Results for 'operating system'

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  1.  56
    Ethical Operating Systems.Kevin O’Neill, Jean-Claude Paquin, Atriya Sen, Selmer Bringsjord & Naveen Govindarajulu - 2018 - In Giuseppe Primiero & Liesbeth De Mol, Reflections on Programming Systems: Historical and Philosophical Aspects. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 235-260.
    A well-ingrained and recommended engineering practice in safety-critical software systems is to separate safety concerns from other aspects of the system. Along these lines, there have been calls for operating systems that implement ethical controls in an ethical layer separate from, and not amenable to tampering by, developers and modules in higher-level intelligence or cognition layers. There have been no implementations that demonstrate such a marshalling of ethical principles into an ethical layer. To address this, we present three (...)
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    Delimited continuations in operating systems.Oleg Kiselyov & Chung-Chieh Shan - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 291--302.
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    Virtual Submerged Floating Operational System for Robotic Manipulation.Qin Zhang, Jialei Zhang, Ahmed Chemori & Xianbo Xiang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
    In this work, a virtual submerged floating operational system based on parallel and serial robotic platforms is proposed. The primary aim behind its development lies in carrying out simulated underwater manipulation experiments in an easier and safer way. This VSFOS is consisted of a six-degree-of-freedom parallel platform, an ABB serial manipulator, an inertial sensor, and a real-time industrial computer. The 6-DOF platform is used to simulate the movement of an underwater vehicle, whose attitude is measured by the inertial sensor. (...)
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    Layering privacy on operating systems, social networks, and other platforms by design.Dawn N. Jutla - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (2):319-341.
    Pervasive, easy-to-use privacy services are keys to enabling users to maintain control of their private data in the online environment. This paper proposes (1) an online privacy lifecycle from the user perspective that drives and categorizes the development of these services, (2) a layered platform design solution for online privacy, (3) the evolution of the PeCAN (Personal Context Agent Networking) architecture to a platform for pervasively providing multiple contexts for user privacy preferences and online informational privacy services, and (4) use (...)
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  5. Dynamics of Operational Systems: Markov and Queuing Processes.Philip M. Morse - 1961 - In Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Progress in operations research. New York,: Wiley. pp. 1.
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    Investigation on operating systems identification by means of fractal geometry.I. Zelinka, O. Zme kal & F. Merhaut - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (1):88-104.
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    2. Los Angeles: The Moral Operating Systems Of Global Cities.Michael Ignatieff - 2017 - In The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 49-72.
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    Operations research and systems engineering.Charles D. Flagle - 1960 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    The kinetics of choice: An operant systems analysis.Joel Myerson & Francis M. Miezin - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (2):160-174.
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    Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive μ-operator. Part II.Solomon Feferman & Gerhard Jäger - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (1):37-52.
    This paper is mainly concerned with proof-theoretic analysis of some second-order systems of explicit mathematics with a non-constructive minimum operator. By introducing axioms for variable types we extend our first-order theory BON to the elementary explicit type theory EET and add several forms of induction as well as axioms for μ. The principal results then state: EET plus set induction is proof-theoretically equivalent to Peano arithmetic PA <0).
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    Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive μ-operator. Part I.Solomon Feferman & Gerhard Jäger - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (3):243-263.
    Feferman, S. and G. Jäger, Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive μ-operator. Part I, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 243-263. This paper is mainly concerned with the proof-theoretic analysis of systems of explicit mathematics with a non-constructive minimum operator. We start off from a basic theory BON of operators and numbers and add some principles of set and formula induction on the natural numbers as well as axioms for μ. The principal results then state: BON plus set induction (...)
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  12.  36
    Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive μ-operator and join.Thomas Glaß & Thomas Strahm - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 82 (2):193-219.
    The aim of this article is to give the proof-theoretic analysis of various subsystems of Feferman's theory T1 for explicit mathematics which contain the non-constructive μ-operator and join. We make use of standard proof-theoretic techniques such as cut-elimination of appropriate semiformal systems and asymmetrical interpretations in standard structures for explicit mathematics.
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  13. A system of formal logic without an analogue to the Curry W operator..Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1936 - [Menasha, Wis.,:
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  14.  24
    System operator response to warnings of danger: A laboratory investigation of the effects of the predictive value of a warning on human response time.David J. Getty, John A. Swets, Ronald M. Pickett & David Gonthier - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1 (1):19.
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  15.  43
    Operations of power in autonomous weapon systems: ethical conditions and socio-political prospects.Nik Hynek & Anzhelika Solovyeva - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):79-99.
