Results for 'noumenal power'

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  1. (1 other version)Noumenal Power.Rainer Forst - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (2):111-127.
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    Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification : A Critique of Forst.Enzo Rossi & Sameer Bajaj - 2019 - In Ester Herlin-Karnell & Matthias Klatt, Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    In this essay we criticise Rainer Forst's attempt to draw a connection between power and justification, and thus ground his normative theory of a right to justification. Forst draws this connection primarily conceptually, though we will also consider whether a normative connection may be drawn within his framework. Forst's key insight is that if we understand power as operating by furnishing those subjected to it with reasons, then we create a space for the normative contestation of any exercise (...)
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  3. Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification: A Critique of Forst.Sameer Bajaj & Enzo Rossi - 2019 - In Ester Herlin-Karnell & Matthias Klatt, Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    In this essay we criticise Rainer Forst's attempt to draw a connection between power and justification, and thus ground his normative theory of a right to justification. Forst draws this connection primarily conceptually, though we will also consider whether a normative connection may be drawn within his framework. Forst's key insight is that if we understand power as operating by furnishing those subjected to it with reasons, then we create a space for the normative contestation of any exercise (...)
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    Power and normativity: Rainer Forst on noumenal power.Tim Heyssse - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (8):1175-1193.
    According to Rainer Forst, a critical theory of power must break with the tendency of political theorists to conceive of power in opposition to normativity. Appropriately, Forst proposes a noumenal definition according to which power is normative: It works through recognition of reasons and is thereby open to critical assessment. In this discussion note, I first clarify the normativity of power in Forst’s noumenal theory by means of Donald Davidson’s theory of action and then (...)
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  5. Is Power Noumenal in Nature?Thomas M. Besch - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (2):237 - 255.
    This paper engages Rainer Forst’s doctrine of noumenal power. At the centre of this doctrine is its signature claim that power is noumenal in nature. I reconstruct Forst’s definition of power and distinguish three conceptions of noumenal power in his writings. I argue that, on each conception, we should reject that claim. It emerges that the professed noumenality of power is either a trivial feature of power, or else a feature only (...)
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  6. A Broad Definition of Agential Power.Pablo Gilabert - 2018 - Journal of Political Power 11 (1):79-92.
    Can we develop a definition of power that is satisfactorily determinate but also enables rather than foreclose important substantive debates about how power relations proceed and should proceed in social and political life? I present a broad definition of agential power that meets these desiderata. On this account, agents have power with respect to a certain outcome (including, inter alia, the shaping of certain social relations) to the extent that they can voluntarily determine whether that outcome (...)
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  7. Kant’s Causal Power Argument Against Empirical Affection.Jonas Jervell Indregard - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (1):27-51.
    A well-known trilemma faces the interpretation of Kant’s theory of affection, namely whether the objects that affect us are empirical, noumenal, or both. I argue that according to Kant, the things that affect us and cause representations in us are not empirical objects. I articulate what I call the Causal Power Argument, according to which empirical objects cannot affect us because they do not have the right kind of power to cause representations. All the causal powers that (...)
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  8. A Lawful Freedom: Kant’s Practical Refutation of Noumenal Chance.Nicholas Dunn - 2015 - Kant Studies Online (1):149-177.
    This paper asks how Kant’s mature theory of freedom handles an objection pertaining to chance. This question is significant given that Kant raises this criticism against libertarianism in his early writings on freedom before coming to adopt a libertarian view of freedom in the Critical period. After motivating the problem of how Kant can hold that the free actions of human beings lack determining grounds while at the same maintain that these are not the result of ‘blind chance,’ I argue (...)
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  9. Metaphysics and Contemporary Science: Why the question of the synthetic a priori shouldn’t not be abandoned prematurely.Kay Herrmann - 2020 - Philosophie.Ch. Swiss Portal for Philosophy (07.10.2020).
    The problem of synthetic judgements touches on the question of whether philosophy can draw independent statements about reality in the first place. For Kant, the synthetic judgements a priori formulate the conditions of the possibility for objectively valid knowledge. Despite the principle fallibility of its statements, modern science aims for objective knowledge. This gives the topic of synthetic a priori unbroken currency. This paper aims to show that a modernized version of transcendental philosophy, if it is to be feasible at (...)
