Results for 'philosophy of mind'

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  1. Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind.Daniel C. Dennett - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (7):384-389.
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    Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind.Julia Annas - 1992 - University of California Press.
    "Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind" is an elegant survey of Stoic and Epicurean ideas about the soul an introduction to two ancient schools whose belief in the soul's physicality offer compelling parallels to modern approaches in the ...
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  3. The Bodily Nature of Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Kathleen V. Wider - 1997 - Behavior and Philosophy 25 (2):161-168.
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    Philosophy of Mind.Dale Jacquette - 1994 - Pearson College Division.
    A balanced survey of the most important historical and contemporary topics in the philosophy of mind.
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  5. Philosophy of mind: a beginner's guide.Ian Ravenscroft - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Designed specifically for students with no background knowledge in the subject, this accessible introduction covers all of the basic concepts and major theories in the philosophy of mind. Topics discussed include dualism, behaviorism, the identity theory, functionalism, the computational theory of mind, connectionism, physicalism, mental causation, and consciousness. The text is enhanced by chapter summaries, a glossary, suggestions for further reading, and self-assessment questions.
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    The Philosophy of Mind: The Metaphysics of Consciousness.Dale Jacquette - 2009 - Continuum.
    A clear and accessible introduction to the philosophy of mind, ideal for use on undergraduate courses.
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    Philosophy of Mind.I. Mind-Body Dualism - 1996 - In Eric Tsui-James & Nicholas Bunnin (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 173.
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    Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind.Kenneth Taylor - 1990 - Noûs 24 (1):181-184.
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  9. Philosophy of Mind: A Comprehensive Introduction.William Jaworski - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophy of Mind_ introduces readers to one of the liveliest fields in contemporary philosophy by discussing mind-body problems and the various solutions to them. It provides a detailed yet balanced overview of the entire field that enables readers to jump immediately into current debates. Treats a wide range of mind-body theories and arguments in a fair and balanced way Shows how developments in neuroscience, biology, psychology, and cognitive science have impacted mind-body debates Premise-by-premise arguments for and (...)
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  10. The philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe.Roger Teichmann - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    One of the most important philosophers of recent times, Elizabeth Anscombe wrote books and articles on a wide range of topics, including the ground-breaking monograph Intention. Her work is original, challenging, often difficult, always insightful; but it has frequently been misunderstood, and its overall significance is still not fully appreciated. This book is the first major study of Anscombe's philosophical oeuvre. In it, Roger Teichmann presents Anscombe's main ideas, bringing out their interconnections, elaborating and discussing their implications, pointing out objections (...)
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  11. Reseña del libro "Neuropsychology and Philosophy of mind in process : essays in honor of Jason W. Brown".Pascal Engel - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 135 (3):416.
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    Philosophy of mind, brain and behaviour.Marc Slors - 2015 - Amsterdam: Boom. Edited by Leon de Bruin & Derek Strijbos.
    In 'Philosophy of Mind, Brain and Behaviour' wordt het begrip 'cognitiefilosofie' voor het eerst in Nederland op de kaart gezet als een combinatie van de Angelsaksische en de fenomenologische philosophy of mind. Onderwerpen op het snijvlak van filosofie, sociale en neurowetenschappen komen aan bod, zoals sociale cognitie, persoonlijke identiteit, het lichaam-geestprobleem en theorieën over bewustzijn, emoties en vrije wil. Om een breed academisch publiek te bedienen, verschijnt dit boek in het Engels.00Marc Slors is hoogleraar cognitiefilosofie aan (...)
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    Recent German books in the philosophy of mind.Michael Esfeld - unknown
    Gottschling, Verena : Bilder im Geiste. Die Imagery-Debatte. Paderborn: Mentis. Nida-Rümelin, Martine : Der Blick von Innen. Zur transtemporalen Identität bewusstseinsfähiger Wesen. Frankfurt : Suhrkamp.
