Results for 'philosophical schools'

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  1. (6 other versions)Editorial: Philosophical Schools.Sven Ove Hansson - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Philosophic Schools in Hellenistic and Roman Times.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 413–429.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Brief History of Philosophical Schools in Antiquity Life in the Schools Specific Characteristics of Philosophy in the Hellenistic Schools Bibliography.
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  3. The Examined Run: Why Good People Make Better Runners.Philosophical Shawn E. Klein School of Historical - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport:1-5.
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    Philosophical Schools.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Theoria 72 (1):1-4.
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    Philosophic Schools in Hellenistic and Roman Times.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 415-429.
    This is a survey of the history, organization and activities of hellenistic and roman philosophical schools, followed by a study of the way in which these schools shaped the notion and practice of philosophy during this period.
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    James Sully’s psychological reduction of philosophical pessimism.Communication Patrick Hassan School of English - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):1097-1120.
    One of the greatest philosophical disputes in Germany in the latter half of the nineteenth century concerned the value of life. Following Arthur Schopenhauer, numerous philosophers sought to defend the provocative view that life is not worth living. A persistent objection to pessimism is that it is not really a philosophical theory at all, but rather a psychological state; a mood or disposition which is the product of socio-economic circumstance. A developed and influential version of this view was (...)
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    Partnership of Philosophical Schools of Belarus and Russia and Its Contribution to Development of the Scientific Potential of the Eastern European Region.Михаил Борисович Завадский - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):153-159.
    The summary reveals various areas of Belarusian-Russian collaboration in philosophy: problems of the methodology of scientific knowledge, transdisciplinary synthesis of philosophy and science, philosophical foundations of physics, scientific realism, theory of harmony and self-organization of complex systems, modern epistemological theories, the sociocultural foundations, risks, and prospects of the digital society, human problems in the context of convergent technologies, anthropological foundations of intercultural communication, the world heritage of philosophical thought, the reception of Russian philosophy in the Belarusian intellectual tradition. (...)
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    Patterns of wisdom in Safavid Iran: the philosophical school of Isfahan and the gnostic of Shiraz.Janis Esots - 2021 - New York, NY: I. B. Tauris in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies.
    The exceptional intellectual richness of seventeenth-century Safavid Iran is epitomised by the philosophical school of Isfahan, and in particular by its ostensible founder, Mir Damad (d. 1631), and his great student Mulla Sadra (aka Sadr al-Din Shirazi, d. 1636). Equally important to the school is the apophatic wisdom of Rajab 'Ali Tabrizi that followed later (d. 1669/70). However, despite these philosophers' renown, the identification of the 'philosophical school of Isfahan' was only proposed in 1956, by the celebrated French (...)
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    Reconstructing Lakatos: A Reassessment of Lakatos' Philosophical Project and Debates with Feyerabend in Light of the Lakatos Archive.Matteo Motterlini & London School of Economics and Political Science - 2001 - [Lse].
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  10. The Truth about Śrīgupta’s Two Truths: Longchenpa’s 'Lower Svātantrikas' and the Making of a New Philosophical School.Allison Aitken - 2021 - Journal of South Asian Intellectual History 3 (2):185–225.
    Longchen Rabjampa (1308–64), scholar of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma tradition, presents a novel doxographical taxonomy of the so-called Svātantrika branch of Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, designating the Indian Mādhyamika Śrīgupta (c. 7th/8th century) as the exemplar of a Svātantrika sub-school which maintains that appearance and emptiness are metaphysically distinct. This paper compares Longchenpa’s characterization of this “distinct-appearance-and-emptiness” view with Śrīgupta’s own account of the two truths. I expose a significant disconnect between Longchenpa’s Śrīgupta and Śrīgupta himself and argue that the impetus (...)
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    Soviet ukraine philosophy of the second half of the 20th century in the assessments of western philosophers of the time: Image of the kyiv philosophical school of the second half of the 1960s – 1980s. [REVIEW]Heorhii Vdovychenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (8):14-24.