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  10. From Passions to Emotions and Sentiments.Amélie Oksenberg Rorty - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (220):159 - 172.
    During the period from Descartes to Rousseau, the mind changed. Its domain was redefined; its activities were redescribed; and its various powers were redistributed. Once a part of cosmic Nous, its various functions delimited by its embodied condition, the individual mind now becomes a field of forces with desires impinging on one another, their forces resolved according to their strengths and directions. Of course since there is no such thing as The Mind Itself, it was not the mind that changed. (...)
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    The Bloomsbury anthology of transcendental thought: from antiquity to the Anthropocene.David LaRocca (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    In this uniquely and timely collection, David LaRocca offers us a thoughtful reminder that the very possibility and urgent task of thinking, of our acting and judging, ethics and politics, rests upon a willing exposure to an aspect of our everyday and ordinary experience that is hard to grasp and eludes most, perhaps all, epistemic criteria. Metaphysicians, mystics, and moral perfectionists of all stripes have called this 'the transcendental', thus risking the fatal misunderstanding that this means only 'the transcendent', leading (...)
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  12. Did Kant Conflate the Necessary and the A Priori?Nicholas F. Stang - 2011 - Noûs 45 (3):443-471.
    It is commonly accepted by Kant scholars that Kant held that all necessary truths are a priori, and all a priori knowledge is knowledge of necessary truths. Against the prevailing interpretation, I argue that Kant was agnostic as to whether necessity and a priority are co-extensive. I focus on three kinds of modality Kant implicitly distinguishes: formal possibility and necessity, empirical possibility and necessity, and noumenal possibility and necessity. Formal possibility is compatibility with the forms of experience; empirical possibility (...)
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    The Will at the Crossroads: A Reconstruction of Kant's Moral Philosophy.J. Gray Cox - 1984
    This work systematically explicates and defends four key claims in Kant's moral philosophy: The human will is some form of practical reason. The supreme criterion for determining the morality of our choices is provided by an a priori moral law. We find this law to be a source of felt value; it commands unqualified respect. We must suppose the human will is free. ;Traditionally, Kant has been read as holding that these claims imply that the responsible moral agent is a (...)
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    Kant's transcendental idealism, freedom and the divine mind1.Christopher J. Insole - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):608-638.
    Without denying the importance of a range of independent epistemic and metaphysical considerations, I argue that there is an irreducibly theological dimension to the emergence of Kant's transcendental idealism. Creative tasks carried out by the divine mind in the pre‐critical works become assigned to the human noumenal mind, which is conceived of as the source of space, time and causation. Kant makes this shift in order to protect the possibility of transcendental freedom. I show that Kant has significant theological (...)
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  15. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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  16. Husserlian Reflections On Embodiment.James Richard Mensch - unknown
    To say we are present to ourselves through our bodies is to express something so obvious that most people hardly give it a thought. Philosophers, however, came late to this recognition. The idea that our embodiment shapes our apprehensions seemed to Descartes to designate a problem rather than a topic of study. His effort was to overcome embodiment, that is, to reach a realm where the unencumbered mind could confront the world. The same prejudice informed the modern tradition he founded. (...)
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    Kant on Mind, Action, and Ethics by Julian Wuerth.Kelly Sorensen - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):175-176.
    This textually well-supported book takes seriously Kant’s corpus as a system, claiming that devoted attention to the whole makes each individual work in turn more intelligible, consistent, and compelling. Wuerth claims that a key to Kant’s system is Kant’s account of the self or soul. For Wuerth, Kant’s self is a simple, noumenal substance that possesses powers by which it effects accidents. This is against the familiar interpretation, associated with Patricia Kitcher, Henry Allison, Robert Pippin, Karl Ameriks, and Béatrice (...)
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    Kant on the faculty of apperception.Patricia Kitcher - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (3):589-616.
    Although I begin with a brief look at the idea that as a faculty of mind, apperception must be grounded in some power of the soul, my focus is on claims about the alleged noumenal import of some of Kant’s particular theses about the faculty of apperception: it is inexplicable, immaterial, and can provide evidence that humans are members of the intelligible world. I argue that when the claim of inexplicability is placed in the context of Kant’s standards (...)
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    Au commencement était la métaphore: Une intuition précoce de Nietzsche sur la primauté de la métaphore comme matrice cognitive.Laurent Lamy - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):521-540.
