Results for 'sociology of religion, religious identity, tolerance, liberality, churchism, religiousness'

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  1. Religious parties, religious political identity, and the cold shoulder of liberal democratic thought.Nancy L. Rosenblum - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):23-53.
    Elements of the relation between religion and politics are standard themes in political theory: toleration and free exercise rights; the parameters of separation of church and state; arguments for and against constraints imposed on religious discourse by philosophic norms of public reason. But religious parties and partisanship are no part of political theory, despite contemporary interest in value pluralism and in liberal democratic theory's capacity to address multicultural, religious, and ethnic group claims. This essay argues that (...) parties are missing elements in discussions of identity politics. They play an important role not just in expressing but also in constructing and mobilizing religious political identity. Political activity linked to parties is a principal way of bringing diffuse, politically unorganized groups, whose leaders are self-appointed and not regularly accountable for the way they represent co-religionists in political life, into the democratic mainstream. With political organization and especially partisanship, the fact of pluralism is made concrete for democratic purposes. (shrink)
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  2. The politics of religious dualism: Naim Frashëri and his elective affinity to religion in the course of 19th-century Albanian activism.Albert Doja - unknown
    In standard Albanian studies and Western scholarship, including either any interested religious and political activism or less 'interested' lay people, endeavours of historical and textual fact-finding have been relevant for only to re-confirm and indeed perpetuate the very meaning of a myth, according to which the thinking of Naim Frasheri was formed and dominated by Bektashism and that his 'Albanianism' had a Bektashi foundation. In this paper I intend to scrutinize and disprove this, arguing that while Frasheri did indeed (...)
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  3.  21
    Tricks of Methods in Sociology of Religion: A Schemetical Attempt.Birsen Banu Okutan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):911-931.
    Sociology of religion is an interdisciplinary formation at the intersection of sociology and religious studies. While trying to explain the relationship of religion -as a noticeable parameter- with other variables and analyze the current pattern, the unity of social sciences and basic Islamic sciences is occasionally needed. It is expected that the intersection points with the auxiliary sciences will be clearly explained, and the research will represent the field by positioning at the center of the sociology (...)
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    Durkheim and national identity in Ireland: applying the sociology of knowledge and religion.James Dingley - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Durkheim and National Identity in Ireland uses the classical sociology of Durkheim, in association with established theories of nation formation, to explore the development of opposed national identities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. James Dingley looks at Catholicism, the core of Irish nationalist identity, and draws upon its established sociological association of pre-industrial, rural peasant society and culture. By contrast, Dingley reviews Protestantism as the core of Ulster identity, with the equal association of industrial, scientific society, as the key (...)
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    Theodicy of Culture and the Jewish Ethos: David Koigen's Contribution to the Sociology of Religion.Martina Urban - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    This volume presents the theory of culture of the Russian‑born German Jewish social philosopher David Koigen (1879-1933). Heir to Hermann Cohen's neo‑Kantian interpretation of Judaism, he transforms the religion of reason into an ethical Intimitätsreligion. He draws upon a great variety of intellectual currents, among them, Max Scheler's philosophy of values, the historical sociology of Max Weber, the sociology of religion of Émile Durkheim, Ernst Troeltsch and Georg Simmel and American pragmatism. Influenced by his personal experience of marginality (...)
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    The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life.Susan Mendus (ed.) - 2000 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life _Susan Mendus gathers a group of distinguished public figures—philosophers, historians, lawyers, and religious leaders—to reflect on a core issue within contemporary political debate. At the close of a century that will be remembered for its two world wars and its eruptions of genocide, the contributors examine the importance of an insistence on tolerance and the dangers of its lack, both historically and in the present day. How can toleration be fostered in (...)
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  7. Be a Jew at home as well as in the street – religious world views in a liberal democracy.Bruno Verbeek - 2013 - In Wim Hofstee & Arie van der Kooij (eds.), Religion beyond its private role in modern society. Brill Academic. pp. 175-190.
