Results for 'standardisation'

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  1.  50
    Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial Spaces.Fern Wickson & Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1159-1180.
    Modern society is characterised by rapid technological development that is often socially controversial and plagued by extensive scientific uncertainty concerning its socio-ecological impacts. Within this context, the concept of ‘responsible research and innovation’ is currently rising to prominence in international discourse concerning science and technology governance. As this emerging concept of RRI begins to be enacted through instruments, approaches, and initiatives, it is valuable to explore what it is coming to mean for and in practice. In this paper we draw (...)
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    Standardisation in the Field of Nanotechnology: Some Issues of Legitimacy.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):719-739.
    Nanotechnology will allegedly have a revolutionary impact in a wide range of fields, but has also created novel concerns about health, safety and the environment (HSE). Nanotechnology regulation has nevertheless lagged behind nanotechnology development. In 2004 the International Organization for Standardization established a technical committee for producing nanotechnology standards for terminology, measurements, HSE issues and product specifications. These standards are meant to play a role in nanotechnology development, as well as in national and international nanotechnology regulation, and will therefore have (...)
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    A standardised database of Chinese emotional film clips.Yan Ge, Guozhen Zhao, Yulin Zhang, Rebecca J. Houston & Jinjing Song - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):976-990.
    ABSTRACTFilm clips are widely used in emotion research due to their relatively high ecological validity. Although researchers have established various film clip sets for different cultures, the few that exist related to Chinese culture do not adequately address positive emotions. The main purposes of the present study were to establish a standardised database of Chinese emotional film clips that could elicit more categories of reported positive emotions compared to the existing databases and to expand the available film clips that can (...)
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    Standardisation of Reduced Forms in English in an Academic Community of Practice.Jonathan R. White - 2014 - Pragmatics and Society 5 (1):105-127.
    The process of standardising reduced forms in English, such as clippings and informal forms, used in academic chat discourse is the focus of this article. Textchat data from an introductory MA linguistics course run by a university in Sweden involving non-native English-speaking students and their native English-speaking teachers is analysed to identify if any forms are standardised. Topic-specific forms are seen to be standardised as much as are high frequency forms, although few have been standardised. It is the students above (...)
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    ‘Wanted—standard guinea pigs’: standardisation and the experimental animal market in Britain ca. 1919–1947.Robert G. W. Kirk - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (3):280-291.
    In 1942 a coalition of twenty scientific societies formed the Conference on the Supply of Experimental Animals in an attempt to pressure the Medical Research Council to accept responsibility for the provision of standardised experimental animals in Britain. The practice of animal experimentation was subject to State regulation under the Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876, but no provision existed for the provision of animals for experimental use. Consequently, day-to-day laboratory work was reliant on a commercial small animal market which (...)
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  6. Standardisation practices: a mechanism to eliminate construct heterogeneity in the assessment of attainment in science subjects.Robiul Kabir Chowdhury Jack Holbrook, Obaidus Sattar Ali Hasan & Saleh Atahar Khan - 2012 - In Silvija Markic, Ingo Eilks, David Di Fuccia & Bernd Ralle, Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21st Symposium on Chemical and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, May 17-19, 2012. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia.Ann-Claire Larsen - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (2):135-143.
    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia The history of nursing is replete with examples of nurses battling for autonomy over their education, knowledge and work practices. The latest battleground is HealthDirect, Australia's first medial call centre, where nurses are required to meet externally imposed clinical standards while satisfying legal and financial obligations. These objectives are arguably achieved when nurses assess callers’ health problems (...)
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    Calculable People? Standardising Assessment Guidelines for Alzheimer's Disease in 1980s Britain.Duncan Wilson - 2017 - Medical History: An International Journal for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences 61 (4):500-524.
    This article shows how funding research on Alzheimer's disease became a priority for the British Medical Research Council in the late 1970s and 1980s, thanks to work that isolated new pathological and biochemical markers, and showed that the disease affected a significant proportion of the elderly population. In contrast to histories that focus on the emergence of new and competing theories of disease causation in this period, I argue that concerns over the use of different assessment methods ensured the MRC's (...)
