Results for 'regime'

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  1.  6
    astronomer/astronomy 319, 391 atheist 53–55 Athena 17 f. augury 13 auxilia/auxiliary 209 f., 249, 313 f., 327.Ancien Régime & Aphrodite ĺ Venus - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme (eds.), War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 19--425.
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  2. trans. David Ames Curtis.Cornelius Castoriadis, Democracy as Procedure & Democracy as Regime - 1997 - Constellations 4 (1):2-3.
    In the intellectual confusion prevailing since the demise of Marxism and “marxism”, the attempt is made to define democracy as a matter of pure procedure, explicitly avoiding and condemning any reference to substantive objectives. It can easily be shown, however, that the idea of a purely procedural “democracy” is incoherent and self-contradictory. No legal system whatsoever and no government can exist in the absence of substantive conditions which cannot be left to chance or to the workings of the “market” but (...)
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    Regimes of science production and diffusion: towards a transverse organization of knowledge.Anne Marcovich & Terry Shinn - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (SPE):33-64.
    This article is a contribution to the critical sociology of science perspective introduced and developed by Pierre Bourdieu. The paper proposes a transversalist theory of science and technology production and diffusion. It is here argued that science and technology are comprised of multiple regimes where each regime is historically grounded, possesses its own division of labour, modes of cognitive and artifact production and has specific audiences. The major regimes include the disciplinary regime, utilitarian regime, transitory regime (...)
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    Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews 1975--1995.Gilles Deleuze - 2006 - Semiotext(E).
    Texts and interviews from the period that saw the publication of Deleuze's major works. People tend to confuse winning freedom with conversion to capitalism. It is doubtful that the joys of capitalism are enough to free peoples.... The American “revolution” failed long ago, long before the Soviet one. Revolutionary situations and attempts are born of capitalism itself and will not soon disappear, alas. Philosophy remains tied to a revolutionary becoming that is not to be confused with the history of revolutions.—from (...)
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    Elections, Regime Type and Risks of Revolutionary Destabilization: Quantitative Experience.Andrew Zhdanov & Andrey Korotayev - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):102-127.
    This article is devoted to the study of the nature of the influence of elections on the risks of revolutionary destabilization. The authors study different approaches to estimating the probability of revolutionary events in an election year. Different types of revolutionary events are distinguished within the framework of the level of political violence. The primary reasons for the activation of the politically active part of the population, both in autocracies and in transitional political regimes, are identified, including the factionalization of (...)
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    Inequality regimes in Indonesian dairy cooperatives: understanding institutional barriers to gender equality.Gea D. M. Wijers - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):167-181.
    Women are important actors in smallholder farmer milk production. Therefore, female input in the dairy cooperatives is essential to dairy development in emerging economies. Within dairy value chains, however, their contributions are often not formally acknowledged or rewarded. This article contributes to filling this gap by adopting a multileveled institutional perspective to explore the case of dairy development in the Pangalengan mixed-sex dairy cooperative on West Java, Indonesia. The objective is to add evidence from the dairy development practice in Indonesia (...)
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    Citizenship Regimes and Exclusion: Historical Analysis of Legislation on Illegalized Migration in the US.Alejandro Mosqueda, Rubén Chávez & Camelia Tigau - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Citizenship regimes are institutionalized systems of formal and informal norms that define access to membership, as well as associated rights and duties. This paper studies illegalized migration as one of the major tests to assess whether citizenship regimes are fair institutions, based on a historical analysis of legislation meant to reduce illegalized migration in the United States between 1995 and 2022. We build our empirical research starting from a simple observation: despite the great number of bills introduced to reduce illegalized (...)
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    The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317-307 Bce: A Philosopher in Politics.Lara O'Sullivan - 2009 - Brill.
    The background to the regime : Demetrius of Phalerum's early years. The years in obscurity : the reigns of Philip, Alexander, and the age of Lycurgus -- Demetrius' rise to prominence : Athens after Alexander -- The decade of Demetrius : some introductory observations -- Demetrius the law-giver : the moral programme. Burial laws -- The gunaikonomoi and their laws -- The nomophulakes -- Demetrius and the ephêbeia -- The laws : an interpretation and discussion of the historical context (...)