    The purpose of this article is to provide a multi-perspective examination of one of the most important contemporary security issues: weaponized, and especially lethal, artificial intelligence. This technology is increasingly associated with the approaching dramatic change in the nature of warfare. What becomes particularly important and evermore intensely contested is how it becomes embedded with and concurrently impacts two social structures: ethics and law. While there has not been a global regime banning this technology, regulatory attempts at establishing a ban (...)
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  16.  95
    Formal systems for modal operators on locales.Gonzalo E. Reyes & Marek W. Zawadowski - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (4):595 - 613.
    In the paper [8], the first author developped a topos- theoretic approach to reference and modality. (See also [5]). This approach leads naturally to modal operators on locales (or spaces without points). The aim of this paper is to develop the theory of such modal operators in the context of the theory of locales, to axiomatize the propositional modal logics arising in this context and to study completeness and decidability of the resulting systems.
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  17. Storage operators and forall-positive types of system TTR.Karim Nour - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42:349-368.
    In 1990, J.L. Krivine introduced the notion of storage operator to simulate 'call by value' in the 'call by name' strategy. J.L. Krivine has shown that, using Gödel translation of classical into intuitionitic logic, we can find a simple type for the storage operators in AF2 type system. This paper studies the $forall$-positive types (the universal second order quantifier appears positively in these types), and the Gödel transformations (a generalization of classical Gödel translation) of TTR type system. We (...)
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  18.  40
    General logic-systems and finite consequence operators.Robert A. Herrmann - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (1):201-208.
    . In this paper, the significance of using general logic-systems and finite consequence operators defined on non-organized languages is discussed. Results are established that show how properties of finite consequence operators are independent from language organization and that, in some cases, they depend only upon one simple language characteristic. For example, it is shown that there are infinitely many finite consequence operators defined on any non-organized infinite language L that cannot be generated from any finite logic-system. On the other (...)
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  19.  13
    Testing The Sycopaero System Using NeuroErgonomics: A New Operational Support System in Case of Speed Failure.Eve Fabre, Christophe Lounis, Patrick Braca & Frederic Dehais - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20.  15
    Continuously diagonalized density operator of open systems.Lajos Diosi - 1995 - In M. Ferrero & Alwyn van der Merwe, Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. Springer. pp. 73--83.
  21. A Semantics-Based Common Operational Command System for Multiagency Disaster Response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed-Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2022 - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69 (6):3887 - 3901.
    Disaster response is a highly collaborative and critical process that requires the involvement of multiple emergency responders (ERs), ideally working together under a unified command, to enable a rapid and effective operational response. Following the 9/11 and 11/13 terrorist attacks and the devastation of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it is apparent that inadequate communication and a lack of interoperability among the ERs engaged on-site can adversely affect disaster response efforts. Within this context, we present a scenario-based terrorism case study to (...)
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  22. Operational Planning and Monitoring with Envelopes Gerald M. Powell* CECOM Center for C3 Systems Ft Monmouth, NJ 07703 powell@ cs. umaa8. edu. [REVIEW]Gerald M. Powell - forthcoming - Ai Systems in Government Conference: Proceedings.
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    Design for operator contestability: control over autonomous systems by introducing defeaters.Herman Veluwenkamp & Stefan Buijsman - 2025 - AI and Ethics 1.
    This paper introduces the concept of Operator Contestability in AI systems: the principle that those overseeing AI systems (operators) must have the necessary control to be accountable for the decisions made by these algorithms. We argue that designers have a duty to ensure operator contestability. We demonstrate how this duty can be fulfilled by applying the'Design for Defeaters' framework, which provides strategies to embed tools within AI systems that enable operators to challenge decisions. Defeaters are designed to contest either the (...)
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  24.  81
    The operative mind: A functional, computational and modeling approach to machine consciousness.Carlos Hernández, Ignacio López & Ricardo Sanz - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (1):83-98.
    The functional capabilities that consciousness seems to provide to biological systems can supply valuable principles in the design of more autonomous and robust technical systems. These functional concepts keep a notable similarity to those underlying the notion of operating system in software engineering, which allows us to specialize the computer metaphor for the mind into that of the operating system metaphor for consciousness. In this article, departing from these ideas and a model-based theoretical framework for cognition, (...)
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  25.  20
    New System of Logic. Symbolic-symmetrical Reconstruction and Operative Application of the Aristotelian Approach. [REVIEW]Veit Pittioni - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (2):104-105.
  26. A system of formal logic without an analogue to the Curry W operator.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):92-100.
  27.  43
    Reflections on Programming Systems: Historical and Philosophical Aspects.Giuseppe Primiero & Liesbeth De Mol (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a systematic philosophical and historical analysis of operating systems (0S). The discussion starts with the evolution of OSs since before their birth. It continues with a comprehensive philosophical analysis grounded in technical aspects. Coverage looks at software and (where appropriate) hardware as well as their historical developments. The authors not only offer historical and philosophical reflections on operating systems. They also explore the programs they coordinate and trace the epsitemic and ontological consequences of their designs. (...)
