Results for 'son preference'

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  1. son preference and intimate partner violence victimization in India: examining the role of actual and desired family composition.Shagun Sabarwal, Marie C. Mccormick, S. V. Subramanian & Jay G. Silverman - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (1):43-56.
    SummarySon preference has been considered as a determinant of women's risk of intimate partner violence experience in India, although quantitative evidence from large nationally representative studies testing this relationship is limited. This study examines the association between husband's son preference, sex composition of children and risk of physical and sexual IPV victimization among wives. Information was collected for 26,284 couples in the nationally representative 2005–2006 National Family Health Survey of India. The exposures were husband's son preference measured (...)
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    Son preference and its effects on Korean lactation practices.Roger J. Nemeth & J. Michael Bowling - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (4):451-459.
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    Civic Action Against Son Preference in Tirupati, India: Critical International Law Put into Practice?Filip Strandberg Hassellind - 2023 - Law and Critique 35 (1):125-147.
    In this paper based on original fieldwork, I seek to contribute to critical scholarship in international law by providing an investigation into the engagement with international law by actors in civil society working against son preference primarily in Tirupati, India. I suggest that the turn to the international legal order by civic actors should be theorized as something else than as merely coming ‘from above’, ‘from below’ or as a ‘translation’ of ‘global’ law to ‘local’ conditions. Instead, I propose (...)
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    ‘Aching to be a boy’: A preliminary analysis of gender assignment of intersex persons in India in a culture of son preference.Arpita Das - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):585-592.
    Intersexuality, particularly in the global South, remains an under‐researched field of study. In my in‐progress doctoral research project, I explore the cultural, social, and medical discourses that influence how key stakeholders such as healthcare providers make decisions about the sex and gender assignment of the intersex child in India. In this paper I interrogate some of these ideas around gender assignment of intersex people in India, paying particular attention to the context of son preference. I am interested in exploring (...)
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    The Cultural and Demographic Evolution of Son Preference and Marriage Type in Contemporary China.Laurel Fogarty & Marcus W. Feldman - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (3):272-282.
    A skew in sex ratio at birth occurs across much of Asia and North Africa. The resulting gender imbalance in favor of men in the adult population causes a number of serious social problems, including increased violence against women and an increasing number of “forced bachelors” in many areas. Here we concentrate on the sex ratio at birth in China and model two causal factors specific to Chinese culture: a traditional preference for sons over daughters and a preference (...)
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    Exégèse biblique, théologie et philosophie chez Thomas d'Aquin et Martin Luther commentateurs de Rm 7,14-25.Gilles Berceville & Eun-Sil Son - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 3 (3):373-395.
    Même s’ils ne sont pas volumineux, les commentaires de l’Ecriture tiennent une place essentielle dans la pratique théologique de S. Thomas. Après avoir rappelé ses clés de lecture et d’interprétation du texte biblique selon les coutumes et traditions de son temps, G. Berceville en vient, à propos du texte crucial de Rm 7,14-25 au « je » du discours de Paul tel que le perçoit S. Thomas. Tout en tenant compte de ce qu’en avaient dit les « Autorités », S. (...)
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  7. A Bipolar Neutrosophic Multi Criteria Decision Making Framework for Professional Selection.Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abduallah Gamal, Le Hoang Son & Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - Applied Sciences 10 (1):1-21.
    In this paper, we propose a new hybrid neutrosophic multi criteria decision making (MCDM) framework that employs a collection of neutrosophic analytical network process (ANP), and order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) under bipolar neutrosophic numbers. The MCDM framework is applied for chief executive officer (CEO) selection in a case study at the Elsewedy Electric Group, Egypt. The proposed approach allows us to assemble individual evaluations of the decision makers and therefore perform accurate personnel selection. The outcomes (...)
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    Family systems and the preferred sex of children.Ananya Basu & M. Das Gupta - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 8--5350.
    This is a broad overview of how the prevalent family systems in the developing world influence sex preference for children. Son preference is evident in the data in East Asia and South Asia, and in the Middle East and North Africa, where patriarchal family systems make sons more valuable than daughters to parents in terms of economic, physical, and emotional sustenance. In sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, there is little difference between the levels of support parents (...)