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  9.  47
    Search Regimes and the Industrial Dynamics of Science.Andrea Bonaccorsi - 2008 - Minerva 46 (3):285-315.
    The article addresses the issue of dynamics of science, in particular of new sciences born in twentieth century and developed after the Second World War (information science, materials science, life science). The article develops the notion of search regime as an abstract characterization of dynamic patterns, based on three dimensions: the rate of growth, the degree of internal diversity of science and the associated dynamics (convergent vs. proliferating), and the nature of complementarity. The article offers a conceptual discussion for (...)
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    Sexual Regimes and Migration Controls: Reproducing the Irish Nation-State in Transnational Contexts.Eithne Luibhéid - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):60-78.
    This article examines the ways that state sexual regimes intersect with migration controls to re-make exclusionary nation-states and geopolitical hierarchies among women. I focus on two important Irish Supreme Court rulings: the X case (1992) and the O case (2002), respectively. X was a raped, pregnant, 14-year-old who sought an abortion in Britain. While the Supreme Court ultimately permitted her to procure an abortion, women's right to travel across international borders without government inquiry into their reproductive status came into question. (...)
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  11.  8
    Sensorische Regime: Die wahrnehmungsformierende Kraft des Films.Johannes Geng - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Johannes Geng geht der Frage nach, inwiefern der Film als technologisches Leitmedium des 20. Jahrhunderts auf die geschichtliche Bedingtheit des Sehens und Hörens zu beziehen ist, indem er in einem ersten Schritt den zugehörigen film- und kulturtheoretischen Diskurs systematisch aufarbeitet. Darüber kommt er zu dem filmtheoretischen Modell eines Sensorischen Regimes, das er dann an zwei Fallstudien – dem NS-Propagandafilm und dem Direct Cinema – exemplifiziert. In unserem Wahrnehmen leiten uns kulturell geformte Gewohnheiten, Erwartungen und Einstellungen. Damit ist Wahrnehmung mehr als (...)
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    Modern Chinese Court Buildings, Regime Legitimacy and the Public.Björn Ahl & Hendrik Tieben - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):603-626.
    This study investigates the interrelation of outer appearance and spatial configuration of modern Chinese court buildings with the party-state’s strategy of building regime legitimacy. The spatial element of this relation is explored in four different court buildings in Kunming, Chongqing, Shanghai and Xi’an. It is argued that court buildings contribute to the empowerment of individuals who appear as parties in trials. Courthouses also facilitate the courts’ function of exercising social control and the application of an instrumentalist approach to the (...)
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  13. Regimes of Autonomy.Joel Anderson - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):355-368.
    Like being able to drive a car, being autonomous is a socially attributed, claimed, and contested status. Normative debates about criteria for autonomy (and what autonomy entitles one to) are best understood, not as debates about what autonomy, at core, really is, but rather as debates about the relative merits of various possible packages of thresholds, entitlements, regulations, values, and institutions. Within different “regimes” of autonomy, different criteria for (degrees of) autonomy become authoritative. Neoliberal, solidaristic, and perfectionist regimes entail conflicting (...)
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  14.  16
    The Regime Politics Origins of Class Action Regulation.Agustín Barroilhet - 2018 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 19 (1):363-394.
    This Article highlights that when procedural rules are legislated and there is substantial coordination between the executive and legislative branches, procedures with potential structural impact are weighted against alternative means of policymaking and implementation. This makes many Continental law countries, parliamentary countries, and countries governed by solid national majorities with substantial control over elected branches, and in general places where power is less fragmented, less likely to encourage American-style class actions. This is manifested in legislative choices of a private enforcement (...)
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    Aristotle’s realist regime theory.Zoltán Gábor Szűcs - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (2):228-249.
    The ambition of this article is threefold. First, it is to offer a realist reading of Aristotle’s regime theory as it is laid out mostly in Books IV–VI of his Politics. The author argues that Arist...
