Results for 'noncomputable'

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  1.  80
    Noncomputability, unpredictability, and financial markets.Daniel S. Graça - 2012 - Complexity 17 (6):24-30.
  2.  23
    Kolmogorov Complexity and Noncomputability.George Davie - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (4):574-581.
    We use a method suggested by Kolmogorov complexity to examine some relations between Kolmogorov complexity and noncomputability. In particular we show that the method consistently gives us more information than conventional ways of demonstrating noncomputability . Also, many sets which are awkward to embed into the halting problem are easily shown noncomputable. We also prove a gap-theorem for outputting consecutive integers and find, for a given length n, a statement of length n with maximal proof length.
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    Noncomputability, unpredictability, undecidability, and unsolvability in economic and finance theories.Ying-Fang Kao, V. Ragupathy, K. Vela Velupillai & Stefano Zambelli - 2013 - Complexity 18 (1):51-55.
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  4. Noncomputable dynamical cognitivism: An eliminativist perspective.Stephen L. Mills - 1999 - Acta Analytica 144:151-168.
  5.  22
    Lattice embeddings and array noncomputable degrees.Stephen M. Walk - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (3):219.
    We focus on a particular class of computably enumerable degrees, the array noncomputable degrees defined by Downey, Jockusch, and Stob, to answer questions related to lattice embeddings and definability in the partial ordering of c. e. degrees under Turing reducibility. We demonstrate that the latticeM5 cannot be embedded into the c. e. degrees below every array noncomputable degree, or even below every nonlow array noncomputable degree. As Downey and Shore have proved that M5 can be embedded below (...)
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  6.  13
    Noncomputational Versus Computational Conceptions of Reason: Contrasting Educational Implications.James E. Martin - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):25-31.
    Current conceptions of the integration of computers into society often depend on the view that the human mind, as well as the computer, is a computational system. This view is widely taken to have broad implications for educational policy. We present a critique of the premise and some of the conclusions of the above argument. It is here shown that the thesis that the human mind is a computational system is, in principle, not scientifically supportable. It is also shown that, (...)
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  7. Toward a noncomputational cognitive science.Gordon G. Globus - 1992 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 4:299-310.
  8.  37
    Modelling the noncomputational mind: Reply to Litch.Terence E. Horgan - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (3):365-371.
    I explain why, within the nonclassical framework for cognitive science we describe in the book, cognitive-state transitions can fail to be tractably computable even if they are subserved by a discrete dynamical system whose mathematical-state transitions are tractably computable. I distinguish two ways that cognitive processing might conform to programmable rules in which all operations that apply to representation-level structure are primitive, and two corresponding constraints on models of cognition. Although Litch is correct in maintaining that classical cognitive science is (...)
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    Dynamic notions of genericity and array noncomputability.Benjamin Schaeffer - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1-3):37-69.
    We examine notions of genericity intermediate between 1-genericity and 2-genericity, especially in relation to the Δ20 degrees. We define a new kind of genericity, dynamic genericity, and prove that it is stronger than pb-genericity. Specifically, we show there is a Δ20 pb-generic degree below which the pb-generic degrees fail to be downward dense and that pb-generic degrees are downward dense below every dynamically generic degree. To do so, we examine the relation between genericity and array noncomputability, deriving some structural information (...)
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  10. Searle's and Penrose's Noncomputational Frameworks for Naturalizing the Mind.Napoleon M. Mabaquiao - unknown
    John Searle and Roger Penrose are two staunch critics of computationalism who nonetheIess believe that with the right framework the mind can be naturalized. while they may be successful in showing the shortcomings of computationalism, I argue that their alternative noncomputational frameworks equally fail to carry out the project to naturalize the mind. The main reason is their failure to resolve some fundamental incompatibilities between mind and science. Searle tries to resolve the incompatibility between the subjectivity of consciousness and the (...)
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    Avoiding effective packing dimension 1 below array noncomputable C.e. Degrees.Rod Downey & Jonathan Stephenson - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):717-739.
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  12. Topology and Life Redux: Robert Rosen’s Relational Diagrams of Living Systems. [REVIEW]A. H. Louie & Stephen W. Kercel - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (2):109-136.
