Results for 'self-transcendence'

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  1.  17
    Self-Transcendence and Human History in Wolfhart Pannenberg.Godfrey Igwebuike Onah - 1999 - Upa.
    Self-Transcendence and Human History in Wolfhart Pannenberg examines Pannenberg's thoughts on self-transcendence and its relationship to human history. The author attempts to establish a better understanding of man as "creature" and as "creator" of history. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah begins by clarifying the definitions of self-transcendence, openness, and exocentricity. These terms involve man's natural tendency to constantly reach out beyond the present reality, which is based in his existence as a spiritual being open to God. (...)
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    Self-transcendence and prosociality.Martin Dojčár - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book is a study in philosophy of religion, which proposes a new inversion model of self-transcendence. At the same time, the study examines the relation between self-transcendence and prosociality in order to broaden our understanding of self-transcendence also as a moral concept relevant to human behavior and its ethical reflection. The inversion model of self-transcendence is based both on the intentionality analysis of consciousness and phenomenological analysis of self-transcendence conducted (...)
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  3. Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3):33-42.
    A broad pattern of correlations between mechanisms of brain function impairment and self-transcendence is shown. The pattern includes such mechanisms as cerebral hypoxia, physiological stress, transcranial magnetic stimulation, trance-induced physiological effects, the action of psychoactive substances and even physical trauma to the brain. In all these cases, subjects report self-transcending experiences o en described as ‘mystical’ and ‘awareness-expanding,’ as well as self-transcending skills o en described as ‘savant.’ The idea that these correlations could be rather trivially (...)
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    Self-Transcendent Emotions and Their Social Functions: Compassion, Gratitude, and Awe Bind Us to Others Through Prosociality.Jennifer E. Stellar, Amie M. Gordon, Paul K. Piff, Daniel Cordaro, Craig L. Anderson, Yang Bai, Laura A. Maruskin & Dacher Keltner - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):200-207.
    In this article we review the emerging literature on the self-transcendent emotions. We discuss how the self-transcendent emotions differ from other positive emotions and outline the defining features of this category. We then provide an analysis of three specific self-transcendent emotions—compassion, gratitude, and awe—detailing what has been learned about their expressive behavior, physiology, and likely evolutionary origins. We propose that these emotions emerged to help humans solve unique problems related to caretaking, cooperation, and group coordination in social (...)
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    Self-transcendence: Lonergan's key to integration of nursing theory, research, and practice.Donna J. Perry - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):67-74.
    This paper proposes that the philosophy of Bernard Lonergan can provide insight into the challenge of integrating nursing theory, research and practice. The author discusses Lonergan's work in regard to reflective understanding, authenticity and the human person as a subject of consciously developing unity. This is followed by a discussion of two key elements in Lonergan's work that relate to nursing: the subject–object challenge of nursing inquiry and common sense vs. scientific knowledge. The author suggests that integration of nursing theory, (...)
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  6. Virtue, Self-Transcendence, and Liberation in Yoga and Buddhism.Matthew MacKenzie - 2018 - In Jennifer A. Frey & Candace Vogler (eds.), Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology. London: Routledge.
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  7. Self-Transcendent Experience: Narrative & Analysis.Gregory Nixon (ed.) - 2011 - QuantumDream.
    How one transcends the self depends on the self that experiences it. Is it instigated or sought, does it happen by accident, or by an act of Grace? Is it common or rare? Is it brought on by the ingestion of psychedelic agents or by meditation or by being overcome by fear or merely by caring more about the welfare of others than oneself? Is it transcendence to experience a shift of perspective or dissolution of the (...)? In the pages that follow, each of these paths is explored in nine ways, each unique unto itself. None of them deal with absolute self-transcendence, which should be no surprise, for, as I’ve indicated, there would no longer a self or person to record or communicate the event. Many of them deal the transcendence of self-consciousness, my own included, but only two describe the ingestion of mind-altering psychedelics to catalyze the event. One sees self-construction from the ground-up, as it were, as a form of transcending a previous self that has disintegrated. One looks to acts of kindness to sidestep the illusion of self-consciousness. Two, at least, look to creative experience in the arts as a way to connect with universal spontaneity, but in very different ways. The others refer to what might be called spiritual experiences that, though thirsted for or sought, arrive unexpectedly, almost like a gift. (shrink)
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    Self-Transcendence and Virtue: Perspectives From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology.Jennifer A. Frey & Candace Vogler (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Recent research in the humanities and social sciences suggests that individuals who understand themselves as belonging to something greater than the self--a family, community, or religious or spiritual group--often feel happier, have a deeper sense of purpose or meaning in their lives, and have overall better life outcomes than those who do not. Some positive and personality psychologists have labeled this location of the self within a broader perspective "self-transcendence." This book presents and integrates new, interdisciplinary (...)