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    Adaptive preferences: a remaining obstacle for basic income.Pedro Jesús Pérez Zafrilla - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44:29-48.
    Resumen La renta básica proporciona a la ciudadanía una autonomía económica que se traduce en una libertad real para conducir sus vidas. Sin embargo, en este artículo defiendo que la renta básica no sería efectiva en situaciones de pobreza donde se generan preferencias adaptativas en las personas. Para mostrarlo analizaré las bases psicológicas del comportamiento de personas con preferencias adaptativas. A continuación, abordaré qué estrategias son las indicadas para revertir la situación de preferencias adaptativas. Implementar estas políticas permitirá que la (...)
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  10. ¿Son a priori los modelos explicativos de la selección natural?José Díez & Pablo Lorenzano - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 8:31--42.
    The epistemic status of Natural Selection has intrigued to biologists and philosophers since the very beginning of the theory to our present times. One prominent contemporary example is Elliott Sober, who claims that Natural Selection, and some other theories in biology, and maybe in economics, are peculiar in including explanatory models/conditionals that are a priori in a sense in which explanatory models/conditionals in Classical Mechanics and most other standard theories are not. In this paper, by analyzing what we take to (...)
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    Los lugares de lo preferible: ¿un quiste en los "Tópicos" de Aristóteles?José Miguel Gambra - 2012 - Anuario Filosófico 45 (3):489-519.
    Los “lugares” de lo preferible, contenidos en los primeros capítulos del libro III de los Tópicos, tienen unas peculiaridades que los distinguen muy netamente de los restantes “lugares” presentes en los libros centrales de esa obra. En este artículo hago una comparación de la estructura que tienen ambas clases de “lugares” y señalo cómo los de lo preferible no se ajustan a la teoría de la disputa expuesta en el libro I. Después, tras mostrar que los intentos de ajuste que (...)
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    Does the Law Change Preferences?Lewis A. Kornhauser & Jennifer Arlen - 2021 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 22 (2):175-213.
    “I would prefer not”HERMAN MELVILLE, BARTLEBY THE SCRIVENER: A STORY OF WALL STREET (1853), reprinted in THE PIAZZA TALES 32, 48 (London, Sampson Low, Son & Co. 1856). Scholars have recently challenged the claim in classical deterrence theory that law influences behavior only through the expected sanction imposed. Some go further and argue that law may also “shape preferences,” changing people’s wants and values. In this Article, we analyze existing claims that criminal and civil law alter preferences and conclude that (...)
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    Le Periphyseon : son titre, son plan, ses remaniements.Édouard Jeauneau - 2013 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 104 (1):13.
    Résumé Jeauneau examine le titre, le plan et les différentes étapes du développement du Periphyseon. Concernant le titre, toutes les langues modernes depuis Noack en 1884 utilisent De la division de la Nature. C’est là le titre qu’en 1681 – huit siècles après la mort de l’auteur – Thomas Gale imposa au dialogue érigénien. Ce titre est erroné, parce qu’il laisse entendre que le propos de Jean Scot est de traiter de la division de la nature, alors qu’il s’agit de (...)
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    Poultry Farmers' Preference and use of Commercial and Self-compounded Feeds in Oyo Area of Oyo State, Nigeria.S. O. Apantaku, E. O. A. Oluwalana & O. A. Adepegba - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (2):245-252.
    This study investigated poultry farmers’ perceptions, preferences, and use of commercially compounded and self-compounded feeds in the Oyo Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected from 120 poultry farmers through a structured interview schedule. The study concluded that poultry farmers prefer and use self-compounded feeds (SCF) instead of commercially compounded feeds (CCF) because (a) self-compounded feeds are of better quality than commercially compounded feeds, (b) there are no quality control measures in the poultry feed industry in the Oyo Area, (...)
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    La renommée dans l’ancien stoïcisme et le stoïcisme intermédiaire : retour sur un indifférent préférable.Fabien Pepino - 2022 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:123-175.