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    Philosophy of Mind and Phenomenology: Conceptual and Empirical Approaches.Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Andreas Elpidorou & Walter Hopp (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume identifies and develops how philosophy of mind and phenomenology interact in both conceptual and empirically-informed ways. The objective is to demonstrate that phenomenology, as the first-personal study of the contents and structures of our mentality, can provide us with insights into the understanding of the mind and can complement strictly analytical or empirically informed approaches to the study of the mind. Insofar as phenomenology, as the study or science of phenomena, allows the mind (...)
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    Political philosophy of mind: inverting the concepts, expanding the niche.Sofia Tzima & Jan Slaby - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    This text maps out a territory for political philosophy of mind, with emphasis on habit, affect and an expanded notion of the social niche. We first survey the historical development of classic philosophy of mind towards the articulation of political philosophy of mind and discuss further influences for the field. We then outline commitments to relationality, dynamism, and emergence, to adopt a post-cognitivist view of cognition as embodied and situated, as ongoing dynamic interaction with (...)
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    Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind: With a Memoir of the Author.Thomas Brown, David Welsh & William Tait - 1851 - William Tait, 107, Prince's Street.
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  17. European Review of Philosophy, Volume 1: Philosophy of Mind.Alex Burri & Stephan Furrer - 1994 - Stanford: CSLI Publications.
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  18. Recent Developments in Kant Scholarship: Kant's Philosophy of Mind.Eric Watkins - 1994 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 12.
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  19. How Philosophy of Mind Needs Philosophy of Chemistry.Joseph Earley - 2008 - Hyle 14 (1):1 - 26.
    By the 1960s many, perhaps most, philosophers had adopted 'physicalism' – the view that physical causes fully account for mental activities. However, controversy persists about what counts as 'physical causes'. 'Reductive' physicalists recognize only microphysical (elementary-particle-level) causality. Many, perhaps most, physicalists are 'non-reductive' – they hold that entities considered by other 'special' sciences have causal powers. Philosophy of chemistry can help resolve main issues in philosophy of mind in three ways: developing an extended mereology applicable to chemical (...)
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    Philosophy of Mind.Paul Gilbert & Kathleen Lennon - 1998 - Routledge.
    A welcome introduction to one of the most intellectually demanding areas of the undergraduate philosophy curriculum. The authors provide a clear framework within which students can fit contemporary developments in the Anglo-American tradition which provide the core themes of philosophy of mind and which connect to their other work in epistemology and philosophy of language.
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  21. Philosophy of mind. J. Kim [resenha].Paulo Abrantes - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (2):312-325.
    Review of Kim, Jaegwon. Philosophy of Mind.
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    Philosophy of Mind an Essay in the Metaphysics of Psychology.George Trumbull Ladd - 1895 - Longmans, Green & Co.
    "This book is an essay in the speculative treatment of certain problems, suggested but not usually discussed in the course of a thorough empirical study of mental phenomena. Inasmuch as these problems all relate to the real nature and actual performances and relations of the human mind, the essay may properly be called metaphysical. Let it be confessed, then, that the author comes forward with a treatise in metaphysics--in the more special meaning of that term. I think, however, that (...)
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  23. Philosophy of mind in the early modern and modern ages.Rebecca Copenhaver (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Where is my mind?: locating the mind metaphysically in Hobbes / Amy M. Schmitter -- The Cambridge Platonists: material and immaterial substance / Jasper Reid -- Descartes' philosophy of mind and its early critics / Antonia LoLordo -- Consciousness and reflection: the later Cartesians / Steven Nadler -- Malebranche on mind / Julie Walsh -- Cavendish and Conway on the individual human mind / Karen Detlefsen -- Locke and metaphysics of "state of sensibility" / (...)
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  24. Supervenience, emergence, and realization in the philosophy of mind.Jaegwon Kim - 1997 - In Martin Carrier & Peter Machamer (eds.), Mindscapes: Philosophy, Science, and the Mind. University of Pittsburgh Press.
  25. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings.David John Chalmers (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    What is the mind? Is consciousness a process in the brain? How do our minds represent the world? Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings is a grand tour of writings on these and other perplexing questions about the nature of the mind. The most comprehensive collection of its kind, the book includes sixty-three selections that range from the classical contributions of Descartes to the leading edge of contemporary debates. Extensive sections cover foundational issues, the nature (...)
