Results for 'monologic consciousness'

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  1.  41
    Monological versus dialogical consciousness – two epistemological views on the use of theory in clinical ethical practice.Kathrin Ohnsorge & Guy Widdershoven - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):361-369.
    In this article, we argue that a critical examination of epistemological and anthropological presuppositions might lead to a more fruitful use of theory in clinical-ethical practice. We differentiate between two views of conceptualizing ethics, referring to Charles Taylors' two epistemological models: ‘monological’ versus ‘dialogical consciousness’. We show that the conception of ethics in the model of ‘dialogical consciousness’ is radically different from the classical understanding of ethics in the model of ‘monological consciousness’. To reach accountable moral judgments, (...)
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    The need for dialogic consciousness in postmodern politic society.Povilas Aleksandravičius - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (1).
    This article analyses the forms of human thinking which fundamentally influence political life. The author distinguishes two of these forms – a monologic and a dialogic consciousness – and reveals philosophical pre-conditions for their formation in modern and postmodern times. The collision of these different forms of thinking is particularly relevant both for the countries of post-communist space and the old democratic traditions fostering Europe. The monologic consciousness is a closed thinking scheme rejecting the possibility of (...)
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    The principle of Bakhtin`s dialogicity as a conscious overcoming of the monologization of consciousness.А. Л Каулинь - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):89-100.
    This paper presents an analysis and comparison of two conceptions related to the understanding of social phenomena and the relationship between “I and the other”. The first of them is P. Ricoeur`s theory of the mimetic circle, which presents a phased structure of understanding of social action and forming an attitude towards it in the subject. Secondly, we consider the idea of dialogicity by M.M. Bakhtin, which he understood in a broad sense, as a general method for the humanities. With (...)
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  4. Recognition, Skepticism and Self-Consciousness in the Young Hegel.Italo Testa - 2009 - Fenomenologia E Società 32 (2):117-132.
    The theory of recognition arises within Hegel's confrontation with epistemological skepticism and aims at responding to the questions raised by modern skepticism concerning the accessibility of the external world, of other minds, and of one's own mind. This is possible to the extent that the theory of recognition is the guiding thread of a critique of the modern foundational theory of knowledge and, at the same time, the point of departure for an alternative approach. In this article I will dwell (...)
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  5. From the criticism to the philosophy of consciousness to the vindication of moral consciousness.Carlos Gómez - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 10:10-50.
    The “philosophy of conscience” is the fundamental paradigm of modern philosophy from Descartes to Kant. Such paradigm has been the object of continuous criticism starting with the so call “philosophy of suspicion” and latter on by the “linguistic turn”, which in this article is considered from the perspective of the discursive ethics of Habermas. Although these criticisms force us to abandon the primacy and the monologism of the “philosophy of conscience”, we should not forget the value of the moral conscience (...)
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    Strategies of Perception of Europe and their Reception in Lithuania.Povilas Aleksandravičius - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (1):161-177.
    This article analyses strategies of perception of Europe that fit into a triple structure. The traditional division into philosophical, cultural, and political Europe is intersected with more fundamental European perceptions determined by different ways of thinking. In this article, these ways are referred to as the closed, the open and the hollow ones. Thus, three different conceptions of Europe arise: the closed Europe characterized by essentialism, ethnocentrism, and monologic consciousness; the open Europe based on the standpoint that protection (...)
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  7. De Wittgenstein a Gadamer: La movilidad dialógica e interpretativa de los juegos de lenguaje en la historia.Carlos Gutiérrez - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    En la primera parte de este artículo se quiere exponer la posición de Ludwig Wittgenstein en las Investigaciones filosóficas donde ya se percibe un importante giro respecto a la concepción semántica del Tractatus. El Wittgenstein tardío asume el lenguaje y su significado no como el resultado aislado de una conciencia monológica sino el producto una praxis social mediada por reglas. Sin embargo, al pensador austríaco le falta aun el espacio para el encuentro con la otredad que se muestra en la (...)
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    A palavra religiosa como uma variante da 'palavra autoritária' em Bakhtin.Beatriz Gutiérrez Mueller - 2017 - Bakhtiniana 12 (1):91-112.
    RESUMO Segundo Mikhail Bakhtin, a 'palavra monológica' não é realizada no diálogo; dela se depreende a 'palavra autoritária' que, como seu próprio nome indica, provém da autoridade, legal ou eclesiástica, do professor ou dos pais. Sua característica, como se escuta no discurso religioso, é a de não permitir a discussão; pede ser reconhecida e assimilada por nós. Entretanto, é possível que tal palavra, ainda que 'de outrem', seja convincente, incorporando-se ao nosso discurso com plena consciência; sendo assim, pode inclusive ser (...)