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    Self-Transcendence and the Pursuit of Happiness.Andrea Hurst - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):98.
    This philosophical investigation is motivated by the common association between happiness and self-transcendence, and a question posed by Freud: “Why is it so hard for men to be happy?” I consider the answers given in three key texts from the psychoanalytic tradition, Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, Sigmund Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents, and Abraham Maslow’s The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Based on a distinction between opposing forms of self-transcendence, ego-actualisation and ego-dissolution, the authors (...)
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    Tillich, Self-transcendence, and I (or Why I Became a Christian).Rolando M. Gripaldo - 2016 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 17 (2):225-235.
    The goal of a Christian, especially a regenerated Christian, in the 21st century is to tell the story of the various shapes that his religious position underwent with the hope that other unbelievers may follow his footsteps, that is, from a belief in God to atheism and agnosticism, and back to a belief in God. He tries to show by using the arguments of Paul Tillich how the limits of language enabled him to transcend the agnosticism of Bertrand Russell.
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    The self-transcendence of consciousness towards its models.Fabrizio Desideri - 2004 - In Gordon G. Globus, Karl H. Pribram & Giuseppe Vitiello (eds.), Brain and Being: At the Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language and Arts. John Benjamins. pp. 21--28.
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    Self-transcendent positive emotions increase spirituality through basic world assumptions.Patty Van Cappellen, Vassilis Saroglou, Caroline Iweins, Maria Piovesana & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1378-1394.
    Spirituality has mostly been studied in psychology as implied in the process of overcoming adversity, being triggered by negative experiences, and providing positive outcomes. By reversing this pathway, we investigated whether spirituality may also be triggered by self-transcendent positive emotions, which are elicited by stimuli appraised as demonstrating higher good and beauty. In two studies, elevation and/or admiration were induced using different methods. These emotions were compared to two control groups, a neutral state and a positive emotion (mirth). (...)-transcendent positive emotions increased participants' spirituality (Studies 1 and 2), especially for the non-religious participants (Study 1). Two basic world assumptions, i.e., belief in life as meaningful (Study 1) and in the benevolence of others and the world (Study 2) mediated the effect of these emotions on spirituality. Spirituality should be understood not only as a coping strategy, but also as an upward spiralling pathway to and from self-transcendent positive emotions. (shrink)
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    Authenticity as self-transcendence: the enduring insights of Bernard Lonergan.Michael H. McCarthy - 2015 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Michael H. McCarthy has carefully studied the writings of Bernard Lonergan (Canadian philosopher-theologian, 1904-1984) for over fifty years. In his 1989 book, The Crisis of Philosophy, McCarthy argued for the superiority of Lonergan's distinctive philosophical project to those of his analytic and phenomenological rivals. Now in Authenticity as Self-Transcendence: The Enduring Insights of Bernard Lonergan, he develops and expands his earlier argument with four new essays, designed to show Lonergan's exceptional relevance to the cultural situation of late modernity. (...)
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    Hope, self-transcendence and environmental ethics.John Nolt - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (2):162 – 182.
    Environmental ethicists often hold that organisms, species, ecosystems, and the like have goods of their own. But, even given that such goods exist, whether we ought to value them is controversial. Hence an environmental philosophy needs, in addition to an account of what sorts of values there are, an explanation what, how and why we morally ought to value—that is, an account of moral valuing. This paper presents one such an account. Specifically, I aim to show that unless there are (...)
