Results for 'pratique réflexive, processus réflexif, enseignement supérieur, développement professionnel, scholarship of Teaching and Learning'

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  1.  34
    La pratique réflexive en enseignement supérieur : d'une approche théorique à une perspective de développement professionnel.Christelle Lison - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):15-27.
    The preparation of teachers in higher education is increasingly valued in institutions around the world. On the other hand, training models are not standardized and valorization varies. Considering that the initial or professional development of teachers passes, at least in part, by the development of a reflective practice supported on basis of scientific literature, we propose to the on think on one hand about a model of reflective practice, that of Kelchtermans, through four dimensions (instrumental, moral, political, and emotional), and (...)
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    Le praticien réflexif : mythe ou réalité en formation à l'enseignement ?Enrique Correa Molina & Lynn Thomas - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):1-7.
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    L’accompagnement : un élément clé pour l’apprentissage en stage et pour le développement professionnel continu des enseignants.Marc Boutet & Rémy Villemin - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):81-89.
    This article explores a training need common to every stage of a teacher’s career : the need to be accompanied. It takes an integrative perspective on the process of the situated learning of teaching, throughout the career, from the pre-service practicums to the period of entrance in the profession then to the in-service training. Providing a reflexive accompaniment of the teachers’ practical experiences is here presented as a central factor for linking the training and the work environments. The (...)
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    L’apport d’une communauté de pratique au développement professionnel de superviseurs de stage en enseignement.Anne Roy, Liliane Portelance, Monique Dufresne & Anthony Simard - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (1):93-108.
    During the co-evaluation of student teacher of trainees’ learning with the associate teacher, several supervisors experience a discomfort with their role, their actions and their posture. For some, this discomfort is due to a lack of continuous training preventing their professional development. By creating a community of practice, we supported the reflection and analysis of student teaching supervision that take place within triads, made up of the trainees’, the associate teacher and the supervisors. Our objective was to study (...)
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    Reconceptualizing participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research: exploring the perspectives of health faculty students in Aotearoa New Zealand.Amanda B. Lees, Rosemary Godbold & Simon Walters - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):36-63.
    While the need to protect vulnerable research participants is universal, conceptual challenges with the notion of vulnerability may result in the under or over-protection of participants. Ethics review bodies making assumptions about who is vulnerable and in what circumstance can be viewed as paternalistic if they do not consider participant viewpoints. Our study focuses on participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research. We aim to illuminate students’ views on participant vulnerability to contribute to critical (...)
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    Contents, regulations, and learning processes in reflective writing in work-study programs for aspiring teachers.Soraya De Simone, Laetitia Mauroux & Kristine Balslev - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):97.
    Cette contribution présente l’analyse de douze bilans d’apprentissage émanant de quatre dispositifs différents de formation initiale et continue d’enseignant·es du primaire, du secondaire et de mentor·es de Suisse romande. Le cadrage théorique prend appui sur une approche historico-culturelle dans laquelle le langage sous forme écrite, met en évidence les indices que les sujets donnent à voir dans les textes réflexifs rédigés en formations initiale ou continue concernant leurs apprentissages. Les contenus mobilisés dans les textes, les systèmes de régulations proposés, les (...)
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    Le stage en formation alternée dans l’enseignement supérieur : pour quel développement professionnel?Jérôme Eneau, Geneviève Lameul & Éric Bertrand - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):38-48.
    This research aims to analyze the professionalization process of Master students in an adult education program, based in the University of Rennes (Brittany). The material uses ten reflexive analysis papers, produced by the students for each end of their year session (Master 1 and Master 2). This reflexive production, which aims to formalize and clarify the articulation of theoretical and praxeological aspects of the Master program, shows the integrative experience acquired during the year. The analysis of these papers allows us (...)
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    Variation de la pratique réflexive entre les contextes académique et pratique en stage d'enseignement.Simon Collin - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):41-51.
    Résumé : Le stage d’enseignement est fréquemment considéré comme une période particulièrement propice au développement de la pratique réflexive. Souhaitant contribuer à cette réflexion, l’objectif de cet article vise à mieux comprendre la variation de la pratique réflexive des enseignants-stagiaires suivant les contextes académique et pratique. Pour ce faire, nous présentons une recherche qualitative, dont l’analyse thématique d’entrevues nous a permis de relever des variations contextuelles de la pratique réflexive à trois niveaux distincts : (...)
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  9. L'efficacité des pratiques d'enseignement au travers des rapports d'inspection.Marcel Jean-François & Helene Veyrac - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):33-54.
