whereas the patient experiences his immediate illness in terms of the ongoing flux of subjective time, the (...)
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  30. Precarious Positions: Aspects of Kantian Moral Agency.Natalie Brender - 1997 - Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University
    Contemporary interpretations of Kant's ethics have tended to assume that he is unequivocally committed to the view that a priori insight into morality's demands is the sole condition of moral motivation; in other words, that the same rational concepts which inform moral judgments also fully motivate us to determine our willing accordingly. On such a view, the definitive rational activity of agents consists in the practice of moral judgment. In this study I contend that Kant's texts implicitly suggest motivation to (...)
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  31.  10
    Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication.Colin Cherry (ed.) - 1974 - Reidel.
    'Human Communication' is a field of interest of enormous breadth, being one which has concerned students of many different disciplines. It spans the imagined 'gap' between the 'arts' and the 'sciences', but it forms no unified academic subject. There is no commonly accepted terminology to cover aU aspects. The eight articles comprising this book have been chosen to illustrate something of the diversity yet, at the same time, to be comprehensible to readers from different academic disciplines. They cannot pretend to (...)
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    Mythic and theoretic aspects of the concept of 'the unconscious' in popular and psychological discourse.David Edwards - 2003 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 3 (1):1-14.
    It could be argued that mythology dramatizes aspects of our relationship with potent forces of which we have little understanding and over which we have little control. Moreover, many of these forces are less concrete than the forces of nature and arise from an apprehension of our existential predicaments, our interpersonal vulnerability and the intensity of our own psychological pain. This paper argues that in many contemporary discourses this territory is referred to more neutrally as ‘the unconscious'. Within this framework, (...)
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    Typists' influences on transcription: aspects of feminist nursing epistemic rigour.Vivien Lane - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (3):159-166.
    This paper describes the process by which female typists became participants of sorts while transcribing audiotaped interviews. The primary data included sensitive and sexual subject matter about women's Pap smear (PS) experiences. Besides overcoming minor technical difficulties, die major discovery was that the typists had a tendency to interpolate and even normalize the data. A feminist post‐structuralist perspective was extended to examine these interpolations as secondary data. This revealed that the typists were becoming unexpected participants as commentators, validators, analysts and (...)
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  34. Moods and the Salience of Subjectivity.Anna Giustina - 2024 - In Maik Niemeck & Stefan Lang (eds.), Self and Affect: Philosophical Intersections. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
    The philosophical debate around the nature of moods has mostly focused on their apparent undirectedness: unlike mental states such as perceptual experiences, thoughts, and emotions, moods do not seem to be directed at any specific object, and indeed they do not seem to be directed at anything at all. In this paper, I want to draw attention to a different feature of moods, one that is as important and in need of explanation as their apparent undirectedness, but which has been (...)
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    (1 other version)Temporal Points of View: Subjective and Objective Aspects.Margarita Vázquez Campos & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez - unknown
    This book seeks to arrive at a better understanding of the relationships between the objective and subjective aspects of time. It discusses the existence of fluent time, a controversial concept in many areas, from philosophy to physics. Fluent time is understood as directional time with a past, a present and a future. We experience fluent time in our lives and we adopt a temporal perspective in our ways of knowing and acting. Nevertheless, the existence of fluent time has (...)
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    On the two aspects of time: The distinction and its implications. [REVIEW]L. P. Horwitz, R. I. Arshansky & A. C. Elitzur - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (12):1159-1193.
    The contemporary view of the fundamental role of time in physics generally ignores its most obvious characteric, namely its flow. Studies in the foundations of relativistic mechanics during the past decade have shown that the dynamical evolution of a system can be treated in a manifestly covariant way, in terms of the solution of a system of canonical Hamilton type equations, by considering the space-time coordinates and momenta ofevents as its fundamental description. The evolution of the events, as functions of (...)
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  37.  48
    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience (review).Timothy C. Lord - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):232-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 232-233 [Access article in PDF] Giuseppina D'Oro. Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience. New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. xi + 179. Cloth, $80.00. There is a resurgence of interest in Collingwood among philosophers and political theorists in the English-speaking world. One of the scholars leading this resurgence is Giuseppina D'Oro, whose fine monograph on Collingwood's metaphysics and epistemology appears in (...)
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  38. Aspects of Sex Differences: Social Intelligence vs. Creative Intelligence.Ferdinand Fellmann & Esther Redolfi Widmann - 2017 - Advances in Anthropology 7:298-317.
    In this article, we argue that there is an essential difference between social intelligence and creative intelligence, and that they have their foundation in human sexuality. For sex differences, we refer to the vast psychological, neurological, and cognitive science research where problem-solving, verbal skills, logical reasoning, and other topics are dealt with. Intelligence tests suggest that, on average, neither sex has more general intelligence than the other. Though people are equals in general intelligence, they are different in special forms of (...)
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    The Subject of Aesthetics: A Psychology of Art and Experience.Tone Roald - 2015 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.
    In _The Subject of Aesthetics_ Tone Roald develops a psychology of art based on people’s descriptions of their own engagement with visual art.
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    (A laconic exposition of) a method by which the internal compositional features of qualitative experience can be made evident to subjective awareness.Mark Pestana - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (6):767-783.
    In this paper I explicate a technique which can be used to make subtle relational features of experience more evident to awareness. Results of this method could be employed to diffuse one intuition that drives the common critique of functionalist-information theoretic accounts of mind that "qualia" cannot be exhaustively characterized in information theoretic-functional terms. An intuition that commonly grounds this critique is that the qualitative aspects of experience do not entirely appear in consciousness as informational-functional structures. The first (...)