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    Réflexion ou dialogique.Marly Bulcão - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):102-110.
    Reflections or Dialogicals: Ways for Making up an Ethics. This purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between reason and ethics in the thoughts ofLéon Brunschvicg and Gaston Bachelard. It will demonstrate that although the positions of these two authors have points in common as far as the development of their philosophical trajectories, there are also profound divergences in regards to their ethical conceptions. In affirming the passage from intellectual reason to moral consciousness, the ethical humanism of (...)
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    Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse: The Case of Plato's Dialogues.Frédéric Cossutta - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (1):48-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.1 (2003) 48-76 [Access article in PDF] Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse:The Case of Plato's Dialogues 1 Frédéric Cossutta The dialogic is increasingly acknowledged as a fundamental factor in the study of human language, a factor that transcends its explicit presence in dialogue. Habermas and Apel are examples of philosophers who do not think of the dialogic as subordinate to the monologic, an approach to (...)
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  11. Bakhtin, Hegel, and the Notion of Utopia.Yevgenia Skorobogatov-Gray - 1998 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton
    It is the purpose of this dissertation to show that Bakhtin, unlike other representatives of contemporary Continental thought, writes in the presence of utopia. A discussion of the significance of utopia in Bakhtin's later works is also an occasion for a rethinking of the essence of utopia. This dissertation aims to show that the principle that informs the divergence between Hegel and Bakhtin is none other than their respective views of utopia, and that utopia is not a kind of unrealistic (...)
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  12. Between the Plural 'Us' and the Excluded 'Other': Autochthons and Ethnic Groups in the Americas.Amaryll Chanady - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (170):93-108.
    Tsvetan Todorov, in his book Us and Them. French Thinking on Human Diversity, asked the following question: “How does one, how should one relate to those who do not belong to the same community as we do?” This question has been posed somewhat differently by intellectuals of the Americas anxious to develop paradigms of identity that will contribute to the successful construction of a society whose aim is to integrate heterogeneous ethnic groups: “How does one, how should one relate to (...)
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    When Narrative Fails.J. Melvin Woody - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4):329-345.
    Lloyd Wells' four examples of loss of self challenge both philosophers and clinicians to ponder just what it is that has been lost in such cases. If a self has been lost, who lost it? And how can personal identity be so insecure that it can be lost in so many different ways? Empiricist thinkers, both Western and Eastern, have questioned the very existence of a self; much recent thought about the nature of the self has converged on notions that (...)
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    Freedom and Responsibility: The Aesthetics of Free Musical Improvisation and Its Educational Implications—A View from Bakhtin.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (2):113-135.
    This paper aims to examine how specific aspects of Bakhtin's theoretical perspective might inform our understanding of improvisation. Moreover, it outlines the possible educational implications of such a perspective. Specifically, a sketch of a Bakhtinian conception of improvisation is proposed, a sketch which emphasizes the cultivation of an attitude of consciousness that leads to an understanding of improvised music making as an obligation to explore the unknown, to search for freedom through the responsibility to attend to the uniqueness of (...)
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  15. E. Higher., Order Thought and Representationalism.Explaining Consciousness - 2002 - In David John Chalmers (ed.), Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 406.
  16. Tamino's Eyes, Pamina's Gaze: Husserl's Phenomenology of Image-Consciousness Refashioned Nicolas de Warren (Wellesley College) ndewarre@ wel lesley. edu.Image-Consciousness Refashioned - 2010 - In Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs (eds.), Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. New York: Springer. pp. 303.
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  17. Ansgar Beckermann.Phenomenal Consciousness - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh. pp. 409.
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  18. 384 David Bates and Niall cartlidge.Normal Consciousness - 1994 - In Edmund Michael R. Critchley (ed.), The Neurological Boundaries of Reality. Farrand. pp. 383.
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  19. 238 Peer commentary and responses.Pure Consciousness - 1999 - In Jonathan Shear & Francisco J. Varela (eds.), The view from within: first-person approaches to the study of consciousness. Bowling Green, OH: Imprint Academic. pp. 6--2.
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  20. Non‐human consciousness and the specificity problem: A modest theoretical proposal.Henry Shevlin - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (2):297-314.
    Most scientific theories of consciousness are challenging to apply outside the human case insofar as non‐human systems (both biological and artificial) are unlikely to implement human architecture precisely, an issue I call thespecificity problem. After providing some background on the theories of consciousness debate, I survey the prospects of four approaches to this problem. I then consider a fifth solution, namely thetheory‐light approachproposed by Jonathan Birch. I defend a modified version of this that I term themodest theoretical approach, (...)
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  21. Universal correlates of consciousness.Stephen R. Deiss - 2009 - John Benjamins Publishing Company. Edited by David Skrbina.