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  28.  41
    A logical system without operators.J. Słupecki - 1955 - Studia Logica 3 (1):122-124.
  29.  34
    Situated legal systems and their operational semantics.Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (1):43-102.
    This work adopts H. Kelsen’s concept of legal system, proposes a formal definition for such notion, and introduces an operational semantical framework for legal systems that are situated in agent societies. Agent societies are defined. Relevant formal properties of situated legal systems are discussed; the way they are exposed in the operational semantical framework is explained, and their truth formally proved. Also, for the sake of a better understanding of the legal-theoretic assumptions of the paper, recurring issues regarding Kelsen’s (...)
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  30.  15
    National and International Systems of Broadcasting: Their History, Operation, and ControlDemocracy, Dissent, and Disorder: The Issues and the Law.H. J. Skornia, Walter B. Emery & Robert F. Drinan - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (3):155.
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  31.  29
    The Content, Structure, and Operation of Thought Systems.Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.) - 1991 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    If anyone deserves the title "father of social cognition," it is William J. McGuire who, along with his wife and colleague Claire V. McGuire, has written the ...
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  32.  12
    Language-operational-gestalt awareness: a radically empirical and pragmatical phenomenology of the processes and systems of library experience.Eugene Edward Graziano - 1975 - Tempe, Ariz.: Association for Library Automation Research Communications.
  33.  27
    Operation of Justice in a Public Healthcare System.Adrian M. Viens - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):1c-2c.
  34.  22
    Very Short-Term Blackout Prediction for Grid-Tied PV Systems Operating in Low Reliability Weak Electric Grids of Developing Countries.Benson H. Mbuya, Aleksandar Dimovski, Marco Merlo & Thomas Kivevele - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Sub-Saharan emerging countries experience electrical shortages resulting in power rationing, which ends up hampering economic activities. This paper proposes an approach for very short-term blackout forecast in grid-tied PV systems operating in low reliability weak electric grids of emerging countries. A pilot project was implemented in Arusha-Tanzania; it mainly comprised of a PV-inverter and a lead-acid battery bank connected to the local electricity utility company, Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited. A very short-term power outage prediction model framework based on (...)
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    An extension of Chaitin's halting probability Ω to a measurement operator in an infinite dimensional quantum system.Kohtaro Tadaki - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (5):419-438.
    This paper proposes an extension of Chaitin's halting probability Ω to a measurement operator in an infinite dimensional quantum system. Chaitin's Ω is defined as the probability that the universal self-delimiting Turing machine U halts, and plays a central role in the development of algorithmic information theory. In the theory, there are two equivalent ways to define the program-size complexity H of a given finite binary string s. In the standard way, H is defined as the length of the (...)
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  36.  26
    The Lattice Structures of Approximation Operators Based on L-Fuzzy Generalized Neighborhood Systems.Qiao-Ling Song, Hu Zhao, Juan-Juan Zhang, A. A. Ramadan, Hong-Ying Zhang & Gui-Xiu Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Following the idea of L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems as introduced by Zhao et al., we will give the join-complete lattice structures of lower and upper approximation operators based on L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems. In particular, as special approximation operators based on L -fuzzy generalized neighborhood systems, we will give the complete lattice structures of lower and upper approximation operators based on L -fuzzy relations. Furthermore, if L satisfies the double negative law, then there exists an order isomorphic mapping (...)
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  37. The Impact of Management Requirements and Operations of Computerized Management Information Systems to Improve Performance (Practical Study on the employees of the company of Gaza Electricity Distribution).Samy S. Abu Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2016 - Al-Azhar University, Gaza 1 (1):1-28.
    The research aims to identify the impact of the management requirements on operating of computerized management information systems to improve performance, and discuss the perceptions of respondents to develop the performance of employees in the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company, the researchers used the stratified sample method, (360) questionnaires were distributed on the study sample, (306) questionnaires were recoved with a percentage of (85%). The most important findings of the study: computerized MI have a positive impact on the development of (...)
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  38.  18
    Construction of an IoT customer operation analysis system based on big data analysis and human-centered artificial intelligence for web 4.0.Wei Li, Chenye Han, Baojing Liu & Xinxin Liu - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):927-943.
    Internet of thing building sensors can capture several types of building operations, performances, and conditions and send them to a central dashboard to analyze data to support decision-making. Traditionally, laptops and cell phones are the majority of Internet-connected devices. IoT tracking allows customers to close the distance between devices and enterprises by collecting and analyzing various IoT data through connected devices, customers, and applications on the network. There is a lack of requirements for IoT edge applications security and approval. There (...)
