Results for 'metaphysics '

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Bibliography: Metaphysics and Epistemology
Bibliography: Metaphysics
Bibliography: Metaphysics of Mind in Philosophy of Mind
Bibliography: Metaphysics, Miscellaneous in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Interlevel Metaphysics in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Metaphysics of Mind, Misc in Philosophy of Mind
Bibliography: Interlevel Metaphysics, Misc in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Metaphysics of Spacetime in Philosophy of Physical Science
Bibliography: Metaphysics, General Works in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Metaphysics, Misc in Metaphysics
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  1.  45
    Levinas's skeptical critique of metaphysics and. 47v77-humanism.Critique Of Metaphysics - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout, Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 7.
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  2. EJ Lowe Metaphysical Realism and the Unity of Truth.Metaphysical Realism - 2003 - In Andreas Bächli & Klaus Petrus, Monism. Frankfurt: Ontos. pp. 9--109.
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    Quassim Cassam.Z. Metaphysics - 1986 - Philosophy 61:95.
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  4. Iain Thomson.of Western Metaphysics - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  5. John M. Broughton.Genetic Metaphysics - 1980 - In Robert W. Rieber, Body and mind: past, present, and future. New York: Academic Press. pp. 177.
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    Abbott, Edwin Abbott. 2010. Flatland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ix+ 294 pp. Altman, Andrew. 2009. A Liberal Theory of International Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 233 pp. Bailer-Jones, Daniela. 2009. Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science. Pittsburgh. [REVIEW]Metaphysics Theta & John Dunn - 2010 - Philosophical Review 119 (3).
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    Ronald Bruzina.A. Phenomenological Metaphysics - 1992 - In D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree & Jitendranath Mohanty, Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy. New Delhi: State University of New York Press. pp. 270.
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  8. Speculative metaphysics and the future of philosophy: The contemporary relevance of Whitehead's defence of speculative metaphysics.Arran Gare - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (2):127 – 145.
    While some philosophers and increasing numbers of scientists are striving to revive speculative metaphysics as a condition for further advancing science, solving the central problems of contemporary philosophy and confronting the major problems facing society, even philosophers decrying the increasingly marginal status of philosophy continue to ignore or denigrate their efforts. It is argued that this lack of appreciation and the associated misrepresentations of speculative metaphysics stems from the failure to appreciate work in this area as an ongoing (...)
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  9. The metaphysics of human freedom: from Kant’s transcendental idealism to Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):133-156.
    Schelling’s 1809 Freiheitsschrift, perhaps his most widely read work, presents considerable difficulties of understanding. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of the work in relation to Kant. My focus is on the relation in each case of their theory of human freedom to their general metaphysics, a relation which both regard as essential. The argument of the paper is in sum that Schelling may be viewed as addressing and resolving a problem which faces Kant’s theory of freedom and (...)
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  10. Self as a problem in African philosophy.Metaphysical Thinking In Africa - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Ca Hooker.From Phenomena To Metaphysics - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 159.
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  12.  70
    6 Fink, Reading Nietzsche.On Overcoming Metaphysics - 2013 - In Elodie Boublil & Christine Daigle, Nietzsche and Phenomenology: Power, Life, Subjectivity. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
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    John Duns Scotus on Ens Infinitum, FRANCIS J. CATANIA.I. X. Metaphysics - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4).
  14. James H. Fetzer.Probabilistic Metaphysics - 1988 - In J. H. Fetzer, Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon. D. Reidel. pp. 192--109.
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    Ron Bontekoe.Modal Metaphysics & Peter Milne - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2).
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    The evil of death.What Can Metaphysics - 2013 - In Fred Feldman Ben Bradley, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death. Oxford University Press.
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    Metaphysics or Metaphors for the Anthropocene? Scientific Naturalism and the Agency of Things.Patrick Gamez - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):191-212.
    In this paper, I provide the outlines of an alternative metaphilosophical orientation for Continental philosophy, namely, a form of scientific naturalism that has proximate roots in the work of Bachelard and Althusser. I describe this orientation as an “alternative” insofar as it provides a framework for doing justice to some of the motivations behind the recent revival of metaphysics in Continental philosophy, in particular its ecological-ethical motivations. In the second section of the paper, I demonstrate how ecological-ethical issues motivate (...)
