Results for 'stigmatisation'

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  1.  37
    Stigmatisation, Exaggeration, and Contradiction: An Analysis of Scientific and Clinical Content in Canadian Print Media Discourse About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.John Aspler, Natalie Zizzo, Emily Bell, Nina Di Pietro & Eric Racine - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):23-35.
    Contexte : L’ensemble des troubles causés par l’alcoolisation fœtale (ETCAF), un diagnostic complexe qui comprend une vaste gamme de troubles neurodéveloppementaux, résulte de l’exposition à l’alcool dans l’utérus. L’ETCAF demeure mal compris par les Canadiens, ce qui pourrait contribuer à la stigmatisation dont souffrent les personnes atteintes d’ETCAF et les femmes qui consomment de l’alcool pendant leur grossesse. Méthodes : Pour mieux comprendre comment l’information sur l’ETCAF est présentée dans la sphère publique, nous avons analysé le contenu de 286 (...)
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    Understanding Stigmatisation: Results of a Qualitative Formative Study with Adolescents and Adults in DR Congo.Kim Hartog, Ruth M. H. Peters & Mark J. D. Jordans - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):805-828.
    While stigmatisation is universal, stigma research in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is limited. LMIC stigma research predominantly concerns health-related stigma, primarily regarding HIV/AIDS or mental illness from an adult perspective. While there are commonalities in stigmatisation, there are also contextual differences. The aim of this study in DR Congo (DRC), as a formative part in the development of a common stigma reduction intervention, was to gain insight into the commonalities and differences of stigma drivers (triggers of (...)), facilitators (factors positively or negatively influencing stigmatisation), and manifestations (practices and experiences of stigmatisation) with regard to three populations: unmarried mothers, children formerly associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG), and an indigenous population. Group exercises, in which participants reacted to statements and substantiated their reactions, were held with the ‘general population’ (15 exercises, n = 70) and ‘populations experiencing stigma’ (10 exercises, n = 48). Data was transcribed and translated, and coded in Nvivo12. We conducted framework analysis. There were two drivers mentioned across the three populations: perceived danger was the most prominent driver, followed by perceived low value of the population experiencing stigma. There were five shared facilitators, with livelihood and personal benefit the most comparable across the populations. Connection to family or leaders received mixed reactions. If unmarried mothers and CAAFAG were perceived to have taken advice from the general population and changed their stereotyped behaviour this also featured as a facilitator. Stigma manifested itself for the three populations at family, community, leaders and services level, with participation restrictions, differential treatment, anticipated stigma and feelings of scapegoating. Stereotyping was common, with different stereotypes regarding the three populations. Although stigmatisation was persistent, positive interactions between the general population and populations experiencing stigma were shared as well. This study demonstrated utility of a health-related stigma and discrimination framework and a participatory exercise for understanding non-health related stigmatisation. Results are consistent with other studies regarding these populations in other contexts. This study identified commonalities between drivers, facilitators and manifestations—albeit with population-specific factors. Contextual information seems helpful in proposing strategy components for stigma reduction. (shrink)
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  3. The Stigmatisation of St. Francis: A Reply to Dr. Seton.G. G. Coulton - 1925 - Hibbert Journal 24:292.
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  4. Hannah’s stigmatisation in 1 Samuel 1:6-8 in the modern Nigerian (Yoruba) context.Solomon O. Ademiluka - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    Unlike Hannah, who eventually had a child, there are women today who remain childless. In the modern world, there are various reasons why women choose not to have children. Therefore, when interpreting the Hannah narrative in modern times, it is important to consider these evolving aspects of barrenness. This article applies historical-critical exegesis, narrative reading and a descriptive approach to examine Hannah’s experience in the Nigerian context. It also evaluates African traditional beliefs on childlessness in light of modern realities. The (...)
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    (1 other version)La stigmatisation des familles monoparentales.Jean-François Le Goff - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 194 (4):45.
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    Using the Implicit Association Test to investigate attitude-behaviour consistency for stigmatised behaviour.Jane E. Swanson, E. Swanson & Anthony G. Greenwald - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):207-230.
