Results for 'Magalie Morel'

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  1.  32
    Des pratiques pédagogiques de l’enseignement du lire/écrire, déclarées par des enseignantes du primaire.Rakia Laroui, Magalie Morel & Stéphanie Leblanc - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (1):111-120.
    Many elementary school students have difficulties in reading and writing. However, researches showed that effective teaching practices have positive impacts in the success of students at school precisely in their reading and writing learning process. This paper presents results of a study on reported reading and writing teaching practices conducted on four sixth grade teachers by following a literature review on social constructivist theories winning practices. The results showed that they use innovative practices that incorporate reading, writing and oral communication (...)
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    An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: The Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001.Magali A. Delmas & I. Maria J. Montes-Sancho - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1).
  3.  22
    Les territorialités nocturnes à La Réunion : des rapports à la nuit en recomposition.Magalie Milian Franchomme - 2023 - Temporalités 37.
    Cet article porte un regard sur les temporalités et les territorialités nocturnes des pratiques et des usages quotidiens à l’île de la Réunion. Peu d’études en sciences sociales ont jusqu’alors réussi à s’extraire des grandes métropoles du Nord pour décentrer leur regard et s’intéresser aux nuits des espaces urbains tropicaux. Dans cette perspective, l’une des tâches de fond consiste à étudier la place de l’obscurité dans le vécu et l’imaginaire des populations réunionnaises, gageant qu’une meilleure connaissance et compréhension des territorialités (...)
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    How groups matter: challenges of toleration in pluralistic societies.Magali Bessone, Gideon Calder & Federico Zuolo - 2014 - Routledge.
    When groups feature in political philosophy, it is usually in one of three contexts: the redressing of past or current injustices suffered by ethnic or cultural minorities; the nature and scope of group rights; and questions around how institutions are supposed to treat a certain specific identity/cultural/ethnic group. What is missing from these debates is a comprehensive analysis of groups as both agents and objects of social policies. While this has been subject to much scrutiny by sociologists and social psychologists, (...)
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    Les Méthodes en philosophie politique.Magali Bessone (ed.) - 2018
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    À quelles conditions une théorie de la justice raciale est-elle pensable?: Adopter, abandonner ou adapter le cadre rawlsien.Magali Bessone - 2023 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (4):587-610.
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  7. Perception et notion du temps.Magali Bovet (ed.) - 1967 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Droit et marchandisation de la connaissance sur les gènes humains.Magali Franceschi - 2004 - Paris: CNRS.
    Cet ouvrage porte sur les transformations du droit de la propriété intellectuelle intervenus au cours des vingt dernières années dans le contexte de développement rapide des recherches sur les gènes et de quête d'innovations biotechnologiques appliquées à la médecine. L'apparition des brevets sur les gènes humains témoigne d’un puissant mouvement de marchandisation des connaissances. Celui-ci a pour base un déplacement important des équilibres entre science et technologie, entre le système de recherche public fonctionnant selon un régime de 'science ouverte', et (...)
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  9. Doma, deseo y pulsión escópica en El silencio es un cuerpo que cae.Magalí Haber - 2021 - In Claudio Eduardo Martyniuk, Oriana Seccia & Julián Sauquillo (eds.), Perfiles epistemológicos de la crítica: entre la negatividad y la normatividad. [Adrogué?, Argentina]: La Cebra.
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    Crédit Et Débit.Magali Jourdan (ed.) - 2013 - Diaphanes.
    Les chaînes privées allemandes ne sont pas vraiment réputées pour le niveau élevé des débats qu'elles diffusent; la surprise est d'autant plus grande pour le zappeur qui, aux alentours de minuit, tombe sur ce genre de phrases : « La superstition économique est un peu comme l'éventail des vertus bourgeoises » ou « Les solutions se trouvent toujours dans la rue, dans le trafic. » Aucun doute : il s'agit d'une des émissions culturelles les plus remarquables - au sens plein (...)
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    La nature et le bien: l'éthique d'Aristote et la question naturaliste.Pierre-Marie Morel - 2021 - Leuven: Peeters.
