Results for 'intergenerational ethics'

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  1.  34
    Intergenerational ethics in Africa: Duties to older adults in skipped generation households.Nancy S. Jecker - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (3):152-161.
    Developing World Bioethics, Volume 22, Issue 3, Page 152-161, September 2022.
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  2. Intergenerational Ethics, Moral Ambivalence, and Climate Change.Marion Hourdequin - 2022 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 29:69-88.
    Global climate change raises critical issues of intergenerational ethics. One of these issues involves what Stephen Gardiner calls intergenera­tional buck-passing (IGBP)—a pattern through which each generation does little to address climate change and instead passes the problem along to the next, progressively amplifying the climate crisis over time. My goal in this paper to explore two key questions: (1) What is at the root of intergenera­tional buck-passing? and (2) What changes might help to disrupt it? To an­swer these (...)
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    Care, uncertainty and intergenerational ethics.Christopher Groves - 2014 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In an age where issues like climate change and the unintended consequences of technological innovation are high on the ethical and political agenda, questions about the nature and extent of our responsibilities to future generations have never been more important, yet simultaneously so difficult to answer. This book takes a unique approach to the problem by drawing on diverse traditions of thinking about care (including developmental psychology, phenomenology and feminist ethics) to explore the nature and meaning of our relationship (...)
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    What we owe to future people: a contractualist account of intergenerational ethics.Elizabeth Finneron-Burns - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of the book is twofold: (1) To develop a comprehensive, contractualist theory of intergenerational ethics; (2) To argue that contractualism's ability to be that comprehensive theory of intergenerational ethics contributes to its plausibility as a moral theory in general. The book's core claim is that contractualism provides us with a comprehensive theory of intergenerational ethics that justifies including future people in the scope of what we owe to each other and tells us (...)
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  5. For a care-based intergenerational ethic.Ruth Makoff & Rupert Read - 2025 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner, The Oxford handbook of intergenerational ethics. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
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  6. Consequentialism as an intergenerational ethic.Tim Mulgan - 2025 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner, The Oxford handbook of intergenerational ethics. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
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  7. Environmental Risks, Uncertainty and Intergenerational Ethics.Kristian Skagen Ekeli - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (4):421-448.
    The way our decisions and actions can affect future generations is surrounded by uncertainty. This is evident in current discussions of environmental risks related to global climate change, biotechnology and the use and storage of nuclear energy. The aim of this paper is to consider more closely how uncertainty affects our moral responsibility to future generations, and to what extent moral agents can be held responsible for activities that inflict risks on future people. It is argued that our moral responsibility (...)
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    Energy Justice and Intergenerational Ethics: Theoretical Perspectives and Institutional Designs.Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini, Fausto Corvino & Lars Löfquist - 2019 - In Gunter Bombaerts, Kirsten Jenkins, Yekeen A. Sanusi & Wang Guoyu, Energy Justice Across Borders. Springer Verlag. pp. 253-272.
    In this work, we discuss how both contractualism, in the Western tradition, and communitarianism, in the African interpretation based on the idea of Ubuntu, conceptualise intergenerational justice. Even though both philosophical theories, taking into account differences and shortcomings, provide theoretical answers to intergenerational justice dilemmas, the implementation of actual policies in the interest of future individuals does not follow straightforwardly. Accordingly, in the second part of the chapter, we analyse what policy tools have been implemented or conceived to (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics.Stephen M. Gardiner (ed.) - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the (...)
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  10. Public debt and intergenerational ethics: how to fund a clean technology 'Apollo program'?Matthew Rendall - 2021 - Climate Policy 21 (7):976-82.
    If the present generation refuses to bear the burden of mitigating global heating, could we motivate sufficient action by shifting that burden to our descendants? Several writers have proposed breaking the political impasse by funding mitigation through public debt. Critics attack such proposals as both unjust and infeasible. In fact, there is reason to think that some debt financing may be more equitable than placing the whole burden of mitigation on the present generation. While it might not be viable for (...)
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  11. A Perfect Moral Storm: Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics and the Problem of Moral Corruption.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (3):397 - 413.
    The peculiar features of the climate change problem pose substantial obstacles to our ability to make the hard choices necessary to address it. Climate change involves the convergence of a set of global, intergenerational and theoretical problems. This convergence justifies calling it a 'perfect moral storm'. One consequence of this storm is that, even if the other difficult ethical questions surrounding climate change could be answered, we might still find it difficult to act. For the storm makes us extremely (...)
