Results for 'question'

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  1.  17
    Hans Achterhuis, ed., American Philosophy of Technology (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2001).Questioning God - 2001 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 23 (1).
  2.  10
    ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions.Questions That Beg Asking - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Beauvoir and Bergson.A. Question ofInfluence - 2012 - In Shannon M. Mussett & William S. Wilkerson (eds.), Beauvoir and Western Thought From Plato to Butler. State University of New York Press.
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  4. The editor has review copies of the following books. Potential reviewers should contact the editor to obtain a review copy (aghuval@ nervm. nerdc. ufl. edu). Books not previously listed are in bold faced type. [REVIEW]Food Agrarian Questions & Global Restructuring - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15:195-196.
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    Ablondi, Fred. Gerauld de Cordemy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian. Marquette Studies in Philosophy, 44. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005. Pp. 127. Paper, $17.00. d'Alfonso, Matteo Vincenzo. Vom Wissen zur Weisheit: Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1811. Fichte Studien Supplementa. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 311. Paper, $80.00. Bambach, Charles. Heidegger's Roots: Nietzsche, National Socialism, and the Greeks. Ithaca, NY: Cornell. [REVIEW]Big Questions - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):325-27.
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  6. Not Easily Available 109–114.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Are Question–Begging, Amy Kind, Qualia Realism, Patricia Marino, Moral Dilemmas & Moral Progress - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 104:337-338.
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  7. Science and the special composition question.Andrew Brenner - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):657-678.
    Mereological nihilism is the thesis that composition never occurs. Some philosophers have thought that science gives us compelling evidence against nihilism. In this article I respond to this concern. An initial challenge for nihilism stems from the fact that composition is such a ubiquitous feature of scientific theories. In response I motivate a restricted form of scientific anti-realism with respect to those components of scientific theories which make reference to composition. A second scientifically based worry for nihilism is that certain (...)
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  8. The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays.Martin Heidegger - 1977 - New York: Harper & Row.
    The question concerning technology.--The turning.--The word of Nietzsche: "God is dead."--The age of the world picture.--Science and reflection.
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    The question of realism for powers.Lorenzo Azzano - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):329-354.
    In recent years, a new dispute has risen to prominence: the dispute between realists and anti-realists about causal powers. Albeit sometimes overlooked, the meta-ontological features of this “question of realism for powers” are quite peculiar. For friends and foes of causal powers have characterized their contrasting views in a variety of different ways; as existence claims, as semantic or truth-making claims, as fundamentality claims, as claims about the nature of certain properties. Not only does this multiplicity of interpretations make (...)
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  10. Understanding the Question: Philosophy and its History.Tim Crane - 2015 - In Eugen Fischer & John Collins (eds.), Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method. London: Routledge.
    What is the relevance of the history of philosophy to philosophy as such? This is not the question, what is the reason for studying the history of philosophy? This question is easy to answer. Philosophy is part of our culture, and the history of our culture is worth studying, if anything is. Nor is it the question, should academic institutions teach the history of philosophy as part of a philosophical education? It is widely accepted that students should (...)
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  11. The Question of Iterated Causation.David Mark Kovacs - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):454-473.
    This paper is about what I call the Question of Iterated Causation (QIC): for any instance of causation in which c1…ck cause effect e, what are the causes of c1…ck’s causing of e? In short: what causes instances of causation or, as I will refer to these instances, the “causal goings‐on”? A natural response (which I call “dismissivism”) is that this is a bad question because causal goings‐on aren’t apt to be caused. After rebutting several versions of dismissivism, (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Cogency and Question‐Begging: Some Reflections on McKinsey's Paradox and Putnam's Proof.Crispin Wright - 2000 - Philosophical Issues 10 (1):140-163.
  13. What now ?An Edge Question - unknown
    What happens now is that we (by which I mean the West) eradicate state sponsored terrorism. And we can achieve that only by replacing all political systems that perpetrate or collaborate with terrorism, by systems that respect human rights both domestically and internationally.
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  14. The question of realism.Kit Fine - 2001 - Philosophers' Imprint 1:1-30.
