Results for 'implicative conditionals'

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  1.  64
    The Implicative Conditional.Eric Raidl & Gilberto Gomes - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (1):1-47.
    This paper investigates the implicative conditional, a connective intended to describe the logical behavior of an empirically defined class of natural language conditionals, also namedimplicative conditionals, which excludes concessive and some other conditionals. The implicative conditional strengthens the strict conditional with the possibility of the antecedent and of the contradictory of the consequent.$${p\Rightarrow q}$$p⇒qis thus defined as$${\lnot } \Diamond {(p \wedge \lnot q) \wedge } \Diamond {p \wedge } \Diamond {\lnot q}$$¬◊(p∧¬q)∧◊p∧◊¬q. We explore the logical (...)
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    Consequential Implication and the Implicative Conditional.Gilberto Gomes, Claudio Pizzi & Eric Raidl - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-44.
    This paper compares two logical conditionals which are strengthenings of the strict conditional and avoid the paradoxes of strict implication. The logics of both may be viewed as extensions of KT, and the two conditionals are interdefinable in KT. The implicative conditional requires that its antecedent and consequent be both contingent. The consequential conditional may be viewed as a weakening of the implicative conditional, insofar as it also admits the case in which the antecedent and the (...)
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    Dynamic feelings about metaphors for genes: Implications for research and genetic policy.Celeste M. Condit - 2009 - Genomics, Society and Policy 5 (3):1-15.
    People respond to metaphors as much with regard to the emotions that they generate as to their referential, comparative contents. Interviews with non-geneticists about preferred metaphors for gene-environment interaction that illustrate this tendency are reported. These interviews also reveal the dynamic tendency of such emotional responses. A second set of interviews shows that lay people may preferentially use a metaphor of "virus" or "disease" for talking about genes, as opposed to the coding metaphors transmitted through the mass media and reportedly (...)
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    Blueprints and Recipes: Gendered Metaphors for Genetic Medicine.Celeste M. Condit - 2001 - Journal of Medical Humanities 22 (1):29-39.
    In the face of documented difficulties in the public understanding of genetics, new metaphors have been suggested. The language of information coding and processing has become deeply entrenched in the public representation of genetics, and some critics have found fault in the blueprint metaphor, a variant of the dominant theme. They have offered the language of the recipe as a preferable metaphor. The metaphors of the blueprint and the recipe are compared in respect to their deterministic implications and other associations. (...)
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  5. Conditional Excluded Middle in Systems of Consequential Implication.Claudio Pizzi & Timothy Williamson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (4):333-362.
    It is natural to ask under what conditions negating a conditional is equivalent to negating its consequent. Given a bivalent background logic, this is equivalent to asking about the conjunction of Conditional Excluded Middle (CEM, opposite conditionals are not both false) and Weak Boethius' Thesis (WBT, opposite conditionals are not both true). In the system CI.0 of consequential implication, which is intertranslatable with the modal logic KT, WBT is a theorem, so it is natural to ask which instances (...)
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  6. Material implication and general indicative conditionals.Stephen Barker - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (187):195-211.
    This paper falls into two parts. In the first part, I argue that consideration of general indicative conditionals, e.g., sentences like If a donkey brays it is beaten, provides a powerful argument that a pure material implication analysis of indicative if p, q is correct. In the second part I argue, opposing writers like Jackson, that a Gricean style theory of pragmatics can explain the manifest assertability conditions of if p, q in terms of its conventional content – assumed (...)
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  7. Imperative implication and conditional imperatives.Manfred Moritz - 1973 - In Sören Halldén (ed.), Modality, morality and other problems of sense and nonsense. Lund,: Gleerup. pp. 97--114.
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    Implications of the Level of Dogmatism and Selected Psychosocial Conditions for a Propensity for Risky Behaviour among the Soldiers of the Polish Army Land Forces.Sylwia Fijałkowska - 2010 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 16 (1-2):155-172.
    Implications of the Level of Dogmatism and Selected Psychosocial Conditions for a Propensity for Risky Behaviour among the Soldiers of the Polish Army Land Forces The article presents the results of a study concerning a propensity for risky behaviour, conducted on regular soldiers of the Polish Army Land Forces. Its aim was to verify whether a level of dogmatism and selected psychosocial conditions were related to a propensity for risky behaviour among the soldiers. The research partially confirmed the hypothesis of (...)
