Results for 'instant fécond'

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  1.  36
    L’arrêt de mort. Notes sur le temps photographique.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):11-25.
    Promettant à la fois la capture de l’instant et son dépassement vers l’intemporel, le medium photographique voit son destin intimement lié à la catégorie du temps. L’article suggère cependant que cette inclusion du temps dans l’image s’est acquise, au cours de l’histoire de la photographie, au prix d’une essentialisation du momentané. À rebours d’une telle approche, il s’agit de repenser l’instantané photographique comme découlant de l’accident, si bien que la photo figure non plus l’instant fécond, mais bien (...)
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    Liberté cartésienne et découverte de soi.Pierre Guenancia - 2013 - [Paris]: Encre marine.
    Dans les deux textes composant ce volume, on confronte Descartes pour qui la liberte est un fait certain et plus clair qu'aucun autre avec Hobbes qui recuse la validite de ce fait au nom de la necessite universelle qui gouverne aussi bien les evenements naturels que les actions humaines. On cherche a montrer ensuite quue la liberte ne serait pas le pouvoir ou la perfection propre a chacun de nous sans l'epreuve de la resistance que le corps propre oppose a (...)
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    Instant Replay.Lorenz Engell - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (5):811-832.
    In a first part, the contribution goes through different competing and/or complementary concepts of ontography as they appear in phenomenology, object-oriented ontology, science and technology studies, and semiotics. From this comparative examination, the text develops a notion of ontography in contrast to that of ontology. It highlights the ontography of temporal objects and adds a specific media-philosophical approach to it by concentrating on the operations and tools of ontographical writing, registering or drawing being in time. In a second part, ontography (...)
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    Instante y situación. Problematización de la relación entre instante y situación en torno a Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger.Ángel Enrique Garrido Maturano - 2018 - Agora 37 (2).
    Resumen El artículo problematiza el concepto de instante en la obra temprana de M. Heidegger, particularmente Ser y tiempo. La problematización se propone, en primer lugar, mostrar en qué medida no es el instante como mirada quien abre la situación, sino la situación, como espacio de concernencia, quien posibilita el instante. En segundo, elucida el instante como un fenómeno responsivo y lo vincula a un acontecimiento repentino, decisivo y alterador que configura la situación a la que responde. En tercero, muestra (...)
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    Instant messaging requests in connected organizations: ‘Quick questions’ and the moral economy of contribution.Serge Proulx, Renato Cudicio & Christian Licoppe - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (4):488-513.
    In this article we study the work and communication practices of two highly connected organizations, the members of which have all access to instant messaging on a professional basis. We document the development of a communicational genre, that of ‘quick questions’, and analyze the sequence organization of such IM conversation threads. We show how ‘quick questions’ enable the collaborative accomplishment of complex, knowledge-intensive tasks by recruiting colleagues constituted as experts capable of quickly answering information requests related to ongoing tasks. (...)
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    The Instant of My Death /Demeure: Fiction and Testimony.Elizabeth Rottenberg (ed.) - 2000 - Stanford University Press.
    This volume records a remarkable encounter in critical and philosophical thinking: a meeting of two of the great pioneers in contemporary thought, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, who are also bound together by friendship and a complex relation to their own pasts. More than a literary text with critical commentary, it constitutes an event of central significance for contemporary philosophical, literary, and political concerns. The book consists of _The Instant of My Death,_ a powerful short prose piece by Blanchot, (...)
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    Instante.Helio Fernandes Viana & Marcos de Camargo Von Zuben - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):79-98.
    Este artigo discute a experiência do Instante (Augenblick) à luz da ontologia da subjetividade desenvolvida por Kierkegaard, Nietzsche e Heidegger. O trabalho propõe que o Instante constitui uma experiência concreta de ruptura que tem como fundo e correlato a mediania pública niveladora. No Instante, instala-se a angústia que revela o domínio do público sobre a subjetividade (como publicidade, niilismo e domínio técnico). Ao mesmo tempo, revela-se a possibilidade de recuperação do ser si mesmo (Selbst) mais próprio na singularidade. Conversão, superação, (...)
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    (1 other version)Instante y momento oportuno en los grafos existenciales de Charles S. Peirce. Por una dimensión kairológica de la creatividad.José Romero Tenorio - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):301.
    Para la estética, la creatividad es la emergencia del instante que la vuelve irrepetible o un transitar pendular que la hace resurgir como reminiscencia cegada por un ocaso repetitivo. Haciendo coincidir proceso y teleología, Peirce aglutina estas dos dimensiones, sin atisbar realmente un atisbo de humanidad para disfrutar de lo ínfimo. De ahí que propongamos un momento oportuno que nos dirija hacia una temporalidad más humana.