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    Complementarity of Mind and Body: Realizing the Dream of Descartes, Einstein and Eccles.Richard L. Amoroso (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    The noetic model is the first theory of any kind to explain qualia in physical terms. The formal delineation of the life principle or élan vital explains not only the origin of self-organisation in living systems, providing the basis for the first comprehensive dualist theory, but also is what makes the model empirically testable allowing this volume to make history. The floodgates are about to open to almost unimaginable advances in the field of consciousness studies. This book introduces a comprehensive (...)
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    Broad views of the philosophy of nature: Riemann, herbart, and the “matter of the mind”.Werner Ehm - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (2):141 – 162.
    This paper deals with an attempt of the mathematician Riemann to develop an outstandingly broad view of the philosophy of nature encompassing basic phenomena of both the material and the mental world. Riemann's draft is traced in its main aspects, and is accompanied by a comparison with certain chapters in the philosophical writings of Herbart that were particularly relevant to Riemann's conception of mathematics and science on the whole. This applies, in particluar, to the epistemological background and to Herbart's (...)
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    The peripheral mind: philosophy of mind and the peripheral nervous system.István Aranyosi - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of mind, both in the conceptual analysis tradition and in the empirical informed school, have been implicitly neglecting the potential conceptual role of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in understanding sensory and perceptual states. Instead, the philosophical as well as the neuroscientific literature has been assuming that it is the Central Nervous System (CNS) alone, and more exactly the brain, that should prima facie be taken as conceptually and empirically crucial for a philosophical analysis of such states This (...)
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    Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind.Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne (eds.) - 1994 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Increasingly, the mind is being treated as a fit subject for scientific inquiry. As cognitive science and empirical psychology strive to uncover the mind's secrets, it is fitting to inquire as to what distinctive role is left for philosophy in the study of mind. This collection, which includes contributions by some of the leading scholars in the field, offers a rich variety of perspectives on this issue. Topics addressed include: the place of a priori inquiry in (...)
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    (2 other versions)Hegel's philosophy of mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & William Wallace - 1894 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by William Wallace.
    The present reissue of Wallace's translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind includes the Zusatze or lecture-notes which, in the collected works, accompany the first section entitled Subjective Mind and which Wallace omitted from his translation. Professor J. N. Findlay has written a Foreword and this replaces Wallace's introductory essays.
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    Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: A Contentiously Classical Approach.Georges Rey - 1997 - Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume is an introduction to contemporary debates in the philosophy of mind. In particular, the author focuses on the controversial "eliminativist" and "instrumentalist" attacks - from philosophers such as of Quine, Dennett, and the Churchlands - on our ordinary concept of mind. In so doing, Rey offers an explication and defense of "mental realism", and shows how Fodor's representational theory of mind affords a compelling account of much of our ordinary mental talk of beliefs, hopes, (...)
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  32. (3 other versions)Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction.John Heil (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Perspectives.Steven Gouveia & Manuel Curado (eds.) - 2017 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    The human mind is one of the most extraordinary mysteries of the contemporary sciences and philosophy. We know for sure that we have one, and that we have feelings and conscious experience. But why is that? This anthology addresses contemporary issues in the field of study that is the philosophy of mind. It is divided into five main parts: i) the concept of Self in the contemporary philosophy of mind; ii) sensory experience: odors, vision (...)
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  34. How moral agents became ghosts or why the history of ethics diverged from that of the philosophy of mind.Alasdair Macintyre - 1982 - Synthese 53 (2):295 - 312.
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    Philosophy of mind.Russell J. Jenkins & Walter E. Sullivan (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Nova Publishers.
    In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the philosophy of the mind. Topics discussed in this compilation include the concepts of hope and belief; how consciousness builds the subject through relating and human behaviour; analysing the neurophysiological mechanism of qigong on the mind and brain activity; the conscious and unconscious mind and implications for society, religion, and disease; how the mind is shaped by culture; and the power of computational mathematics (...)