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  12. Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics and the Problem of Moral Corruption.Stephen M. Gardiner - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  13. How (Not) To Defend A Rawlsian Approach To Intergenerational Ethics.Joel Macclellan - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (1):67-85.
    John Rawls’ account of our obligations towards future generations has received considerable criticism in the environmental ethics literature relative to the scant few passages in which he discusses the issue. I argue that much of this criticism is warranted because Rawls’ Heads of Family strategy for grounding obligations to future generations is not only independently problematic, but also inconsistent with his general framework. Furthermore, the oft-suggested Time Travel strategy will not work either, and for just those reasons which Rawls (...)
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  14.  44
    Ethical Responsibility in Healing and Protecting the Families of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study in African American Men at Tuskegee: An Intergenerational Storytelling Approach.Edward P. Wimberly - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):475-481.
    This essay is a reflection on how ethical violations continue to have an impact across generations within families of vulnerable populations that have experienced significant breaches in biomedical research. The focus is on the surviving family members of the United States Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee (USPHS). Emphasis will be on responsible ethical practices in research and the use of an unique approach narrative storytelling to address the needs of family descendents who have been impacted by the USPHS (...)
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    Towards a relational theory of intergenerational ethics.Emmanuel Agius - 1989 - Bijdragen 50 (3):293-313.
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    Holographic Ethics for Intergenerational Justice.Julia D. Gibson - 2022 - Environmental Philosophy 19 (2):141-162.
    Building off Manulani Aluli-Meyer’s theory of holographic epistemology, this article explores how our understanding of intergenerational justice shifts when informed by relational interspecies ethics and nonlinear temporalities. Both intergenerational and interspecies ethics are greatly enriched if the dead, the living, and those yet-to-be are not (only) distinct generations of beings along a linear sequence but coexistent facets of every being. The second focal point of this article concerns what holographic epistemology reveals about Dipesh Chakrabarty’s notion of (...)
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    The ethics of intergenerational relationships.Janna Thompson - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):313-326.
    According to the relational approach we have obligations to members of future generations not because of their interests or properties but because, and only because, they are our descendants or successors. Common accounts of relational duties do not explain how we can have obligations to people who do not yet exist. In this defence of the relational approach I examine three sources of intergenerational obligations: the concern of parents for their children, including their future children; the desire of community (...)
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  18.  36
    Ethical issues raised by intergenerational monitoring in clinical trials of germline gene modification.Austen Yeager - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):267-270.
    As research involving gene editing continues to advance, we are headed in the direction of being able to modify the human germline. Should we reach a point where an argument can be made that the benefits of preventing unborn children and future generations from inheriting genetic conditions that cause tremendous suffering outweigh the risks associated with altering the human germline, the next step will be to design clinical trials using this technology in humans. These clinical trials will likely require careful (...)
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    Discourse Ethics and the Intergenerational Chain of Concern.Matthias Fritsch - 2021 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 2 (1):61-91.
    This paper addresses the question of what discourse ethics might have to contribute to increasingly urgent issues in intergenerational justice. Discourse ethics and deliberative democracy are often accused of neglecting the issue, or, even worse, of an inherently presentist bias that disregards future generations. The few forays into the topic mostly seek to extend to future people the “all affected principle” according to which only those norms are just to which all affected can rationally consent. However, this (...)
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  20. Environmental ethics and intergenerational equity.Robin Attfield - 1998 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 41 (2):207 – 222.
    Possible environmental and related impacts of human activity are shown to include the extinction of humanity and other sentient species, excessive human numbers, and a deteriorating quality of life (I). I proceed to argue that neither future rights, nor Kantian respect for future people's autonomy, nor a contract between the generations supplies a plausible basis of obligations with regard to future generations. Obligations concern rather promoting the well-being of the members of future generations, whoever they may be, as well as (...)
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  21.  13
    Ethics, Technology, and the Future: An Intergenerational Experience in Engineering Education.Rosalyn W. Berne - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (2):88-94.
    How do engineering educators adequately and richly introduce to young engineers the perplexing ethical issues associated with the development of new technologies? Robotics, nanotechnology, cloning, cyberintelligence, and genetic engineering, for example, each hold the potential to radically alter the fundamental nature of human life. Senior citizens in our society have a lifetime of experience adopting new technologies into their lives. Through an intergenerational dialogue, undergraduate engineers can come to appreciate and understand what technological change can really mean, both in (...)
