Results for 'post-komunizm'

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  1. Komunizm: czas na post-mortem?Zygmunt Bauman - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia.
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  2. Post, L. A., Notes on Paper by, notes 6, 8, 10.L. A. Post - 1932 - Classical Weekly 26:34.
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  3. Post, L. A., Notes on Paper by, n. 17.L. A. Post - 1932 - Classical Weekly 26:36.
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    Robert Post, Another Cosmopolitanism, Seyla Benhabib: Oxford University Press, New York, November 2006, ISBN 978-0-19-518322-1, (Hbk) £14.99. [REVIEW]Robert Post - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (2):225-226.
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  5. An Institutionalist Account.".Post-Soviet Eurasia - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (1).
  6.  16
    Perspectives on Buchler.John F. Post - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (3):279-299.
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    Juror-panels at Athens.B. Poste - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (05):196-197.
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    Le genie anguipede alectro cephale: Une divinite magique solaire.Paul Post - 1979 - Bijdragen 40 (2):173-210.
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    La liturgie en tant qu'architecture?Paul Post - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (4):392-420.
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    Reply to Gale and Pruss.John F. Post - 2004 - Philo 7 (1):114-121.
    Richard Gale and Alexander Pruss raise a number of excellent questions in their separate responses to my comments on Gale’s book, On the Nature and Existence of God. They focus on aspects of my discussion that need at least to be clarified, if not retracted, in ways I explain in this reply.
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    The faces of existence: an essay in nonreductive metaphysics.John F. Post - 1987 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    John F. Post argues that physicalistic materialism is compatible with a number of views often deemed incompatible with it, such as the objectivity of values, the irreducibility of subjective experience, the power of the metaphor, the normativity of meaning, and even theism.
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    Age Eponumoi at Athens.E. Poste - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (01):4-6.
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    Breakwater: The new wave, supervenience and individualism.John F. Post - unknown
    New-wave psychoneural reduction, a la Bickle and Churchland, conflicts with the way certain adaptation properties are individuated according to evolutionary biology. Such properties cannot be reduced to physical properties of the token items that have the adaptation properties. The New Wave may entail a form of individualism inconsistent with evolutionary biology. All of this causes serious trouble as well for Jaegwon Kim's thesis of the Causal Individuation of Kinds, his Weak Supervenience thesis, Alexander's Dictum, his synchronicity thesis that all psychological (...)
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  14. Designer Babes, Selective Abortion, and Human Perfection'.Stephen G. Post - forthcoming - Inquiries in Bioethics.
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    Method, Madness, and Normativity.John F. Post - 2003 - Philo 6 (2):235-248.
    The method in question is conceptual analysis. The madness comes of its privileging received usage over theories that would revise our concepts so as to conform to the phenomena, not the other way around. The alternatives to capture-the-concept include revisionary theory-construction as practiced not only in the sciences but in some philosophies. I present a revisionary theory of an important kind of normativity -- the normativity involved in a biological adaptation's being for this or that -- which theory, I argue, (...)
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    Principles of Tissue Engineering for Food.Mark Post & Cor Weele - unknown
    The technology required for tissue-engineering food is the same as for medical applications, and in fact is derived from it. There are major differences in the implementation of those technologies, primarily related to the enormous scale required for food production and the different economical framework. In addition, the emotional context of food tissue engineering is also more complex than for medical applications. On the other hand, the tissues that are generated do not need to integrate in the body, with less (...)
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    The Aging Society and the Expansion of Senility: Biotechnological and Treatment Goals.Stephen Post - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Of the many topics worthy of discussion regarding older adults and bioethics, two seem to provide an especially pointed opportunity for reflection on our aging society. First, is aging itself something that biomedical researchers should focus on as a deficit to be overcome through eventual anti-aging treatments? While aging may not fall neatly into the disease category, it is clearly the primary susceptibility factor for the innumerable diseases of older adults, and therefore its potential deceleration consistent with the compression of (...)
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    Thirteen epistles of Plato.L. A. Post - 1927 - Mind 36 (141):121-123.
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    The "Iron Law" of Business Responsibility Revisited: Lessons from South AfricaEconomic Imperatives and Ethical Values in Global Business: The South African Experience and International Codes Today.James E. Post, S. Prakash Sethi & Oliver F. Williams - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):265.
  20. Using language to get outside language.John Post - manuscript
    They say it can't be done . You can't use language to get outside language . The very idea . Thus Putnam : "our language cannot be divided up into two parts, a part that describes the world `as it is anyway,' and a part that describes our conceptual contribution," in order..
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    Women and Elderly Parents: Moral Controversy in an Aging Society.Stephen G. Post - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (1):83 - 89.
    The human life span has been extended considerably, and among the very old, women outnumber men by a large margin. Thus, the aging society cannot be adequately addressed without taking into account the experience of women in specific. This article focuses on women as caregivers for aging parents. It critically assesses what some women philosophers are saying about the basis and limits of these caregiving duties.
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    Time in ecology: a theoretical framework.Eric S. Post - 2019 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    Ecologists traditionally regard time as part of the background against which ecological interactions play out. In this book, Eric Post argues that time should be treated as a resource used by organisms for growth, maintenance, and offspring production. Post uses insights from phenology -- the study of the timing of life-cycle events -- to present a theoretical framework of time in ecology that casts long-standing observations in the field in an entirely new light. Combining conceptual models with field (...)
