Results for 'picking up the trail'

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  1.  12
    Picking up the Trail.Nathan Kowalsky - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Nathan Kowalsky, Hunting Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 1–8.
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  2. Margaret urban Walker.Picking Up Pieces - 1997 - In Diana T. Meyers, Feminists rethink the self. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
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  3. Picking up the pieces of philosophical psychology : an introduction.Craig Steven Titus - 2009 - In Philosophical psychology: psychology, emotions, and freedom. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
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    Mary as the Exemplar of the Body's Poverty.Angela Franks - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1097-1118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mary as the Exemplar of the Body's PovertyAngela FranksRecent MariologyFollowing the trajectory of Mariology and Marian devotion for the last century or so is enough to give one whiplash. On the one hand, the declaration of the doctrine of Mary's Assumption in 1950 by Pope Pius XII represents a strand of Mariology that emphasizes her divinely granted prerogatives and glory. In popular piety, this dogmatic emphasis was mirrored by (...)
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    Picking Up the Pieces.Dale Kurschner - 1996 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 10 (1):31-31.
  6.  26
    Picking up the pieces.Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz - 2008 - In Stefan Berger & Chris Lorenz, The Contested Nation: Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 46-46.
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    Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Culture: Abandoning Sartre for Aquinas.R. E. Houser - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):135-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Picking Up the Pieces of a Shattered Culture:Abandoning Sartre for AquinasR. E. HouserI expect to die in my bed, my successor will die in prison, and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. Then his successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the Church has done so often in human history.—Francis Cardinal George (2010)Here I propose (...)
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    Picking up the gauntlet. A reply to Casper and Haueis.Liliana Albertazzi - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-30.
    In recent years phenomenology has attracted the interest of science, acquiring a role far beyond philosophy. Despite Husserl's clear denial of a possible naturalization of phenomenology, scientists from different fields have proposed its naturalization. To achieve this goal, different methodologies have been proposed. Most scientists seem to agree on the claim that phenomenology cannot be a science itself because it fails to respect one of the prerequisites of science, that is, the capacity to explain its phenomena. Phenomenology, thus, is forced (...)
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    Een huid Van ivoor.Barbara Baert - 2002 - Bijdragen 63 (2):171-199.
    In the tenth book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses there is a moving story which explores the relationship between the artist and his work of art. It is the myth of the sculptor Pygmalion. The story of the Cypriot artist for whom the ivory statue of his ideal woman came to life knew a very widespread transmission. The myth inspired authors and artists to reflect about love, idolatry, lifeless matter, the artist vis-à-vis the one Creator, and so on. The secondary literature which (...)
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    Introduction: Continental Realism – Picking Up the Pieces.Vladimir Dukić & Marie-Eve Morin - 2017 - In Marie-Eve Morin, Continental Realism and its Discontents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-18.
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    Book Review: Picking up the Pieces: The Church and Conflict Resolution in South Africa and Rwanda. [REVIEW]Dr Gerard van ‘T. Spijker - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (2):151-153.
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    Nietzschean Reminiscences of Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology (1842).David Farrell Krell - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):181-193.
    Nietzschean reminiscences of Schelling? The title seems to suggest either that Schelling can remember forward to Nietzsche or that some more positive reminiscence of Schelling lies hidden in Nietzsche’s work. Perhaps there is something like a forward-looking remembrance. Perhaps every thinker looks forward to those few who will pick up the thread of his or her thinking—not as the “unthought” of that thinking, but as the very thread that Ariadne ravels and allows to trail behind her. Perhaps too there (...)
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  13. Why Plan-Expressivists Can't Pick Up the Moral Slack.Margaret Shea - 2024 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 19.
    This paper raises two problems for plan-expressivism concerning normative judgments about non-corealizable actions: actions which cannot both be performed. First, plan-expressivists associate normative judgment with an attitude which satisfies a corealizability constraint, but this constraint is (in the interpersonal case) unwarranted, and (in the intrapersonal case) warranted only at the price of a contentious normative premise. Ayars (2022) holds that the pair of judgments ‘A should φ’ and ‘B should ψ’ is coherent only if one believes that A can φ (...)
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  14.  47
    Global Distributive Justice and the Taxation of Natural Resources — Who Should Pick Up the Tab?Dirk Haubrich - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (1):48-69.
    Increasingly visible global distributive inequalities and famine pose considerable challenges for policy-makers and political philosophers alike. A recent proposal forwarded by Thomas Pogge has taken on the challenge of outlining a concept of global justice according to which redistribution is not merely predicated on the beneficiaries being in a state of need. The scheme, which he calls the Global Resources Dividend, aims to compensate people who are excluded from the benefits of the common stock of natural resources, by taxing those (...)