    Teaching evaluations are in this case a means of judging the effectiveness of teaching and learning state measures. Analysis of 38 French teachers’ school reports in agricultural High Schools highlights certain aspects of teaching practices while thirteen reports graded unsatisfactory as teachers failed teaching standards help unveil teacher assessment practices. The analyses lead to the building of a teacher practice model while showing that teacher evaluation focus more on teaching practices and teaching resources (...)
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    Using teachers' reflexive feedback to help them perceive their professional development.Juliette Renaud & Marie-Carmen Becerra - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):72-90.
    The educational design research movement asserts that the use of new tools or innovative devices is a powerful vector for the professional development of teachers, to the benefit of pupils' learning. It recommends that these tools be designed using a participatory approach that translates the knowledge gained from research into resources for action. The design-in-use approach shares the same presupposition. As part of our thesis work, we adopted this approach to co-design a teaching aid. With the help of (...)
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    Renforcer les capacités réflexives à des fins de développement professionnel : une grille-repères pour la conception de dispositifs pédagogiques.Lucie Gouttenoire, Cécile Fiorelli, Laurent Trognon & Christèle Roux - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):47-61.
    While reflexivity is seen as a not-to-be-missed concept in professional training, references to design pedagogical devices to enhance actors’ reflective capacities on their professional situations and to foster their professional and personal development are scarce and embedded in a patchwork of theoretical and practical approaches. As designers of such devices in agricultural higher education, our practical experiences, theoretical background and discussions led us to build a model of reflexivity as five intertwined key dimensions. These dimensions deal with aspects of reflexivity (...)
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    Le défi des enseignants belges francophones dans l’élaboration de leurs séquences d’enseignement-apprentissage : prise en compte des théories sur l’autodétermination et le bien-être au travail.Natacha Duroisin & Nancy Goyette - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):91-105.
    In French-speaking Belgium, the educational system is made particular and complex because of the presence of several educational networks. This structural complexity leads, in particular, to provide multiple programs studies which are used by teachers for the preparation of teaching-learning sequences. Using data from several studies on the analysis of a part of the prescribed and implanted curriculum, the authors point out the complexity of teachers’ task who have to take into account of this plurality of programs studies. (...)
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    What We Owe to Donald Schön: Three Educators in Conversation.Allan MacKinnon, Anthony Clarke & Gaalen Erickson - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):89-99.
    Les lecteurs ayant une simple connaissance de la littérature de recherche dans le domaine de la formation des enseignants au cours des 25 dernières années sont conscients de l’augmentation spectaculaire de l’utilisation de la «réflexivité» pour décrire les attributs souhaités ou les comportements des participants au programmes de développement professionnel pour les enseignants novices ou expérimentés. Notre intention est de tirer parti de nos propres expériences collectives de pratiques de recherche et d’enseignement pour cartographier comment et pourquoi nous (...)
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  14. Analyse des pratiques d'enseignement : Éléments de cadrages théoriques et méthodologiques.Joël Clanet & Laurent Talbot - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):4-18.
    : This paper addresses the need to examine teaching practices from the observation that they are beyond what they should be. This task devolved to scientists of education is to learn about teaching practices in their relationship to student learning in order to build the database useful to teacher educators and reflexivity necessary for any teacher about their own practice. The concepts of competence, pattern and are useful instrument in this endeavor of explanation and understanding of the (...)
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  15. Développement de la réflexivité et décodage de l’action : questions de méthode.Antoine Derobertmasure & Arnaud Dehon - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (2):24-44.
    Abstract In initial teacher training, the micro-teaching activities and retroaction have for goals to develop reflexive practitioners and competent professionals with a high professional identity. The double analyze of the teacher’s action – observation of teacher gestures and analysis of retroaction - requires two complementary methods to make the links between interactive and postactive phase. In this article, the authors describe the different training activities, and explain the research approach with an illustration of a concrete case. En formation initiale (...)
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  16. Intervenir auprès des enseignants en formation pour favoriser un développement global.Alexandre Buysse - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):20-35.
    In this theoretical contribution, we interpret the notion of professional development in the light of concepts coming from cognitive development. This brings us to consider teacher training as not only having to allow the elaboration of skills, but also as having to encourage the development of new cognitive structures. We explore the theoretical concepts in relation with certain processes revealed by the reflexive texts of the students. Finally, we propose ways that could foster certain dimensions of global professional development in (...)