    To consciously bolster behaviour that is disapproved by others (i.e., stigmatised behaviour) people may hold and report a favourable attitude toward the behaviour. However, achieving such bolstering outside awareness may be more difficult. Explicit attitudes were measured with self-report measures, and the Implicit Association Test was used to assess implicit attitudes toward behaviour held by stigmatised actors (smokers) and nonstigmatised actors (vegetarians and omnivores). Smokers' showed greater attitude-behaviour consistency in their explicit attitudes toward smoking that in their implicit attitudes. By (...)
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    The relationship between moral intervention strategies and the stigmatisation of people living with HIV – A Christian perspective.Izak J. Van der Walt & Jacobus M. Vorster - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3).
    One of the ways in which sexual transmission of AIDS is addressed is through moral interventions by organisations affiliated with Christian churches. However, this approach has been heavily criticised in recent literature, implying that moral interventions by church-affiliated organisations generally lead to stigmatisation which is one of the major obstacles to their involvement in HIV prevention. This article explores the origin of this accusation and discusses the Christian-ethical aspects related to HIV or AIDS. The conclusion is that the fact (...)
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    Populisme et stigmatisation d'une lutte ouvrière : L'affaire « Clabecq ».Geoffrey Geuens - 2005 - Hermes 42:167.
    La couverture médiatique du conflit social des Forges de Clabecq s'est caractérisée par le développement croissant de stéréotypes censés rendre compte de la personnalité très singulière du chef de file de la délégation syndicale. Populiste, extrémiste, dictateur, gangster ou encore gourou, les figures journalistiques du leader « prolétarien » se sont succédé tout au long du conflit. Cette criminalisation croissante du mouvement social s'explique par l'intensité des enjeux politiques de ce dossier mais aussi par la méconnaissance profonde de la classe (...)
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  9. Using the Implicit Association Test to investigate attitude-behavior consistency for stigmatised behavior.J. E. Svanson, L. A. Rudman & A. G. Greenwald - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15:207-230.
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    Familles et VIH. De la stigmatisation à la normalisation?Ouriel Rosenblum, Aubeline Vinay & Sonia Okome Assoume - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 197 (3):105-116.
    Résumé Après avoir dressé un historique de l’accession à la parentalité des patients séropositifs depuis le début de l’épidémie, l’article décline quelques situations spécifiques familiales. Le point commun de ces différents contextes est l’omniprésence du secret et de la honte de la contamination par le vih, qui infiltrent la relation entre parents et enfants. L’article tente d’en analyser les fonctions à la fois défensives et organisatrices au sein de la famille.
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    Le populisme : De la valorisation à la stigmatisation du populaire.Annie Collovald - 2005 - Hermes 42:154.
    La notion de « populisme » s'est complètement transformée au cours du temps. Valorisant hier le populaire, elle le stigmatise aujourd'hui. Les usages actuels du «populisme du FN» en témoignent. S'ils font désormais consensus pour désigner dans les groupes populaires les principaux soutiens du parti frontiste, c'est au prix d'une naturalisation des interprétations du succès politique du FN oubliant le rôle des élites politiques et sociales, au prix également d'un changement de perspective sur l'autoritarisme et la signification concrète de l'appel (...)
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    Cancer Research UK's obesity campaign in 2018 and 2019: effective health promotion or perpetuating the stigmatisation of obesity? [REVIEW]Natasha Varshney - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (11):761-765.
    In 2018 and 2019 Cancer Research UK (CRUK) launched a controversial advertising campaign to inform the British public of obesity being a preventable cause of cancer. On each occasion the advertisements used were emotive and provoked frustration among the British public which was widely vocalised on social media. As well serving to educate the public of this association, the advertisements also had the secondary effect of acting as health promotion through social marketing, a form of advertising designed to influence behavioural (...)
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    Enfants sourds et malentendants en situation d’immigration à l’école : une double stigmatisation?Diane Bedoin - 2008 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 2 (4):292-311.
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    Supplementing the lack of ubuntu? The ministry of Zimbabwe’s Mashoko Christian Hospital to people living with HIV and AIDS in challenging their stigmatisation in the church.Collium Banda & Suspicion Mudzanire - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-11.