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  16. Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations.Joan Acker - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (4):441-464.
    In this article, the author addresses two feminist issues: first, how to conceptualize intersectionality, the mutual reproduction of class, gender, and racial relations of inequality, and second, how to identify barriers to creating equality in work organizations. She develops one answer to both issues, suggesting the idea of “inequality regimes” as an analytic approach to understanding the creation of inequalities in work organizations. Inequality regimes are the interlocked practices and processes that result in continuing inequalities in all work organizations. Work (...)
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  17.  9
    The Regime of the Brother: After the Patriarchy.Juliet Flower MacCannell - 1991 - Routledge.
    The Regime of the Brother is one of the first attempts to challenge modernity on its own terms. Using the work of Lacan, Kristeva and Freud, Juliet MacCannell confronts the failure of modernity to bring about the social equality promised by the Enlightenment. On the verge of its destruction, the Patriarchy has reshaped itself into a new, and often more oppressive regime: that of the Brother. Examining a range of literary and social texts - from Rousseau's Confessions to (...)
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  18.  46
    Transitional Regimes and the Rule of Law.Martin P. Golding - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (4):387-395.
    This paper seeks to establish a connection between the existence of a legal system and the ideal of the rule of law. Its point of departure is the phenomenon of a transitional regime that is attempting to restore or institute the rule of law. Lon Fuller's formulation of the canons of the rule of law as an internal morality of law is expounded as well as his notion of legal pathology as symptomatic of departure from the canons' requirements. The (...)
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  19.  57
    Regimes of Expectations: An Active Inference Model of Social Conformity and Human Decision Making.Axel Constant, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Samuel P. L. Veissière & Karl Friston - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  20.  1
    O regime de informação na hipermassa.José Isaías Venera - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (3):84-94.
    Neste artigo teórico, articula-se autores que apresentam uma interpretação sobre os processos de subjetivação do nosso tempo, marcados pela captura e modulação algorítmica. O controle pela modulação da subjetividade depende dos extratores de dados que formam o substrato do regime de informação. As big techs concentram usuários em escala global, formando o fenômeno da hipermassa. Já não se fala mais em indústria cultural, mas em superindústria do imaginário. A fantasia de totalidade e completude é retroalimentada pelos próprios usuários, que (...)
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    Regimes of Violence and the Trias Violentiae.Willem Schinkel - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (3):310-325.
    In common-sense usage, violence is usually conceptualized as intentional physical harm. This makes violence identifiable, locatable, and it facilitates the governing of those identified as committing infractions upon the non-violent community. In this article it is illustrated how this conception of violence legitimates the state by blocking the state’s own foundational violence from critical scrutiny. It argues that the liberal state rests on the differentiation between active and reactive violence, whereby the latter is seen as the legitimate violence of the (...)
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  22.  28
    Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews, 1975-1995.David Lapoujade, Ames Hodges & Mike Taormina (eds.) - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    People tend to confuse winning freedom with conversion to capitalism. It is doubtful that the joys of capitalism are enough to free peoples.... The American "revolution" failed long ago, long before the Soviet one. Revolutionary situations and attempts are born of capitalism itself and will not soon disappear, alas. Philosophy remains tied to a revolutionary becoming that is not to be confused with the history of revolutions.--from Two Regimes of MadnessCovering the last twenty years of Gilles Deleuze's life, the texts (...)
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  23. A food regime analysis of the 'world food crisis'.Philip McMichael - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):281-295.
    The food regime concept is a key to unlock not only structured moments and transitions in the history of capitalist food relations, but also the history of capitalism itself. It is not about food per se, but about the relations within which food is produced, and through which capitalism is produced and reproduced. It provides, then, a fruitful perspective on the so-called ‘world food crisis’ of 2007–2008. This paper argues that the crisis stems from a long-term cycle of fossil-fuel (...)