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  9.  17
    The instant impact of a single hemodialysis session on brain morphological measurements in patients with end-stage renal disease.Cong Peng, Qian Ran, Cheng Xuan Liu, Ling Zhang & Hua Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveTo investigate the instant impact of hemodialysis on the cerebral morphological measurements of patients with end-stage renal disease.Materials and methodsTwenty-five patients undergoing maintenance HD and twenty-eight age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy control were included. The HD group and HC group had 3D high-resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging scans twice and once, respectively. Both groups underwent neuropsychologic tests. The morphological measurements of structural MRI were measured using CAT12 and these measures were compared among three groups. The relationship between morphological measures (...)
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  10.  21
    L’instant décisif. Heidegger et Kierkegaard.Vincent Blanchet - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 132 (1):49-74.
    Lors d’un cours du semestre d’hiver 1929/30, Heidegger affirme de « l’instant », tel que le pense Kierkegaard, et tout en en assumant à son tour le concept, qu’il ouvre « la possibilité d’une époque complètement nouvelle de la philosophie ». Quelques années plus tard, les Contributions à la philosophie accomplissent toutefois elles-mêmes l’entrée de la pensée heideggérienne dans une dimension impensée de toute l’histoire de l’ontologie, celle de l’ Ereignis, de l’événement d’appropriation depuis lequel l’unité de l’être et (...)
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  11.  25
    Instante ou duração? Problematizando e dissolvendo o paradoxo do tempo a partir da querela entre Bachelard e Bergson.Regina Schöpke - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (1):e36055.
    Se, para Gaston Bachelard, a realidade do tempo se reduz ao instante presente, circundado por dois nadas, para Henri Bergson, que se encontra em uma posição diametralmente oposta à de Bachelard, o tempo é um contínuo, uma duração ininterrupta. Mais do que isso, para Bergson, a única dimensão real do tempo é o passado, que se prolonga no presente e abre as portas para o futuro, ou seja, para o novo, para a novidade. Pois bem, tomando por base a querela (...)
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    Intuition of the Instant.Gaston Bachelard - 2013 - Northwestern University Press. Edited by Jean Lescure & Eileen Rizo-Patron.
    The instant -- The problem of habit and discontinuous time -- The idea of progress and the intuition of discontinuous time -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: "Poetic instant and metaphysical instant" by Gaston Bachelard -- Appendix B: Reading Bachelard reading Siloe: an excerpt from "Introduction to Bachelard's poetics" by Jean Lescure -- Appendix C: A short biography of Gaston Bachelard.
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    The Instant (ἐξαίφνης) in Plato’s Parmenides 155e4–157b5.Luc Brisson - 2023 - In Viktor Ilievski, Daniel Vázquez & Silvia De Bianchi (eds.), Plato on Time and the World. Springer Verlag. pp. 31-45.
    When, in Plato’s Parmenides 155e4–157b5, Parmenides refers to the instant (ἐξαίφνης), he is alluding to a paradox of Zeno, and not to an argument of Plato. Thus, in the second part of the Parmenides, the speaker is a fair representation of the historical Parmenides, and not a figment of Plato’s imagination.
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  14. Events, instants and temporal reference.Hans Kamp - 1979 - In Rainer Bäuerle, Urs Egli & Arnim von Stechow (eds.), Semantics from different points of view. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 376--418.
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  15. The Instant between Time and Eternity: Plato’s Revision of the Parmenidean Now in the Parmenides.Huaiyuan Zhang - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):425-446.
    Plato's view on time, a key aspect of his doctrine of forms, is influenced by his reception of Parmenides, but the way in which Plato takes up and modifies Parmenides' view is a matter of ongoing scholarly debate. In this article, the author analyzes Plato's revision of Parmenidean time by exploring four temporalities: the eternal present, timeless eternity, the enduring present, and the instant between time and eternity. Through this examination, she uncovers the common origin of both the eternal (...)
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  16. Time in a one‐instant world.Andrew J. Latham & Kristie Miller - 2020 - Ratio 33 (3):145-154.
    Many philosophers hold that ‘one-instant worlds’—worlds that contain a single instant—fail to contain time. We experimentally investigate whether these worlds satisfy the folk concept of time. We found that ~50% of participants hold that there is time in such worlds. We argue that this suggests one of two possibilities. First, the population disagree about whether at least one of the A-, B-, or C-series is necessary for time, with there being a substantial sub-population for whom the presence of (...)
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  17.  23
    El "instante" en Platón.Carlos Alberto Carvajal Correa - 1990 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 1:73-81.