    Algebraic/topological descriptions of living processes are indispensable to the understanding of both biological and cognitive functions. This paper presents a fundamental algebraic description of living/cognitive processes and exposes its inherent ambiguity. Since ambiguity is forbidden to computation, no computational description can lend insight to inherently ambiguous processes. The impredicativity of these models is not a flaw, but is, rather, their strength. It enables us to reason with ambiguous mathematical representations of ambiguous natural processes. The noncomputability of these structures means computerized (...)
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  13.  23
    Degree structures of conjunctive reducibility.Irakli Chitaia & Roland Omanadze - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (1):19-31.
    We show: for every noncomputable c.e. incomplete c-degree, there exists a nonspeedable c-degree incomparable with it; The c-degree of a hypersimple set includes an infinite collection of \-degrees linearly ordered under \ with order type of the integers and consisting entirely of hypersimple sets; there exist two c.e. sets having no c.e. least upper bound in the \-reducibility ordering; the c.e. \-degrees are not dense.
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    Reconstructing the Cognitive World: The Next Step.Michael Wheeler - 2005 - Bradford.
    In _Reconstructing the Cognitive World_, Michael Wheeler argues that we should turn away from the generically Cartesian philosophical foundations of much contemporary cognitive science research and proposes instead a Heideggerian approach. Wheeler begins with an interpretation of Descartes. He defines Cartesian psychology as a conceptual framework of explanatory principles and shows how each of these principles is part of the deep assumptions of orthodox cognitive science. Wheeler then turns to Heidegger's radically non-Cartesian account of everyday cognition, which, he argues, can (...)
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  15.  28
    Abduction and Deduction in Dynamical Cognitive Science.Anthony Chemero - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    This paper reviews the recent history of a subset of research in dynamical cognitive science, in particular that subset that allies itself with the sciences of complexity and casts cognitive systems as interaction dominant, noncomputational, and nonmodular. I look at this history in the light of C.S. Peirce's understanding of scientific reasoning as progressing from abduction to deduction to induction. In particular, I examine the development of a controversy concerning the use of the interaction dominance of human cognitive systems as (...)
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  16.  38
    Codable sets and orbits of computably enumerable sets.Leo Harrington & Robert Soare - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):1-28.
    A set X of nonnegative integers is computably enumerable (c.e.), also called recursively enumerable (r.e.), if there is a computable method to list its elements. Let ε denote the structure of the computably enumerable sets under inclusion, $\varepsilon = (\{W_e\}_{e\in \omega}, \subseteq)$ . We previously exhibited a first order ε-definable property Q(X) such that Q(X) guarantees that X is not Turing complete (i.e., does not code complete information about c.e. sets). Here we show first that Q(X) implies that X has (...)
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  17.  65
    Ramsey's Theorem and Cone Avoidance.Damir D. Dzhafarov & Carl G. Jockusch - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):557-578.
    It was shown by Cholak, Jockusch, and Slaman that every computable 2-coloring of pairs admits an infinite low₂ homogeneous set H. We answer a question of the same authors by showing that H may be chosen to satisfy in addition $C\,\not \leqslant _T \,H$, where C is a given noncomputable set. This is shown by analyzing a new and simplified proof of Seetapun's cone avoidance theorem for Ramsey's theorem. We then extend the result to show that every computable 2-coloring (...)
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  18.  25
    Characterizing Lowness for Demuth Randomness.Laurent Bienvenu, Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg, André Nies & Dan Turetsky - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (2):526-560.
    We show the existence of noncomputable oracles which are low for Demuth randomness, answering a question in [15] (also Problem 5.5.19 in [34]). We fully characterize lowness for Demuth randomness using an appropriate notion of traceability. Central to this characterization is a partial relativization of Demuth randomness, which may be more natural than the fully relativized version. We also show that an oracle is low for weak Demuth randomness if and only if it is computable.
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  19. Constructivism, Computability, and Physical Theories.Wayne C. Myrvold - 1994 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation is an investigation into the degree to which the mathematics used in physical theories can be constructivized. The techniques of recursive function theory and classical logic are used to separate out the algorithmic content of mathematical theories rather than attempting to reformulate them in terms of "intuitionistic" logic. The guiding question is: are there experimentally testable predictions in physics which are not computable from the data? ;The nature of Church's thesis, that the class of effectively calculable functions on (...)
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  20. Computability theory and differential geometry.Robert I. Soare - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):457-486.
