Results for 'self-paced rest'

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  1.  17
    Self-paced rest with variation in work loading and duration of practice.Ina Mcd Bilodeau - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (4):245.
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    Excitability of the Ipsilateral Primary Motor Cortex During Unilateral Goal-Directed Movement.Takuya Matsumoto, Tatsunori Watanabe, Takayuki Kuwabara, Keisuke Yunoki, Xiaoxiao Chen, Nami Kubo & Hikari Kirimoto - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    IntroductionPrevious transcranial magnetic stimulation studies have revealed that the activity of the primary motor cortex ipsilateral to an active hand plays an important role in motor control. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the ipsi-M1 excitability would be influenced by goal-directed movement and laterality during unilateral finger movements.MethodTen healthy right-handed subjects performed four finger tapping tasks with the index finger: simple tapping task, Real-word task, Pseudoword task, and Visually guided tapping task. In the Tap task, the subject (...)
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    The Immediate and Sustained Effects of Moderate-Intensity Continuous Exercise and High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Working Memory.Hong Mou, Shudong Tian, Qun Fang & Fanghui Qiu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigated the immediate and delayed effects of moderate-intensity continuous exercise and high-intensity interval exercise on working memory. Fifty healthy young adults engaged in a MICE session, 20 min of continuous running on a treadmill at an intensity of 40–59% of heart rate reserve ; a HIIE session, 10 sets of 1 min running at an intensity of 90% HRR, interspersed by 1 min self-paced walking at 50% HRR; and a control session, resting in a chair and (...)
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    Protective self-pacing during learning.William H. Saufley Jr & Ina Mcd Bilodeau - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):596.
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    Self-pacing performance as a function of perceptual load.R. Conrad & B. A. Hille - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (1):52.
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  6. Does Religion Affect the Materialism of Consumers? An Empirical Investigation of Buddhist Ethics and the Resistance of the Self.Stefano Pace - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):25-46.
    This paper investigates the effects of Buddhist ethics on consumers’ materialism, that is, the propensity to attach a fundamental role to possessions. The literature shows that religion and religiosity influence various attitudes and behaviors of consumers, including their ethical beliefs and ethical decisions. However, most studies focus on general religiosity rather than on the specific doctrinal ethical tenets of religions. The current research focuses on Buddhism and argues that it can tame materialism directly, similar to other religions, and through the (...)
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    Cognitive Driven Multilayer Self-Paced Learning with Misclassified Samples.Qi Zhu, Ning Yuan & Donghai Guan - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    In recent years, self-paced learning has attracted much attention due to its improvement to nonconvex optimization based machine learning algorithms. As a methodology introduced from human learning, SPL dynamically evaluates the learning difficulty of each sample and provides the weighted learning model against the negative effects from hard-learning samples. In this study, we proposed a cognitive driven SPL method, i.e., retrospective robust self-paced learning, which is inspired by the following two issues in human learning process: the (...)
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    Exploring Self-Paced Embodiable Neurofeedback for Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation.Nadine Spychala, Stefan Debener, Edith Bongartz, Helge H. O. Müller, Jeremy D. Thorne, Alexandra Philipsen & Niclas Braun - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Self-Paced Instruction in Introductory Logic.P. Allan Carlsson - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (1):42-45.
  10. Did Consciousness Evolve from Self-Paced Probing of the Environment, and Not from Reflexes?Rodney M. J. Cotterill - 2000 - Brain and Mind 1 (2):283-298.
    It is suggested that the anatomical structures whichmediate consciousness evolved as decisiveembellishments to a (non-conscious) design strategypresent even in the simplest monocellular organisms.Consciousness is thus not the pinnacle of ahierarchy whose base is the primitive reflex, becausereflexes require a nervous system, which the monocelldoes not possess. By postulating that consciousness isintimately connected to self-paced probing of theenvironment, also prominent in prokaryotic behavior,one can make mammalian neuroanatomy amenable todramatically simple rationalization.
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  11. Metacognition and mindreading: Judgments of learning for Self and Other during self-paced study.Asher Koriat & Rakefet Ackerman - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):251-264.