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    Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers: Implications for Gender.Nathalia Carvalho Moreira, Stephanie Paterson & Karine Levasseur - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    Solving poverty is a laudable public policy goal. While there are many approaches, one that has gained popularity is the conditional cash transfer that requires recipients to satisfy conditions imposed on them such as requiring regular medical checkups. Another approach, which is gaining interest is unconditional cash transfers that do not impose conditions. The question we ask in this paper is: what do these past and current attempts tell us about the implications for gender? To answer this question, we explore (...)
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    The Condition of Hermeneutics: The Implicative Structure of Understanding.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2010 - In Jeff Malpas & Santiago Zabala (eds.), Consequences of hermeneutics: fifty years after Gadamer's Truth and method. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 244.
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    Spatially Conditioned Speech Timing: Evidence and Implications.Jason A. Shaw & Wei-Rong Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nineteenth Century British Logic on Hypotheticals, Conditionals, and Implication.Francine F. Abeles - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-14.
    Hypotheticals, conditionals, and their connecting relation, implication, dramatically changed their meanings during the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. Modern logicians ordinarily do not distinguish between the terms hypothetical and conditional. Yet in the late nineteenth century their meanings were quite different, their ties to the implication relation either were unclear, or the implication relation was used exclusively as a logical operator. I will trace the development of implication as an inference operator from these earlier notions into (...)
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  13.  24
    Cardiac conditioning: The effects and implications of controlled and uncontrolled respiration.Malcolm R. Westcott & Janellen Huttenlocher - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (5):353.
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    Ethical implications of digital communication for the patient-clinician relationship: analysis of interviews with clinicians and young adults with long term conditions.Agnieszka Ignatowicz, Anne-Marie Slowther, Patrick Elder, Carol Bryce, Kathryn Hamilton, Caroline Huxley, Vera Forjaz, Jackie Sturt & Frances Griffiths - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):11.
    Digital communication between a patient and their clinician offers the potential for improved patient care, particularly for young people with long term conditions who are at risk of service disengagement. However, its use raises a number of ethical questions which have not been explored in empirical studies. The objective of this study was to examine, from the patient and clinician perspective, the ethical implications of the use of digital clinical communication in the context of young people living with long-term conditions. (...)
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    Exploring the Implications of Working Conditions for Corporate Sustainability in Last-Mile Delivery Platform Companies.Annachiara Longoni, Sergio Salas, Cristina Sancha, Vicenta Sierra & Frank Wiengarten - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-25.
    Last-mile delivery platforms have recently emerged as effective business models to match supply and demand, even though they have been criticized for potentially exploiting their workers. This paper investigates the corporate sustainability and socio-economic trade-offs of platform companies in relation to working conditions (i.e., work relationships, social subsystems, and technical subsystem). A survey of 392 paid-per-order workers from six food delivery platforms across Spain was conducted to validate our research framework. Our findings provide a nuanced understanding of the impact of (...)
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  16. Conditional sentence and material implicationУсловное предложение и материальная импликация.Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz - 1956 - Studia Logica 4 (1):135-153.
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    Avoidance conditioning through irradiation: A note on physiological mechanisms and psychological implications.Jack Arbit - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (3):167-169.
  18. Material Implication, the Sufficiency Condition, and Conditional Proof.Peter Gibbins - 1979 - Analysis 39 (1):21 - 24.
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    Conditionals, Impossibilities and Material Implications.Peter Downing - 1975 - Analysis 35 (3):84 - 91.
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  20. Concessive Conditionals Without Even if and Nonconcessive Conditionals with Even if.Gilberto Gomes - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (1):1-21.
    This paper investigates whether 'even if A, B' is pragmatically polysemic, so that a nonconcessive conditional may have 'even if', and whether concessive conditionals, pragmatically defined, can fail to have 'even if' or a non-temporal 'still'. Different paraphrases are used to help elucidate pragmatic meanings. A theory of the pragmatic meanings of concessive and implicative conditionals is presented. The semantic meaning of 'even if' and the question of whether concessive conditionals imply the truth of their consequents (...)
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  21.  52
    (1 other version)Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Counterfactuals and Causal Explanations.Gilberto Gomes - 2023 - Erkenntnis 1:1-24.