    En el marco del juego hipotético del diálogo El Parménides, donde se examinan las posibilidades de lo Uno y lo Múltiple en relación con su participación en el ser, surge, como condición de dicha participación en tiempos diferentes, la existencia del instante. Este elemento irrumpe fraccionando la continuidad de la magnitud del movimiento, introduciendo así el "cambio" como el concepto que permite eludir la contradicción en que podría caer el Uno al participar y no participar simultáneamente. Se exponen, de este (...)
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    Fécondation in vitro : quel impact sur la santé à moyen et long terme des enfants conçus.Pierre Jouannet - 2024 - Médecine et Droit 2024 (186):47-49.
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  19. L'instant de l'Ouvert dans la musique de Debussy et de Webern.P. Charru - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):505-600.
    Comme les peintres et poètes marquants de ce siècle, Debussy et Webern ont tourné l'un et l'autre la page de « l'âge de la représentation » inauguré au début du XVIe siècle, pour tracer le chemin des formes ouvertes. Libérée de toute soumission à quelque structure préétablie, l'œuvre vient au jour de la forme selon un processus d'engendrement qui marque tous ses paramètres au sceau de la mobilité. Cependant, loin de se laisser enfermer dans un univers auto-référentiel, les musiques de (...)
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    La fécondation artificielle post-mortem dans le Code civil Hellénique.Andreas-Nikolaos Koukoulis - 2023 - Médecine et Droit 2023 (178):3-6.
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    The Instant of My DeathDemeure: Fiction and Testimony.Rei Terada, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida & Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2001 - Substance 30 (3):132.
  22. Soyez féconds et multipliez.Maurice Gilbert - 1974 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 96 (7):729-742.
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  23. Les Instante d'une Vie.Pierre Louve & Jean Wahl - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (3):374-374.
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    The Instant of Change in Medieval Philosophy and Beyond ed. by Frédéric Goubier and Magali Roques.Neil Lewis - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):753-754.
    This anthology concerns limit-decision problems, chiefly as treated in the fourteenth-century Latin West. A central problem taken up concerns the instant of change: in a change from ø to not-ø such that before instant t there is ø and after t not-ø, at t is there ø, or not-ø, or neither, or both? For medieval thinkers, the answer often depended on what kind of item was at issue. They standardly distinguished permanent items, the whole of which exists simultaneously, (...)
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    Concerted instant-interval temporal semantics. II. Temporal valuations and logics of change.Alexander Bochman - 1990 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (4):580-601.
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    Instant states and interval states.Andrej Jandrić - 2005 - Theoria 48 (1-2):35-55.
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  27. EL INSTANTE: KAIRÓS Y TEMPORALIDAD KAIROLÓGICA EN MARTIN HEIDEGGER.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:35-60.
    El artículo aborda el problema del instante (Augenblick) a partir de la obra temprana de Martin Heidegger y su prolongación en Ser y tiempo. La persuasión de que solo el cristianismo primitivo ha vivido una temporalidad originaria, se prolonga en Ser y tiempo en una interpretación del instante como integración del pasado y del futuro. Aquello que en Aristóteles no alcanzaba a constituirse –la conexión entre kairós y výn– encuentra su pleno develamiento en la escatología paulina. Sin embargo, el ésjaton (...)
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  28. Instants and instantaneous velocity.James Harrington - unknown
    This paper will argue that the puzzles about instantaneous velocity, and rates of change more generally, are the result of a failure to recognize an ambiguity in the concept of an instant, and therefore of an instantaneous state. We will conclude that there are two distinct conceptions of a temporal instant: (i) instants conceived as fundamentally distinct zero-duration temporal atoms and (ii) instants conceived as the boundary of, or between,temporally extended durations. Since the concept of classical instantaneous velocity (...)
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    (1 other version)L'instant de l'enfant ou l'itinéraire dérouté.Jacques Bady - 2006 - Cités 28 (4):45-48.
    Ceci n’a rien d’un texte référencé, documenté par de multiples citations et connaissances littéraires ou mythologiques accumulées : ce n’est que l’expression de relations humaines, pathétiques ou tragiques dérivant au gré du besoin de l’enfant... à tout prix.Fabriquer une vie, transmettre un peu de soi – en duplication de deux unités – dépasse toutes les..
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  30.  33
    The instant and the living present.Patrick Bourgeois - 1993 - Philosophy Today 37 (1):31-37.
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    Behind “Instant” Judgments.Howard Brody - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (4):4-4.
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    L’instant et la fin. Sur l’anti-politique de Benjamin.Gérard Raulet - 2018 - Cités 74 (2):119.
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  33. Instante y Máscara. Vattimo, intérprete de Nietzsche.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2007 - A Parte Rei 54:13.
