Results for 'political CSR'

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  1.  29
    Political CSR and Populism: Toward an Information-Based Theory of Political CSR.Zena Al-Esia, Andrew Crane & Kostas Iatridis - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):373-408.
    Extant research on political corporate social responsibility (PCSR) has not yet addressed how the populist turn impacts PCSR theory and practice. This conceptual article analyzes how populism influences PCSR across a range of political environments. We draw on signaling and screening theories to develop a conceptual model that advances PCSR literature by proposing an information-centric approach. We highlight the necessity of high-quality information as an enabling condition for effective PCSR-related decision-making, and our model explains how the depreciation of (...)
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  2. Progressive and Conservative Firms in Multistakeholder Initiatives: Tracing the Construction of Political CSR Identities Within the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.Maximilian J. L. Schormair & Kristin Huber - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):454-495.
    The proliferation of multistakeholder initiatives (MSIs) over the past years has sparked an intense debate on the political role of corporations in the governance of global business conduct. To gain a better understanding of corporate political behavior in multistakeholder governance, this article investigates how firms construct a political identity when participating in MSIs. Based on an in-depth case study of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh—an MSI established after the collapse of the Rana Plaza (...)
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    Varieties of Deliberation: Framing Plurality in Political CSR.Cedric E. Dawkins - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):374-403.
    This article argues that the concept of deliberation is construed too narrowly in political corporate social responsibility (CSR) and that a concept of deliberation for political CSR should err toward useful speech acts rather than reciprocity and charity. It draws from the political philosophy, labor relations, and business ethics literatures to outline a framework for an extended notion of deliberative engagement. The characters of deliberative behavior and deliberative environment are held to generate four modes of engagement: strategic (...)
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    An Agonistic Notion of Political CSR: Melding Activism and Deliberation.Cedric E. Dawkins - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):5-19.
    Flagging labor governance in far-flung supply networks has prompted greater scrutiny of instrumental CSR and calls for models that are tethered more closely to accountability, constraint, and oversight. Political CSR is an apt response, but this paper seeks to buttress its deliberative moorings by arguing that the agonist notion of ‘domesticated conflict’ provides a necessary foundation for substantive deliberation. Because deliberation is more viable and effective when coupled with some means of coercion, a concept of CSR solely premised on (...)
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    Talk Ain’t Cheap: Political CSR and the Challenges of Corporate Deliberation.Cameron Sabadoz & Abraham Singer - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (2):183-211.
    ABSTRACT:Deliberative democratic theory, commonly used to explore questions of “political” corporate social responsibility, has become prominent in the literature. This theory has been challenged previously for being overly sanguine about firm profit imperatives, but left unexamined is whether corporate contexts are appropriate contexts for deliberative theory in the first place. We explore this question using the case of Starbucks’ “Race Together” campaign to show that significant challenges exist to corporate deliberation, even in cases featuring genuinely committed firms. We return (...)
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  6.  19
    Deliberating with the Autocrats? A Case Study on the Limitations and Potential of Political CSR in a Non-Democratic Context.Anna-Lena Maier & Dirk Ulrich Gilbert - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):11-32.
    Extant literature on Political CSR and the role of governments in the governance of business conduct tends to neglect key implications of the political-institutional macro-context for public deliberation. Contextual assumptions often remain rather implicit, leading to the need for a more nuanced, explicit and context-sensitive exploration of the theoretical and practical boundary conditions of Political CSR. In non-democratic political-institutional contexts, political pluralism and participation are limited, and governmental agencies continue to play the most central role (...)
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  7.  40
    Unearthing Sedimentation Dynamics in Political CSR: The Case of Colombia.Pilar Acosta & Mar Pérezts - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):425-444.
    The stream on political corporate social responsibility argues that companies have recently assumed state-like roles to influence global governance. However, following emerging calls for greater contextualization of CSR, we trace the historic evolution of PCSR in the case of Colombia and argue that such political engagement by firms is not new. Looking beyond a linear chronological account, we reveal the sedimentation process behind PCSR by exploring the archetypical political roles businesses have taken on in providing public goods (...)