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    The clash between standardisation and engagement.Anne Gerdes - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (1):46-59.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse how standardisation influences home care work practice.Design/methodology/approachThe paper presents a qualitative interview‐based case study from the elderly care sector in a Danish council. The interviews reveal care workers and administrative staffs' interpretation of how the implementation of IT and standards affects their work situation. Findings from the case study are supported by a large‐scale quantitative study regarding organisational transformations in the elderly care sector.FindingsThe paper discusses how standardisation, in the form (...)
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    Guideline Standardisation, Cost Effectiveness, Industry Needs and Conflict of Interest.A. R. Singh & S. A. Singh - 2007 - Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1):56.
  11.  34
    How Accurately can Primary School Teachers Predict the Scores of their Pupils in Standardised Tests of Attainment? A Study of some non‐Cognitive Factors that Influence Specific Judgements.Jim Doherty & Michael Conolly - 1985 - Educational Studies 11 (1):41-60.
    (1985). How Accurately can Primary School Teachers Predict the Scores of their Pupils in Standardised Tests of Attainment? A Study of some non‐Cognitive Factors that Influence Specific Judgements. Educational Studies: Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 41-60.
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    L'évaluation : objet de standardisation des pratiques sociales.François Simonet - 2009 - Cités 37 (1):91.
    Émettons le postulat que nos activités, nos pratiques et nos conduites sont enracinées dans le social, dont elles racontent les événements par les mises en scène de la vie. L’action, individuelle autant que collective, étant le vecteur des caractéristiques historiques, sociologiques, politiques, économiques, philosophiques, culturelles et esthétiques de la société.Le fonctionnement..
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    Tracking the Topological: The Effects of Standardised Data Upon Teachers’ Practice.Steven Lewis & Ian Hardy - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (2):219-238.
    This article draws upon recent theorising of the ‘becoming topological’ of space– specifically, how new social spaces are constituted through relations rather than physical locations – to explore how standardised data, and specifically test data, have influenced teachers’ work and learning. We outline the varied ways in which teacher practices at a primary school in Queensland, Australia, were actively constituted through processes of ‘tracking data’ and ‘keeping data on-track’, and how teachers were simultaneously being disciplined, or ‘tracked’, by these very (...)
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  14. Validating a standardised test battery for synesthesia: Does the Synesthesia Battery reliably detect synesthesia?D. A. Carmichael, M. P. Down, R. C. Shillcock, D. M. Eagleman & J. Simner - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:375-385.
  15.  22
    Medical practice, procedure manuals and the standardisation of hospital death.Hans Hadders - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (1):22-32.
    This paper examines how death is managed in a larger regional hospital within the Norwegian health‐care. The central focus of my paper concerns variations in how healthcare personnel enact death and handle the dead patient. Over several decades, modern standardised hospital death has come under critique in the western world. Such critique has resulted in changes in the standardisation of hospital deaths within Norwegian health‐care. In the wake of the hospice movement and with greater focus on palliative care, doors (...)
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    Scripted communication for service standardisation? What analysis of conversation can tell us about the fast-food service encounter.Uma Chandra-Sagaran & Mei Yuit Chan - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (1):3-25.
    In highly routinised service encounter interactions, communication is often guided by service scripts that are the material embodiment of institutional expectations of how the service interaction is to be conducted. However, counter to common belief that scripted communication is well-controlled and homogeneous in its execution, observation of actual talk reveals interesting patterns and variations that reflect the ways in which participants make meaning of and perform their respective roles within the interaction towards achieving the overall goal of the service communication. (...)
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    Responsible Innovation and De Jure Standardisation: An In-Depth Exploration of Moral Motives, Barriers, and Facilitators.Martijn Wiarda, Geerten van de Kaa, Neelke Doorn & Emad Yaghmaei - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-26.
    Standardisation is increasingly seen as a means to insert ethics in innovation processes. We examine the institutionalisation of responsible innovation in de jure standardisation as this is an important but unexplored research area. In de jure standardisation, stakeholders collaborate in committees to develop standards. We adopt the anticipation, inclusion, reflexivity, and responsiveness responsible innovation framework as our theoretical lens. Our study suggests that responsible standardisation processes should embody forms of these four dimensions. We investigate the institutionalisation (...)
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  18.  57
    Steroids and standardised tests: meritocracy and the myth of fair play in the United States.Jonathan Gayles - 2009 - Educational Studies 35 (1):1-8.
