Results for 'paleography'

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  1. Paleography and Codicology.Ralph W. Mathiesen - 2008 - In Susan Ashbrook Harvey & David G. Hunter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press.
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  2. (1 other version)Paléographie et codicologie: troisième colloque, consacré aux zones périphériques de l'empire.A. Touwaide - 1993 - Byzantion 63:443-445.
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    Géographie, paléographie et philologie.Denis Rousset - 2019 - Kernos 32:237-240.
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  4. Lexicographie philosophique et paléographie: à propos d'ORDRE dans la "Profession de foi du Vicaire Savoyard".AndrÉ Robinet - 1978 - Studi Filosofici 1:39.
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    Paléographie des Classiques Latins, collection de Facsimilés, publiée par Émile Chatelain. Paris: Hachette. 1884–1887 (5 livraisons; 15 francs each.). [REVIEW]E. Maunde Thompson - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (08):230-231.
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    De la trace hétérodoxe. Paléographie et histoire de l'hétérodoxie dans les travaux de Roger Gryson sur les scolies ariennes du concile d'Aquilée.Albert D'Haenens - 1981 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 12 (2):212-228.
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    Les études de paléographie des écritures livresques arabes: quelques observations.François Déroche - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):365-382.
    En 1898, Francisco Codera hacía un severo examen crítico del estado de la paleografía de la escritura árabe libresca, proponiendo no obstante los medios necesarios para hacer avanzar esta disciplina. Un siglo después, los progresos realizados parecen ser escasos. ¿A qué puede deberse esta situación? Diríase que la propia historia de la paleografía puede explicar las dificultades a que se ha enfrentado. Para el futuro, una gran parte del programa esbozado en 1898 sigue estando de actualidad. Conviene, asimismo, iniciar una (...)
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    Among Digitized Manuscripts: Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World. By L. W. C. van Lit.Joel Kalvesmaki - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    Among Digitized Manuscripts: Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World. By L. W. C. van Lit. Handbook of Oriental Studies, I, vol. 137. Leiden: Brill, 2020. Pp. xi + 333. $150, €125, open access:
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    (P.) Canart Études de paléographie grecque et de codicologie. In two volumes. (Studi e Testi 450–451). Pp. xxviii + 748, vi + 660. Rome: Vatican City, 2008 Cased, €200. ISBN: 978-88-210-0843-. [REVIEW]N. G. Wilson - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):641.
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    A chapter in the Byzantine paleography of accountancy: The fractions in the Book of Ceremonies.Constantin Zuckerman - 2018 - Millennium 15 (1):145-155.
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    Some French Books on Palaeography - Fac-similés des Manuscrits Grecs datés de la Bibliothèque Nationale du ix e au xiv e siècle. Par Henri Omont. Paris. Ernest Leroux, 1890—1891. 60 francs- Fac-similés des Manuscrits Grecs des xi e et xvi e siècles d'après les Originaux de la Bibliothique Nationals. Par Henri Omont. Paris. A. Picard, 1887. 12 fr. 50 c. - Manuel de Paléographie Latine et Française du vi e au xvii e siècle. Par Maurice Prou. Paris. A. Picard, 1890. 12 francs[REVIEW]E. Maunde Thompson - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (06):261-263.
    Fac-similés des Manuscrits Grecs datés de la Bibliothèque Nationale du ixe au xive siècle. Par Henri Omont. Paris. Ernest Leroux, 1890—1891. 60 francsFac-similés des Manuscrits Grecs des xie et xvie siècles d'après les Originaux de la Bibliothique Nationals. Par Henri Omont. Paris. A. Picard, 1887. 12fr. 50 c.Manuel de Paléographie Latine et Française du vie au xviie siècle. Par Maurice Prou. Paris. A. Picard, 1890. 12 francs.
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    Manuel des Études grecques et latines. ParL. Laurand. Fascicule VII.: Métrique, Sciences complémentaires (Critique des textes, Paléographie, Épigraphie, Numismatique, Histoire de la Philologie, Bibliographic, Le Travail philologique): 4 e édition, revue et corrigée. Appendices II.-IV.: L'Art oratoire des anciens, L'Enseignement du grec et du latin, Lectures de litterature grecque et latine. Appendice V.: Petit atlas pratique d'histoire grecque et romaine. Paris: Auguste Picard, 1929. [REVIEW] E. Harrison - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (2):91-92.