    RÉSUMÉ Cette étude met en perspective le précédent constitué par les travaux précoces du jeune Nietzsche où ce dernier fait valoir la force structurante de la métaphore comme matrice des facultés cognitives. Nous offrons d’abord une brève esquisse des postulats et des acquis des grammaires cognitives associées aux travaux d’Eleanor Rosch, ensuite de George Lakoff et Mark Johnson, ainsi qu’à la notion d’inscription corporelle de l’esprit développée par Francesco Varela. Cet exercice sert de propédeutique à une série de lectures tangentes (...)
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  20. Science Meets Philosophy: Metaphysical Gap & Bilateral Brain.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (10):599-614.
    The essay brings a summation of human efforts seeking to understand our existence. Plato and Kant & cognitive science complete reduction of philosophy to a neural mechanism, evolved along elementary Darwinian principles. Plato in his famous Cave Allegory explains that between reality and our experience of it there exists a great chasm, a metaphysical gap, fully confirmed through particle-wave duality of quantum physics. Kant found that we have two kinds of perception, two senses: By the spatial outer sense we perceive (...)
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    Wordsworth--a philosophical approach.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):186-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:186 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY direction and made meaningful, whereas for Fichte they are the cognitively recognized goals of human activity. Nonetheless, I still find Lacroix' thoroughgoing teleological interpretation of Kant a bit bothersome, at points strained, although there is little doubt that teleology plays a large part in Kant's thought with respect to the realm of reason. Moreover, I'm not convinced that Kant's thought is as unified and internally (...)
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    The Fate of Kantian Freedom: the Kant-Reinhold Controversy.John Walsh - 2019 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    This dissertation examines the relation of Kant’s theory of free will to that of K.L. Reinhold. I argue that Reinhold’s theory addresses several problems raised in the reception of Kant’s practical philosophy, particularly the problem of accounting for free immoral acts. Focusing on Reinhold’s account of free will as a condition for the conceivability of the moral law shows that the historical focus on Reinhold’s break from Kant’s own account and his alleged reliance on facts of consciousness obscures Reinhold’s decidedly (...)
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    The Problem of Being: Kant and Heidegger.Tamara B. Dlugach - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (3):42-75.
    My task is to demonstrate substantial differences in the views of Kant and Heidegger on being. To this end I analyse Heidegger’s work Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics which Heidegger was writing intermittently during the period from 1927 to 1964. It deals not only with the ideas of the Critique of Pure Reason but also with Kant’s pre-critical work, The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God (1763), in which Kant explicitly addressed the (...)
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  24. Leibniz and Kant on Empirical Miracles: Rationalism, Freedom, and the Laws.Andrew Chignell - 2021 - In Brandon C. Look, Leibniz and Kant . Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 320-354.
    Leibniz and Kant were heirs of a biblical theistic tradition which viewed miraculous activity in the world as both possible and actual. But both were also deep explanatory rationalists about the natural world: more committed than your average philosophical theologian to its thoroughgoing intelligibility. These dual sympathies—supernaturalist religion and empirical rationalism—generate a powerful tension across both philosophers’ systems, one that is most palpable in their accounts of empirical miracles—that is, events in nature that violate one or more of the natural (...)
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  25. Complexity Reality and Scientific Realism.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    We introduce the notion of complexity, first at an intuitive level and then in relatively more concrete terms, explaining the various characteristic features of complex systems with examples. There exists a vast literature on complexity, and our exposition is intended to be an elementary introduction, meant for a broad audience. -/- Briefly, a complex system is one whose description involves a hierarchy of levels, where each level is made of a large number of components interacting among themselves. The time evolution (...)
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  26. Schopenhauer’s Twofold Dynamism.Valtteri Viljanen - 2009 - In Juhani Pietarinen & Valtteri Viljanen, The World as Active Power: Studies in the History of European Reason. Leiden: Brill. pp. 305-330.
    Even if we grant that the concept of force has an important place in Schopenhauer’s view of natural sciences and that we definitely should avoid treating Schopenhauer’s theory of the will as a scientific hypothesis, it still does not follow that dynamic concepts would not be of utmost importance for metaphysics as Schopenhauer conceives it. A careful analysis that takes into account the context provided by early modern thinkers reveals that Schopenhauer’s system is based on an elaborate theory in which (...)