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    Altruism and Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Dialogue.Stephen G. Post, Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey P. Schloss & William B. Hurlbut - 2002 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of altruism, or disinterested concern for another's welfare, has been discussed by everyone from theologians to psychologists to biologists. In this book, evolutionary, neurological, developmental, psychological, social, cultural, and religious aspects of altruistic behavior are examined. It is a collaborative examination of one of humanity's essential and defining characteristics by renowned researchers from various disciplines. Their integrative dialogue illustrates that altruistic behavior is a significant mode of expression that can be studied by various scholarly methods and understood from (...)
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  24. People with dementia: a moral challenge.S. Post - 1996 - In David C. Thomasma & Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner, Birth to death: science and bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--162.
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    Kottler-Cartan-van Dantzig (KCD) and noninertial systems.E. J. Post - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (7-8):619-640.
    Kottler, Cartan, and van Dantzig independently uncovered a key property of the Maxwell equations, which, in retrospect, is instrumental for treating noninertial situations. The essence of this KCD procedure is outlined. Present traditions incompatible with the KCD procedure are identified. KCD predicts a rotation-induced magnetoelectric effect in vacuum, as verified by the experiments of Kennard and Pegram. The description of nonvacuum situations still has some unresolved differences awaiting further experimental delineation. Explicit calculations and technical specifications of experiments receive references to (...)
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  26. Thomas Allen Nadelhoffer.Post Doctoral Training - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (2):123-149.
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  27. Inquiries in Bioethics.Stephen G. Post - 1995 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (2):295.
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  28. A Philosopher's Attempt to reform a State.L. A. Post - 1925 - Hibbert Journal 24:513.
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    Region, poverty, sibship, and gender inequality in mexican education: Will targeted welfare policy make a difference for girls?David Post - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):468-489.
    Why did gender inequality in secondary school access persist after Mexico made attendance compulsory in 1993? This research reveals an interaction between geography, poverty, and sibship structure in contributing to the underrepresentation of girls in Mexico's poorer southern states. Using regional and contextual information about enrollments and development, a multinomial logistic regression model is estimated. The results show that in addition to family and regional poverty, the position of girls within the sibship contributes to their remaining in or dropping out (...)
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    Against Ideologies.H. R. Post - 1977 - Chelsea College, University of London.
  31. Stefan bratosin Mihaela Alexandra Ionescu.Post-Communist Romania - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):3-18.
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    Justice, redistribution, and the family.Stephen G. Post - 1990 - Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (2-3):91-97.
  33. Finite combinatory processes—formulation.Emil L. Post - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):103-105.
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    Platon, Oeuvres Completes.L. A. Post & Joseph Souilhe - 1928 - American Journal of Philology 49 (1):89.
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  35. Why does anything at all exist?John Post - manuscript
    To ask the question "Why does anything at all exist?" is equivalent to asking "What is the explanation of why anything at all exists." Thus the question presupposes that there is an explanation, known or unknown or unknowable, of why anything at all exists.
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  36. Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics: In Praise of Conservative Induction.H. R. Post - 1971 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 2 (3):213.
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    A New Reading of the Germanicus Papyrus.L. A. Post - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):80.
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    "Commentary on" Sexuality and intimacy in the nursing home".Stephen G. Post - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (4):314-317.
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    Des Places, Pindare et Platon.L. A. Post - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:21.
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    Grieksche Origineelen en Latijnsche Navolgingen.L. A. Post & W. E. J. Kuiper - 1938 - American Journal of Philology 59 (3):367.
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    Infanticide in History.Sg Post - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 19 (5):48-48.
  42. Minimal Epistemology: BeyondTerminal Philosophy to Truth (latest working title).John Post - unknown
    . In whatever form, terminal philosophy holds that some matters are so fundamental that they are presupposed in any practice of reason-giving; accordingly, if reason-giving were applied to such matters in order to justify them, or even to criticize, then the very attempt to do so would necessarily assume what is at issue, a fatal circularity . No further argumentative recourse is possible at this level of fundamentality ; rational reason-giving must terminate.
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    Notes on the Epinomis.L. A. Post - 1936 - American Journal of Philology 57 (2):177.
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  44. Expiry date/Signature: Name.Post Code - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:10.
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    Dementia in Our Midst: The Moral Community.Stephen G. Post - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):142.
    This article focuses on the elderly patient with a progressive and irreversible dementia, most often of the Alzheimer type. However dementia, the decline in mental function from a previous state, can occur in all ages. For example, if Alzheimer's disease is the dementia of the elderly, increasingly AIDS is the dementia of many who are relatively young. I will not present the major ethical issues relating to dementia care following the progression of disease from the mild to the severe stages, (...)
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    Referential presupposition.John F. Post - 1972 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):160-167.
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  47. "Harward", J., The Platonic Epistles, With Introduction and Notes.John W. Post - 1932 - Classical Weekly 26:100-101.
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    Menandre: L'Atrabilaire.L. A. Post & Jean Martin - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):200.
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    The Challenge of Globalization to American Public Law Scholarship.Robert Post - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (1).
    American public law scholarship views law as a purposive instrument for the achievement of democratic purposes. It has analyzed how this instrument can best be employed within the historical context of the legal institutions and traditions of particular nation-states. Emerging forms of international law, articulated by international tribunals, challenge these fundamental premises of American public law scholarship. Much international law does not reflect the will of an indentifiable demos, and it is articulated through innovative legal institutions that combine the procedures (...)
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  50. Quantum Reprogramming. Ensemble and Single Systems: A Two-Tier Approach to Quantum Mechanics.E. J. Post - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 181.
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