    A theory of necessary and sufficient conditions is presented, as well as a theory of necessary and sufficient causes and effects, viewed as a particular case of the former. Ambiguities of the terms 'condition' and 'necessary condition' are explored, and a neutral meaning for 'condition' is favoured. The relation between necessary and sufficient conditions and implicative conditionals (including counterfactuals) is also discussed. Two problems of counterfactual theories of causal explanation are indicated, concerning (i) how to account for causes (...)
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  22.  64
    Children's Developing Intuitions About the Truth Conditions and Implications of Novel Generics Versus Quantified Statements.Amanda C. Brandone, Susan A. Gelman & Jenna Hedglen - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (4):711-738.
    Generic statements express generalizations about categories and present a unique semantic profile that is distinct from quantified statements. This paper reports two studies examining the development of children's intuitions about the semantics of generics and how they differ from statements quantified by all, most, and some. Results reveal that, like adults, preschoolers recognize that generics have flexible truth conditions and are capable of representing a wide range of prevalence levels; and interpret novel generics as having near-universal prevalence implications. Results further (...)
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  23.  26
    Implications of recent research in conditioning for the conditioning model of neurosis.William S. Terry - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):183-184.
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    On the conditional independence implication problem: A lattice-theoretic approach.Mathias Niepert, Marc Gyssens, Bassem Sayrafi & Dirk Van Gucht - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 202:29-51.
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    Cognizing Cognition’s Living Conditions: Anthropological Implications in Hegel’s Logic.Amrit Mandzak-Heer - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):60-64.
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    The subjunctive conditional as relevant implication.John Bacon - 1971 - Philosophia 1 (1-2):61-80.
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    Prediction in chaotic social, economic, and political conditions: The conflict between traditional chaos theory and the psychology of prediction, and some implications for general evolution theory.David Loye - 1995 - World Futures 44 (1):15-31.
    (1995). Prediction in chaotic social, economic, and political conditions: The conflict between traditional chaos theory and the psychology of prediction, and some implications for general evolution theory. World Futures: Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 15-31.
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  28. The role of awareness in Pavlovian conditioning: Empirical evidence and theoretical implications.Peter F. Lovibond & David R. Shanks - 2002 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (1):3-26.
  29. The Ethical Implications of Health Spending: Death and other Expensive Conditions.Dan Crippen & Amber E. Barnato - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (2):121-129.
    In this essay I ask the reader to consider the “end of life” as a life stage, rather than as a health state. At one end of the life course is childhood and at the other end is elderhood. The basic inter-generational social compact in most societies is that working adults take care of their children and their parents, and count on their children to do the same for them. In developed countries, these obligations are met in part through government (...)
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  30. Implicational paradoxes and the meaning of logical constants.Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):553 – 579.
    I discuss paradoxes of implication in the setting of a proof-conditional theory of meaning for logical constants. I argue that a proper logic of implication should be not only relevant, but also constructive and nonmonotonic. This leads me to select as a plausible candidate LL, a fragment of linear logic that differs from R in that it rejects both contraction and distribution.
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    Chasing hook : quantified indicative conditionals.Angelika Kratzer - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
    This chapter was written in 2013 and was posted in the Semantics Archive in January 2014. The preprint of the published version has been in the Semantics Archive since 2016. The Semantics Archive is an electronic preprint archive hosted by the Linguistics Society of America. -/- The chapter looks at indicative conditionals embedded under quantifiers, with a special emphasis on ‘one-case’, episodic, conditionals as in "No query was answered if it came from a doubtful address." It agrees with (...)
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  32. Philosophical Guide to Conditionals.Jonathan Bennett - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Conditional sentences are among the most intriguing and puzzling features of language, and analysis of their meaning and function has important implications for, and uses in, many areas of philosophy. Jonathan Bennett, one of the world's leading experts, distils many years' work and teaching into this book, making it the fullest and most authoritative treatment of the subject.
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    Simultaneous conditioning of valence and arousal.Bertram Gawronski & Derek G. V. Mitchell - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (4):577-595.
    Evaluative conditioning (EC) refers to the change in the valence of a conditioned stimulus (CS) due to its pairing with a positive or negative unconditioned stimulus (US). To the extent that core affect can be characterised by the two dimensions of valence and arousal, EC has important implications for the origin of affective responses. However, the distinction between valence and arousal is rarely considered in research on EC or conditioned responses more generally. Measuring the subjective feelings elicited by a CS, (...)
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    Replacing Mythos by Logos: An Analysis of Conditions and Possibilities in the Light of Information-Thermodynamic Principles of Social Synergetics and of Their Normative Implications.J. Z. Hubert - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):93-104.