    The article continues to study the topic of the uprising of the image of the Kyiv philosophical school as a prominent leading Ukrainian participant in the world philosophical process of the Cold War period in the scientific and socio-political thought of the Western block, especially in the USA, Canada and Western Germany, in the second half of the twentieth century. The history of the formation of this image by scholars of the democratic world, mainly from the Ukrainian diaspora, (...)
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    Quine, Goodman, Putnam: the Harvard Philosophical School.Anna Laktionova - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (1):30-42.
    The article offers formal and doctrinal reasons that prove the existence of the “Harvard Philosophical School” as a real historico-philosophical phenomenon. The author includes Willard Van Orman Quine, Nelson Goodman, and Hilary Putnam in this school. The aim of this article is to compare the conceptualism, relativism and anti-realism of Quine, Goodman and Pantem, on the basis of pragmatic tendencies in their philosophical studies. Formal reasons: all these philosophers were professors at Harvard University; in addition, Quine was (...)
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  13. A Golden Age in Science and Letters: The Lwów–Warsaw Philosophical School, 1895–1939.Peter Simons - unknown
    The University of Warsaw has a splendid modern library with 60,000 m 2 of floor space. It resembles a shopping centre. The long and elegant modern building on ulica Dobra, on the low ground between the old University and the Vistula, was opened in 1998 replacing the previous hopelessly inadequate facilities. It has an imposing sequence of copper-green “great texts” on its front side in Greek, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Latin, Polish, music, and mathematics. These are international symbols, posting Warsaw’s claim (...)
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  14. Philosophy and power: proceedings of the International Summer Philosophical School, Varna, 29.06-02.07.1992.Tatiana Batoulev, Vasil Prodanov & Angel Stefanov (eds.) - 1992 - [Varna, Bulgaria]: Institute of Philosophical Sciences, Ministry of Education and Science.
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    Schooling, Community of Philosophical Inquiry and a New Sensibility.David K. Kennedy - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-21.
    This paper seeks to reconstruct the role of schooling in a moment of accelerated social, political, economic, geo-political, climatic, indeed planetary crisis. It identifies the school as a potentially prefigurative institution, an evolutionary social frontier, capable of nurturing the democratic social character, a form of sensibility apart from which authentic political democracy is not possible. As theorized by Herbert Marcuse and Richard Hart and Antonio Negri, the “new sensibility” or “multitude” is characterized by greater psychological freedom, individuality, social creativity and (...)
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  16. Cicero's Philosophical Affiliations Cicero and the Philosophical Schools of His Age.John Glucker - 1980 - University of California Press.
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    Philosophers of Nothingness. An Essay on the Kyoto School. James W. Heisig.Matteo Cestari - 2002 - Buddhist Studies Review 19 (2):215-218.
    Philosophers of Nothingness. An Essay on the Kyoto School. James W. Heisig., The University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu 2001. xi, 380 pp. ISBN 0-8248-2480-6; 0-8248-2481-4.
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    Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School.James W. Heisig - 2001 - University of Hawaii Press.
    The past twenty years have seen the publication of numerous translations and commentaries on the principal philosophers of the Kyoto School, but so far no general overview and evaluation of their thought has been available, either in Japanese or in Western languages. James Heisig, a longstanding participant in these efforts, has filled that gap with Philosophers of Nothingness. In this extensive study, the ideas of Nishida Kitaro, Tanabe Hajime, and Nishitani Keiji are presented both as a consistent school of thought (...)
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  19. Constant ‘physicality – agonistic’ base of human existence and its cultural derivations and inversions.Kaye Academic College of Education Felix Lebed The School of Advanced Studies & Israel Beer-Sheba - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-17.
    In this article, I examine the inversion of essential cultural values, such as physical perfection and the sports spirit, in 20th-century Europe. Periods emerged when physical perfection, once celebrated, morphed into tools for eugenics, racial theories, and ideological segregation. Similarly, the sports spirit became entangled in political and ideological conflicts. I approach this through the Marxist lens of ‘base—superstructure’ relations, focusing on the biological ‘base’, often misinterpreted through social Darwinism. This base is not subject to dialectical changes, does not develop (...)