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  15. Self-transcendence: new light on the evolutionary paradigm.E. Jantsch - 1976 - In Erich Jantsch (ed.), Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition. Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley. pp. 9--10.
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  16. Self-Transcendence as Human Openness to the Transcendent.Godfrey Igwebuike Onah - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Religion as self-transcendence: a study of the concept of transcendence in Louis Dupré.Savio D'Souza - 2018 - New Delhi: Christian World Imprints.
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    From Self-Transcendence to Collective Transcendence: In Search of the Order of Hierarchies in Maslow’s Transcendence.Luis Felipe Llanos & Lorena Martínez Verduzco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maslow’s Human Motivation extended Theory, in its late version, proposed transcendence as one of the highest levels, inclusive or holistic in the Human consciousness. Through Meaning Theory, Victor Frankl and Paul Wong suggested that self-transcendence is a fundamental expression of our spiritual nature and a distinctive concept. However, it is not clear whether at present, with an extensive offer of individualistic currents, transcending involves a personal issue or is rather a collective issue, related to community and culture. (...)
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    Is Self-Transcendence Philanthropic? Graded Response Model Approach.Bandos Ros & Shinji Kaneko - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study reveals that strong feelings of altruism were found to be statistically significant in explaining prosocial and pro-environmental behaviors. However, this was not the case for the latent trait biosphere in explaining pro-environmental behavior. Regardless of whether they are overseas graduates or not, subjects in this study are more altruistic than biospheric by nature. Using the Graded Response Model approach, the study found that the biosphere and altruism are obviously independent of each other and merging them into one dimension, (...)
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    Dialectics of the Self: Transcending Charles Taylor.Ian Fraser - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    Charles Taylor is a philosopher concerned with morality and the nature of the identity of individuals and groups in the West. This book offers an evaluation of Taylor's conception of self, and its moral and political possibilities.
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  21. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22. A Review on Research and Evaluation Methods for Investigating Self-Transcendence.Alexandra Kitson, Alice Chirico, Andrea Gaggioli & Bernhard E. Riecke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:547687.
    Self-transcendence has been characterized as a decrease in self-saliency (ego disillusionment) and increased connection, and has been growing in research interest in the past decade. Several measures have been developed and published with some degree of psychometric validity and reliability. However, to date, there has been no review systematically describing, contrasting, and evaluating the different methodological approaches toward measuring self-transcendence including questionnaires, neurological and physiological measures, and qualitative methods. To address this gap, we conducted a (...)
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  23.  48
    Self‐sacrifice, selftranscendence and nurses' professional self.Elizabeth J. Pask - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (4):247-254.
    In this paper I elaborate a notion of nurses’ professional self as one who is attracted towards intrinsic value. My previous work in 2003 has shown how nurses, who see intrinsic value in their work, experience self‐affirmation when they believe that they have made a difference to that which they see to have value. The aim of this work is to reveal a further aspect of nurses’ professional self. I argue that nurses’ desire towards that which they (...)
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  24. Educating for Self-transcendence and the Pluralistic Identity.Ronald L. Zigler - 2004 - Philosophical Studies in Education 35:66 - 75.
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    Clearing the Pathways to Self-Transcendence.Piers Worth & Matthew D. Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-transcendence” is proposed as a way in which individuals might find relief and support in the context of COVID-19, as well as other times of uncertainty. However, the authors propose that the multiple definitions of self-transcendence within existing literature lean towards the complex, sometimes obscure, and imprecisely spiritual. A concern is that this creates a circumstance, where the possibility of supporting self-transcendence in a wider population will become excluding in this complexity. In this paper, (...)
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    Conscience: Development and Self-transcendence.Walter E. Conn - 1981 - Religious Education Press, C1981.
  27.  79
    Schleiermacher and Barth: Self-transcendence and Neo-liberalism.D. Seiple - 2006 - In Edith Lawler, Jeffery Kinlaw & Ruth Drucilla Richardson (eds.), _The State of Schleiermacher Scholarship Today_. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 181-206.