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    The Trade Regime Complex and Megaregionals – An Exploration from the Perspective of International Domination.Clara Brandi - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Megaregional trade negotiations have become the subject of heated debate, above all in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this article, I argue that the justice of the global order suffers from its institutional fragmentation into regime complexes. From a republican perspective, which aspires to non-domination as a guiding principles and idea of global justice, regime complexes raise specific and important challenges in that they open the door to specific forms (...)
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  25.  54
    Regime Type, Post-Materialism, and International Public Opinion about US Foreign Policy: The Afghan and Iraqi Wars.Benjamin E. Goldsmith - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (1):23-39.
    Previous research (e.g., Horiuchi, Goldsmith, and Inoguchi, 2005) has shown some intriguing patterns of effects of several variables on international public opinion about US foreign policy. But results for the theoretically appealing effects of regime type and post-materialist values have been weak or inconsistent. This paper takes a closer look at the relationship between these two variables and international public opinion about US foreign policy. In particular, international reaction to the wars in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003) are examined (...)
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  26. Regimes of language and light in Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's 'Green Tea'.Garin Dowd - unknown
    While positioning and contextualising the short story ‘Green Tea’ by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu in relation to existing Le Fanu scholarship, this article seeks to explore further the textual reflexivity for which it is renowned. Drawing on Foucault’s notion of regimes in the audio and the visual, in particular, through an attention to the interrelationship of the scopic, auditory and textual regimes of ‘Green Tea’, and to the manner in which writing is explicitly figured as both the source of disjunction (...)
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    Modeling authoritarian regimes.Norman Schofield & Micah Levinson - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (3):243-283.
    In the past few years, a body of ideas based on political economy theory has been built up by North and Weingast, Olson, Przeworski, and Acemoglu and Robinson. One theme that emerges from this literature concerns the transition to democracy: why would dominant elites give up oligarchic power? This article addresses this question by considering a formal model of an authoritarian regime, and then examining three historical regimes: the Argentine junta of 1976—83; Francoist Spain, 1938—75; the Soviet system, 1924—91. (...)
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    Regime Resistance against Low-Carbon Transitions: Introducing Politics and Power into the Multi-Level Perspective.Frank W. Geels - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (5):21-40.
    While most studies of low-carbon transitions focus on green niche-innovations, this paper shifts attention to the resistance by incumbent regime actors to fundamental change. Drawing on insights from political economy, the paper introduces politics and power into the multi-level perspective. Instrumental, discursive, material and institutional forms of power and resistance are distinguished and illustrated with examples from the UK electricity system. The paper concludes that the resistance and resilience of coal, gas and nuclear production regimes currently negates the benefits (...)
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    Preventive defense and forcible regime change: A normative assessment.Dieter Janssen - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (2):105-128.
    In September 2002 the President of the United States issued a new National Security Strategy. Under the impact of 9/11 the authors of this NSS argue that the United States needs to pre-emptively attack rogue states that try to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and have links to terrorists who might use these WMDs against the United States or its allies. This article analyzes this so-called ?Bush doctrine? asking about its legality, justice and feasibility in the present world order. (...)
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  30. Border Regimes and Human Rights.David Miller - 2013 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 7 (1):1-23.
    This article argues that there is no human right to cross borders without impediment. Receiving states, however, must recognize the procedural rights of those unable to protect their human rights in the place where they currently reside. Asylum claims must be properly investigated, and in the event that the state declines to admit them as refugees, it must ensure that the third country to which they are transferred can protect their rights. Both procedural and substantive rights apply while refugees are (...)
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    Regimes of Cannibality.Adolfo C. Amaya - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 6 (15):1-17.
    The present article aims at postulating cannibalism as a fundamental axis for the analysis of the processes of subjectivation of Spanish America since the 15th century. The hypothesis is that this process has gone through three stages, which allow for the delimitation of the differences of what I shall refer to, for now, as regimes of cannibalism understood as subjectivation processes:(i) Anthropophagic or of ritual war.(ii) Mimetic or of colonial incorporation(iii) Iconic or of mediatic absorption, at a global level.In order (...)
