Results for 'mass society'

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  1.  15
    Mass Society and Political Conflict: Toward a Reconstruction of Theory.Sandor Halebsky - 1976 - Cambridge University Press.
    The principal purpose of the present volume is to analyse critically one of the major contemporary interpretations of the origin of support for radical or extremist political behaviour - the political theory of mass society. Mass political theory is one of several major perspectives on political extremism which share a stress on the social psychological, emotional and irrational origins of dissidence. The present work may be seen as part of a growing scholarly effort reassessing such theories and (...)
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    Mass society.Sheila Grant & William Christian - 1998 - In Sheila Grant & William Christian, The George Grant Reader. University of Toronto Press. pp. 50-58.
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    Social Phenomenology, Mass-Society and the Individual in Hegel and Heidegger.Matthew Rukgaber - 2017 - Hegel Bulletin 38 (1):129-149.
    This article argues that Hegel’s dialectic of wealth and power in the stage of social development called ‘culture’ (Bildung) reveals that even in moments of profound social alienation, Spirit (Geist)—the labor of constructing identity and freedom— remains. This stands in sharp contrast to Heidegger’s theory of alienation and Dasein’s ‘publicity’ (Offentlichkeit), which paints modern social existence as a profound threat to the very ‘Being’ and ‘possibilities’ of human life. The supposed threats of inauthenticity and mass existence are, from a (...)
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    The Theory of Mass Society: Prefatory Remarks.Edward Shils - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (39):45-66.
    A specter is haunting sociologists. It is the specter of “mass society.” This phantasm is not of the sociologist's own making. The conception of mass society, that had its origin in the Roman historians’ idea of the tumultuous populace and its greatest literary expression in Coriolanus, is largely a product of the nineteenth century. In this epoch, it is a product of the reaction against the French Revolutions which ran from 1789, through 1830 and 1848, to (...)
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  5. " Mass society": The late stages of an idea.E. V. Walter - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Insei: Abdicated Sovereigns in the Politics of Late Heian Japan, 1086-1185.Jeffrey P. Mass & G. Cameron Hurst - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):333.
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    La France foutue : allégorie « foutative » et rapport à l’histoire.Stéphanie Massé - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:221.
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    Adorno on mass societies.Deborah Cook - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (1):35–52.
  9. Man Against Mass Society.G. S. Fraser (ed.) - 2008 - St. Augustine's Press.
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  10. (1 other version)Man against mass society.Gabriel Marcel - 1962 - Chicago,: Regnery.
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    Individuality in Mass Society.Henry Roper Roper & Arthur Davis - 2005 - In Henry Roper Roper & Arthur Davis, Collected Works of George Grant: Volume 3. University of Toronto Press. pp. 407-412.
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    The Desymbolization of Human Life in Contemporary Mass Societies.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (3):213-221.
    Judaism and Christianity, the religious traditions most influential on Western civilization, taught that the universe was created by the Word and that human beings were distinguished from all other animals by their use of words. What characterizes our age is a growing reliance on images as our words are being desymbolized. This desymbolization of experience, language, and culture results primarily from what Jacques Ellul has called technique, which has been built up with discipline-based approaches to knowing and doing. It has (...)
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  13.  33
    Adaptation of Traditional Society To Modern Mass Society.Burra Venkatappiah - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (33):1-27.
    This paper is confined to Indian, more specifically Hindu, society. It tries to assess the process of change going on in this society from the point of view of new needs and old values. In doing so, it draws on an unscholarly but inside acquaintance with the situation and makes no claim to completeness either of analysis or treatment.
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    Metaphysical Journal.The Mystery of Being. II. Faith & Reality.Man Against Mass Society.Robert D. Cumming, Gabriel Marcel, Bernard Wall, Rene Hague, Donald Mackinnon & G. S. Fraser - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (23):698.
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  15.  16
    Advertising: the Central Institution of Mass Society.Mason Griff - 1969 - Diogenes 17 (68):120-137.
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  16.  34
    Les autobiographies foetales masculines ou Jonas dans le ventre de la baleine.Chantal Théry, Steven Morin, Sylvie Massé & Hélène Turcotte - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (2):503-523.