    Cette contribution se propose d’étudier la place qu’occupe la renommée au sein du stoïcisme. Considérée par les stoïciens comme un indifférent préférable, elle a fait l’objet de discussions approfondies au cours de l’histoire de l’école. Cet article tente ainsi de proposer, à partir des sources conservées, une reconstitution terminologique diachronique des différentes notions théorisées par les stoïciens à propos de la bonne réputation. Il cherchera aussi à restituer les débats portant sur son statut au sein de la catégorie des préférables.
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    En quel sens peut‑on parler d’une triade divine chez Numénius? Réception de son enseignement chez Proclus et Cyrille.Fabienne Jourdan - 2023 - Chôra 21:37-69.
    A Triadic Theology is often attributed to Numenius. This presentation of his thought must be clarified. In Fragment 19 F, he mentions three gods, but the third one turns out to be the second aspect of the second god. In the testimonies, he mentions a third intellect (30 T = Proclus, In Tim. III 103, 28‑32 D.) and a third god, who is identified with the world (29 T = Proclus, In Tim. I 303, 27‑304, 5 D.) The third intellect (...)
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    Intention versus behaviour in parental sex preferences among the Mukogodo of Kenya.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (2):229-240.
    The relationship between parents' stated sex preferences for children and actual parental behaviour towards sons and daughters is examined among the Mukogodo, a group of traditional pastoralists in rural Kenya. Although their cultural values are male-centred and they tend to express a preference for sons, Mukogodo parents actually appear to be more solicitous of daughters, and the Mukogodo have a strongly female-biased childhood sex ratio. Studies of stated sex preferences should therefore be coupled with attempts to assess actual parental (...)
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    Si vous aimez une rive, habitez l’autre (autour des catégories de la « préférence » esthétique).Marielle Macé - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):167-173.
    Cet article se penche sur la question des préférences de Gérard Genette, et chez Gérard Genette : sur ses objets de prédilection, c’est-à-dire sur ses « choses » préférées (œuvres, musiques, formes d’art, figures, paysages, personnes) ; mais surtout sur la préférence comme catégorie de la perception, du goût et du jugement, forme sensible de la relationnalité ou de la transcendance esthétique, et sur ce que cette affaire de préférences dit d’un certain rapport sensible aux généralités et aux catégories de (...)
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    Preferential parental investment in daughters over sons.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):387-417.
    Female-biased parental investment is unusual but not unknown in human societies. Relevant explanatory models include Fisher’s principle, the Trivers-Willard model, local mate and resource competition and enhancement, and economic rational actor models. Possible evidence of female-biased parental investment includes sex ratios, mortality rates, parents’ stated preferences for offspring of one sex, and direct and indirect measurements of actual parental behavior. Possible examples of female-biased parental investment include the Mukogodo of Kenya, the Ifalukese of Micronesia, the Cheyenne of North America, the (...)
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    Answering the Situationist Challenge: A Defense of Virtue Ethics as Preferable to Other Ethical Theories.Michelle Ciurria - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (4):651-670.
    Dans un célèbre article de 1998, John Doris avance que la psychologie situationniste remet en question l’éthique de la vertu aristotélicienne, laquelle présuppose l’existence de vertus qui sont à la fois fixes et indépendantes d’une situation. Son argument prend la forme d’un dilemme. Le présent article, qui a pour but de répondre à ce dilemme, s’appuie sur des recherches récentes menées dans les domaines de la psychologie et des sciences cognitives afin de démontrer que l’éthique de la vertu, en tant (...)
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    When the Tiger leaps into the past: Holocaust, history, and messianic materialism in Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin, and László nemes’ son of Saul.Boštjan Nedoh - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (5):44-60.
    This article examines Giorgio Agamben’s rejection of the religious term Holocaust as a name for the extermination of the Jewish people. Agamben rejects this term (and eventually prefers the...
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    CFO Gender, Corporate Risk-Taking, and Information Disclosure Violations.Yujie Zhao, Jiaxin Xiong, Jingjing Wang & Nanji Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The sex ratio at birth in China exhibits a major occurrence of “missing women” due to the high son preference in Chinese culture. Clearly, the large gender discrepancy in China can be explained not only by ethical, moral, or social fairness theories but also by the economic benefits of women's particular abilities, experiences, and talents. This article examines the influence of female chief financial officers on information disclosure violations in order to highlight women's positive contributions. Our data imply that (...)
