Results for 'music.'

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  1. Music critics and aestheticians are, on the surface, advocates and guardians of good music. But what exactly is “good”.Pop Music - 2004 - In Christopher Washburne & Maiken Derno, Bad music: the music we love to hate. New York: Routledge. pp. 62.
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  2. “I like bad music.” That's my usual response to people who ask me about my musi.Rock Critics Need Bad Music - 2004 - In Christopher Washburne & Maiken Derno, Bad music: the music we love to hate. New York: Routledge.
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    Infectious Music.Music-Listener Emotional Contagion - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Philosophy of Art in the Thinking of Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy.Lejla Mušić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (1):213-234.
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  5. What is sociological about music?William G. Roy, Timothy J. Dowd505 0 $A. I. I. Experience of Music: Ritual & Authenticity : - 2013 - In Sara Horsfall, Jan-Martijn Meij & Meghan D. Probstfield, Music sociology: examining the role of music in social life. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
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  6. Reviewed by Peter Kaminsky.Engaging Music - 2006 - Theoria 13:127.
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    A systematic review of comorbidity in PTSD using eye tracking and MEG.Music Selma, Rossell Susan & Ciorciari Joseph - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Mapping dreams in a computational space: A phrase-level model for analyzing Fight/Flight and other typical situations in dream reports.Maja Gutman Music, Pavan Holur & Kelly Bulkeley - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 106 (C):103428.
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    The Scope Argument, MICHAEL O'ROURKE.Against Musical Ontology & Aaron Ridley - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (3).
  10. Tatjana Markovic.Serbian Music Romanticism - 2003 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield, Musical semiotics revisited. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 468.
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    Effect of External Force on Agency in Physical Human-Machine Interaction.Satoshi Endo, Jakob Fröhner, Selma Musić, Sandra Hirche & Philipp Beckerle - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Community Experiments in Public Health Law and Policy.Angela K. McGowan, Gretchen G. Musicant, Sharonda R. Williams & Virginia R. Niehaus - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):10-14.
    Community-level legal and policy innovations or “experiments” can be important levers to improve health. States and localities are empowered through the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution to use their police powers to protect the health and welfare of the public. Many legal and policy tools are available, including: the power to tax and spend; regulation; mandated education or disclosure of information, modifying the environment — whether built or natural ; and indirect regulation. These legal and policy interventions can (...)
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    Ahern, Daniel R. The Smile of Tragedy: Nietzsche and the Art of Virtue. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012. Pp. xi+ 168. Cloth, $64.95. Alican, Necip Fikri. Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato. Value Inquiry Book Series. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2012. Pp. xxv+ 604. Cloth, $176.00. Allison, Henry E. Essays on Kant. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xiv+ 289. [REVIEW]Fine Music - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (1):145-147.
  14. Emotion and meaning in music.Leonard B. Meyer - 1956 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    Analyzes the meaning expressed in music, the social and psychological sources of meaning, and the methods of musical communication This is a book meant for ...
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    Neuromusic: Music and its Influence on the Purchase Process in the Markets.Luz Maribel, Vallejo-Chávez, María-Elena, Espín-Oleas, Hernán-Patricio, Moyano-Vallejo, Ana Julia & Vinueza-Salinas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:654-667.
    Music the art of combining sounds, maintains a sequence of time with harmony, melody and rhythm, generates changes in cognitive processes, improves concentration, memory, influences mood, produces changes in emotions, helps control anxiety, increases motivation, and decreases cortisol levels, the stress hormone, activates the hormone of happiness and rest, serotonin and melatonin. The objective was to analyze the influence of music in the purchase process and decision. The approach was qualitative-quantitative, exploratory level, descriptive statistics was applied to identify the main (...)