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    The Regime and the Airplane: High Technology and Nationalism in Indonesia.Sulfikar Amir - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (2):107-114.
    This article discusses high-technology development in Indonesia. Focusing on the Indonesian Aircraft Industry (IPTN), it critically examines how nationalism becomes an impetus for technological development and addresses the implications of nationalism in the pursuit of high technology. Situated in the NewOrder regime, influential elements of the regime’s economic and political systems that accommodate the idea of technological leapfrog are traced. It is argued that the failure of the leapfrog idea is because of overreliance on a technological determinist view (...)
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    Two Regimes of Fact.Kamini Vellodi - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):103-122.
    In her contribution, Kamini Vellodi reflects on the chances of a methodological shift in the discipline of art history thanks to this expanded rethinking of fact by concentrating on the notion of the “pictorial fact”, or “matter of fact,” in Gilles Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism. Vellodi argues that Deleuze’s matter of fact can help us to overcome the still prevalent self-conception of art history as discipline, which has to trace historical facts, understood as given entities that “represent” already accomplished events, that (...)
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  34.  14
    Monetary Regimes of the Twentieth Century.Andrew Britton - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    economic theory may be timeless and potentially universal in its application, but macroeconomics has to be seen in its historical context. The nature of the policy regime, the behaviour of the economy and the beliefs of professional economists all interact, and influence each other. This short historical account of monetary regimes since 1900 shows how the role of policy has changed, and how this has related to experience of inflation and the real economy, as well as to changes in (...)
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    Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains.Anthony Winson & Jin Young Choi - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):559-572.
    The nutrition transition concept developed by Popkin has gained wide currency within the nutritional sciences literature as a way of understanding population wide changes to diet and energy balance and their related health outcomes in society. It offers a useful template of different nutritional patterns societies progress through, but it has not provided a comprehensive understanding of the why and how of dietary change. Building on insights from the literature on food regimes in the social sciences, this paper argues the (...)
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    Two Regimes of Logocentrism.Giovanni Menegalle - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (6):50-70.
    This article offers a reconstruction of Derrida’s critique of Leibniz. It suggests that in attempting to fit Leibniz into his conception of the history of metaphysics and the all-embracing notion of logocentrism that underwrites it, Derrida presupposes two regimes of logocentrism: one subjective, the other theological. Subsumed into this second mode, Derrida casts Leibniz as a progenitor of structuralism and the new sciences and technologies of information in order to expose their logocentric foundations. However, in doing so, he ends up (...)
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    Shifting Knowledge Regimes: the Metamorphoses of Norwegian Reformism.Slagstad Rune - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 77 (1):65-83.
    This article traces the metamorphoses of Norwegian reformism during the last two centuries. In the Norwegian system, the shifting political regimes have to a remarkable extent been accompanied by shifting knowledge discourses. Regardless of whether its ideological dress was liberalism or socialism, a central feature of Norwegian reformism has been its basis in different versions of social science: it has been a scientific reformism. The legal knowledge regime of the civil servants’ state was towards the end of the 19th (...)
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    Aesthetic regime's occupation of representation.Yonathan Listik - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):309-326.
    RESUMO Esse artigo trata da relação entre a estética e a representação na teoria de Jacques Rancière. Segundo o autor, a representação é simultaneamente presente e proibida na estética moderna. Ela aparece como um parasita ou um intruso na produção artística. Rancière pergunta: sob quais condições a representação se torna proibida e o que significa a arte não representar? O eixo central da análise explora quais as consequências dessa configuração, com destaque para a política. Segundo Rancière, o conceito de partilha (...)
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    Regimes of Evidence in Complexity Sciences.Fabrizio Li Vigni - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (1):62-103.
    Since their inception in the 1980s, complexity sciences have been described as a revolutionary new domain of research. By describing some of the practices and assumptions of its representatives, the present article shows that this field is an association of subdisciplines laying on existing disciplinary footholds. The general question guiding us here is: On what basis do complexity scientists consider their inquiry methods and results as valuable? To answer it, I describe five “epistemic argumentative regimes,” namely the ways in which (...)
