Results for 'lan Robins'

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  1. Mathematics and the Conversion of the Mind.lan Robins - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (2):359-391.
    An account of how the mathematical sciences turn the mind away from becoming and towards being. There are four main conclusions. 1. The study of numbers, when treated independently of the other sciences, uses a particular conception of the nature of numbers to detach the mind from the influence of perceptible objects. 2. The study of ratios and proportions, explicitly the core of Plato's harmonics, is fundamental also to plane and solid geometry and astronomy. 3. Ratios and proportion form the (...)
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    Platos Idee des Guten. [REVIEW]lan Robins - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:213-218.
  3.  64
    Practical Reflection, by J. David Velleman. [REVIEW]Michael H. Robins - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (4):949-952.
  4. Defending Discontinuism, Naturally.Sarah Robins - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):469-486.
    The more interest philosophers take in memory, the less agreement there is that memory exists—or more precisely, that remembering is a distinct psychological kind or mental state. Concerns about memory’s distinctiveness are triggered by observations of its similarity to imagination. The ensuing debate is cast as one between discontinuism and continuism. The landscape of debate is set such that any extensive engagement with empirical research into episodic memory places one on the side of continuism. Discontinuists concerns are portrayed as almost (...)
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  5. Representing the past: memory traces and the causal theory of memory.Sarah Robins - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (11):2993-3013.
    According to the Causal Theory of Memory, remembering a particular past event requires a causal connection between that event and its subsequent representation in memory, specifically, a connection sustained by a memory trace. The CTM is the default view of memory in contemporary philosophy, but debates persist over what the involved memory traces must be like. Martin and Deutscher argued that the CTM required memory traces to be structural analogues of past events. Bernecker and Michaelian, contemporary CTM proponents, reject structural (...)
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    When the “I” looks at the “Me”: Autobiographical memory, visual perspective, and the self.Angelina R. Sutin & Richard W. Robins - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1386-1397.
    This article presents a theoretical model of the self processes involved in autobiographical memories and proposes competing hypotheses for the role of visual perspective in autobiographical memory retrieval. Autobiographical memories can be retrieved from either the 1st person perspective, in which individuals see the event through their own eyes, or from the 3rd person perspective, in which individuals see themselves and the event from the perspective of an external observer. A growing body of research suggests that the visual perspective from (...)
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  7. Misremembering.Sarah K. Robins - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):432-447.
    The Archival and Constructive views of memory offer contrasting characterizations of remembering and its relation to memory errors. I evaluate the descriptive adequacy of each by offering a close analysis of one of the most prominent experimental techniques by which memory errors are elicited—the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm. Explaining the DRM effect requires appreciating it as a distinct form of memory error, which I refer to as misremembering. Misremembering is a memory error that relies on successful retention of the targeted event. It (...)
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  8. The Role of Memory Science in the Philosophy of Memory.Sarah Robins - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (10):e12880.
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    Stable Engrams and Neural Dynamics.Sarah K. Robins - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):1130-1139.
    The idea that remembering involves an engram, becoming stable and permanent via consolidation, has guided the neuroscience of memory since its inception. The shift to thinking of memory as continuo...
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  10. Confabulation and constructive memory.Sarah K. Robins - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6):2135-2151.
    Confabulation is a symptom central to many psychiatric diagnoses and can be severely debilitating to those who exhibit the symptom. Theorists, scientists, and clinicians have an understandable interest in the nature of confabulation—pursuing ways to define, identify, treat, and perhaps even prevent this memory disorder. Appeals to confabulation as a clinical symptom rely on an account of memory’s function from which cases like the above can be contrasted. Accounting for confabulation is thus an important desideratum for any candidate theory of (...)
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  11. Beyond the causal theory? Fifty years after Martin and Deutscher.Kourken Michaelian & Sarah Robins - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin, New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 13-32.
    It is natural to think of remembering in terms of causation: I can recall a recent dinner with a friend because I experienced that dinner. Some fifty years ago, Martin and Deutscher (1966) turned this basic thought into a full-fledged theory of memory, a theory that came to dominate the landscape in the philosophy of memory. Remembering, Martin and Deutscher argue, requires the existence of a specific sort of causal connection between the rememberer's original experience of an event and his (...)
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    Why have “revolutionary” tools found purchase in memory science?David Colaço & Sarah Robins - 2023 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4.