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  18. The Metaphysics of Sex and Gender.Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir - 2010 - In Charlotte Witt, Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self. Springer Verlag. pp. 47--65.
    In this chapter I offer an interpretation of Judith Butler’s metaphysics of sex and gender and situate it in the ontological landscape alongside what has long been the received view of sex and gender in the English speaking world, which owes its inspiration to the works of Simone de Beauvoir. I then offer a critique of Butler’s view, as interpreted, and subsequently an original account of sex and gender, according to which both are constructed—or conferred, as I would put (...)
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  19. Eniyan: The Yoruba concept of a person.Metaphysical Thinking In Africa - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    The Metaphysics of Evolution: Naqshbandis in the Ottoman World, 1450-1700.David L. Hull - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    Extreme variation in the meaning of the term “species” throughout the history of biology has often frustrated attempts of historians, philosophers and biologists to communicate with one another about the transition in biological thinking from the static species concept to the modern notion of evolving species. The most important change which has underlain all the other fluctuations in the meaning of the word “species” is the change from it denoting such metaphysical entities as essences, Forms or Natures to denoting classes (...)
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  21. Deflationary metaphysics and ordinary language.Tim Button - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):33-57.
    Amie Thomasson and Eli Hirsch have both attempted to deflate metaphysics, by combining Carnapian ideas with an appeal to ordinary language. My main aim in this paper is to critique such deflationary appeals to ordinary language. Focussing on Thomasson, I draw two very general conclusions. First: ordinary language is a wildly complicated phenomenon. Its implicit ontological commitments can only be tackled by invoking a context principle; but this will mean that ordinary language ontology is not a trivial enterprise. Second: (...)
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  22.  36
    Spinoza's Monistic Metaphysics of Substance and Mode.Don Garrett - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 93–107.
    Commentators have offered interpretations over many years of the nature and status of the attributes in Spinoza's metaphysics, but attributes are best understood as diverse manners of existence, so that a substance having more than one attribute exists in more than one manner. Spinoza's monistic metaphysics of substance and mode allows him to offer an appealing conception of the nature of space. Spinoza's monistic metaphysics provides the basis for a positive account of how particular things constitute things (...)
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  23. Metaphysics and Essence.Michael A. Slote - 1975 - Philosophy 51 (196):241-243.
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  24.  49
    Modelling metaphysics: the metaphysics of a model.Uwe Meixner - 2010 - New Brunswick [NJ]: Ontos.
    This book models and simulates metaphysics by presenting the metaphysics of a model.
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  25.  43
    (1 other version)Naturalizing metaphysics with the help of cognitive science.Alvin I. Goldman - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. pp. 171-215.
    This chapter argues that empirical findings in cognitive science can play a significant evidential role in an optimal methodology for metaphysics. It does not propose any radical metaphysical methodology or any wholesale replacement of traditional methods. Rather, it offers a supplement to traditional methods. The chapter proposes a general template for metaphysical methodology under which cognitive scientific considerations might become routine or commonplace factors in realist metaphysics, not just isolated or occasional factors. This template is applied to four (...)
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  26. Socratic metaphysics.William J. Prior - 2013 - In John Bussanich & Nicholas D. Smith, The Bloomsbury companion to Socrates. New York: Continuum. pp. 68-93.
    In this article I argue (against the views of Russell Dancy and Gregory Vlastos, but in support of the views of R. E. Allen, Gail Fine, and Francesco Fronterotta) that Euthyphro 5c-d and 6d-e show that Socrates had a metaphysics, early version of the theory of forms. I disagree with Fronterotta only on the separation of the forms in the Euthyphro.
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    The Metaphysics of the School.Charles A. Hart - 1942 - New Scholasticism 16 (1):88-90.
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    The metaphysics of the `I'.Justus Hartnack - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (88):248-254.
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  29. The Metaphysics of the Engineered Environment.Larry Hickman - 1997 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 5.
