Results for 'schematic letters'

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  1. Bound Variables and Schematic Letters.Philip Hugly & Charles Sayward - 1981 - Logique Et Analyse 95 (95):425-429.
    The paper purports to show, against Quine, that one can construct a language , which results from the extension of the theory of truth functions by introducing sentence letter quantification. Next a semantics is provided for this language. It is argued that the quantification is neither substitutional nor requires one to consider the sentence letters as taking entities as values.
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  2. Schematic Letters and Variables.V. H. Dudman - 1975 - Analysis 36 (1):10 - 12.
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  3. A new argument against the existence requirement.Takashi Yagisawa - 2005 - Analysis 65 (1):39–42.
    It may appear that in order to be any way at all, a thing must exist. A possible – worlds version of this claim goes as follows: (E) For every x, for every possible world w, Fx at w only if x exists at w. Here and later in (R), the letter ‘F’ is used as a schematic letter to be replaced with a one – place predicate. There are two arguments against (E). The first is by analogy. Socrates (...)
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    (1 other version)A somewhat Russellian theory of intensional contexts.Takashi Yagisawa - 1997 - Philosophical Perspectives 11:43-82.
    Consider the following sentence schemata: (1) The proposition that P is F; (2) The property of being Q is F; (3) The relation of being R is F, where `P' is a schematic letter for a sentence, `Q' and `F' are schematic letters for a nonrelational predicate, and `R' is a schematic letter for a relational predicate. For example, if we substitute `Snow is white' for `P', `famous' for `F' in (1), `round' for `Q', `instantiated' for (...)
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  5. -Compatible Transitive Extensions of System CT Logique et Analyse.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    Da Costa's paraconsistent systems of the series Cm (for finite m) (see [C1], [C2], and esp. [C3], pp. 237ff.) share important features with transitive logic, TL (which has been gone into in [P1] and [P2]), namely, they all coincide in that: (c1) they possess a strong negation, `¬', a conditional, `⊃', a conjunction, `∧', and a disjunction, `∨', with respect to which they are conservative extensions of CL or Classical Logic; (c2) they possess a non strong negation, `N' (notations are (...)
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  6. Wholly Hypothetical Syllogisms.Susanne Bobzien - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (2):87-137.
    ABSTRACT: In antiquity we encounter a distinction of two types of hypothetical syllogisms. One type are the ‘mixed hypothetical syllogisms’. The other type is the one to which the present paper is devoted. These arguments went by the name of ‘wholly hypothetical syllogisms’. They were thought to make up a self-contained system of valid arguments. Their paradigm case consists of two conditionals as premisses, and a third as conclusion. Their presentation, either schematically or by example, varies in different authors. For (...)
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    Model theory and validity.Yannis Stephanou - 2000 - Synthese 123 (2):165-193.
    Take a formula of first-order logic which is a logical consequence of some other formulae according to model theory, and in all those formulae replace schematic letters with English expressions. Is the argument resulting from the replacement valid in the sense that the premisses could not have been true without the conclusion also being true? Can we reason from the model-theoretic concept of logical consequence to the modal concept of validity? Yes, if the model theory is the standard (...)
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    Logical Form through Abstraction.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2020 - Disputatio 12 (58):251-263.
    In a recent book, Logical Form: between Logic and Natural Language, Andrea Iacona argues that semantic form and logical form are distinct. The semantic form of a sentence is something that (together with the meanings of its parts) determines what it means; the logical from of a sentence is something that (all by itself) determines whether it is a logical truth. Semantic form does not depend on context but logical form does: for example, whether ‘This is this’ is a logical (...)
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    Esquisse d'une théorie nominaliste de la proposition. [REVIEW]R. A.-M. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):793-794.
    The first problem which Gochet takes up in this important book is whether the proposition is necessary to logical syntax. Gochet is intent upon following out the nominalistic enterprise of desolving [[sic]] the ontological status of the proposition as much as possible. He notes that Quine’s schematic letters can replace the propositional variables, and thus the first transference is made from semantics to syntax, the first important loosening of ontological commitments. Tarski’s thesis that sentences are true or false, (...)
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    Attentional capture by emotional faces is contingent on attentional control settings.Daniel Barratt & Claus Bundesen - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1223-1237.
    Attentional capture by schematic emotional faces was investigated in two experiments using the flanker task devised by Eriksen and Eriksen (1974). In Experiment 1, participants were presented with a central target (a schematic face that was either positive or negative) flanked by two identical distractors, one on either side (schematic faces that were positive, negative, or neutral). The objective was to identify the central target as quickly as possible. The impact of the flankers depended on their emotional (...)
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    Briefe über Philosophie weltweit. Brief aus Irland.Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Katrin Wille & Julia Jansen - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (1):127-136.
    In this letter from Ireland I give a brief introduction into the history of academic philosophy in Ireland and a schematic overview of the current philosophical landscape. I point out some advantages and some disadvantages of practicing philosophy in Ireland against Germany and put those into a general historical and cultural context. Finally, I provide key information for anybody interested in finding out more about philosophy in Ireland.