    Manuel des Études grecques et latines. ParL. Laurand. Fascicule VII.: Métrique, Sciences complémentaires (Critique des textes, Paléographie, Épigraphie, Numismatique, Histoire de la Philologie, Bibliographic, Le Travail philologique): 4e édition, revue et corrigée. Appendices II.-IV.: L'Art oratoire des anciens, L'Enseignement du grec et du latin, Lectures de litterature grecque et latine. Appendice V.: Petit atlas pratique d'histoire grecque et romaine. Paris: Auguste Picard, 1929. - Volume 45 Issue 2.
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    Latin Inscriptions - (1) Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon: Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions. Part i: Rome and the Neighbourhood, Augustus to Nerva. Text: pp. 160. Plates: 67 in separate portfolio. Berkeley: University of California Press (London: Cambridge University Press), 1958. Cloth, £5. 12 s. 6 d.- (2)Contributions to the Paleography of Latin Inscriptions. Pp. xiii + 178; 8 plates, 36 figs. (Publ. in Classical Philology, Vol. 3, No. 3.) Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957. Paper, $4.50. [REVIEW]J. M. Reynolds - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (1):64-66.
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    Michael E. Stone, Dickran Kouymjian, and Henning Lehmann, Album of Armenian Paleography. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2002. Pp. 554; many black-and-white and color figures and tables. [REVIEW]James R. Russell - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):278-279.
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    Adriano Cappelli, The Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography. Trans. David Heimann and Richard Kay. (University of Kansas Publications, Library Series, 47.) Lawrence, Kans.: University of Kansas Libraries, 1982. Paper. Pp. iv, 52. $4.50. [REVIEW]R. J. Tarrant - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):494-494.
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    Alain Blanchard: Sigles et abréviations dans les papyrus documentaires grecs: Recherche de paléographie. (B.I.C.S. Supplement 30.) Pp. xii + 59; 6 plates. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1974. Paper, £3. [REVIEW]J. David Thomas - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (01):148-.
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    Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated to Angus C. Graham.Henry Rosemont - 1991 - del-Eastern Philosophy.
    This work, edited by Henry Rosemount, Jr, is Volume I in the series of "Critics and Their Critics". Angus C. Graham is the leading translator and interpreter of Chinese philosophical texts; he has written philosophical works of his own, he has written at length and in detail on early Chinese grammar and philology, he has translated Chinese poetry, and he has published some of his own poetry. Graham's polymathic achievement explains the polygenous nature of his collection, which has some essays (...)
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    Hilfe für die digitale Hilfswissenschaft.Markus Krajewski - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (1):71-81.
    In den letzten zehn Jahren sind die digitalen Geisteswissenschaften von einem Randphänomen zu einem der sichtbareren Felder kultur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung geworden. Dieser Erfolg ist von Kritik begleitet und Fotis Jannidis identifiziert drei Topoi der Kritik an den Digital Humanities, die oft vorgebracht und wiederholt werden: 1. ›Das wussten wir schon vorher‹ 2. ›Die Themen der Digital Humanities sind veraltet‹ 3. Es handle sich bei den Digital Humanities um eine neue Form des Positivismus, der geisteswissenschaftliche Gegenstände nicht adäquat beschreibt. Diese (...)
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    Virginia Brown 1940–2009.Marcia Colish - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (1):161-162.
    Obituary for Virginia Brown, Professor of Paleography at the University of Toronto; Senior Fellow Emerita of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto; and member of the editorial board of the Journal of the History of Ideas.
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  20. Narrative, Interpretation, and Plagiarism in Mr. Robertson's 1778 History of Ancient Greece.Giovanna Ceserani - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):413-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative, Interpretation, and Plagiarism in Mr. Robertson's 1778 History of Ancient GreeceGiovanna CeseraniDays after the successful debut of his History of Scotland in 1759, Dr. William Robertson was busy consulting his friends about what project to undertake next. David Hume solicitously responded by expressing doubts about two of the possible topics—the age of Pope Leo Xth and the Emperor Charles Vth. The first would be difficult because it would (...)
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    Digitale Geisteswissenschaften: Offene Fragen - schöne Aussichten.Fotis Jannidis - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (1):63-70.