    Can one expect religious minorities to be committed to a liberal democratic state? Can a democratic, Western, liberal state be open and safe for all – both ultra-orthodox and secular alike – and count on the allegiance of all? Does this require that religious minorities ‘hide’ their religious identity and conform to prevailing laws and customs and express their religious views and practices only in the privacy of their own homes? Or should minorities request that they (...)
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    Mendelssohn’s Jerusalem (1783) and The Jewish Vision of Tolerance.Shmuel Feiner - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (2):89-106.
    Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786) wrote Jerusalem with his back to the wall. His Jewish identity and liberal outlook were challenged in the public sphere of the German Enlightenment, and this was his last opportunity to write a book that would perpetuate the essence of his faith and his values as the first modern Jewish humanist. The work, which moves between apologetics for his faith and political and religious philosophy was primarily a daring essay that categorically denied the rule of religion (...)
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    Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies: Institutional Contexts and Intellectual Concerns.Rhys H. Williams - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):299-306.
    This concluding comment draws upon the common themes articulated by the preceding contributors about how Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies can influence each other, as well as considering some of the obstacles to that. It concludes with some intellectual suggestions for furthering some of our common interests.
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  10. Hinduism, Christianity, and Liberal Religious Toleration.Jeff Spinner-Halev - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (1):28-57.
    The Protestant conception of religion as a private matter of conscience organized into voluntary associations informed early liberalism's conception of religion and of religious toleration, assumptions that are still present in contemporary liberalism. In many other religions, however, including Hinduism (the main though not only focus of this article), practice has a much larger role than conscience. Hinduism is not a voluntary association, and the structure of its practices, some of which are inegalitarian, makes exit very difficult. This makes (...)
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    Acceptance of the Other as a Similarly Valid Path and Awareness of One's Self-Culpability: A Deepening Realization of My Religious Identity through Dialogue.Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):41-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Acceptance of the Other as a Similarly Valid Path and Awareness of One's Self-Culpability:A Deepening Realization of My Religious Identity through DialogueKenneth K. TanakaAs the title of my paper indicates, two features of my identity have become more vivid as the result of my participation in the International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter (IBCTE) sessions. The first of the two stemmed from my rude awakening that not everyone involved with (...)
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    Religious Freedom and Toleration: A Liberal Pluralist Approach to Conflicts over Religious Displays.Mark Tunick - forthcoming - Journal of Church and State 64 (2):280-300.
    A liberal pluralist state recognizes that its members exercise a variety of religions or hold diverse comprehensive doctrines, and strives for neutrality so that none is favored. Neutrality can come into tension with the demands of individuals to express their religion in public spaces. I focus on a display of a “finals tree,” that many regard as a Christmas tree, on the campus of a public university, a display objected to by a small minority of non-Christian faculty and students who (...)
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    The misrepresentation of religion in modern british (religious) education.Philip Barnes - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (4):395-411.
    The purpose of this paper is to articulate a new perspective on British multi-faith religious education that both complements and, in part, subsumes existing critiques. My argument, while controversial, is straightforward: it is that British religious education has misrepresented the nature of religion in efforts to commend itself as contributing to the social aims of education, as these are typically framed in liberal democratic societies. Contemporary multi-faith religious education is placed in context and its underlying theological and (...)
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    Consumption Dynamics Scales: Consumption Tendency of Individuals Trained with Institutional Education of Religion.Abdullah İnce, Tuğba Erulrunca, Seyra Kılıçsal & Aykut Hamit Turan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):63-92.
    Turkey has passed the import substitution economic model to a new model of the economy called open out since 1980. Along with the neoliberal policies implemented, the process of integration with the global economy has begun. The incomes of the religious people who cannot be excluded from the effects of this articulation also increased and their consumption behaviors has changed. On the other hand, some transport elements, especially the media, have enabled consumption codes to reach different segments. The new (...)