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  15. Ethical Analysis of the Application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Biodiversity Conservation and the Case of White Rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum ) Ovum Pick-Up Procedures.Pierfrancesco Biasetti - 2022 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9.
    Originally applied on domestic and lab animals, assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) have also found application in conservation breeding programs, where they can make the genetic management of populations more efficient, and increase the number of individuals per generation. However, their application in wildlife conservation opens up new ethical scenarios that have not yet been fully explored. This study presents a frame for the ethical analysis of the application of ART procedures in conservation based on the Ethical Matrix (EM), and discusses (...)
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  16.  23
    Picking over the bones: the practicalities of processing the Athenian war dead.Owen Rees - 2018 - Journal of Ancient History 6 (2):167-184.
    Thucydides’ account of the Athenian war dead creates a false image of a clean and efficient, systematic processing of the dead. To look beyond his description it is necessary to assess the practicalities involved in the process. In so doing, it has been necessary to reassess our own historical models. The logistics of identifying the dead accurately, combined with the amount of wood necessary to offer a complete cremation for hundreds of bodies, brings into question the notion that the war (...)
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  17.  40
    Measurement of Statistical Evidence: Picking Up Where Hacking and Others Left Off.Veronica J. Vieland - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):853-865.
    Hacking’s Law of Likelihood says—paraphrasing—that data support hypothesis H1 over hypothesis H2 whenever the likelihood ratio for H1 over H2 exceeds 1. But Hacking later noted a seemingly fatal flaw in the LR itself: it cannot be interpreted as the degree of “evidential significance” across applications. I agree with Hacking about the problem, but I do not believe the condition is incurable. I argue here that the LR can be properly calibrated with respect to the underlying evidence, and I sketch (...)
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  18.  20
    Measurement of Statistical Evidence: Picking Up Where Hacking Left Off.Veronica J. Vieland - unknown
    Hacking’s Law of Likelihood says – paraphrasing– that data support hypothesis H1 over hypothesis H2 whenever the likelihood ratio for H1 over H2 exceeds 1. But Hacking noted a seemingly fatal flaw in the LR itself: it cannot be interpreted as the degree of “evidential significance” across applications. I agree with Hacking about the problem, but I don’t believe the condition is incurable. I argue here that the LR can be properly calibrated with respect to the underlying evidence, and I (...)
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    Weaponised Aesthetics and Dystopian Modernism: Cut-ups, Playbacks, Pick-ups and the ‘Limits of Control’ from Burroughs to Deleuze.S. E. Gontarski - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (4):555-584.
    American outlier writer William S. Burroughs was a creative force – an homme de lettres in his own right, yes, but as a cultural theorist as well, particularly his anticipation of what we now regularly call ‘a society of control’ or ‘a surveillance culture’, and, moreover, as a textual embodiment as well. That is, Burroughs was as much a media theorist and performance artist as he was a traditional literary figure, what we generally call a writer, or novelist, although he (...)
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  20.  32
    Conservation as Picking up Trash in Nature.Donald S. Maier & Jeffrey A. Lockwood - 2015 - Environmental Philosophy 12 (1):99-119.
    This essay explores a previously unexplored suggestion for combining consideration of aesthetics with considerations of vice and virtue to justify, not merely claims about nature’s beauty or its preservation, but landscape-transforming conservation projects. Its discussion is not univocal. On the one hand, it suggests that vices associated with humans assisting a creature’s journey to a new landscape make that organism’s presence on that landscape ugly. According to this suggestion, the creature may be regarded as trash, which would be virtuous to (...)
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    What Carl Schmitt Picked Up in Weber's Seminar: A Historical Controversy Revisited.Kjell Engelbrekt - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):667-684.
    The intellectual relationship between Carl Schmitt and Max Weber has been a point of controversy for at least half a century. At the 1964 convention of the German Sociological Association, in honor of Weber's centenary, Schmitt was famously referred to as Weber's ?legitimate student.? This article uses the chapter Schmitt specifically wrote for an edited volume in Weber's memory, published in 1923, as the starting point for juxtaposing the two scholars, and then expands the analysis to encompass a range of (...)
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  22. Moral reasons to edit the human genome: picking up from the Nuffield report.Christopher Gyngell, Hilary Bowman-Smart & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (8):514-523.