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    Firm-Level Determinants of Political CSR in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India.Vikrant Shirodkar, Eshani Beddewela & Ulf Henning Richter - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):673-688.
    Multinational companies (MNCs) frequently adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities that are aimed at providing ‘public goods’ and influencing the government in policymaking. Such political CSR (PCSR) activities have been determined to increase MNCs’ socio-political legitimacy and to be useful in building relationships with the state and other key external stakeholders. Although research on MNCs’ PCSR within the context of emerging economies is gaining momentum, only a limited number of studies have examined the firm-level variables that affect the (...)
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  9. Accountable to Whom? Rethinking the Role of Corporations in Political CSR.Waheed Hussain & Jeffrey Moriarty - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (3):519-534.
    According to Palazzo and Scherer, the changing role of business corporations in society requires that we take new measures to integrate these organizations into society-wide processes of democratic governance. We argue that their model of integration has a fundamental problem. Instead of treating business corporations as agents that must be held accountable to the democratic reasoning of affected parties, it treats corporations as agents who can hold others accountable. In our terminology, it treats business corporations as “supervising authorities” rather than (...)
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  10.  40
    Uncommitted Deliberation? Discussing Regulatory Gaps by Comparing GRI 3.1 to GRI 4.0 in a Political CSR Perspective.Rea Wagner & Peter Seele - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):333-351.
    In this paper, we compare the two Global Reporting Initiative reporting standards, G3.1, and the most current version G4.0. We do this through the lens of political corporate social responsibility theory, which describes the broadened understanding of corporate responsibility in a globalized world building on Habermas’ notion of deliberative democracy and ethical discourse. As the regulatory power of nation states is fading, regulatory gaps occur as side effects of transnational business. As a result, corporations are also understood to play (...)
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  11. Critical Intuitions in Stakeholder Theory and Political CSR: The Effect of Identity Constituting Values on the Dynamics of Business Ethical Debates.Marianne Thejls Ziegler - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-19.
    This article addresses questions of fundamental values of business ethics scholars. By tracing the evolution of debates on stakeholder theory and political corporate social responsibility (PCSR) from their beginnings in 1984 and 2006 until the present day, the article demonstrates how these scholarly debates have followed a similar pattern. In both cases, the initial positions, which are more tolerant toward business interests, face critique through theoretical developments and are ultimately surpassed by arguments favouring the reduction of managerial power and (...)
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  12. The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR. [REVIEW]Gary Fooks, Anna Gilmore, Jeff Collin, Chris Holden & Kelley Lee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):283-299.
    Since scholarly interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) has primarily focused on the synergies between social and economic performance, our understanding of how (and the conditions under which) companies use CSR to produce policy outcomes that work against public welfare has remained comparatively underdeveloped. In particular, little is known about how corporate decision-makers privately reconcile the conflicts between public and private interests, even though this is likely to be relevant to understanding the limitations of CSR as a means of aligning (...)
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  13.  53
    Toward a Political Theory of the Business Firm? A Comment on ‘Political CSR’.Pierre-Yves Néron - 2013 - Business Ethics Journal Review:14-21.
  14. Toward Political Explanation of Change in Corporate Responsibility: Political Scholarship on CSR and the Case of Palm Oil Biofuels.Martin Fougère & Ville-Pekka Sorsa - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):1895-1923.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recently conceptualized and studied as a political phenomenon. Most debates in this scholarship have thus far focused on normative issues. Less attention has been paid to the explanatory potential of CSR research grounded in political theory and philosophy. In this article, we conduct a pragmatist reading of political scholarship on CSR and seek to deploy existing knowledge for research pursuing political explanation. We argue that the political ontologies that underlie (...)
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    (1 other version)CSR and firm performance nexus in a highly unstable political context: institutional influence and community cohesion.Islam Abdeljawad, Mamunur Rashid, Nour Abdul Rahman Arafat, Hadeel Naifeh & Nadeen Ghanem - forthcoming - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics.