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  15. Further Considerations on the Politics of Religious Discourse: Naim Frashëri and his Pantheism in the Course of Nineteenth-Century Albanian Nationalism.Enika Abazi & Albert Doja - unknown
    In the standard tradition of both Albanian studies and Western scholarship, including either any interested religious and political activism or less 'interested' lay people, endeavours of historical and textual fact-finding have been relevant only to re-confirm and indeed perpetuate the very meaning of a myth, according to which the thinking of Naim Frashëri was formed and dominated by Bektashism and his 'Albanianism' had a Bektashi foundation. In an earlier paper this myth was shown to be unreliable by arguing that (...)
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    The pursuit of certainty: religious and cultural formulations.Wendy James (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    The peoples of the world are now facing movement, mixing and displacement on a larger scale than ever before. We are witness to the rise of new forms of ethnic, cultural and religious identity. Those based in the highly developed countries can extend global influence through wealth and sophisticated technology. Anthropology has inherited a tradition of tolerance and cross-cultural understanding: what light can it throw on the new pursuit of truth? With contributions from leading anthropologists from Germany, the US, (...)
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  17. Identity Crises: Religious Identity, Identity Politics and Social Justice.Desh Raj Sirswal - manuscript
    Identity is a concept that evolves over the course of life. Identity develops over time and can evolve, sometimes drastically; depending on what directions we take in our life. In the age of globalization, a human being is more aware than old times regarding his community, social and national affairs. A person who identifies himself as part of a particular political party, of a particular faith, and who sees himself as upper-middle class, might discover that in later age, he's a (...)
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    Inclusive Religious Paradigm Within Academia: Religious Education lecturers' Viewpoints on Interreligious Tolerance and Pluralism in Indonesia.Suparto Suparto, Sumarni Sumarni, Imran Siregar, Lisa’Diyah Ma’Rifataini, Opik Abdurrahman Taufik, Ahmad Habibullah, Nunu Ahmad An-Nahidl & Wahid Khozin - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):427-452.
    The belief system of academicians has an impact on how religious education (RE) is carried out in public universities. The ideology of RE lecturers - whether it is moderate, radical, or liberal - is greatly influenced by their own religious beliefs. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between religious paradigm of religious education lecturers on interreligious tolerance and pluralism in public universities in Indonesia. The study sample comprised 142 lecturers drawn from ten (...)
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    On the issue of religious tolerance in modern Russia: national identity and religion.Dmitry A. Golovushkin - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):101-110.
    The sources of religious tolerance but also of religious nationalism in post-soviet Russia can be found basically in the group identification of nationality and religion. In crisis situations, the historical religion of the Russian society - Orthodoxy - becomes the criterion for identifying the national identity. However, despite the fact that the majority of Russians in our times consider themselves Orthodox, many of them are not believers. The observable effect of the “external belief” results in the fact that (...)
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  20. Religion beyond equality.Patrick Nogoy - 2019 - Dissertation, University College London
    Cécile Laborde proposes a liberal egalitarian view for a liberal state to adopt in its fair treatment of religious citizens. She suggests a method where state neutrality is applied restrictively and religion is “disaggregated” across standard liberal rights. Without recourse to a legal-political category religion, she responds to the problem of religious accommodation by using main elements of a particular liberal right(s) to account for the dimension of religion that an issue of justice makes salient. In reply to (...)
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    Christianity in Africa: The cost of loyalty to Zionism.Marthie Momberg - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    For Israel, the demographic significance of Christians in sub-Saharan Africa presents an opportunity to exchange development aid, trade deals and military agreements for votes in global forums. In this article, the author examines the idea of Israel as a trustworthy diplomatic partner of African countries by considering the impact of Zionism on Christian views. The author drew on media articles for examples of initiatives with African countries, and on reports, calls and minutes of global bodies to reflect on ecclesial and (...)