    The study of the neural basis of memory has advanced over the past decade. A key contributor to this memory “renaissance” has been new tools. On its face, this matches what might be described as a neuroscientific revolution stemming from the development of tools, where this revolution is largely independent of theory. In this paper, we challenge this tool revolution account by focusing on a problem that arises in applying it to this “renaissance”: it is centered around memory, but the (...)
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    Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics.R. H. Robins & John Lyons - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):371.
  14. The Warring States Concept of Xing.Dan Robins - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (1):31-51.
    This essay defends a novel interpretation of the term xìng 性 as it occurs in Chinese texts of the late Warring States period (roughly 320–221 BCE). The term played an important role both in the famous controversy over the goodness or badness of people’s xìng and elsewhere in the intellectual discourse of the period. Extending especially the work of A.C. Graham, the essay stresses the importance for understanding xìng of early Chinese assumptions about spontaneity, continuity, health, and (in the human (...)
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    Kinding memory: Commentary on Muhammad Ali Khalidi's Cognitive ontology.Sarah K. Robins - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (1):109-115.
    My commentary focuses on Khalidi's defense of episodic memory as a cognitive kind. His argument relies on merging two distinct accounts of episodic memory—the phenomenal and the etiological. I suggest that Khalidi's framework can be used to carve the contemporary memory literature differently. On this view, the phenomenal account supports constructive episodic simulation as a cognitive kind, the etiological account supports event memory as a cognitive kind, and episodic memory ceases to be. The question for Khalidi is, then, how to (...)
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  16. Mohist Care.Dan Robins - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (1):60-91.
    As the Mohist doctrine of inclusive care (jian ai 兼愛) is usually understood, it is an affront to both human nature and commonsense morality.1 We are told that the Mohists rejected all particularist ties, especially to family, in the interests of a radically universalist ethic.2 But love for those close to us is deeply rooted in our natures, and few would deny that this love has moral significance. If the Mohists did deny this, it would be easy to dismiss them, (...)
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    Mnemonic Confabulation.Sarah Robins - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):121-132.
    Clinical use of the term “confabulation” began as a reference to false memories in dementia patients. The term has remained in circulation since, which belies shifts in its definition and scope over time. “Confabulation” now describes a range of disorders, deficits, and anomalous behaviors. The increasingly wide and varied use of this term has prompted many to ask: what is confabulation? In recent years, many have offered answers to this question. As a general rule, recent accounts are accounts of broad (...)
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  18. The Debate Over Human Nature in Warring States China.Dan Robins - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Hong Kong
  19. A Short History of Linguistics.R. H. Robins - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8 (1):133-134.
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    Peripheral vision: cultural industries and cultural identities in Turkey.Asu Aksoy & Kevin Robins - 1997 - Paragraph 20 (1):75-99.
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  21. Introduction to the topical collection ‘locating representations in the brain: interdisciplinary perspectives’.Sarah K. Robins & Felipe De Brigard - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-18.
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    The failures of functionalism.Sarah Robins - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:201-222.
    In Memory: A Self-Referential Account, Fernández offers a functionalist account of the metaphysics of memory, which is portrayed as presenting significant advantages over causal and narrative theories of memory. In this paper, I present a series of challenges for Fernández’s functionalism. There are issues with both the particulars of the account and the use of functionalism more generally. First, in characterizing the mnemonic role of episodic remembering, Fernández fails to make clear how the mental image type that plays this role (...)
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    Equilibrium-point hypothesis, minimum effort control strategy and the triphasic muscle activation pattern.Ning Lan & Patrick E. Crago - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):769-771.
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  24. From Phenomenology to Traces: Inferring Memory Mechanisms.Marta Caravà & Sarah K. Robins - 2023 - Constructivist Foundations 19 (1):70-72.
  25. PhD by Publication: A Student's Perspective.Lisa M. Robins & Peter J. Kanowski - 2008 - Journal of Research Practice 4 (2):Article M3.
    This article presents the first author's experiences as an Australian doctoral student undertaking a PhD by publication in the arena of the social sciences. She published nine articles in refereed journals and a peer-reviewed book chapter during the course of her PhD. We situate this experience in the context of current discussion about doctoral publication practices, in order to inform both postgraduate students and academics in general. The article discusses recent thinking about PhD by publication and identifies the factors that (...)
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    Names, Cranes, and the Later Moists.Dan Robins - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (3):369-385.
    The Later Moists grounded our linguistic abilities in our ability to distinguish between kinds on the basis of manifest similarities and differences among things. Proper names, however, require a different treatment. According to the Moists, when we use a proper name, we borrow a word for one kind of thing and use it to refer to something else, as when we name dogs “crane.” This view probably responds in part to arguments that the possibility of using any word to refer (...)
