Results for 'practice architectures'

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  1.  30
    Understanding partnership practice in child and family nursing through the concept of practice architectures.Nick Hopwood, Cathrine Fowler, Alison Lee, Chris Rossiter & Marg Bigsby - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):199-210.
    A significant international development agenda in the practice of nurses supporting families with young children focuses on establishing partnerships between professionals and service users. Qualitative data were generated through interviews and focus groups with 22 nurses from three child and family health service organisations, two in Australia and one in New Zealand. The aim was to explore what is needed in order to sustain partnership in practice, and to investigate how the concept of practice architectures can (...)
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    Practical ethics in architecture and interior design practice.Sue Lani W. Madsen - 2023 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Dana E. Vaux & David Wang.
    Practical Ethics in Architecture and Interior Design Practice presents the basics of design practice through ethical scenarios, ushering design students into real-world experiential learning. Each chapter begins with a detailed story involving a complicated set of practical and ethical dilemmas, exemplifying those encountered each day in the world of professional practice. Practice-based topics such as contracts and project delivery methods, marketing design services, cross-cultural collaboration, virtual connectivity, social justice and sustainable design, soft skills, and other related (...)
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    Architectural Reflections: Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture.Colin St John Wilson - 1992 - Butterworth Architecture.
    In this book of the world's greatest architects explores the original aims and principles of modern architecture.
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    Architecture as Experience: Radical Change in Spatial Practice.Dana Arnold & Andrew Ballantyne - 2004 - Psychology Press.
    Architecture as Experience investigates the perception and appropriation of places across intervals of time and culture. The particular concern of the volume is to bring together fresh empirical research and animate it through contact with theoretical sophistication, without overwhelming the material. The chapters establish the continuity of a particular physical object and show it in at least two alternative historical perspectives, in which recognisable features are shown in different lights. The results are often surprising, inverting the common idea of a (...)
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    Creative Practices Embodied, Embedded, and Enacted in Architectural Settings: Toward an Ecological Model of Creativity.Laura H. Malinin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    Memoires by eminently creative people often describe architectural spaces and qualities they believe instrumental for their creativity. However, places designed to encourage creativity have had mixed results, with some found to decrease creative productivity for users. This may be due, in part, to lack of suitable empirical theory or model to guide design strategies. Relationships between creative cognition and features of the physical environment remain largely uninvestigated in the scientific literature, despite general agreement among researchers that human cognition is physically (...)
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  6. Practicing Theory. Concepts of early works of Daniel Libeskind as references for real architecture.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 36 (2):98-121.
    Praktykowanie teorii. Koncepty wczesnych prac Daniela Libeskinda jako wzorce realnej architektury Treści wczesnych prac Libeskinda, w tym zwłaszcza idee zawarte w cyklach rysunków pod nazwą Micromegas: The Architecture of End Space (1979) i Chamber Works: Architectural Meditations on the Themes from Heraclitus (1983) oraz trzy maszyny określone jako Three Lessons in Architecture (1985) w decydujący sposób wpłynęły na wszystkie późniejsze realizacje architekta. Prace te w dużym zakresie zmieniły zasady oddzielania teorii od praktyki budowlanej, w tym tak- że odgraniczania architektury od (...)
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    Deciding, Planning, and Practical Reasoning: Elements towards a Cognitive Architecture.L. A. Perez-Miranda - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (4):435-461.
    I intend to show some of the limits of the decision-theoretic model in connection with the analysis of cognitive agency. Although the concept of maximum expected utility can be helpful for explaining the decision-making process, it is certainly not the primary motor that moves agents to action. Moreover, it has been noticed elsewhere that this model is inadequate to the analysis of single cases of practical reasoning. A theory is proposed that introduces a plan-structure as a basic idea. In order (...)
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    Galileo in Padua: architecture, fortifications, mathematics and “practical” science.Raffaele Pisano & Paolo Bussotti - 2015 - Lettera Matematica Pristem International 2 (4):209-222.
    During his stay in Padua ca. 1592–1610, Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) was a lecturer of mathematics at the University of Padua and a tutor to private students of military architecture and fortifications. He carried out these activities at the Academia degli Artisti. At the same time, and in relation to his teaching activities, he began to study the equilibrium of bodies and strength of materials, later better structured and completed in his Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences of 1638. This paper examines (...)
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    Optimal grip on affordances in architectural design practices: an ethnography.Erik Rietveld & Anne Ardina Brouwers - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):545-564.