    Steroid use in professional sports continues to receive much media attention in the United States. The predominant response to the use of steroids in professional sports is negative. Much of the opposition to steroid use focuses on the critical importance of fair play in American society. To the degree that steroids provide some players with an unfair advantage, the use of steroids is said to undermine fair play. This paper provides an analogical analysis of SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) coaching services, (...)
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    Science by regimento: Standardising Long-Distance Control and New Spaces of Knowledge in Early Modern Portuguese Cosmography.Antonio Sánchez - 2016 - Early Science and Medicine 21 (2-3):133-155.
  20.  35
    A proposal for formal fairness requirements in triage emergency departments: publicity, accessibility, relevance, standardisability and accountability.Davide Battisti & Silvia Camporesi - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    This paper puts forward a wish list of requirements for formal fairness in the specific context of triage in emergency departments (EDs) and maps the empirical and conceptual research questions that need to be addressed in this context in the near future. The pandemic has brought to the fore the necessity for public debate about how to allocate resources fairly in a situation of great shortage. However, issues of fairness arise also outside of pandemics: decisions about how to allocate resources (...)
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  21. Guide - User Co-Production in Standardisation.Estelle Huchet, Fernando Machicado, Roberto Scano, Malcolm Fisk, Alexandra Engelt, Diane Whitehouse, Stephan Schug, Caroline Holland, Verina Waights, Andrzej Klimczuk, Frederic Lievens, Marlou Bijlsma & Thamar Zijlstra - 2018
    Research within the H2020 PROGRESSIVE project has identified good practices in user co-production strategies and methodologies. Early findings from research in the PROGRESSIVE project were shared with relevant stakeholders outside the consortium for consultation and review. The outcomes of that initial investigation highlighted the need to focus on the objectives, processes, and methods used in user and older people co-production. This guide adapts these insights and makes them relevant specifically for standardisation in ICT for active and healthy ageing. This (...)
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  22.  28
    The effect of a standardised Chinese herbal medicine formula (Sailuotong) on N1, PN, P2, MMN, P3a, and P3b amplitudes: a pilot study. [REVIEW]Steiner Genevieve, Yueng Alan, Camfield David, De Blasio Frances, Pipingas Andrew, Scholey Andrew, Stough Con & Chang Dennis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  23.  13
    A qualitative exploration of the strategies used by patients and nurses when navigating a standardised care programme.Dominic Roche & Aled Jones - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12553.
    The main aim of this paper is to explore and discuss the interesting juxtaposition of patient involvement within a standardised Enhanced Recovery After Surgery care programme (ERAS). We address our aim by examining the work and strategies of nursing staff caring for patients during postoperative recovery from surgery, exploring how these two potentially competing priorities might effectively co‐exist within a hospital ward. This was a qualitative exploratory study, with data generated through 42 semi‐structured interviews with patients and nurses who had (...)
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    Ethical considerations for classifying patients as 'palliative' when calculating Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios.J. Downar, R. Sibbald & N. M. Lazar - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):387-390.
    The Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR) is a commonly used measure of hospital mortality that is standardised for age, comorbidities and other factors. By tradition, this statistic has always excluded patients classified as ‘palliative’. The HSMR has never been validated as a reliable measure of quality of care, and it can be very hard to interpret, partly due to difficulties with defining and applying the term ‘palliative’. In this paper, we review the Canadian experience with the palliative status flag, and (...)
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  25.  12
    Towards a Standardisation of Computational Models of Affect: OWL and Machine Learning.Gianmarco Tuccini, Luca Baronti, Laura Corti & Roberta Lanfredini - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    Computational models of affect (CMAS), in their most common form, cannot take into account the qualitative (phenomenal) dimension of affect itself. Their expressivity can be extended, thus promoting the much sought-after standardization in the most theory-neutral way, using OWL (Web Ontology Language) and machine learning techniques. OWL is an expressive formal language, as well as an established open standard, and can be used to describe the models, possibly including qualitative entities at the fundamental level. The supervised machine learning techniques allow (...)
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  26.  40
    East-Side story: The standardisation of psychotropic drugs at the Charité Psychiatric Clinic, 1955–1970.Viola Balz & Matthias Hoheisel - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):453-466.
