Results for 'range effect error curve'

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  1.  24
    Some characteristics of the "range effect.".Charles W. Slack - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (2):76.
  2.  31
    Movement error, pressure variation, and the range effect.Bernard Weiss - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (3):191.
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    Distance errors: Pointing to the range effect.Charles J. Worringham & Robert G. Dennis - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):352-353.
  4.  33
    Effect of sequential patterns upon serial-position errors and acquisition of a verbal maze.Gediminas Namikas & W. J. Brogden - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (1):50.
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    Moral Error, Power, and Insult.Burke A. Hendrix - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (5):550-573.
    Defenders of Aboriginal rights such as James Tully have argued that members of majority populations should allow Aboriginal peoples to argue within their own preferred intellectual frameworks in seeking common moral ground. But how should non-Aboriginal academics react to claims that seem insufficiently critical or even incoherent? This essay argues that there are two reasons to be especially wary of attacking such errors given the historical injustices perpetrated by settler states against Aboriginal peoples. First, attempts to root out error (...)
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  6. Massless Thirring model in curved space: Thermal states and conformal anomaly.P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    The massless Thirring model of a self-interacting ferinion field in a curved two-dimensional background spacetime is considered. The exact operator solution for the fields and the equation for the two-point function are given and used to examine the radiation emitted by a two-dimensional black hole. The radiation is found to be thermal in nature, confirming general predictions to this effect. We compute the particle spectrum of the Thirring fermions at finite temperature in Minkowski space and point out errors in (...)
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    Monitoring Effective Connectivity in the Preterm Brain: A Graph Approach to Study Maturation.M. Lavanga, O. De Wel, A. Caicedo, K. Jansen, A. Dereymaeker, G. Naulaers & S. Van Huffel - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    In recent years, functional connectivity in the developmental science received increasing attention. Although it has been reported that the anatomical connectivity in the preterm brain develops dramatically during the last months of pregnancy, little is known about how functional and effective connectivity change with maturation. The present study investigated how effective connectivity in premature infants evolves. To assess it, we use EEG measurements and graph-theory methodologies. We recorded data from 25 preterm babies, who underwent long-EEG monitoring at least twice during (...)
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    Interference Effect and Reading Skills in Children with Attention Disorders.Hanna Okuniewska - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (4):243-250.
    Interference Effect and Reading Skills in Children with Attention Disorders Aim of this study was to examine the performance on Polish experimental version of classical Stroop test in 36 ADHD-C children in comparison with 35 healthy children matched for age and IQ WISC-R. It was hypothesized that children with ADHD will exhibit diminished ability to control interference and will make more errors than their healthy counterparts. In contradictory with expectations, there was showed little if any evidence for specific deficit (...)
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  9. Delay-Range-Dependent Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control for Industrial Processes with Uncertainties and Unknown Disturbances.Huiyuan Shi, Ping Li, Limin Wang, Chengli Su, Jingxian Yu & Jiangtao Cao - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
    A fuzzy predictive fault-tolerant control scheme is proposed for a wide class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with uncertainties, interval time-varying delays, and partial actuator failures as well as unknown disturbances, in which the main opinions focus on the relevant theory of FPFTC based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model description of these systems. The T-S fuzzy model represents the discrete-time nonlinear system in the form of the discrete uncertain time-varying delay state space, which is firstly constructed by a set of local linear (...)
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  10.  81
    Effect of Aging on Change of Intention.Ariel Furstenberg, Callum D. Dewar, Haim Sompolinsky, Robert T. Knight & Leon Y. Deouell - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:453008.
    Decision making often requires making arbitrary choices (“picking”) between alternatives that make no difference to the agent, that are equally desirable, or when the potential reward is unknown. Using event-related potentials we tested the effect of age on this common type of decision making. We compared two age groups: ages 18–25, and ages 41–67 on a masked-priming paradigm while recording EEG and EMG. Participants pressed a right or left button following either an instructive arrow cue or a neutral free-choice (...)
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    Effects of guided exploration on reaching measures of auditory peripersonal space.Mercedes X. Hüg, Fernando Bermejo, Fabián C. Tommasini & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the recognized importance of bodily movements in spatial audition, few studies have integrated action-based protocols with spatial hearing in the peripersonal space. Recent work shows that tactile feedback and active exploration allow participants to improve performance in auditory distance perception tasks. However, the role of the different aspects involved in the learning phase, such as voluntary control of movement, proprioceptive cues, and the possibility of self-correcting errors, is still unclear. We study the effect of guided reaching exploration on (...)