    This article uses the African communal concept of ubuntu to reflect on the ministry of Mashoko Christian Hospital, Zimbabwe, to people living with the human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS during the early days since the discovery of the disease. The main question this article seeks to answer is: from a perspective of the African philosophy of ubuntu, how did the ministry of MCH to PLWHA challenge the fear and judgemental attitudes towards the disease within the Churches of Christ in Zimbabwe? (...)
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    Internalised Weight Stigma Moderates the Impact of a Stigmatising Prime on Eating in the Absence of Hunger in Higher- but Not Lower-Weight Individuals.Angela Meadows & Suzanne Higgs - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La situation socioéconomique des personnes en situation de handicap au Maroc et en Tunisie : inégalités, coût et stigmatisation.Jean-François Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Dominique Lopez, Fiona Gall & Derek Brown - 2017 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 11 (4):215-233.
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    ‘Psychopaths’ at Work? Implications of Lay Persons’ Use of Labels and Behavioural Criteria for Psychopathy.Carlo Caponecchia, Andrew Y. Z. Sun & Anne Wyatt - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (4):399-408.
    In attempting to explain or deal with negative workplace behaviours such as workplace bullying, the notion of ‘workplace psychopaths’ has recently received much attention. Focusing on individual aspects of negative workplace behaviour is at odds with more systemic approaches that recognise the contribution of individual, organisational and societal influences, without seeking to blame a person(s) for their behaviour or personality disorder. Regarding a coworker as a psychopath is highly stigmatising, and given the relatively low prevalence of psychopathy in the community, (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Retractions: the good, the bad, and the ugly.Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - LSE Impact of Social Sciences 2020 (2):1-4.
    Retractions play an important role in research communication by highlighting and explaining how research projects have failed and thereby preventing these mistakes from being repeated. However, the process of retraction and the data it produces is often sparse or incomplete. Drawing on evidence from 2046 retraction records, Quan-Hoang Vuong discusses the emerging trends this data highlights and argues for the need to enforce reporting standards for retractions, as a means of de-stigmatising retraction and rewarding practising integrity in the scholarly record.
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    I have always been a white raven and a black sheep.Elena Nosenko-Stein - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):77-91.
    Dans la Russie post-soviétique, on dénombre environ 12 millions de personnes qui vivent en situation de handicap. Cependant, les recherches scientifiques consacrées à ce large segment de la société russe, principalement à propos de la stigmatisation et de l’auto-stigmatisation, sont rares. Les textes autobiographiques écrits par des personnes qui présentent un handicap, entre 1990 et 2010, permettent de mieux comprendre les expériences de ces personnes dans la Russie post-soviétique. Ces textes témoignent notamment des principales stratégies que les personnes (...)
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    Teachers’ perspectives on the education of deaf and hard of hearing students in India.Elisa Mohanty & Anindya Jayanta Mishra - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-2 (14-2):85-98.
    Les étudiants sourds et malentendants (ÉSM) représentent une catégorie de personnes dont les besoins éducatifs spécifiques sont restés sans réponse dans le système éducatif indien. Cette étude, basée sur un travail de terrain, a été menée à l’Anushruti Académie pour les sourds (AAS), une école pour les étudiants ÉSM située dans la ville de Roorkee en Inde. Elle repose sur l’observation de ces enfants dans les salles de classe et des entretiens approfondis avec leurs professeurs afin de cerner leurs positions (...)
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  21.  10
    Handicap et famille : la tyrannie de la norme n’est pas une fatalité.Sabine Chatroussat & Régine Scelles - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 228 (2):161-180.
    À partir d’une pratique clinique et de recherche, cet article traite de la parentalité dans le cas où le père et/ou la mère présentent une déficience cognitive. Il souligne que cette parentalité est négativement impactée par le regard social stigmatisant, des réseaux sociaux souvent retreints et des modalités d’accompagnement dont les normes sont peu compréhensibles et lisibles pour les parents. Face à cela, l’article propose : 1) de développer un travail conjoint entre normes des professionnels et normes des parents ; (...)
