Results for 'student-faculty'

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  1.  27
    Student faculty evaluation (SFE) at Jordanian universities: a student perspective.Sahail Asassfeh, Hana’ Al-Ebous, Faisal Khwaileh & Zohair Al-Zoubi - 2014 - Educational Studies 40 (2):1-23.
  2.  90
    Authorship in Student-Faculty Collaborative Research: Perceptions of Current and Best Practices. [REVIEW]Laura E. Welfare & Corrine R. Sackett - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (3):199-215.
    Determining appropriate authorship recognition in student-faculty collaborative research is a complex task. In this quantitative study, responses from 1346 students and faculty in education and some social science disciplines at 36 research-intensive institutions in the United States were analyzed to provide a description of current and recommended practices for authorship in student-faculty collaborative research. The responses revealed practices and perceptions that are not aligned with ethical guidelines and a lack of consensus among respondents about appropriate (...)
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    The Changing Landscape of Doctoral Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: PhD Students, Faculty Advisors, and Preferences for Varied Career Options.David K. Sherman, Lauren Ortosky, Suyi Leong, Christopher Kello & Mary Hegarty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The landscape of graduate science education is changing as efforts to diversify the professoriate have increased because academic faculty jobs at universities have grown scarce and more competitive. With this context as a backdrop, the present research examines the perceptions and career goals of advisors and advisees through surveys of PhD students and faculty mentors in science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines. Study 1 examined actual preferences and career goals of PhD students among three options: research careers, teaching (...)
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    College Students’ Perceptions of and Responses to Academic Dishonesty: An Investigation of Type of Honor Code, Institution Size, and StudentFaculty Ratio.Holly E. Tatum, Beth M. Schwartz, Megan C. Hageman & Shelby L. Koretke - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (4):302-315.
    College students from small, medium, and large institutions with either a modified or no honor code were presented with cheating scenarios and asked to rate how dishonest they perceived the behavior to be and the likelihood that they would report it. No main effects were found for institution size or type of honor code. Studentfaculty ratio was not correlated with responses to the cheating scenarios. Students from modified honor code schools perceived more severe punishments for cheating and understood (...)
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  5. On state of Florida bill 0837: Relating to student & faculty academic freedom.Bruce Janz - manuscript
    I have prepared this page in the spirit of Bill 0837, that is, to engage in reasoned reflection on a piece of legislation in Florida. I also wish to clarify the nature of my classes to students, so that they know what to expect. This page is not official UCF policy, nor is it the policy of the Department of Philosophy, in which I teach. It is simply a statement to my students, as well as a reasoned analysis of the (...)
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    Recommendations for a balanced approach to supporting academic integrity: perspectives from a survey of students, faculty, and tutors.Cindy Ives & Cheryl A. Kier - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Maintaining academic integrity is a growing concern for higher education, increasingly so due to the pivot to remote learning in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We canvassed students, faculty, and tutors at an online Canadian university about their perspectives on academic integrity and misconduct. The survey asked how the university could improve policies concerning issues of academic integrity, how faculty and tutors handled cases of misconduct, about satisfaction with how academic violations were treated, and about the role (...)
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  7. Relating to Student & Faculty Academic Freedom.Bruce B. Janz - unknown
    Here is the Florida website for Bill 0837 Full text of the bill, Web, pdf Tallahassee Democrat stories on Bill 0837: Council approves 'academic freedom' (April 20, 2005) 'Academic freedom' bill dead - but not forgotten (April 21, 2005) Rep. Dennis K. Baxley, Ocala (sponsor of Bill 0837).
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    Student Perceptions of Faculty Use of Cheating Deterrents.Robert Liebler - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (4):327-333.
    Evidence is provided on faculty use of cheating deterrents for in-class exams. The evidence comes from a survey of students who report on their most recent in-class exam in a randomly selected course that they are taking. Three types of cheating are considered: (i) advance knowledge of exam questions; (ii) copying; and (iii) other improper student actions during the exam. The deterrents examined consist of the following: (i) a rate of repeating questions; (ii) multiple versions of the exam (...)