    This paper, written from the perspective of a liberal Protestant, addresses Karl Barth’s famous dispute with his predecessor Friedrich Schleiermacher. It claims that despite the vehemence he often employs against Schleiermacher, a careful assessment of Barth reveals an ever-shifting ambivalence. Barth’s dismissal was very much a heated reaction amidst post-war circumstances, and Schleiermacher served as a symbol for aspects of pre-war culture and theology that are not necessarily reflective of Schleiermacher’s original project. Later in his career, Barth seems to have (...)
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  28. Openness as self-transcendence.Walter Pankow - 1976 - In Erich Jantsch (ed.), Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition. Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley. pp. 16--36.
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    Transcendence and Self-Transcendence[REVIEW]Benjamin A. Petty - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (4):911-912.
    This book is the work of an American philosopher recognized for his contributions to the Continental form of postmodern philosophy of religion. Transcendence and Self-Transcendence is a sequel to Westphal’s earlier God, Guilt, and Death published in 1987. The readers of this latest study will soon realize that they are viewing the thoughtful work of a scholar who has mastered the relevant literature of his subject. The full, helpful footnotes throughout Transcendence and Self-Transcendence support (...)
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    The Benefits of Self-Transcendence: Examining the Role of Values on Mental Health Among Adolescents Across Regions in China.Ping Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Dan Li, Rongwei Zhang, Hui Li & Jingxin Han - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As one of the foundations of existential positive psychology, self-transcendence can bring positive intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes, especially in the COVID-19 era in which people are suffering huge mental stress. Based on Schwartz's theory of human basic values, the current study combines variable-centered and person-centered approaches to examine the relationships between adolescents' values and mental health across two regions in China. The results generally showed that both self-enhancement and conservation values were positively correlated with depression and loneliness, (...)
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  31. Man's Search for Divinity - Self-transcendence in Logotherapy and Kabbalah.Aryeh Siegel - 2016 - In God and Evil. Efrat, Israel: Joy of Life Seminars. pp. 59-67.
  32. The Power of Self-Transcendence.Guyton B. Hammond - 1966
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    The self-transcendency of knowledge.Walter B. Pitkin - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15 (1):39-58.
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    17. Self-transcendence: Intellectual, Moral, Religious.Robert Croken - 2004 - In Philosophical and Theological Papers, 1965-1980: Volume 17. University of Toronto Press. pp. 313-331.
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    The Self-transcending Totalizations of Jean-Paul Sartre.William Horosz - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (4):293-304.
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    Faith, self-transcendence, and reflection.Martin J. De Nys - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51 (2):121-138.
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    Self-transcendence and Eros: The human condition between desire and the infinite.Cornel W. Du Toit - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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    Self-Transcendence and Union in Christ.Jean-Pierre Fortin - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (2):531-548.
    In Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls for a theology respectful of creation. I here suggest that balancing Karl Rahner’s theology of creation with his sacramental theology brings us closer to providing such a theology. Rahner’s sacramental theology fittingly complements his theology of the incarnation, by highlighting the significance of the redemption of creation accomplished in Christ. Matter and nature are redeemed and must now be listened to because they also have been made to bespeak of the divine re-creative power. Revealing (...)
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    Self-Transcendence in Mountaineering and BASE Jumping.Erik Monasterio & C. Robert Cloninger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On the possibility of self-transcendence: Philosophical counseling, zen, and the psychological perspective.Rachel B. Blass - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):277-297.
    This paper distinguishes between two conceptions of philosophical counseling. The one focuses on the clarification of the individual's psychological and philosophical self and the other on the transcendence of that self. A comparison of the latter conception with the self-transcendence that takes place through Zen Buddhism contributes to the examination of the question of whether philosophical counseling can indeed overcome potential psychological obstacles to attaining a transcendent aim. Possible influences of the integration of psychological intervention (...)
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  41.  18
    The Arts as Self-Transcendence.Oskar Gruenwald - 2022 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 34 (1-2):1-10.
    This editorial highlights the remarkable contributions in this JIS volume that explore the arts as a gateway to the transcendentals of beauty, truth and goodness. It focuses on the recurring notions of order, telos, and creativity reflecting the essential attributes of human nature as imago Dei. Apart from the arts as art therapy, how can the arts connect one to the transcendentals? Can homo musicus aspire to self-transcendence? A shining example of music as self-transcendence is the (...)
