Results for 'management organization'

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  1.  36
    Against Management: Organization in the Age of Managerialism by Martin Parker. [REVIEW]Ron Beadle - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (1):64-65.
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    Professional organisation, employers and the education of engineers for management: A comparison of mechanical, electrical and chemical engineers in Britain, 1897–1977. [REVIEW]Colin Divall - 1994 - Minerva 32 (3):241-266.
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    (1 other version)Ethics of management of gender atypical organisation in children and adolescents.Simona Giordano - 2008 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), International Public Health Policy & Ethics. Dordrecht. pp. 249--272.
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    Managing Freely Acting People: Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Action and Modern Management and Organisation Theory.Han van Diest & Ben Dankbaar - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):97-113.
    This article offers an interpretation of theories of management and organisation from the perspective of Hannah Arendt’s theory of free action. This endeavour will contribute to criticism and eventually improvement of the conceptual framework of management and organisation theory. We discuss conceptual tensions in this field, for instance with respect to the relationship between human action and the constraints of an organisation. To the extent that management and organisation theory are practiceoriented, such an analysis can help to (...)
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    Towards a Postcolonial-storytelling Theory of Management and Organisation.Kenneth Jorgensen, Anete Strand & David Boje - 2013 - Philosophy of Management 12 (1):43-66.
    A contribution to management philosophy is made here by the development of a postcolonial-storytelling theory, created by drawing together parallel developments in quantum physics and tribal peoples’ storytelling. We argue that these developments resituate the hegemonic relationship of discursive representationalism over material storytelling practices. Implications are two-fold. First, this dissolves inherent dualisms presumed in the concept of interactionamong entities like actor–structure, subject–object and discursive–nondiscursive in favour of a profound ontology of entanglement and intra-action of materiality and discourse, where storytelling (...)
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    Exploring knowledge management in a Lean Six Sigma organisation.Nur Amalina Muhammad & Jeng Feng Chin - 2020 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 13 (1):20.
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  7. Being and Care in Organisation and Management — A Heideggerian Interpretation of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.Michela Betta, Robert Jones & James Latham - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (1):5-20.
    We propose to understand the global financial crisis of 2008 as an historical event marked by public decisions, economic evaluations and ratings, and business practices driven by a sense of subjugation to powerful others, uncritical conformity to serendipitous rules, and a levelling down of all meaningful differences. The crisis has also revealed two important things: that the free-market economy has inherent problems highlighting the limits of (financial) business, and, consequently, that the business organisation is not as strong as is usually (...)
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    A Philosophical Reading of a Classic of Management and Organisation: F W Taylor.Frits Schipper - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):23-38.
    Although Taylor’s scientific management is often severely criticised, his publications are seldom the subject of scrutinised, philosophical, reading. The latter is the aim of the present text. Attention is given to the idea of science, the role of extra-scientific values, the relationship of theory and practice, the societal meaning of management, presenting demarcations, presuppositions and unclarities. The conclusion notes several topics, implied by Taylor’s views and still worth reflecting upon. One example is efficiency as a seemingly context-independent concept.
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    Management and Organization Paradoxes.Stewart R. Clegg - 2002 - John Benjamins Publishing.
    Paradox — the simultaneous existence of two inconsistent states — has become orthodox. The orthodox is now the paradox. The orthodox world of ordering, controlling and organizing is increasingly opposed to a normalizing world of disordering, disrupting and disorganizing. And organization studies cannot avoid changing its conceptions of reality as that reality changes. In the future, organization studies will be the study of paradox, how to understand it, how to use it. In this book of original contributions addressed (...)
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    The labour process perspective on management organization: a critique and reformulation.Michael Reed - 1990 - In John Hassard & Denis Pym (eds.), The Theory and philosophy of organizations: critical issues and new perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 63--82.
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    Risk Management: Demythologising its Belief Foundations.Robert Allinson - 2007 - International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 7 (3):299-311.