    Let M be a smooth, compact manifold of dimension n ≥ 5 and sectional curvature | K | ≤ 1. Let Met (M) = Riem(M)/Diff(M) be the space of Riemannian metrics on M modulo isometries. Nabutovsky and Weinberger studied the connected components of sublevel sets (and local minima) for certain functions on Met (M) such as the diameter. They showed that for every Turing machine T e , e ∈ ω, there is a sequence (uniformly effective in e) of homology (...)
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  21.  30
    Degrees That Are Not Degrees of Categoricity.Bernard Anderson & Barbara Csima - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (3):389-398.
    A computable structure $\mathcal {A}$ is $\mathbf {x}$-computably categorical for some Turing degree $\mathbf {x}$ if for every computable structure $\mathcal {B}\cong\mathcal {A}$ there is an isomorphism $f:\mathcal {B}\to\mathcal {A}$ with $f\leq_{T}\mathbf {x}$. A degree $\mathbf {x}$ is a degree of categoricity if there is a computable structure $\mathcal {A}$ such that $\mathcal {A}$ is $\mathbf {x}$-computably categorical, and for all $\mathbf {y}$, if $\mathcal {A}$ is $\mathbf {y}$-computably categorical, then $\mathbf {x}\leq_{T}\mathbf {y}$. We construct a $\Sigma^{0}_{2}$ set whose degree (...)
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  22. Lowness and Π₂⁰ nullsets.Rod Downey, Andre Nies, Rebecca Weber & Liang Yu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1044-1052.
    We prove that there exists a noncomputable c.e. real which is low for weak 2-randomness, a definition of randomness due to Kurtz, and that all reals which are low for weak 2-randomness are low for Martin-Löf randomness.
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    (1 other version)The dynamical renaissance in neuroscience.Luis H. Favela - 2020 - Synthese 1 (1):1-25.
    Although there is a substantial philosophical literature on dynamical systems theory in the cognitive sciences, the same is not the case for neuroscience. This paper attempts to motivate increased discussion via a set of overlapping issues. The first aim is primarily historical and is to demonstrate that dynamical systems theory is currently experiencing a renaissance in neuroscience. Although dynamical concepts and methods are becoming increasingly popular in contemporary neuroscience, the general approach should not be viewed as something entirely new to (...)
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  24.  15
    Non-empty open intervals of computably enumerable sQ 1-degrees.Roland Omanadze & Irakli Chitaia - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We prove that if $A$, $B$ are noncomputable c.e. sets, $A<_{sQ_{1}}B$ and [($B$ is not simple and $A\oplus B\leq _{sQ_{1}}B$) or $B\equiv _{sQ_{1}}B\times \omega $], then there exist infinitely many pairwise $sQ_{1}$-incomparable c.e. sets $\{C_{i}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that $A<_{sQ_{1}}C_{i}<_{sQ_{1}}B$, for all $i\in \omega $. We also show that there exist infinite collections of $sQ_{1}$-degrees $\{\boldsymbol {a_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ and $\{\boldsymbol {b_{i}}\}_{i\in \omega }$ such that for every $i, j,$ (1) $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {a_{i+1}}$, $\boldsymbol {b_{j+1}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol {b_{j}}$ and $\boldsymbol {a_{i}}<_{sQ_{1}}\boldsymbol (...)
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  25.  19
    Ramsey-like theorems and moduli of computation.Ludovic Patey - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):72-108.
    Ramsey’s theorem asserts that every k-coloring of $[\omega ]^n$ admits an infinite monochromatic set. Whenever $n \geq 3$, there exists a computable k-coloring of $[\omega ]^n$ whose solutions compute the halting set. On the other hand, for every computable k-coloring of $[\omega ]^2$ and every noncomputable set C, there is an infinite monochromatic set H such that $C \not \leq _T H$. The latter property is known as cone avoidance.In this article, we design a natural class of Ramsey-like theorems (...)
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  26.  66
    The -spectrum of a linear order.Russell Miller - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):470-486.
    Slaman and Wehner have constructed structures which distinguish the computable Turing degree 0 from the noncomputable degrees, in the sense that the spectrum of each structure consists precisely of the noncomputable degrees. Downey has asked if this can be done for an ordinary type of structure such as a linear order. We show that there exists a linear order whose spectrum includes every noncomputable Δ 0 2 degree, but not 0. Since our argument requires the technique of (...)