    In this article we move beyond the problematic distinction between ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ cognition by accounting for so-called ‘higher’ cognitive capacities in terms of skillful activities in practices, and in terms of the affordances exploited in those practices. Through ethnographic research we aim to further develop the new notion of skilled intentionality by turning to the phenomenon of the tendency towards an optimal grip on a situation in real-life situations in the field of architecture. Tending towards an optimal grip is (...)
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  10.  15
    Good practices in designing a communication channel architecture for secure async flexible distributed collaboration.Rudolf Erdei, Daniela Delinschi, Oliviu Matei & Laura Andreica - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):334-351.
    In this paper we present a set of good practices in the design of a security-centric architecture for a Communication Channel that can be used to secure a Loosely-Coupled distributed platform, over unreliable communication mediums. The proposed practices are derived from designing a complete architecture that is modular and designed to support principles of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the common functional requirements of a wide range of applications, including cybersecurity, smart power grids and industrial Internet of Things (IoT). The (...)
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  11. The Enslavement of Architecture: an End of Individualism? Between the Theory and Practice of Socialist Realism in Polish Architecture.Aleksandra Sumorok - 2007 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 9:195-214.
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    Maṇḍala and Practice in Nāgara Architecture in North IndiaMandala and Practice in Nagara Architecture in North India.Michael W. Meister - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):204.
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    Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century.Claire Zimmerman - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Photographic Architecture and the Spread of German Modernism is a “picture anthropology” of modern architecture, showing how photography shaped its development, its reception, and its history in the 20th c. At first, architects used photography to promote their practices, even as they doubted its value and efficacy as a means of representation. Unlike other representations, photographs were both too real, and not real enough. Furthermore, the photographic image acted on its subject like an alchemical agent. Photography altered the material that (...)
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  14.  40
    Effects of practice on task architecture: Combined evidence from interference experiments and random-walk models of decision making.Juan E. Kamienkowski, Harold Pashler, Stanislas Dehaene & Mariano Sigman - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):81-95.
  15.  4
    Architecture: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation of metaphysical (...)
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    Architectural Principles in the Age of Historicism.Robert Jan Van Pelt & Carroll William Westfall - 1991 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    This book draws from anthropology, ancient history, theology, philosophy and the Holocaust to redefine architectural history for both architects and historians. It also contains ideas and practical propositions that should help sutdents of architecture to build a more human world.
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    Architecture of mathematics.Simon Serovajsky - 2021 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
    Architecture of Mathematics describes the logical structure of Mathematics from its foundations to its real-world applications. It describes the many interweaving relationships between different areas of mathematics and its practical applications, and as such provides unique reading for professional mathematicians and nonmathematicians alike. This book can be a very important resource both for the teaching of mathematics and as a means to outline the research links between different subjects within and beyond the subject. Features All notions and properties are introduced (...)
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  18.  14
    Architecture of movement.Katarzyna Nawrocka - 2017 - Espes 6 (2):50-61.
    This paper describes the general concepts of Arnold Berleant's urban metaphors in order to use them as a background for presenting a different perspective on the aesthetics of engagement through the prism of contemporary dance strategies and design practices in architecture and urban planning.
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    Narrative Architecture: Architectural Design Primers series.Nigel Coates - 2012 - Wiley.
    The first book to look architectural narrative in the eye Since the early eighties, many architects have used the term "narrative" to describe their work. To architects the enduring attraction of narrative is that it offers a way of engaging with the way a city feels and works. Rather than reducing architecture to mere style or an overt emphasis on technology, it foregrounds the experiential dimension of architecture. Narrative Architecture explores the potential for narrative as a way of interpreting buildings (...)
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  20. Cognitive architectures as Lakatosian research programs: Two case studies.Richard P. Cooper - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):199-220.
    Cognitive architectures - task-general theories of the structure and function of the complete cognitive system - are sometimes argued to be more akin to frameworks or belief systems than scientific theories. The argument stems from the apparent non-falsifiability of existing cognitive architectures. Newell was aware of this criticism and argued that architectures should be viewed not as theories subject to Popperian falsification, but rather as Lakatosian research programs based on cumulative growth. Newell's argument is undermined because he (...)
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  21. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces.Gernot Böhme - 2017 - Bloomsbury.
    There is fast-growing awareness of the role atmospheres play in architecture. Of equal interest to contemporary architectural practice as it is to aesthetic theory, this 'atmospheric turn' owes much to the work of the German philosopher Gernot Böhme. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces brings together Böhme's most seminal writings on the subject, through chapters selected from his classic books and articles, many of which have hitherto only been available in German. This is the only translated version (...)