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  12. Euripides' Hippolytus.Sean Gurd - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):202-207.
    The following is excerpted from Sean Gurd’s translation of Euripides’ Hippolytus published with Uitgeverij this year. Though he was judged “most tragic” in the generation after his death, though more copies and fragments of his plays have survived than of any other tragedian, and though his Orestes became the most widely performed tragedy in Greco-Roman Antiquity, during his lifetime his success was only moderate, and to him his career may have felt more like a failure. He was regularly selected to (...)
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  13. On the relationship between cognitive models and spiritual maps. Evidence from Hebrew language mysticism.Brian L. Lancaster - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (11-12):11-12.
    It is suggested that the impetus to generate models is probably the most fundamental point of connection between mysticism and psychology. In their concern with the relation between ‘unseen’ realms and the ‘seen’, mystical maps parallel cognitive models of the relation between ‘unconscious’ and ‘conscious’ processes. The map or model constitutes an explanation employing terms current within the respective canon. The case of language mysticism is examined to illustrate the premise that cognitive models may benefit from an understanding of the (...)
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    Descartes on the source of error: the Fourth Meditation and the Correspondence with Elisabeth.Lianghua Zhou - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (6):992-1012.
    In the Fourth Meditation, Descartes famously treats the indifference of the will (roughly, ambivalence of reasons) as the source of error, which many read as oddly suggesting that the will judges arbitrarily. In his letter to Elisabeth dated 1st September 1645, however, he expressly takes passions to be the source of error, saying that passions move the will to judge erroneously by misrepresenting the value of objects. Although these two accounts focus on different kinds of error – theoretical and practical (...)
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    The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas by William McCormick.D. C. Schindler - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):150-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas by William McCormickD. C. SchindlerMcCORMICK, William. The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. xiii + 272 pp. Cloth, $75.00Challenging general assumptions that, because of its genre as a letter to a king in the speculum principis tradition, Aquinas's De Regno is a (...)
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    The Analytical Perspective of Aristotle’s Categorical and Modal Syllogisms.Marian Andrzej Wesoły - 2018 - Peitho 9 (1):71-99.
    What is meant under the genuine title of Aristotle’s ta Analytika is rarely properly understood. Presumably, his analytics was inspired by the method of geometric analysis. For Aristotle, this was a regressive or heuristic procedure, departing from a proposed conclusion and asking which premises could be found in order to syllogize, demonstrate or explain it. The terms that form categorical and modal propositions play a fundamental role in analytics. Aristotle introduces letters in lieu of the triples of terms constitut­ing (...)
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    Mimetic Desire and the Nigerian Novel: The Case of Chike Momah's Titi: Biafran Maid in Geneva.Terri Ochiagha - 2010 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 17:205-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mimetic Desire and the Nigerian Novel:The Case of Chike Momah's Titi: Biafran Maid in GenevaTerri Ochiagha (bio)René Girard's mimetic theory was first informed by Western canonical novels. Girard's paradigm, with its psychological, anthropological, and historical backing, provides explanations for universal phenomena like rivalry, violence, scapegoat mechanisms, and the religious processes of sin and redemption. While it is not reflected in his choice of literary subjects, Girard has endeavored to (...)
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    On Buddhist-Christian Studies in Relation to Dialogue.Francis Tiso - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):iii-vi.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Buddhist-Christian Studies in Relation to DialogueFrancis V. TisoIn taking on the task of co-editing Buddhist-Christian Studies, it would seem appropriate to provide some background by way of introduction. Being a disciple of Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B., a man who refuses to sign his name with capital letters, since the late 1960s, it goes against my grain to write too much about myself. Therefore, the following comments are (...)
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  19. Noesis and Logos in Plato's Statesman, with a Focus on the Visitor's Jokes at 266a-d.Mitchell Miller - 2017 - In John Sallis, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Contemporary Company. pp. 107-136.
    In his “Noesis and Logos in the Eleatic Trilogy, with a Focus on the Visitor’s Jokes at Statesman 266a-d,” Mitchell Miller explores the interplay of intuition and discourse in the Statesman. He prepares by considering the orienting provocations provided by Socrates’ refutations of the proposed definition of knowledge — namely, “true judgment and a logos” — in the closing pages of the Theaetetus, by the Eleatic Visitor’s obscure schematization at Sophist 253d-e of the kinds of eidetic field discerned by dialectic, (...)
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    What Is Truth?Raymond D. Bradley - unknown
    Availing ourselves of the previously introduced notion of a statementvariable, we can express Aristotle's point even more simply. We can say that, where the letter "P" stands for any statement whatever, the concept of truth is captured by the following schematic statement (we'll call it "Equivalence Schema" or "E" for short) of the necessary and sufficient conditions for a statement's being true: E: It is true that P iff P.2..
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    Causal Explanations in Psychotherapy.Schematic Patterns - 1988 - In Mardi J. Horowitz, Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press. pp. 261.