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  16. The Aesthetics of Music.Roger Scruton - 1997 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    What is music, what is its value, and what does it mean? In this stimulating volume, Roger Scruton offers a comprehensive account of the nature and significance of music from the perspective of modern philosophy. The study begins with the metaphysics of sound. Scruton distinguishes sound from tone; analyzes rhythm, melody, and harmony; and explores the various dimensions of musical organization and musical meaning. Taking on various fashionable theories in the philosophy and theory of music, he presents a compelling case (...)
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    Understanding Music: Remarks on the Relevance of Theory.Alan Tormey - 1987 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 1 (3):206 - 217.
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    Music Community, Improvisation, and Social Technologies in COVID-Era Música Huasteca.Daniel S. Margolies & J. A. Strub - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article examines two interrelated aspects of Mexican regional music response to the coronavirus crisis in the música huasteca community: the growth of interactive huapango livestreams as a preexisting but newly significant space for informal community gathering and cultural participation at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and the composition of original verses by son huasteco performers addressing the pandemic. Both the livestreams and the newly created coronavirus disease verses reflect critical improvisatory approaches to the pandemic in música huasteca. The (...)
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    Music and ayahuasca.Benny Shanon - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke, Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 281.
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  20. Music.Jeff Smith - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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  21. Music alone: philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience.Peter Kivy - 1990 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In the Essai sur Vorigine des langues (), Jean-Jacques Rousseau reports on an eighteenth-century curiosity that has, from time to time, fascinated musicians ...
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  22. Doing things with music.Joel W. Krueger - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (1):1-22.
    This paper is an exploration of how we do things with music—that is, the way that we use music as an esthetic technology to enact micro-practices of emotion regulation, communicative expression, identity construction, and interpersonal coordination that drive core aspects of our emotional and social existence. The main thesis is: from birth, music is directly perceived as an affordance-laden structure. Music, I argue, affords a sonic world, an exploratory space or nested acoustic environment that further affords possibilities for, among other (...)
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  23. Music, Art, and Metaphysics.Jerrold Levinson - 2011 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a long-awaited reissue of Jerrold Levinson's 1990 book which gathers together the writings that made him a leading figure in contemporary aesthetics. These highly influential essays are essential reading for debates on the definition of art, the ontology of art, emotional response to art, expression in art, and the nature of art forms.
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    Associating Vehicles Automation With Drivers Functional State Assessment Systems: A Challenge for Road Safety in the Future.Christian Collet & Oren Musicant - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:408476.
    In the near future, vehicles will gradually gain more autonomous functionalities. Drivers’ activity will be less about driving than about monitoring intelligent systems to which driving action will be delegated. Road safety, therefore, remains dependent on the human factor and we should identify the limits beyond which driver’s functional state (DFS) may no longer be able to ensure safety. Depending on the level of automation, estimating the DFS may have different targets, e.g. assessing driver’s situation awareness in lower levels of (...)
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    Origins of music in credible signaling.Samuel A. Mehr, Max M. Krasnow, Gregory A. Bryant & Edward H. Hagen - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e60.
    Music comprises a diverse category of cognitive phenomena that likely represent both the effects of psychological adaptations that are specific to music (e.g., rhythmic entrainment) and the effects of adaptations for non-musical functions (e.g., auditory scene analysis). How did music evolve? Here, we show that prevailing views on the evolution of music – that music is a byproduct of other evolved faculties, evolved for social bonding, or evolved to signal mate quality – are incomplete or wrong. We argue instead that (...)
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    Music Listening Predicted Improved Life Satisfaction in University Students During Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Amanda E. Krause, James Dimmock, Amanda L. Rebar & Ben Jackson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Quarantine and spatial distancing measures associated with COVID-19 resulted in substantial changes to individuals’ everyday lives. Prominent among these lifestyle changes was the way in which people interacted with media—including music listening. In this repeated assessment study, we assessed Australian university students’ media use throughout early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, and determined whether media use was related to changes in life satisfaction. Participants were asked to complete six online questionnaires, capturing pre- and during-pandemic experiences. The results indicated (...)
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  27. Music and Achievement.Ben A. Smith & Charles W. Davidson - 1991 - Journal of Social Studies Research 15 (1):1-7.