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    Locating the Health Hazard, Surveilling the Gecekondu: The Tuberculosis-Control Pilot Area of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul (1961–1963). [REVIEW]Léa Delmaire - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (1):153-186.
    The stigmatisation of the gecekondu in post-1945 Turkey is a common theme in the literature. However, these studies have drawn little connection with health issues, even though these are known to be important in the mechanisms of stigmatisation. Policies for tuberculosis (TB) control—then Turkey's “number one health issue”—have tended to focus on individual and biological factors, to the detriment of social or environmental ones that could contribute to making TB a matter of politics and not only of policies. (...)
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    When faith does violence: Reimagining engagement between churches and LGBTI groups on homophobia in Africa.Gerald West, Charlene Van der Walt & Kapya John Kaoma - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    ‘Homophobia’ is shorthand for stigmatising attitudes and practices towards people who demonstrate sexual diversity. In this article, we reflect on how African Christian faith may become redemptive rather than violent in the context of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex forms of sexuality.
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  24. Responsibility without Blame for Addiction.Hanna Pickard - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):169-180.
    Drug use and drug addiction are severely stigmatised around the world. Marc Lewis does not frame his learning model of addiction as a choice model out of concern that to do so further encourages stigma and blame. Yet the evidence in support of a choice model is increasingly strong as well as consonant with core elements of his learning model. I offer a responsibility without blame framework that derives from reflection on forms of clinical practice that support change and recovery (...)
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    Pour une société « suffisamment bonne » : reconnaître une pluralité de contributions et de parcours.Marie-Laurence Poirel & Clément - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    À partir des résultats d’une recherche qualitative et participative ayant impliqué des personnes qui vivent avec un problème de santé mentale, des intervenants et des gestionnaires de milieux de pratique en santé mentale et visant à explorer les représentations d’une intégration sociale jugée réussie, cet article propose une analyse et une réflexion sur les conditions de possibilité d’une société suffisamment bonne et inclusive pour les personnes vivant avec un problème de santé mentale. L’élargissement du prisme de la reconnaissance sociale s’est (...)
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    ‘Lose weight, save the NHS’: Discourses of obesity in press coverage of COVID-19.Gavin Brookes - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (6):629-647.
    This article examines the discourses that are used by the British press to represent obesity in its coverage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Obesity is understood to be a risk factor for COVID-19, with people with obesity being more likely to die from the virus. This study adopts a corpus-based approach to Critical Discourse Studies and utilises a novel approach to keyword analysis, based on comparing analysis corpora against two reference corpora in order to yield keywords that are, in this (...)
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    Behaviours of healthcare professionals towards difficult patients: A structural equation modelling study.Kamuran Cerit, Tuğba Karataş & Dilek Ekici - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):554-566.
    Background: Some patients are stigmatised as difficult patients by healthcare professionals. This phenomenon has great many negative consequences. The behaviours of healthcare professionals towards difficult patients are important. Objective: To explore the behaviours of all healthcare professionals towards difficult patients. Research Design: This study was based on a cross-sectional research design using structural equation modelling. Participants and Research Context: Two hundred and fifty-four healthcare professionals were involved in the study in Turkey. ‘Participant Information Form’ and the ‘Healthcare Professionals Behaviour Assessment (...)
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  28. Is "cultural recognition" a useful concept for leftist politics?Richard Rorty - 2000 - Critical Horizons 1 (1):7-20.
    It is not clear that "cultural recognition" should be a central goal of leftist politics. The idea that cultures have value simply by virtue of being cultures seems absurd, so it might be better to talk simply about eliminating prejudice and stigmatisation.
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    Guilt, fear, stigma and knowledge gaps: Ethical issues in public health communication interventions.Nurit Guttman & Charles T. Salmon - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (6):531–552.
    ABSTRACT Public health communication campaigns have been credited with helping raise awareness of risk from chronic illness and new infectious diseases and with helping promote the adoption of recommended treatment regimens. Yet many aspects of public health communication interventions have escaped the scrutiny of ethical discussions. With the transference of successful commercial marketing communication tactics to the realm of public health, consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential component in the development and application of public health strategies. Ethical issues in (...)