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    Are investments in daughters lower when daughters move away? Evidence from indonesia.Michael Kevane & David I. Levine - manuscript
    In much of the developing world daughters receive lower education and other investments than do their brothers, and may even be so devalued as to suffer differential mortality. Daughter disadvantage may be due in part to social norms that prescribe that daughters move away from their natal family upon marriage, a practice known as virilocality. We evaluate the effects of virilocality on female disadvantage using data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey. We find little support for the hypothesis. There is (...)
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    The Gendered Biopolitics of Sex Selection in India.Ravinder Kaur & Taanya Kapoor - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (1):111-127.
    After China, India has the most skewed sex ratio at birth. These two Asian countries account for about 90 to 95% of the estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million missing female births annually, worldwide, due to gender-biased sex selection. To understand this extreme discrimination against girls, this article examines the gendered biopolitics embedded in population policies, new sex selection technologies, and in the social reproduction of patriarchal society. The ethical consequences of advanced reproductive technologies, which remove the moral turpitude around gender-based (...)
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    Darwin and the puzzle of primogeniture.Sarah Blaffer Hrdy & Debra S. Judge - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (1):1-45.
    A historical survey of the inheritance practices of farming families in North America and elsewhere indicates that resource allocations among children differed through time and space with regard to sex bias and equality. Tensions between provisioning all children and maintaining a productive economic entity (the farm) were resolved in various ways, depending on population pressures, the family’s relative resource level, and the number and sex of children.Against a backdrop of generalized son preference, parents responded to ecological circumstances by investing (...)
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    Culture and genetic screening in Africa.Ayodele S. Jegede - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (3):128-137.
    Africa is a continent in transition amidst a revival of cultural practices. Over previous years the continent was robbed of the benefits of medical advances by unfounded cultural practices surrounding its cultural heritage. In a fast moving field like genetic screening, discussions of social and policy aspects frequently need to take place at an early stage to avoid the dilemma encountered by Western medicine. This paper, examines the potential challenges to genetic screening in Africa. It discusses how cultural practices may (...)
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  27. Is sex-selective abortion morally justified and should it be prohibited?Wendy Rogers, Angela Ballantyne & Heather Draper - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):520–524.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we argue that sex‐selective abortion (SSA) cannot be morally justified and that it should be prohibited. We present two main arguments against SSA. First, we present reasons why the decision for a woman to seek SSA in cultures with strong son‐preference cannot be regarded as autonomous on either a narrow or a broad account of autonomy. Second, we identify serious harms associated with SSA including perpetuation of discrimination against women, disruption to social and familial networks, (...)
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    Who Benefits From Being an Only Child? A Study of Parent–Child Relationship Among Chinese Junior High School Students.Yixiao Liu & Quanbao Jiang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    After more than three decades of implementation, China’s one-child policy has generated a large number of only children. Although extensive research has documented the developmental outcomes of being an only child, research on the parent–child relational quality of the only child is somewhat limited. Using China Education Panel Survey (2014), this study examined whether the only child status was associated with parent–child relationships among Chinese junior high school students. It further explored whether children’s gender moderated the association between the only (...)
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    Discriminative Grandparental Investment in China.Liqun Luo, Yinan Zuo & Xinzhu Xiong - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (1):21-42.
    Many studies in Western societies show a pattern of discriminative grandparental investment as follows: maternal grandmothers (MGMs) > maternal grandfathers (MGFs) > paternal grandmothers (PGMs) > paternal grandfathers (PGFs). This pattern is in line with the expectation from evolutionary reasoning. Yet whether or not this pattern applies in China is in question. The present study was based on a questionnaire survey at a university in Central China (N = 1,195). Results show that (1) when grandparent–grandchild residential distance during grandchildren’s childhood (...)
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    The impact of the stopping rule on sex ratio of last births in Vietnam.Bang Nguyen Pham, Timothy Adair, Peter S. Hill & Chalapati Rao - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):181-196.