    Les quatre textes qui suivent tentent d'analyser dans la littérature québécoise et française récente les manifestations d'une société en mutation, désireuse ou non de rompre avec les stéréotypes de sexes, de revisiter et réconcilier féminin et masculin. Les écrivaines, avec quelques belles longueurs d'avance, continuent de vouloir à la fois le corps et l'esprit, la vie et la fiction, de jongler avec l'altérité et les identités plurielles et de travailler des textes ûctionnels, théoriques et incamés, qui prennent en compte le (...)
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  17.  29
    Individuality, Conformity and Freedom in Mass Society: A Millian Perspective Revisited.George Mousourakis - 2014 - Lyceum 13 (1).
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    Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Mass Society in Weimar Berlin.Owen Hatherley - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (2):177-194.
    The Weimar-Republic, and the modernist architecture and planning that was born there, is still a contested place, from whence liberals, reactionaries and Marxists can all trace their lineage. Sabine Hake’s Topographies of Class attempts to clarify this contestation, through an interdisciplinary study of the modernist geography of the interwar-capital, Berlin. The book offers many new insights into the Weimar-era city, countering a tendency on the Left to reject the twentieth-century city in favour of the romanticised ‘capitals of the nineteenth century’, (...)
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    The Development of Kamakura Rule, 1180-1250: A Study with Documents.Ronald P. Toby & Jeffrey P. Mass - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):644.
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    The Bakufu in Japanese History.William R. Braisted, Jeffery P. Mass & William B. Hauser - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):169.
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  21. Conflicts of the Artist in Mass Society.Mason Griff - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (46):54-68.
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    Selected works of Herbert Blumer: a public philosophy for mass society.Herbert Blumer (ed.) - 2000 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    The civic sociology of Herbert Blumer speaks to the fundamental problem of modernity: how freedom and equity can be ensured when institutional and personal ...
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  23. Book Review:Man, the State, and War. Kenneth N. Waltz; The Politics of Mass Society. William Kornhauser. [REVIEW]Cecil Miller - 1960 - Ethics 71 (1):63-.
  24.  13
    Genetics and the Law.Aubrey Milunsky, George J. Annas, National Genetics Foundation & American Society of Law and Medicine - 2012 - Springer.
    Society has historically not taken a benign view of genetic disease. The laws permitting sterilization of the mentally re tarded~ and those proscribing consanguineous marriages are but two examples. Indeed as far back as the 5th-10th centuries, B.C.E., consanguineous unions were outlawed (Leviticus XVIII, 6). Case law has traditionally tended toward the conservative. It is reactive rather than directive, exerting its influence only after an individual or group has sustained injury and brought suit. In contrast, state legislatures have not (...)
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    Mass media and their impact on society.Larry Gross - 1996 - Global Bioethics 9 (1-4):197-204.
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    Redeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration by Amy Levad.Lloyd Steffen - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):204-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Redeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration by Amy LevadLloyd SteffenRedeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration Amy Levad minneapolis: fortress press, 2014. 233 pp. $39.00.Amy Levad (University of St. Thomas) has added a theological voice to the national conversation that Michelle Alexander opened with her devastating critique of the American criminal justice system (...)
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  27. Society as Aristocratic: Towards a Clarification of the Meaning of "Society" in Ortega's "The Revolt of the Masses".AntÓn Donoso - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 29:167.
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    “An Undifferentiated Mass of Gray Goo?” Nanotechnology and Society.Zaheer Baber - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (1):10-12.
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  29.  21
    Marketing The Millenium: Ideology, Mass Culture, and Industrial Society.H. C. Greisman - 1974 - Politics and Society 4 (4):511-524.
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  30.  38
    Rola mass mediów w kulturze społeczeństwa jednowymiarowego Herberta Marcusego.Liudmyla Orokhovska - 2014 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (2):111-122.
    In the article the author researches the problem of modern mass-media influence upon the ideologization of society and the appearance of “one-dimensional” man on the basis of H. Marcuse’s ideas. According to H. Marcuse’s statement that modern culture created by means of mass-media deprives a person of any real alternatives to the existing and thinking the author rises the problem of manipulation of mass consciousness in modern conditions.
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  31.  18
    Schooling and Society: Myths of Mass Education.Gordon Tait - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This new book is a wide-ranging, contemporary and accessible analysis of familiar and recurring myths about mass education in the United Kingdom. Looking at a variety of important issues and problems, each chapter begins by dispelling myths and assumptions about the classroom, going beyond class, race and gender, to offer analysis of topics such as discipline, youth cultures, information technology and globalisation. Utilising an interdisciplinary lens, this book offers knowledge from disciplines as diverse as sociology, philosophy, jurisprudence and cultural (...)