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  27.  36
    Maximal Towers and Ultrafilter Bases in Computability Theory.Steffen Lempp, Joseph S. Miller, André Nies & Mariya I. Soskova - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1170-1190.
    The tower number ${\mathfrak t}$ and the ultrafilter number $\mathfrak {u}$ are cardinal characteristics from set theory. They are based on combinatorial properties of classes of subsets of $\omega $ and the almost inclusion relation $\subseteq ^*$ between such subsets. We consider analogs of these cardinal characteristics in computability theory.We say that a sequence $(G_n)_{n \in {\mathbb N}}$ of computable sets is a tower if $G_0 = {\mathbb N}$, $G_{n+1} \subseteq ^* G_n$, and $G_n\smallsetminus G_{n+1}$ is infinite for each n. (...)
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  28. Quantum hypercomputation—hype or computation?Amit Hagar & Alex Korolev - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (3):347-363.
    A recent attempt to compute a (recursion‐theoretic) noncomputable function using the quantum adiabatic algorithm is criticized and found wanting. Quantum algorithms may outperform classical algorithms in some cases, but so far they retain the classical (recursion‐theoretic) notion of computability. A speculation is then offered as to where the putative power of quantum computers may come from.
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  29.  48
    Definable incompleteness and Friedberg splittings.Russell Miller - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):679-696.
    We define a property R(A 0 , A 1 ) in the partial order E of computably enumerable sets under inclusion, and prove that R implies that A 0 is noncomputable and incomplete. Moreover, the property is nonvacuous, and the A 0 and A 1 which we build satisfying R form a Friedberg splitting of their union A, with A 1 prompt and A promptly simple. We conclude that A 0 and A 1 lie in distinct orbits under automorphisms (...)
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  30. Godel, the Mind, and the Laws of Physics.Roger Penrose - 2011 - In Matthias Baaz (ed.), Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics: horizons of truth. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 339.
    Gödel appears to have believed strongly that the human mind cannot be explained in terms of any kind of computational physics, but he remained cautious in formulating this belief as a rigorous consequence of his incompleteness theorems. In this chapter, I discuss a modification of standard Gödel-type logical arguments, these appearing to strengthen Gödel’s conclusions, and attempt to provide a persuasive case in support of his standpoint that the actions of the mind must transcend computation. It appears that Gödel did (...)
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  31.  27
    A Hierarchy of Computably Enumerable Degrees.Rod Downey & Noam Greenberg - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):53-89.
    We introduce a new hierarchy of computably enumerable degrees. This hierarchy is based on computable ordinal notations measuring complexity of approximation of${\rm{\Delta }}_2^0$functions. The hierarchy unifies and classifies the combinatorics of a number of diverse constructions in computability theory. It does so along the lines of the high degrees (Martin) and the array noncomputable degrees (Downey, Jockusch, and Stob). The hierarchy also gives a number of natural definability results in the c.e. degrees, including a definable antichain.
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  32.  29
    The Thin Set Theorem for Pairs Implies DNR.Brian Rice - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (4):595-601.
    Answering a question in the reverse mathematics of combinatorial principles, we prove that the thin set theorem for pairs ) implies the diagonally noncomputable set principle over the base axiom system $\mathrm{RCA}_{0}$.
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  33.  67
    Beyond Physics? On the Prospects of Finding a Meaningful Oracle.Taner Edis & Maarten Boudry - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (4):403-422.
    Certain enterprises at the fringes of science, such as intelligent design creationism, claim to identify phenomena that go beyond not just our present physics but any possible physical explanation. Asking what it would take for such a claim to succeed, we introduce a version of physicalism that formulates the proposition that all available data sets are best explained by combinations of “chance and necessity”—algorithmic rules and randomness. Physicalism would then be violated by the existence of oracles that produce certain kinds (...)
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  34.  30
    Relationships between computability-theoretic properties of problems.Rod Downey, Noam Greenberg, Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Ludovic Patey & Dan Turetsky - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):47-71.
    A problem is a multivalued function from a set of instances to a set of solutions. We consider only instances and solutions coded by sets of integers. A problem admits preservation of some computability-theoretic weakness property if every computable instance of the problem admits a solution relative to which the property holds. For example, cone avoidance is the ability, given a noncomputable set A and a computable instance of a problem ${\mathsf {P}}$, to find a solution relative to which (...)