    La référence à la nature, qu'elle soit normative ou descriptive, croise les thèmes essentiels de l'éthique d'Aristote : la fin ultime, l'acquisition des vertus, le plaisir et les émotions, les liens relationnels, la justice et la vie en cité, la responsabilité. L'éthique aristotélicienne n'est pas pour autant "naturaliste" au sens où le bien humain dériverait de tendances et de prédispositions naturelles. Cet ouvrage, en procédant à une étude systématique de la référence à la nature dans l'éthique aristotélicienne, défend une nouvelle (...)
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  12. The olpe cranberry from Athens to Corinth:" variations" on the same form.Magali Ramon Ribaud - 2009 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 87 (1):13-46.
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    The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy.Magali E. Roques & Jennifer Pelletier (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited volume presents new lines of research dealing with the language of thought and its philosophical implications in the time of Ockham. It features more than 20 essays that also serve as a tribute to the ground-breaking work of a leading expert in late medieval philosophy: Claude Panaccio. Coverage addresses topics in the philosophy of mind and cognition (externalism, mental causation, resemblance, habits, sensory awareness, the psychology, illusion, representationalism), concepts (universal, transcendental, identity, syncategorematic), logic and language (definitions, syllogisms, modality, (...)
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  14.  28
    Corporate Sustainable Innovation and Employee Behavior.Magali A. Delmas & Sanja Pekovic - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1071-1088.
    Corporate sustainable innovation is a major driver of institutional change, and its success can be largely attributed to employees. While some scholars have described the importance of intrinsic motivations and flexibility to facilitate innovation, others have argued that constraints and extrinsic motivations stimulate innovation. In the context of sustainable innovation, we explore which employee work practices are more conducive to firm-level innovation in corporate sustainability. Our results, based on a sample of 4640 French employees from 1764 firms, confirm the positive (...)
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    Justice and Corporate Governance: New Insights from Rawlsian Social Contract and Sen’s Capabilities Approach.Magali Fia & Lorenzo Sacconi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):937-960.
    By considering what we identify as a problem inherent in the ‘nature of the firm’—the risk of abuse of authority—we propound the conception of a social contract theory of the firm which is truly Rawlsian in its inspiration. Hence, we link the social contract theory of the firm with the general theory of justice. Through this path, we enter the debate about whether firms can be part of Rawlsian theory of justice showing that corporate governance principles enter the “basic structure.” (...)
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  16. Crathorn on Extension.Magali Elise Roques - 2016 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 83 (2):423-467.
    In this paper, I analyze William Crathorn’s view on extension and compare it to William Ockham’s reductionist view, according to which extension is not really distinct from substance or quality. In my view, Crathorn elaborates a metaphysical machinery based on mereological and topological relationships in order to solve what he considers to be problems in Ockham’s account of quantity. In order to make my point, I reconstruct Crathorn’s main arguments in favor of his finitist atomism. Crathorn claims that certain fundamental (...)
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    Epicureanism.Pierre-Marie Morel - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 486–504.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Physics Cosmology and Anthropology Epistemology Ethics Conclusion Bibliography.
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  18. Una ciudad camaleónica: la visualidad local= A chamaleon like city: the local visibility.Magaly Espinosa - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 45:87-93.
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    L'Essentialisme de Guillaume d'Ockham.Roques Magali - 2016 - Paris: Vrin.
    English summary: This book attests that a study on the history of philosophy has its place in contemporary debates. This book attempts to reconstruct William of Ockham's position on the nature and function of real definitions in order to show that nominalism does not oblige a particular position on essences. French description: Guillaume d'Ockham, defenseur bien connu du nominalisme, a manifeste un interet soutenu pour les definitions reelles. Cet ouvrage s'efforce de reconstruire sa position sur la nature et la fonction (...)
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    La colère selon Platon.Magali Paillier - 2007 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Pourquoi la colère selon Platon ? S'évader d'une perspective classique qui présente tout excès comme étant mauvais, telle est la tentative de cette étude de la colère selon Platon.