  27. A Scientometric Approach to the Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Entrenched Biomedical Standardisation and Citation-Exemplar.Karen Yan, Meng-Li Tsai & Tsung-Ren Huang - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):143-165.
    1. Biomedical sciences are fast-growing fields with unprecedented speed of research outputs, especially in the quantities of papers. Philosophers aiming to study ongoing biomedical changes face cha...
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    Transnational Co-production of Knowledge: The Standardisation of Typhoon Warning Codes in the Far East, 1900–1939.Aitor Anduaga - 2022 - Minerva 60 (2):301-323.
    The _why_ and the _how_ of knowledge production are examined in the case of the transnational cooperation between the directors of observatories in the Far East who drew up unified typhoon-warning codes in the period 1900–1939. The _why_ is prompted by the socioeconomic interests of the local chambers of commerce and international telegraphic companies, although this urge has the favourable wind of Far Eastern meteorologists’ ideology of voluntarist internationalism. The _how_ entails the persistent pursuit of consensus (on ends rather than (...)
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    Le rapport des praticiens à la standardisation véhiculée par les dispositifs sociotechniques promouvant l’intégration des services en France.Yves Couturier & Dominique Gagnon - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):37-44.
    The article focuses on the implementation of a socio-technical device aimed at integrating services for older adults living with loss of functional autonomy in France. It unfolds in three parts. The first introduces the theories of innovation, the second presents the innovative model of integrated services, and the last part deals with the relationship that practitioners have with socio-technical devices that make up the innovation in the French context. It will be seen that this report is carried out in an (...)
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    Teacher representation in news reporting on standardised testing: A case study from Western Australia.Kathryn Shine & Tom O’Donoghue - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (4):385-398.
    News media coverage on education plays a ?uniquely important role in shaping public opinion?, can influence educational policy, and can affect and concern teachers. Yet, research examining how teachers have been represented in the news is scarce. What is particularly scarce are investigations with a historical dimension. The study reported in this paper is offered as a contribution towards rectifying the deficit and pointing the way towards one of a number of avenues of research that other scholars in the field (...)
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    Distinguishing the cognitive processes of mindfulness: Developing a standardised mindfulness technique for use in longitudinal randomised control trials.Isbel Benjamin & J. Summers Mathew - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 52:75-92.
    A capacity model of mindfulness is adopted to differentiate the cognitive faculty of mindfulness from the metacognitive processes required to cultivate this faculty in mindfulness training. The model provides an explanatory framework incorporating both the developmental progression from focussed attention to open monitoring styles of mindfulness practice, along with the development of equanimity and insight. A standardised technique for activating these processes without the addition of secondary components is then introduced. Mindfulness-based interventions currently available for use in randomised control trials (...)
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    The tenability of comparing the receptive lexical proficiency of dual language children with standardised monoglot norms.Samuel Abudarham - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (1):127-143.
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    Arguments for ‘ocular donation’ as standardised terminology to reduce the ‘ick factor’ of ‘eye donation’.Katrina A. Bramstedt - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):935-936.
    This brief report presents the global problem of the shortfall of donor corneal tissue for transplantation, a potential root cause (‘ick factor’ language), and a potential solution (modification of ‘ick factor’ language). Specifically, use of the term ‘eye donation’ is a potential hurdle to ocular tissue donation as it can stimulate the ‘ick factor.’ Verbiage such as ‘ocular (eye tissue)’ could be a method of providing terminology that is less emotive than ‘eye donor’ or ‘eye donation.’ The field of transplantation (...)
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    Non-word ( buyan) and non-self ( wuji): Resistance to duality, standardisation and comparison in regime of school accountability.Yuting Lan - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7):791-803.
    This article problematizes the way of thinking schooling in discourse of sign system, which involves opposition, and double gesture of inclusion/exclusion. Drawing on two fundamental texts of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tzu, this article puts forward the seemingly passive Non-Word and Non-Self to resist the hierarchy ordering of conceptions and man, and to undo duality of binary opposition. It links the history of assessment and PISA to the rethinking of evidence and sign in contemporary movements. The second (...)
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    Enhancing quality and integrity in biomedical research in Africa: an international call for greater focus, investment and standardisation in capacity strengthening for frontline staff.Francis Kombe - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-5.