    The relationship between metacognition and mindreading was investigated by comparing the monitoring of one’s own learning and another person’s learning . Previous studies indicated that in self-paced study judgments of learning for oneself are inversely related to the amount of study time invested in each item. This suggested reliance on the memorizing-effort heuristic that shorter ST is diagnostic of better recall. In this study although an inverse ST–JOL relationship was observed for Self, it was found for Other (...)
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  12.  20
    Preference for Object Relative Clauses in Chinese Sentence Comprehension: Evidence From Online Self-Paced Reading Time.Kunyu Xu, Jeng-Ren Duann, Daisy L. Hung & Denise H. Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:476094.
    Most prior studies have reported that subject-extracted relative clauses (SRCs) are easier to process than object-extracted relative clauses (ORCs). However, whether such an SRC preference is universal across different languages remains an open question. Several reports from Chinese have provided conflicting results; thus, in the present study, we conducted two self-paced reading experiments to examine the comprehension of Chinese relative clauses. The results demonstrated a clear ORC preference that Chinese ORCs were easier to comprehend than Chinese SRCs. These (...)
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  13.  90
    Processing of Complement Coercion With Aspectual Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence From a Self-Paced Reading Study.Wenting Xue, Meichun Liu & Stephen Politzer-Ahles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:643571.
    This study examines whether Chinese complement coercion sentences with aspectual verbs will elicit processing difficulty during real-time comprehension.Complement coercionis a linguistic phenomenon in which certain verbs (e.g.,start, enjoy), requiring an event-denoting complement, are combined with an entity-denoting complement (e.g.,book), as inThe author started a book. Previous studies have reported that the entity-denoting complement elicited processing difficulty following verbs that require event argument compared with verbs that do not (e.g.,The author wrote a book). While the processing of complement coercion has been (...)
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  14.  77
    Representing number in the real-time processing of agreement: self-paced reading evidence from Arabic.Matthew A. Tucker, Ali Idrissi & Diogo Almeida - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:125303.
    In the processing of subject-verb agreement, non-subject plural nouns following a singular subject sometimes “attract” the agreement with the verb, despite not being grammatically licensed to do so. This phenomenon generates agreement errors in production and an increased tendency to fail to notice such errors in comprehension, thereby providing a window into the representation of grammatical number in working memory during sentence processing. Research in this topic, however, is primarily done in related languages with similar agreement systems. In order to (...)
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  15.  18
    Fast self paced listening times in syntactic comprehension is aphasia -- implications for deficits.Caplan David, Michaud Jennifer & Waters Gloria - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  16.  26
    Analysis: A Physician’s Self-Paced Guide to Critical Thinking. Jenicek, M.Ross Upshur - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):538-539.
  17.  33
    Decoding of Self-paced Lower-Limb Movement Intention: A Case Study on the Influence Factors.Dong Liu, Weihai Chen, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Zhongcai Pei & José del R. Millán - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  18.  25
    Analysis: A Physician’s Self-Paced Guide to Critical Thinking. Jenicek, M.Michael Loughlin - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):540-544.
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    Self-Paced Logic Without Computers.Virginia Klenk - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (3):239-246.
  20.  40
    Logical Metonymy Resolution in a Words‐as‐Cues Framework: Evidence From SelfPaced Reading and Probe Recognition.Alessandra Zarcone, Sebastian Padó & Alessandro Lenci - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):973-996.