    In den letzten zehn Jahren sind die digitalen Geisteswissenschaften von einem Randphänomen zu einem der sichtbareren Felder kultur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung geworden. Dieser Erfolg ist von Kritik begleitet und Fotis Jannidis identifiziert drei Topoi der Kritik an den Digital Humanities, die oft vorgebracht und wiederholt werden: 1. ›Das wussten wir schon vorher‹ 2. ›Die Themen der Digital Humanities sind veraltet‹ 3. Es handle sich bei den Digital Humanities um eine neue Form des Positivismus, der geisteswissenschaftliche Gegenstände nicht adäquat beschreibt. Diese (...)
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    A New Fragment of Sophocles and Its Schedographic Context.John J. Keaney - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):173-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Fragment of Sophocles and its Schedographic ContextJohn J. KeaneyThe General ContextA popular medium of elementary Byzantine education in grammar and orthography was the genre known as.1 The genre is represented by a (larger or smaller) collection of (brief passages of prose [most frequently] or verse). The individual words of the text are accompanied by a fourfold analysis: (1) interlinear glosses;2 (2 and 3) grammatical and etymological/derivational analysis (...)
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    Latin Palaeography and Codicology in Romania.Adrian Papahagi & Adinel-Ciprian Dincă - 2007 - Chôra 5:159-186.
    Le présent travail se veut avant tout une introduction bibliographique à l'étude de la codicologie et de la paléographie latine en Roumanie. Les quelques 150 études et volumes qui y sont recensés et commentés donnent un tableau des directions d'étude prises par les chercheurs roumains dans ces domaines. Dansl'introduction, les auteurs proposent une évaluation de la recherche paléographique et codicologique roumaine du XXᵉ siècle, tout en suggérant de nouvelles voies à explorer. Dans ce sens, la priorité devrait être donnée à (...)
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    On Editing Medical Fragments from the Cairo Geniza.Gerrit Bos - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (4):709.
    A reliable edition of medical fragments in Hebrew and/or Arabic script from the Cairo Geniza, especially those dealing with pharmacology, can only be accomplished if the editors are trained in medieval Judeo-Arabic, Arabic philology, and paleography and have a thorough knowledge of all the secondary sources and studies. Allowing too many faulty readings otherwise, editions of these fragments cannot be considered credible.
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    Les Israélites de Délos et la juiverie délienne.Philippe Bruneau & Pierre Bordreuil - 1982 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 106 (1):465-504.
    Deux inscriptions découvertes à une centaine de mètres de la Synagogue font connaître des oί εν Δήλω Ίσραηλΐται οί άπαρχόμενοι είς ιερόν άγιον Άργαριζείν. Il s'agit de Samaritains comme l'indiquent la déclaration d'appartenance au Garizim et le nom d'Israëlites. Ces inscriptions ont la double utilité de révéler une nouvelle communauté étrangère à Délos et d'enrichir le dossier, encore très maigre, de la diaspora samaritaine. La date des inscriptions, fondée sur la seule paléographie, reste imprécise : la plus ancienne doit remonter (...)
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    Li Ling: At Home in Homelessness: Editors' Introduction.Bruce Doar & Carine Defoort - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 42 (1-2):3-11.
    The last winter issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought about Li Ling's controversial understanding of Confucius as a "homeless dog" ended with a remark that he himself is in many ways homeless in the academic world. Not only does his own love for Chinese culture clash with the pious proponents of the traditional cultural heritage, but in many other ways, he also lingers in the unhomely gray zones of academia. Simultaneously very much at home—but always on the frontier—in a variety of (...)
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    Philology, linguistics, and the discourse of the medieval text.Suzanne Fleischman - 1990 - Speculum 65 (1):19-37.
    Philology, as Stephen Nichols suggests in his introductory remarks, has come to be equated in the minds of many with a dessicated and dogmatic textual praxis which, through the minutious methodologies of paleography, historical grammar, and the textual criticism of “Monsieur Procuste, Philologue,” has reduced medieval literary “monuments” to the status of “documents.” The Oxford Roland, in my initial philological encounter with it, was alternately a subtext for deciphering sound laws or a node in a tree diagram mapping the (...)
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    An Uncollated MS of Juvenal.C. E. Stuart - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (01):1-.