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    Capitalism as Religion and Religious Pluralism: An Approach from Liberation Theology.Jung Mo Sung - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:155-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Capitalism as Religion and Religious Pluralism:An Approach from Liberation TheologyJung Mo Sungreligious pluralism and the struggle of the godsReligious pluralism as a social fact, namely, the coexistence of different religions within a social system, be it a country or an empire, is not anything new. The mere contact with other people and their various religions, for example, through commerce, still does not indicate religious pluralism. In this (...)
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    Religious Pluralism and Crises of Identity.Giovanni Filoramo - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (3):31-44.
    Processes of globalization have transformed the religious field, raising questions of identity for different religious traditions and their relations with the State, especially in European countries. Religious pluralism remains in most cases the most important characteristic of the current religious situation. This article reviews the origins of the phenomenon and the part it has played in the study of the sociology of religion, and examines the legal and political conditions that form the backdrop to pluralism. (...)
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    In defense of dualism: Competing and complementary frameworks in religious studies and the sociology of religion.Richard L. Wood - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):292-298.
    The term “dualism” is used in quite divergent connotations across religious studies, sociology, theology, anthropology, and other academic fields. This paper characterizes the differing usages of the term, and uses them to explore the sometimes-converging and sometimes-orthogonal relationship between academic fields, with a focus on religious studies and the sociology of religion. I argue that although the two fields have mutually benefited from insights originating on either side of their divide—and thus converged in important ways—substantive differences (...)
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    Religious Violence and the Logic of Weak Thinking: between R. Girard and G. Vattimo.Ioan Biris - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):171-189.
    C ontemporary religious terrorism propels in the forefront of philosophical, sociological, anthropological and political discussions and analysis the issue of religious violence. The violence belongs to the nature itself of religion? If so, what mechanisms can be activated to reduce violence? How to reconcile Christianity's central idea - the love of our neighbor - with the sacred violence thesis? How can the idea of religious violence be reconciled with the idea of religious love? Weak thinking, that (...)
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    Religious pluralism in India: ethnographic and philosophic evidence, 1886-1936.Subhadra Channa & Lancy Lobo (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume explores the inherent pluralism of Hinduism through ethnographic and philosophical evidence as presented in the Journal of Anthropological Society of Bombay. The essays dated 1886-1936, represent a period that marked the emergence of a European-educated native intelligentsia with a rationalist outlook. The essays cover a wide range of topics from Tree Worship in Mohenjo Daro, the origin of the Hindu Trimurti, interpretation of Avestic and Vedic Texts; to a second set of more localized papers that cover the Muhammadan (...)
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    Asian Modernization and Mediatization of Religion.Sunny Yoon - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):68-90.
    Religion has become a new focus of study in the investigation of current crises and social conflicts in the post-modern world. This study seeks to examine the role of religion in social change and to discover possible alternatives to social problems. East Asian countries have followed a different path of development from Western societies, which is illustrated by the close affinity between religion and modernization, in contrast to the assumptions of secularization theories. The strong role of religion in modernization promotes (...)
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    Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity (review).Steven M. Nadler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):321-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity by Steven B. SmithSteven NadlerSteven B. Smith. Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. xvii + 270. Cloth, $30.00.Steven B. Smith’s aim in this elegant, well-written book is to restore Spinoza to his important and rightful place in the history of political and religious thought. At the heart of the book (...)
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    Spinoza's philosophy of divine order.Ben Stahlberg - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    While Spinoza is often interpreted as an early secular or liberal thinker, this book argues that such interpretations neglect the senses of order and authority that are at the heart of Spinoza’s idea of God. For Spinoza, God is an organized and directed totality of all that exists. God is entirely immanent to this totality, to such an extent that all things are fundamentally of God. Appreciating the full extent to which God permeates and orders every aspect of reality, allows (...)