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  35.  60
    Superhighness.Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen & Andrée Nies - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (4):445-452.
    We prove that superhigh sets can be jump traceable, answering a question of Cole and Simpson. On the other hand, we show that such sets cannot be weakly 2-random. We also study the class $superhigh^\diamond$ and show that it contains some, but not all, of the noncomputable K-trivial sets.
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    Definable properties of the computably enumerable sets.Leo Harrington & Robert I. Soare - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):97-125.
    Post in 1944 began studying properties of a computably enumerable set A such as simple, h-simple, and hh-simple, with the intent of finding a property guaranteeing incompleteness of A . From the observations of Post and Myhill , attention focused by the 1950s on properties definable in the inclusion ordering of c.e. subsets of ω, namely E = . In the 1950s and 1960s Tennenbaum, Martin, Yates, Sacks, Lachlan, Shoenfield and others produced a number of elegant results relating ∄-definable properties (...)
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  37. Quantum hypercomputation.Tien D. Kieu - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (4):541-561.
    We explore the possibility of using quantum mechanical principles for hypercomputation through the consideration of a quantum algorithm for computing the Turing halting problem. The mathematical noncomputability is compensated by the measurability of the values of quantum observables and of the probability distributions for these values. Some previous no-go claims against quantum hypercomputation are then reviewed in the light of this new positive proposal.
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    The application of algorithmic information theory to noisy patterned strings.Sean Devine - 2006 - Complexity 12 (2):52-58.
    Although algorithmic information theory provides a measure of the information content of string of characters, problems of noise and noncomputability emerge. However, if pattern in a noisy string is recognized by reference to a set of similar strings, this article shows that a compressed algorithmic description of a noisy string is possible and illustrates this with some simple examples. The article also shows that algorithmic information theory can quantify the information in complex organized systems where pattern is nested within pattern.
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    A Local Version of the Slaman–Wehner Theorem and Families Closed Under Finite Differences.Marat Faizrahmanov - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):197-203.
    The main question of this article is whether there is a family closed under finite differences (i.e., if A belongs to the family and B=∗A, then B also belongs to the family) that can be enumerated by any noncomputable c.e. degree, but which cannot be enumerated computably. This question was formulated by Greenberg et al. (2020) in their recent work in which families that are closed under finite differences, close to the Slaman–Wehner families, are deeply studied.
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  40.  17
    Intrinsic density, asymptotic computability, and stochasticity.Justin Miller - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):220-220.
    There are many computational problems which are generally “easy” to solve but have certain rare examples which are much more difficult to solve. One approach to studying these problems is to ignore the difficult edge cases. Asymptotic computability is one of the formal tools that uses this approach to study these problems. Asymptotically computable sets can be thought of as almost computable sets, however every set is computationally equivalent to an almost computable set. Intrinsic density was introduced as a way (...)
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    Zwischen berechenbarkeit und nichtberechenbarkeit. Die thematisierung der berechenbarkeit in der aktuellen physik komplexer systeme.Jan C. Schmidt - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (1):99-131.
    Between Calculability and Non-Calculability. Issues of Calculability and Predictability in the Physics of Complex Systems. The ability to predict has been a very important qualifier of what constitutes scientific knowledge, ever since the successes of Babylonian and Greek astronomy. More recent is the general appreciation of the fact that in the presence of deterministic chaos, predictability is severely limited (the so-called ‘butterfly effect’): Nearby trajectories diverge during time evolution; small errors typically grow exponentially with time. The system obeys deterministic laws (...)
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    The wave equation with computable initial data whose unique solution is nowhere computable.Marian B. Pour-El & Ning Zhong - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):499-509.
    We give a rough statement of the main result. Let D be a compact subset of ℝ3× ℝ. The propagation u of a wave can be noncomputable in any neighborhood of any point of D even though the initial conditions which determine the wave propagation uniquely are computable. A precise statement of the result appears below.