    In July 2018, the Nuffield Council of Bioethics released its long-awaited report on heritable genome editing. The Nuffield report was notable for finding that HGE could be morally permissible, even in cases of human enhancement. In this paper, we summarise the findings of the Nuffield Council report, critically examine the guiding principles they endorse and suggest ways in which the guiding principles could be strengthened. While we support the approach taken by the Nuffield Council, we argue that detailed consideration of (...)
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  23.  19
    Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism.Matt Ffytche & Daniel Pick (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism_ provides rich new insights into the history of political thought and clinical knowledge. In these chapters, internationally renowned historians and cultural theorists discuss landmark debates about the uses and abuses of ‘the talking cure’ and map the diverse psychologies and therapeutic practices that have featured in and against tyrannical, modern regimes. These essays show both how the Freudian movement responded to and was transformed by the rise of fascism and communism, the Second World War, (...)
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  24.  41
    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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    Revisiting “Śākyamuni Buddha Pick up a Flower and Kāśyapa Smile”.Heewook Byun - 2017 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 47:291-321.
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    The significance of the active pick-up of information in ecological theories of motion perception.Lucy Yardley - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):340-340.
  27. I na local music store, I recently picked up a copy of In Memoriam.Eliot Bates - 2004 - In Christopher Washburne & Maiken Derno, Bad music: the music we love to hate. New York: Routledge. pp. 275.
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    Distinct task-independent visual thresholds for egocentric and allocentric information pick up.Matthieu M. De Wit, John Van der Kamp & Rich Sw Masters - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1410-1418.
    The dominant view of the ventral and dorsal visual systems is that they subserve perception and action. De Wit, Van der Kamp, and Masters suggested that a more fundamental distinction might exist between the nature of information exploited by the systems. The present study distinguished between these accounts by asking participants to perform delayed matching , pointing and perceptual judgment responses to masked Müller–Lyer stimuli of varying length. Matching and pointing responses of participants who could not perceptually judge stimulus length (...)
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  29. How Galileo dropped the ball and Fermat picked it up.Bryan W. Roberts - 2011 - Synthese 180 (3):337-356.
    This paper introduces a little-known episode in the history of physics, in which a mathematical proof by Pierre Fermat vindicated Galileo’s characterization of freefall. The first part of the paper reviews the historical context leading up to Fermat’s proof. The second part illustrates how a physical and a mathematical insight enabled Fermat’s result, and that a simple modification would satisfy any of Fermat’s critics. The result is an illustration of how a purely theoretical argument can settle an apparently empirical debate.
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    The Ups and Downs of Black and White: Do Sensorimotor Metaphors Reflect an Evolved Perceptual Interface?Tina O. Zhu, Peiyao Chen & Frank H. Durgin - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (3):169-182.
    The Implicit Association Test (IAT) was used to measure population levels of conceptual alignment among two polar sensory metaphors and clusters of concepts to which they are commonly applied. A total of 873 participants were tested online, to compare within- and between-cluster alignments of concepts associated with two different polar sensory metaphors (up/down and black/white). IAT results were sensitive to semantic alignments that were also picked up by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) using a large-scale corpus of English. However, even with (...)
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  31. The toss-up between a profiting, innocent threat and his victim.Susanne Burri - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (2):146-165.
    Imagine that, through no fault of your own, you nd yourself at the bottom of a deep well. Thugs have picked up an innocent person | call him Bob | and have thrown him down the well. Bob is now falling towards you. If you do nothing, your body will cushion Bob's otherwise lethal fall. This will guarantee his survival, but it will kill you. If you shoot your ray gun, you vaporize and kill Bob, thereby saving your life. Are (...)
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  32.  51
    Pick It Up! Older Women Show Us How It's Done. [REVIEW]Alison Conway - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (2):208-213.
    Bruce Grierson's What Makes Olga Run? and Margaret Webb's Older Faster Stronger investigate the science of aging and exercise, the place of physical competition in women's lives, and the social backdrop against which women strive for personal goals as athletes. They highlight the significance of women's athleticism for our understanding of self-respect, care, and community.
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    Introduction to The Philosophy of History: With Selections from The Philosophy of Right.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1988 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    ... eminently readable... admirably picks up the spirit of what Hegel is saying.... more readable and accurate than Hartmann's, and it trans-lates a more readable text than does Nisbet's. It includes (as Hartmann's does not) an excerpt, which serves as chapter five, from 'The Geo-graphical Basis of History' (particularly interesting for what it says of America), and a brief chapter six, entitled 'The Division of History.' The volume closes with an appendix, translating §§341-360 of Hegel's Philosophy of Right and deals (...)