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    The contemplative mind in the scholarship of teaching and learning.Patti L. Owen-Smith - 2018 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    A historical review -- Contemplative practices in higher education -- Challenges and replies to contemplative methods -- Contemplative research -- The contemplative mind : a vision of higher education for the 21st century.
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    Des pratiques qui diffèrent de leurs croyances? Analyse quantitative des croyances épistémologiques, des conceptions pédagogiques et des pratiques d’enseignants belges du secondaire.Dorothée Baillet & Claire Gérard - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):153-175.
    In french and english speaking countries, the articulation between epistemological beliefs, conceptions of teaching and learning and pedagogical practices of secondary school teachers in the natural sciences and humanities has been little studied (Araújo-Oliveira, 2012 ; Bartos et Lederman, 2014 ; Wanlin et al., 2019). Yet, while teachers display predominantly constructivist beliefs about teaching and learning, their teaching practices remain rather passive (OECD, 2019). Like in Therriault et al. (2018-2023), this article explores the characteristics of (...)
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    Ingénierie de la formation et développement professionnel des enseignants. Ressorts et conditions d’un renouveau au prisme du comparatisme.Régis Malet & Alice Le Coz - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):92-116.
    The concept of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers combines issues of training, recognition, and professional effectiveness. In this article, we examine the conditions and effects of the implementation of CPD policies at the international and national levels, before looking comparatively at concrete CPD training provision in two “academies” in France. We seek to identify certain conditions for the renewal of in-service teacher training engineering devices and, more broadly, to document major contemporary issues for the teaching profession: attractiveness, recognition, (...)
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  20. La compétence de contextualisation au coeur de la situation d’enseignement-apprentissage.Laetitia Sauvage Luntadi & Frédéric Tupin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):102-117.
    The notion of «professional situation,» as we propose to examine it, entails questioning simultaneously the place of contexts and the role of actors in teaching-learning situations. We propose to examine the contextualization of the teaching process in light of the groups welcomed and the conditions in which the teacher’s profession is practiced. Defining contextualization as «an art of doing» in line with a professional competency thus means postulating the legitimacy of the «context(s)» as an explanatory medium or (...)
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  21. Une perspective bachelardienne pour lire et comprendre les situations d’aprentissage professionnel de la formation à l’enseignement.Lucie Roger, Philippe Maubant & Bernard Mercier - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):92-101.
    This text presents a few preliminary results of research currently being conducted at the Université de Sherbrooke’s Research Institute on Educational Practices. The study seeks to understand how situations presented in teacher education can support the functioning and success of trainee teachers’ professional learning. The article’s aim is to identify the points of convergence between situations of professional activity, situations of professional learning, and training situations. The text will attempt to analyze the role that can be played by (...)
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    Processus de co-construction et rôle de l’objet biface en recherche collaborative.Corinne Marlot, Marie Toullec-Thery & Marc Daguzon - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):21-34.
    Our study has two concerns. The first falls under the methodological aspect of collaborative research : how researchers and teachers introduce each other to the world of the other and at their respective referents? What are the characteristics of their interactions, how do they facilitate mutual understanding? The second falls within the terms of the partnership : how to negotiate the subject of mutual concern, that is to say what will become both object of research and object of training? This (...)
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    Pretend play and in-service teacher training: Analysis of reflective writing.Isabelle Truffer-Moreau, Anne Clerc-Georgy & Béatrice Maire-Sardi - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (2):83.
    Cet article présente le dispositif de formation et ses objectifs ainsi que l’analyse d’écrits réflexifs produits dans le cadre des travaux certificatifs et dans lesquels les participantes décrivent quelques-uns des effets de la formation sur leurs pratiques professionnelles.
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    Entre ce qu’ils pensent, ce qu’ils disent et ce qu’ils font, quelles articulations? Analyse quantitative des croyances épistémologiques, des conceptions pédagogiques et des pratiques d’enseignants québécois du secondaire en sciences naturelles et en sciences humaines et sociales.Dorothée Baillet & Geneviève Therriault - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):129-152.
    The articulation between epistemological beliefs, conceptions of teaching and learning, and teaching practices of secondary school science and humanities teachers has been little studied, particularly in the francophone world (Araújo-Oliveira, 2012, 2019 ; Bartos & Lederman, 2 014 ; Wanlin et al., 2019). Yet, while teachers display predominantly constructivist beliefs about teaching and learning, their actual teaching practices remain rather passive (TALIS international survey - OECD, 2019). After characterizing these three theoretical constructs in a (...)