    We provide evidence of the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP) in Palestine, a highly unstable political context. Annual reports of all firms listed on the Palestine Exchange (PEX) for the period 2016-2019 were manually content analysed. A checklist of reported CSR items is summarised into four areas: environmental information, human resources, community involvement, and product and customer service quality. Results indicate a robust positive connection between each of the four dimensions and the composite (...)
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  16.  37
    Teaching Business Ethics to Critical Students—Adopting the Stance of Political CSR.Kristian Høyer Toft - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 12:77-92.
    This paper provides ways of responding to critical students when teaching business ethics and corporate social responsibility. A common premise of teaching pedagogy is to approach students from their “zone of proximal development”. To get an understanding of students’ critical prior conceptions, the ideal type of the “liberal communist” is invoked as suggestive of how students might think about business ethics and CSR. Two pedagogical approaches are suggested to address students’ a priori scepticism of business ethics and CSR. First, a (...)
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  17.  44
    CSR as Corporate Political Activity: Observations on IKEA’s CSR Identity–Image Dynamics.Mette Morsing & Anne Roepstorff - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (2):395-409.
    In this article, we develop a conceptual framework to understand how a company’s CSR identity becomes defined as a political activity destabilizing the strong identity–image relations. We draw on theories of political CSR and organizational identity–image relations to study how CSR emerges as a corporate political activity in a context where the corporate CSR work is first appreciated and later critiqued by the public in the wake of socio-political events. We analyse the micro-organizational processes in the (...)
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  18.  26
    Erratum to: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR.Gary Fooks, Anna Gilmore, Jeff Collin, Chris Holden & Kelley Lee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):367-367.
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    CSR politics of non‐recognition: Justification fallacies marginalising criticism, society, and environment.Peter Norberg - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):694-705.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Religion and CSR: An Islamic “Political” Model of Corporate Governance.Jan M. Smolarski & Maurice J. Murphy - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):823-854.
    This article examines the political perspective of corporate social responsibility from the standpoint of normative Islam. We argue that large firms within Muslim majority countries have the moral obligation to assist governments in addressing challenges related to sustainable socioeconomic development and in advancing human rights. In substantiating our argument, we draw upon the Islamic business ethics, stakeholder theory, and corporate governance literatures, as well as the concepts of Maqasid al Shariah (the objectives of Islamic law) and fard al ‘ayn (...)
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  21. CSR-Based Political Legitimacy Strategy: Managing the State by Doing Good in China and Russia. [REVIEW]Meng Zhao - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (4):439-460.
    The state is a key driver of corporate social responsibility across developed and developing countries. But the existing research provides comparatively little knowledge about: (1) how companies strategically manage the relationship with the state through corporate social responsibility (CSR); (2) how this strategy takes shape under the influence of political institutions. Understanding these questions captures a realistic picture of how a company applies CSR to interacting with the state, particularly in countries where the state relationship is critical to the (...)
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  22.  68
    Political and Economic Arguments for Corporate Social Responsibility: Analysis and a Proposition Regarding the CSR Agenda.Francis Weyzig - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (4):417-428.
    Different perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) exist, each with their own agenda. Some emphasise management responsibilities towards stakeholders, others argue that companies should actively contribute to social goals, and yet others reject a social responsibility of business beyond legal compliance. In addition, CSR initiatives relate to different issues, such as labour standards and corruption. This article analyses what types of CSR initiatives are supported by political and economic arguments. The distinction between different CSR perspectives and CSR issues on (...)
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  23.  47
    Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference.Steen Vallentin - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):33-47.
    This paper investigates the roles that Danish government has played in the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Denmark has emerged as a first mover among the Scandinavian countries when it comes to CSR. We argue that government has played a pivotal role in making this happen, and that this reflects strong traditions of regulation, corporatism and active state involvement. However, there is no unitary “Danish model of CSR” being promoted by government. Although Danish society is often associated with a (...)