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    Music as Secularized Prayer: On Adorno’s Benjaminian Understanding of Music and its Language-Character.Mattias Martinson - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (3):205-220.
    ABSTRACTIn this essay I draw attention to conceptual similarities in Walter Benjamin’s and Theodor W. Adorno’s reflection about language, with special attention to Benjamin’s 1916 essay about language as such, including its theological impulses. In Adorno’s case, I concentrate on language theory as it comes forth in relation to his philosophy of music and the supposed language-character of music. I argue that this particular connection between Benjamin and Adorno is largely unexplored in the literature, and I show that their conceptual (...)
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    In Other Shoes: Music, Metaphor, Empathy, Existence.Kendall L. Walton - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In fifteen essays-one new, two newly revised and expanded, three with new postscripts-Kendall L. Walton wrestles with philosophical issues concerning music, metaphor, empathy, existence, fiction, and expressiveness in the arts. These subjects are intertwined in striking and surprising ways. By exploring connections among them, appealing sometimes to notions of imagining oneself in shoes different from one's own, Walton creates a wide-ranging mosaic of innovative insights.
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  30. The Antecedents of Music Piracy Attitudes and Intentions.Jyh-Shen Chiou, Chien-yi Huang & Hsin-hui Lee - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (2):161-174.
    Piracy is the greatest threat facing the music industry worldwide today. This study developed and empirically tested a model examining the antecedents of consumer attitude and behavioral intention toward music piracy behavior. Two types of music piracy behavior, unauthorized duplication/download and pirated music product purchasing, were examined. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that attributive satisfaction, perceived prosecution risk, magnitude of consequence, and social consensus are very important in influencing customers attitude and behavioral intention toward two (...)
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    Sound and Symbol, Music and the External World.Charles E. Gauss - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 16 (2):286-287.
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    Listening to the unconscious: adventures in popular music and psychoanalysis.Kenneth M. Smith - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Stephen Overy.
    An examination of the unconscious as it relates to popular music and the first truly interdisciplinary book on philosophy and popular music with equal weight given to each discipline.
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  33. Music and Mathematics: Modest Support for the Oft-Claimed Relationship.Kathryn Vaughn & Ellen Winner - 2000 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 34 (3/4):149.
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    From sounds to music towards understanding the neurocognition of musical sound perception.Mari Tervaniemi & Elvira Brattico - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (3-4):3-4.
    In this chapter we present a new approach to research in music perception allowing one to investigate how musical sound representations are formed in the human brain. By studying subjects' brain responses to unattended stimuli we can determine, for instance, whether neural circuits are more readily activated by musical sounds implicitly learned than by unfamiliar sounds even in non-musicians. Indeed, neuronal populations seem to respond more efficiently to pitch deviations within sound patterns following the rules of Western scale structure, rather (...)
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  35. Experimental Ontology of Music.Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė - manuscript
    This chapter focuses on the methodological challenges and practical implications of the experimental ontology of music. It offers an overview of the existing research, primarily focusing on how people judge whether two musical performances are of one and the same or two distinct musical works, followed by a discussion of the current methodological debates in this field and, finally, an exploration of its potential legal implications.
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    Music and PeoplePopular Music.Marilyn Pflederer Zimmerman, Ned Rorem & John Rublowsky - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (3):181.
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    Language, Music, and Mind.Stephen Davies - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (3):360-362.
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    Current Emotion Research in Music Psychology.Swathi Swaminathan & E. Glenn Schellenberg - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):189-197.
    Music is universal at least partly because it expresses emotion and regulates affect. Associations between music and emotion have been examined regularly by music psychologists. Here, we review recent findings in three areas: (a) the communication and perception of emotion in music, (b) the emotional consequences of music listening, and (c) predictors of music preferences.
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  39. The Sound of Music: Externalist Style.Luke Kersten & Robert A. Wilson - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):139-154.