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    (Un)equal treatment in the ‘tobacco-free generation’.Johannes Kniess - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The idea of a ‘tobacco-free generation’ promises to make smoking a thing of the past by making cigarettes unavailable to birth cohorts in the future. If implemented, such a generational ban would lead to a society in which some individuals are allowed the freedom to smoke while others are not. This paper examines the ethical significance of this fact through the lens of ‘relational egalitarianism’, an approach to social justice that emphasises equal and respectful social relationships. It explores various dimensions (...)
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    Nocebo effects from clinical notes: reason for action, not opposition for clinicians of patients with medically unexplained symptoms.Anna Kharko & Maria Hägglund - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):24-25.
    In her paper, ‘Sharing online clinical notes with patients: implications for nocebo effects and health equity’, Blease bridges findings from two research fields to describe possible unintended consequences of providing patients access to clinical notes. 1 She explains how nocebo effects, genuine psychological and physiological reactions following negative expectations, may arise after patients read such notes. Blease emphasises that the likelihood of nocebo may be greater for those patient groups who experience stigmatisation in healthcare. We argue that this is (...)
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  32. Personal responsibility within health policy: unethical and ineffective.Phoebe Friesen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics Recent Issues 44 (1):53-58.
    This paper argues against incorporating assessments of individual responsibility into healthcare policies by expanding an existing argument and offering a rebuttal to an argument in favour of such policies. First, it is argued that what primarily underlies discussions surrounding personal responsibility and healthcare is not causal responsibility, moral responsibility or culpability, as one might expect, but biases towards particular highly stigmatised behaviours. A challenge is posed for proponents of taking personal responsibility into account within health policy to either expand the (...)
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    Potential use of clinical polygenic risk scores in psychiatry – ethical implications and communicating high polygenic risk.A. C. Palk, S. Dalvie, J. de Vries, A. R. Martin & D. J. Stein - 2019 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 14 (1):1-12.
    Psychiatric disorders present distinct clinical challenges which are partly attributable to their multifactorial aetiology and the absence of laboratory tests that can be used to confirm diagnosis or predict risk. Psychiatric disorders are highly heritable, but also polygenic, with genetic risk conferred by interactions between thousands of variants of small effect that can be summarized in a polygenic risk score. We discuss four areas in which the use of polygenic risk scores in psychiatric research and clinical contexts could have ethical (...)
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  34. A Defence of Sexual Inclusion.John Danaher - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (3):467-496.
    This article argues that access to meaningful sexual experience should be included within the set of the goods that are subject to principles of distributive justice. It argues that some people are currently unjustly excluded from meaningful sexual experience and it is not implausible to suggest that they might thereby have certain claim rights to sexual inclusion. This does not entail that anyone has a right to sex with another person, but it does entail that duties may be imposed on (...)
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    Aux origines de la Nouvelle Histoire en France: l’évolution intellectuelle et la formation du champ des sciences sociales.Laurent Mucchielli - 1995 - Revue de Synthèse 116 (1):55-98.
    Marquée à juste titre par le mouvement des Annales, l’historiographie française a intériorisé lidée qu’avant 1929 dominait ce que Henri Berr avait stigmatisé sous le nom d’ « histoire traditionnelle » : une histoire politique et individualiste ne tenant pas compte des déterminations collectives, sociales ou mentales. La fameuse Introduction aux études historiques de Langlois et Seignobos (1898) serait l’expression de ce «positivisme» qu’aurait initié Gabriel Monod, fondateur de la Revue historique en 1876. Cette vision traditionnelle de l’histoire de la (...)
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    Dealing with the other between the ethical and the moral: albinism on the African continent.Elvis Imafidon - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (2):163-177.
    Albinism is a global public health issue but it assumes a peculiar nature in the African continent due, in part, to the social stigma faced by persons with albinism in Africa. I argue that there are two essential reasons for this precarious situation. First, in the African consciousness, albinism is an alterity or otherness. The PWA in Africa is not merely a physical other but also an ontological other in the African community of beings, which provides a hermeneutic for the (...)