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  22. Intergenerational Justice.Axel Gosseries & Lukas H. Meyer (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    Is it fair to leave the next generation a public debt? Is it defensible to impose legal rules on them through constitutional constraints? From combating climate change to ensuring proper funding for future pensions, concerns about ethics between generations are everywhere. In this volume sixteen philosophers explore intergenerational justice. Part One examines the ways in which various theories of justice look at the matter. These include libertarian, Rawlsian, sufficientarian, contractarian, communitarian, Marxian and reciprocity-based approaches. In Part Two, the (...)
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  23.  50
    Deliberating Intergenerational Environmental Equity: A Pragmatic, Future Studies Approach.Matthew Cotton - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (3):317-337.
    Across the applied ethics literatures are a growing number of ethical tools: decision-support methodologies that encourage multi-stakeholder deliberative engagement with the social and moral issues arising from technology assessment and environmental management processes. This article presents a novel ethical tool for deliberation on the issue of environmental justice between current and future generations over long time frames. This ethical tool combines two approaches, linking John Dewey's concept of dramatic rehearsal – an em-pathetic and imaginative ethical deliberation process; with the (...)
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  24. Transition to parenthood and intergenerational relationships: the ethical value of family memory.Monica Amadini - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):36-48.
    Inside the family, all individuals define their identity in relation to previous generations, the present ones, and the future ones. This intergenerational exchange plays important educational roles: it fosters a sense of belonging and identification, promotes dialogue, and guarantees the passing down of ethical orientations. In addition to feelings of security and reliance on others, family memory creates a matrix that gives people a placement in the world, a sort of existential code through which to be located in existence. (...)
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    Intergenerational Justice.Clark Wolf - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman, A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 279–294.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Problems for a Theory of Intergenerational Justice Libertarianism and Intergenerational Justice A Liberal Theory of Intergenerational Justice Intergenerational Justice and Saving Just Saving behind the Veil of Ignorance Sustainability: Alternative Conceptions Intergenerational Justice and Sustainability Conclusion.
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  26. Intergenerational Justice: Rights and Responsibilities in an Intergenerational Polity.Janna Thompson - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    In this timely study, Thompson presents a theory of intergenerational justice that gives citizens duties to past and future generations, showing why people can make legitimate demands of their successors and explaining what relationships between contemporary generations count as fair. What connects these various responsibilities and entitlements is a view about individual interests that both argues that individuals are motivated by intergenerational concerns, and that a polity that appropriately recognizes these interests must support and accept intergenerational responsibilities. (...)
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  27. Intergenerational impartiality: Replacing discounting by probability weighting. [REVIEW]Yew-Kwang Ng - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (3):237-257.
    Intergenerational impartiality requires putting the welfare of future generations at par with that of our own. However, rational choice requires weighting all welfare values by the respective probabilities of realization. As the risk of non-survival of mankind is strictly positive for all time periods and as the probability of non-survival is cumulative, the probability weights operate like discount factors, though justified on a morally justifiable and completely different ground. Impartial intertemporal welfare maximization is acceptable, though the welfare of people (...)
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  28. Food ethics in an intergenerational perspective.Michele Loi - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward, The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. London: Routledge. pp. 138--147.
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    Lockdowns and the ethics of intergenerational compensation.Kalewold Hailu Kalewold - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (3):271-289.
    Lockdowns were a morally and medically appropriate anti-contagion policy to stop the spread of Covid. However, lockdowns came with considerable costs. Specifically, lockdowns imposed harms and losses upon the young in order to benefit the elderly, who were at the highest risk of severe illness and death from Covid. This represented a shifting of the (epidemiological) burden of Covid for the elderly to a systemic burden of lockdown upon the young. This article argues that even if lockdowns were a morally (...)
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  30.  11
    Intergenerational learning and transformative leadership for sustainable futures.Peter Blaze Corcoran & Brandon P. Hollingshead (eds.) - 2014 - Brill | Wageningen Academic.
    The work of creating the future is being done now ─ and much of it is unsustainable in terms of natural and cultural resources. How will the next generation of leadership for environmental sustainability be raised up? Can we imagine sustainable futures, and can we enable transformative leadership to help us realize them? How can we best ensure that the several generations share their particular knowledge? What are the ethical frameworks, methodologies, curricula, and tools necessary for advancing and strengthening education (...)
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  31. Intergenerational Justice.Axel Gosseries - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 459-484.
    The first debate in this article has to do with the very possibility of intergenerational justice beyond our obligations towards members of other generations while they coexist with us. Here, we ask ourselves whether we owe anything to people who either have died already, or are not yet born. Differences in temporal location mean that people may not exist at the same time — be it only during part of their life — which raises special ethical challenges. It is (...)