    Fallacious anthropomorphic attributions such as 'risky technology' take ethical accountability out of the hands of managers and relegate it to the deterministic or accidental outcomes of complex 'high risk technology'. Equally fallacious mechanistic terms such as 'organisational inertia' are borrowed from physics to apply to human organisations. The responsibility for ethically accountable decision-making is taken out of human hands and either ascribed to the mythological entity "Technology" or to the mythological bureaucratic organisation which functions as if it follows the laws (...)
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    Learning Organisation or Learning Community? A Critique of Senge.Michael Fielding - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (2):17-29.
    This paper takes a close look at a central aspect of the work of Peter Senge,1 namely his advocacy of the learning organisation and the ‘Communities of Commitment’ that he suggests are its central dynamic. Echoing strands of the liberal-communitarian debate, Senge argues for ‘the primacy of the whole’ and ‘the community nature of the self ’ as two of the three Galilean shifts2 which have the potential to enable business to accomplish fundamental changes in our ways of thinking and (...)
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  13.  48
    Human resource management and ethical behaviour: Exploring the role of training in the Spanish banking industry.Pablo Ruíz Palomino & Rícardo Martínez - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):69.
    Nowadays there is a growing interest in business ethics, both in academia and professionally. However, moral lapses continue to happen in business activities, leading academicians and professionals to rethink what is being done and reinventing new strategies to successfully manage ethics in business organisations. Thus, whereas efforts to promote ethics are basically oriented to using and developing explicit, written formal mechanisms, the literature suggests that other instruments are also useful and necessary to achieve this. Thus, studying the role of the (...)
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    Towards a functionally humane organisation: synergy between Indian and Western human values.G. P. Rao - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Gower. Edited by Amita Srivastava.
    Human values, by their very nature, are situational and culture specific. It would, therefore, be unrealistic to think that we can 'transplant' or 'transport' values from one country or culture to another with ease. This text identifies suitable human values which cut across national boundaries and cultures to facilitate organisations wishing to advance their businesses and strategic management capabilities towards a functionally humane organisation (FHO).
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  15. Management réformateur et utopie rationnelle.Jean-Luc Metzger - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 111 (2):233-259.
    Cet article propose d'utiliser le concept d'utopie rationnelle pour rendre compte des pratiques managériales et tout particulièrement de la production de réformes répétées dans les organisations. Dans cette perspective, après avoir décrit une décennie de transformations au sein d'une organisation publique, certaines caractéristiques de la « culture managériale » sont dégagées de sa pratique réformatrice. Dans un second temps, le concept d'utopie rationnelle est construit à partir de textes canoniques et des travaux d'« utopologues ». Dans un troisième temps, utopie (...)
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  16. The Influence of an Organisation’s Corporate Values on Employees Personal Buying Behaviour.Jesús Cambra-Fierro, Yolanda Polo-Redondo & Alan Wilson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):157-167.
    This article explores the influence that an organisation's corporate values have on employees' behaviour and values both within and outside the work environment. In particular, it focuses on the impact of these values on the personal buying behaviour of employees. The empirical research was undertaken within a case study organisation that produces wine in Spain and involved interviews with senior management, an analysis of company documentation, as well as group discussions with employees supported by an employee survey. The article (...)
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  17.  25
    Environmental Management in Times of Crisis.Johanne Grosvold & Grosvold Dahlmann - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:105-120.
    This study sets out to evaluate the role and emerging salience of environmental managers in a longitudinal perspective through a series of interviews with UK based environmental managers. Our results suggest that coercive isomorphic pressures are particularly important in driving the increased salience of the environmental management role and that stakeholder pressures overall have increased since 2006 which has further contributed to the environmental management function emerging as central to the business organisation. Views on the impact of the (...)
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    Organization of Information, Dissemination, and Management in Libraries.Sidharta Chatterjee & Mousumi Samanta - 2021 - Moscova: ELIVA PRESS.
    The primary theme of this book is related to library and information science. The book is arranged into several chapters related to specific issues in knowledge organization and information dissemination. Library and Information science is a rapidly growing specialized field which is currently demanding ever more attention due to tremendous growth in data, information, and knowledge across the world. Therefore, to cater the growing need of library science professionals, and increasing demand for knowledge resources, this book has been compiled (...)