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  30. Legislating Morality: Problems of Religious Identity, Gender, and Pluralism in Abortion Lawmaking.Lucinda Joy Peach - 1995 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This thesis challenges prevailing approaches to religiously-based or influenced laws , and proposes an alternative model that makes religious pluralism, gender, and moral identity central considerations. I focus my analysis around abortion as a case study in order to analyze the gendered dimensions of the issue in addition to other, more well-recognized problems with religious lawmaking. ;My overarching thesis is that the prevalent approaches to religious lawmaking in the Supreme Court's jurisprudence, as well as in liberal and (...)
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    Romanian Cultural and Political Identity.Donald R. Kelley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):735-738.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Romanian Cultural and Political IdentityDonald R. KelleyThe Journal of the History of Ideas, in collaboration with other institutions, including the Universities of Bucharest and Budapest and the Soros Foundation, recently sponsored the second in a series of international conferences being planned on topics in current intellectual history. (The first, “Interrogating Tradition,” was held at Rutgers University, 13–16 November 1997.) The Romanian conference, which was held in the Elisabeta Palace (...)
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    Necdet SUBASI. Diaries of Sociology, Religion, Presidency of Religious Affairs and New Socialities. İstanbul: Mahya Press, 2018, p. 271. [REVIEW]Ercan ÇELİK - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):643-647.
    The book titled “Diaries of Sociology” was penned by Dr. Necdet Subaşı and published under the authority of Mahya Press in 2018. Its first edition was published in 2018 and it consists of 41 different articles that have been scripted through the years by Subaşı. In other words, all of the articles placed in this book were presented as collected works. Basically, it is seen that the author evaluates certain issues that societies, face at our present. The articles were (...)
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  33. Religious Neutrality, Toleration and Recognition in Moderate Secular States: The Case of Denmark.Sune Laegaard - 2011 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 6 (2):85-106.
    This paper provides a theoretical discussion with point of departure in the case of Denmark of some of the theoretical issues concerning the relation liberal states may have to religion in general and religious minorities in particular. Liberal political philosophy has long taken for granted that liberal states have to be religiously neutral. The paper asks what a liberal state is with respect to religion and religious minorities if it is not a strictly religiously neutral state with full (...)
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    The Scope of "The Religious Factor" and the Sociology of Religion: Notes on Definition, Idolatry and Magic.Louis Schneider - 1974 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 41.
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    Tribal Politics: Political Orientation Predicts Authoritarian Traits, Cross-Cultural Interactions, and Adherence to Common Identity Factors.Joshua A. Cuevas, Bryan L. Dawson & Ashley C. Grant - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):241-267.
    Cultural interactions have been at the forefront of political strife in recent years as authoritarian regimes have come to power across the globe. This warrants investigation by social science researchers in the fields of social psychology, political psychology, and cognitive psychology. This study drew upon those three fields to explore the relationships between political orientation and (1) authoritarian traits, (2) attitudes towards intergroup relations and cross-cultural interactions (CCI), and (3) identity factors, largely through the lens of Social Identity Theory. Participants (...)
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  36. Religiozno verovanje i modaliteti tolerancije u liberalnom drustvu (Religious faith and the modalities of tolerance in a liberal society).Aleksandar Fatic - 2013 - Theoria: Beograd 56 (1):59-78..
    The paper discusses three aspects of belonging to religious systems of belief within a modern liberal society, namely (1) the sincerity and consistency of belief, (2) the possibility of exteriorization of belief through broader social interactions or transactions, and (3) the relationship between religious belief and the modern concept of affirmative tolerance, or affirmation of differences, which has become a pronounced public policy in multicultural liberal societies. The author argues that, while negative tolerance allows sincere religious belief (...)
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    Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity.Steven B. Smith - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677)--often recognized as the first modern Jewish thinker--was also a founder of modern liberal political philosophy. This book is the first to connect systematically these two aspects of Spinoza's legacy. Steven B. Smith shows that Spinoza was a politically engaged theorist who both advocated and embodied a new conception of the emancipated individual, a thinker who decisively influenced such diverse movements as the Enlightenment, liberalism, and political Zionism. Focusing on Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise, Smith argues that Spinoza was (...)