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    Intergenerational monitoring in clinical trials of germline gene editing.Bryan Cwik - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):183-187.
    Design of clinical trials for germline gene editing stretches current accepted standards for human subjects research. Among the challenges involved is a set of issues concerningintergenerational monitoring—long-term follow-up study of subjects and their descendants. Because changes made at the germline would be heritable, germline gene editing could have adverse effects on individuals’ health that can be passed on to future generations. Determining whether germline gene editing is safe and effective for clinical use thus may require intergenerational monitoring. The aim (...)
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  33.  30
    Why intergenerational sufficientarianism is not enough.Karri Heikkinen - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    Many political philosophers accept a view called intergenerational sufficientarianism, according to which we should aim to make sure that future people have enough of whatever is the appropriate currency of distributive justice, such as welfare, capabilities, or need-satisfaction. According to proponents of this view, we have good reasons to accept intergenerational sufficientarianism, even if sufficientarianism is not the right way to think about distributive justice among contemporaries. However, despite its popularity, and the established literature on sufficientarianism in the (...)
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  34. The Pure Intergenerational Problem.Stephen M. Gardiner - 2003 - The Monist 86 (3):481-500.
    The distant future poses a severe moral problem, the nature and extent of which has not yet been adequately appreciated. This paper offers a brief, initial account of this problem and its main features. It also argues (1) that the problem is the main concern of distinctively intergenerational ethics, and (2) that it occurs both in a pure, long-term form manifest across human history and global populations, and also in degenerate forms which apply to shorter time periods and (...)
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    Intergenerational Global Heath.David M. Shaw & Leigh E. Rich - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):1-4.
    This special issue of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry focuses on global health and associated bioethical concerns. As a concept, global health broadens the focus from national public health situations to the international sphere and concerns itself with the health of all humans, but particularly those in developing countries who suffer from severe health inequalities. However, there is one sense in which global health is lacking: Its primary focus is on those currently alive and, in some cases, their offspring. But (...)
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  36.  4
    Intergenerational familial care: Shaping future care policies for older adults.Andrea Martani, Antonina Brunner & Tenzin Wangmo - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):864-877.
    An increasingly ageing society together with concerns about sustainability of old-age benefits call for reforming the care structure of many western welfare states. However, finding an acceptable balance between the formal care provided by institutions and informal care provided by family members is a delicate policy choice with profound ethical implications. In this respect, literature on intergenerational familial relationships can offer insights to inform policymaking in this field and help resolve the ethical concerns that excessive reliance on informal caregiving (...)
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  37. Intergenerational justice.Lukas Meyer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Is it fair to leave the next generation a public debt? Is it defensible to impose legal rules on them through constitutional constraints? From combating climate change to ensuring proper funding for future pensions, concerns about ethics between generations are everywhere. In this volume sixteen philosophers explore intergenerational justice. Part One examines the ways in which various theories of justice look at the matter. These include libertarian, Rawlsian, sufficientarian, contractarian, communitarian, Marxian and reciprocity-based approaches. In Part Two, the (...)
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  38. Our obligations to future generations: the limits of intergenerational justice and the necessity of the ethics of metaphysics.Pranay Sanklecha - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):229-245.
    Theories of intergenerational justice are a very common and popular way to conceptualise the obligations currently living people may have to future generations. After briefly pointing out that these theories presuppose certain views about the existence, number and identity of future people, I argue that the presuppositions must themselves be ethically investigated, and that theories of intergenerational justice lack the theoretical resources to be able to do this. On that basis, I claim it is necessary to do the (...)
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  39.  9
    Resolving Intergenerational Conflicts: An Approach from Philosophy, Economics, and Experiments.Toshiaki Hiromitsu - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book is an unprecedented consideration of the challenges of what we can do for generations yet to come. Many growing intergenerational conflicts of interest, such as climate change and fiscal sustainability, are the result of the historically new progress of increasing human power, and the resolution of those conflicts demands a new intergenerational ethic. The book offers fresh new ideas for resolving intergenerational conflicts through the exploration of an entirely new field, conceptualized in philosophy, developed in (...)
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  40.  22
    Intergenerational contract in Ageing Democracies: sustainable Welfare Systems and the interests of future generations.Ming-Jui Yeh - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):531-539.