    Religions, ideologies try to give a complete vision of the world a vision containing both its origin, explanation and a “normative kit”: a collection of precepts and rules, which should regulate human activities and behavior. Their synergetic meaning is clear: if embraced by all they allow for development of strong synergetic effects on the social macro scales. These in turn may lead to creation of order and beauty, of intellectual, spiritual and moral development within men and in society. In this (...)
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    Subject-matter and intensional operators I: conditional-agnostic analytic implication.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1849-1879.
    Although logical settings are typically concerned with tracking alethic considerations, frameworks exist in which topic-theoretic considerations—e.g., tracking subject-matter or topic—are given equal importance. Intuitions about extending topic through a propositional language are generally straightforward for extensional cases. For a number of reasons, arriving at a compelling account of the subject-matter of intensional operators—such as intensional conditionals—is a more difficult task. In particular, the framework of topic-sensitive intentional modals (TSIMs) championed by Francesco Berto and his collaborators leave the topics of (...)
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  36. “Inference versus consequence” revisited: inference, consequence, conditional, implication.Göran Sundholm - 2012 - Synthese 187 (3):943-956.
    Inference versus consequence , an invited lecture at the LOGICA 1997 conference at Castle Liblice, was part of a series of articles for which I did research during a Stockholm sabbatical in the autumn of 1995. The article seems to have been fairly effective in getting its point across and addresses a topic highly germane to the Uppsala workshop. Owing to its appearance in the LOGICA Yearbook 1997 , Filosofia Publishers, Prague, 1998, it has been rather inaccessible. Accordingly it is (...)
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  37. Conditionals, probability, and nontriviality.Charles G. Morgan & Edwin D. Mares - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (5):455-467.
    We show that the implicational fragment of intuitionism is the weakest logic with a non-trivial probabilistic semantics which satisfies the thesis that the probabilities of conditionals are conditional probabilities. We also show that several logics between intuitionism and classical logic also admit non-trivial probability functions which satisfy that thesis. On the other hand, we also prove that very weak assumptions concerning negation added to the core probability conditions with the restriction that probabilities of conditionals are conditional probabilities are (...)
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  38. Time Travel and Self‐Consistency: Implications for Determinism and the Human Condition.David King - 1999 - Ratio 12 (3):271–278.
    In this paper I examine a recent scientific claim that travel into the past, so long as a ‘consistent’ trajectory is followed, may be possible. I then argue that the possibility of such travel has unexpected implications for the free will‐determinism debate. In particular, human existence may be, at best, determinate but uncaused.
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    Social implications of scientific-technological research in Senior Citizens' Neurosurgery.Liset María Frías Hernández, Anai Guerra Labrada & IIÁngela María Guillén Verano - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):137-153.
    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de valorar las implicaciones sociales de la investigación científico-tecnológica en Neurosicología del Adulto Mayor, mediante la caracterización del estado actual del proceso, los condicionantes que favorecen o impiden su desarrollo y los impactos sociales que genera. La investigación científico-tecnológica en esta área está condicionada por necesidades sociales propias del contexto actual. Se han identificado políticas, legislaciones e infraestructuras que la favorecen, aunque, existen algunas limitaciones. La producción tecnológica dirigida a la rehabilitación y (...)
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    Ethical implications of the use of whole genome methods in medical research.Jane Kaye, Paula Boddington, Jantina de Vries, Naomi Hawkins & Karen Melham - unknown
    The use of genome-wide association studies in medical research and the increased ability to share data give a new twist to some of the perennial ethical issues associated with genomic research. GWAS create particular challenges because they produce fine, detailed, genotype information at high resolution, and the results of more focused studies can potentially be used to determine genetic variation for a wide range of conditions and traits. The information from a GWA scan is derived from DNA that is a (...)
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  41. Indicative conditionals, conditional probabilities, and the “defective truth-table”: A request for more experiments.Peter Milne - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (2):196-224.
    While there is now considerable experimental evidence that, on the one hand, participants assign to the indicative conditional as probability the conditional probability of consequent given antecedent and, on the other, they assign to the indicative conditional the “defective truth-table” in which a conditional with false antecedent is deemed neither true nor false, these findings do not in themselves establish which multi-premise inferences involving conditionals participants endorse. A natural extension of the truth-table semantics pronounces as valid numerous inference patterns (...)