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  24.  22
    Political connection and CSR: Evidence from Korea.SeHyun Park - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (4):1102-1116.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 1102-1116, October 2022.
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    Contextualizing Corporate Political Responsibilities: Neoliberal CSR in Historical Perspective.Marie-Laure Djelic & Helen Etchanchu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):641-661.
    This article provides a historical contextualization of Corporate Social Responsibility and its political role. CSR, we propose, is one form of business–society interactions reflecting a unique ideological framing. To make that argument, we compare contemporary CSR with two historical ideal-types. We explore in turn paternalism in nineteenth century Europe and managerial trusteeship in early twentieth century US. We outline how the political responsibilities of business were constructed, negotiated, and practiced in both cases. This historical contextualization shows that the (...)
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  26.  57
    CSR as Gendered Neocoloniality in the Global South.Banu Ozkazanc-Pan - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):851-864.
    Corporate social responsibility has generally been recognized as corporate pro-social behavior aimed at remediating social issues external to organizations, while political CSR has acknowledged the political nature of such activity beyond social aims. Despite the growth of this literature, there is still little attention given to gender as the starting point for a conversation on CSR, ethics, and the Global South. Deploying critical insights from feminist work in postcolonial traditions, I outline how MNCs replicate gendered neocolonialist discourses and (...)
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  27.  17
    The Instrumentalization of CSR by Rent-Seeking Governments: Lessons From Tanzania.Eva Nilsson - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (6):1173-1200.
    This article examines how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can serve as an external source of rents for governments that depend on foreign financing for state-building and development. The strategic, instrumental use of CSR has been overlooked in previous research on governments and CSR, especially in the Global South. To understand how CSR can serve as a lever for rents, the concept of “extraversion” is introduced to describe the way in which rent-seeking African governments instrumentalize their asymmetric external relations for (...) and private benefit. The connection between CSR and rent-seeking is analyzed through a case study of large gas investments in Tanzania. The article finds that the government has set up regulation that enables local and central government authorities to appropriate, mediate, reclaim, or possibly trick CSR practices to gain rents. Based on the study, two contributions are made to the literature on CSR and governments. First, the instrumental use of CSR in the Global South is added to the variety of perspectives that can be taken when studying government agency. Second, CSR is conceptualized as a potential stream of rents for governments to exploit. The article ends with discussing that the outcome of CSR in a rent-seeking environment depends on whether the leveraged resources are managed well to support peaceful and locally beneficial economic development or whether they serve private accumulation through corruption. (shrink)
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    Mapping the Relationship Among Political Ideology, CSR Mindset, and CSR Strategy: A Contingency Perspective Applied to Chinese Managers.Fuming Jiang, Tatiana Zalan, Herman H. M. Tse & Jie Shen - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):419-444.
    The literature on antecedents of corporate social responsibility strategies of firms has been predominately content driven. Informed by the managerial sense-making process perspective, we develop a contingency theoretical framework explaining how political ideology of managers affects the choice of CSR strategy for their firms through their CSR mindset. We also explain to what extent the outcome of this process is shaped by the firm’s internal institutional arrangements and external factors impacting on the firm. We develop and test several hypotheses (...)
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  29.  43
    Networked CSR Governance: A Whole Network Approach to Meta-Governance.Sandra Waddock & Laura Albareda - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (4):636-675.
    Meta-governance is Earth system governance for dealing with the global commons. This article develops a whole network approach to meta-governance to explore the potential for collective action for sustainable development by a loosely coupled network of networks. Networked corporate social responsibility governance has emerged around corporate sustainability and responsibility in the first years of the 21st century. Growing agreements and interactions among CSR initiatives suggest the development, structure, and governance of networked CSR governance as a network that can analytically be (...)
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    The Rise of Partisan CSR: Corporate Responses to the Russia–Ukraine War.Vassiliki Bamiatzi, Steven A. Brieger, Özgü Karakulak, Daniel Kinderman & Stephan Manning - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-29.