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  22.  93
    Architectural Making: Between a "Space of Experience" and a "Horizon of Expectations".Iris Aravot - 2008 - PhaenEx 3 (2):92-114.
    The paper suggests that architectural making , a process of research in practice , and itself a bridging between the space of experience and the horizon of expectations , corresponds to phenomenology as a method of inquiry. This includes architectural phases parallel to epoché, phenomenological reduction, free variations, transcendental intuition of the essence, and description . The paper describes the in-between, its two edges, experience and expectations, and their mutual influences through the process of architectural making. Examples from the (...)
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  23. The Architecture of (Hu)man Exceptionalism. Redrawing our Relationships to Other Species.Eva Perez de Vega (ed.) - 2023 - Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    Architecture and human-built structures are embedded with speciesist practices of domination over the environment, where humans are considered special and superior to other species. This (hu)man exceptionalism has driven architecture and the built environment to be conceived in opposition to ‘nature’, dominating natural terrains and consequently displacing or instrumentalizing the many other species that are given little to no ethical consideration. This way of intervening in the world is leading to the existential questions that must be posed given our global (...)
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  24. Soft facts: Thinking practices and the architecture of reality.Hilan Nissor Bensusan & Manuel de Pinedo García - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61:7-21.
    It is common to criticize the idea of objectivity by claiming that we cannot make sense of any cognitive contact with the world that is not constituted by the very materials of our thinking, and to conclude that the idea must be abandoned and that the world is ‘well lost’. We resist this conclusion and argue for a notion of objectivity that places its source within the domain of thoughts by proposing a conception of facts, akin to McDowell’s, as thinkable (...)
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  25.  77
    Identity management in GRID computing and Service Oriented Architectures: research and practice[REVIEW]Theodora Varvarigou & Vassiliki Andronikou - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (2):95-98.
    Today, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Grid and Cloud computing comprise the key technologies in distributed systems. In systems following the SOA approach, functionalities are delivered and consumed as services. Given the variety of resources (i.e. data, computing capabilities, applications, etc) as well as the variation of user-requested Quality of Service (e.g., high performance, fast access, low cost, high media resolution, etc), there is a need for advanced user management, trust establishment and service management mechanisms which adjust, monitor and evaluate service (...)
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  26.  21
    Architectural Scholarship and Cognitive Capitalism.Gavin Keeney - 2017 - Project 6 (Spring 2017):40-45.
    This essay samples and describes the state of architectural scholarship across various platforms in the age of Cognitive Capitalism. The premise is that, much like scholarship in the Arts and Humanities generally, architectural scholarship suffers from the Either/Or schism between traditional academic research of a non-utilitarian form and the heavily mediatic practices of the mainstream – “mainstream” defined as both online and print publications that eschew the long-form essay or book in favor of the populist modality that serves the neo-liberalization (...)
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  27.  35
    Practice Theory: Viewing leadership as leading.Jane Wilkinson & Stephen Kemmis - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (4):342-358.
    Inspired by Theodore Schatzki’s ‘societist’ approach—in which he advocates a notion of ‘site ontologies’—in this article, we outline our theory of practice architectures and ecologies of practices. Drawing on case studies of four Australian primary schools, we examine how practices of leading relate to other educational practices: professional learning, teaching, student learning, and researching and reflecting. We find ‘leading’ not only in the work of principals and other formal leadership positions, but also in the activities of teachers and (...)
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  28. Architectural Philosophy: Repetition, Function, Alterity.Andrew E. Benjamin - 2000 - Athlone Press.
    Architectural Philosophy is the first book to outline a philosophical account of architecture and to establish the singularity of architectural practice and ...
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    Architecture, Means and Ends.Lydia G. Cochrane (ed.) - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    Vittorio Gregotti—the architect of Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium, Milan’s Arcimboldi Opera Theater, and Lisbon’s Centro Cultural de Belém, among many other noted constructions—is not only a designer of international repute but an acclaimed theorist and critic. _Architecture, Means and Ends _is his practical and imaginative reflection on the role of the technical aspects of architectural design, both as part of the larger process of innovation and in relation to the mythic opposition between vision and construction. Interweaving the seemingly irreconcilable concerns of (...)
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  30. Philosophy of Architecture.Saul Fisher - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Central issues in philosophy of architecture include foundational matters regarding the nature of: (1) architecture as an artform, design medium, or other product or practice; (2) architectural objects—what sorts of things they are; how they differ from other sorts of objects; and how we define the range of such objects; (3) special architectural properties, like the standard trio of structural integrity (firmitas), beauty, and utility—or space, light, and form; and ways they might be special to architecture; (4) architectural types—how (...)