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    A technology‐enabled framework for stakeholder engagement in a destination management system: Evidence from DMS Puglia.Piera Buonincontri, Roberto Micera & Ornella Papaluca - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    In tourism, the presence of different stakeholders, sometimes with conflicting interests, requires a clear understanding of how to manage and engage them effectively. Despite the importance of this topic, tourism studies lack a univocal framework for destinations aiming to develop a destination management system (DMS) focused on empowering stakeholder engagement. To fill this gap, this study aims to identify the key dimensions that can strengthen stakeholder engagement in the tourism sector. Particular attention is given to the role of technology (...)
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  20.  32
    Are Management Texts Produced by Authors or by Readers? Representations of a Contingency Theory.Miriam Green - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (1):85-96.
    This paper addresses representations of Burns and Stalker’s theory that arose soon after its publication in The Management of Innovation in 1961. Different conceptions of Burns and Stalker’s contingency theory as portrayed in organisation and management texts are discussed. It will be argued that what has been represented as their theory stems in the main from ideas based on different positions within the spectrum of the positivistic, functionalist ‘paradigm’.
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    Human Resource Management and Distress at Work: What Managers Could Learn From the Spirituality of Work in Simone Weil’s Philosophy.Christine Noel-Lemaitre & Séverine Le Loarne-Lemaire - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (2):63-83.
    Workplace spirituality deals with paradoxes. This concept has been taken on board since the late 1980s, but very few human resource managers have realised that workplace spirituality could make an essential contribution to a better understanding of workplace and corporate reality. Increasing numbers of academic papers are being published on this subject but mere remain many grey areas for researchers. The aim of this paper is to use Simone Weil’s philosophy as a reading grid to get an insight into workplace (...)
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  22.  21
    Enlivening Management Practice Through Aesthetic Engagement: Vico, Baumgarten and Kant.Ralph Bathurst - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 7 (2):61-76.
    Organisational aesthetics is a burgeoning field with a growing community of scholars engaged in arts-based and aesthetic approaches to research. Recent developments in this field can be traced back to the works of early Enlightenment writers such as Vico, Baumgarten and Kant. This paper examines the contributions of these three philosophers. In particular it focuses on Vico’s treatment of history and myth; Baumgarten’s notion of sensation and its relationship to rationality; and Kant’s investigations into form and content. An exploration of (...)
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  23. Corporate communication and impression management – new perspectives why companies engage in corporate social reporting.Reggy Hooghiemstra - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):55 - 68.
    This paper addresses the theoretical framework on corporate social reporting. Although that corporate social reporting has been analysed from different perspectives, legitmacy theory currently is the dominating perspective. Authors employing this framework suggest that social and environmental disclosures are responses to both public pressure and increased media attention resulting from major social incidents such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the chemical leak in Bhopal (India). More specifically, those authors argue that the increase in social disclosures represent a strategy (...)
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  24.  47
    Are Organisation Researchers too Obsessed with the Economic Responsibility of the Firm?Jeremy Galbreath - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):287-295.
    The original intent of business education in America focused on the development of professional managers who would look after the interests of society. As economic and shareholder theories influenced business education, firm performance became the manager’s top – if not only – priority. The economic responsibility of the firm also appears to be dominating scholarly interest in organisations as well. However, business firms constitute part of the fabric of society and closer attention should be paid by organisation researchers to the (...)
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  25.  41
    Coordinating Knowledge Hierarchies in Management: Re-conceptualising Organisational Wisdom.Carolyn Dickie - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (1):79-94.
    This theoretical paper addresses issues associated with the hierarchical concept of the “pyramid of wisdom” to suggest that progressive organisations can implement management systems that capture and apply personal and organisational talents at various levels. A phenomenological hermeneutic approach is used to re-conceptualise components of practical wisdom in organisations. After briefly examining what constitutes Western and Eastern wisdom traditions, the paper provides various hierarchies associated with a postulated model of the pyramid of wisdom. It is argued that understanding how (...)