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    Explorations in post-secular metaphysics.Josef Bengtson - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Today, most liberal states are torn between attempts to accommodate different religions within floating limits of tolerance, and at the same time trying to uphold a sense of national identity. The traditionally liberal way to negotiate this dilemma has, put bluntly, been to address religion as a generic category, relegate it to the private sphere, and to make religion an object of tolerance. This idea of a strict separation between religion and the secular rests on an Enlightenment notion of a (...)
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    Freedom of Religion, Democracy and the Fact of Pluralism.Omid Payrow Shabani - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:729-747.
    Given the rise of religious movements during the past decade, some have argued that the basic principles of liberal democracy such as separation of church and state and principle of the public use of reason are too restrictive and ought to be rethought. I would like to argue along a Habermasian line that the principle of secular justification ought not to result in a private/public split in religious citizens’ identity if they recognize and adopt an “institutional translation proviso”. (...)
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    Godly Dispositions and Textual Conditions: The Literary Sociology of International Religious Exchanges, c. 1722–1740.Tessa Whitehouse - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (3):394-408.
    From the seventeenth century onwards, English Reformed ministers engaged in lively correspondence and publishing exchanges with men from different countries and Protestant traditions. In the eighteenth century, appreciation of their shared intellectual and cultural heritage and a desire to sustain the patterns for religious living it encouraged inflected the content and style of textual interactions among Halle Pietists, English dissenters and New England Congregationalists. Interest in the present state of religious life was also important, and therefore news about (...)
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    The Justification of Religious Violence.Steve Clarke - 2014 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    How are justifications for religious violence developed and dothey differ from secular justifications for violence? Can liberalsocieties tolerate potentially violent religious groups? Can thosewho accept religious justifications for violence be dissuaded fromacting violently? Including six in-depth contemporary case studies,The Justification of Religious Violence is the first book toexamine the logical structure of justifications of religiousviolence. The first book specifically devoted to examining the logicalstructure of justifications of religious violence Seeks to understand how justifications for (...) violenceare developed and how or if they differ from ordinary secularjustifications of violence Examines 3 widely employed premises used in religiousjustifications of violence – ‘cosmic war’, theimportance of the afterlife, and ‘sacred values’ Considers to what extent liberal democratic societies shouldtolerate who hold that their religion justifies violent acts Reflects on the possibility of effective policy measures topersuade those who believe that violent action is justified byreligion, to refrain from acting violently Informed by recent work in psychology, cognitive science,neuroscience and evolutionary biology Part of the Blackwell Public Philosophy Series. (shrink)
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    Religious Moderation Based on Value of Theology: A Qualitative Sociological Study in Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia. Ipandang, Muhammad Iqbal & Khasmir - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (5):18-26.
    The article focused on the study of religious moderation based on values of moderation in three Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) in Southeast Sulawesi, namely Pesantren al-Muhajirin Darussalam Konawe, Pesantren Ummu Sabri Kendari, and Pesantren Darul Mukhlisin Kendari. Therefore, a qualitative approach was used with a case study design -the techniques of collecting data used in interviews, participatory observations, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis in this article was done using interactive data analysis by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. This study (...)
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  43. From Public Reason to Reasonable Accommodation: Negotiating the Place of Religion in the Public Sphere.Mathias Thaler - 2009 - Diacrítica. Revista Do Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade de Minho 23 (2):249-270.
    In recent years, debates about the legitimate place of religion in the public sphere have gained prominence in political theory. Departing from Rawls’s view of public reason, it has lately been argued that liberal regimes should not only be compatible with, but endorsing of, arguments originating in religious belief systems. Moreover, it has been maintained that the principle of political autonomy obliges every democratic order to enable all its citizens, be they secular or religious, to become the authors (...)