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    Student and Faculty Perceptions of Study Helper Websites: a New Practice in Collaborative Cheating.Douglas Harrison, Allison Patch, Darragh McNally & Laura Harris - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (4):483-500.
    Drawing on a survey of over 4000 students and 1300 faculty members at the University of Maryland Global Campus, we find evidence for a reconceptualization of the use of commercialized websites offering access to “tutors” or “study help” as a type of collaborative cheating. Past studies have examined this behavior as an extension of contract cheating, but we find that students perceive the use of these sites very differently than they perceive contract cheating behaviors. In this paper we will (...)
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    Student and faculty perceptions of, and experiences with, academic dishonesty at a medium-sized Canadian university.Jeff Meadows, Randall Barley, Stephanie Varsanyi, Christina M. Nord & Oluwagbohunmi Awosoga - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    There is a paucity of research into the prevalence of academic dishonesty within Canada compared to other countries. Recently, there has been a call for a better understanding of the particular characteristics of educational integrity in Canada so that Canada can more meaningfully contribute to current discussions surrounding academic integrity. Here, we present findings from student and faculty surveys conducted within a medium-sized Canadian university. These surveys probed perceptions towards, and experiences with, academic dishonesty, in which we aimed (...)
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    Nursing students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical/unethical attitudes.Sevda Arslan & Leyla Dinç - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):789-801.
    Background: Through education, individuals acquire knowledge, skill and attitudes that facilitate professional socialization; it involves intellectual, emotional and psychomotor skill development. Teachers are role models for behaviour modification and value development. Objective: To examine students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical and unethical attitudes during interactions in undergraduate nursing. Research design: This descriptive study consisted of two phases. In Phase I, we developed an instrument, which was administered to nursing students to assess validity and reliability. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 32 (...)
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  12.  27
    Faculty Perceptions of Consensual Sexual Relationships Between University Faculty and Students.April Carrillo, Courtney Crittenden & Tammy Garland - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):331-343.
    Consensual sexual relationships between faculty and students at universities are a growing issue for administrators. Often times, administrators view these relationships as potential sexual harassment cases given the power disparities that often exist between the parties involved. Therefore, many universities have written policies essentially equating CSRs to sexual harassment. Despite the recent growth of these policies, how faculty compare CSRs and sexual harassment is often overlooked, particularly as it relates to perceived power differentials. The current study examined responses (...)
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    Graduate students' experiences in dealing with impaired Peer, compared with faculty predictions: An exploratory study.Jack Mearns & George J. Allen - 1991 - Ethics and Behavior 1 (3):191 – 202.
    In this study, we present data on graduate students' actual experiences in dealing with impaired peers and faculty predictions of how students would deal with such situations. A total of 29 faculty and 73 graduate students responded to a survey of 40 randomly selected clinical psychology training programs. Student respondents were almost universally (95%) aware of peers whom they regarded as impaired in their professional functioning, and half (49%) the sample reported being aware of a peer's ethical (...)
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  14. Students' and faculty members' perceptions of the importance of business ethics and accounting ethics education: Is there an expectations gap? [REVIEW]Nell Adkins & Robin R. Radtke - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (3):279-300.
    Despite a wealth of prior research, little consensus has arisen about the goals and effectiveness of business ethics education. Additionally, accounting academics have recently been questioned as to their commitment to accounting ethics education. The current study examines whether accounting students' perceptions of business ethics and the goals of accounting ethics education are fundamentally different from the perceptions of accounting faculty members. The study uses a survey instrument to elicit student and faculty responses to various questions concerning (...)
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  15.  30
    Faculty-student collaborations: Ethics and satisfaction in authorship credit.Jeffrey C. Sandler & Brenda L. Russell - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):65 – 80.