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  40.  13
    Property regimes and the commodification of geographic information: An examination of Google Street View.Luis F. Alvarez León - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    The body of information on the Internet is becoming increasingly geographical. This is both due to the expansion of established categories of geographic information and to the simultaneous enrichment of other types of information through geographic identifiers. As this repository of geographic information expands, it is also a key site for multiple processes of commodification transforming informational resources into market goods. Understanding the dynamics driving the integration of geographic information into the digital economy requires a comprehensive political economic analysis. A (...)
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    Inequality Regimes, Patriarchal Connectivity, and the Elusive Right to Own Land for Women in Pakistan.Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):799-811.
    This study addresses the gap between policy and practice on the issue of women’s right to own rural land through a qualitative study conducted in Pakistan’s two largest provinces, Punjab and Sindh. A recent survey finds that only 4% of women own rural land in Pakistan. Given the relatively large agrarian economy, land is a key resource determining women’s agency. To understand the dynamics that maintain this status quo, I use two distinct strands of feminist theory. First is Joan Acker’s (...)
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  42. Degenerate Regimes in Plato's Republic.Zena Hitz - 2013 - In Mark L. Mcpherran, G. R. F. Ferrari, Rachel Barney, Julia Annas, Rachana Kamtekar & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.), Plato's 'Republic': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essay concerns the negative end of the political argument of the Republic, that injustice—the rule of unreason—is both widespread and undesirable, and that whatever shadows of virtue or order might be found in its midst are corrupt and unstable. This claim is explained in detail in Republic 8 and 9. These passages explain recognizable faults in recognizable regimes in terms of the failure of the rule of reason and the corresponding success of the rule of non-rational forms of motivation. (...)
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    Regimes de produção e difusão de ciência: rumo a uma organização transversaldo conhecimento.Terry Shinn - 2008 - Scientiae Studia 6 (1):11-42.
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    Educational Regimes in Contemporary India.Sunonda Samaddar - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (2):171-175.
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  45. Le regime corporatif et les catholiques sociaux.Georges Jarlot - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:238.
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    Regimes of the arts.Jean-Philippe Deranty - unknown
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    Qual regime socioeconômico é mais adequado à realização da justiça como equidade?Tiago Mendonça dos Santos - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):175-190.
    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de discutir os regimes socioeconômicos que permitem a realização da justiça como equidade, focando em especial nos dois regimes apontados por Rawls como capazes de constituir uma sociedade bem ordenada, a democracia de cidadãos proprietários (property-owning democracy ou POD) de um lado e o socialismo liberal do outro. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento serão considerados os argumentos de Rawls a respeito dos regimes socioeconômicos dentro da Uma teoria da justiça. Em seguida, com base (...)
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    Elections, Regime Type, and Risks of Revolutionary Destabilization. A Quantitative Analysis.Andrey В. Korotayev & Andrew Zhdanov - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (3):102-127.
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    Discussion: moving food regimes forward: reflections on symposium essays.Harriet Friedmann - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):335-344.
    All authors in this symposium use a food regime perspective to ask questions about the present which—as these articles demonstrate—have several possible answers. History suggests a time perspective of 25–40 year cycles so far—a food regime 1870–1914, an experimental and chaotic era 1914–1947, and a food regime 1947–1973. It has been less than 40 years since 1973, when food regime analysts agree that a contested and experimental period began. There is no consensus on whether it has (...)
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  50.  33
    Le régime de recherche utilitaire du professeur‐consultant au cours de la Seconde Révolution industrielle.Jean-François Auger - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (3):351-374.
    During the Second Industrial revolution, consulting professor bridged higher education institutions with industry and government. A concept like the utilitarian research regime by Terry Shinn can explain their material and intellectual production by allowing for a reconstruction of their social networks. Pierre‐Paul LeCointe and Louis Bourgoin , associates in an engineering consultancy office, institutionalised a consultation service at the Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry of the École Polytechnique of Montreal . The two industrial chemists were thereby able to obtain financial, (...)
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