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    Intentional identity revisited.Ahti Pietarinen A. School of Cognitive, Computing Sciences, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH & Uk - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):147-188.
    The problem of intentional identity, as originally offered by Peter Geach, says that there can be an anaphoric link between an indefinite term and a pronoun across a sentential boundary and across propositional attitude contexts, where the actual existence of an individual for the indefinite term is not presupposed. In this paper, a semantic resolution to this elusive puzzle is suggested, based on a new quantified intensional logic and game-theoretic semantics (GTS) of imperfect information. This constellation leads to an expressive (...)
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    Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School, and: A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge (review).Amos Yong - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):271-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School, and: A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World BridgeAmos YongPhilosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School. By James W. Heisig. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. xi + 380 pp.A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge. By John Raymaker. Lanham, (...)
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    Why philosophical ethics in school: implications for education in technology and in general.Viktor Gardelli, Eva Alerby & Anders J. Persson - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):16-28.
    In this article, we distinguish between three approaches to ethics in school, each giving an interpretation of the expression ‘ethics in school’: the descriptive facts about ethics approach, roughly consisting of teaching empirical facts about moral matters to students; the moral fostering approach, consisting of mediating a set of given values to students; and the philosophical ethics (PE) approach, consisting of critically discussing and evaluating moral issues with students. Thereafter, three influential arguments for why there ought to be ethics (...)
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    Philosophical Polemics, School Reform, and Nation-Building in Uruguay: Reforma Vareliana and Batllismo from a Transnational Perspective.R. Hentschke Jens - 2016 - Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
    This monograph revisits Uruguay’s remarkable transformation from a volatile product of ‘balkanisation’ in the River Plate area into Latin America’s first welfare-state democracy, associated with President José Batlle y Ordóñez (1903–7, 1911–15). Central to the country’s belated polity formation and nation-building was its school reform. The author investigates this, for the first time, from its start in 1868 under José Pedro Varela to the end of Batlle’s second term and argues that continuities in change prevailed over the alleged rupture of (...)
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    Time and Determinism in the Hellenistic Philosophical Schools.Michael J. White - 1983 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 65 (1):40-62.
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    Two sorts of philosophical therapy: Ordinary language philosophy, social criticism and the Frankfurt school.Tom Whyman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In a recent article, Fabian Freyenhagen argues that we should understand first-generation Frankfurt School critical theory (in particular, the work of Adorno and Horkheimer) as being defined by a kind of ‘linguistic turn’ analogous to one present in the later Wittgenstein. Here, I elaborate on this hypothesis – initially by calling it into question, by detailing Herbert Marcuse’s extensive criticisms of Wittgenstein (and other analytic philosophers of language) in One-Dimensional Man. While Marcuse is harshly critical of analytic ordinary language philosophy, (...)
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  26. Benefits of Collaborative Philosophical Inquiry in Schools.Stephan Millett & Alan Tapper - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):546-567.
    In the past decade well-designed research studies have shown that the practice of collaborative philosophical inquiry in schools can have marked cognitive and social benefits. Student academic performance improves, and so too does the social dimension of schooling. These findings are timely, as many countries in Asia and the Pacific are now contemplating introducing Philosophy into their curricula. This paper gives a brief history of collaborative philosophical inquiry before surveying the evidence as to its effectiveness. The evidence (...)
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    Philosophers in Schools: An assessment of the ongoing partnership between The Philosophy Foundation and King’s College London’s Philosophy Department.Henrik Røed Sherling & Emma Swinn - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (2).
    In this paper, we pause to assess a long-standing and ongoing outreach programme by King’s College London and The Philosophy Foundation. In it, philosophy students at university are recruited and trained to facilitate philosophy sessions for pupils who go to schools with high rates of free school meals. This paper describes every stage of that programme, from the recruitment and training of students to the difficulties that can accrue along the way. It also argues that the programme has a (...)