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    An Improved Artificial Neural Network Model for Effective Diabetes Prediction.Muhammad Mazhar Bukhari, Bader Fahad Alkhamees, Saddam Hussain, Abdu Gumaei, Adel Assiri & Syed Sajid Ullah - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Data analytics, machine intelligence, and other cognitive algorithms have been employed in predicting various types of diseases in health care. The revolution of artificial neural networks in the medical discipline emerged for data-driven applications, particularly in the healthcare domain. It ranges from diagnosis of various diseases, medical image processing, decision support system, and disease prediction. The intention of conducting the research is to ascertain the impact of parameters on diabetes data to predict whether a particular patient has a disease or (...)
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    Long-range effects of castration on mating behavior in the male rat.Ariel Merari, Varda Shoham, Gershon Molad & Haim Perri - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (4):215-216.
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    Interactions and range effects in experiments on pairs of stresses: Mild heat and low-frequency noise.E. C. Poulton & R. S. Edwards - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (4):621.
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    Failing Is Derailing: The Underperformance as a Stressor Model.Shani Pindek - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:556572.
    Job performance and job stress are widely studied phenomena in occupational research. However, most of the literature on the relationship between work stress and job performance conceptualizes job stress as an antecedent of performance, in line with the stress-performance framework, and does not examine what happens to the well-being of the employees after the performance was appraised as poor. In the current theoretical paper, I argue that task underperformance is a source of stress (i.e., stressor) for the employee, and as (...)
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  16. Computational Models of Performance Monitoring and Cognitive Control.William H. Alexander & Joshua W. Brown - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (4):658-677.
    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been the subject of intense interest as a locus of cognitive control. Several computational models have been proposed to account for a range of effects, including error detection, conflict monitoring, error likelihood prediction, and numerous other effects observed with single-unit neurophysiology, fMRI, and lesion studies. Here, we review the state of computational models of cognitive control and offer a new theoretical synthesis of the mPFC as signaling response–outcome predictions. This new synthesis (...)
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  17.  38
    Do Owners Have a Clever Hans Effect on Dogs? Results of a Pointing Study.Teresa Schmidjell, Friederike Range, Ludwig Huber & Zsófia Virányi - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Effect of Age and Dietary Intervention on Discrimination Learning in Pet Dogs.Durga Chapagain, Zsófia Virányi, Ludwig Huber, Jessica Serra, Julia Schoesswender & Friederike Range - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19.  41
    Improving accuracy and precision in estimating fractal dimension of animal movement paths.Vilis O. Nams - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (1):1-11.
    It is difficult to watch wild animals while they move, so often biologists analyse characteristics of animal movement paths. One common path characteristic used is tortuousity, measured using the fractal dimension (D). The typical method for estimating fractal D, the divider method, is biased and imprecise. The bias occurs because the path length is truncated. I present a method for minimising the truncation error. The imprecision occurs because sometimes the divider steps land inside the bends of curves, and sometimes (...)
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  20.  28
    The Effect of Domestication and Experience on the Social Interaction of Dogs and Wolves With a Human Companion.Martina Lazzaroni, Friederike Range, Jessica Backes, Katrin Portele, Katharina Scheck & Sarah Marshall-Pescini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. Short- and long-range effects in line contrast integration.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2002 - Vision Research 42:2493-2498.
    Brincat and Westheimer [Journal of Neurophysiology 83 (2000) 1900] have reported facilitating interactions in the discrimination of spatially separated target orientations and co-linear inducing orientations by human observers. With smaller gaps between stimuli (short-range effects), facilitating interactions were found to depend on the contrast polarity of the stimuli. With larger gaps (longrange effects), only co-linearity of the stimuli seemed necessary to produce facilitation. In our study, the dependency of facilitating interactions on the intensity (luminance) of line stimuli is investigated (...)
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    Motor processes in mental rotation.Mark Wexler, Stephen M. Kosslyn & Alain Berthoz - 1998 - Cognition 68 (1):77-94.
    Much indirect evidence supports the hypothesis that transformations of mental images are at least in part guided by motor processes, even in the case of images of abstract objects rather than of body parts. For example, rotation may be guided by processes that also prime one to see results of a specific motor action. We directly test the hypothesis by means of a dual-task paradigm in which subjects perform the Cooper-Shepard mental rotation task while executing an unseen motor rotation in (...)
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  23.  27
    Developmental Models for Estimating Ecological Responses to Environmental Variability: Structural, Parametric, and Experimental Issues.Julia L. Moore & Justin V. Remais - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (1):69-90.