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    Understanding and Experience: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Mind.Anthony Palmer - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (193):333 - 345.
    The ways in which mental concepts can seem problematic are various, and consequently the idea of a coherent body of issues forming one part of philosophy, namely the philosophy of mind, is highly misleading. When Ludwig Wittgenstein and Gilbert Ryle inaugurated the flood of recent writings about the concept of mind there was some similarity, although not identity, in the problems which led them to concentrate their attention on mental concepts. Wittgenstein saw that lack of clarity (...)
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  37. Formal analysis of dynamics within philosophy of mind by computer simulation.Tibor Bosse, Martijn C. Schut & Jan Treur - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):543-555.
    Computer simulations can be useful tools to support philosophers in validating their theories, especially when these theories concern phenomena showing nontrivial dynamics. Such theories are usually informal, whilst for computer simulation a formally described model is needed. In this paper, a methodology is proposed to gradually formalise philosophical theories in terms of logically formalised dynamic properties. One outcome of this process is an executable logic-based temporal specification, which within a dedicated software environment can be used as a simulation model to (...)
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    Analytic philosophy of mind yesterday, today and tomorrow.Jacek Jarocki - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 68:39-50.
    In the article, I present changes that analytic philosophy of mind underwent throughout the twentieth century, as well as consequences these transformations have for the latest debates. I argue that over the past century, the analytical movement abandoned its anti-metaphysical stance and accepted materialism that supposed to respect main assumptions of the early program of analysis. However, by the end of the last century, materialism found itself in a crisis, and attempts to resolve it led to significant changes (...)
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  39. Virtue Narrative, and Self: Explorations of Character in the Philosophy of Mind and Action.Nellie Wieland (ed.) - 2021
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  40. Why I am not a Turing machine: Godel's theorem and the philosophy of mind.Thomas Tymoczko - 1990 - In Jay L. Garfield (ed.), Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings. New York: Paragon House.
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    Thinking and Perceiving: A Study in the Philosophy of mind.H. S. Eveling - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (55):177-178.
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  42. Philosophy of Mind.Kate Finley - forthcoming - In T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Christian Theology.
    Philosophy of mind addresses a broad range of topics about the human mind including its role in personhood and in our ability to experience and understand the world. Christianity maintains that God is intimately involved in both of these things. I will address some of the theological implications of philosophical work on personhood; as well as some of the ways in which philosophy can help address theological questions about our connection with God. Though these are especially (...)
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  43. Die zentrale Funktion von Sellars' Zwei-Komponenten-Konzeption fur die Argumente in,,Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind".R. B. Brandom - 2000 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (4):599-614.
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    Philosophy of Mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2015 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Does the Philosophy of Art Have a Mind/Body Problem?Christopher Perricone - 2004 - Philosophy Now 46:23-26.
  46. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mind.Jerome A. Shaffer - 1964 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  47. Philosophy of Mind: An Overview for Cognitive Science.William Bechtel - 1988 - Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
    Specifically designed to make the philosophy of mind intelligible to those not trained in philosophy, this book provides a concise overview for students and researchers in the cognitive sciences. Emphasizing the relevance of philosophical work to investigations in other cognitive sciences, this unique text examines such issues as the meaning of language, the mind-body problem, the functionalist theories of cognition, and intentionality. As he explores the philosophical issues, Bechtel draws connections between philosophical views and theoretical and (...)
  48. Philosophy of Mind and Cognition: An Introduction.David Braddon-Mitchell & Frank Jackson - 1996 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Frank Jackson.
    David Braddon-Mitchell and Frank Jackson’s popular introduction to philosophy of mind and cognition is now available in a fully revised and updated edition. Ensures that the most recent developments in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science are brought together into a coherent, accessible whole. Revisions respond to feedback from students and teachers and make the volume even more useful for courses. New material includes: a section on Descartes’ famous objection to materialism; extended treatment of connectionism; (...)
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    Panpsychism: A Meta-View in the Philosophy of Mind.Artur Kosecki - 2024 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (3):278-308.
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    Knowledge and meaning in the philosophy of mind.B. A. O. Williams - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (2):216-228.
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