    In the academic world, a researcher's number of publications can carry huge professional and financial rewards. This truth has led to many unethical authorship assignments throughout the world of publishing, including within faculty-student collaborations. Although the American Psychological Association passed a revised code of ethics in 1992 with special rules pertaining to such collaborative efforts, it is widely acknowledged that unethical assignments of authorship credit continue to occur regularly. This study found that of the 604 APA-member respondents, 165 (...)
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    Students’ Emotional Well-Being, and Perceived Faculty Incivility and Just Behavior Before and During COVID-19.Dorit Alt, Yariv Itzkovich & Lior Naamati-Schneider - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research set out to measure the impact of the lockdown condition and social distancing imposed on higher education by the Israeli government during the COVID-19 period and the shift to online learning, on students’ emotional well-being, the way they perceived their teachers’ just behavior, and faculty incivility, compared to pre-pandemic conditions. An additional aim was to explore the set of connections among these factors. The total sample included 396 undergraduate students from three academic colleges. Data were gathered via (...)
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  17.  42
    Too Close for Comfort? FacultyStudent Multiple Relationships and Their Impact on Student Classroom Conduct.Rebecca M. Chory & Evan H. Offstein - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (1):23-44.
    Professors are increasingly encouraged to adopt multiple role relationships with their students. Regardless of professor intent, these relationships carry risks. Left unexamined is whether studentfaculty social multiple relationships impact student in-class behaviors. Provocatively, our exploratory study provides empirical support suggesting that when undergraduate students perceive that their professors engage in the multiple facultystudent relationships of friendships, drinking (alcohol) relationships, and sexual partnerships, students report they are more likely to engage in uncivil behaviors in the professor’s (...)
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  18.  24
    Psychology’s contemporary and all-time notables: Student, faculty, and chairperson viewpoints.Stephen F. Davis, Roger L. Thomas & Melanie S. Weaver - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):3-6.
  19. Why Student Ratings of Faculty Are Unethical.Daryl Close - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics.
    For decades, student ratings of university faculty have been used by administrators in high stakes faculty employment decisions such as tenure, promotion, contract renewal and reappointment, and merit pay. However, virtually no attention has been paid to the ethical questions of using ratings in employment decisions. Instead, the ratings literature is generally limited to psychometric issues such as whether a given student ratings instrument exhibits the statistical properties of reliability and validity. There is no consensus understanding (...)
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  20.  56
    The Paradox of Faculty Attitudes toward Student Violations of Academic Integrity.Paul Douglas MacLeod & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4):347-362.
    This study investigated faculty attitudes towards student violations of academic integrity in Canada using a qualitative review of 17 universities’ academic integrity/dishonesty policies combined with a quantitative survey of faculty members’ (N = 412) attitudes and behaviours around academic integrity and dishonesty. Results showed that 53.1% of survey respondents see academic dishonesty as a worsening problem at their institutions. Generally, they believe their respective institutional policies are sound in principle but fail in application. Two of the major (...)
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  21.  32
    Promoting Human Subjects Training for Place-Based Communities and Cultural Groups in Environmental Research: Curriculum Approaches for Graduate Student/Faculty Training.Dianne Quigley - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):209-226.
    A collaborative team of environmental sociologists, community psychologists, religious studies scholars, environmental studies/science researchers and engineers has been working together to design and implement new training in research ethics, culture and community-based approaches for place-based communities and cultural groups. The training is designed for short and semester-long graduate courses at several universities in the northeastern US. The team received a 3 year grant from the US National Science Foundation’s Ethics Education in Science and Engineering in 2010. This manuscript details the (...)
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  22.  17
    Faculty responsibilities in dealing with collegiate cheating: A student development perspective.Deborah F. Crown & M. Shane Spiller - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):117-130.
  23.  25
    Students, Masters, and 'Heterodox' Doctrines at the Parisian Faculty of Arts in the 1270s.Luca Bianchi - 2009 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 76 (1):75-109.