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    Reappraisal as a means to self-transcendence: Aquinas’s model of emotion regulation informs the extended process model.Anne Jeffrey, Catherine Marple & Sarah Schnitker - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent work in positive psychology demonstrates the importance of self-transcendence: understanding oneself to be part of something greater than the self, such as a family, community, or tradition of sacred practice. Self-transcendence is positively associated with wellbeing and a sense of meaning and purpose. Philosophers have argued that self-transcendent motivation has a central role in good character, or virtue. Positive psychologists are just now beginning to integrate the aim of developing such motivation in character (...)
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  43. Trust as Basic Openness and Self-Transcendence.Claudia Welz - 2010 - In Arne Grøn & Claudia Welz (eds.), Trust, sociality, selfhood. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  45. Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions.Fred Travis & Jonathan Shear - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1110--1118.
    This paper proposes a third meditation-category—automatic self-transcending— to extend the dichotomy of focused attention and open monitoring proposed by Lutz. Automaticself-transcending includes techniques designed to transcend their own activity. This contrasts with focused attention, which keeps attention focused on an object; and open monitoring, which keeps attention involved in the monitoring process. Each category was assigned EEG bands, based on reported brain patterns during mental tasks, and meditations were categorized based on their reported EEG. Focused attention, characterized by beta/gamma (...)
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    Nurses as the leading fighters during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-transcendence.Mesiya Aydın, İlknur Aydın Avci & Özen Kulakaç - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):802-818.
    Background The Covid 19 pandemic has led to and continues to pose challenges for healthcare systems globally, especially in intensive care units. This research was conducted to examine the self-transcendence of the leading fighters, intensive care nurses, during the Covid 19 pandemic. Methods The descriptive phenomenological research method was used in the study. The research was carried out between June and December 2020 with the nurses who care for Covid 19 patients in the Covid 19 intensive care service (...)
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    Going beyond ourselves: the role of self-transcendent experiences in wisdom.Yena Kim, Howard C. Nusbaum & Fan Yang - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):98-116.
    Having good moral character often involves shifting one’s focus of attention from the self to others and the world. Across three studies (N = 605 adults), we found converging evidence that self-transcendent experiences, specifically awe and flow, enabled the expression of wisdom, as captured by wise reasoning and epistemic humility measures. Study 1 found that dispositionally awe- and flow-prone people have stronger wise reasoning and epistemic humility abilities, over and above dispositional happiness. Consistent with Study 1, Study 2 (...)
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    Dissolution of What? The Self Lost in Self-transcendent Experiences.Lena Lindström, Petri Kajonius & Etzel Cardeña - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (5-6):75-101.
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  49. Transforming mysticism: Adorning pathways to self-transcendence.Gordon Rixon - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):719-734.
    The article develops an Ignatian perspective, from within which it then interprets and amplifies Bernard Lonergan's intellectual project. Exploiting recent analyses of medieval memorial culture and the rhetorical dynamicsof monastic spiritual practice, the article highlights the performative quality of key Ignatian texts, paying particular attention to the categories of ornamentation and ordering . Appreciating the vantage afforded by heightened self-presence, reflexive knowledge and intentional praxis, the article then explores Lonergan's project, employing the rubric of ornamentation and ordering to investigate (...)
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    Linking Temporal Landmarks to Voluntary Simplicity: The Mediating Roles of Self-Transcendence and Self-Enhancement.Siyun Chen & Haiying Wei - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (4):693-708.
    Voluntary simplicity (VS) refers to a minimalistic lifestyle of conscious, ecological, and ethical consumption, which is conducive to individual, societal, and environmental well-being. For policymakers and business managers, a key to leveraging this consumer shift is to promote persuasive appeals effectively. This research theorizes that the two forms of VS appeals are systematically associated with distinct temporal landmarks. In particular, we demonstrate that consumers are more likely to engage in biospheric voluntary simplicity (BVS) when priming a temporal landmark as the (...)
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