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    Philosophical history in the revolutionary school curriculum: Claude-François-Xavier Millot's Élémens d’histoire générale.Matthias Meirlaen - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (3):302-310.
    At the end of the eighteenth century, the new revolutionary authorities in France made history one of the most important school subjects in their central schools. In order to teach this subject, the revolutionaries prescribed all teachers to use Claude-François-Xavier Millot's Élémens d’histoire générale (1772-1773). In this article, the characteristics that molded the narrative of this textbook will be analyzed. What form did the composition of this book, especially recommended because of its ‘philosophical plan’, take? How did its (...)
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  29. Non-Idealised Virtue Epistemology as Particularist Virtue Theory.Communication Alessandra Tanesini School of English - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-23.
    Is traditional virtue epistemology a kind of idealised epistemology? Is that a bad thing? Some supporters of the virtue epistemology of liberatory virtues seem to answer these questions affirmatively. H. Battaly also argues that to avoid idealization virtue epistemologists should adopt a kind of normative contextualism according to which one and the same character trait is a virtue in some contexts, and a vice (or at least not a virtue) in other contexts. In this paper, I defend traditional virtue epistemology (...)
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    Philosophical issues in the English School of international relations.Ian Hall & Mark Bevir - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (2):242-250.
    This article responds to Charlotta Friedner Parrat’s critique of our argument that the English School of international relations should embrace a more thoroughgoing interpretivism. We address four of Friedner Parrat’s objections to our argument: that our distinction between structuralism and interpretivism is too stark; that our understanding of the relationship between agency and structure is problematic; that our approach would confine the English School to the study of intellectual history; and that the English School should eschew explanation. We argue that (...)
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  31. Challenges Facing Philosophy in United Europe: Proceedings, 23rd Session, Varna International Philosophical School, June, 3rd-6th, 2004.Sonya Kaneva (ed.) - 2004 - Iphr-Bas.
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    Philosophical Questions about Teaching Philosophy: What's at Stake in High School Philosophy Education?Trevor Norris - unknown
    What is at stake in high school philosophy education, and why? Why is it a good idea to teach philosophy at this level? This essay seeks to address some issues that arose in revising the Ontario grade 12 philosophy curriculum documents, significant insights from philosophy teacher education, and some early results of recent research funded by the federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada. These three topics include curricular disputes, stories of transformation from philosophy student to philosophy teacher, (...)
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    The Frankfurt School and Chinese Marxist Philosophical Reflections Since the 1980s.Kang Liu - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (3-4):563-582.
    Since 1980s, the Frankfurt School's critique of Culture Industry has provided powerful ammunitions for Chinese intellectuals to reject rising consumer popular culture. In recent years, Chinese academics began to study the Frankfurt School's critique of capitalist modernity from more theoretical perspectives, attempting to set Chinese problems of modernity and its legitimacy against the Frankfurt School's theorization. However, Chinese intellectuals’ diverse responses to the Frankfurt School have largely remained at the level of academic inquiries rather than seriously engaging in practically seeking (...)
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    The human body composition in statics and dynamics: Āyurveda and the philosophical schools of vaiśesika and sāmkhya. [REVIEW]Viktoria Lyssenko - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (1):31-56.
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    Report from the philosophical workshop organized by The Lvov–Warsaw School Research Center and Kazimierz Twardowski Philosophical Society of Lviv.Ewelina Grądzka - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 71:131-152.
    Between 11–14 February 2021 the first international Philosophical Workshop organized by The Lvov–Warsaw School Research Center and Kazimierz Twardowski Philosophical Society of Lviv took place in the on–line version due to the ongoing COVID–19 pandemic. The working languages of the event were Polish, Ukrainian and English. The coordinators’ goal was to refer to the tradition of seminar of Kazimierz Twardowski, who was not only a distinguished philosopher but also a great educator, to stimulate interest and support for the (...)
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  36. Keynote Address a Conference: In the Company of Animals.Stephen Jay Gould, Jonathan F. Fanton, N. New School for Social Research York & Betelgeuse Productions - 1995 - Bëtelgeuse Productions.