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  37. Making Sense of Shame in Response to Racism.Aness Kim Webster - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (7):535-550.
    Some people of colour feel shame in response to racist incidents. This phenomenon seems puzzling since, plausibly, they have nothing to feel shame about. This puzzle arises because we assume that targets of racism feel shame about their race. However, I propose that when an individual is racialised as non-White in a racist incident, shame is sometimes prompted, not by a negative self-assessment of her race, but by her inability to choose when her stigmatised race is made salient. I argue (...)
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    Legal Determinants of Health: Regulating Abortion Care.Sheelagh McGuinness & Jonathan Montgomery - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (1):34-40.
    In The legal determinants of health: Harnessing the power of law for global health and sustainable development, Gostin et al. provide a sustained account of how law can and should be used as an instrument of health promotion. We pick up on the themes of this report with a specific focus of the importance of abortion for women’s sexual and reproductive health and the impact that particular ways of framing abortion in law can have on the lives of women and (...)
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    Crime or culture? Representations of chemsex in the British press and magazines aimed at GBTQ+ men.Frazer Heritage & Paul Baker - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (4):435-453.
    ABSTRACT Chemsex is a phenomenon in which typically gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and/or related communities of men take psychoactive drugs while having sex, often without a condom. The practice can lead to increased rates of HIV transmission, sexual assault, and in extreme cases murder. GBTQ+ men are already a stigmatised group so those who engage in chemsex face multiple stigmas. This study examines the ways that two types of media report on chemsex while negotiating these stigmas. We take a large (...)
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    Conflict between nursing student’s personal beliefs and professional nursing values.David Pickles, Sheryl de Lacey & Lindy King - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1087-1100.
    Background: Studies have established that negative perceptions of people living with HIV/AIDS exist among nursing students throughout the world, perceptions which can be detrimental to the delivery of high-quality nursing care. Objectives: The purpose of this research was to explore socio-cultural influences on the perceptions of nursing students towards caring for people living with HIV/AIDS. Research design: The study was guided by stigma theory, a qualitative descriptive research approach was adopted. Data collected via semi-structured interviews were thematically analysed. Participants and (...)
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    “The Most Unhealthy Spots in the World”: Thinking, Dwelling In, and Shaping Pathogenic Environments.Guillaume Linte & Paul-Arthur Tortosa - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (1):9-30.
    This paper deals with the history of “pathogenic environments,” understood as places, regions, or environments whose characteristics are considered to be the origin of diseases in the human beings. While some specific environments were almost universally considered noxious, some others had a different trajectory. Crowded and poorly-ventilated premises as well as tropical regions were perceived as “the most unhealthy spots in the world.” However, the progressive “medicalisation” of hospitals transformed what were previously considered to be hellholes into therapeutic places. This (...)
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    The Duty to Miscegenate.Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    In 'The duty to miscegenate', I harness John Stuart Mill's 19th century theory of social freedom to explain and to dismantle contemporary racialised and gendered injustice. In the first chapter—Social stigmatisation: 'a social tyranny'—I argue that persons racialised-and-gendered-as-black-women were, in the past, unjustly stigmatised by legal penalties against 'miscegenation' and are still, today, unjustly stigmatised by white male avoidance of cross-racial marriage and companionship. In the second chapter—Encounters that count: 'a foundation for solid friendship'—I argue that we can dismantle (...)
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    Liking more or hating less? A modest defence of intergroup contact theory.Rupert Brown - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):428-429.
    Here, I argue that Dixon et al. have overstated the prevalence of forms of prejudice; many stigmatised groups are currently the targets of overtly hostile evaluation and treatment by others. I also believe that the target article oversimplifies its presentation of prejudice researchers' primary theoretical and policy goals and that it overlooks important work in intergroup emotions.
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    Entre libération et représentation réductrice : La pornographie gaie masculine comme véhicule de stéréotypes.Simon Corneau, Geneviève Rail & Dave Holmes - 2010 - Mediatropes 2 (2):136-166.