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  31.  50
    Architecture and Philosophy of the City.Saul Fisher - 2019 - In Joseph S. Biehl, Samantha Noll & Sharon M. Meagher, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of the City. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 131-142.
    The philosophy of architecture illuminates the nature of architectural objects, properties, and types—and the sorts of things they are; how we know about and judge architectural objects; and ethical and political considerations of architectural objects and practice. As intersects with the philosophy of the city, one set of questions focuses on (a) how the design process for built structures, and structures designed, relate to specifically urban contexts; (b) how our experience of built structures relates to urban contexts; and (c) (...)
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  32.  31
    Vernacular architecture as an idiom for promoting cultural continuity in South Asia with a special reference to Buddhist monasteries.S. Ghosh, A. Goenka, M. Deo & D. Mandal - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):573-588.
    Architectural style is a medium for the promotion of cultural identities and cohesion. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations provide a prism through which all forms of vernacular architecture can be viewed. This study is presented through the lens of the soul of the eye coupled with the power of technological probing. This synthesis affords a most appealing and lyrical exploration of the course of the development of cities within the SAARC nations. It showcases research results combining the above (...)
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  33. Architectural notation and computer aided design.Saul Fisher - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (3):273-289.
    In his Languages of Art, Nelson Goodman proposes a theory of artistic notation that includes foundational requirements for any system of symbols we might use to specify and communicate the features of an artwork, in architecture or any other art form. Goodmans' theory usefully explains how notation can reveal linguistic-like phenomena of various art forms. But not all art forms can enjoy benefits of a full-blown notational system, in Goodman's view, and he suggests that architecture's symbol systems fall short in (...)
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    Collaborative imagining: The interactive use of gestures, talk, and graphic representation in architectural practice.Keith M. Murphy - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (156):113-145.
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    Architectural Ethics.Nicholas Ray - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (2):67-72.
    The practice of architecture, a discipline that is inescapably contingent on the particular, but that is also required by society in some way to represent an ideal, raises a number of specific ethical issues. Following an essay by the philosopher Thomas Nagel, this paper argues that it is intrinsic to professional judgement that this involves the prioritizing of unquantifiable ‘goods’. A twentieth-century case study is examined, which exhibits the choices made by a well-known architect. The changed nature of architectural (...)
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  36. Architecture as Identity: The Essence of Architecture.Chris Abel - 1980 - In Michael Herzfeld and Margot Lenhart, Semiotics 1980. Plenum Press. pp. 1-11.
    This article explores the arguments for architecture having an identifiable essence equivalent to Heidegger's concept of 'dwelling' and place identity, versus those who claim it is no more than a 'hybrid' collection of many different technical, social and cultural practices. The opposing positions in architecture are compared by analogy with the opposing theories of language which underly them, the latter position being associated with the universalist theory of language propagated by Chomsky, while the purpose of architecture in identity formation is (...)
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  37. Knots and the place of experimentation: Minimaforms and architectural practice.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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    On Power in Architecture.Mateja Kurir (ed.) - 2024 - London, New York: Routledge.
    Architecture has always been a decisive manifestation of power. This volume represents an attempt to question and reflect on the relationship between power and architecture from three philosophical perspectives: materialistic, phenomenological and post-structuralist. -/- This collection opens an interdisciplinary investigation that aims to reflect on architecture and its interconnectedness with power within philosophy and cultural theory at large while presenting these concepts using practical examples from the built environment. Internationally recognised authors – philosophers, architectural theorists and historians – Andrew Benjamin, (...)
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  39.  29
    The Somnambulant Practice of Postmodern Architecture.Ali Aslam - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (4).
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    Architectural Memory and trimalchio's Porticvs.Anna Anguissola - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):786-794.
    This paper seeks to respond to two questions posed by previous commentators concerning the arrangement of Trimalchio's porticus as described in Petronius’ Satyrica (Sat. 29): first, whether the freedman's house lacked an atrium; second, whether the cursores (runners) who are described as unconventionally exercising in the portico were pictorial representations or real-life athletes who would symbolize the social incompetence of the dominus. This paper argues that nothing in the text supports the interpretation of Trimalchio's house as having an unconventional architectural (...)
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  41. Architecture and the Global Ecological Crisis: From Heidegger to Christopher Alexander.Arran Gare - 2003/2004 - The Structurist 43:30-37.
    This paper argues that while Heidegger showed the importance of architecture in altering people's modes of being to avoid global ecological destruction, the work of Christopher Alexander offered a far more practical orientation to deal with this problem.