    The integrity of biomedical research depends heavily on the quality of research data collected. In turn, data quality depends on processes of data collection, a task undertaken by frontline research staff in many research programmes in Africa and elsewhere. These frontline research staff often have additional responsibilities including translating and communicating research in local languages, seeking informed consent for study participation and maintaining supportive relationships between research institutions and study participants and wider communities. The level of skills that fieldworkers need (...)
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  36.  28
    (1 other version)Central Bank Regulation, Religious Governance and Standardisation: Evidence from Malaysian Islamic Banks.Habib Ahmed, Yusuf Karbhari & Ahmad Fahmi Sheikh Hasan - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    A Review of Problems for Research into Bilingualism and Allied Topics A Welsh Linguistic Background Scale The Construction and Use of Standardised Tests of Intelligence and Attainment, with Special Reference to the Problems of a Mixed Language Area. [REVIEW]N. T. Walker, A. Pinsent & Idwal Jones - 1955 - British Journal of Educational Studies 4 (1):92.
  38.  24
    La BFM 2022 : un corpus pour les recherches diachroniques en français médiéval et au-delà.Alexei Guillot-Barbance Lavrentiev - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    La Base de français médiéval (BFM) fait partie des corpus de français médiéval (9e-15e s.) les plus anciens et les plus utilisés par les linguistes diachroniciens et plus largement par tous ceux qui s’intéressent à l’histoire du français. Elle est le fruit d’une collaboration entre linguistes-philologues et spécialistes de la méthode textométrique implémentée dans la plateforme TXM. L’article présente un état des lieux du corpus BFM2022 focalisé sur la représentativité et l’interopérabilité des données. Il illustre l’apport des outils numériques pour (...)
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    De la bioéthique à l'action publique en matière de biotechnologies : la production des thérapies cellulaires.Virginie Tournay - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 121 (2):265-286.
    Cet article propose d’examiner la manière dont les pratiques médicales informelles utilisant les cellules humaines ont été réunies en une technologie intégrée sur deux décennies. Dans ce processus, les débats de la bioéthique constituent un dispositif d’épreuves permettant d’unifier ces pratiques disparates sous le label commun de « thérapie cellulaire ». En établissant des articulations possibles entre la production matérielle d’un savoir médical et ses inscriptions institutionnelles, le travail de requalification bioéthique s’effectue suivant trois registres. Tout d’abord, les controverses bioéthiques (...)
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  40. The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment.Joakim Sandberg, Carmen Juravle, Ted Martin Hedesström & Ian Hamilton - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):519-533.
    Many writers have commented on the heterogeneity of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. However, few have actually tried to understand and explain it, and even fewer have discussed whether the opposite – standardisation – is possible and desirable. In this article, we take a broader perspective on the issue of the heterogeneity of SRI. We distinguish between four levels on which heterogeneity can be found: the terminological, definitional, strategic and practical. Whilst there is much talk about the definitional (...)
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    The Shredded Hologram Rose.Rosa Menkman - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):172-177.
    Inspired by Fragments of a Hologram Rose, a 1977 science fiction short story by William Gibson, this 3D narrative work explores the violent stories of standardisation embedded in 3D composite objects. The full story is accessible online at:
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    Environmental Organisations in New Forms of Political Participation: Ecological Modernisation and the Making of Voluntary Rules.Magnus Boström - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (2):175-193.
    Environmental organisations have been active since the early 1960s in putting environmental issues on the political agenda and in strengthening the environmental consciousness of the public. The struggle has been successful in the sense that there is now a strong demand for practical solutions among all kinds of actors. It is, however, difficult for states and political actors to manage environmental problems by traditional forms and instruments, due to the complex character of the problems. Therefore, environmental organisations take their own (...)
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    Communities in a Changing Educational Environment.Dianne Gereluk - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (1):4-18.
    A paradox seems to exist in educational policy and practice in England and Wales. On the one hand, numerous references to promote community are made in the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, and throughout the curricula. On the other, trends to increase accountability and standardisation through competition seem antithetical to ideals of community. I consider both the challenges and opportunities that exist for fostering community in contemporary school contexts.
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    Staying attuned, keeping the flow – possibilities and obstacles in teachers’ tactful acting.Ilona Rinne - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):286-300.