    This paper distinguishes two kinds of realist issue -- the issue of whether the propositions of a given domain are factual and the issue of whether they are fundamental. It criticizes previous accounts of what these issues come to and suggests that they are to be understood in terms of a basic metaphysical concept of reality. This leaves open the question of how such issues are to be resolved; and it is argued that this may be done through consideration (...)
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    Question-begging and cumulativeness in dialectical games.John Woods & Douglas Walton - 1982 - Noûs 16 (4):585-605.
  16. Answer the question: What is Enlightenment?Daniel Fidel Ferrer & Immanuel Kant - 2013 -
    English translation of Kant's Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung? (Königsberg in Prussia, 30 September 1784).
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    (1 other version)Logic: The Question of Truth.Thomas Sheehan (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Martin Heidegger's 1925–26 lectures on truth and time provided much of the basis for his momentous work, Being and Time. Not published until 1976 as volume 21 of the Complete Works, three months before Heidegger's death, this work is central to Heidegger's overall project of reinterpreting Western thought in terms of time and truth. The text shows the degree to which Aristotle underlies Heidegger's hermeneutical theory of meaning. It also contains Heidegger’s first published critique of Husserl and takes major steps (...)
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    Logical Dimensions of Question-Begging Argument.Dale Jacquette - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):317 - 327.
  19. Displacement.Nicolas Parent & JiróN Mariscal José Antonio de Sucre Questioning Capitalistic Power Structures: A. Way to Reconnect People With - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Received by 1 November-31 December 1991.Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Emmett Barealow Open Questions & An In - 1992 - Teaching Philosophy 15:1-15.
  21. The Question of the Agent of Change.Ben Laurence - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (4):355-377.
    In non-ideal theory, the political philosopher seeks to identify an injustice, synthesize social scientific work to diagnose its underlying causes, and propose morally permissible and potentially efficacious remedies. This paper explores the role in non-ideal theory of the identification of a plausible agent of change who might bring about the proposed remedies. I argue that the question of the agent of change is connected with the other core tasks of diagnosing injustice and proposing practical remedies. In this connection, I (...)
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    The Question of the African Personality in Chukwudum Barnabas Okolo: A Critical Review.Ugwu Ak - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-8.
    Okolo maintains that the African is identified by his personality which is the attitudinal disposition he designates as ‘beingwith’. He adopts the term ‘being-with’ to represent the African ‘communality’ which is all there is to be truly African. Though maintaining a radical communalistic viewpoint suspending in socio-ontological considerations, Okolo posits that this attitude characteristically defines and symbolically stands for that by which ‘an African’ is identified. However, Okolo’s position inheres some problems that border on one, the question and place (...)
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  23. Displacement.Nicolas Parent & JiróN Mariscal José Antonio de Sucre Questioning Capitalistic Power Structures: A. Way to Reconnect People With - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  24. Begging the Question: Circular Reasoning as a Tactic of Argumentation.Douglas N. Walton - 1995 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 28 (2):171-175.
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    The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics.Yuk Hui - 2016 - Boston: MIT Press.
    A systematic historical survey of Chinese thought is followed by an investigation of the historical-metaphysical questions of modern technology, asking how Chinese thought might contribute to a renewed questioning of globalized technics. -/- Heidegger's critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical thinking of technology in modern Chinese thought. -/- Yuk Hui argues for (...)
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    Question Time.Renford Bambrough - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 38:189-201.
    It makes straightforward sense to ask a person ‘Why did you decide to become a solicitor?’ . There is no mystery about the question ‘Why did you decide to become a British citizen?’ . It may be difficult to answer any of these questions. We may not remember, or may be unable to articulate, what first led us to seek ordination, join the Army or stand for Parliament; but the questions themselves are clear, and they ask for fair comment (...)
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  27. Counting on Strong Composition as Identity to Settle the Special Composition Question.Joshua Spencer - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):857-872.
    Strong Composition as Identity is the thesis that necessarily, for any xs and any y, those xs compose y iff those xs are non-distributively identical to y. Some have argued against this view as follows: if some many things are non-distributively identical to one thing, then what’s true of the many must be true of the one. But since the many are many in number whereas the one is not, the many cannot be identical to the one. Hence is mistaken. (...)