    This is a chapter in the book titled 'Mind that Abides' published in 2009 by John Benjamins and edited by David Skrbina. It introduces a view of panpsychism as a solution to the hard problem of consciousness motivated by insights from cognitive science, neuroscience, and general systems. It contrasts with the incomplete anthropocentric NCC (neural correlates of consciousness) view that dominates in neuroscience, and suggests experimental and conceptual methods of verification.
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  22. This Quintessence of Dust - Consciousness Explained, at Thirty.Jared Warren - 2021 - Philosophical Papers 50 (1):281-308.
    Daniel Dennett’s Consciousness Explained is probably the most widely read book about consciousness ever written by a philosopher. Despite this, the book has had a surprisingly small influence on how most philosophers of mind view consciousness. This might be because many philosophers badly misunderstand the book. They claim it does not even attempt to explain consciousness, but instead denies its very existence. Outside of philosophy the book has had more influence, but is saddled by the same (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Consciousness and the Brain: A Scientific and Philosophical Inquiry.G. G. Globus, G. Maxwell & I. Savodnik - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (1):61-68.
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    L'écart: Merleau-Ponty's Separation.Constituting Consciousness - 2010 - In Kascha Semonovitch Neal DeRoo (ed.), Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Religion, and Perception. Continuum. pp. 95.
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    Consciousness, schizophrenia and scientific theory.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1993 - In Gregory R. Bock & Joan Marsh (eds.), Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness (CIBA Foundation Symposia Series, No. 174). Wiley. pp. 174--263.
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    Real consciousness.Daniel C. Dennett - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen (eds.), Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 55--63.
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    Plenary Addresses.Reconstructing Consciousness - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--1.
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    Changing constructions of consciousness.Hilary Rose - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (11-12):251-258.
    No fresh-minted concept like the fluid genome or indeed sexual harassment , consciousness has become immensely fashionable, but this time round as part of the new found cultural popularity of the natural sciences. However, what is immediately noticeable about the proliferation over the past decade of books and journals with ‘consciousness’ in their titles or invoked in their texts is that they seem to be drawn to the cultural glamour of the concept, but with little sense that the (...)
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    The First Minds: Caterpillars, Karyotes, and Consciousness.Arthur S. Reber - 2018 - New York: Oup Usa.
    The Cellular Basis of Consciousness theory places the first appearance of sentience at the emergence of life. It makes the radical, and previously unexplored, claim that prokaryotes, like bacteria, possess a primitive form of consciousness. The implications of the theory for the philosophy of mind, cell-biology, and cognitive neurosciences are explored.
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  30. The cognitive neuroscience of consciousness, mysticism and psi.B. L. Lancaster - forthcoming - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies.
    The greatest contemporary challenge in the arena of cognitive neuroscience concerns the relation between consciousness and the brain. Over recent years the focus of work in this area has switched from the analysis of diverse spatial regions of the brain to that of the timing of neural events. It appears that two conditions are necessary in order for neural events to become correlated with conscious experience. First, the firing of assemblies of neurones must achieve a degree of coherence, and, (...)
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  31. Consciousness.Thomas Natsoulas - 1978 - American Psychologist 33:906-14.
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  32. Two Kinds of Time-Consciousness and Three Kinds of Content.Jan Almäng - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (1):61-80.
    This paper explores the distinction between perceiving an object as extended in time, and experiencing a sequence of perceptions. I argue that this distinction cannot be adequately described by any present theory of time-consciousness and that in order to solve the puzzle, we need to consider perceptual content as having three distinct constituents: Explicit content, which has a particular phenomenal character, modal content, or the kind of content that is contributed by the psychological mode, and implicit content, which lacks (...)
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    Cit: Consciousness (review).Alan Preti - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (4):619-623.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cit: ConsciousnessAlan PretiCit: Consciousness. By Bina Gupta. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003. Pp. xi + 203.In his 1988 essay "Consciousness in Vedānta,"1 J. N. Mohanty pointed out that, Heidegger notwithstanding, a metaphysics of consciousness has been the destiny of Indian thought. Indeed, from the earliest Upaniṣadic speculations to the growth of the systems, the centrality of the concept of consciousness to the development (...)
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    The Causal Efficacy of Consciousness.Matthew Owen - 2020 - Entropy 22 (8).
    Mental causation is vitally important to the integrated information theory (IIT), which says consciousness exists since it is causally efficacious. While it might not be directly apparent, metaphysical commitments have consequential entailments concerning the causal efficacy of consciousness. Commitments regarding the ontology of consciousness and the nature of causation determine which problem(s) a view of consciousness faces with respect to mental causation. Analysis of mental causation in contemporary philosophy of mind has brought several problems to the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Constitution of Consciousness: A Study in Analytic Phenomenology.Wolfgang Huemer - 2004 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Through the work of philosophers like Sellars, Davidson and McDowell, the question of how the mind is related to the world has gained new importance in contemporary analytic philosophy. This book demonstrates that Husserl's phenomenological analyses of the structure of consciousness can provide fruitful insights for developing an original approach to these questions.