    Developmental models that account for the metabolic effect of temperature variability on poikilotherms, such as degree-day models, have been widely used to study organism emergence, range and development, particularly in agricultural and vector-borne disease contexts. Though simple and easy to use, structural and parametric issues can influence the outputs of such models, often substantially. Because the underlying assumptions and limitations of these models have rarely been considered, this paper reviews the structural, parametric, and experimental issues that arise when (...)
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  24.  16
    Application of Compound Control Method Based on WOA in Micropositioning Stage of SICM.Huiting Wen, Xiaolong Lu, Shiping Zhao, Xiaoyu Liu, Yang Yang & Song Leng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Positioning accuracy of micropositioning stage in scanning ion conductance microscopy is the key to obtain high-precision scanning model. Most piezoelectric ceramic micromotion platforms are used for that, and hysteresis characteristics are the main reason for the nonlinear characteristics of piezoelectric ceramics and the influence on the control accuracy. In order to solve this problem, backpropagation algorithm based on whale optimization algorithm is used to model the hysteresis, which is directly used as a feedforward controller to compensate the hysteresis effect, (...)
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  25.  55
    Tantalus (review).Helene P. Foley - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (3):415-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.3 (2001) 415-428 [Access article in PDF] Brief Mention Tantalus Helene P. Foley John Barton's Tantalus bills itself repeatedly as "leftovers from the epic cycle." 1 Although his cycle of plays--nine in the stage performance and ten, with prologue and epilogue, in the published script--also remakes some late Euripidean plays, the spirit of the piece as a whole is far more reminiscent of what we (...)
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  26.  90
    Curve Fitting, the Reliability of Inductive Inference, and the Error‐Statistical Approach.Aris Spanos - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):1046-1066.
    The main aim of this paper is to revisit the curve fitting problem using the reliability of inductive inference as a primary criterion for the ‘fittest' curve. Viewed from this perspective, it is argued that a crucial concern with the current framework for addressing the curve fitting problem is, on the one hand, the undue influence of the mathematical approximation perspective, and on the other, the insufficient attention paid to the statistical modeling aspects of the problem. Using (...)
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  27.  18
    Sleep-Related Problems in Night Shift Nurses: Towards an Individualized Interventional Practice.Valentina Alfonsi, Serena Scarpelli, Maurizio Gorgoni, Mariella Pazzaglia, Anna Maria Giannini & Luigi De Gennaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Rotating shifts are common among nurses to ensure continuity of care. This scheduling system encompasses several adverse health and performance consequences. One of the most injurious effects of night-time shift work is the deterioration of sleep patterns due to both circadian rhythm disruption and increased sleep homeostatic pressure. Sleep problems lead to secondary effects on other aspects of wellbeing and cognitive functioning, increasing the risk of errors and workplace accidents. A wide range of interventions has been proposed to improve (...)
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  28.  37
    Validity of Cognitive Tests for Non-human Animals: Pitfalls and Prospects.Michèle N. Schubiger, Claudia Fichtel & Judith M. Burkart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:557921.
    Comparative psychology assesses cognitive abilities and capacities of non-human animals and humans. Based on performance differences and similarities in various species in cognitive tests, it is inferred how their minds work and reconstructed how cognition might have evolved. Critically, such species comparisons are only valid and meaningful if the tasks truly capture individual and inter-specific variation in cognitive abilities rather than contextual variables that might affect task performance. Unlike in human test psychology, however, cognitive tasks for non-human primates (and most (...)
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  29.  4
    Naïve readings: reveilles political and philosophic.Ralph Lerner - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Naive Readings is a collection of nine of Ralph Lerner s essays on an astonishing range of notoriously difficult and complex authors and texts including Benjamin Franklin s secular and his liturgical writings, Jefferson s Summary View, and Abraham Lincoln s various writings on statesmanship before he took office; Bacon s Essayes, Gibbon s writings on Jews, and Tocqueville on Edmund Burke; and finally Judah Halevi s Kuzari, and Maimonides s Guide of the Perplexed. Lerner presents his essays as (...)
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  30.  20
    Effect of cue alteration for ordinal position on acquisition and serial position curve form.William L. Bewley, Douglas L. Nelson & W. J. Brogden - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):445.
  31.  15
    Simulation theory: a psychological and philosophical consideration.Tim Short - 2015 - New York, NY: Psychology Press.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is the term used for our ability to predict and explain the behaviour of ourselves and others. Accounts of this theory have so far fallen into two competing types: Simulation Theory and 'Theory Theory'. In contrast with Theory Theory, Simulation Theory argues that we predict behaviour not by employing a model of people, but by replicating others' thoughts and feelings. This book presents a novel defence of Simulation Theory, reviewing the major challenges against it and positing (...)