    Philosophical exploration of individualism and externalism in the cognitive sciences most recently has been focused on general evaluations of these two views (Adams & Aizawa 2008, Rupert 2008, Wilson 2004, Clark 2008). Here we return to broaden an earlier phase of the debate between individualists and externalists about cognition, one that considered in detail particular theories, such as those in developmental psychology (Patterson 1991) and the computational theory of vision (Burge 1986, Segal 1989). Music cognition is an area in the (...)
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  40. Convention and Representation in Music.Hannah H. Kim - 2023 - Philosophers' Imprint 23 (1).
    In philosophy of music, formalists argue that pure instrumental music is unable to represent any content without the help of lyrics, titles, or dramatic context. In particular, they deny that music’s use of convention counts as a genuine case of representation because only intrinsic means of representing counts and conventions are extrinsic to the sound structures making up music. In this paper, I argue that convention should count as a way for music to genuinely represent content for two reasons. First, (...)
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    Deleuze and Music.Ian Buchanan & Marcel Swiboda - 2004 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Drawing out the 'unwritten' book on music from which Deleuze left many clues, but no manuscript, the essays in this volume explore what he said and thought about music and how music informed his thinking.
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    Uses and Perceptions of Music in Times of COVID-19: A Spanish Population Survey.Alberto Cabedo-Mas, Cristina Arriaga-Sanz & Lidon Moliner-Miravet - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:606180.
    Since March 14, 2020, Spanish citizens have been confined to their homes due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participating in musical activities has been associated with reduced anxiety and increased subjective wellbeing. The aim of this study is to analyze how Spanish citizens used music during the lockdown period. We also study perceptions of the impact music has in everyday life, in particular examining the respondents’ insights into the effects of listening to music in situations of isolation. The (...)
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  43. Ethical Decisions About Sharing Music Files in the P2P Environment.Rong-An Shang, Yu-Chen Chen & Pin-Cheng Chen - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):349-365.
    Digitized information and network have made an enormous impact on the music and movie industries. Internet piracy is popular and has greatly threatened the companies in these industries. This study tests Hunt-Vitell’s ethical decision model and attempts to understand why and how people share unauthorized music files with others in the peer-to-peer (P2P) network. The norm of anti-piracy, the ideology of free software, the norm of reciprocity, and the ideology of consumer rights are proposed as four deontological norms related to (...)
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    A theology of music.Alfred John Pike - 1953 - Toledo, Ohio: Gregorian Institute of America.
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  45. Paintings of Music.Michelle Liu - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):151-163.
    Paintings of music are a significant presence in modern art. They are cross-modal representations, aimed at representing music, say, musical works or forms, using colors, lines, and shapes in the visual modality. This article aims to provide a conceptual framework for understanding paintings of music. Using examples from modern art, the article addresses the question of what a painting of music is. Implications for the aesthetic appreciation of paintings of music are also drawn.
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    Music and semantics.Raymond Monelle - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti, Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
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  47. Music and Mental Imagery.Bence Nanay (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
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  48. Music Performance As an Experimental Approach to Hyperscanning Studies.Michaël A. S. Acquadro, Marco Congedo & Dirk De Riddeer - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:160194.
    Humans are fundamentally social and tend to create emergent organizations when interacting with each other; from dyads to families, small groups, large groups, societies and civilizations. The study of the neuronal substrate of human social behavior is currently gaining momentum in the young field of social neuroscience. Hyperscanning is a neuroimaging technique by which we can study two or more brain simultaneously while participants interact with each other. The aim of this article is to discuss several factors that we deem (...)
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    How Music Works.David Byrne - 2012 - Canongate.
    "Originally published in the United States in hardcover in 2012 and in paperback in 2013 by McSweeneys, San Francisco.".
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  50. The philosophy of music.Andrew Kania - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This is an overview of analytic philosophy of music. It is in five sections, as follows: 1. What Is Music? 2. Musical Ontology 3. Music and the Emotions 4. Understanding Music 5. Music and Value.
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