    Logical metonymy resolution (begin a book begin reading a book or begin writing a book) has traditionally been explained either through complex lexical entries (qualia structures) or through the integration of the implicit event via post-lexical access to world knowledge. We propose that recent work within the words-as-cues paradigm can provide a more dynamic model of logical metonymy, accounting for early and dynamic integration of complex event information depending on previous contextual cues (agent and patient). We first present a (...)-paced reading experiment on German subordinate sentences, where metonymic sentences and their paraphrased version differ only in the presence or absence of the clause-final target verb (Der Konditor begann die Glasur Der Konditor begann, die Glasur aufzutragen/The baker began the icing The baker began spreading the icing). Longer reading times at the target verb position in a high-typicality condition (baker + icing spread ) compared to a low-typicality (but still plausible) condition (child + icing spread) suggest that we make use of knowledge activated by lexical cues to build expectations about events. The early and dynamic integration of event knowledge in metonymy interpretation is bolstered by further evidence from a second experiment using the probe recognition paradigm. Presenting covert events as probes following a high-typicality or a low-typicality metonymic sentence (Der Konditor begann die Glasur AUFTRAGEN/The baker began the icing SPREAD), we obtain an analogous effect of typicality at 100 ms interstimulus interval. (shrink)
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  21.  16
    Social media misuse explained by emotion dysregulation and self-concept: an ecological momentary assessment approach.Guyonne Rogier, Stefania Muzi & Cecilia Serena Pace - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1261-1270.
    Studies suggested that emotion dysregulation and identity processes are involved in social media (SM) misuse, even if their proximal role has not been investigated. Previous studies rarely discriminated between specific activities or between types of SM. We recruited 50 young adults and implemented a momentary ecological assessment measurement. Four times by day, during seven days, we measured SM use, frequency of several activities on SM, emotion dysregulation, distress and clarity of self-concept. Daily time spent on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok (...)
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  22.  32
    Effects of amount, rate, and stage of automatically-paced training on self-paced performance.Charles O. Nystrom, Robert E. Morin & David A. Grant - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (4):225.
  23.  35
    Presentation time, total time, and mediation in pared-associate learning: Self-pacing.B. R. Bugelski & J. Rickwood - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (6):616.
  24.  20
    Attraction Effects for Verbal Gender and Number Are Similar but Not Identical: Self-Paced Reading Evidence From Modern Standard Arabic.Matthew A. Tucker, Ali Idrissi & Diogo Almeida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:586464.
    Previous work on the comprehension of agreement has shown that incorrectly inflected verbs do not trigger responses typically seen with fully ungrammatical verbs when the preceding sentential context furnishes a possibly matching distractor noun (i.e., agreement attraction). We report eight studies, three being direct replications, designed to assess the degree of similarity of these errors in the comprehension of subject-verb agreement along the dimensions of grammatical gender and number in Modern Standard Arabic. A meta-analysis of the results demonstrate the presence (...)
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  25. Self awareness and personality change in dementia.K. P. Rankin, E. Baldwin, C. Pace-Savitsky, J. H. Kramer & B. L. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 76 (5):632-639.
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    Catalysis by RNA.David S. Waugh & Norman R. Pace - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (2):56-61.
    Until the discovery of catalytic RNA, the notion that all enzymes are proteins had seemed incontrovertible. Now the existence of RNA enzymes has been confirmed in a variety of contexts. What is known about the chemistry of RNA‐catalyzed reactions is reviewed below, with particular attention to the self‐splicing rRNA intron of Tetrahymena thermophila and the processing of pre‐tRNA molecules by RNase P.
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    Amount set and the length-difficulty function for a self-paced perceptual-motor skill.Clyde E. Noble - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (6):435.
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    Lucid dreaming and ventromedial versus dorsolateral prefrontal task performance.Michelle Neider, Edward F. Pace-Schott, Erica Forselius, Brian Pittman & Peter T. Morgan - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):234-244.
    Activity in the prefrontal cortex may distinguish the meta-awareness experienced during lucid dreams from its absence in normal dreams. To examine a possible relationship between dream lucidity and prefrontal task performance, we carried out a prospective study in 28 high school students. Participants performed the Wisconsin Card Sort and Iowa Gambling tasks, then for 1 week kept dream journals and reported sleep quality and lucidity-related dream characteristics. Participants who exhibited a greater degree of lucidity performed significantly better on the task (...)
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  29. Phenomenality and Intentionality: A Phenomenological Problem.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 27.
    In this paper, I compare the debate on phenomenal intentionality in the philosophy of mind with Husserl's phenomenology. I make a survey of various theoretical options within the " phenomenal intentionality research program ", in order to show how these issues are present also in phenomenology. I focus my analysis on the distinction between static and genetic phenomenology, in relation to the issue of the relationship between phenomenal consciousness and intentionality and I argue that, in order to address this issue, (...)