    This study examines the hypothesis that the stopping rule-a traditional postnatal sex selection method where couples decide to cease childbearing once they bear a son-plays a role in high sex ratio of last births (SRLB). The study develops a theoretical framework to demonstrate the operation of the stopping rule in a context of son preference. This framework was used to demonstrate the impact of the stopping rule on the SRLB in Vietnam, using data from the Population Change Survey 2006. (...)
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    Patrilineal family values, family planning and variation in stature among taiwanese six-year-Olds.B. Floyd - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (3):369-384.
    It has been argued that patrilineal joint family systems tend to bias family planning decisions in favour of sons. A simple model suggests that in such societies, any given son will be more highly valued by his parents (1) the fewer his brothers and (2) the earlier his birth is in the brother series. A daughter's value will be greater (1) the fewer brothers she has and (2) the earlier her birth is relative to other sisters. This study first addresses (...)
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    Islams africains: la préférence soufie.Jean-Loup Amselle - 2017 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    La préférence accordée à l'islam soufi, islam supposé pacifique, dans sa variante africaine, c'est-à-dire "noire", n'est que le nouvel avatar du primitivisme à l'âge du djihadisme. Le primitivisme, qui a fait de l'Afrique le continent du fétichisme à l'époque de la traite des esclaves, l'a ensuite caractérisé sous la colonisation comme le havre de l'"islam noir" et actuellement comme celui de l'islam soufi... Islam noir, Islam soufi : islams pacifiques? Or, l'Afrique, au cours de son histoire, n'a cessé de résister (...)
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    Darwin et l'épopée de l'évolutionnisme.Denis Buican - 2012 - [Paris]: Perrin.
    De son expédition autour du monde de 1831 à 1836, Charles Darwin, né en 1809, rapporte d'importantes collections de plantes et d'animaux. Retiré à la campagne pour raisons de santé, il publie en 1859 son grand oeuvre, De l'origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection naturelle. Dès lors, il s'impose comme le fondateur de la théorie de l'évolution biologique, dans laquelle la notion de sélection naturelle des espèces sous l'influence du milieu occupe une place centrale. Décrivant d'une plume alerte (...)
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    Kierkegaard maszkjai II [Kierkegaard's Mask II).András Nagy - 2024 - Korunk 2024 (2):103-114.
    Why did Kierkegaard prefer to write his masterpieces under different pseudonyms and what was the theatrical logic behind the constant playfulness of an author otherwise doomed to melancholy? What were the reasons of his ongoing philosophical, theological and aesthetic hide-and-seek that he did not want to finish until the very last, nearly tragic phase of his authorship? How much inspiration did Kierkegaard receive from theatrical performances, from playwrights and even from actors and actresses of 19th-century Copenhagen, which seemed to be (...)
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    Anthony Long, Epictetus : a Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2003 - Philosophie Antique 3:222-226.
    Par son seul titre, l’ouvrage d’Anthony Long affirme déjà sa singu­larité. C’est en effet une de ses thèses centrales que, parallèlement à son allégeance stoïcienne, la philosophie d’Épictète se conforme, plus que toute la tradition stoïcienne antérieure, à un modèle socratique : « il y a toujours une tendance forte à considérer Épictète simplement comme un stoïcien orthodoxe. Je préfère le voir comme un penseur et un éducateur plus indépendant, stoïcien quant à son orientation générale, mais...
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    John Stuart Mill on “legitimate socialism” and the 1848 revolution in Paris.Helen McCabe - 2020 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145 (3):333-351.
    Selon son Autobiographie, c’est la révolution parisienne de 1848 qui a incité Mill à revendiquer plus clairement la désignation de socialiste dans l’édition de 1852 de ses Principes d’économie politique. On a pu voir dans les Chapitres sur le socialisme posthumes l’abandon de cette position. Mais ses craintes à l’égard du « socialisme révolutionnaire » ne sont en opposition ni à la révolution ni au socialisme : un « socialisme légitime », violent seulement s’il doit se défendre, n’impliquant pas la (...)