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  27. Promising, Intending and Moral Automony.Michael H. Robins & N. J. H. Dent - 1986 - Mind 95 (378):268-272.
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  28. Putting the self into self-conscious emotions: A theoretical model.Jessica L. Tracy & Richard W. Robins - 2004 - Psychological Inquiry 15 (2):103-125.
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    The Challenge of TBL: A Responsibility to Whom?Fred Robins - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (1):1-14.
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    Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism: A case study in robot-human interaction.Ben Robins, Paul Dickerson, Penny Stribling & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2004 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 5 (2):161-198.
    Interactive robots are used increasingly not only in entertainment and service robotics, but also in rehabilitation, therapy and education. The work presented in this paper is part of the Aurora project, rooted in assistive technology and robot-human interaction research. Our primary aim is to study if robots can potentially be used as therapeutically or educationally useful ‘toys’. In this paper we outline the aims of the project that this study belongs to, as well as the specific qualitative contextual perspective that (...)
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  31. Scenarios of robot-assisted play for children with cognitive and physical disabilities.Ben Robins, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Ester Ferrari, Gernot Kronreif, Barbara Prazak-Aram, Patrizia Marti, Iolanda Iacono, Gert Jan Gelderblom, Tanja Bernd, Francesca Caprino & Elena Laudanna - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (2):189-234.
    This article presents a novel set of ten play scenarios for robot-assisted play for children with special needs. This set of scenarios is one of the key outcomes of the IROMEC project that investigated how robotic toys can become social mediators, encouraging children with special needs to discover a range of play styles, from solitary to collaborative play. The target user groups in the project were children with Mild Mental Retardation,1 children with Severe Motor Impairment and children with Autism. The (...)
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  32. Memory Structure and Cognitive Maps.Sarah K. Robins, Sara Aronowitz & Arjen Stolk - forthcoming - In Felipe De Brigard & Walter Sinnott Armstrong, Neuroscience & Philosophy. MIT Press.
    A common way to understand memory structures in the cognitive sciences is as a cognitive map​. Cognitive maps are representational systems organized by dimensions shared with physical space. The appeal to these maps begins literally: as an account of how spatial information is represented and used to inform spatial navigation. Invocations of cognitive maps, however, are often more ambitious; cognitive maps are meant to scale up and provide the basis for our more sophisticated memory capacities. The extension is not meant (...)
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    Optogenetics and the mechanism of false memory.Sarah K. Robins - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1561-1583.
    Constructivists about memory argue that memory is a capacity for building representations of past events from a generalized information store. The view is motivated by the memory errors discovered in cognitive psychology. Little has been known about the neural mechanisms by which false memories are produced. Recently, using a method I call the Optogenetic False Memory Technique, neuroscientists have created false memories in mice. In this paper, I examine how Constructivism fares in light of O-FaMe results. My aims are two-fold. (...)
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  34. (2 other versions)The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology.Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo (eds.) - 2009 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    _The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, Second Edition_ is an invaluable guide and major reference source to the major topics, problems, concepts and debates in philosophy of psychology and is the first companion of its kind. A team of renowned international contributors provide forty-nine chapters organised into six clear parts: Historical background to Philosophy of Psychology Psychological Explanation Cognition and Representation The biological basis of psychology Perceptual Experience Personhood. _The Companion_ covers key topics such as the origins of experimental (...)
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    Episodic Memory, Simulated Future Planning, and their Evolution.Armin W. Schulz & Sarah Robins - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):811-832.
    The pressures that led to the evolution of episodic memory have recently seen much discussion, but a fully satisfactory account of them is still lacking. We seek to make progress in this debate by taking a step backward, identifying four possible ways that episodic memory could evolve in relation to simulationist future planning—a similar and seemingly related ability. After distinguishing each of these possibilities, the paper critically discusses existing accounts of the evolution of episodic memory. It then presents a novel (...)
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    Promising, intending, and moral autonomy.Michael H. Robins - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
  37.  63
    (1 other version)Plan and control - Towards a cultural history of the information society.F. Webster & K. Robins - 1988 - Theory and Society 18 (3):323-351.
  38. The Later Mohists and Logic.Dan Robins - 2010 - History and Philosophy of Logic 31 (3):247-285.
    This article is a study of the Later Mohists' 'Lesser Selection (Xiaoqu)', which, more than any other early Chinese text, seems to engage in the study of logic. I focus on a procedure that the Mohists called mou . Arguments by mou are grounded in linguistic parallelism, implying perhaps that the Mohists were on the way to a formal analysis of argumentation. However, their main aim was to head off arguments by mou that targeted their own doctrines, and if their (...)