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    Fashion and the Aesthetic Aspects of Social Life.Eun Jung Kang - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):44-52.
    Fashion is an important source for shedding light on modern aesthetic experience. Not only does fashion represent concrete aesthetic quality that reveals the spirit of the times, but it also epitomizes the social relations in liaison with the aesthetic taste of the times. This essay discusses the relationship between Georg Simmel’s sociological aesthetics and Hegel’s dialectics, demonstrates fashion as a domain in which subject-object relations are operative, and shows how fashion hypostatizes the dialectical relations between mind and body and (...)
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    Alfred Schutz, the Epistemology and Methodology of the Human and Social Sciences, and the Subjective Foundations of Objectivity.Simon V. Glynn - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:61-74.
    Long debated has been whether or not the “objectivistic” epistemologies, quantitative methods and causal explanations, developed by the natural sciences for the study of physical objects, their actions and interactions, might also be applied to the study of human subjects, their experiences, actions and social interactions. Pointing out that such supposedly objective approaches would be singularly inappropriate to the study of the significance or meanings, qualitative values and freedom of choice, widely regarded as essential aspects of human subjects, their experiences, (...)
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  43. The Concept of Experience in Husserl's Phenomenology and James' Radical Empiricism.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2018 - Pragmatism Today 9 (2):33-42.
    In this paper, I develop a comparison between the philosophies of Husserl and James in relation to their concepts of experience. Whereas various authors have acknowledged the affinity between James’ early psychology and Husserl’s phenomenology, the late development of James’ philosophy is often considered in opposition to Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology. This is because James’ radical empiricism achieves a non-dual dimension of experience that precedes the functional division into subject and object, thus contrasting with the phenomenological analysis of the (...)
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    Objective and subjective sides of perception.Alan Gilchrist - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred (eds.), Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 105.
    Every perceptual experience has an objective and a subjective side. We see object size, independent of distance, but we also see that distant objects project smaller images. Early modern conceptions focused on local stimulation and thus on the subjective aspect. Helmholtz and Hering emphasized the objective aspect. Helmholtz split visual experience into two stages, with sensation representing the subjective side and perception, through cognitive processes, the objective side. Gestalt theory denied this dualism, rejecting (...)
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  45. God Has Created Reality, We Create Worlds of Experience: A Speech in Honour of Ernst von Glasersfeld to Mark the Award of the Gregory Bateson Prize, Heidelberg, May.S. J. Schmidt - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):7-11.
    Purpose: The paper provides an overview of Ernst von Glasersfeld's life and theory, concentrating on subjects such as the acquisition of knowledge, language and communication, ethical questions, and aspects of teaching and learning. Conclusion: Ernst von Glasersfeld interests cover a wide range of disciplines. Therefore his work is genuinely rooted in interdisciplinarity.
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    The Problem of Spatiality for a Relational View of Experience.John Campbell - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (2):105-120.
    It’s often said that relational view of experience can’t provide an explanation of mode of presentation phenomena: the idea is that if experience is characterized merely as a relation to an object, then we can’t make sense of the idea that one and the same object can be given in perception in many different ways. I show that we can address this problem by looking at the causal structure in relational experience. Experience of an object is (...)
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    Reception of Liminal Experience.Daria Lutsenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:175-183.
    This article explores theoretical aspects of liminality, tracing the evolution of its concept, from its role in ancient ritual structures to its interpretation in conflict theory. In this context, liminality is understood as a transformative experience characterized by high intensity that significantly affects the subject experiencing it. This subject can be both individual and collective, reflecting the wide range of applications of liminality experiences in both personal and public spheres. The phenomenological tradition, especially in its recent developments, has positioned (...)
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  48.  18
    Education and the Narrative Aspect of Temporality.Jakob Bühlmann Quero - 2023 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 3:17-26.
    Byung-Chul Han (Seoul, 1959) establishes one of the most meaningful and deep understandings of the experience of the contemporary subject. In his view, temporality has suffered a radical atomization that translates into a fragmented life experience: a collection of isolated instants devoid of a sense of duration. As a by-product of this circumstance, we see our very way of thinking and learning changing accordingly. Where we used to find knowledge, we now see information. The aim of this paper (...)
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    Horizonal Extensions of Attention: A Phenomenological Study of the Contextuality and Habituality of Experience.Thiemo Breyer & Maren Wehrle - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (1):41-61.
    Attention is a complex process that modulates perception in various ways. Phenomenological philosophy provides an array of concepts for describing the rich structures of attention, thereby avoiding reductions to singular aspects of an experiential spectrum. By suggesting various modes and levels of attentional experience, we intend to do some justice to its complexity, taking into account sub-personal and personal factors on the side of subjective (noetic) horizons and feature-oriented as well as context-oriented aspects on the side of objective (...)
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    Limitations on the Neuroscientific Study of Mystical Experiences.Richard H. Jones - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):992-1017.
    Neuroscientific scanning of meditators is taken as providing data on mystical experiences. However, problems concerning how the brain and consciousness are related cast doubts on whether any understanding of the content of meditative experiences is gained through the study of the brain. Whether neuroscience can study the subjective aspects of meditative experiences in general is also discussed. So too, whether current neuroscience can establish that there are “pure consciousness events” in mysticism is open to question. The discussion points to (...)
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