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  36.  54
    Animal consciousness – A limit of language?Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2021 - In .
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    Consciousness in neural networks?Edmund T. Rolls - 1997 - Neural Networks 10:1227-1303.
  38. Machine Consciousness.Robert Clowes, Steve Torrance & Ron Chrisley - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (7):7-14.
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  39. The Status of Consciousness in Spinoza's Concept of Mind.Jon Miller - 2007 - In Consciousness: From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy. Springer.
    Let me start with my conclusions: like most other philosophers of his era, Spinoza did not have well-developed views on consciousness and its place in the mind. Somewhat paradoxically, however, a basic tenet of his metaphysics generated a problem which might have been solved if he had thought more about those issues. So in the end, then, Spinoza did not have much to say about consciousness even though the coherency or at least the plausibility of his system demanded (...)
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  40. Music, phenomenology, time consciousness: meditations after Husserl.David Clarke - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-28.
    David Clarke examines the complex relationship between phenomenological and semiological understandings of music and consciousness through the window of time. He also explores the polar tension between Husserl's phenomenology and Derrida's critique of it, considering what the experience of music might have to offer in response to the crucial question of what is most primordial or essential to consciousness: the unceasing, differential movement of meaning, or some pure flow of subjectivity that underpins all our experience.
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  41. The Uroboros of Consciousness: Between the Naturalisation of Phenomenology and the Phenomenologisation of Nature.S. Vörös - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):96-104.
    Context: The burgeoning field of consciousness studies has recently witnessed a revival of first-person approaches based on phenomenology in general and Husserlian phenomenology in particular. However, the attempts to introduce phenomenological methods into cognitive science have raised serious doubts as to the feasibility of such projects. Much of the current debate has revolved around the issue of the naturalisation of phenomenology, i.e., of the possibility of integrating phenomenology into the naturalistic paradigm. Significantly less attention has been devoted to the (...)
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  42. Consciousness explained by Dennett: A critical review from a cognitive neuroscience point of view.M. Ruz, P. Tudela & Juan J. Acero - 2002 - Theoria 17:81-112.
  43. Consciousness in Early Modern Philosophy and Science.Vili Lähteenmäki - 2020 - In . pp. 1-12.
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  44. Nietzsche, consciousness, and dynamic cognitive neuroscience.Rex Welshon - 2015 - In Manuel Dries & P. J. E. Kail (eds.), Nietzsche on Mind and Nature. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press UK.
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  45. Consciousness and control: Lessons from hypnosis.Ernest R. Hilgard - 1979 - Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 7:103-15.
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    Music, consciousness, and the brain: music as shared experience of an embodied present.Andy McGuiness & Katie Overy - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke (eds.), Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 245.
  47.  27
    Consciousness creates access: Conscious goal images recruit unconscious action routines, but goal competition serves to "liberate" such routines, causing predictable slips.Bernard J. Baars, M. R. Fehling, M. LaPolla & Katharine A. McGovern - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler (eds.), Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  48. Consciousness incarnate: Concept of body in Merleau-Ponty and Ramanuja.W. Edattukaran - 2002 - Journal of Dharma 27 (2):178-192.
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    Models and mechanisms of consciousness: Report on ASSC-7 in memphis: May 30-June 2, 2003.Bill Faw - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (8):79-89.
    In the town where Elvis' occurrent consciousness status is periodically asserted, the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness held another great conference. The King of rockabilly did not show, but many stars of consciousness- and related-gigs did, such as Ned Block, Walter Freeman, Bernie Baars, Alva Noë, Dan Dennett, Christof Koch, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Peter Carruthers and Petra Stoerig. Even though this was my fifth ASSC conference I had never heard the famous Freeman nor the devilish Dennett (...)
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    Cajal and consciousness: scientific approaches to consciousness on the centennial of Ramón y Cajal's Textura.Pedro C. Marijuán & Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal (eds.) - 2001 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Machine generated contents note: Cajal and Consciousness: Introduction. By PEDRO C. MARIJUAN1 -- Part I. Consciousness, One Hundred Years after Textura -- Progress in the Neural Sciences in the Century after Cajal (and the Mysteries -- That Remain). By THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT, THOMAS M. JESSELL, -- ERIC R. KANDEL, AND MICHAEL I. POSNER11 -- Part II. Biological Complexity and the Emergence of Consciousness -- Consciousness, Reduction, and Emergence: Some Remarks. -- By MURRAY GELL-MANN41 -- The Epistemic (...)
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