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    The Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions of Parent Initiated Schools.Raymond Belliotti - 1981 - Journal of Social Philosophy 12 (3):3-7.
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    English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy.George H. Sabine - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):687.
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  39. Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a Discursive Structure, and its Role in School Curriculum Design.Nadia Kennedy & David Kennedy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):265-283.
    This article traces the development of the theory and practice of what is known as ‘community of inquiry’ as an ideal of classroom praxis. The concept has ancient and uncertain origins, but was seized upon as a form of pedagogy by the originators of the Philosophy for Children program in the 1970s. Its location at the intersection of the discourses of argumentation theory, communications theory, semiotics, systems theory, dialogue theory, learning theory and group psychodynamics makes of it a rich site (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Moral and Civic Education: Shaping Citizens and Their Schools.Colin Macleod & Christine Tappolet (eds.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    Many people place great stock in the importance of civic virtue to the success of democratic communities. Is this hope well-grounded? The fundamental question is whether it is even possible to cultivate ethical and civic virtues in the first place. Taking for granted that it is possible, at least three further questions arise: What are the key elements of civic virtue? How should we cultivate these virtuous dispositions? And finally, how should schools be organized in order to make the (...)
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  41. Schooling the new sensibility : communal philosophical dialogue, play, and social democracy.David Kennedy - 2021 - In Alice Koubová & Petr Urban (eds.), Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  42. English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy.Andrew Seth - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (4):23-23.
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    Why Philosophers Should Involve Themselves with Teaching Reasoning in the Schools.Anita Silvers - 1985 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 6 (2):25-26.
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  44. Philosophical Counseling and Teaching: Discussion of Using the Dialogical Approach with African-American High School Students.Maria daVenza Tillmanns - 2001 - In Trevor Curnow (ed.), Thinking Through Dialogue. Surry: Practical Philosophy Press.
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  45. A School of Mind Philosopher in Ming China: Nie Bao’s Formative Political Career and Intellectual Trajectory, 1487-1548.George L. Israel - 2021 - In 第二十一届明史國際學術研討會 論文匯編 Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference of the Chinese Ming History Society. pp. 204-239.
    Nie Bao 聶豹 (1487-1563) was a Neo-Confucian philosopher and scholar-official of sixteenth-century Ming China. In his Ming ru xue an 明儒學案 (Case studies of Ming Confucians), Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲placed him in the Jiangxi (Jiangyou 江右) group of Wang Yangming followers. The goal of this article is to provide a sketch of Nie Bao’s political trajectory and intellectual development from his early years until he was imprisoned in 1547, as well as translation of important documents pertaining to that trajectory and development. (...)
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    Philosophical Thoughts and Reality Percetions of the Toege School.Sangik Lee - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 32:7-41.
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    Parents’ Philosophical Community: When Parents Go to School!Maria Papathanasiou - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-28.
    Research seems to be explicit on children’s benefit from parent’s participation in their schooling. The ways, though, parents can be involved are not yet apparent. A variety of educational strategies and programs are being tested globally in order to enhance the collaboration of the school with the family. Through Action Research, the effectiveness of an initiative of cooperation with the parents in a kindergarten school in Athens has been explored, during the School Years 2014-15 and 2015-16. The successful engagement of (...)
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  48. (1 other version)English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy.James Seth - 1913 - Mind 22 (85):120-122.
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    English philosophers and schools of philosophy.James Seth - 1912 - [New York,: AMS Press.
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    Philosophical Practices in Japan from School to Business Consultancy.Yosuke Horikoshi ) - 2020 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 10:5-34.
    This article aims to introduce the recent movements regarding philosophical practice in Japan. In order to understand them in a better way, the historical development and background of philosophical practice shall be shown briefly in the first part. In the second part, three cases of relatively popular philosophical practices in Japan, that is, philosophy cafe, philosophy for/with children and philosophical consulting in the business settings are described as successful practices.
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