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    Beyond the justification hypothesis: A broader theory of the evolution of self-consciousness.Simine Vazire & Richard W. Robins - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Psychology. Special Issue 1 (12):1271-1273.
  40. Recognition of intrinsic values of sentient beings explains the sense of moral duty towards global nature conservation.Tianxiang Lan, Neil Sinhababu & Luis Roman Carrasco - 2022 - PLoS ONE 10 (17):NA.
    Whether nature is valuable on its own (intrinsic values) or because of the benefits it provides to humans (instrumental values) has been a long-standing debate. The concept of relational values has been proposed as a solution to this supposed dichotomy, but the empirical validation of its intuitiveness remains limited. We experimentally assessed whether intrinsic/relational values of sentient beings/non-sentient beings/ecosystems better explain people’s sense of moral duty towards global nature conservation for the future. Participants from a representative sample of the population (...)
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    Contiguity and the causal theory of memory.Sarah K. Robins - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):1-19.
    In Memory: A Philosophical Study, Bernecker argues for an account of contiguity. This Contiguity View is meant to solve relearning and prompting, wayward causation problems plaguing the causal theory of memory. I argue that Bernecker’s Contiguity View fails in this task. Contiguity is too weak to prevent relearning and too strong to allow prompting. These failures illustrate a problem inherent in accounts of memory causation. Relearning and prompting are both causal relations, wayward only with respect to our interest in specifying (...)
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    Opening the Black Box of Urban Development.Steven Robins & Laurin Baumgardt - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (178):24-47.
    This article focuses on efforts by indigenous activists to oppose a mega-development in the middle of the Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) at the River Club site in Observatory, Cape Town. In the article we argue that, even though the mega-development ultimately went ahead, intense contestation surrounding Khoi cultural heritage contributed towards opening up the ‘black box’ of urban development in Cape Town, as well as pressuring the developers to accommodate some of the demands of indigenous activists and environmentalists. We (...)
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    Truth-telling, decision-making, and ethics among cancer patients in nursing practice in China.Dong-Lan Ling, Hong-Jing Yu & Hui-Ling Guo - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1000-1008.
    Background: Truth-telling toward terminally ill patients is a challenging ethical issue in healthcare practice. However, there are no existing ethical guidelines or frameworks provided for Chinese nurses in relation to decision-making on truth-telling of terminal illness and the role of nurses thus is not explicit when encountering this issue. Objectives: The intention of this paper is to provide ethical guidelines or strategies with regards to decision-making on truth-telling of terminal illness for Chinese nurses. Methods: This paper initially present a case (...)
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    Dewey for Artists by Mary Jane Jacob.Alex Robins - 2020 - The Pluralist 15 (1):108-111.
    Mary Jane Jacob, the author of Dewey for Artists, is neither a philosopher nor an artist, but a renowned curator who came to the writings of Dewey in the course of her work. For many years, Jacob has organized exhibitions championing artists who make social practice art, including Rirkrit Tiravanija, Thomas Hirschhorn, and Theaster Gates, to name a few who appear in this book. Their art is not primarily about making objects but is instead about producing social interactions between people. (...)
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    Hare's golden-rule argument: A reply to Silverstein.Michael H. Robins - 1974 - Mind 83 (332):578-581.
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    Pharaonic Egyptian Clothing.Gay Robins & Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):553.
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    Reply to Hutton.Dan Robins - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (4):531-534.
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  48. The place of vows in the theory of practical rationality.Michael H. Robins - 1993 - In K. B. Agrawal & Rajendra Kumar Raizada, Sociological Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy: Random Thoughts On. University Book House.
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    Why We Need to Acknowledge the Multiple Aims of Advance Care Planning.Kate Robins-Browne - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):3-3.
    A commentary on “What's Not Being Shared in Shared Decision‐Making?” from the July‐August 2013 issue.
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    (2 other versions)Where the action is.Paul Dickerson, Ben Robins & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2013 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 14 (2):297-316.
    This paper examines interaction involving a child with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, a humanoid robot and a co-present adult. In this paper data from one child is analysed in order to evaluate the potential contributions of a conversation analytic perspective to the examination of data relating to socio-emotional reciprocity. The paper argues for the value of treating all interaction as potentially relevant, looking without carefully pre-defined target behaviours and examining behaviour within its specific sequence of interaction. Adopting this approach, the (...)
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