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    La importancia de lo que amamos: autorrealización y normatividad práctica en la obra de Harry Frankfurt.Agustín Reyes Morel - 2020 - Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
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    Intimité panoptique.Magali Uhl - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 112 (1):151.
    La multiplication sur Internet des dispositifs « interactifs » interroge les enjeux et les principes des nouvelles formes de communication qui envahissent les systèmes techniques contemporains. La banalisation et la généralisation de ces agencements machiniques remettent en question les frontières traditionnelles entre l’image et le réel, le regard et l’écran, le sens et le message, le sujet et le monde, le public et le privé, le pouvoir et la captation, la présence et l’absence, le désir et le manque...The increasing number (...)
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  23. Quantification and Measurement of Qualities at the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century. The Case of William of Ockham.Roques Magali - 2016 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 27:347-380.
    This paper critically examines the debate between William of Ockham and his contemporary Peter Auriol on how to account for the intension and remission of forms. Peter Auriol denies that an added degree of a quality such as the theological virtue of charity could be anything other than something which is neither a universal nor an individual and which cannot be grasped by intuition, but must be posited in order to account for the possibility that an accidental form can vary (...)
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  24. An Institutional Perspective on the Diffusion of International Management System Standards: The Case of the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001.Magali A. Delmas & Maria J. Montes-Sancho - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):103-132.
    ABSTRACT:This paper analyzes how national institutional factors affect the adoption of the international environmental management standard ISO 14001, using a panel of 139 countries from 1996 to 2006. The analysis emphasizes that during the emerging phase of the standard, the potential lack of consensus within the constituents of the national institutional environment concerning the value of a new standard could send mixed signals to firms about the standard. The results show that in the early phase of adoption, regulative and normative (...)
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    Le vocabulaire de l’hospitalité est-il républicain?Magali Bessone - 2015 - Éthique Publique 17 (1).
    Le vocabulaire de l’hospitalité est massivement employé dans la « philosophie publique » française républicaine pour penser les questions d’immigration, au point qu’on a pu considérer qu’il s’est constitué en « nouveau paradigme » au cours des années 1990. Or si le phénomène de l’immigration est distinctement sociopolitique, le concept d’hospitalité relève plutôt d’une théorie éthique et son statut dans les discours est celui d’une métaphore. L’hypothèse explorée dans l’article est que son usage est un symptôme de la conversion, systématiquement (...)
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  26.  16
    Crisis de representación y de participación. ¿son las comunidades virtuales nuevas formas de agregación y participación ciudadana?Mayo Fuster Morell & Joan Subirats - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):641-656.
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    Long-Term Effects of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation after Pediatric Cancer: A Qualitative Analysis of Life Experiences and Adaptation Strategies.Magali Lahaye, Isabelle Aujoulat, Christiane Vermylen & Bénédicte Brichard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Architectural competitions as discursive events.Magali Sarfatti Larson - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (4):469-504.
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    Bibliotecas escolares, maestros y difusión de la lectura en Norpatagonia (1884-1930).Magalí Mayol - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-12.
    En los años finales del siglo XIX, funcionarios estatales de la educación señalaron que era necesario establecer bibliotecas en las escuelas de la Norpatagonia (Territorios Nacionales de Río Negro y Neuquén), como medios de propagar el “amor por la lectura”. Sus destinatarios fueron diferenciados en tres grupos: el alumnado, el magisterio y la comunidad local. Este trabajo aborda las relaciones entre las bibliotecas escolares y el segundo grupo, centrándose en la figura de maestros y maestras como receptores y difusores de (...)
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    William of Ockham’s Ontology of Arithmetic.Magali Roques - 2016 - Vivarium 54 (2-3):146-165.
    Ockham’s ontology of arithmetic, specifically his position on the ontological status of natural numbers, has not yet attracted the attention of scholars. Yet it occupies a central role in his nominalism; specifically, Ockham’s position on numbers constitutes a third part of his ontological reductionism, alongside his doctrines of universals and the categories, which have long been recognized to constitute the first two parts. That is, the first part of this program claims that the very idea of a universal thing is (...)