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    Conditionals: from philosophy to computer science.G. Crocco, Luis Fariñas del Cerro & Andreas Herzig (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book looks at the ways in which conditionals, an integral part of philosophy and logic, can be of practical use in computer programming. It analyzes the different types of conditionals, including their applications and potential problems. Other topics include defeasible logics, the Ramsey test, and a unified view of consequence relation and belief revision. Its implications will be of interest to researchers in logic, philosophy, and computer science, particularly artificial intelligence.
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    The Human Condition: A Volume in the Comparative Religious Ideas Project.Robert Cummings Neville - 2000 - SUNY Press.
    Explores the human condition in a range of world religions and discusses the issue and philosophical implications of comparison itself.
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  44. Meaning-preserving contraposition of conditionals.Gilberto Gomes - 2019 - Journal of Pragmatics 1 (152):46-60.
    It is argued that contraposition is valid for a class of natural language conditionals, if some modifications are allowed to preserve the meaning of the original conditional. In many cases, implicit temporal indices must be considered, making a change in verb tense necessary. A suitable contrapositive for implicative counterfactual conditionals can also usually be found. In some cases, the addition of certain words is necessary to preserve meaning that is present in the original sentence and would be (...)
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  45. Conditionals in reasoning.John Cantwell - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):47 - 75.
    The paper presents a non-monotonic inference relation on a language containing a conditional that satisfies the Ramsey Test. The logic is a weakening of classical logic and preserves many of the ‘paradoxes of implication’ associated with the material implication. It is argued, however, that once one makes the proper distinction between supposing that something is the case and accepting that it is the case, these ‘paradoxes’ cease to be counterintuitive. A representation theorem is provided where conditionals are given a (...)
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  46. Conditional Degree of Belief and Bayesian Inference.Jan Sprenger - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):319-335.
    Why are conditional degrees of belief in an observation E, given a statistical hypothesis H, aligned with the objective probabilities expressed by H? After showing that standard replies are not satisfactory, I develop a suppositional analysis of conditional degree of belief, transferring Ramsey’s classical proposal to statistical inference. The analysis saves the alignment, explains the role of chance-credence coordination, and rebuts the charge of arbitrary assessment of evidence in Bayesian inference. Finally, I explore the implications of this analysis for Bayesian (...)
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    Information Systems Research Methods: exploring the implications of Hannah Arendt’s analysis of the human condition.A. Brown - unknown
    In ‘The Human Condition’ Hannah Arendt presents a picture of what it is to be human based on the activities that we humans undertake. She distinguishes three forms of activity fundamental to our lives –labor, work and action. In her view the western intellectual tradition hasfailed to take proper account of the distinctions between the three activities. She considers that this way of categorising human actions is important to understanding the way that modern life has developed and seeks to describe (...)
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  48. Inference in conditional probability logic.Niki Pfeifer & Gernot Kleiter - 2006 - Kybernetika 42 (2):391--404.
    An important field of probability logic is the investigation of inference rules that propagate point probabilities or, more generally, interval probabilities from premises to conclusions. Conditional probability logic (CPL) interprets the common sense expressions of the form “if . . . , then . . . ” by conditional probabilities and not by the probability of the material implication. An inference rule is probabilistically informative if the coherent probability interval of its conclusion is not necessarily equal to the unit interval (...)
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    Aversive conditioning, anxiety, and the strategic control of attention.David S. Lee, Andrew Clement, Laurent Grégoire & Brian A. Anderson - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    What we pay attention to is influenced by both reward learning and aversive conditioning. Although early attention tends to be biased toward aversively conditioned stimuli, sustained ignoring of such stimuli is also possible. How aversive conditioning influences how a person chooses to search, or the strategic control of attention, has not been explored. In the present study, participants learned an association between a colour and an aversive outcome during a training phase, and in a subsequent test phase searched for one (...)
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  50. How people interpret conditionals: Shifts towards the conditional event.A. J. B. Fugard, Niki Pfeifer, B. Mayerhofer & Gernot D. Kleiter - 2011 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (3):635-648.
    We investigated how people interpret conditionals and how stable their interpretation is over a long series of trials. Participants were shown the colored patterns on each side of a six-sided die, and were asked how sure they were that a conditional holds of the side landing upwards when the die is randomly thrown. Participants were presented with 71 trials consisting of all combinations of binary dimensions of shape (e.g., circles and squares) and color (e.g., blue and red) painted onto (...)
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