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  32.  12
    Adorno's Three Contributions to a Theory of Mass Psychology and Why They Matter.Eli Zaretsky - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 321–334.
    This essay situates Adorno's 1951 “Freudian Theory and Patterns of Fascist Propaganda” in the context of the history of Critical Theory and argues that it made three important contributions. First, it restored the idea of the group or, rather, of the relation of the individual to the group, which Adorno's predecessors had lost. Second, the essay distinguished the mass psychology of authoritarian societies from that of democratic societies and related this distinction to the pre‐Oedipal and Oedipal phases of individual (...)
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    Modern mass aberration: Hermann Broch and the problem of irrationality.Christian Borch - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (2):63-83.
    The mass theory of the Austrian novelist and philosopher Hermann Broch has been virtually ignored in social theory. However, the recent theoretical interest in crowds makes it pertinent to scrutinize this part of his work. This article presents and examines the fundamental architecture of Broch's Massenwahntheorie, its historical context and how it may contribute to contemporary social theory. Specifically, Broch's insistence on the irrational dimensions of human behaviour is analysed as well as his emphasis on psychological anxiety in modern (...)
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  34.  43
    Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the Twentieth-Century World.Inga Clendinnen - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):366-367.
  35.  22
    Mass culture, education and the perspective of individuality.Panos Eliopoulos - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):36-46.
    For Adorno and Horkheimer, rationalism – in fact, a technical rationalism which becomes a rationalism of domination– failed to provide the path to the liberation of man and society. The aftermath, half education of the masses, is not an incomplete education or lack of education, but substantially hostility towards culture and genuine education, decay and involvement of education in individual considerations and benefits, with the contribution of mass dissemination of culture and art. Half education is the spread of (...)
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  36.  20
    Human Remains in Society: Curation and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass-Violence. Ed. Jean-Marc Dreyfus and Élisabeth Anstett. [REVIEW]David Morgan - 2017 - Journal of Religion and Violence 5 (2):205-207.
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    Mass-Mediated Expertise as Informal Policy Advice.Hans Peter Peters, Harald Heinrichs & Imme Petersen - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (6):865-887.
    Scientific policy advice is usually perceived as a formalized advisory process within political institutions. Politics has benefited from this arrangement because the science-based rationalization of policy has contributed to its legitimacy. However, in Western democratic societies, scientific expertise that is routinely mobilized to legitimate political positions has increasingly lost its power due to controversial expertise in the public sphere in particular within the mass media. As a consequence of the medialization of science, political decision makers are increasingly confronted with (...)
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  38.  64
    From Demonization of the Masses to Democratic Practice in the Work of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault.Jill Hargis - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):373-392.
    This paper argues that the dichotomy between individuals, as bearers of unique and freely chosen identities, and the masses, as the large numbers of others who are conforming and uncritical, should be understood as a constructed dichotomy. This dichotomy is both supported and dismantled in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Michel Foucault. Each of these thinkers reinforced the idea that there exist conforming and threatening masses from which individuals should separate themselves. And yet by theorizing the limitations (...)
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  39.  42
    The Mass of the English Troy Pound in the Eighteenth Century.A. D. C. Simpson & R. D. Connor - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (3):321-349.
    An examination of British and French weights exchanged between the Royal Society and the Académie royale des sciences in the 1730s has led to a re‐assessment of the Elizabethan troy standards from the Exchequer and the suggestion that the mass of the troy pound has been revised upwards. In turn this is used to support the idea of an evolutionary relationship between the early bullion ounces of England, France, and the Low Countries.
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    Strategic rationality of mass culture.Yelyzaveta Borysenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:155-169.
    The article deals with a role of mass culture in term of the theory of the culture industry by M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno and the theory of communicative action by J. Habermas, who continues research of the Frankfurt school. It is known that Habermas says about two types of rationality — communicative and structural. The lifeworld and the system correspond them. Usually, culture correspond to lifeworld because it helps people`s socialization. Also it is a place for communication and (...)
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  41.  17
    Mass Deliberative Democracy and Criminal Justice Reform.Seth Mayer - 2021 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 27 (1):68-102.
    The American criminal justice system falls far short of democratic ideals. In response, democratic communitarian localism proposes a more decentralized system with a greater emphasis on local control. This approach aims to deconcentrate power and remove bureaucracy, arguing local control would reflect informal cultural life better than our current system. This view fails to adequately address localized domination, however, including in the background culture of society. As a result, it underplays the need for transformative, democratizing change. Rejecting communitarian localism, (...)