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  30.  21
    Coping Strategies, Creativity, Social Self-Efficacy, and Hypercompetitiveness in Gambling Behaviors: A Study on Male Adolescent Regular Gamblers.Alessia Passanisi, Giulio D’Urso, Adriano Schimmenti, Stefano Ruggieri & Ugo Pace - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. On Intervention effects in weak islands. A self-‐paced reading experiment.Vincenzo Moscati - unknown - Philosophy 29:537-586.
  32.  15
    Syntactic Priming As a Test of Argument Structure: A Self-paced Reading Experiment.Isabel Oltra-Massuet, Victoria Sharpe, Kyriaki Neophytou & Alec Marantz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Increased Complexities in Visual Search Behavior in Skilled Players for a Self-Paced Aiming Task.Jingyi S. Chia, Stephen F. Burns, Laura A. Barrett & Jia Y. Chow - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Problem-solving performance with task overload: Effects of self-pacing and trait anxiety.Richard E. Mayer - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (4):283-286.
  35.  20
    Task Sensitivity in L2 English Speakers’ Syntactic Processing: Evidence for Good-Enough Processing in Self-Paced Reading.Maryann Tan & Anouschka Foltz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Communication, stereotypes and dignity: The inadequacy of the liberal case against censorship.Peter Lucas - 2011 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 2 (2):255-265.
    J. S. Mill’s case against censorship rests on a conception of relevant communications as truth apt. If the communication is true, everyone benefits from the opportunity to exchange error for truth. If it is false, we benefit from the livelier impression truth makes when it collides with error. This classical liberal model is not however adequate for today’s world. In particular, it is inadequate for dealing with the problem of stereotyping. Much contemporary communication is not truth apt. Advertising and journalism, (...)
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    The impact of the perception of rhythmic music on self-paced oscillatory movements.Mathieu Peckel, Thierry Pozzo & Emmanuel Bigand - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Participation of SMA neurons in a “self-paced” motor act.R. Porter - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):596-597.
  39.  48
    German Idealism: The Struggle Against Subjectivism, 1781-1801 (review).Eric Entrican Wilson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):278-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 278-279 [Access article in PDF] Frederick C. Beiser. German Idealism: The Struggle Against Subjectivism, 1781-1801. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 726. Cloth, $59.95. With German Idealism Frederick Beiser adds to his already impressive body of work on classical German Philosophy. The aim of his book is to provide a historical account of the various forms the notion (...)
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    A preliminary fMRI study of a novel self-paced written fluency task: observation of left-hemispheric activation, and increased frontal activation in late vs. early task phases.Laleh Golestanirad, Sunit Das, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Virtue Ethics for the Real World: Improving Character without Idealization by Howard J. Curzer (review).Benjamin Hole - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):541-543.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virtue Ethics for the Real World: Improving Character without Idealization by Howard J. CurzerBenjamin HoleCURZER, Howard J. Virtue Ethics for the Real World: Improving Character without Idealization. New York: Routledge, 2023. 272 pp. Cloth, $160.00The development of virtue ethics has been in a lull. This book is a welcome treatise in theory-building, developing a novel Aristotelian approach to virtue ethics that, first, avoids idealization and, second, provides a (...)
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  42. Artists Draw A Blank.Tim Gilman - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):208-212.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 208-212. … intervals of destructuring paradoxically carry the momentum for the ongoing process by which thought and perception are brought into relation toward transformative action. —Brian Massumi, Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation 1 Facing a blank canvas or blank page is a moment of pure potential, one that can be enervating or paralyzing. It causes a pause, a hesitation, in anticipation of the moment of inception—even of one that never comes. The implication is that the (...)
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  43.  47
    Resting heart rate variability predicts self-reported difficulties in emotion regulation: a focus on different facets of emotion regulation.DeWayne P. Williams, Claudia Cash, Cameron Rankin, Anthony Bernardi, Julian Koenig & Julian F. Thayer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  44. Resting state glutamate predicts elevated pre-stimulus alpha during self-relatedness: A combined EEG-MRS study on 'rest-self' overlap.Yu Bai, Timothy Lane, Georg Northoff & et al - 2015 - Social Neuroscience:DOI:10.1080/17470919.2015.107258.