    A few years ago, Malcolm de Mowbray argued that nearly everything that had been written concerning the origins of the condemnation issued on March 7, 1277 by the bishop of Paris, Stephen Tempier, was based on the unproven assumption that what motivated the condemnation were provocative doctrines taught by university masters; in contrast, de Mowbray maintained that the sources of the prohibited views were not the Arts masters, but students who uttered them in the course of «their disputations». The present (...)
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  24.  36
    Faculty reluctance to report student plagiarism: A case study.Adèle Thomas - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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    Faculty/Student Workshop on Multiculturalism.Fawzia Afzal-Khan & Theodora Jankowski - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 8 (2):8-11.
  26.  31
    Business students' perceptions of potential ethical dilemmas faced by faculty.Leisa L. Marshall, David Campbell, Eileen A. Hogan & Dexter E. Gulledge - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (3):235-251.
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    Student reports and faculty perceptions of academic dishonesty.Linda Achey Kidwell, Karen Wozniak & Jeanne Phoenix Laurel - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (3):205-214.
  28. Student and Faculty Culture in Higher Education: A Research Note.Michael Logan & Alanson A. Van Fleet - 1980 - Journal of Thought 15 (3):77-80.
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    Boundary issues in academia: Student perceptions of faculty - student boundary crossings.Patricia R. Owen & Jennifer Zwahr-Castro - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (2):117 – 129.
    Boundary crossings in academia are rarely addressed by university policy despite the risk of problematic or unethical faculty - student interactions. This study contributes to an understanding of undergraduate college student perceptions of appropriateness of faculty - student nonsexual interactions by investigating the influence of gender and ethnicity on student judgments of the appropriateness of numerous hypothetical interactions. Overall, students deemed the majority of interactions as inappropriate. Female students judged a number of interactions as (...)
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    How Do Chemistry Faculty and Graduate Students Engage in Decision Making on Issues Related to Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Research Including Authorship?Yiyang Gao, Jasmin Wilson & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (3):1-26.
    In the United States National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health have mandated training STEM doctoral students in the ethical and responsible conduct of research to improve doctoral students' ethical decision-making skills; however, little is known about the process and factors that STEM faculty and graduate students use in their decision-making. This exploratory case study examined how four triads of chemistry faculty and their doctoral students recruited from three research universities in the eastern United States engaged (...)
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  31.  47
    Assessing the Connection Between Students’ Justice Experience and Perceptions of Faculty Incivility in Higher Education.Dorit Alt & Yariv Itzkovich - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (2):121-134.
    IntroductionIncivility is defined as an interpersonal misconduct involving disregard for others and a violation of norms of respect . This phenomenon has been extensively investigated in workplaces . However, only a few studies have focused their attention on the academic setting, investigating both student and faculty general incivilities .While previous studies’ theoretical framework was mainly informed by organizational and psychosocial theories , this study suggests viewing incivility through the lens of justice psychology, which examines individual justice concerns . (...)
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  32. Faculty of responsibility: a key concept to cope with the ethical challenges medical students face.Orhan Onder & Aasim I. Padela - 2020 - Journal of the British Islamic Medical Association 4 (2):23-26.
    During their educational life, medical students encounter several challenges, the origins and causes of which vary. This paper explores and attempts to scrutinize two of these challenges, before eventually introducing the concept of responsibility. First, this paper describes the general characteristics of medical schools, medical students, and medical education. Second, two different ethical challenges that medical students confront are then delineated: the anxiety of continuously questioning ‘while being trained, do I cause patients to receive suboptimal health care?’ and occasionally feeling (...)
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  33.  22
    College students are more bored than college faculty.Lawrence Weinstein & Linda L. Cox - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):69-70.
  34.  10
    Attitudes of students at the faculty of Regional Development and International Studies toward plagiarism.Lucie Herbočková & Josef Smolík - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (1):46-58.