    A Page of this MS, which however I discovered independently, is reproduced by M. Chatelain in his Paléographie des Classiques Latins, and for an account of the codex I refer to vol. ii. p. 11 of that work. The volume consists of four parts: Juvenal, ff. 1–47; Persius, ff. 48–59; Horace, ff. 60–93; Juvenal, ff. 94–113. This last part contains Sat. i. 1–ii. 66, iii. 32–vi. 437, i.e. two intermediate leaves, the two outside double leaves of the first quire of (...)
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    READ for Solving Manuscript Riddles: A Preliminary Study of the Manuscripts of the 3rd ṣaṭka of the Jayadrathayāmala.Olga Https://Orcidorg Serbaeva & Stephen White - 2021 - In .
    This is a part of an in-depth study of a set of the manuscripts related to the Jayadrathayāmala. Taking JY.3.9 as a test-chapter, a comparative paleography analysis of the 11 manuscripts was made within READ software framework. The workflow within READ minimized the effort to make a few important discoveries (manuscripts containing more than one script, identification of the manuscripts potentially written by the same person) as well as to create an overview of the shift from Nāgarī to Newārī (...)
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    Simplex Ordo.George Thomson - 1965 - Classical Quarterly 15 (2):161-175.
    As a student at Cambridge forty years ago I received a good training in the language and literature of classical Greece, and had the good fortune to study paleography under the late E. H. Minns. For all this I am deeply grateful. But I had no training in Byzantine Greek. It was only later, and more or less by accident, that I discovered Byzantine and Modern Greek. It is not my intention to discuss the wider aspects of this question (...)
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  31. What is it like to write philosophy?Matthew W. Parker - 2016 - Lse Philosophy Blog:1-1.
    With essay deadlines looming for many of our students, Matt Parker relives some of the angst involved in writing philosophy. You’re not alone.
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  32. Kakuten sokan no kenkyū.Tomohisa Ikeda (ed.) - 1999 - Tōkyō: Daitō Bunka Daigaku Daigakuin Jimushitsu.
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    Grundlagen der Mediävistik digital vermitteln: ‚Ad fontes‘, aber wie?Michael Nadig & Tobias Hodel - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (1):142-156.
    The digital teaching of medieval, and especially auxiliary, scientific skills has been going on for more than a decade. Nevertheless, the breadth and depth of the auxiliary sciences is making them difficult to present in their entirety. With ‘Ad fontes’, basic knowledge of skills needed to study the Middle Ages is imparted through interactive exercises. The e-learning platform was completely revised in 2018, allowing new technical possibilities to be realised while maintaining the strengths of its intuitive exercises. Additionally, crowdsourcing enterprises (...)
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    Transmission and translation.Thomas Williams - 2003 - In Arthur Stephen McGrade (ed.), The Cambridge companion to medieval philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 328-346.
    The pitfalls of the Wadding edition of John Duns Scotus illustrate a general feature of the study of medieval philosophy: the gap that separates the authentic words of the medieval thinker one wishes to study from the Latin words one sees on the pages of a printed edition — and further still from the English words one sees in a translation. The aim of this essay is to make clear both the nature and the size of that gap, not in (...)
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    Le Père L. J. Bataillon et le renouveau des études médiévales.Concetta Luna - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (2):201.
    Résumé L’œuvre philologique du Père Louis Jacques Bataillon (1914-2009) a profondément marqué les études médiévales en général et la philologie en particulier. L’élaboration de notions-clefs telles que celle d’original, la grande variété de traditions textuelles étudiées, la maîtrise hors pair des techniques d’édition élaborées dans le cadre de l’Édition Léonine de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, ainsi que la connaissance exceptionnelle des fonds manuscrits les plus importants d’Europe, font de l’œuvre du Père Bataillon une référence incontournable pour tout philologue.
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    Quelques remarques sur l’origine des écritures coraniques arrondies en al-Andalus.Umberto Bongianino - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (2):153-187.
    This article focuses on the writing styles employed by the Andalusi calligraphers specialised in the production of Quranic manuscripts, between the 5th/11th and the 6th/12th centuries. During this crucial period, the shape, aspect, and concept of the muṣḥaf underwent a profound transformation in the Iberian Peninsula. In particular, the notion of “Quranic script” became more fluid, elusive even, mainly owing to the introduction of Maġribī round scripts for transcribing the Sacred Book. This article aims to demonstrate that all the calligraphic (...)
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