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    L’articulation des croyances et des pratiques dans l’enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales au secondaire : quelles pistes pour l’accompagnement des enseignants débutants?Sébastien Boucher, Anderson Araújo-Oliveira & Geneviève Therriault - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):65-85.
    The study presents partial results from a larger project aimed at supporting the professional development of beginning teachers with respect to their personal epistemology. Based on a thematic analysis of data from explanatory interviews, the article focuses on the articulation between beliefs (epistemological and pedagogical) and stated practices of ten beginning teachers of social sciences and humanities (SHS) in secondary schools. The results highlight the high degree of sophistication of the participants’ epistemological beliefs and the constructivist tendency of their conceptions (...)
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    Quand des maitres de stage et des superviseurs cheminent ensemble pendant deux ans : quels effets sur leur développement professionnel?Stéphane Colognesi, Yaovi Ayivor & Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):36-48.
    Our contribution concerns the continuous training of teachers that will be forming future teachers during their traineeship. It aims to describe how the professional development of the trainees’ coaches, both the training supervisors as well as the supervisors form the trainees’ schools, was used during a course proposed by a university and during meetings where practices were shared by the participants. In this manner, we identified the ideal moments for development of the trainees, as well as the most important levers (...)
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    Le stage comme dispositif de transfert des compétences professionnelles d’enseignants haïtiens en formation initiale.Marie-Rose Guervil & Claire Duchesne - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):100-110.
    This article reports the results of research into the transfer of skills during teacher training practica in Haiti. Ten students participated in semi-structured interviews, reporting on how they were able to transfer skills developed from facing challenges during their practica. In addition to describing the contribution of their practica to their professional training, the article discusses ideas for amending teacher practica supervision and to maximize the potential for reflective practice.
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  28. Considérations méthodologiques pour aborder la compétence à « réfléchir » ou à « faire réfléchir » sur sa pratique en enseignement.Philippe Chaubet, Enrique Correa Molina & Colette Gervais - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):28-40.
    Résumé : L’article propose une démarche méthodologique permettant d’identifier la réflexion professionnelle chez des stagiaires en formation à l’enseignement. En effet, la capacité d’analyser sa pratique de façon réflexive est une composante d’une compétence professionnelle à développer selon le Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Une certaine forme de réflexion chez les étudiants est donc à acquérir et, du point de vue des tuteurs de stage, à faire acquérir. Quels sont les critères implicites que les enseignants associés des écoles (...)
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    Des pratiques pédagogiques de l’enseignement du lire/écrire, déclarées par des enseignantes du primaire.Rakia Laroui, Magalie Morel & Stéphanie Leblanc - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):111-120.
    Many elementary school students have difficulties in reading and writing. However, researches showed that effective teaching practices have positive impacts in the success of students at school precisely in their reading and writing learning process. This paper presents results of a study on reported reading and writing teaching practices conducted on four sixth grade teachers by following a literature review on social constructivist theories winning practices. The results showed that they use innovative practices that incorporate reading, writing (...)
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    La restructuration de l’expérience au cours de la première année d’enseignement : un accès au processus identitaire du débutant1.Marie-Josée Dumoulin - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (3):39-51.
    This article discusses the process of restructuring experience during the first year of teaching in elementary school. Inspired by interactionism, the study espouses a theory of experiential learning and adapts the principles of continuity and transaction to the field of teaching. The methodology relies on mentoring to serve both development support and research in accordance with a collaborative approach. The results of a grounded theory analysis are illustrated starting from an «experiential frame» rebuilt with one of the (...)
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  31. Les compétences professionnelles des enseignants : étude d'un référentiel officiel et conséquences pour l'étude des pratiques enseignantes.Bernard Rey - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):84-95.
    To help clarify the concept of «teaching practice», this article analyzes a repository of professional skills of the teacher. It then examines how two groups of teacher educators attempting to use this repository to evaluate two teaching sessions (one secondary and one primary). Analyses revealed the difficulty in assessing a session from elements determined a priori from a list of skills. The evaluation of a teaching session seems to require the inclusion of its organic whole. Afin de (...)
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    Écriture des pratiques et remaniements subjectifs de la position professionnelle.Patrick Geffard & Arnaud Dubois - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):42-54.
    In France and in Quebec, the training objectives of education professionals are now contained in repositories of skills. The French repository is strongly influenced by the figure of the ‘reflective practitioner’ (Schön, 1983). This paper presents a training device for future professionals of teaching and education that focuses on interactions between students through the use of practices writing groups, an inter-student correspondence and ‘cooperative institutions’. By analysing some of the materials collected for research purposes during the training, comprehension assumptions (...)