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    Practically Useless? Why Management Theory Needs Popper.Mark W. Moss - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (3):31-42.
    What would Karl Popper have made of today’s management and organisation theories? He would surely have approved of the openness of debate in some quarters, but the ease with which many managers accept the generalisations of some academics, gurus and consultants might well have troubled him. Popper himself argued that processes of induction alone were unlikely to lead to developments in knowledge and considered processes of justification to be more important. He claimed that it was not through verifying theories (...)
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  27.  53
    A Case for Including Business Ethics and the Humanities in Management Programs.M. W. Small - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (2):195-211.
    The idea underlying this article was that the humanities in general and business ethics in particular should be more firmly embedded in business management programs. A number of areas have been identified for students to use as topics for research projects in management ethics. These ranged from Biblical and classical times to the present day. Some were drawn from sources that were less well known e.g. the De consolatione philosphiae ‘The Consolation of Philosophy’ by Boethius 524 AD. This (...)
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  28.  22
    Socially Responsible Management as a Basis for Sound Business in the Family Firm.M. John Foster - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (2):203-218.
    This paper examines the proposition that adopting a socially responsible, or philanthropic, management posture is not antithetic to the capitalist business model but rather can be seen as a sound approach to the development of long-term sustainability in business in a modern business environment, wherein a strand of corporate social responsibility is one core aspect of the composite utility function of the modern business. We suggest further that for many of the prominent/significant examples of the successful adoption of a (...)
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  29.  76
    What Is Management and What Do Managers Do? A Systems Theory Account.Bruce G. Charlton & Peter Andras - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (3):3-15.
    Systems Theory analyses the world in terms of communications and divides the natural world into environment and systems. Systems are characterised by their high density of communications and tend to become more complex and efficient with time, usually by means of increased specialisation and coordination of functions. Management is an organisational sub-system which models all necessary aspects of organisational activity such that this model may be used for monitoring, prediction and planning of the organisation as a whole. The function (...)
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    A Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management.Michel Ferrary - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):31-43.
    In order to understand the system wherein human resource management practices are determined by the interactions of a complex system of actors, it is necessary to have a conceptual framework of analysis. In this respect, the works of scholars concerning stakeholder theory opened new perspectives in management theory. An organisation is understood as being part of a politico-economic system of stakeholders who interact and influence management practices. Each stakeholder tries to optimise and protect his interests, 61-75). The (...)
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    (1 other version)Diversifying Evidence in Evidence-Based Management.Paride Del Grosso & Kato Van Roey - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (4):439-460.
    Evidence-based Management (EBMgt) and Evidence-Based Management + (EBMgt +) are two approaches to management according to which managerial decisions should be based on the best available evidence, as this increases the likelihood of their effectiveness. In these approaches, four types of evidence are considered: evidence from the scientific literature, from practitioners, from the organisation and from stakeholders. In EBMgt +, evidence is characterised as a three-place relation between information, a claim and a method. In many circumstances, probability (...)
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    Managing as if faith mattered: Christian social principles in the modern organization.Helen J. Alford - 2001 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Michael Naughton.
    Making us whole : avoiding split personalities -- The purpose of business : working together for the common good -- The virtues : human development in the corporate community -- Job design : prudence and subsidiarity in operations -- Just wages : justice and the subjective dimension of work in human resources -- Corporate ownership : temperance and common use in finance -- Marketing communication and product development : courage and solidarity in marketing -- Faith, hope and charity : authentic (...)
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    Immanent Philosophy: The Consequences and Concepts of Human Resource Management.Pia Bramming - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):31-45.
    In this paper I present a philosophically-inspired approach to the field of human resource management (HRM). Such an approach demands a certain kind of reader and a certain kind of HR professional: readers and professionals who are less occupied with the application and implementation of new HR technologies and more with the complex impact of HRM technologies and practices on individuality and sociality. I argue that concepts, technologies and practices of HRM are in practice elements in an immanent philosophy, (...)