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  42.  25
    The Mass of the English Troy Pound in the Eighteenth Century.Ad C. Simpson & R. D. Connor - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (3):321-349.
    An examination of British and French weights exchanged between the Royal Society and the Académie royale des sciences in the 1730s has led to a re‐assessment of the Elizabethan troy standards from the Exchequer and the suggestion that the mass of the troy pound has been revised upwards. In turn this is used to support the idea of an evolutionary relationship between the early bullion ounces of England, France, and the Low Countries.
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    Does mass psychology renaturalize political theory? On the methodological originality of “Crowds and Power”.Endre Kiss - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (6):725-738.
    The actual originality and radicalism of Canetti's mass psychology provides a comprehensive picture of humanity and society which could also accommodate a naturalized political domain. Proceeding according to a deliberate plan, Canetti discusses four “purely” political complexes on the basis of his mass‐psychological conception. These four complexes are completed, architecturally as it were, by the Schreber Case, the keystone, which legitimately unites and synthesizes the political and psychological domains in terms of power. His strategy does not involve (...)
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  44.  17
    Mass Diffusion of Modern Digital Technologies as the Main Driver of Change in Sports-Spectating Audiences.Ekaterina Glebova, Michel Desbordes & Gabor Geczi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The rapid uptake of digital technologies is constantly transforming the modern culture of sports spectating; however, relatively little is known about the impact of digitalization on the changing face of global sports-consuming audiences, particularly from a qualitative perspective. In this article, the relationship between modern mass digital technologies and audiences of sports spectators is described and explained by taking a customer-centric approach to grounded theory using a literature review and in-depth qualitative semi-structured interviews with sports marketing, management, and technology (...)
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  45. The Inherent Problem with Mass Incarceration.Raff Donelson - 2022 - Oklahoma Law Review 75 (1):51-67.
    For more than a decade, activists, scholars, journalists, and politicians of various stripes have been discussing and decrying mass incarceration. This collection of voices has mostly focused on contingent features of the phenomenon. Critics mention racial disparities, poor prison conditions, and spiraling costs. Some critics have alleged broader problems: they have called for an end to all incarceration, even all punishment. Lost in this conversation is a focus on what is inherently wrong with mass incarceration specifically. This essay (...)
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  46.  97
    Mass media campaigns and organ donation: managing conflicting messages and interests. [REVIEW]Mohamed Y. Rady, Joan L. McGregor & Joseph L. Verheijde - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):229-241.
    Mass media campaigns are widely and successfully used to change health decisions and behaviors for better or for worse in society. In the United States, media campaigns have been launched at local offices of the states’ department of motor vehicles to promote citizens’ willingness to organ donation and donor registration. We analyze interventional studies of multimedia communication campaigns to encourage organ-donor registration at local offices of states’ department of motor vehicles. The media campaigns include the use of multifaceted (...)
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  47.  3
    Digital era: from mass media towards a mass of media.Žygintas Pečiulis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (3).
    We live in a digital era, which can be described in various aspects: the digitalization of analogue information storage, the emergence of web society, the replacement of the vertical mass communication model with horizontal social networks, the decrease in the influence of traditional media. The article deals with the main characteristics of the digital era: interactivity, momentariness, hypertextuality, and convergence. The discussion of social network phenomenon and traditional media crisis serves in revealing the following relevant issues of the (...)
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  48.  24
    From Critique of Mass Culture to Culture: Modernity and Arendt’s Political Aesthetics.Tengiz Tsimnaridze - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (3):231-238.
    In this article, I intend to discuss the Arendtian conception of culture. In her influential essay “Crisis in Culture: Its Social and Its Political Significance,” Arendt argues that culture is at risk of disappearing under conditions of modernity. In her view, modernity is the age of mass society that leads to the destruction of culture and the development of mass culture. This is the situation Arendt has in mind when she speaks of a “crisis in culture,” a (...)
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    The threat of mass culture in the postmodern era.Silvia M. Nagy - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):836-841.
    (1996). The threat of mass culture in the postmodern era. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 836-841.
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    (1 other version)Cooley John C.. Outline of symbolic logic. Harvard Cooperative Society, Cambridge, Mass., 1938.Saunders Mac Lane - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):126-126.
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