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    The figure of this world: Agamben and the question of political ontology.Mathew Abbott - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Introduction: the figure of this world -- 1. The question of political ontology -- 2. The poetic experience of the world -- 3. The myth of the earth -- 4. The unbearable -- 5. The creature before the law -- 6. The animal for which animality is an issue -- 7. Understanding the happy -- 8. The picture and its captives -- 9. The passing of the figure of this world.
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    The Question–Answer Requirement for scope assignment.Andrea Gualmini, Sarah Hulsey, Valentine Hacquard & Danny Fox - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (3):205-237.
    This paper focuses on children’s interpretation of sentences containing negation and a quantifier (e.g., The detective didn’t find some guys). Recent studies suggest that, although children are capable of accessing inverse scope interpretations of such sentences, they resort to surface scope to a larger extent than adults. To account for children’s behavioral pattern, we propose a new factor at play in Truth Value Judgment tasks: the Question–Answer Requirement (QAR). According to the QAR, children (and adults) must interpret the target (...)
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    Ernest Sosa and Virtuously Begging the Question.Michael Walschots - 2011 - In Frank Zenker (ed.), Argumentation: Cognition & Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation [CD-ROM]. Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
    This paper discusses the notion of epistemic circularity, supposedly different from logical circularity, and evaluates Ernest Sosa’s claim that this specific kind of circular reasoning is virtuous rather than vicious. I attempt to determine whether or not the conditions said to make epistemic circularity a permissible instance of begging the question could make other instances of circular reasoning equally permissible.
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    Zizek and Heidegger: The Question Concerning Techno-Capitalism.Thomas Brockelman - 2008 - Continuum.
    Fills a genuine gap in iek interpretation - through examining his relationship with Martin Heidegger, the author offers a new and useful overview of iek's work.
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    Question–answer games.Thomas Ågotnes, Johan van Benthem, Hans van Ditmarsch & Stefan Minica - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):265-288.
    We propose strategic games wherein the strategies consist of players asking each other questions and answering those questions. We study simplifications of such games wherein two players simultaneously ask each other a question that the opponent is then obliged to answer. The motivation for our research is to model conversation including the dynamics of questions and answers, to provide new links between game theory and dynamic logics of information, and to exploit the dynamic/strategic structure that, we think, lies implicitly (...)
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  33. Philosophers and the abortion question.Philip Abbott - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (3):313-335.
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  34. Some Question-Begging Objections to Rule Consequentialism.Caleb Perl - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):904-919.
    This paper defends views like rule consequentialism by distinguishing between two sorts of ideal world objections. It aims to show that one of those sorts of objections is question-begging. Its success would open up a path forward for such views.
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    The Question of Life’s Meaning: An African Perspective.Aribiah David Attoe - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    In answering the question of life’s meaning, the African perspective is only just beginning to emerge. While this is true, a critical examination of African theories of meaningfulness, the possibility of life’s meaninglessness, as well as ideas about the proper mode/mood for living with the meaninglessness of life are largely underexplored within the African philosophical tradition. This book provides several plausible accounts of meaning in/of life from an African perspective, examines the relationship between death and life’s meaningfulness, and explores (...)
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    Question-begging in non-cumulative systems.J. D. Mackenzie - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):117 - 133.
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    A question of detail: matching counterfactuals to actual cause in pre-emption scenarios.Denis Hilton, Christophe Schmeltzer & Valentin Goulette - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (3):350-388.
    Causal pre-emption scenarios are problematic for the counterfactual framework of causation (CFC) because people judge an action to be the actual cause of an outcome although the outcome would have occurred anyway due to the action of a pre-empted alternative cause. We propose that commonsense causal questions typically probe specific events that actually happened as and how they did, and show that counterfactuals that probe specific events match selections of actual cause, and dissociations only occur with non-specific counterfactuals. In addition, (...)
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    Thinking Through French Philosophy: The Being of the Question.Leonard Lawlor - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    "... no other book undertakes to relate all these French philosophers to each other the way that [Lawlor] does, brilliantly." —François Raffoul For many, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Gilles Deleuze represent one of the greatest movements in French philosophy. But these philosophers and their works did not materialize without a philosophical heritage. In Thinking through French Philosophy, Leonard Lawlor shows how the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty formed an important current in sustaining the development of structuralism and post-structuralism. Seeking the (...)