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    Identity.Michael S. Merry - 2008 - In D. Crook & G. McCulloch, The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education. Routledge.
    Identity in the philosophical literature has until recently be confined mostly to ruminations on the self: as soul in Plato; rationality connected to, but not coterminous with, the body in Descartes; uninterrupted consciousness in Locke; a stream of experiences which a thing has in relation to itself in Hume; an emotive life in Rousseau; as noumenal self about which we can know little in Kant; as will in Schopenhauer; as an elusive but nonspecific something in Wittgenstein; and as the (...)
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  28. Ist die Lehrbarkeit der Tugend vereinbar mit Kant’s Theorie der Willensfreiheit?Markus Kohl - forthcoming - In Dörflinger Bernd, Hüning Dieter & Kruck Günter, Kant als Tugendethiker? Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie. Olms Verlag.
    In the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant declares that virtue “can and must be taught.” This claim raises two problems. First, it is in tension with Kant’s emphasis on the absolute moral responsibility that each individual agent owes to her transcendental freedom. Second, it raises the question of how the empirical events that constitute moral education can have an impact on atemporal moral choices. Concerning the second issue, I argue that Kant has a coherent framework for representing how empirical conditions can (...)
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  29. The Synthetic A Priori Proposition Of Kant's Ethical Philosophy.Nelson Potter - 1997 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 5.
    Kant informs us that the categorical imperative is a synthetic a priori proposition. It might be thought that Kant means thereby to say that we have an a priori rational insight, somewhat like that which Plato claimed for the Forms, into this basic moral truth. W. D. Ross had a similar view about human rational insight into certain basic moral principles, and in his book Kant's Ethical Theory he attritubes such a view to Kant.I argue that this initially plausible interpretation (...)
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    Kant, Liberdade e a Hermenêutica Do Fracasso.Pedro Rego - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (155):501-521.
    ABSTRACT In this paper I attempt to show how an important traditional line of interpretation of Kantian philosophy went astray by the fact that Kant works in its practical philosophy with two distinct and apparently conflicting conceptions of the freedom of human will, namely, freedom as noumenal causality and freedom as the power of choice between alternative possibilities. Firstly, I argue that no conception of freedom in Kant`s philosophy can possibly conflict with that asserted in his most foundational (...)
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  31. Review of: "The veil of Maya": Schopenhauer's system and early Indian thought. [REVIEW]Stephan Atzert - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):675-678.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:"The Veil of Maya": Schopenhauer's System and Early Indian ThoughtStephan Atzert"The Veil of Maya": Schopenhauer's System and Early Indian Thought. By Douglas Berger. Binghamton: Global Academic Publishing, 2004. Pp. 319.Arthur Schopenhauer's (1788-1860) philosophy combines a number of inquiries into epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, and psychology. Schopenhauer read widely in several languages and incorporated many influences, including his reading of Anquetil Dupperon's Latin translation of selected Upanishads. From a (...)
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    Structural Injustice: Power, Advantage, and Human Rights.Madison Powers & Ruth R. Faden - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    Structural Injustice advances a theory of what structural injustice is and how it works. Powers and Faden present both a philosophically powerful, integrated theory about human rights violations and structural unfairness, alongside practical insights into how to improve them.
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    he main thesis for which I intend to argue is that there is an exclusi-T ve disjunction between two options for the foundations of morality: there is truth or there is the exercise of power. 1 In other words, the deni.Truth Or Power - 2003 - In Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann, Grundlagen der Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 123.
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  34. Social Justice: The Moral Foundations of Public Health and Health Policy.Madison Powers & Ruth Faden - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    In bioethics, discussions of justice have tended to focus on questions of fairness in access to health care: is there a right to medical treatment, and how should priorities be set when medical resources are scarce. But health care is only one of many factors that determine the extent to which people live healthy lives, and fairness is not the only consideration in determining whether a health policy is just. In this pathbreaking book, senior bioethicists Powers and Faden confront foundational (...)
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    Quantitative analysis of purposive systems: Some spadework at the foundations of scientific psychology.William T. Powers - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (5):417-435.