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    The pedagogical contract: the economies of teaching and learning in the ancient world.Yun Lee Too - 2000 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    The Pedagogical Contract explores the relationship between teacher and student and argues for ways of reconceiving pedagogy. It discloses this relationship as one that since antiquity has been regarded as a scene of give-and-take, where the teacher exchanges knowledge for some sort of payment by the student and where pedagogy always runs the risk of becoming a broken contract. The book seeks to liberate teaching and learning from this historical scene and the anxieties that it engenders, arguing that (...)
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    An Invitation to Scholarly Teaching - Some Annotations on the Scholarship of Teaching and (Especially) Learning for Philosophers.Helen Meskhidze, Claire A. Lockard & Stephen Bloch-Schulman - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:169-199.
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    L’avis des acteurs des séances d’analyse de pratiques professionnelles pour les enseignants stagiaires.Sylvain Connac - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 4 (4):13-26.
    French student teachers are provided with initial training which sometimes offers them an analysis of the situations they may be confronted with when teaching in their classrooms. This research work focuses on a specific device : Training Groups Analysing Professional Practices. It consists in presenting the analysis group organizers’ opinion (collected from semi-structured interviews) as well as that of the student teachers (collected via self-administered questionnaires) during three school years. It also highlights the idea that the analysis of professional (...)
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    Le forum de coélaboration de connaissances (FCC) : une base de données à analyser.Marie-Eve Desrochers & Godelieve Debeurme - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    L’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) à l’apprentissage représente une avenue explorée à la fois par les milieux scientifique, institutionnel et scolaire afin de développer des environnements éducatifs stimulants pour les apprenants. Au Québec, L’École en réseau, un projet d’innovation technologique rassemblant 23 commissions scolaires et près d’une centaine d’écoles majoritairement de l’ordre primaire (6 à 12 ans), a mis entre autres en place le forum de coélaboration de connaissances (FCC) pour répondre à certains besoins émergents (...)
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    The Role of Reflection in Addressing the Social Responsibility Mandate of Teacher Education.Thomas Falkenberg - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (1):52-66.
    Abstract : This article makes the case that teacher’s personal qualities should be considered to be of great importance to being a teacher and that pre- and in- service teacher education has a social responsibility mandate. Developing personal qualities in teacher education is an important way in which teacher education can address its social responsibility mandate and, conversely, this mandate can provide the perspective from which the value of teacher’s personal qualities for teaching can be judged. Finally, the article (...)
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    Expérimentation didactique ou conformisme institutionnel pour un enseignant en période de mutation professionnelle?Isabelle Vinatier & Yannick le Marec - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):15-27.
    An experiment teacher of elementary school try te become an educational adviser. He accepts the collaboration with the researchers, the first one in didactics of history and the second in professional didactics, to get success with examination necessary to become an educational adviser. The didactic experiment concerns an historical debate with pupils to orient them in an historic investigation from an engraving dating from 1787. The analyse shows that the didactic experiment was abandoned for the benefit of institutional prescriptions in (...)
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    La situation professionnelle : Contributions des sciences de l'éducation à l'élaboration d'un objet scientifique.Jean-François Marcel, Frédéric Tupin & Philippe Maubant - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):1-4.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested (...)
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  40. L’apprentissage professionnel des enseignants stagiaires de l’enseignement agricole français durant le stage de pratique accompagnée.Audrey Garcia - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (4):37-56.
    This article, based on a socio-cognitive approach, deals with the professional training of student teachers in French agricultural education during their practical work experience. The main objective is to demonstrate that the student teacher’s social interaction with his academic advisor allows him to use and develop his professional knowledge relating to practical matters. Based on a qualitative analysis this study presents the results of an investigation of seven students and six academic advisors. The article studies the interrelations between the nature (...)
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    Les défis de la formation initiale des enseignants et le développement d’une identité professionnelle favorisant le bien-être.Nancy Goyette & Stéphane Martineau - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (4):4-19.
    This paper proposes an essentially theoretical reflection on initial training, a reflection based on four fundamental concepts: professional development, professional identity, well-being and strengths of character. More specifically, recognizing the complexity of the teaching profession, the authors argue that the teacher training in Quebec gives too little room for self-reflection. According to them, this reflection should be based on a search for meaning in terms of a vision of well-being. Positive psychology research on strengths of character may provide useful (...)
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    « Performance » et pratique professionnelle dans les services de soutien à domicile offerts aux aînés : effets et actions possibles pour assurer un développement durable.Annie Carrier - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (4):156-178.