    The Russia–Ukraine war has challenged our understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Whereas CSR is traditionally associated with business self-regulation that benefits business and society, the conflict has revealed new forms of what we call “partisan CSR.” Based on comprehensive data from Fortune Global 500 firms, this study discovers that in particular Western, but also some non-Western, corporations have engaged in partisan CSR activities, ranging from (1) strengthening Ukraine’s economy, to (2) enhancing security and protection for Ukrainian citizens, (3) providing (...)
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    CSR Performance in Emerging Markets Evidence from Mexico.Alan Muller & Ans Kolk - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):325 - 337.
    Although interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in emerging markets has increased in recent years, most research still focuses on developed countries. The scant literature on the topic, which traditionally suggested that CSR was relatively underdeveloped in emerging markets, has recently explored the context specificity, suggesting that it is different and reflects the specific social and political background. This would particularly apply to local companies, not so much to foreign subsidiaries of multinationals active in emerging markets. Thus far, empirical (...)
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  32.  48
    Change Caused by CSR-PPPs on Participating Companies: Hypotheses for the Large Retailer Industry Sector.Christian Thauer - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:255-259.
    CSR-PPPs are a new and especially relevant phenomenon in today’s world politics. Little is known, however, about the effects of this “New Mode of GlobalGovernance”. The paper addresses this deficit and presents a theoretical model from which hypotheses about the effects of CSR-PPPs can be deduced. It furthermore illustrates the applicability of the model by generating hypotheses about the effectiveness of CSR initiatives in the large retailer industry sector.
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    Political” Corporate Social Responsibility in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework.Christopher Wickert - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):792-824.
    Political” corporate social responsibility involves businesses taking a political role to address “regulatory gaps” caused by weak or insufficient social and environmental standards and norms. The literature on political CSR focuses mostly on how large multinational corporations can address environmental and social problems that arise globally along their supply chains. This article addresses political CSR of small- and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs represent a major share of economic value creation worldwide and are increasingly exposed to regulatory gaps. (...)
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    Does CSR Engagement Deter Corporate Misconduct? Quasi-natural Experimental Evidence from Firms Joining a Government-Initiated Social Program in China.Feng He, Xin Huang, Guanchun Liu & Ziqiao Wang - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):555-587.
    We examine the impact of a government-initiated CSR project on corporate misconduct using the unique setting of China’s Targeted Poverty Alleviation (TPA) program. The difference-in-differences estimates show that firms participating in the TPA program engage in fewer misconduct activities than do their counterparts. This finding is robust to the parallel trends test, the placebo test, alternative regression specifications, alternative research designs, the reverse causality analysis, and the bivariate probit model with partial observability. Further analysis shows that TPA participation enhances the (...)
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    Instrumental and/or Deliberative? A Typology of CSR Communication Tools.Peter Seele & Irina Lock - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):401-414.
    Addressing the critique that communication activities with regard to CSR are often merely instrumental marketing or public relation tools, this paper develops a toolbox of CSR communication that takes into account a deliberative notion. We derive this toolbox classification from the political approach of CSR that is based on Habermasian discourse ethics and show that it has a communicative core. Therefore, we embed CSR communication within political CSR theory and extend it by Habermasian communication theory, particularly the four (...)
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    Political connections and corporate social responsibility: Political incentives in China.Shan Xu & Duchi Liu - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (4):664-693.
    To explore the motivations underpinning corporate social responsibility (CSR) decisions in China, a country characterized by extensive government intervention, this paper investigates whether building a good relationship with the government is a political incentive that is driving firms to conduct CSR by examining the effects of political connections on the latter. Our results indicate that politically connected firms exhibit better CSR. However, the effect is considerably more significant for firms with existing political relationships. Additionally, findings show that (...)
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    CSR processes in governance systems and structures: The development of mental modes of CSR.Frank Jan de Graaf - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (4):431-448.