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  36. Bergson's critique of practical reason.Carl Power - 2012 - In Alexandre Lefebvre & Melanie White, Bergson, Politics, and Religion. Durham: Duke University Press.
  37. Ernst Bloch, Atheism in Christianity: The Religion of the Exodus and the Kingdom.Nina Power - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 158:61.
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  38. Gerhard Weisenfeldt. Leerer Raum in Mineruas Haus: Experimentelle Naturlehre an der Universitat Leiden, 1675-1715.J. C. Powers - 2004 - Early Science and Medicine 9 (1):65-66.
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  39. Sara Ahmed, The Promise of Happiness.Nina Power - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 163:53.
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  40. Electro Industries/Gauge Tech.Power Meter & Data Acquisition Node - 2003 - Nexus 1250.
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    Catullus 6.17.Tristan Power - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):300-307.
    This article defends Baehrens’ reading cenam for caelum at Catullus 6.17 as more sensible than scholars have thought, based on allusions to Meleager, AP 5.175. It then proposes a new emendation to the line that is suggested by this Greek source.
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  42. Fatwas as sources for legal and social history: A dispute over endowment revenues from Fourteenth-century Fez.David S. Powers - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):295-342.
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    Motherhood in France: Towards a Queer Maternity?Nina Power - 2012 - Paragraph 35 (2):254-264.
    This article examines the relationship between feminism, queer theory and the rise of popular debate over maternity and anti-maternity that has arisen in recent years in France. Through the image of ‘queer maternity’, that is to say, of women who question motherhood from the position of already having had children, the article tries to rethink the way in which feminism, queer theory and motherhood could be placed in relation to one another such that by questioning maternity, the symbolic order that (...)
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    Plato's Demiurge as Precursor to the Stoic Providential God.Nathan Powers - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):713-722.
    There is a striking resemblance between the physical theory of Plato'sTimaeus and that of the Stoics; striking enough, indeed, to warrant the supposition that the latter was substantially influenced by the former. In attempting to trace the main lines of this influence, scholars have tended to focus attention almost exclusively on the Stoics' choice and characterization of the world's ultimate constituents: a rational principle that pervades and controls a material principle. In this paper, I offer some suggestions about how the (...)
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    Rebirth and Causation in the Yogacara Adhidharma. Robert Kritzer.John Powers - 2000 - Buddhist Studies Review 17 (2):239-242.
    Rebirth and Causation in the Yogacara Adhidharma. Robert Kritzer. Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, Vienna 1999. ix, 327 pp. ATS 410.
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    Suetonius and the Date of Curtius Rufus.Tristan Power - 2013 - Hermes 141 (1):117-120.
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    The Creative Interaction between Portuguese and Leonese Municipal Military Law, 1055 to 1279.James F. Powers - 1987 - Speculum 62 (1):53-80.
    The medieval kingdoms of Portugal and León faced a common Muslim enemy on their southern frontiers. They also viewed each other as potential threats, along a boundary which grew in length as the Muslims were pushed back. Military preparedness was in these circumstances a major preoccupation of the monarchs in the two kingdoms. Offensive forces were needed for continued territorial expansion, and defensive forces were needed to protect lands that had already been gained, whether from Muslim counterattack or from inroads (...)
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    Existential faith and biblical philosophy.William L. Power - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (3):199-210.
    In this article, I present a case for a kind of existential theology which would be philosophical and metaphysical, though not broadly Platonic and classical, and biblical though not illogical. What I present will be an attempt to clarify and justify what I call "existential hayatological theism". In so doing I will draw on insights from what Edmond La B Cherbonnier and Claude Tresmontant designated as "biblical philosophy" and "biblical metaphysics" as well as from the neo-classical philosophies of Charles Hartshorne (...)
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    Introduction: Ethics and the Future of the Global Food System.Madison Powers - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (1):31-33.
    The coming decades will present an immense challenge for the planet: sustainably feeding nearly ten billion people that are expected to be alive by 2050. This is no small task, and one that intersects with climate change, geopolitics, the increased globalization of agricultural markets, and the emergence of new technologies. The world faces a challenge of increased demand, propelled by an expanding world population and a global shift in dietary patterns toward more resource-intensive foods. Moreover, changes in demand occur in (...)
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    PhilosoPhy's subjects.Nina Power - 2007 - Parrhesia 3:55-72.
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