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    Aesthetics, Organization, and Humanistic Management.Monika Kostera & Cezary Wozniak - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book is a reaction to the reductionist and exploitative ideas dominating the mainstream contemporary management discourse and practice, and an attempt to broaden the horizons of possibility for both managers and organization scholars. It brings together the scholarly fields of humanistic management and organizational aesthetics, where the former brings in the unshakeable focus on the human condition and concern for dignity, emancipation, and the common good, while the latter promotes reflection, openness, and appreciation for irreducible complexity (...)
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    The Ethics of Management: A Stoic Perspective.Hugh Bowden - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (2):29-48.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the notion that certain aspects of Stoic thinking can give useful insights into some salient issues in current management theories. The Stoics, as represented in this paper chiefly by Epictetus, concerned themselves with: management of self, management processes and information. The main focus is on ethics — how the individual and the organisation ought to behave. Pierre Hadot, in ‘Philosophy as a Way of Life’ notes ‘a degree of resonance (...)
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  36. Foucault's Overlooked Organisation - Revisiting his Critical Works.Michela Betta - 2015 - Culture Theory and Critique:1-23.
    In this essay I propose a new reading of Michel Foucault’s main thesis about biopower and biopolitics. I argue that organisation represents the neglected key to Foucault’s new conceptualisation of power as something that is less political and more organisational. This unique contribution was lost even on his closest interlocutors. Foucault’s work on power had a strong influence on organisation and management theory but interestingly not for the reasons I am proposing. In fact, although theorists in management and (...)
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    Organisation, Transformation, and Propagation of Mathematical Knowledge in Omega.Serge Autexier, Christoph Benzmüller, Dominik Dietrich & Marc Wagner - 2008 - Mathematics in Computer Science 2 (2):253-277.
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  38. The question of ethical hypocrisy in human resource management in the U.k. And irish charity sectors.Dorothy Foote - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (1):25 - 38.
    Whilst there is a growing volume of literature exploring the ethical implications of organisational change for HRM and the ethical aspects of certain HRM activities, there have been few published U.K. studies of how HR managers actually behave when faced with ethical dilemmas in their work. This paper seeks to enhance the foundations of such knowledge through an examination of the influence of organisational values on the ethical behaviour of Human Resource Managers within a sample of charities in the U.K. (...)
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    Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research.Anne Antoni & Haley Beer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):279-294.
    Management and organization researchers are being called to conduct research that is more caring, yet the concept of care and how to practice it within the profession is undertheorized. Adopting a feminist epistemology and methodology, we develop the concept of care by weaving the personal, ethical, and political into the research process. First, we reflect critically on how aspects of care—attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness (Tronto, Moral boundaries: a political argument for an ethic of care, Routledge, 1993; Tronto, (...)
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    Exploring Schumacher and Popper: a Quest for the Philosophical Foundations of Project Cycle Management.Katri Targama & Patrick Rang - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (2):41-52.
    In this article we (a) interlink the philosophical ideas of Ernst Schumacher and Karl Popper within the framework of planning and management, (b) describe project management cases implemented using the principles of project cycle management (PCM) and (c) study whether the success or failure can be attributed to following these concepts. We consider two basic concepts for perceiving the world surrounding us: the concept of organisation and that of self-organisation. The former emphasises the predictability of the future, (...)
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  41. Responsible management of innovation in business.Thomas B. Long, Edurne Iñigo & Vincent Blok - 2020 - In Oliver Laasch, Roy Suddaby, R. E. Freeman & Dima Jamali (eds.), Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 606-623.
    This chapter explores the concept and practice of responsible management of innovation. Responsible innovation is a key response to the grand challenges faced by society, helping to develop innovations with society in mind, and limit any unintended consequences. Responsible managers with influence over innovations need knowledge and understanding of how responsible innovation applies to their roles and how as individuals they can manage innovation responsibly. While the application of responsible innovation to these contexts faces a number of practical and (...)
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  42. Structure, culture and agency: rejecting the current orthodoxy of organisation theory.Robert Archer - 2000 - In Stephen Ackroyd & Steve Fleetwood (eds.), Realist Perspectives on Management and Organisations. Psychology Press. pp. 66-86.