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    The Corrosion Of An Ideological Identity? Differences Between The Christian-Democratic Discourse And The Attitude Of The Faithful Electorate.Mihnea Simion Stoica - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):21-38.
    Electoral manifestos represent tools of political communication which do not only inform the electorate upon the fundamental values of a party, but which also legitimize future actions that the party might undertake once in power. The electoral manifesto of the European People’s Party, drafted before the 2009 European elections brings together the main elements which define the action plan of the party. Religious values lie at the core of the Christian-democratic ideology. But given the dynamic of politics and the (...)
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  45. The End Times of Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):160-166.
    Translated by Drew S. Burk and Anthony Paul Smith. Excerpted from Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy , (Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2012). THE END TIMES OF PHILOSOPHY The phrase “end times of philosophy” is not a new version of the “end of philosophy” or the “end of history,” themes which have become quite vulgar and nourish all hopes of revenge and powerlessness. Moreover, philosophy itself does not stop proclaiming its own death, admitting itself to be half dead (...)
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    Religious Pluralism: Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World.Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume illustrates both theoretically and empirically the differences between religious diversity and religious pluralism. It highlights how the factual situation of cultural and religious diversity may lead to individual, social and political choices of organized and recognized pluralism. In the process, both individual and collective identities are redefined, incessantly moving along the continuum that ranges from exclusion to inclusion. The book starts by first detailing general issues related to religious pluralism. It makes the case for (...)
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  47. Taking religious pluralism seriously. Arguing for an institutional turn. Introduction.Veit Bader - 2003 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 6 (1):3-22.
    Political philosophy has difficulties to cope with the complexity and variety of state-religions relations. ‘Strict separationism’ is still the preferred option amongst liberals, deliberative and republican democrats, socialist and feminists. In this article, I develop a complex typology based on comparative history and sociology of religions. I summarize my reasons why institutional pluralist models like plural establishment or non-constitutional pluralism are attractive not only for religious minorities but for religiously deeply diverse societies in general. Most attention is paid (...)
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  48. Problems of Religious Luck, Ch. 5: "Scaling the ‘Brick Wall’: Measuring and Censuring Strongly Fideistic Religious Orientation".Guy Axtell - 2018 - In Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement. Lanham, MD, USA & London, UK: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    This chapter sharpens the book’s criticism of exclusivist responsible to religious multiplicity, firstly through close critical attention to arguments which religious exclusivists provide, and secondly through the introduction of several new, formal arguments / dilemmas. Self-described ‘post-liberals’ like Paul Griffiths bid philosophers to accept exclusivist attitudes and beliefs as just one among other aspects of religious identity. They bid us to normalize the discourse Griffiths refers to as “polemical apologetics,” and to view its acceptance as the only (...)
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    Towards a ‘Materialist’ Critique of ‘Religious Pluralism’: A Polemical Examination of the Discourse of John Hick and Wilfred Cantwell Smith.Kenneth Surin - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):655-673.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARDS A 'MATERIALIST' CRITIQUE OF 'RELIGIOUS PLURALISM': A POLEMICAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISCOURSE OF JOHN lliCK AND WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH KENNETH SURIN Duke University Durham, North Oarolina HE FACT THAT thinkers of such different theologia.I persuasions as David Tracy and John Hick regard hemsel¥es as 'religious' and (or) 'theological pluralists ' serves to indicate that ' pluralism ' must itself be irreducibly 'plural.' In this paper I (...)
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    Legislating Morality: Pluralism and Religious Identity in Lawmaking.Lucinda J. Peach - 2002 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The debate over religious lawmaking pits respect for religious pluralism against moral identity. Peach contends that both sides of the argument are fundamentally flawed and that neither has addressed the gender-based disparities of religious lawmaking. The book offers a pragmatic solution which will respect religious pluralism, moral identity, and gender differences.
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