    Recent studies have demonstrated neural overlap between resting state activity and self-referential processing. This “rest-self” overlap occurs especially in anterior cortical midline structures like the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (PACC). However, the exact neurotemporal and biochemical mechanisms remain to be identified. Therefore, we conducted a combined electroencephalography (EEG)-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) study. EEG focused on pre-stimulus (e.g., prior to stimulus presentation or perception) power changes to assess the degree to which those changes can predict subjects’ perception (and (...)
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    The Relationships Between Trait Creativity and Resting-State EEG Microstates Were Modulated by Self-Esteem.Xin Wu, Jiajia Guo, Yufeng Wang, Feng Zou, Peifang Guo, Jieyu Lv & Meng Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:576114.
    Numerous studies had found that creativity is not only associated with low effort and flexible processes, but also associated with high effort and persistent processes especially when defensive behavior being induced negative emotions. The important role of self-esteem is to buffer the negative emotions and low self-esteem are prone to instigate various forms of defensive behaviors. Thus, we thought that the relationships between trait creativity and executive control brain networks might be modulated by self-esteem. The resting-state electroencephalogram (...)
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  46.  30
    Neuropsychodynamic Approach to Depression: Integrating Resting State Dysfunctions of the Brain and Disturbed Self-Related Processes.Heinz Boeker & Rainer Kraehenmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:383608.
    A mechanism-based approach was developed focusing on the psychodynamic, psychological and neuronal mechanisms in healthy and depressed persons. In this integrative concept of depression, the self is a core dimension in depression. It is attributed to negative emotions (e.g., failure, guilt). The increased inward focus in depression is connected with a decreased environmental focus. The development of neuropsychodynamic hypotheses of the altered self-reference is based on the investigation of the emotional-cognitive interaction in depressed patients. It may be hypothesized (...)
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  47.  24
    Is the Sense of Agency in Schizophrenia Influenced by Resting-State Variation in Self-Referential Regions of the Brain?Jeffrey Robinson, Nils-Frederic Wagner & Georg Northoff - 2016 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 42 (2):270-276.
    Schizophrenia is a disturbance of the self, of which the attribution of agency is a major component. In this article, we review current theories of the Sense of Agency, their relevance to schizophrenia, and propose a novel framework for future research. We explore some of the models of agency, in which both bottom-up and top-down processes are implicated in the genesis of agency. We further this line of inquiry by suggesting that ongoing neurological activity (the brain’s resting state) in (...)
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    Self-deception, intentions and the folk-psychological explanation of action (in Croatian).Marko Jurjako - 2020 - Prolegomena: Časopis Za Filozofiju 19 (1):91-117.
    In the paper, I examine the conditions that are necessary for the correct characterization of the phenomenon of self-deception. Deflationists believe that the phenomenon of self-deception can be characterized as a kind of motivationally biased belief-forming process. They face the selectivity problem according to which the presence of a desire for something to be the case is not enough to produce a self-deceptive belief. Intentionalists argue that the solution to the selectivity problem consists in invoking the notion (...)
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  49.  62
    When at rest: “Event-free” active inference may give rise to implicit self-models of coping potential.Ryan J. Murray, Philip Gerrans, Tobias Brosch & David Sander - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Do Telomeres Influence Pace‐of‐Life‐Strategies in Response to Environmental Conditions Over a Lifetime and Between Generations?Mathieu Giraudeau, Frederic Angelier & Tuul Sepp - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800162.
    The complexity of the physiological phenotype currently prevents us from identifying an integrative measure to assess how the internal state and environmental conditions modify life‐history strategies. In this article, it is proposed that shorter telomeres should lead to a faster pace‐of‐life where investment in self‐maintenance is decreased as a means of saving energy for reproduction, but at the cost of somatic durability. Inversely, longer telomeres would favor an increased investment in soma maintenance and thus a longer reproductive lifespan (i.e., (...)
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