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  1.  15
    Genauigkeit. Zur Ausbildung einer epistemischen Tugend im,langen 19. Jahrhundert‘.Markus Krajewski - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):211-229.
    Exactitude. The Genesis of an Epistemic Virtue in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’. The article examines the genesis of exactitude as an epistemic virtue in both scholarly and scientific contexts in the 19th century, mainly in Prussia. Starting with an influential historiographic work on ancient metrology three semantic fields of accuracy, exactitude and precision are differentiated and pursued in their etymologies as well as applications. The historic situation between 1790 and 1860 is identified as the crucial period when the exactness of (...)
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    The Power of Small Gestures: On the Cultural Technique of Service.Markus Krajewski - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):94-109.
    Focusing on a subject the author has extensively engaged with over the years (most notably in his 2010 study Der Diener), the article develops the notion of service as a cultural technique, and the media-theoretical figure of the servant as its servomechanism. The analysis follows three distinct scenarios that highlight, via different channels of perception (acoustic, optic and haptic), the interplay between corporeal practices and media objects in the production of specific cultural effects. In each of the examples chosen, service (...)
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  3.  14
    Citizen Science im Kaiserreich. Die Systemstelle „Wertlose Einsendungen aus der Bevölkerung“ im Archiv der Berlin‐Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.Markus Krajewski - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):383-386.
    Citizen Science in the Empire. The System Place “Wertlose Einsendungen aus der Bevölkerung” (Worthless Entries from the Population) in the Archives of the Berlin‐Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Between 1871 and 1946, the Berlin‐Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities maintained a special collection in its archives, which, under the simple name “Entries from the Population”, kept correspondences, projects and proposals, for which a negative expert opinion was issued after thorough examination. The collection offers surprising insights into the pathologies and (...)
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    Enzyklopädie der Genauigkeit.Markus Krajewski, Antonia von Schöning & Mario Wimmer (eds.) - 2021 - [Konstanz]: Konstanz University Press.
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  5.  31
    Hilfe für die digitale Hilfswissenschaft.Markus Krajewski - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (1):71-81.
    In den letzten zehn Jahren sind die digitalen Geisteswissenschaften von einem Randphänomen zu einem der sichtbareren Felder kultur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung geworden. Dieser Erfolg ist von Kritik begleitet und Fotis Jannidis identifiziert drei Topoi der Kritik an den Digital Humanities, die oft vorgebracht und wiederholt werden: 1. ›Das wussten wir schon vorher‹ 2. ›Die Themen der Digital Humanities sind veraltet‹ 3. Es handle sich bei den Digital Humanities um eine neue Form des Positivismus, der geisteswissenschaftliche Gegenstände nicht adäquat beschreibt. Diese (...)
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  6.  21
    Mobility on slips. Or: How to invest in paper. The Aby Warburg style.Markus Krajewski - 2017 - Latest Issue of Philosophy of Photography 8 (1-2):97-108.
    The article examines the relationship between Aby Warburg and his library by analysing the media which is involved: first, the arrangement of the books according to the library’s principle of the ‘law of thse good neighbour’, which helps to order the books on the shelves. Second, the handling of the library is even more determined by Aby Warburg’s use of index cards and card indexes. Like his card index which is situated between him and the library, Aby Warburg himself is (...)
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  7.  49
    On Kittler applied: A technical memoir of a specific configuration in the 1990s.Markus Krajewski - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):33-38.
    This ‘technical memoir’ shares insider knowledge of a specific scholarly and scientific situation in the second half of the 1990s: how a group of students and researchers at Humboldt-University Berlin, together with their teacher, media historian Friedrich Kittler, combined historical questions with computer science. The discussions and projects developed in this circle constituted a scholarly practice which would be called today digital humanities.
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    Von Nutzen und Notwendigkeit der Beschränkung. Die Apothecae der Wissenschaft.Markus Krajewski - 2007 - In Anette Michels & Anke te Heesen (eds.), Auf Zu: Der Schrank in den Wissenschaften. Akademie Verlag. pp. 106-114.
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    World projects: global information before World War I.Markus Krajewski - 2014 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    The world around 1900 -- The unity of diversity : Wilhelm Ostwald's world formations -- World history of technology : Dr. Franz Maria Feldhaus -- Systems economy : Walther Rathenau, man of the world -- As for the rest : in search of the world's remains.
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