    When corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a sensemaking process is assessed from a corporate governance perspective, this implies that stakeholders do not only influence companies by promoting and enforcing regulations and other corporate guidelines. They also influence companies by promoting regulation on influence pathways, by demanding that companies develop formal mechanisms that allow companies and stakeholders to discuss and in some cases agree on changes to principles and policies. This perspective suggests that regulation is an outcome of power relations and (...)
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    Bound to Fail? Exploring the Systemic Pathologies of CSR and Their Implications for CSR Research.Anselm Schneider - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (7):1303-1338.
    Among critics of corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is growing concern that CSR is largely ineffective as a corrective to the shortcomings of capitalism, namely, the negative effects of business on society and the undersupply of public goods. At the same time, researchers suggest that despite the shortcomings of CSR, it is possible to make it more effective in a stepwise manner. To explain the frequent failures of current CSR practices and to explore the possibilities of remedying them, I examine (...)
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    Filling the Empty Shell. The Public Debate on CSR in Austria as a Paradigmatic Example of a Political Discourse.Bernhard Mark-Ungericht & Richard Weiskopf - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):285-297.
    Instead of essentializing and defining what CSR “is”, we analyze CSR as a political discourse in which different actors struggle to fill the empty shell of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a legitimate interpretation. In this paper we take the current debate on CSR in Austria as an example to demonstrate how this debate is shaped by changes in the greater socio-economic environment. We suggest that this debate might be paradigmatic for the development of CSR in the European/International context. (...)
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    Proto-CSR Before the Industrial Revolution: Institutional Experimentation by Medieval Miners’ Guilds.Stefan Hielscher & Bryan W. Husted - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):253-269.
    In this paper, we argue that antecedents of modern corporate social responsibility prior to the Industrial Revolution can be referred to as “proto-CSR” to describe a practice that influenced modern CSR, but which is different from its modern counterparts in form and structure. We develop our argument with the history of miners’ guilds in medieval Germany—religious fraternities and secular mutual aid societies. Based on historical data collected by historians and archeologists, we reconstruct a long-term process of pragmatic experimentation with institutions (...)
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  41. The Political Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Research Agenda.Glen Whelan - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (4):709-737.
    ABSTRACT:I here advance a critical research agenda for the political perspective of corporate social responsibility (Political CSR). I argue that whilst the ‘Political’ CSR literature is notable for both its conceptual novelty and practical importance, its development has been hamstrung by four ambiguities, conflations and/or oversights. More positively, I argue that ‘Political’ CSR should be conceived as one potentialformof globalization, and not as aconsequenceof ‘globalization’; that contemporary Western MNCs should be presumed to engage in CSR for (...)
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    The CSR of MNC Subsidiaries in Developing Countries: Global, Local, Substantive or Diluted? [REVIEW]D. Jamali - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (S2):181 - 200.
    With the advent of globalization, the track record of multinational corporations (MNCs) has been mixed at best in relation to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involvement in developing countries. This article attempts to cross-fertilize insights from the business-society and international business political behavior literature streams to identify relevant dimensions and contingencies that can be used to analyze the CSR of MNCs in developing countries and the extent of standardization or localization of their strategies. The article makes use of the (...)
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    Responsibility and Informal CSR in Formal Cameroonian SMEs.Geert Demuijnck & Hubert Ngnodjom - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):-653-665.
    In this article, we explore the implicit conceptions of business ethics and social responsibility of owners−managers of small and medium enterprises (SME) in Cameroon. While using a hermeneutical approach, our main objective is to clarify how Sub-Saharan African business people themselves understand and define corporate responsibility in their particular economic and political environment. Our aim is not to deliver an empirical study of business practices and management behavior in SMEs. We wish to discuss which responsibilities they themselves judge to (...)
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    Positive Economics and the Normativistic Fallacy: Bridging the Two Sides of CSR.Philipp Schreck, Dominik van Aaken & Thomas Donaldson - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):297-329.