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  34.  74
    The Concept of Reality and The Elimination of Metaphysics.Robert T. Sandin - 1966 - The Monist 50 (1):87-97.
    The philosophers of the Vienna circle once made quite a stir by proposing to show not merely that certain metaphysical propositions were false, but that metaphysical propositions as such were meaningless, except for a possible emotive or poetic significance. The manifesto of the group, the Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung der Wiener Kreis, published in 1929, had it that the task of the adherent of the scientific world–outlook was “to clear out of the way the metaphysical and theological debris of the centuries.” A (...)
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    Executive functions and the down-regulation and up-regulation of emotion.Anett Gyurak, Madeleine S. Goodkind, Joel H. Kramer, Bruce L. Miller & Robert W. Levenson - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):103-118.
    This study examined the relationship between individual differences in executive functions (EF; assessed by measures of working memory, Stroop, trail making, and verbal fluency) and ability to down-regulate and up-regulate responses to emotionally evocative film clips. To ensure a wide range of EF, 48 participants with diverse neurodegenerative disorders and 21 older neurologically normal ageing participants were included. Participants were exposed to three different movie clips that were designed to elicit a mix of disgust and amusement. While watching the (...)
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  36.  32
    Human Evolution: Trails From the Past.Camilo J. Cela-Conde & Francisco J. Ayala - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Human Evolution provides a comprehensive overview of hominid evolution, synthesising data and approaches from fields as diverse as physical anthropology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, genetics, archaeology, psychology and philosophy. The book starts with chapters on evolution, population genetics, systematics, and the methods for constructing evolutionary trees. These are followed by a comprehensive review of the fossil history of human evolution since our divergence from the apes. Subsequent chapters cover more recent data, both fossil and molecular, relating to the evolution of (...)
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  37.  16
    The formation of post-classical philosophy in Islam.Frank Griffel - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the far-reaching changes that led to a re-shaping of the philosophical discourse in Islam during the sixth/twelfth century. Whereas earlier Western scholars thought that Islam's engagement with the tradition of Greek philosophy ended during that century, more recent analyses suggest its integration into the genre of rationalist Muslim theology (kalam). This book proposes a third view about the fate of philosophy in Islam. It argues that in addition to this integration, Muslim theologians picked up (...)
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  38.  15
    “Like Nothing I’ve Seen Before”: A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Lived Experience of Competing in a Trail Running Event.Timothy P. Chambers & Jennifer Poidomani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA recent upsurge in nature-based exercise research demonstrates the potential added benefits of exercising in this context compared to more urban ones. Yet there is a lack of qualitative research investigating the lived experiences of those who participate in nature-based exercise events.ObjectiveTo explore the lived experience of individuals who were first-time participants in a nature-based running event.MethodSix participants who completed the Run Forrest trail run for the first time were individually interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were devised, and participants were invited (...)
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    Lessons From the Bad Kids: The Realities of Challenge and Inspiration.Vonda Viland & Deborah Turner - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Picking up before the award-winning documentary The Bad Kids began, Lessons from The Bad Kids will teach us not only to improve our educational system but also how to become better people.
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    The barn dance: somewhere between heaven and earth, there is a place where the magic never ends.James F. Twyman - 2010 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    Once you pick up this amazing book, you won’t want to put it down, and your life will never be the same.
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    Giordano Bruno: law, philosophy, and theology in the early modern era.Massimiliano Traversino (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    This volume includes some of the papers from the second and third instalments of the series Festival Bruniano, held in Geneva in 2015 and in Tours and Wittenberg in 2018, respectively. By picking up the baton from the inaugural edition of 2014 and the two preparatory colloquia that preceded it in 2013, this volume aims to discuss Giordano Bruno's contribution to sixteenth-century ideas by focusing on some theological, moral, and legal-political aspects of his philosophy. Starting from a re-evaluation of (...)
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  42. On the Origin of Afterlife Beliefs by Means of Memetic Selection.Steve Stewart-Williams - 2015 - In Keith Augustine & Michael Martin, The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Somewhere in the mists of the past, we somehow picked up the idea of an afterlife from our culture. So, where did this idea come from in the first place? The problem is not that there aren’t any plausible theories to explain it; the problem is that there are too many. Some claim that the belief in an afterlife is wishful thinking; others that it’s a way of encouraging socially desirable behavior; and others still that it represents ancient people’s best (...)
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  43.  26
    Pragmatics in the False-Belief Task: Let the Robot Ask the Question!Jean Baratgin, Marion Dubois-Sage, Baptiste Jacquet, Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer & Frank Jamet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:593807.