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  43. Universal Science of Mind: Can Complexity-Based Artificial Intelligence Save the World in Crisis?Andrei P. Kirilyuk - manuscript
    While practical efforts in the field of artificial intelligence grow exponentially, the truly scientific and mathematically exact understanding of the underlying phenomena of intelligence and consciousness is still missing in the conventional science framework. The inevitably dominating empirical, trial-and-error approach has vanishing efficiency for those extremely complicated phenomena, ending up in fundamentally limited imitations of intelligent behaviour. We provide the first-principle analysis of unreduced many-body interaction process in the brain revealing its qualitatively new features, which give rise to rigorously defined (...)
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  44. Information, meaning and sense Iin the linguistic process of consciousness.Pavel Baryshnikov - 2012 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio.
    In this article the linguistic processes of consciousness are discussed at the informational and semantic levels. The key question is devoted to the distinction between the information, meaning and sense in the physical, logico-semantic and historic levels of brain and consciousness. The principal point runs that the human linguistic process of sense producing takes the variety and indistinctness in the cultural presupposition. The modern theories of philosophy of mind relying on the theories of Soviet psychological school propose some new solutions (...)
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  45. AI, Situatedness, Creativity, and Intelligence; or the Evolution of the Little Hearing Bones.Eric Dietrich - 1996 - J. Of Experimental and Theoretical AI 8 (1):1-6.
    Good sciences have good metaphors. Indeed, good sciences are good because they have good metaphors. AI could use more good metaphors. In this editorial, I would like to propose a new metaphor to help us understand intelligence. Of course, whether the metaphor is any good or not depends on whether it actually does help us. (What I am going to propose is not something opposed to computationalism -- the hypothesis that cognition is computation. Noncomputational metaphors are in vogue these days, (...)
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    On diagonal functions for equivalence relations.Serikzhan A. Badaev, Nikolay A. Bazhenov, Birzhan S. Kalmurzayev & Manat Mustafa - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):259-278.
    We work with weakly precomplete equivalence relations introduced by Badaev. The weak precompleteness is a natural notion inspired by various fixed point theorems in computability theory. Let E be an equivalence relation on the set of natural numbers $$\omega $$, having at least two classes. A total function f is a diagonal function for E if for every x, the numbers x and f(x) are not E-equivalent. It is known that in the case of c.e. relations E, the weak precompleteness (...)
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    Strengthening prompt simplicity.David Diamondstone & Keng Meng Ng - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (3):946 - 972.
    We introduce a natural strengthening of prompt simplicity which we call strong promptness, and study its relationship with existing lowness classes. This notion provides a ≤ wtt version of superlow cuppability. We show that every strongly prompt c.e. set is superlow cuppable. Unfortunately, strong promptness is not a Turing degree notion, and so cannot characterize the sets which are superlow cuppable. However, it is a wtt-degree notion, and we show that it characterizes the degrees which satisfy a wtt-degree notion very (...)
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    Thin Set Versions of Hindman’s Theorem.Denis R. Hirschfeldt & Sarah C. Reitzes - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):481-491.
    We examine the reverse mathematical strength of a variation of Hindman’s Theorem (HT) constructed by essentially combining HT with the Thin Set Theorem to obtain a principle that we call thin-HT. This principle states that every coloring c:N→N has an infinite set S⊆N whose finite sums are thin for c, meaning that there is an i with c(s)≠i for all nonempty sums s of finitely many distinct elements of S. We show that there is a computable instance of thin-HT such (...)
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  49.  30
    Degree spectra of real closed fields.Russell Miller & Victor Ocasio González - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):387-411.
    Several researchers have recently established that for every Turing degree \, the real closed field of all \-computable real numbers has spectrum \. We investigate the spectra of real closed fields further, focusing first on subfields of the field \ of computable real numbers, then on archimedean real closed fields more generally, and finally on non-archimedean real closed fields. For each noncomputable, computably enumerable set C, we produce a real closed C-computable subfield of \ with no computable copy. Then (...)
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  50.  44
    Orbits of computably enumerable sets: low sets can avoid an upper cone.Russell Miller - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 118 (1-2):61-85.
    We investigate the orbit of a low computably enumerable set under automorphisms of the partial order of c.e. sets under inclusion. Given an arbitrary low c.e. set A and an arbitrary noncomputable c.e. set C, we use the New Extension Theorem of Soare to construct an automorphism of mapping A to a set B such that CTB. Thus, the orbit in of the low set A cannot be contained in the upper cone above C. This complements a result of (...)
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