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    Les défis méthodologiques de l’observation sociale.Magalie Saussey - 2017 - Multitudes 67 (2):204.
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  32. De "La course aux trapèzes" aux Arts sauts.Magali Sizorn - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.), De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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    Sheth, Falguni A. Unruly Women: Race, Neocolonialism, and the Hijab.Magali Bessone - 2023 - Ethics 133 (4):632-637.
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    Religion, Paranormal Beliefs, and Distrust in Science: Comparing East Versus West.Magali Clobert & Vassilis Saroglou - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (2):185-199.
    Studies in Western contexts suggest that religiosity is in conflict with rationality since it relates to paranormal beliefs and distrust in science. East Asian cultures, known to be holistic and tolerant of contradictions, may, however, not experience this conflict. Using the International Social Survey Program, we analyzed data from Buddhists, Protestants, and Catholics in South Korea, as well as Catholics and Protestants in Austria and Denmark. Results confirmed a positive association between religiosity and paranormal beliefs among dominant religious group but (...)
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    Présage ou coïncidence? ΣΥΜΠΤΩΜΑ dans le traité de la divination dans le sommeil d’Aristote.Pierre-Marie Morel - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1:111-138.
    Dans le traité De la divination dans le sommeil, Aristote entend réfuter la thèse d’une origine divine des rêves qui semblent annoncer les événements futurs. Pour cela, il ne se contente pas de soutenir une thèse différente. Il dénonce également la faiblesse épistémologique de la pratique divinatoire, en proposant un modèle scientifique alternatif : une méthode de classification des rêves et de division par épuisement, qui exclut les rêves inspirés. Cette méthode conduit à souligner le caractère irréductible des faits de (...)
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    Lotze’s Debt to Kant Against Naturalism and Czolbe’s Counterpoint. The Ambiguities of “Epistemological Kantianism” Around 1850.Charlotte Morel - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1):63-84.
    The decline of Naturphilosophie deeply polarized the philosophical and scientific debate. Naturalistic–materialistic positions gained powerful influence, but the latent role of the Kantian critical position also re-emerged in the context of an “ideal-realism”. I will first consider in detail two opposing treatments of Kant’s perspective. After Lotze had criticized his earlier materialistic position, advising him to read Kant, Czolbe finally addressed Kant, thereby progressing to a non-materialistic form of naturalism. However, whether to defend or to dismiss naturalism, neither philosopher addresses (...)
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    L'attachement au temps de la vieillesse.Magalie Bonnet - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 198 (4):123-134.
    Si l’attachement à une personne référente est reconnu comme essentiel dans la construction psychique du jeune enfant, sa théorie reste peu envisagée pour appréhender la clinique du sujet âgé et la nature de ses relations à autrui. La vieillesse rend parfois le sujet vulnérable physiquement et psychiquement et inscrit la personne âgée dans une relation de dépendance à autrui, qualifié alors d’« aidant familial principal ». À travers les exemples de l’attachement dans le couple vieillissant et l’attachement en institution, il (...)
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    A linguagem do dizer em um corpo que se apresenta como ético.Magali Mendes de Menezes - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (2).
    O objetivo deste texto é apresentar o movimento que vai de Totalité et Infini à Autrement qu’être au-delà de l’essence, ou seja, da diferença vista como separação absoluta entre Eu e o Outro para uma diferença que atravessa a própria Subjetividade, uma diferença que passa a compor o tecido mesmo desta Subjetividade e, por sua vez, o tecido mesmo do próprio texto. O dizer não se apresenta aqui como um movimento verbal, mas é passividade extrema de exposição ao Outro. Podemos (...)
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    (1 other version)Compte-rendu de: Francesco Fronterotta,ΜΕΘΕΧΙΣ. La teoria platonica delle idee e la partecipazione delle cose empiriche. Dai dialoghi giovanili al Parmenide.Pierre-Marie Morel - 2003 - Plato Journal 3.