    This study aims to identify student attitudes to and perceptions of the topical phenomenon of plagiarism at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies at Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. The paper includes a theoretical framework describing plagiarism, academic ethics and provides a different perspective on plagiarism by many authors. Furthermore, the article presents a semi-structured questionnaire conducted in July 2018 with a sample of 235 respondents. The questionnaire was used in this research to explore students’ (...)
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  35. The Diversity of Philosophy Students and Faculty.Eric Schwitzgebel, Liam Kofi Bright, Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Morgan Thompson & Eric Winsberg - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 93:71-90.
    How diverse is philosophy? In this paper we explore recent data on the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of philosophy students and faculty in the United States. We have found that women are underrepresented in philosophy at all levels from first-year intention to major through senior faculty. The past four years have seen an increase in the percentage of women philosophy majors at the undergraduate level, but it remains to be seen if this recent increase in the percentage (...)
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  36.  53
    Faculty Perceptions of Student Self Plagiarism: An Exploratory Multi-university Study. [REVIEW]Colleen Halupa & Doris U. Bolliger - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (4):297-310.
    The purpose of this research study was to evaluate faculty perceptions regarding student self-plagiarism or recycling of student papers. Although there is a plethora of information on plagiarism and faculty who self-plagiarize in publications, there is very little research on how faculty members perceive students re-using all or part of a previously completed assignment in a second assignment. With the wide use of plagiarism detection software, this issue becomes even more crucial. A population of 340 (...)
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  37.  14
    Undergraduate and postgraduate students’ emails to faculty members: an impoliteness perspective.Marah Ahmad Abu-Rumman, Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh, Mohammed Al-Badawi & Yazeed Hammouri - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):175-201.
    This study delves into the use of impoliteness strategies within emails sent by undergraduate and postgraduate students to their professors, aiming to discern the variance in their implementation based on (Culpeper and Hardaker’s. 2017. Impoliteness. In: Culpeper, Jonathan, Haugh, Michael and Daniel Kadar (eds.), The Palgrave handbook of linguistic (im) politeness, 199–225. Basingstoke: Palgrave) model. Data, comprising emails from University of Jordan students and semi-structured interviews, underwent analysis to identify impoliteness strategies and themes. Findings indicate a higher prevalence of impolite (...)
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  38.  74
    Turning a Blind Eye: Faculty Who Ignore Student Cheating. [REVIEW]Arthur Coren - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):291-305.
    In this study, 40.3% of faculty members admitted to ignoring student cheating on one or more occasions. The quality of past experience in dealing with academic integrity violations was examined. Faculty members with previous bad experiences were more likely to prefer dealing with cheating by ignoring it. The data were further analysed to determine beliefs and attitudes that distinguish between faculty who have never ignored an instance of cheating and those who indicated that they have ignored (...)
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    The Views of the Students at the Faculty of Theology Regarding to Rhetoric Course.Şahin Şimşek - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):124-143.
    The vast majority of Islamic scholars have claimed that the miraculousness of the Quran stems from its own structure; its fluency, eloquence and verse characteristics. They have also regarded the science of rhetoric as the basic tool for revealing the literary superiority of the Quran and understanding it properly. The objective of this research is to determine the views of the students of theology and sharia faculties on the rhetoric course and present them comparatively. To understand how rhetoric is taught (...)
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    Recognizing bioethical issues and ethical qualification in nursing students and faculty in South Korea.Kwisoon Choe, Eunju Song & Youngmi Kang - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):0969733012472734.
    The role of nursing faculty members in charge of ethics education is important. Although all nursing students receive the same bioethics education, their experiences differ, related to ethical qualification, which depends on the personal socialization process. This Korean study aimed to provide nursing faculty members with the basic data to help them develop as bioethics experts and provide nursing students with knowledge to improve their ethical decision-making abilities. We used a survey design to assess recognition of bioethical issues (...)
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    Self-concept of students in higher education: are there differences by faculty and gender?C. M. Rubie-Davies & K. Lee - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (1):56-67.