    The standardised and instrumental view of teaching overshadows the unintentional spontaneous, unpredictable aspects of teaching captured by the notion of pedagogical tact. Pedagogical tact is grounded in teacher-pupil relations involving trust and care. This article illustrates how pedagogical tact can be used as an analytical tool in empirical educational research. The overall aim was to explore how tactful acting manifests itself in teachers’ pedagogical decision-making, and what can facilitate or impede teachers’ tactful acting. The author provides examples from two cases. (...)
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    What’s in a gold standard? In defence of randomised controlled trials.Marius Backmann - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):513-523.
    The standardised randomised clinical trial (RCT) has been exceedingly popular in medical research, economics, and practical policy making. Recently, RCTs have faced criticism. First, it has been argued by John Worrall that we cannot be certain that our sample is not atypical with regard to possible confounding factors. I will argue that at least in the case of medical research, we know enough about the relevant causal mechanisms to be justified to ignore a number of factors we have good reason (...)
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    Ethical preparedness in genomic medicine: how NHS clinical scientists navigate ethical issues.Kate Sahan, Kate Lyle, Helena Carley, Nina Hallowell, Michael J. Parker & Anneke M. Lucassen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (8):517-522.
    Much has been published about the ethical issues encountered by clinicians in genetics/genomics, but those experienced by clinical laboratory scientists are less well described. Clinical laboratory scientists now frequently face navigating ethical problems in their work, but how they should be best supported to do this is underexplored. This lack of attention is also reflected in the ethics tools available to clinical laboratory scientists such as guidance and deliberative ethics forums, developed primarily to manage issues arising within the clinic.We explore (...)
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    The Quantified Animal: Precision Livestock Farming and the Ethical Implications of Objectification.Ynte K. van Dam, Peter H. Feindt, Bernice Bovenkerk & Jacqueline M. Bos - 2018 - Food Ethics 2 (1):77-92.
    Precision livestock farming (PLF) is the management of livestock using the principles and technology of process engineering. Key to PLF is the dense monitoring of variegated parameters, including animal growth, output of produce (e.g. milk, eggs), diseases, animal behaviour, and the physical environment (e.g. thermal micro-environment, ammonia emissions). While its proponents consider PLF a win-win strategy that combines production efficiency with sustainability goals and animal welfare, critics emphasise, inter alia, the potential interruption of human-animal relationships. This paper discusses the notion (...)
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    The Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces: A validation study.Ellen Goeleven, Rudi De Raedt, Lemke Leyman & Bruno Verschuere - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1094-1118.
    Although affective facial pictures are widely used in emotion research, standardised affective stimuli sets are rather scarce, and the existing sets have several limitations. We therefore conducted a validation study of 490 pictures of human facial expressions from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces database (KDEF). Pictures were evaluated on emotional content and were rated on an intensity and arousal scale. Results indicate that the database contains a valid set of affective facial pictures. Hit rates, intensity, and arousal of the 20 (...)
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    Introducing individual sentience profiles in nonhuman primate neuroscience research.Angelica Kaufmann - 2023 - Current Research in Neurobiology 5.
    The Animal Research Declaration is committed to establishing cohesive and rigorous ethical standards to safeguard the welfare of nonhuman primates, NHPs, engaged in neuroscience research (Petkov et al., 2022 this issue). As part of this mission, there is an expanding dialogue amongst neuroscientists, philosophers and policymakers, that is centred on diverse aspects of animal welfare and scientific practice. This paper emphasises the necessity of integrating the assessment of animal sentience into the declaration. Animal sentience, in this context, refers to the (...)
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  50.  73
    Presentation and validation of the Radboud Faces Database.Oliver Langner, Ron Dotsch, Gijsbert Bijlstra, Daniel Hj Wigboldus, Skyler T. Hawk & Ad van Knippenberg - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1377-1388.
    Many research fields concerned with the processing of information contained in human faces would benefit from face stimulus sets in which specific facial characteristics are systematically varied while other important picture characteristics are kept constant. Specifically, a face database in which displayed expressions, gaze direction, and head orientation are parametrically varied in a complete factorial design would be highly useful in many research domains. Furthermore, these stimuli should be standardised in several important, technical aspects. The present article presents the freely (...)
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