    ABSTRACT:In response to criticism of empirical or “positive” approaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR), we defend the importance of these approaches for any CSR theory that seeks to have practical impact. Although we acknowledge limitations to positive approaches, we unpack the neglected but crucial relationships between positive knowledge on the one hand and normative knowledge on the other in the implementation of CSR principles. Using the structure of a practical syllogism, we construct a model that displays the key role of (...)
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  45.  29
    CSR Beyond Economy and Society: A Post-capitalist Approach.Steffen Roth, Vladislav Valentinov, Markus Heidingsfelder & Miguel Pérez-Valls - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3):411-423.
    In this article, we draw on established views of CSR dysfunctionalities to show how and why CSR is regularly observed to be both shaped by and supportive of capitalism. We proceed to show that these dysfunctionalities are maintained by both the pro- and anticapitalist approaches to CSR, both of which imply an ill-defined separation of the economy and society as well an overly strong problem or solution focus on political and economic issues. Finally, we present a post-capitalist approach to (...)
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    Carrot or Stick? CSR and Firm Financial Performance.Chen Ma & Latif Yasir - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (2):349-365.
    In this study, we propose and test the relationship between CSR and firm financial performance, how this relationship differs between firms led by CEOs with political connections and those led by CEOs without political connections, and how this relationship differs between state-owned firms and nonstate-owned firms. Based on a sample of 1645 Chinese listed firms during the period 2011 and 2020 (inclusive), we find that CSR has an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm financial performance. As the level of (...)
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    From CSR to Corporate Citizenship: Anglo-American and Continental European Perspectives.Alejo José G. Sison - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S3):235 - 246.
    Beginning with the question of who constitutes the firm, this article seeks to explore the historical evolution of concepts such as corporate social responsibility, corporate accountability, corporate social responsiveness, corporate social performance, stakeholder theory, and corporate citizenship. In close parallel to these changes are differences in interpretation from Anglo—American and Continental European perspectives. The author defends that the ultimate reasons behind these differences are of a philosophical nature, affecting both the anthropology and the political theory dominant in each of (...)
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    CSR - the Cuckoo’s Egg in the Business Ethics Nest.Matthias P. Hühn - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):279-298.
    Corporate/collective moral responsibility is a thorny topic in business ethics and this paper argues that this is due a number of unacknowledged and connected epistemic issues. Firstly, CSR, Corporate Citizenship and many other research streams that are based on the assumption of collective and/or corporate moral responsibility are not compatible with Kantian ethics, consequentialism, or virtue ethics because corporate/collective responsibility violates the axioms and central hypotheses of these research programmes. Secondly, in the absence of a sound theoretical moral philosophical foundation, (...)
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    Ethics and Sharing Economy Platforms: A Pathway to Data-Driven and Peer-to-Peer Platform CSR.Mario D. Schultz & Peter Seele - 2021 - In Luise Li Langergaard, New Economies for Sustainability: Limits and Potentials for Possible Futures. Springer Verlag. pp. 139-152.
    Recent developments in global business gave rise to innovative forms of digital-exchange, facilitated by a new big data-based infrastructure – the sharing economy platform. SEPs are rapidly expanding, challenging the political-economic order and the classical division of work in society. Against the background of the current sustainability crisis, we discuss the increasingly momentous role of SEPs as a potential driver toward a more sustainable economy and society. Drawing on the theoretical lens of political CSR theory, we first outline (...)
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    Assessing the Legitimacy of Corporate Political Activity: Uber and the Quest for Responsible Innovation.Gastón de los Reyes & Markus Scholz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):51-69.
    Building on literature in political CSR and corporate political activity (CPA) as well as responsible innovation and responsible lobbying, we introduce a framework to assess the legitimacy status of corporate political activity. We focus on the fact that companies frequently face sharp regulatory backlash after penetrating markets with their innovations. In response to regulatory backlash, big tech companies often employ an arsenal of corporate political activities to (re-)shape national and local regulatory environments, which raises the important (...)
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