    All theory makes assumptions about the nature of reality (either implicitly or explicitly) and such ontological assumptions necessarily regulate how one studies the things and events under investigation. Successful study is inex- tricably dependent upon an adequate ontology. As Bryant neatly puts it, "Effective application, in turn, is connected with adequate working assumptions about the constitution of society. Argument about the constitution of society is thus not a recondite activity which most sociologists [and organi- sation theorists] can safely ignore" (1995: (...)
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    Guest Editors’ Introduction: Organisation and Decision Processes.Leonard Minkes & Tony Gear - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (1):1-2.
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    Knowledge management for poverty eradication: a South African perspective.Madeleine Fombad - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (2):193-213.
    PurposeThis paper aims to explore poverty issues in South Africa, to investigate some of the key contributions that knowledge management can make in the eradication of poverty and to suggest a strategy of knowledge management for poverty eradication in South Africa.Design/methodology/approachThis is a conceptual paper. Secondary data sources, in the form of journal articles, policy documents, newspaper articles and the internet, were consulted.FindingsThis paper contributes to the debates on moving towards an integrated poverty strategy that goes beyond reducing (...)
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    The Management of Meaning – Conditions for Perception of Values in a Hierarchical Organization.Rudi Kirkhaug - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (3):317-324.
    This article argues that the introduction of value based management in a decentralized, hierarchical, and rule-based organization will add to existing informal and formal systems instead of replacing them. Consequently, employees' perception of and willingness to embrace and operationalize centrally imposed values were assumed to be dependent upon existing emotional, social, and formal processes and structures. Hierarchical regression analysis on data from a maritime company (N = 408) gathered in Norway in 2004 – which claims to be a (...)
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    Reconciling Opposites in Organisation Studies: An Aristotelian Approach to Modernism and Post-modernism.Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila & Eero Vaara - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (1):81-98.
    In view of the current fragmentation in management and organisation studies, we argue that there is a need to elaborate techniques that help reconcile contradictory and superficially incommensurable standpoints. For this purpose, we draw on ‘pre-modern’ Aristotelian epistemological and methodological sources, particularly the idea of ‘saving the appearances’ (SA), not previously introduced into organisation studies. Using SA as our starting point, we outline a methodology that helps to develop reasonable and acceptable intermediary positions in contemporary debates between ‘modernism’ and (...)
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    Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover.Maiju Kangas, Muel Kaptein, Mari Huhtala, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Pia Pihlajasaari & Taru Feldt - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):707-723.
    The aim of the present longitudinal study was to quantitatively examine whether an ethical organizational culture predicts turnover among managers. To complement the quantitative results, a further important aim was to examine the self-reported reasons behind manager turnover, and the associations of ethical organizational culture with these reasons. The participants were Finnish managers working in technical and commercial fields. Logistic regression analyses indicated that, of the eight virtues investigated, congruency of supervisors, congruency of senior management, discussability, and sanctionability were (...)
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    Communication Management within the Organization.Ionut Ghibanu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (4):16-23.
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    (1 other version)The role of the human resources manager: Strategist or conscience of the organisation?Dorothy Foote & Izabela Robinson - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (2):88–98.
    The human resource manager treads a fine line in seeking to reconcile the values of the organisation with professional values about the ethical management of people. This paper seeks to explore this ambiguity. The research findings suggest that the extent to which HR professionals can influence organisational ethics is dependent on the culture and structure of the organisation, as well as on the status and credibility of the HR specialists themselves. In the main there is little evidence that their (...)
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    Care Ethics Management and Redesign Organization in the New Normal.Silvio Carlo Ripamonti, Laura Galuppo, Sara Petrilli, Sharon Dentali & Riccardo Giorgio Zuffo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The pandemic period has placed the organizations in a state of great tension. It has generated a situation of confusion, lack of rules, and production-related criticalities that have called into question the very existence of many productive realities. This article aims to highlight the dimensions of care and ethics put in place by HR managers in COVID-19. The objective that animated the authors have focused on the HRM level of medium and large companies in Italy to highlight the protective actions (...)
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