    Inspirée d’un cadre poststructuraliste, cette étude qualitative de « réception d’un médium » nous a permis de mettre en lumière les « lectures » que font une vingtaine de consommateurs de pornographie des notions de masculinité, de race et ethnicité, du milieu gai et du genre en lien avec la pornographie qu’ils consomment. Les résultats qui émergent de notre analyse critique de discours sont à l’effet que les lectures des consommateurs sont majoritairement dominantes, reproduisant ainsi les stéréotypes présents en société (...)
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    Le dépassement du jugement de goût.Carole Guibet-Lafaye - 2004 - Philosophique 7 (7):47-61.
    La philosophie transcendantale kantienne serait coupable, dans la lecture hégélienne, de réintroduire « l’opposition rigide du subjectif et de l’objectif, de la pensée et des objets, de l’uni­versalité abstraite et de la singularité sensible de la volonté », là même où elle pose la nécessité de leur unification. L’identification par Hegel de la problématique d’un entendement intuitif, au cœur de l’esthétique kantienne, révèle et relève toutefois d’un décentrage problématique, qui conduit nécessairement Hegel à stigmatiser le caractère seulement subjectif de la (...)
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    Pre-decision regret before transition of dependents with severe dementia to long-term care.Ingrid Hanssen, Flora M. Mkhonto, Hilde Øieren, Malmsey L. M. Sengane, Anne Lene Sørensen & Phuong Thai Minh Tran - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):344-355.
    Background: To place a dependent with severe dementia in a nursing home is a painful and difficult decision to make. In collectivistic oriented societies or families, children tend to be socialised to care for ageing parents and to experience guilt and shame if they violate this principle. Leaving the care to professional caregivers does not conform with the cultural expectations of many ethnic groups and becomes a sign of the family’s moral failure. Research design: Qualitative design with individual in-depth interviews (...)
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    L’enfant à risque : discours scientifiques et interventions publiques.Marianne Kempeneers & Dandurand - 2001 - Éthique Publique 3 (1).
    Le propos de ce texte est d’interroger quelques-unes des mises en discours de la notion de risque appliquée à l’enfant, afin de soulever les questions éthiques trop souvent laissées dans l’ombre et néanmoins inhérentes à ces discours. Les auteurs analysent principalement ceux qui proviennent de la psychologie, de la démographie et de la sociologie de la famille à propos de l’impact des désunions conjugales sur le destin des enfants. Cela afin de démontrer l’extrême polysémie de la notion de risque et (...)
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    Ethical dangers of facial phenotyping through photography in psychiatric genomics studies.Camillia Kong - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):730-735.
    Psychiatric genomics research protocols are increasingly incorporating tools of deep phenotyping to observe and examine phenotypic abnormalities among individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. In particular, photography and the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional facial analysis is thought to shed further light on the phenotypic expression of the genes underlying neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as provide potential diagnostic tools for clinicians. In this paper, I argue that the research use of photography to aid facial phenotyping raises deeply fraught issues from an ethical (...)
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    La télévision comme lieu de reconnaissance : le cas des minorités noires en France.Marie-France Malonga - 2008 - Hermes 51:161.
    En France, les personnes issues des minorités, principalement d'origine extra-européenne , sont susceptibles de connaître la discrimination, la stigmatisation mais aussi l'exclusion. La télévision, en tant que « lieu de reconnaissance », constitue un enjeu important pour ces populations. Cependant, le petit écran semble marginaliser depuis toujours ces minorités visibles non seulement en leur laissant une place limitée à l'antenne mais aussi en leur renvoyant des images majoritairement caricaturales et dévalorisantes d'elles-mêmes. Une enquête qualitative auprès de 43 individus d'origine (...)
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    Disjunction and Disjunctive Syllogism.Peter Milne - 1998 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):21 - 32.
    The validity of argument by disjunctive syllogism has been denied by proponents of relevant and paraconsistent logic. DS is stigmatised for its role in inferences — most notably C.I. Lewis's derivation of that fallacy of irrelevance ex falso quodlibet — that involve both it and other rules of inference governing disjunction, or, to speak more precisely, other rules of inference taken to apply to the very same disjunction that obeys DS. In avoiding these inferences the road less travelled is to (...)
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