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    La géopoétique ou la question des frontières de l’art.Jean-Jacques Wunenburger - 1999 - Philosophique 2:3-13.
    La question des frontières des arts plastiques et littéraires contemporains peut être approchée à travers l'exemple de la géopoétique de Kenneth White. Renonçant à réduire l'art à la production d'une représentation dominée par le plaisir de la vue, le mouvement esthétique de la géopoétique cherche à faire de la création artistique un geste de participation aux matières de la terre sur fond d'une expérience polysensorielle où la marche et le nomadisme constituent des explorations d'un proto-monde. L'oeuvre écrite ou plastique (...)
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    Question-driven stepwise experimental discoveries in biochemistry: two case studies.Michael Fry - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-52.
    Philosophers of science diverge on the question what drives the growth of scientific knowledge. Most of the twentieth century was dominated by the notion that theories propel that growth whereas experiments play secondary roles of operating within the theoretical framework or testing theoretical predictions. New experimentalism, a school of thought pioneered by Ian Hacking in the early 1980s, challenged this view by arguing that theory-free exploratory experimentation may in many cases effectively probe nature and potentially spawn higher evidence-based theories. (...)
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    Pragmatism and the question of truth.Emile Durkheim - unknown
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  42. Présence et solitude: la question de l'être et le destin de l'homme.R. Duval - 1973 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 57 (3):377.
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    Adorno and the question of Schubert's sexuality.Andrew Edgar - unknown
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  44. The philosophical basis of medicine as a philosophical question.Jan M. Broekman - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (2).
    The question of the philosophical basis of medical science and medical practice is considered under three closely related themes: (i) the doctor-patient relationship, (ii) the structure of the medical-ethical discourse, and (iii) the problem of philosophical founding in relation to medical conduct. The doctor-patient relationship is regarded as a transformational relation. Acceptance of the illness of the patient, the construction of a complaint as a necessary condition — and not a description of an existing reality — as well as (...)
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  45. The Question of African Philosophy.P. O. Bodunrin - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (216):161 - 179.
    Philosophy in Africa has for more than a decade now been dominated by the discussion of one compound question, namely, is there an African philosophy, and if there is, what is it? The first part of the question has generally been unhesitatingly answered in the affirmative. Dispute has been primarily over the second part of the question as various specimens of African philosophy presented do not seem to pass muster. Those of us who refuse to accept certain (...)
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  46. Berkeley and Hume: A Question of Influence.M. Ayers - 1984 - In Richard Rorty, Jerome B. Schneewind & Quentin Skinner (eds.), Philosophy in history: essays on the historiography of philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  47. Derrida and the question of education: a new space for philosophy.Didier Cahen - 2001 - In Gert Biesta & Denise Egéa-Kuehne (eds.), Derrida & education. New York: Routledge. pp. 12--31.
  48. A Question of Evidence.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):172 - 189.
    I outline a pragmatic account of evidence, arguing that it allows us to underwrite two implications of feminist scholarship: that knowledge is socially constructed and constrained by evidence, and that social relations, including gender, race, and class, are epistemologically significant. What makes the account promising is that it abandons any pretense of a view from nowhere, the view of evidence as something only individuals gather or have, and the view that individual theories face experience in isolation.
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    Carving an Origin for Mexico's Ancient Cultures: Jade Artifacts and the Question of their Provenance in 19th-Century Science.Miruna Achim - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):477-497.
    In the second half of the 19th century, pre-Hispanic jade artifacts from Mexico—especially jade celts and votive axes—stood at the center of scholarly debates on the origins of American civilizations. The contradiction between the prevalence of carved jades, on the one hand, and the apparent absence of jade mineral deposits in the Americas, on the other, resuscitated centuries-old theories that placed the beginnings of pre-Hispanic civilizations in China. The increasing availability of Chinese and Mexican jades in the same spaces of (...)
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    To some, the question of whether legal rights should, or even.David J. Calverley - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.), Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 213.
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