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    The instant of change in medieval philosophy and beyond.Frédéric Goubier & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    Since antiquity, philosophers have investigated how change works. If a thing moves from one state to another, when exactly does it start to be in its new state, and when does it cease to be in its former one? In the late Middle Ages, the "problem of the instant of change" was subject to considerable debate and gave rise to sophisticated theories; it became popular and controversial again in the second half of the twentieth century. The studies collected here (...)
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  35. Instant et cause. Le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde.Lilian Silburn - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (4):684-686.
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    Kierkegaard's Instant: On Beginnings.David J. Kangas - 2007 - Indiana University Press.
    In Kierkegaard’s Instant, David J. Kangas reads Kierkegaard to reveal his radical thinking about temporality. For Kierkegaard, the instant of becoming, in which everything changes in the blink of an eye, eludes recollection and anticipation. It constitutes a beginning always already at work. As Kangas shows, Kierkegaard’s retrieval of the sudden quality of temporality allows him to stage a deep critique of the idealist projects of Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. By linking Kierkegaard’s thought to the tradition of Meister (...)
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  37. L'instant de l'Ouvert dans la musique de Debussy et de Webern.F. Charu - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85:509-536.
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    Contradiction and the Instant of Change Revisited.Graham Priest - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):217-226.
    Instantaneous changes may well be thought to give rise to contradiction. If one endorses an explosive logic, where contradictions entail everything, this is entirely unacceptable. However, if one deploys a paraconsistent logic, which keeps contradictions under control, one may give perfectly coherent and precise models of such changes. In In Contradiction the author showed how and he explored the philosophical implications of the model. Here, the author revisits the issue in the light of a recent critique by Greg Littmann.
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    Concerted instant-interval temporal semantics. I. Temporal ontologies.Alexander Bochman - 1990 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (3):403-414.
  40. The Instant.Gaston Bachelard - 2000 - In R. Durie (ed.), Time and the Instant. Clinamen Press. pp. 64--95.
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  41. Instant paradoxal et historicité.Jacques Colette - 1985 - In Dorian Tiffeneau (ed.), Mythes et représentations du temps. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
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    The Mysterious Instant of Conception.Francis Etheredge - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (3):421-430.
    There is a mystery, present from conception, namely, how the human person, who transcends the individual elements of sperm and ovum, can nevertheless come to exist at the first instant of the sperm’s interaction with the ovum, an event marked by the formation of an “embryonic skin,” or wall. In this essay, the author holds that the full complexity of the human person implies such a profound unity-in-diversity of human being that we must, in the end, let the dialogue (...)
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    Un instante de verdad: un ensayo sobre el sosiego.Teresa Langle de Paz - 2024 - Barcelona: Ático de los Libros.
  44. (1 other version)Les instants privilégiés.Gilbert Maire & Jean Guitton - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (4):555-556.
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  45. Instante y autenticidad.Bruno Lg Piccione - 1980 - Escritos de Filosofía 3 (5):115-140.
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  46. El instante y el tiempo.Eugenio Pucciarelli - 1981 - Escritos de Filosofía 4 (7):195-210.
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  47. L'instant, croisement de séries.Jean Pucelle - 1959 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 53:267.
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    El vínculo del instante kairológico con la historia y su temporalidad. La Zeitlichkeit en Heidegger y la Zeitigung en Koselleck.Viridiana Pérez Gómez & Marcela Uribe - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 97:37-61.
    El presente artículo problematiza sobre la temporalidad de la historia (Geschichte) pensada a partir del instante kairológico y el vínculo que éste guarda tanto con la propuesta de Martin Heidegger en torno a la temporalidad propia (Zeitlichkeit), como con la denominada efectua-ción del tiempo (Zeitigung) de Reinhart Koselleck. Inicialmente, buscamos preponderar el carácter kairológico del tiempo que irrumpe y media entre la relación del tiempo pensado co-mo Chronos y Aión. Seguidamente explicitamos algunas de las formas desde las cuales pue-de ser (...)
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    Intuition of the Instant.Eileen Rizo-Patron (ed.) - 2013 - Northwestern University Press.
    Appearing in English for the first time, _Intuition of the Instant_—Bachelard’s first metaphysical meditation on time and its moral implications—was written in 1932 in the wake of Husserl’s lectures on streaming time-consciousness, Heidegger’s _Being and Time,_ and Henri Bergson’s philosophy of the élan vital. A culmination of Bachelard’s earlier studies in scientific epistemology, this work builds the epistemic framework that would lead theorists of all stripes to advance knowledge by breaking with accepted modes of thought. _Intuition of the Instant (...)
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  50. Instante poético e instante metafísico.GastÓn Bachelard - 1970 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 10 (13):149.
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