    Accountability and performance optimization are intended to improve the performance of homecare services (HS) but do not seem to have the desired effects. The lack of decision-making latitude of professionals and, consequently, their insufficient responsiveness would be at fault. This responsiveness is, however, part of their role as change agent, a role that is poorly invested. This article has three objectives : 1) To synthesize knowledge on the role of accountability and performance optimization in the practice of HS professionals ; (...)
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    « En faire toujours plus » : un besoin pédagogique et des pratiques enseignantes conséquentes? Étude de cas à l’aune du rapport au savoir et des croyances d’un enseignant de sciences humaines et sociales au secondaire.Valérie Vincent & Geneviève Therriault - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):86-106.
    « The students’ results are quite satisfactory, but I need to do more and more for the development of their knowledge and the evolution of my practices ». Leo is a secondary school teacher in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) who is being followed in a case study and a mentorship that focuses on the connection between his epistemological beliefs, his conceptions of teaching and learning, and his practices. This follow-up is part of a post-doctoral fellowship in (...)
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    Fundamentos dialéticos do desenvolvimento profissional docente.Francisco Antonio Machado Araujo & Maria Vilani Cosme de Carvalho - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):917-950.
    Este texto objetiva desenvolver discussão sobre os fundamentos dialéticos do desenvolvimento profissional docente. Estrutura-se na revisão de literatura com base em ideias de autores que abordam estudos sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente e no conceito de desenvolvimento fundamentado nas leis gerais do Materialismo Histórico Dialético. Dentre os resultados constatados com o estudo, destaca-se a compreensão de que os autores analisados realizam discussão do desenvolvimento profissional docente como processo de constituição do ser professor relacionado a aquisição de saberes e competências necessárias (...)
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    What if we thought differently: Can we escape the mechanisms of reproduction in social work education and practice?Yves Gilbert - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (1):12.
    L’universitarisation des formations au travail social est souvent pensée comme le remède à la reproduction tendancielle des savoirs et des pratiques dues à un système où domine fortement la formation par les pairs. Face à des transformations et des processus de réingénierie pédagogique s’étant développés dans le champ des formations au travail social, en France depuis les années 2010, comprenant notamment leur entrée dans le système européen des formations supérieures, et l’adjonction de matières académiques dans les parcours de formation, (...)
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    Authenticity in and through teaching in higher education: the transformative potential of the scholarship of teaching.Carolin Kreber - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Almost a quarter-century after the Carnegie report, Scholarship Reconsidered, the scholarship of teaching remains a contested idea, celebrated by some and critiqued by others. This new book is particularly relevant now however as it explores the notion of the scholarship of teaching through the lens of authenticity, a complex, intriguing and particularly striking and distinctively helpful notion which has caught the attention of several authors in adult and higher education. However, those writing about authenticity do (...)
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    Les processus de relégation scolaire : une lecture en contre-jour du rôle attribué à l’enseignant spécialisé.Lise Gremion - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (1):1-13.
    Since the beginning of the last century, the Swiss school opened special classes to educate the most vulnerable students. Measures were put in place to develop specific practices related to the role assigned to the special education teacher. An investigation of interactional type has covered the process for reporting student at a preschool and elementary school levels. Qualitative analysis of teacher reports was conducted following the model of Goffman. The results highlight the role of the specialist teacher at the school. (...)
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    Entre croyances et pratiques de futurs enseignants de mathématiques au secondaire : une relation perméable.Vanessa Hanin, Anaïs Laurent & Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):107-128.
    The stability of low student math scores has been a concern of education systems around the world for many years. While teaching practices are pointed out as a determining factor in student engagement and the quality of student learning, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Much work has shown that these practices are strongly colored by epistemological beliefs as well as by beliefs related to the teaching and learning of the school discipline under investigation. (...)
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    Au fondement des savoirs professionnels en enseignement.Stéphane Martineau & Liliane Portelance - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (4):1-3.
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  50. An assessment to support oral language teaching and learning: The SEMO system.Dorothée Sales-Hitier & Pascal Dupont - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):71-94.
    Our research focuses on the place given to oral assessment in the SEMO teaching scheme in cycle 3 (pupils aged 9 to 11). We examine the possibility of responding to the twofold constraint to which teachers are subject when they assess: taking into account both the competencies of the prescripts and the learning progress of the pupils. After presenting the system, which links curricula and pupil learning, we report on its operationality and the role of assessment in (...)
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