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    (1 other version)Architecture after Drafting.Sean Keller - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 3 (1):116-130.
    Over the last two decades drawing has been displaced from its dominant role in architecture by a range of computational representations. This article offers a critical response to Mario Carpo's recent argument that this shift returns architecture to an 〉autographic〈 mode of practice not seen since before the Renaissance. In contrast, I suggest that architecture today should be thought of through Rosalind Krauss's model of a post-medium art.
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    The Discipline of Architecture.Andrzej Piotrowski & Julia W. Robinson - 2001 - U of Minnesota Press.
    In the vast literature on architectural theory and practice, the ways in which architectural knowledge is actually taught, debated, and understood are too often ignored. The essays collected in this groundbreaking volume address the current state of architecture as an academic and professional discipline. The issues considered range from the form and content of architectural education to the architect's social and environmental obligations and the emergence of a new generation of architects. Often critical of the current paradigm, these essays (...)
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    An architecture governance approach for Agile development by tailoring the Spotify model.Abdallah Salameh & Julian M. Bass - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):761-780.
    The role of software architecture in large-scale Agile development is important because several teams need to work together to release a single software product while helping to maximise teams’ autonomy. Governing and aligning Agile architecture across autonomous squads, when using the Spotify model, is a challenge because the Spotify model lacks practices for addressing Agile architecture governance. To explore how software architecture can be governed and aligned by scaling the Spotify model, we conducted a longitudinal embedded case study in a (...)
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    Architectural Technologies and the Origins of Greek Philosophy.Robert Hahn - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 29:1-29.
    In this essay on ancient architectural technologies, I propose to challenge the largely conventional idea of the transcendent origins of philosophy, that philosophy dawned only when the mind turned inside, away from the world grasped by the body and senses. By focusing on one premier episode in the history of western thinking – the emergence of Greek philosophical thought in the cosmic architecture of Anaximander of Miletus – I am arguing that the abstract, speculative, rationalising thinking characteristic of philosophy, is (...)
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    The Architectures of Iannis Xenakis.Elizabeth Sikiaridi - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (3):201-207.
    Iannis Xenakis (1922–2001), composer, architect, engineer and media artist, designed together with Le Corbusier the Philips-pavilion for the 1958 Brussels World Fair. This pavilion is an early example of (“hybrid”) combined media and architectural space as it contained a Poème Électronique, an electronic synthesis of visual projections (conceived by Le Corbusier ) and acoustic events (composed by Varèse). The pavilion's architecture with its hyperbolic-paraboloid shells had a dynamic expression. Xenakis continued this research into complex material architectural forms. He also worked (...)
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    Architectural Renovations of Body-As-Temple.Timothy Carroll - 2016 - The New Bioethics 22 (2):119-132.
    This paper addresses the Christian religious tradition of understanding the human body as the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ within the context of body modification in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Drawing on ethnographic research in Jerusalem and Kansas City, interviews with artists and Orthodox Christians, and theological discourses on the body and art, this paper seeks to understand how the body is treated by Orthodox Christians and evaluates the ethical commitments and contestations around the human body and religious practice. The (...)
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    The ethics of architecture.Mark Kingwell - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The Ethics of Architecture offers a short and approachable scholarly introduction to a timely question: in a world of increasing population density, how does one construct habitable spaces that promote social goals like health, happiness, environmental friendliness, and justice? What are the special ethical obligations assumed by architects? Because their work creates the basic material conditions that make all other human activity possible, architects and their associates in building enjoy vast influence on how all we live, work, play, worship, and (...)
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  49. Designing for Imprisonment: Architectural Ethics and Prison Design.Dominique Moran, Yvonne Jewkes & Colin Lorne - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    Architectural ethics has only begun to consider in earnest what it means, in a moral sense, to be an architect.1 The academy, however, has yet to adequately to explore the ethical problems raised,2 to evaluate the types of moral issues that arise, and to develop moral principles or moral reasons that should guide decisions when encountering these moral issues inherent in certain project types. This is the case despite the practice of architecture entailing “behaviours, our choices of which may (...)
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    Architecture, Liberty and Civic Order: Architectural Theories From Vitruvius to Jefferson and Beyond.Carroll William Westfall - 2015 - Routledge.
    This book brings to light central topics that are neglected in current histories and theories of architecture and urbanism. It traces two models for the practice of architecture. One follows the ancient model in which the architect renders his service to serve the interests of others; it survives and is dominant in modernism. The other, first formulated in the fifteenth century by Leon Battista Alberti, has the architect use his talent in coordination with others to contribute to the common (...)
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