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    Compiling nature's history: Travellers and travel narratives in the early royal society.Daniel Carey - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):269-292.
    SummaryThe relationship between travel, travel narrative, and the enterprise of natural history is explored, focusing on activities associated with the early Royal Society. In an era of expanding travel, for colonial, diplomatic, trade, and missionary purposes, reports of nature's effects proliferated, both in oral and written forms. Naturalists intent on compiling a comprehensive history of such phenomena, and making them useful in the process, readily incorporated these reports into their work. They went further by trying to direct the course of (...)
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  33.  14
    Robust Iterative Learning Control for 2-D Singular Fornasini–Marchesini Systems with Iteration-Varying Boundary States.Deming Xu & Kai Wan - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    This study first investigates robust iterative learning control issue for a class of two-dimensional linear discrete singular Fornasini–Marchesini systems under iteration-varying boundary states. Initially, using the singular value decomposition theory, an equivalent dynamical decomposition form of 2-D LDSFM is derived. A simple P-type ILC law is proposed such that the ILC tracking error can be driven into a residual range, the bound of which is relevant to the bound parameters of boundary states. Specially, while the boundary states of (...)
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  34.  8
    Toward improving control performance of myoelectric arm prosthesis by adding wrist position feedback.Yue Zheng, Lan Tian, Xiangxin Li, Yingxiao Tan, Zijian Yang & Guanglin Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Wearing a myoelectric prosthesis is a basic way for limb amputees to restore their lost limb functions in the activities of daily living. However, it is estimated that around 40% of amputees refuse the prosthesis. One of the primary reasons would be that the current prostheses lack appropriate sensory feedback. Currently, the amputees only depend on their visual feedback when using their arm prostheses. It would be difficult for them to accurately control the wrist position, which is vital for flexible (...)
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  35.  42
    Harnessing heuristics for economic policy.Ramzi Mabsout & Jana G. Mourad - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (2):135-163.
    Abstract:The effectiveness of heuristics has received contradicting interpretations in the behavioural sciences. We study the policy implications of two programmes that dispute the effectiveness of heuristics – the biases and heuristics and the fast and frugal heuristics programmes. While the first blames heuristics for most errors in judgement, the second posits heuristics as simple mental algorithms that work well in a range of environments. We argue that the fast and frugal programme is less paternalistic insofar as it models humans (...)
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  36.  78
    Towards a balanced social psychology: Causes, consequences, and cures for the problem-seeking approach to social behavior and cognition.Joachim I. Krueger & David C. Funder - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):313-327.
    Mainstream social psychology focuses on how people characteristically violate norms of action through social misbehaviors such as conformity with false majority judgments, destructive obedience, and failures to help those in need. Likewise, they are seen to violate norms of reasoning through cognitive errors such as misuse of social information, self-enhancement, and an over-readiness to attribute dispositional characteristics. The causes of this negative research emphasis include the apparent informativeness of norm violation, the status of good behavior and judgment as unconfirmable null (...)
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  37.  78
    Cognitive science: The newest science of the artificial.Herbert A. Simon - 1980 - Cognitive Science 4 (1):33-46.
    Cognitive science is, of course, not really a new discipline, but a recognition of a fundamental set of common concerns shared by the disciplines of psychology, computer science, linguistics, economics, epistemology, and the social sciences generally. All of these disciplines are concerned with information processing systems, and all of them are concerned with systems that are adaptive—that are what they are from being ground between the nether millstone of their physiology or hardware, as the case may be, and the upper (...)
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  38.  14
    A Multi-level Remedial Teaching Design Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment: Taking the Electromagnetic Induction as an Example.Rui Huang, Zengze Liu, Defu Zi, Qinmei Huang & Sudong Pan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Multi-level teaching has been proven to be more effective than a one-size-fits-all learning approach. This study aimed to develop and implement a multi-level remedial teaching scheme in various high school classes containing students of a wide range of learning levels and to determine its effect of their learning. The deterministic inputs noisy and gate model of cognitive diagnosis theory was used to classify students at multiple levels according to their knowledge and desired learning outcomes. A total of 680 (...)
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  39.  25
    Identifying meaningful intra‐individual change standards for health‐related quality of life measures.Kathleen W. Wyrwich & Fredric D. Wolinsky - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (1):39-49.