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  39.  61
    Vertex Operators in 4D Quantum Gravity Formulated as CFT.Ken-ji Hamada - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):863-882.
    We study vertex operators in 4D conformal field theory derived from quantized gravity, whose dynamics is governed by the Wess-Zumino action by Riegert and the Weyl action. Conformal symmetry is equal to diffeomorphism symmetry in the ultraviolet limit, which mixes positive-metric and negative-metric modes of the gravitational field and thus these modes cannot be treated separately in physical operators. In this paper, we construct gravitational vertex operators such as the Ricci scalar, defined as space-time volume integrals of them are invariant (...)
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  40.  53
    (1 other version)A general representation for internal proportional cornbinatorial measurement systems when the operation is not necessari!Y closed.José A. Díez - 1999 - Theoria 14 (1):157-178.
    The aim of this paper is to give one kind of internal proportional systems with general representation and without closure and finiteness assumptions. First, we introduce the notions of internal proportional system and of general representation. Second, we briefly review the existing results which motivate our generalization. Third, we present the new systems, characterized by the fact that the linear order induced by the comparison weak order ≥ at the level of equivalence classes is also a weIl order. We (...)
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  41.  8
    Understanding the law for physicians, healthcare professionals, and scientists: a primer on the operations of the law and the legal system.Marshall S. Shapo - 2018 - Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.
    Different cultures, different lenses -- Various approaches to risk in the legal system -- Institutional background -- Regulation -- Tort law generally -- Information about risk and assumption of risk -- Medical malocurrences -- The duty/proximite cause problem -- Scientific evidence -- Tort reform -- Statutory compensation systems.
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  42.  20
    Monotone operators on Gödel logic.Oliver Fasching & Matthias Baaz - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):261-284.
    We consider an extension of Gödel logic by a unary operator that enables the addition of non-negative reals to truth-values. Although its propositional fragment has a simple proof system, first-order validity is Π2-hard. We explain the close connection to Scarpellini’s result on Π2-hardness of Łukasiewicz’s logic.
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  43.  49
    A systems theoretical approach to online knowledge building.Joachim Kimmerle, Johannes Moskaliuk, Ulrike Cress & Ansgar Thiel - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (1):49-60.
    This article describes the phenomenon of knowledge building in online environments. Knowledge building is a process within a community, which leads to the development of knowledge. In order to analyze this process, we will look into the ways in which individuals interact with the collective as a whole. For this purpose, the psychic and social systems, which are involved here are regarded as meaning-based systems in the sense of Luhmann’s systems theory—open to the environment, but operatively closed. The respective modes (...)
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  44.  18
    Minimal Logical Systems With R-operator: Their Metalogical Properties and Ways of Extensions.Tomasz Jarmuzek - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite, Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica. pp. 319.
  45. Leviathan: A Simulation of Behavioral Systems, to Operate Dynamically on a Digital Computer.B. K. ROME - 1959
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    Interior Operators and Their Relationship to Autocatalytic Networks.Mike Steel - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (4).
    The emergence of an autocatalytic network from an available set of elements is a fundamental step in early evolutionary processes, such as the origin of metabolism. Given the set of elements, the reactions between them (chemical or otherwise), and with various elements catalysing certain reactions, a Reflexively Autocatalytic F-generated (RAF) set is a subset R′\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$'$$\end{document} of reactions that is self-generating from a given food set, and with each reaction in R′\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} (...)
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  47. Grounding symbolic operations in the brain's modal systems.A. Glenberg - 2008 - In Gün R. Semin & Eliot R. Smith, Embodied grounding: social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  48.  12
    An Efficient Fuzzy Expert System Architecture for Landfill Operation Reliability Management.I. M. Dokas, D. A. Karras & D. C. Panagiotakopoulos - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):73-90.
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    System und Evolution des menschlichen Erkennens: ein Handbuch der evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie.Hermann Schüling - 1998 - Hildesheim ;: G. Olms.
    Bd. 1. System des menschlichen Erkennens -- Bd. 2. Die stammesgeschichtliche Entwicklung des menschlichen Sprechens -- Bd. 3. Die Entwicklung der Operation "Messen" -- Bd. 4. Die Evolution der instrumentellen Wahrnehmung -- Bd. 5. Die Genesis des schlussfolgernden Denkens -- Bd. 6. Die evolutionären Stufen der Analyse (des Scheidens und Unterscheidens) -- Bd. 7. Das Werden des Vorstellens (Geistes) -- Bd. 8. Die Mechanisierung und Automation der erkennenden Akte und Operationen -- Bd. 9. Die Entstehung des beziehenden Denkens -- (...)
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    Control Design for Systems Operating in Complex Environments.Chenguang Yang, Zhaojie Ju, Xiaofeng Liu, Junpei Zhong & Andy Annamalai - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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