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    Tarski et la suppositio materialis.Claude Panaccio - 2004 - Philosophiques 31 (2):295-309.
    Dans son article de 1944, « The Semantic Conception of Truth and the Foundations of Semantics », Alfred Tarski réfère en propres termes à la notion médiévale de « suppositio materialis ». L’interprétation qu’il en suggère, cependant, est historiquement trompeuse et l’inexactitude historique se double, en l’occurrence, de ce que l’on peut tenir pour une malencontreuse erreur philosophique. Dans « “la neige est blanche” est vraie », Tarski voit l’expression « la neige est blanche » comme le nom d’une certaine (...)
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    Maternal socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with the sex ratio at birth in Vietnam.Bang Nguyen Pham, Timothy Adair & Peter S. Hill - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):757-772.
    In recent years Vietnam has experienced a high sex ratio at birth SRB) amidst rapid socioeconomic and demographic changes. However, little is known about the differentials in SRB between maternal socioeconomic and demographic groups. The paper uses data from the annual Population Change Survey (PCS) in 2006 to examine the relationship of the sex ratio of the most recent birth with maternal socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and the number of previous female births. The SRB of Vietnam was significantly high at (...)
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    L’énigmatique disparition du corégent Séleucos : expérience triarchique et conflit dynastique sous le règne d’Antiochos Ier Sôter.Jérémy Clément - 2020 - História 69 (4):408.
    Seleucus, son of Antiochus I Soter, is mentionned as his father's coregent from 281, but disappeared in 266 under mysterious circumstances, on which ancient authors and modern historiography oppose each other. Ancient historians talk about a family crisis that led to Seleucus' execution, while Moderns conclude to natural death. By reappraising sources, we intend to demonstrate that this event results from the failure of a political experiment : a triarchy which associated Antiochus Soter to both of his sons, Seleucus and (...)
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  40. Zur extensionalen und "intensionalen" Interpretation der Leibnizschen Logik.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1983 - Studia Leibnitiana 15:129.
    Against the prevailing opinion expressed, e.g., by L. Couturat it is argued that the so-called „intensional“ point of view which Leibniz mostly preferred to the nowadays usual extensional interpretation is neither „confuse et vague“ nor may it be made responsible for the alleged „échec final de son système“ . We present a precise definition of an „intensional“ semantics which reflects the Leibnizian ideas and which may be proven to be equivalent to standard extensional semantics.
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    Skovoroda, Kovalynskyi And Mingard.Serhii Yosypenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:27-53.
    The article is devoted to the circumstances of Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s use of the pseudonym «Daniil Meingard» and the role played by Mykhailo Kovalynskyi in Skovoroda’s adoption of this pseudonym. The article reconstructs the biography of Pastor Daniel Mingard, whose name was adopted by Skovoroda, including refuted false information about him, widespread in Ukrainian-language literature; a brief description of the intellectual biography of his son, Pastor Gabriel Mingard, who, unlike his father, was a notable figure in the intel- lectual life of (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography.Julian Young - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this beautifully written account, Julian Young provides the most comprehensive biography available today of the life and philosophy of the nineteenth-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Young deals with the many puzzles created by the conjunction of Nietzsche's personal history and his work: why the son of a Lutheran pastor developed into the self-styled 'Antichrist'; why this archetypical Prussian came to loath Bismarck's Prussia; and why this enemy of feminism preferred the company of feminist women. Setting Nietzsche's thought in the (...)
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  43. Response to Wysocki’s Rejoinder to Block on indifference.Walter Block - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:481-503.
    Wysocki (2024) is a critique of Block (2022). The present paper is a response to the former. We are in effect debating the best reaction to Nozick (1977) which criticized Austrian economics on the ground that it makes two claims that are incompatible with one another. On the one hand, the praxeological school is noted for its aversion to the concept of indifference. On the other hand, the Austrian school also accepts supply and demand curves, and diminishing marginal utility. These (...)
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    Feminist discourse on sex screening and selective abortion of female foetuses.Farhat Moazam - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (3):205–220.