    Many studies examine student self-concept during compulsory schooling but few have explored the self-concept of students in higher educational settings. The current study examined self-concept by faculty and gender among higher education students in New Zealand. Participants were 929 undergraduate students from a large New Zealand university. The results showed some differences in verbal and maths self-concept by faculty. Generally, students in faculties teaching subjects more reliant on maths skills had higher maths self-concept than those in faculties (...)
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    Faculty diversity matters: a scoping review of student perspectives in North America.Harman Singh Sandhu, Ruth Chen & Anne Wong - 2022 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 26 (4):130-139.
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    Comparing Business School Faculty Classification for Perceptions of Student Cheating.Gary Blau, Roman Szewczuk, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Dennis A. Paris & Mike Guglielmo - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (4):301-315.
    Faculty continue to address academic dishonesty in their classes. In this follow-up to an earlier study on general perceived faculty student cheating, using a sample of business school faculty, we compared three levels of faculty classification: full-time non-tenure track, full-time tenured/tenure-track, and part-time adjuncts. Results showed that NTTs perceived higher levels for three different types of student cheating, i.e., paper-based, forbidden teamwork, and hiring someone to take an exam. In addition, NTTs were more likely (...)
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    In my professor’s eyes: Faculty and perceived impoliteness in student emails.Hamed Zandi & Iftikhar Haider - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):197-222.
    Impoliteness in student emails to faculty can have negative consequences. However, the nuances of perceived impoliteness by faculty with different language backgrounds have not been thoroughly studied in the literature. This paper explores how emails written by non-native English-speaking students are perceived impolite by faculty depending on social identity variables such as native speaker status, gender, and seniority. Participants read six emails and rated their perceptions of the emails on a questionnaire. The items on the questionnaire (...)
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    Normative orientations of university faculty and doctoral students.Melissa S. Anderson - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):443-461.
    Data from two national surveys of 4,000 faculty and doctoral students in chemistry, civil engineering, microbiology and sociology indicate that both faculty and students subscribe strongly to traditional norms but are more likely to see alternative counternorms enacted in their departments. They also show significant effects of departmental climate on normative orientations and suggest that many researchers express some degree of ambivalence about traditional norms.
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    Assessment in ‘survival mode’: student and faculty perceptions of online assessment practices in HE during Covid-19 pandemic.Aisha Alsobhi, Maram Meccawy & Zilal Meccawy - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    This paper presents a cross-sectional study that demonstrates how King Abdulaziz University has responded to the lockdown imposed by the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of students and faculty towards assessment that had to take place online due to physical or social distancing rules and lockdowns. A descriptive mixed-method study was conducted with two different self-administered questionnaires that were developed for students and (...), respectively. A total of 547 responses were received from undergraduate students and 213 from faculty. The main finding suggests the need for a multilevel approach to the problems of cheating and plagiarism, including raising student awareness and ethics, training teachers to detect cheating methods, and institutions activating their code of practice and applying severe sanctions on those who engage in such practices. (shrink)
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    Student perceptions of dual relationships between faculty and students.Deborah L. Holmes, Patricia A. Rupert, Stephanie A. Ross & Wendy E. Shapera - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (2):79 – 107.
  48. A literature review of faculty ethics : how culturally competent are they in teaching diverse students?Huachuan Wen - 2020 - In Maureen E. Squires (ed.), Ethics in higher education. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct.Joanne C. Jones, Gary Spraakman & Cristóbal Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):645-667.
    Since there are so few controls over detecting and preventing faculty misconduct, one of the most common ways in which it is discovered is through student reports. Given the importance of student reports in bringing to light faculty’s ethical lapses, this paper seeks to understand what factors influence students’ likelihood to report faculty misconduct. We develop an empirical model that integrates the decision process of the Prosocial Organizational Behavior Model with insights from the emotional perspective (...)
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  50. Higher education faculty addressing the diverse learning needs of students with disabilities within the universal design for learning framework.Emily Hoeh & Education Michelle L. Bonati - 2020 - In Maureen E. Squires (ed.), Ethics in higher education. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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