    As the assumptions of perpetual economic and population growth no longer stand, the welfare systems built on such promises are in peril. Policymakers must reallocate the responsibility for providing care between generations. Democratic theories can help establish procedures for finding solutions, particularly in ageing democratic countries. By analysing existing representative and deliberative democratic theories, this paper explores how the interests of future generations could be included in such procedures. A hypothetical social health insurance scheme with the pay-as-you-go financial arrangement is (...)
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  41. Intergenerational Relations: Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2023 - London: IntechOpen.
    Intergenerational Relations - Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies, concentrates on actual discussions around various aspects of interactions that occur between people from different age groups and generations. The authors present studies related to four sets of challenges crucial for relationships between children, young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults. These challenges include social and cultural challenges, economic and technological challenges, environmental challenges, and political and legal challenges. The volume also addresses issues important for the global, national, regional, and local (...)
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    Intergenerational Domination.Luca Hemmerich - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-26.
    The political and ethical status of future generations is commonly discussed within conceptual frameworks like intergenerational justice, rights, or welfare. In this article, I argue that the concept of _domination_ can provide a novel perspective on the philosophy of intergenerational relations. To that end, I first advance and defend a (slightly) revised conception of domination, drawing on Philip Pettit’s neorepublican view. Second, I establish a _prima facie_ case for the existence of intergenerational domination and address four major (...)
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    Intergenerational Justice for Children: Restructuring Adoption, Reproduction and Child Welfare Policy.Elizabeth Bartholet - 2014 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 8 (1):103-130.
    An intergenerational justice perspective requires that we look at the condition of the existing generation of children and those to be born in the future. Many millions of the existing generation of children are now in trouble and at high risk of never fulfilling their human potential. These children are in turn unlikely, if they live to produce children, to be capable of providing the nurturing parenting that the next generation will need.The article’s starting premises are that we should (...)
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  44. Rawlsian investment rules for “intergenerational equity “: Breaches of method and ethics.John Brätland - 2007 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 21 (4):69-100.
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    (1 other version)Intergenerational Justice and the “Hereditary Principle”.J. E. Penner - 2014 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 8 (2):195-217.
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    Exploring Intergenerational Climate Resilience: A Basic Needs-Based Conception.Daniel Petz - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):299-315.
    This paper situates the concept of resilience in the context of intergenerational climate justice. It argues that overlooking intergenerational justice questions when it comes to resilience can lead to blind-spots in resilience-building policies. Introducing a sufficientarian basic needs-based conception of justice, it explores the relationship between distributive justice and resilience, linking person-based justice accounts to community- and/or society-based resilience accounts. Based on these discussions, it develops a conception of intergenerational climate resilience and a policy matrix that can (...)
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    Intergenerational Relations and the Family Home.Shelly Kreiczer-Levy - 2014 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 8 (1):131-160.
    This article examines the issue of intergenerational cohabitation in the family home. Its primary purpose is to demonstrate that current analysis of internal conflicts in the home is lacking, both in terms of identifying the parties’ interests and characterizing the tensions involved. It focuses on a specific three-way conflict between two parents and their adult child and identifies each of their points of view: one parent who wants the adult child to move out, one parent who wants to continue (...)
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    Moral Paradigms of Intergenerational Solidarity in the Coronavirus-Pandemic.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe, Irmgard Steckdaub-Muller, Larissa Pfaller & Mark Schweda - 2024 - Analyse & Kritik 46 (1):85-119.
    Solidarity between generations served as a prominent but controversially discussed normative reference point in public debates about the Coronavirus-pandemic. The aim of this contribution is the empirical reconstruction and ethical evaluation of prominent notions of intergenerational solidarity and their underlying assumptions in the public media discourse on the pandemic in Germany. After a brief introduction to the concept of intergenerational solidarity and the pertinent discourses during the pandemic, we present the results of a comprehensive qualitative content analysis of (...)
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    Intergenerational Justice, edited by Axel Gosseries and Lukas H. Meyer.Ramon Das - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):913-918.
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    Intergenerational justice and curtailments on the discretionary powers of governments.Paul M. Wood - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (4):411-428.
    Governments of all nations presume they possess full discretionary policymaking powers over the lands and waters within their geopolitical boundaries. At least one global environmental issue—the rapid loss of the world’s biodiversity, the sixth major mass extinction event in geological time—challenges the legitimacy of this presumption. Increment by increment, the present generation is depleting the world’s biodiversity by way of altering species’ habitats for the sake of short term economic gain. When biodiversity is understood as an essential environmental condition—essential in (...)
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