    ABSTRACT Although a preference for sons is reportedly a universal phenomenon, in some Asian societies daughters are considered financial and cultural liabilities. Increasing availability of ultrasonography and amniocentesis has led to widespread gender screening and selective abortion of normal female foetuses in many countries, including India. Feminists have taken widely divergent positions on the morality of this practice. Feminists from India have strongly opposed it, considering it as a further disenfranchisement of females in their patriarchal society, and have agitated (...)
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    Le corps multiple et un.François Dagognet - 1992 - Le Plessis-Robinson: Institut Edition Synthelabo.
    D'abord, la philosophie l'a longtemps délaissé ou abaissé. La pensée religieuse, sans doute mal comprise, lui a prêté son concours : le corps, source de plaisir et de péché, y était tenu alors en suspicion. Le philosophe lui a toujours opposé l'esprit. Il lui préfère " les états de conscience ". Pour lui, il lui semble plus aisé de se connaître (l'ego) que le corps. Il ne rompt pas facilement avec le mentalisme. Il abandonne volontiers le corps aux anthropologues, aux (...)
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    Philosophie critique et Écriture sainte.Josef Simon & Marc De Launay - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    L'article thématise la tension entre la compréhension d'une « Écriture sainte » et une philosophie critique « éclairée » dont la position est, au premier chef, représentée par Kant. Pour lui, l' interprétation de l' Écriture obéit uniquement au strict paradigme herméneutique. Il part du fait que l'homme, un être qui n'est pas purement rationnel, mais qui est simultanément raisonnable et soumis aux sens, est moralement obligé de saisir positivement les commandements éthiques fondés dans la raison comme des commandements divins. (...)
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    Enquête sur les principes de la morale.David Hume & André Leroy - 2010 - Aubier.
    "Une expérience qui réussit dans l'air ne réussit pas toujours dans le vide. C'est ainsi que s'achève le dialogue qui clôt l'Enquête sur les principes de la morale (1751). Dans cette oeuvre que Hume jugeait être le meilleur de tous ses écrits, le philosophe écossais. fidèle à sa méthode empirique et à son "scepticisme mitigé", part en quête des indices susceptibles de révéler L'origine de la morale. N'agissons-nous que par intérêt? L'approbation morale peut-elle faire abstraction de nos préférences? À suivre (...)
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    Les chiens de garde.Paul Nizan - 1960 - Paris: F. Maspero.
    L'actualité des Chiens de garde, nous aurions préféré ne pas en éprouver la robuste fraîcheur. Nous aurions aimé qu'un même côté de la barricade cessât de réunir penseurs de métier et bâtisseurs de ruines. Nous aurions voulu que la dissidence fût devenue à ce point contagieuse que l'invocation de Nizan au sursaut et à la résistance en parût presque inutile. Car nous continuons à vouloir un autre monde. L'entreprise nous dépasse? Notre insuffisance épuise notre persévérance? Souvenons-nous alors de ce passage (...)
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    Ricoeur et ses contemporains: Bourdieu, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Castoriadis.Johann Michel - 2013 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Si l’on connaît aujourd’hui le dialogue fructueux que Paul Ricœur a noué avec les penseurs structuralistes, on ignore largement son positionnement face à la mouvance poststructuraliste. Faut-il opposer la philosophie de Ricœur au poststructuralisme à la française ou au contraire doit-on montrer qu’elle en est une variante singulière? C’est la seconde option qui est ici défendue. Certes, le poststructuralisme ne doit pas être considéré comme une école de pensée mais comme une reconstruction qui relève de l’histoire de la philosophie. Dans (...)
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  50. Our Current Drug Legislation: Grounds for Reconsideration (4th edition).Michael Tooley - 1996 - In Sylvan Barnet & Hugo Adam Bedau (eds.), Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Boston: Bedford Books. pp. 385–8.
    Why is the American policy debate not focused more intensely on the relative merits or demerits of our current approach to drugs and of possible alternatives to it? The lack of discussion of this issue is rather striking, given that America has the most serious drug problem in the world, that alternatives to a prohibitionist approach are under serious consideration in other countries, and that the grounds for reconsidering our current approach are, I shall argue, so weighty. -/- One consideration (...)
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