    The poor performances of typically developing children younger than 4 in the first-order false-belief task “Maxi and the chocolate” is analyzed from the perspective of conversational pragmatics. An ambiguous question asked by an adult experimenter (perceived as a teacher) can receive different interpretations based on a search for relevance, by which children according to their age attribute different intentions to the questioner, within the limits of their own meta-cognitive knowledge. The adult experimenter tells the child the following story of object-transfer: (...)
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    Timing the stars: Clocks and complexities of precision in eighteenth-century observatories.Sibylle Gluch - 2024 - History of Science 62 (3):329-365.
    In the eighteenth century, the sciences and their applications adopted a new attitude based on quantification and, increasingly, on a notion of precision. Within this process, instruments played a significant role. However, while new devices such as the micrometer, telescope, and pendulum clock embodied a formerly unknown potential of precision, this could only be realized by defining a set of practices regulating their application and control. The paper picks up the case of pendulum clocks used in eighteenth-century observatories in order (...)
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    Transcription — the extended directions of data histories: a response to M. Bucholtz's 'Variation in Transcription'.Stef Slembrouck - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (6):822-827.
    This response picks up on the four key points developed in `Variation in Transcription'. The focus is on how transcription practices are implicated in extended histories of data processing by arguing for a wider take on the `dyad' of researcher and represented voice. The article addresses the relevance of historically specific contexts of `hearing' and interpretative-analytical appropriation, the practical exigencies of publication and how these have shifted over time, the contemporary challenges posed by transcription-in-translation, as well as the affordances and (...)
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    Notes on the Oresteia.E. R. Dodds - 1953 - Classical Quarterly 3 (1-2):11-.
    This line has been thought corrupt by most editors, though there is no agreement on the remedy. The Herald is plainly asking why the people at home are despondent: picks up the Chorus's phrase . But as Wilamowitz says, ‘ de populo aut senatu Argivorum accipi non potest’: it can only mean the army at Troy, as in lines 538 and 545. The usual inference is that arparw is corrupt.
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  47. A case study from the perspective of medical ethics: refusal of treatment in an ambulance.H. Erbay, S. Alan & S. Kadioglu - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):652-655.
    This paper will examine a sample case encountered by ambulance staff in the context of the basic principles of medical ethics.An accident takes place on an intercity highway. Ambulance staff pick up the injured driver and medical intervention is initiated. The driver suffers from a severe stomach ache, which is also affecting his back. Evaluating the patient, the ambulance doctor suspects that he might be experiencing internal bleeding. For this reason, venous access, in the doctor's opinion, should be achieved and (...)
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    The Buddhist Pramāṇa-Epistemology, Logic, and Language: with Reference to Vasubandhu, Dignāga, and Dharmakīrti.Hari Shankar Prasad - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (1-2):21-52.
    As the title of the present article shows, it highlights the three philosophically integrated areas – (1) pramāṇa-epistemology (theory of comprehensive knowledge involving both perception and inference), (2) logic (although a part of pramāṇa-epistemology, it has two modes, namely, inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning), and (3) language (or semantics, i.e. the double negation theory of meaning, which falls under inference). These are interconnected as well as overlapping within the Buddhist mainstream tradition of the process philosophy as opposed to the substantialist (...)
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    The Role of Haptic Expectations in Reaching to Grasp: From Pantomime to Natural Grasps and Back Again.Robert L. Whitwell, Nathan J. Katz, Melvyn A. Goodale & James T. Enns - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    When we reach to pick up an object, our actions are effortlessly informed by the object’s spatial information, the position of our limbs, stored knowledge of the object’s material properties, and what we want to do with the object. A substantial body of evidence suggests that grasps are under the control of “automatic, unconscious” sensorimotor modules housed in the “dorsal stream” of the posterior parietal cortex. Visual online feedback has a strong effect on the hand’s in-flight grasp aperture. Previous work (...)
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    Modern Physical Philosophy Framework —The Second Use of Cosmic Ontology to Resolve the Contradictions of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity.Samo Liu - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):709-729.
    The previous article “Scientific Cosmological Ontology” discussed that the “theoretical contradictions” between quantum mechanics and relativity may become a joke in the history of human existence. It is believed that human philosophical thinking, from Socrates, Plato, to Aristotle, was a turning point. For more than 2000 years, we have been developing in the direction of material philosophy and material science according to Aristotle, and we have reached the peak of human thinking. Modern physics is a great achievement at this peak. (...)
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