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    Epicurean epistemology.Pierre-Marie Morel - 2018 - In Nicholas D. Smith (ed.), The philosophy of knowledge: a history. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 169-186.
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    XVI. Iologica.Willy Morel - 1928 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 83 (1-4):351-395.
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    Proletarianization and educated labor.Magali Sarfatti Larson - 1980 - Theory and Society 9 (1):131-175.
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    Précis de Sans distinction de race? Une analyse critique du concept de race et de ses effets pratiques.Magali Bessone - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):457.
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    Esthétique et logique.Charlotte Morel (ed.) - 2012 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Conçue à l'origine comme une épistémologie du savoir sensible, l'esthétique a connu trois siècles d'évolution pour devenir une philosophie de l'art. Cette réunion d'études croisées évalue la présence de la logique dans le champs esthétique, et l'évolution de leur relation dans l'histoire de la pensée.
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    Le lien à l'objet d'addiction.Magali Ravit - 2003 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 162 (4):87.
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    Encouraging Sustainable Use of Antibiotics: A Commentary on the DRIVE-AB Recommended Innovation Incentives.Chantal M. Morel & Suzanne E. Edwards - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (s1):75-80.
    The ability to sustain antibiotic efficacy is directly affected by incentive models aiming to stimulate antibiotic research and development. This paper analyzes the extent to which the models proposed by the Innovative Medicine Initiative-funded research project DRIVE-AB can be expected to support sustainable use, drawing on basic economic theory and the incentives that derive from it. It then discusses the use of minimal safeguards that will be needed to support sustainable use where industry incentives have not been re-aligned with those (...)
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    Can Apps Make Air Pollution Visible? Learning About Health Impacts Through Engagement with Air Quality Information.Magali A. Delmas & Aanchal Kohli - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):279-302.
    Air pollution is one of the largest environmental health risks globally but is often imperceptible to people. Air quality smartphone applications provide real-time localized air quality information and have the potential to help people learn about the health effects of air pollution and enable them to take action to protect their health. Hundreds of air quality apps are now available; however, there is scant information on how effective these mobile apps are at educating stakeholders about air pollution and promoting behavioral (...)
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    An Intervention in Educational Inquiry: Re-membering, Honoring and Practicing a River’s Ways of Knowing and Being.Magali Forte - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):742-762.
    Answering this special issue’s call to reckon, repair and reworld, and following an ethical imperative to re-think social and educational structures, I turn to the wisdom of rivers. In the current settler colonial climate of near inertia that we live in, there is an urgent need to reckon with ways of being and knowing that go beyond the mainstream taken-for-granted habits of conventional educational research. Thinking with Indigenous perspectives, I problematize the Eurocentric worldview I was raised in and consider, in (...)
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    The trouble with ontological liberalism.Louis Morelle - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):453-465.
    Several recent philosophical projects, notably Bruno Latour's empirical meta-physics, Tristan Garcia's formal ontology, Graham Harman's object-oriented philosophy, and Markus Gabriel's new realism, have insisted there is a need for an “egalitarian” or “flat” ontology that would grant an equal ontological status to entities of every kind, whether actual, abstract, material, or fictional. This article groups all of these projects under the heading of “ontological liberalism” and argues that they are inherently problematic, as they sacrifice conceptual coherence and explanatory usefulness in (...)
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    Colonial Slave Trade and Slavery and Structural Racial Injustice in France: Using Iris Young’s Social Connection Model of Responsibility.Magali Bessone - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (2):161-177.
    ABSTRACTThe incorrect conceptualization and evaluation of reparations for colonial slave trade and slavery within the legal, as opposed to the political, domain, produces an interpretation of the demands in France that views them as morally absurd and politically deleterious. I’ll use Iris Marion Young’s distinction between a liability model and a social connection model of responsibility to suggest that the moral claim according to which we can be held responsible today for redressing the structural injustices inherited from slave trade and (...)
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