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    Metaphysics of Meaning. Cambridge (Mass.), London: MIT (Bradford Book), 1990. Jerold J. Katz.Carlos Holvoet - 1992 - Philosophica 49.
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    The metaphysics of leading principles.Sidney Hook - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (7):169-183.
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    The Metaphysics of Chesterton.Leonard Feeney - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (1):22-36.
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    An Essay on Metaphysics.Rex Martin (ed.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    An Essay on Metaphysics is one of the finest works of the great Oxford philosopher R. G. Collingwood : in it he considers the nature of philosophy, especially of metaphysics, and puts forward his original and influential theories of absolute presuppositions, causation, and the logic of question and answer. Three fascinating unpublished pieces by Collingwood have been added for this revised edition: they illuminate and amplify the ideas of the Essay, to which they are closely related. The editor (...)
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  34. Metaphysics for Lovers in Essays in Honor of Richard Kennington.Ja Bernadete - 1986 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 11 (2):37-48.
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  35.  41
    Aristotle, Metaphysics, X. (I.), 6: 1056B 27–32.Archibald A. Bowman - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (02):42-44.
  36. Is Metaphysics Possible?Pratima Bowes - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (161):281-282.
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    "Morals, metaphysics, and heart transplantation: reflections on Richard Selzer's" Whither Thou Goest".Michael Potts - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (2):212-223.
  38. Metaphysics in Ordinary Language.Stanley Rosen - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (1):156-160.
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  39. (1 other version)The metaphysics of logical positivism.Gustav Bergmann - 1954 - New York,: Longmans, Green.
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  40. The Metaphysics of Logic.Penelope Rush (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Featuring fourteen new essays from an international team of renowned contributors, this volume explores the key issues, debates and questions in the metaphysics of logic. The book is structured in three parts, looking first at the main positions in the nature of logic, such as realism, pluralism, relativism, objectivity, nihilism, conceptualism, and conventionalism, then focusing on historical topics such as the medieval Aristotelian view of logic, the problem of universals, and Bolzano's logical realism. The final section tackles specific issues (...)
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  41.  11
    Essays on Metaphysics and the Theory of Knowledge.Jonathan Harrison - 1995
    A detailed consideration of a number of problems concerning the meaning of moral judgements and the justification of morality, and the usefulness and origin of the institution of morality.
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  42. A first book in metaphysics.Walter Taylor Marvin - 1912 - New York: Macmillan.
  43. (1 other version)Royce's metaphysics.Gabriel Marcel - 1956 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
  44. Metaphysics of history-A new turn in Kant's criticism.L. Belas - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (3):229-241.
  45. Metaphysics, religion, and Yoruba traditional Non-Human Agencies Belief & in an African Powers - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    Vedic metaphysics.Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha & Bhāratīkr̥shṇatīrtha - 1978 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
    First time in the history of India, in 1958, a Sankaracarya visited West. The author, His Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracarya Sri Bharati Krsna Tirtha of Puri, went to America at the invitation of the Self Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, to spread the message of Vedanta. This book is a compilation of some of his discourses delivered there. These discourses by a saint-yogi and master of ancient Indian scriptures, also well-versed in modern sciences, give the essentials of Vedanta. They combine authenticity of (...)
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  47. The metaphysics of words and the outer Bounds of language.Jp Cometti - 1992 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 46 (183):487-504.
  48. The Metaphysics of Resemblance.Ghislain Guigon - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Geneva
    The topic of this study is the resemblance of individuals. The underlying contention of this dissertation is that the resemblance of individuals is a taxing and challenging philosophical topic. Two main claims are defended in this study to support this contention. The first of these claims is that resemblance is not a binary relation but a monadic multigrade property. The second of these claims is that the metaphysics of resemblance and the metaphysics of properties are distinct, although not (...)
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  49. Ritual Metaphysics.Schilbrack Kevin - 2002 - In Kevin Schilbrack, Thinking through rituals: philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 128--147.
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    Metaphysics.Inayat Khan - 1939 - Deventer,: AE. E. Kluwer.
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