  40.  9
    Density curves in the theory of Errors.Oscar Sheynin - 1995 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 49 (2):163-196.
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    Intrinsic Mode Chirp Multicomponent Decomposition with Kernel Sparse Learning for Overlapped Nonstationary Signals Involving Big Data.Haixin Sun, Yongchun Miao & Jie Qi - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    We focus on the decomposition problem for nonstationary multicomponent signals involving Big Data. We propose the kernel sparse learning, developed for the T-F reassignment algorithm by the path penalty function, to decompose the instantaneous frequencies ridges of the overlapped multicomponent from a time-frequency representation. The main objective of KSL is to minimize the error of the prediction process while minimizing the amount of training samples used and thus to cut the costs interrelated with the training sample collection. The IFs (...)
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  42.  12
    Context-Specific Arousal During Resting in Wolves and Dogs: Effects of Domestication?Hillary Jean-Joseph, Kim Kortekaas, Friederike Range & Kurt Kotrschal - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:568199.
    Due to domestication, dogs differ from wolves in the way they respond to their environment, including to humans. Selection for tameness and the associated changes to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation have been proposed as the primary mechanisms of domestication. To test this idea, we compared two low-arousal states in equally raised and kept wolves and dogs: resting, a state close to being asleep, and inactive wakefulness, which together take up an important part in the time budgets of wolves (...)
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    Degree of structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffractometry and imaging techniques.J. Gastaldi, S. Agliozzo, A. Létoublon, J. Wang & L. Mancini - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (1):1-29.
    A study of the structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains of various alloys and Al-Cu-Fe), grown by different slow solidification techniques was performed using high-resolution diffraction, including recording rocking curves combined with X-ray topography and phase contrast radiography, at a third-generation synchrotron radiation source . For Al-Pd-Mn, additional coherent diffraction and diffuse scattering measurements were also carried out. After evaluating the potentialities of the techniques used, in the light of the criteria defined for crystals, it is shown that the structural (...)
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    The effect of spaced learning on the curve of retention.Leo F. Cain & Roy De Verl Willey - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (2):209.
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    The roots of literacy.David Hawkins - 2000 - Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
    This is a collection of seventeen essays on learning, teaching, and the philosophy of education. A sequel to Hawkins's 'The Informed Vision' (1947), this new volume covers a wide range of topics, from generating the most basic student interest in the subject matter at hand to the specific challenges of teaching science and mathematics. In the title essay, Hawkins addresses widespread concerns over low literacy rates and the poor state of our educational system, questioning our limited understanding of literacy (...)
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    Superstition and belief as inevitable by-products of an adaptive learning strategy.Jan Beck & Wolfgang Forstmeier - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (1):35-46.
    The existence of superstition and religious beliefs in most, if not all, human societies is puzzling for behavioral ecology. These phenomena bring about various fitness costs ranging from burial objects to celibacy, and these costs are not outweighed by any obvious benefits. In an attempt to resolve this problem, we present a verbal model describing how humans and other organisms learn from the observation of coincidence (associative learning). As in statistical analysis, learning organisms need rules to distinguish between real patterns (...)
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    Effects of competing reactions on the conditioning curve for bar pressing.William K. Estes - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (2):200.
  48.  47
    Radical nursing and the emergence of technique as healthcare technology.Alan Barnard - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):8-18.
    The integration of technology in care is core business in nursing and this role requires that we must understand and use technology informed by evidence that goes much deeper and broader than actions and behaviours. We need to delve more deeply into its complexity because there is nothing minor or insignificant about technology as a major influence in healthcare outcomes and experiences. Evidence is needed that addresses technology and nursing from perspectives that examine the effects of technology, especially related to (...)
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  49.  19
    (1 other version)The effect of distraction, both manual and mental, on the ergograph curve.Joyce Burgmann - 1939 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 17 (3):273-276.
  50.  14
    The Contribution of Common and Specific Therapeutic Factors to Mindfulness-Based Intervention Outcomes.Nicholas K. Canby, Kristina Eichel, Jared Lindahl, Sathiarith Chau, James Cordova & Willoughby B. Britton - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:603394.
    While Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBIs) have been shown to be effective for a range of patient populations and outcomes, a question remains as to the role of common therapeutic factors, as opposed to the specific effects of mindfulness practice, in contributing to patient improvements. This project used a mixed-method design to investigate the contribution of specific (mindfulness practice-related) and common (instructor and group related) therapeutic factors to client improvements within an MBI. Participants with mild-severe depression (N= 104; 73% female,Mage = (...)
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