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    Joseph Featherstone.Letter to A. Young Teacher - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta, Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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  23. Legal Realism and Legal Positivism Reconsedered.Brain Letter - 2001 - Ethics 111:300-301.
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    The Protective Influence of Bilingualism on the Recovery of Phonological Input Processing in Aphasia After Stroke.Miet De Letter, Elissa-Marie Cocquyt, Oona Cromheecke, Yana Criel, Elien De Cock, Veerle De Herdt, Arnaud Szmalec & Wouter Duyck - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Language-related potentials are increasingly used to objectify adaptive neuroplasticity in stroke-related aphasia recovery. Using preattentive [mismatch negativity ] and attentive phonologically related paradigms, neuroplasticity in sensory memory and cognitive functioning underlying phonological processing can be investigated. In aphasic patients, MMN amplitudes are generally reduced for speech sounds with a topographic source distribution in the right hemisphere. For P300 amplitudes and latencies, both normal and abnormal results have been reported. The current study investigates the preattentive and attentive phonological discrimination ability in (...)
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    Merit of congruity.P. de Letter - 1957 - Bijdragen 18 (3):262-269.
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    The meaning of extreme unction.P. de Letter - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (3):258-270.
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  27. Original Sin, Privation of Original Justice.P. De Letter - 1954 - The Thomist 17 (1954):484-85.
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  28. Philosophie als performative Lebensform – als textuelle Praxis und mehr als textuelle Praxis.Letters Glades Road - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (2).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 2 Seiten: 183-205.
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    Paracelsus: Leben und Werk.Paul Letter - 2000 - Krummwisch: Königsfurt.
    Enthält: "Basel: Höhe- und Wendepunkt (1527-1528)" und "Flucht aus Basel (1528)" (S. 97-144).
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  30. Hope and Charity in St. Thomas.Prudentius De Letter - 1950 - The Thomist 13:204-248.
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    Epicurus to pythocles.Letter To Pythocles & Diskin Clay - 2004 - In David Armstrong, Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
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    Divine indwelling and sanctifying grace.P. de Letter - 1958 - Bijdragen 19 (1):22-31.
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    Members one of another.P. de Letter - 1961 - Bijdragen 22 (3):272-283.
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    William of Ockham, From His Summa of Logic, Part.Prefatory Letter - unknown
    ence of language that we call “logic” brings forth for the followers of truth, while reason and experience clearly confirm and prove [it].2 Hence Aristotle, the main originator of this science, calls [it] now an introductory method, now a way of knowing, now a science common to all [things] and the way to truth. By these [phrases] he indicates that the entryway to wis-.
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    Thomistic theology of sacramental forgiveness.Prudentius de Letter - 1952 - Bijdragen 13 (4):401-409.
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  36. Venial Sin and its Final Goal.P. De Letter - 1953 - The Thomist 16:32-70.
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  37. Testi E documenti.Lettere Dal Carteggio di Enzo Paci & Con B. Croce E. F. Nicolini - 1986 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 41:97.
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    The Scales of Some Surviving Ayλoi.Richard J. Letters - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (02):266-.
    To know the scale of an aulos it is necessary to have a complete instrument. None of the surviving auloi are complete. It is the purpose of this article to attempt to reconstruct the missing parts of several auloi and thus to determine their scales. All musical sounds consist of regular vibrations. The interval between two notes may be expressed as the rate of vibration of the higher note divided by the rate of vibration of the lower note. This ratio (...)
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    Reviviscence of merits.Pr de Letter - 1951 - Bijdragen 12 (2):154-159.
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    The Encounter with God.P. De Letter - 1961 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 36 (1):5-24.
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  41. Ten letters and a foreword.George Santayana - 1960 - Torino,: Edizioni di "Filosofia". Edited by Augusto Guzzo.
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    Direct electrophysiological registration of phonological and semantic perception in the human subthalamic nucleus.De Letter Miet, Aerts Annelies, Vanhoutte Sarah, Van Borsel John, Raedt Robrecht, De Taeye Leen, Van Mierlo Pieter, Boon Paul, Van Roost Dirk & Santens Patrick - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    (1 other version)The letters of David Hume.David Hume & J. Y. T. Greig (eds.) - 1932 - New York: Garland.
    Originally published: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932.
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    Letters of John Dewey to Robert V. Daniels, 1946-1950.Lewis S. Feuer - 1959 - Journal of the History of Ideas 20 (4):569.
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    (1 other version)Letters to the Editor.Robert Schulman & John Stachel - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):517-518.
  46. Letters (second series).Aurobindo Ghose - 1949 - Bombay,: Sri Aurobindo Circle.
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    Letters to the Editor.Jo Gladstone - 1980 - Science, Technology and Human Values 5 (4):78-79.
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    (2 other versions)Letters to Beall and Priest.David Lewis - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb, The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 176--177.
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    Letters pro and con.George P. Landow - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (1):99-101.
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    Letters to Russell, Keynes, and Moore.Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Maynard Keynes, G. E. Moore & Bertrand Russell - 1974 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Bertrand Russell, John Maynard Keynes, G. E. Moore & G. H. von Wright.
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